HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-5, Page 5THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. ® `-' ' n Vi t r tey1 T ® Feil ii I fi V 4i'M s: ffi CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE INVITES YOU TO 1 See Their Christmas Gui Display YOU ARE AS WELCOME TO LOOK AS TO BUY. GIFTS FOR Alt. iiii Toilet Articles 1 Choice Toiletries for el every taste. tuitional and Domestic. The newest and lies(. 4 Face Powders, Creams, Compacts, Rouges. Wide selection of sets Yardley's, hourjois, Gay Parse, Colgate '• x Waterman's and Parker's Fountain Pens and Pencils $2.75 up GIFT SETS, $3.75 up DESK SET S Pearltone Attractive Toilet Pieces SINGLE PIECES 65c and COMPLETi'. SETS $7.50 and up Mother -of pearl on amber, rose pearl on amber, mane pearl on •mber Combs, Brushes and Mirrors, tit Manicure Pieces. New Handbags FOR GIFTS Smartest styles 111 n,•wer 1.11ad.•s Prices - $1.00 to $4.50 Also English Leather Billfolds and Purses Autograph .Albums 25c to 75c Electric Not Water Bottle (:(envie anNtitt t alt t. k.-* I �( standard temperature Christmas Boxes of Candy 60c to $5.00 Neilson's beat bulk Can- dy 49c Ib. Kodak and Brownie $ 1.25 to $32.50 Rubber Toys 25c 0 A 4 A ii GIFT STATIONERY A ii Iff VICTOR TONE WEEK 4 cV can be no compromise in tone. 4Thr► Hear Victor and be convinced. §/ r� RADIO AND VICTROLAS I }•:\ t•iig :I;1 I \-11{1.%I1•:N 1' ll Alt ANi F:FI) iA ISeet"N ariety" at 1t. (ieorge's Parish hall, December 11, 12. 21 Campbell'sPIP Drug Stere Goderichtii ta Vitnicrwro 14tQ `eG atelrentertICVC Q'fs Q' IItC 1t1C Q' tttV7 QICIIIC TI Read the "Buy -at -Home" Directory on Page 2 , PUPILS AND ELDERS NAVE (Continued from page 1) to Philip Darter for second highest ntarkw In Victoria school. Arithmetic prize (given by Principal Stonehouse)--awartted to Kathleen Whale!), for highest marks in Victoria school. Geography i ( Isco by Mr 11 B Long) highest k inVf t iia school Thursday. December 5. 1929.-7. ASHFIELD ASI(FIE1.11, Dec. 3.- Mr. Albert Mcljuuid visited 10 'lbrontu and at• tended the Royal Winter Fair last week. The young people of Crewe are prac- tising a play, which they purpose pre *tenting In the near future. .e..grap y pr zr g .ug)--itwarded• to Kenneth Juek fur Miss Loretta Meyers has leen vls14- 1 g w.t lux[ 8 l' o a • Writing prize (given by Mayor Mat- ,lu E:wonl --awarded to -Grace Mason fur Miss Elizabeth Dutton, highest .works In Victoria school. Spelling prise (given by Victoria Houle and School Club)-unitrderl to prole, were tbe guests of Air. and glee. Burke McLeod fur highest marks In Tim I:rifihl. Klntall, over the week- _ Victoria school. rail. Literature prizelgiyau Ity Mr. W. F. Mrs. Murdoch C. McKenzie, Kintail. Naftell -awarded to petty Jenner for ri»{twl with friends In Guelph and highest marks. 1 Toronto recently. Grammar prise (given, by Miss' The ulrmlen of "jun I'. F. W. o Grace llumtlluul-awarded to ]lar-' 1 f Laurier, held their un F' her w,•••' Jorle Mouse tor highest marks. iu • at the home of Mrs. Henry McKt''' history prize (given by Maple Leat zlr convolution 12. A good program w i l'hupter,' I. U. I)• iyliis tie leu LO; given. The hostess served n dab,' truce Masknu gee Phyllis de fcudry iuneh. The meeting was pruuuuo•,,i leyum for highest (area. must enjoyable and helpful, In spite CuwpwHrtson prase rt ed by Mr. rt the disagreeable weather. 11. Robertson) fur u l heir mark to Ilcrlert We are pleaaed to state that Mr. Palmer for 11lghest marks. John Kilpatrick, sr.. who has been III. Reading prize (given by Ahmeek i, much improved. l'htipu•r, 1. U. D. hest marks. to Ray The many- friend.; of Rev. 11. .. Lawrence tar highest merest. %Vhlttleld, who preached in Port .11- Gruerttl pfi`rfirletley prize (given I'y ' bort Unlet church some years age. