HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1988-12-14, Page 2PAGE 2. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1988. Brussels council cracks down on property standards Continued from page 1 joked that he thought the procedure had originally been instigated to give councillors “an extra 30 seconds to consider if they are in conflict of interest!’’ One of the major items of business on the evening’s agenda was a discussion of the next step in dealing with two village property owners who have continued to ignore council’s requests to clean up their yards to comply with the property standards bylaw, despite the fact that the situation has “been going on nearly as long as I’ve been on council," according to Reeve Work­ man. After a lengthy discussion, coun­ cil voted unanimously to proceed to the letter of the law by authorizing Mr. Hanly to send a registered letter to each of the offending parties, as well as to a third party more recently identified for the same offenses, detailing council’s efforts to date in seeking compliance, and setting a deadline for action. All three parties will then have 14 days to either comply with council’s order or to appeal it; if no action is taken, council will have the legal right to begin imposing fines of up to $500 per day for each day of non-compli­ ance with the bylaw. “It’s been discouraging to sit here for as many years as I have and not get anywhere (on this),’’ Reeve Workman said, while Councillor Hahnadded“eitherwegoall the way (in enforcing this bylaw), or we just let people pile up trash wherever and whenever they want.’’ In an unrelated but similar item ot business, council also agreed to send a letter to a fourth village resident ordering him to clean up his yard within 14 days or suffer the Continued on page 11 Brussels People Compiled by Marilyn Higgins Call 887-9089 Our local station, channel 17, will be showing the 1988 Brussels Santa Claus Parade on Wednesday, Dec. 14 and Thursday, Dec. 15 at 10a.m. and 7 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hemingway spent two weeks in Boissevain, Manitoba visiting their son Don, his wife Bernice andfamily. They report pleasant, wintry weather. There were seven tables in play at the Oddfellow Rebekah. Euchre prizes were won by Mrs. John Brown, Ann Smith, Ross Cunning­ ham and Calvin James. Lucky draws were won by Marjorie Ritchie and Ann Smith. BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS The Brussels Giri Guides hosted an exciting guest at their meeting on December 7, when Waterloo Regional Police Constable Brenda Keffer came in to give them some instruction for their Law Awareness badges. With Mrs. Keffer are [clockwise from left front] Guides Theresa Albers, Cheryl Kerr, Becky McArter, Lynnette Todd, Jennifer Machan, Kara Kerr, Becky Davidson. Liz Lamble and Sandy Rijkoff. Constable Keffer is the daughter of Clarence and Marie McCutcheon of RR 4, Brussels and the daughter-in-law of Lloyd and Alice Keffer of RR 1, Ethel. Monday -10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Tuesday - Closed Wednesday -10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Thursday -10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Friday -10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Saturday - Closed Sunday - Closed Majestic Wl holds euchre MajesticW.I. heldits monthly euchre at the library on Tuesday evening, Dec. 6 with nine tables playing. Mrs. Freda Pipe set the spirit of the evening with her very peppy pianoselections as the ladies and gentlemen gathered. High lady was Verna Thomas: high gent. Geo Lavery; low lady, AnnieThynne; low gent, Ada Smith (playing as a gent); lucky tally, Albert Quipp, Gord Nichol, Irma Brighton, Ann Smith. I he committee in charge included Ida Evans and Ruth Galbraith. Wilma and Eleanor Hemingway were both unable toact so Maria McTaggart, Fred Pipe and Iona Moore kindly assisted. The next euchre will be January 3, 1989. ' Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. [Psalm 34:8] WANT TO BE PART OF A NEW CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP? COME TO THE UPPER ROOM AT B.M.&G. COMMUNITY CENTRE, BRUSSELS Sundaysat11:00a.m. Rev.VictorJamieson887-6858 DENTURE . THERAPY^ CLINIC 2 ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA December18/88 Advent4 9:45 a.m. Trinity, Blyth - Lessons & Carols 11:30 a.m. St. John’s, Brussels - Pageant & Carols Pot-luck lunch & Christmas party to followat St. John’s. Rev. Patt Nunn 887-9267 All are welcome BRUSSELS UNITED CHURCH King Street Minister - Reverend Charles Carpentier Christmas Worship service Music for the Congregation by the Intermediate Choir at 10:45 a. Minister’s Subject: The Song of Faith Sunday School - Nursery Care See amid the winter’s snow, born for us on earth below See the tender Babe appears, promised for eternal years. Sunday, December 18 11:00a.m. NOTICE RATE INCREASE The Village of Brussels and the Brussels Public Utilities Commission hereby gives notice to the residents of the Village of Brussels that the new hydro rates, effective January 1,1989: Residential: First 250 Kw.h - 8.85c/kw.h All additional - 5.43c/kw.h Commercial: - [0.5000 kw] Billing Demand First 50 kwh * No charge Balance kw.h - 4.30c/kw Energy Charges: - First 250 kw.h - 8.85c/kw.h - Next 12,250 kw.h - 5.93c/kw.h All additional - 4.21c/kw.h Minimum Bill - $5.25 The rate increase is due to a general increase in the cost of power from Ontario Hydro. 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