HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-5, Page 7Every Woman Needs
"Fruit-a-tives" the sure
way to regular health
Daily tasks rob many women of the
priceless boon of good health, because
constipation, biliousness, headaches, in-
digestion, backaches and kindred ail-
ments, undermine their constitutions.
Read this sincere letter:
Driscol Lake, Sask.—"I have taken
many kinds of medicine, but none proved
as good as 'Fruit-a-tives' for me. It i,
the only medicine I take—I use it rrgu-
lasey and do not feel right if 1 do not."
—Mrs. A. Parent.
"Prat-a-tives" is universally succes fol
because it is a natural medicine — made
from the intensified juices of fresh fruits,
combined with tonics. It will help you,
too 2Sc and 504 at all druggists. buy a
boa to -day
Brophey Bros.
Ambulance service at all
hours, day or night.
f 11' Al., l Store 120. Rea, 217
1 ,L)I:Ri('i1
J. R. Wheeler.
Funeral Dir•Nor and
w'! ..1). pr..ruptla• attended
.(as or night -
.' '• 4 3.1.; lee .Menne :1511w
iI.wlltun Street. Goderich
9-- _
Painter and Decorator
ui,,.,•••_' :: :,1Ina, Nall-p.ys.r•
sic , e h,.•rlullv.-given o1*I gavel.
Residence. No. 4, Bayfield Road
Telephone 259.1
A car of Roofing anti Rock
Yeee Shingles just arrived
Si and 3x B. C. Shingles
Get our privet. before you buy
Robt. Standish
biet94. 1'h,.ne:kW iiakrieli
County and District
a p.romluetit busbies/I moo of Seaforth,
diet! November 21et ut bis home In
Winnilag.'lie was in the boot amt shoe
business here, and wovtkl to Winnipeg
about elghte•u years ago. Ile is sur-
wlvel by a w•iduw, one sun and a
The bylaw submitted on Monday in , hape1' of the'cllhrch of St. Jamwt I) At the annual meeting of the; Sea-
Khu•ardluP, to provide $15,000 for the ,-11■,stie by Rev. (.'anon Shaffuld. Fruth }nrwenl ('lob11eid reteutly, the
Improvement of the town ball, was Ai- James'Mcl'ounell, an old resident o suuua1 rI.port was p,re..euted, show'lug
footed by a 3 to 1 vote. !'!),toll. died Novemier :2tuI iu hl. 11 eatisfuetur,• year, William Charters
The Ilfty•acn' farm on the IDtb cute •••••••••• ••'-., .• •
cased 'farmed was re-eleeled president, with the fol.
i•ess)on or Stephen township belonging
to the a%late of the late J. Flynn was
wild at uuctloh h. R'.y Iludgias for
A welt•knuwn resident- of IfoNiek
townsh1p. Viii the person of John 1'hu-
tuav Winter, ,lief November
his sa•wt,nty-first year. Surviving are
his wife, out, sun and two daughters.
Mrs. Lynn, widow of the 'late Jnmr•
Lynn, died November 2:,111 at the home
of her duo/Jeer, Mrs. %V. !1. Broom heti i'.u, l Muton, u 41uttr4a•4 Nuw- I'4'rr s :kwh*sry, London, ga'v'e fin elu-
near Fordub•it. in her seterlty-,lwth--ember :';,rd, their eldest sort, !'harks ,!neon std appropriate address. A4 Clic
Clyde. :and Mary Margaret. daughter of t,11nduyluu of the nerclre Father Goetzthe ;ale 1%•illtnw Marshall of orange- • WIls presented, on behalf of the parish.
vi1le, were milted in marriage by tttty. i with n well -011e! punkt. �t noun Hee
Cpm:. 1. 1h.ugau. The young couple ladles of the parish tendered a dinner
will scald.' lit l'rw•u.u.•• ant. in
the parish hall to the jublluri:,
11. E, Iturkt's car. which was aGden
1 IrtotN•r :4,411, a'as Jtri.r,•red ar-Itraul-
ford, rattier the wor-e of wear, hay-,
KNIT ILIve11.91 about four thousand miles
h, the iutertal. Tvro young men were
urn -4,A soul charged with the theft
and were brought buck with the ear!