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cole) -awarded leant with interest of his removal to Fred (toss for general proficiency from St. Helen$. Ile has accepted a call during the year. to the Presbyterian chinch at North- ville, Home and School flub Prizes Mk-hlgau. Ile and Mn. Whit - preached 9 --Marjorie Miller• for gen- i he'd left' 011 Wedtteswtny lust 10 take cru( proficiency (morning ,lasso :tau• 1111their duties in their new charge. 1 line Johnston,tar gcuenal pndi. ienly : h. November ISIh about sixty of the (afternoon class(• young people of Dungannon United Boom 8 James Garrick and Betty' church met at the home of Mr. and s. Johnston, for general proficiency. I Nt,4 Will Alton, concession p. andit Boom 7. -Catherine Bartonnlana Bet-' ty Ing for the last fortnight with friends Mlldmxj. • ) of tilt tap, Mrs. Chester O'Reilly and Mr. and Mrs . aiaurh•e' Griflu and babe, of 1)e The Slgnal'a calendars for 1930 hare arrived. One for each patd-IU-adraneti subscriber. Gethin Davies A. L. C. M.; A. R C M Organist and Choirmaster of St George's Church Teacher of Piano, Singing, Organ and Theory. Pupils Visited. Apply P O. 462 Naegle, for general proficiency. enjoyable ent bride was pre - ii .. •t• -Mary Ii••ward and Carl Ander-ton.n for general proficietic•y.l 1 • , general sr, a Bucy oil attendance student. has been at her home on the Mount 4 -Roberta J•.htu+tuu, for gen• Room .. -Jean Luwhy sad VARIETY! -2 NIGHTS WEDNESDAY a.d THURSDAY, December 11 and 12 8.15 p m St. George's Parish Hall Auspices Maple Lest Chapter. 1.0.0.E. • \li\Il lu\ Adults 50c. - Children 35c. Winter is Here ! liet your radiator filled with ANTI -FREEZE before it is too late. WE SELL GLYCEROL ANDLALCOHOL. BARKER BROS. Bayfield Road - Telephone 241 REE TRIAL :Genu, olio far. seined wit11 H ,111y'e[-{/IHt1r1, t•H Ns,.rle n yo u r own h o late Harvey Alton. the new at -electric ar ettx At,C lura and g000lu,len for 6 I tl I soil Mows Florence •MeKeuzie. l;. C. I. g' er - l and deportment licienry and alit•'' UUnI - seal proficiency t Teach Room Ig -1µg l iHss) ; Marion Iallrlway. for 1 Coal •yr'ts ca+ply crowned t. doting fie1'1111 lafterulr,.n class Al, past two w.eks Lake short. road suffering fr nu at R pro c racy ' tack of the mumps. Room 3 -Keith Cutt fur general pr• rtment. It 2-Jen� Robertson, for g end deportment. r 1 ;1 Iyer Robert Haydn, tor proficiency I m. t The prognorticxtIou• of the )'hats at'rth,,tgedo not in.sarhd,ly come true. but for 1929 he takes the hat: halving Teachers' Prizes cu- forecay; the setting In of winter on or 1.} Aliss Huwe1-. about November 21111. Calling it wtu- t • was stout 1111• right word. as Ane salt- ter .rv.. -:Illus•• ou Ow Great la.kev can t,•aff-y. .(rill 1 Room S (given to Mr-. N.prwaal - Y foe pr I cucy iu -• Phone 90 �* t 1 'trill. Lowes Garrick, f LAMPS LAMPS MAKE A VERY ACCEPTABLE GIFT We have on hand a large stock of all styles, col- ors, etc. Now is the time to make your selection while the choice is good. Shop early. J. R. WHEELER GODERICH Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director Phones : Store 335, Residence 355w .Sr/. 4 See the Display of Ladies' and Misses' • STYLISH Fur Coats at our store Wednesday and Thursday, December 11th and 12th. If You Want To Save Money Buy your New or Used Furniture at metic, • ' It.ow 6'lgiven by Miss WigKhtNt Worthy Ryan, - for highest murk: in .rufLt class during year; lain Gray. fur highest marks In Junior Blasi dur- ing year; Floience i'ri c, for writing. Room, gt vu by mi,.. Kate W�as.,u ) -flute Mutch, for deportment, geue:. ru- p.rottirieu.