Mon kr:untford. 1.
for tunny yours lu Iiullett township., lowing directors: Joseph Forrest audr
movmHg Into 1'l111tou atom( fifteen year !(avid Gemmell. of Tuckerswlttl; Ther.,
sago. Ile was (al... married, hl, second In, *sot and.. W. kl,•Nt tlhu1, of ktetlll-1
a Ili.-urviv'iu4, also It faintly of rax lop; J. 11. Scott 'bud T. E. iivingstoa.I
ems and three daughters. uY {iulIet4. '
.after a long Illness Mrs. It. A. Hearn ; The ,lieu, jubilee u! 2ter% helaurd
died ter. Mrs.
24th al the home of her F. :.Neta. 1'44 -tor of St. Juwev' Catholic
daughter. kir,, 1%'lu- Weight. '%wicker- ,.ltareh. Seaford*, was observed Wel-
linelit. J awl
livid i, .mels,, 1•y her ur•day of Iasi( week. Soleus, high
htaebnlld uud live dunyfhw•rs• inn,- ..a• held in the mornfug and ;tar.
At the home of Sir. and Mrs. \oriuwt %•',auris Itrenuau, S. T. I.., of S4,
year. IN'v144041 1eate- nvu duughler,
And two
Sirs. l'aw-'n. N idea- . of \t'tlliaw
I'aw*m, unit :w old resident of linty
044ush1p, passed away November 21,t
.t the age of eighty-nine years.. Iter
husband diel in, 1511:1, 1110 Merin,! 4')1)1-
dreu eurvlvr, also thirty sir crau.l-
The deal 11 (4,4*rrwl 144 lloaiek town-
sltip uw Nuvemlter 2:trd 4,f l'erdella
May 'Lanthklo. wife 41( Normal! Tacka-
ts•rry, int her thirty-eighth year. fa -
.\•114.11 was. 1111• dali4ltter .f N'llliuuI 1..
Lamhklu of 11'.4t'1ek, who Ailed just one'
week 4I. 4''nsty, on Nu4ewlcr illi.
Itu'sell M.4:re44or, o1 Grand fiend.
ahu.14 4•rviug 1t term of impri-iaumeut
for a4hle•u months for the death of
1►inah .!'pier., is the defendant in a
civil aishie 1 •r a:+srl which has I,eou
'brought u411)li"l 1.1)44 by r•lnti.es of
'he late Slir. Spicer. olio*** he .!ruck
shit his car and L0:113 ir:jun4) early
..i4 suiliwer.
AI tb,• p.ar-.nage• .f I:diel Flitted
, hutch..0 Nm'U�*lier :4t11. Slice !.aura
N1.1 Wanda, .laughter of Mrs. Mefkiiu:.i•1
:old • *144• hale ('hark+ 119Nwald of
tawuship, wit- nulled ill marriage
pr Archibald Stanley !Wherry, ora' of
11r. and Mee Wm %%'berry of Eltua
In4rt.hip. //et'. 4" I: 'last or ieitfaaiw•,1
he ceremony •
The park't, ..1'4''.;111111.144 ,•eteiti*t
red November _1.1. line 4o'i.10 J:fah mi-
ni .er..ary.ftht• or11114iion to the priest -
lomat of Itev. J. iNlpa,•r. 441., has ts4vl
varlet' prided at let rottiwtau for the
hist six year.. Many of the 4 -1er44in.eu'
,of the I1l•svw', ilne•n: whole ass 114.4.
Fathrr.l.oary of ,;.•.'.'rich, were psis•
int to' take par III 4 1.0 celebratha4 r+hnrten the raating time from Toronto'
The death took pia r in t'stn.rue on uud lwuwloli to 1\'iii ham. The former
Not..•tnbe•r 2:itb of J••liu. Tan•keO. in hi, Is about L"0 wiles di.utnt uud takes
eighty-fourth year. INnra*el v"14-1"'"'Ort% hours and twelve minutes ti, wake
In E11441an.t, and carts• uud t. c"1"14!a the trip, while London I% 74 hallos IlL-
Ala to 4 sl.oru, n Nu,bip obis i1lNrut tltttt unit requires a little over three
Iwewty years of age. tie i, snitched hoar.- for the -1/41. Now; fi e11'y-rune,
•.y :, danuhlcr. kers. George 7.) r141u• miles lin hour is 111,1 (41s4 Irarel1hng.