•:.. honors in reading: s,anu,• Bowden, for deportment, gen- t protlicieucy, honors In Heading. Boom 4 ( given by Miss. Robinson 1-- , Betsy Whitten. for general proficiency and deportment•1. �turdyl- Rs ••us :t 10441 by Mi-' FA, arl WViellfel.. ...c'oo'l hi general proficiency. Roots 2 4 given by 11111114 Grace Hawll- tont-Jelin Robertson, for prMteleney In spelling. The regular meeting of the W. C. T 1 U. oil. 1,e held illNike/illy 1/1111 '• Monday. 1hs•emler Utii, at :t p. hl. BLACKSTONE'S\ ' Furniture Exchange I PORT ALBERT -a Me Mutiny of 6odercl TitC.Plii at WC WC sic WC u IVIIETttCTSA) WC WrgIrretTIVWC 11� r>� At teptetentative of 11. Gtunel► & Co., rnanufactut- ing furriers of Toronto, will be at our store these days with a SPECIAL DISPLAY of the newest de- signs in ladies' and misses' modish FUR COATS. THIS WILL BE AN EVENT THAT WILL BE WELCOME NEWS TO EVERY LOVER OF Beautiful Fur Garments and an opportunity to see a Targe selection of the newest and most stylish Coats on the market. Every garment is guaranteed by the manufacturers, H. Gruneir & (doe and workmanshonly triprtaref used ten d pelts and the very these Coats. The ladies of Goderich and district are invited to visit our store on the above dates and inspect these Coats at their leisure. Our usual moderate prices will prevail during this Sp-cial Fur Sale. gl ACORNFIELD . vig SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVI TED TO SHOP" itt Ladies' and 51ett's Wear West Side of Square Phase 41S Goderich, Ont. ti.li ti•;;•t 710/11 rt . i algid 'itOkuNtilh.tr<. *Alaimo httilittal Pt►RT ALBI:R'r, Ik'e. 3. 4 hrl•l• mils tree and concert will to given it. the Fnl'cd church onT'e dtt lilting ember 17th. A goal I rR .repHrirl. Come and have an 'enjoy - .1.;4. tittle. AI r. Jas. Hayden and Mrs. liuchauat, 'Pent a few days in London last week, %kiting their brother, Mr. lleny Bay- ' ,Ica. W�A number from here attended the C"' funeral of Mrs. Chas. Robertson, 4.1 Colborne, last WetIutwlay. The number of cases of mnolp- h, px1111,1 vicinity Is dlrrena.uK rapidly. else ,f highway traffic light, in one ‘1•11.11..‘1•11.11.. H1111 '11W heavy snows have made Ilse ale fig henry another. Mr. Carman llaydrn and Mr. Eimer Graham made a trill 1.• Lown toone i day last week. The W. M. S. are holding a birthday 11 party in the bast•ment of the church on Friday. Ihr•emter 41. Ther• will be, i W� n short program, after which lunch ....„a ill be nerved. w alt H few W.Miss 'boors Graham •1 NI , . of hitt ureic %%Ph her sister. Mrs. - \ 1 sew Bugle. •V• \I r. fins. Crawford is hay fug ti ue•%% p fir•+, 1 • in.tallal to his home. A1fss Florence McKenzie, who tut 1 abeen sell for a short time, retnruwt to lis,h•rlch nU 'fite,wla) to resume her ,tt lie's at else Collegiate In-tltt,t,•. DUNGANNON Announcement Extraordinary Is GUARANTEED Tt► FVI•:1011N1 W111) ATTENDS TII.'IT RII1'1' ItF Ca)MII"I KNOWN .es• "The Racket" pre -,call,••( in Ih, Town Hall, Clinton, --on Saturday Evening, Dec. 7, •t 830 By St. Luke's Drams League Detroit. Mich Admission 50c, inc uding tax. • DI"NGANNON, Dec 4. --Miss Erma Rosh. of the Goderich hospital., spent Sunday all the house of her parents, - Mr. and Airs. Murton Roach. cji It,•, and Mr.. 4'. 11. Nrt►ouNld, alt LnchIt'W, mule s ane pust,.rltl ,•ally • in lrk. tie village tart Frldtty. MT. Wm. Mole Is ntt,•uding the coon• Y+ ty eonneli meeting at /:utlera•h this �.v n Rel•1 The regnbar monthly Hosting of the If.Wert Wan nnosh ('ire Insnrane4 Cc. ons kelt! in Air. Treleaven'- "Mee on t Tuesday. IfMr. 11. 1.4.1-lunan lar e1 sued alp n butcher shop in the village ober.. h,- ,? .2Il1 w•11 meat two days In the week. The United Sunday school fire 1,tI Aor pro.' 1,111g for their 4'•lnristmas cuter• taltlment to be held on December 28rl The public s' enol Ipsco 14 prtn•tisiug for . t•sr a sehtsd onvert. s efllri- Mr. Usher h•.Iy, Dungan ent baker, has net with considerable trouble In muking his rounds deliver- fug bread, owing to the Imitassuhle zr roads In certain place'. Ile finds that (, he must put the truck aside and 11s'• yf the slrlgh Illi large and exteta;lt• S-' hn,Itle,e remilrer it great mileage in ,l.'lyery. .l Miss Pearl Caldwell, who has been !' .enrklnrE alt Kltleardlne. is visiting her � mother, Mrs. lie''. 