f•lruruu. with N•Iwm be hod .tr4'11 ,.,rni4ared Willi the rate made ou eti:er
viing sin,,, thc'death of Itis wife :.r"mt -brandies of the .q stew. :\ little spw41•
year ago. in. up auuld lie Curtly aplrrw luted
\Yrgti 44'1'% gni Bridgeby the travelling iodate-
odat -The, new .smnty bridge at wroreter
was opener fur tratbe .n. Nov.emlii•r
_2nd. Warden inzlIs and other mem-
is•r- of the county e.11nei1 were pre:•
The 114.44 .structure repltves the
•..1 bridge ere tied in Is144, which wo-.
.414(1)1.1 4,114 last .prink 1.y th.• 1141, - here on Friday' afternoon. Sir. Shore,.
iter. 'rho,wrtt mus afsnit +f4!a•1, the Who caw, to th1+ charge a 3.0ar ng•' ..
iiirnetor being G.:1. r;i)...41 ..t N'rox•from lid r >,
•''er.• heart trouble for t W f
\ew Bridge at Lucas% Hf11
N'LNGH.%k1 -
While Mr. awl Mrs. T11..s. cougriw
and daughter. of East Wow:too-1,, were
driving home front \Ciwgbillit044.0-
11144 rertltly Ili a #.11/ ter, they .were id ruck
ahu'.st head -oil by un automublle dr11
vet! by Mr. Addams of Watford. Mel
.•utter was oyertttnlel and its oe-
cu4Kw1s t(otut nut. $lr.. ('uugruw and
daughter hail sotue ribs broken, Mr.
1'ougruw escaping without any frac-
ture.. kir. and Mrs. ,*dams gave every'
assistaue,• In their power.
'rherevIVU. a very Aida), attendauee
at the luuukipal nomination meeting
!!.,lids! 4,f 111%t N14•k, when las already
r.yerted in The Sig11141* the t rpt of
441444 W114 elected by acclamation. Mayor
Fells was returned for Ills fifth year,'.
turd it wIl1 be J. )V. McK14pbuu's eighth
term ne 7te•ve.
The %\';ughUul .tdcuuett-Times, cow-
meuthlg uj44n the late arrival of milli
trains, say.: "Railways have their
own scstem of flying train schedules'
and ft May rash .tor an outsider to
intruile, but does weal psr'sible to l
Pub well with Min.•.rc!'s,
working t he liniment ••Ie;l
'• with the finger too.
• n.,.d', r.: i'ves the st, , ,,, 41.
'.•. ,pam, ,00tlwthe a•I,int
vtend.4 l,.r star neck, It-tr.
,•suit., '+•,.r1.• and
The Great Great White
Liniment cep
Fresh Bread
Baked Daily
That's what you get
when ordering your bread
from us. It contains the
purest Ingredients known
to bakers.
Buy a loaf to -day and
taste the difference
Phony 114 West fit.
il,•r, Arthur Shore. rector .4 the Ang•
Ilr:w parish of Myth. felgfaye cervi
lubtirin, died suddenly In the re dory
and 41, guest,, and in the evening' a
reception was held. Father Goets re-;
t•elred a number of glfte from
various urgautsatiuur of the perish.
Malay fellow -clergymen were present
1nclu41ng !tight 1(ev. Molts, o2Cunu„
Bl%v*r.(etlerul of the 4)ioew•1 Mo1,-
F,trrislal, lathers Brennan. Itriss, •:•
Mahoney uud 1)r. l'foulkes. D. C. 1... of
Peter's 44etuluary. Loudon ; Doan
.g11, 41ratf'urd; Fathers llelustw'rtte1,'
Mayer; Gaffney. (4'1►roWlki, M19IugIt,
Paquette. klarelutlnd Power,
Massey, Sullivan,.1hwtrer and ltrlek-'
Ila. For twelve of the oily Ove year.
sinew pal, ordination t.. the prle•sttio.''
tier, Father Goetz has had t•lnurge '•1
the Sea forth parish and he tine ieel* an
e wel:elie and popular past''
iadAT' "
I l••l:!•!
Bruce St. Telephone 105 Goderich
•41 -
Thursday, December 5, 1929.-7
Rapid progress is lacing made by some of the large and
substantial . muskrat companies. This business has a very
bright future and offers wonderful opportunities at the present
People thinking ,•f becoming interested in any muskrat
eo►upany should I4ok ,up its financial and business standing
as well as its hoard of 11fre'etors before purchasing muskrats or
the wurtd's largest muskrat rancher, and have y1) very' reprr-
4•ntl.tivt titatra of Directors composed of sound Uttsines Men
Anyone iuteresled in this Company cull be furnished frith th,
best of !lank references or a financial -statement. Cttnimercial
Agencies' r. ports are also ayailatrlr 'Write us for full par-
612-4-i-16.14 Lister Block, Hem,lton, Ontario
e• tui,. hail been suferin • Prion
t .. he t -t three or our i
Stearn allose% are uoti -at work on,
noodle: and had naked for u purled' 1,
Ithe'r side of the .\u: Sable Itiver at where duties would lie less onerous. Ile
he Lucas hill cuttlu down the bunks was accordingly given the charge of
• g Woodhouse, anti was engaged hi pre-,
u,p workmen un• engaged in putting p ri40 to move Nhen atriekeu with the •
i,4 the abutments for the new bridge fete! stuck. The hale Mr. Shore was
t.. en's.. the river on highway- No. 4. Caine at White Oak, Westminster town• •
II is expected that the work will lie sldp,_tliddh•sez county, and nose In his�
„mplebel next year and motorists are slsly-third year. For twelve years, ire
,h•lightet to know that the big hill' fore nailing uutg Iflyth Ire had charge ofwhoo.14
a.hrch luta been at d:iiiKer .10414 Ls to IK the parish or Merton and during his
dour Hoag with. term lin the serwire of the ehnrrh he wits
('i'1'g—King rector nt Cargill.. ltidgetuw❑ and fort
The re•tlry, "t ird.% was the scene lt„wlua, lir mus educated at. Huron
of it wedding un 1%',vluc•dny• Notew (•,dlege, l..nd.t, and WAS a wetul'cr of
her :anti, when Minnie. yoaairest the Slas'»nic larder. Ile is survived by
1au421trr .,f J nun•+King and the Irate his wIdnw, w11. tt•as, before her mar -
Mrs. was united In marriage to rlage, Shaw-llrllh•r, ot7fath.4hag
IN•!IN'rl E. Franri% 1'IegR. youngesR land; .n.• sun, wane, of )Renin•.!; one
n/ est Mr."and kiss. It. S. 4'tegg• all sister. Mrs. Ifaaksha4, of ('hliliwack.I
11. 4'., lull one brother, Charles, of
Lambeth. The futaer.l took place 11
I:lauaorth ou Monday.
The death . e11rrel recently at Cal-
gary. Alberta. of %ells A. Carder, wife
of 1%'. 11. Green. insists...I was a daugh-
ter of the late Dr. and Mrs. D. I). Car-
der, former mildews .f Blyth. On 1 o
the death of her parent.. many years
ago, Phe went to London find later to
('1,ljary, where shit had 4)nre resided.
s . - lean-. IN•-i,lr i �. 1 ,.-.:.nd, 1No
s. -:ars. kirs, 4'. A. I !,.. ,:,it and
Al , Edna Cartier. , :I4:dry.
.Ills'- Ada KU. 6L t ...jut, Ellie to
Ridge!. wu- where - 1%111 -t end some
weeks with her . •ulrr. Ilrrr Kur
An old resident of this community.
hr the ps•r„»s of 1,4.1441 Itechh•I, tv'1du44
of the hits $alons'! 1111lutle, peeked
none at her home In '/,hrirb on No - ,
f Gowrie. Rev... 4, S. Jon., officiated.