1'Rldwell. .t concert under the auspices, '•f the library board will he held to the parish 'lw hall on the evening of Dec. 13th. The program will Is. given by the schools in the (lt-tri t A11 whool children will I tre le Admit te,t foe and there will be a -tunll ('•'• tees' .r1n11-. TM• pries• win t nets 'In public speaking at the 1,41h0n1 1 fairs of A•116e1d and Wawanosh velli ,teller their addresses. This Christmas (iive PICTURES A ..nod t i -trtrc i• marc nppt, .rated. and gives noire lasting; pleasure. than any other gift Give it Picture to the boy or girl for their none. For tow. nlar- ritd ,.•uple, nothllK •'"old Ir lovelier for their borne than :e :mod Picture. Make Father and Not her hap py with a Mee Piet owe for the home W1111N. We tack free all Picture. to mail or express. THE 11(INE 11E' IIF: \1•TIEI 1. (:IETs Synth's Art and Gift Store THE AIL GODERICH tittxs ORDER A TRUCK -LOAD OF SUMMERTIME FROM THE HEAT FOLKS The people who hpte winter. Are often people who have never had real winter comfort in their homer. There is no nereaaity for your being uncomfortable this season. Heat your home with our I). 1.. Jr W. Coal, and learn what it is to have perpetual spring time. For Good Clean Coat CALL TAR � � t -• _•Z'"e_ __...�-'t--t�a•�--ar L _-•±rte- _. - rs` _' _ vtoteitxt J.B. - MUSTARD CCOAL OMPANY Pl•..rrss - Goderich )....sra N.J •.... nr-I. -./ -..o, I ..p... e.w.... 91.10.97. h.. -e• loam I....e ass4TW4 ..- 245 p....► .rb-, p...pra. PHI/LW- BALANCED-UNIT RADIO 'this breva I:ridsPlus lowboy only $ 1()t).O() Tubes Extra Neufrodvne-Plus la 1 fa'i: a onus gowns MON , N `1 -, 1 u ''1 -, At LAUDER'S DRUG STORE Sold and Serviced by Frank Riley (, Young. Salesman elf MIME TO !IF 411 THF. VF.a' emir() alVOaa YOU ■l r 0111 ■MMO We ..i11 gladly deliver any one of the msr.rlous Phileu mod- els to your home oo ahsolatdy Fre. Trial. R e ..ant you ID pal., a to ynararlf its matrhleaa Ione. iia marvelous selectivity and morning distance range. No obligation whatsoever. And Easy ['contents Yea, sad then ((you deride you van) 1,t own one"( these splen- did Balanced -Unit 1'hilro-. you ran have it on very easy pay- ments. Just a small amount down; balance monthly. Call .11 Our Store We are taking rare of Fres Trial requests ■s rapidly as wr can in the order we receive them. 1'ou I/MN it to yourxlf to telepi • us or call at our store ■• early as possible for full details. ' I Catelli's Macaroni or Spa OXYDOL 1 II Khetti. 2 pkgs. 27c • Derby Loaf Cheese, per Large Pa, lieges I Iti 33c each 19(. &mei Thor ening, 1 lb. car- -�� ton -• 17c t, - W BRANI. ngs rII FLAKES I lb C'.�ad 2 pkgs. 21c IIlbs. Sherrifi's -pkgs. Pnr''r I New Choice Mixed Quick Cooking Oats .1 bbl' . . ' ' Almond Paste, I i lb size 30c M:l713 Buds, per 47c vi White Bea,.s, 3 25c Jelly Powders, 4 25c Nuts, 2 45c Large pkg. 24c PUFFED RICE per pkg. 1 7c Golden Bantam Corn No 2 size 2 for 35c New Pack Peas S:eve Nn 4, Regular size 2 for 29c J. J. McEW EN, Goderich .1 CALVIN CUT, Goderich. S. O. 8. Cleaner, 3 pad 14c, 6 pad 23c Hawaiian Crushed Pine- apple, No. 2, Squat, each 28c Lawraaon's Flusho, each 23c You will find on display at Superior Chain 3tores your Christmas requirements. ('Iuster Raisins, Aliyerl Nuts in I. shell lend shelled I.Itle:trhed sultanas Glace Cherries (►range, Leeann and l itr.n Istel Firs. Raisins, lines and (sur. mills and a splendid assort mood of ('hristntas (t,nch WE DELIVER sec ••r, tRIET'I December and I".th, at St. (ieeerte's r ish 11211. 11111 Par - CHAS. AI.TON, Duagatwn. ROBT. PHILLIPS, Aubsra. •