After the ceremony the wedding lunch-
eon 54at, serve) at the home -of the
bride. utter which Mr. and Mrs. Clegg
left on a trip to Michigan. They weld
reAtle ou the gr.otu-s fano north of
Frei Bowden has sold his' brick re-
„ serer t., Fran!, Ill to
- :en to* ie. wl:•, wisp:
1'1 ,•. 1 matt unit -i-:,'r Ali-' Iii.,
.r4' un,1',n; o Exeter anti will ,N•.nliy
Air, 4. rn'Ille ha- .Ii-poa41 of III•
!I. • 0ush111- 1114' lou tiephe•4'.
Garold 1.1 %ovine, who 1: n: fling 1" i
rym th.- MAIM nn in -Isl:Uel
rot. 11'..1. Ilrnut.iu, Who ,,• •ntly'I'.
;erre) of ;t.4 har4W:tIr 1,11- 114 111 1:v
,ter. and who with Mrs. Neaman spent
the summer at (intik] Bend, has moved
1n London for the winter months.
Ali tulerestin4 et,•nt- Conk pl:n•r 141
the .lame% stre.'t ps'rsonaz,• 044 11'e4. emin.r :47th. ar Nn• 44,44! old 141 of
u,salay Itftl`-mum, Not•en,l,,'r :404 b. eigll!l w -lice yen rs, IM'va, t'lI mus IN.rlll
when 11iss }:ren E. Neel). dltt4lite•r T }u 1'at,•r;on ....tints and was urarr;et
of lr eons.•..!"O in F.-brit:try, 1s7:;. 'o 11r.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 1). Net,Itnnnte•, olio i
12, Stephen IANC!+Lip. was II lilt iu diel Iwi my yeti.- ::4". They 114e1for'
marriage to It. Gordon Mel N•unld, 111th. 'sem, y.urs •sine, their uuirria; a in
,.on of Mr. and Mrs. linls'rt,'Me1N,nttl,f 1Well,•.Iey township IN•I'ore ,,,mlu4 r11
slNrrue. 'I'I,.- -,r,lnnnv w-ne, pr's' i fir• Ihunnie hnm,•slwld .n Chet Ilnhchn:
form ' by .Rev, it, 3.1,'i'nwls) rhe, 11114', ahrr,• 41,;(11•1;n•sided 1.'r t111r)y ,•n•
hrlrh' Willi attended by her stat r. Miss < -yews. . In woo they woce,j te, %urieh.
It•rrni'e Ne'L, w'hlle C,trme4l Pall* sot. (4f 4l0,•ir family .f fon14rrn ei'4414,41
IN.rhd the groom. Ali'. and :Ales. kir- rhre• son, and :-ifreu d,tuditersi ser•
Dnnnld aUl reside ori the grNmis firm tfwe: 1:1 :-ins• '' Ilr11•„11; p;dun, of
.n tlw• Thnme4 romi, 4..h,irne lndiaun; %ilio,;, 4,f Waof»•th; Slrs.
l'aulh:. .•t IC,•giha ; Mrs, Gnrnth4'r. of
CLIVTON • t – .,F' %oricit : Mrs. 1 Rev.) S. It. Kneeled.
of tat..lIo-,.b"; Mrs. Artln)r Stelek. ..f
t:e.rgeDnur,tn M,T,tg111n•t.'„11of Mr. INmphiu. Man. : Sirs. %'sero t:Auer. of
find Mrs. George 14. M,Ta4lt:u't of 7•nriel,; Sirs, lied wnOh'•ntt. .4 %',•n-.
('!intoe. was rnnrrlr"l at Mnntre:.1 ou ire, C:111 4.. MA Miss 1!117,111,011 I1.•*.
Nowemisrr wird 1. 411t4•, 4/4'. danyth•; *tie, of %nrirh. There are thirty-thre
ter of Ales. E. R. thiNrtson of'that rib',! errand.hi1dre. and .even*een great
:he ceremony- 14.1)144 performed In the grandchildren.
— - The fttnernl ''f Slr". I',ulwabtr 11111
of i►etrott. formerly of %nrirh.
RHEUMATISM? :1e 4' Ni4eori-127t1t to tide I,41..l,r11
• deun•tery. %nrih. Slis Nill, wbn tcld
rrnrhed ,he :,gr of w•w,•tit' %mile., dh•d
T -R -CS give safe, speedy relief sll,ldonly ..r heart (mins,•.
from Pain and Stiffness J.-Ite•Id. Sl iirhrll. who Inns Ihr inn
!rail of dr.•,Igln4 Ilse Iflaek Creek, will
Listen to Df r. 11. C. Benedict, Thedford,i s,Nm an,the nu.le•r eking compl'•t.'.I
Ont 1 "in the morning iwould notheable All that remains In la. .leer is 11 chert
tornoveonesrmnnlr,w1lifted itwith the lsrrtlun r.etlh of the %nrirh rood.
other . it would fee a• th.,Uhitetre(laser lauehnrmr•, Jr.. wbn rr4+4)tly
cwngtehrpek. 1 am glad to recommend ' *1111 ht+ faro: on the Ellie Water {nigh-
T -R (^• . Equally Rif for atom, 444y t. .4,141,+ ltna'v, has mine! to
Netrriti•,Natnlgi•,Lumhagn. the unite', farm, north of 1IrysrINle.
fat drt4Pt. title and sl at y,anr dt.alt•r'a. t sz
Thvaa+ Itlehnrd+unfor 1111 ay y.ar•
Brings you this Radio for Christmas
Already 75 lucky people
have arranged to enjoy
the amazing new DeForest
Crosley on Christmas Eve!
Pay That Dollar Now!
:1.00 down makes you a member of our Christmas Radio
Club. Each week from now until Christmas you make a
-further *mall payment. A few days before Christmas
your new set is delivered anti installed. And after Christ-
mas; as you enjoy radio as only the new DeForest Crosleys
, can bring it to you, the ha!ance can be paid in easy instal-
ments over a period of twelve months.
Canada's Greatest Radio
The new DeForest Crosley "Challenger" and "Imperial'
Series radios are instruments we are tremerjdously proud
to sell. So popular are they proving that DeForest Crosley
have been able to allow us only 250 for the Christmas
Club, and these are going quickly !
Club Members Get Thele Privilege.~
11ub uw•ndw•rs make nu "rash"
payment. Only the regnhlr
weekly payments.
.1141 •1t Os .',) evrept lima 11y
east tern*., (!bib mettihCts pay
no interest charges. The (duh
• price is the total cost.
Nowhere will you gel easier
payment terms than those of
this Christmas ('hili. Let us
tell you about them.
\\r will gladly gin" 4otl a 4r..
d.ttw,n,lr:,line of any of the
thirteen lieForrst ('cosh•}
noolrls in your own boor.
West Side of Square
Club members have the privi-
lelge of etcl*:►aging their si•t :11
any tine' within one month, fur
any other IMForra ('roslty
model of higher pries, r4'a4
ing full tabor for all they hat,
1n the view. of the d'-t1h of a
('Iib nw•ndwe heftier 1hr tic
count 14 paid in full. the un
paid balance i4 Cancelled, will,out further spay rtu•nl.
should a ( duh menthe, 114'4"11ee
'.44k or 11114.11111140 .14, lu• 4,111
'mike half-payinvot• for ,
reasonable period.
t lab member, may s,lerl from
any • of thirteen of the rtt•w
1MFores1 1 roslei models.
Thirteen Models
Choose From
The New DeForest
Crosley Screen Grid
gives you the wonderful
thrill of
Full Power Screen Grid
at $248 Complete with T ubes
See and Hear the Thirteen
Outstanding DeForest
Crosley Models
Priced from $78 to $685
DFore-t CrDS.. lev is Catia•.lamost
popuial Rad►u. 8u mule peopae have
bought DeForest Crosley to date in 1029
than in 1928.
Easier TermsStill 1f You Have
an Old Radio To Trade In
To those who join the Christmas Club right
away, we are offering specially attractive trade-
in allowances on old radios. The big allow-
ance we will give you now will make the re-
markably small Club payments easier still.
If you have decided to -treat yourself to real,
up-to-date radio enjoyment this year or next,
surely this is your one outstanding chance.
Don't let it slip by.
O. JOHANN, Dealer
H. O. Sturdy, L. H. Zinn, Salesmen
Phone 586
Goderich, OM.