HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-12-5, Page 2iiiitialatikriltitreq71.- .7n 1 1 2. -Thursday, December 5, 1929. • •iw, •t��JLe•y" +�h Sig mai lO.tatllshed 1848 GODEKI(`II : l'A:' ADA limber of ('anadlan N reklyNews- papers Aasoeiatlon Published every Thursday morning. Subscription price $2.00 per year strictly in advance. THE SIGNAL PRINTLNG CO.. LTD. Telephone 35 : Goderich, Ont. W. 11. Robertson, Editor and Manager Thursday, December 5. 1920. EDITORIAL NOTES „ugh weather for December . • • • alilvertun Sou : The editorial attitude of The ollulre how resew+ to Ie. "Please. Mr. Ferguson, will you furghe me for THE SIGNAL, Of Interest to the Busy. Farmer Funyiehed by the Ontario Department of Agriculture Cattle running at large on the high- damage the wluter wheat crop to On waya can be Impounded and action tr- aria ware than $1,0911,tM10 annually. ken agaiust the owucrs. This may Much of this. 1.-.e ran be prevented by seem harsh, lute It is better than for gout treatments. Stinking smut of some motorist t,, hate an an•ideut by wheat. the wore serlous.disease of the q'lug to ovoid a collision. ing form - gill. can 1.Itc 1•'ioue tori e..up erle.I by ,+carbo nate A farmer hating ter, light laud'suf- dust. I...'c smut of w•!.ea1 cannot la• rand touch from his surface soil blow- i,nitr'lltd by these treatment -s. Where ung and waetiug away. Now- lie aro%s th,•• crop ha+ bt•en damaged by loose immure out and leaves it on the sur- swat 21u• grower should obtain sod Inca. Ile i21i) that he adrea his suit from a crop that la free from this fun- ds ne11 as enriches it and geueruualy goo+ disep'e. asks that this Idea be passed •'n to --- othcrs likewise situ:iee - > "Golden Age" for Haas l-'ll,.1,•• .'go:don age" ..f h.ig production The wuceu.e•ut of Omer and gra+- k be: Metal the third ,cid seventh seeds la rel.,ruel slow and generally at w,fhth-. when 214' weight attained loner priers than last fall With the ,...4 1,1 1.., about 2.2„2,, '210 iantnd+. exception of timothy and sweet cl.u•r Ea h month from its birth it C2kes pro - the production iu ('auala mud the ,.n•s•.*.•ly more feed to produce a mt momentary digression'' R Putted States Is rq..rted larger than pool.' of gain. But letwe.•u the third • • • last year. This fact, coupled with a and a ocuth mouth, when the rate of A..1 McPhail, proddent of the ratio good cropotItn demand, Europe, sad as tr lilted i r gain T. •r stay and cost of gain per ',Ilan Wheat Pool, 14 a uaI1+•e of Pals- ! pit pound are c.jut'tuel, glee the maximum '0 l'auadi:las growers. In Ontrrb. is pr..Juct!re efficiency. After that age • ley. ,.. m -sees.. ,.unnty. A» they grog out ealmatcrl that als•ut ;'it per cent. of the the ....nibbled increasing coot of ,gain West, -If be isn't from Huron. he's, rlslke a'rup is not yet sold, til to 7.3 per per tomtit' and lowered value due to sent. of the rel clover and 2; per cent'. overweight for the better grades make • • • f the 0wec2 clover' it unprofitable fur the produ.'er to fieri hugs longer. Every profession has its unwritten Kates •f Seeding : - -- but binding tale One of these unwrlt-' las an experiment cotuluctts' at 0. A. • ('atsadians Are IoM E21te'rr ten laws la that a physldau shall not �. for a period of eight years the re- Yield au lawn Is a marketable pro- . ten a patient who has been given au sulfa show that the greatest yield Ir'r duct which Is rupldly growing In pniwt- ana4-sthetic until the patient has recur- ;err with winter wheat was,oitalue,l I,r demand Canadian cuuaumcrs are en -.I cuni'ninnane.+. Mail and Pimples from sowing one and three-quarters lamb eaters the dear round and ton - In view of ileveral r+eat rases bushels of mel to the acre. Witt'. the *wtur:fly the production. marketing' in Tor'nt. The Mid! Hud Fmpin• :uuonnr of owl '4iw'u per mere was to• and .Ii+trlbutlug of Iamb must be SO i ahouhl 1,nc r•l.!cd the word-' ",*11 c,, 2 -- ki i.t.•r ri•'ri the yield at the organized that the v„usumer tund „u, quartss bas+hely rate of will be catered to at 11 1 1 eelloialle of the the lµ.'."nt di... I .Ase. Ftp• .•141y -lightly. greater than from Rruee." year. • + • 1., fr"m sowing 'oar au'1 Unfortunately' t.r..Iurtlou and mar• come of the jailer. 4- IN'? t • y ale r1.r mere. ke:lug are nut suAle:eptly organized at the .present time. and the Industry is h: lug uu tie a nue of 11..• 1., ;t tluus•ea of Toone.. awl warning : slaOcr- that' they may he In for It dinning. They forge: that the name' of the.lute4.!aim rnt1.I F9u:n•e Minister was Robb. and yet.- erten 2a- 1111•m a tupre h,'1,• PO man nor nue more anxi.•us for the 'welfir.• of the taxpayers �r 1 it MUNI he painful. t.. Mr F b. roti.'.• how many plebiw itr.- Rrjtish and on,-ou.:itut!'dial.. - tltey be -were •:Ikea In ,,,flow•: m11111.'ipal elections in many 1,- the 1'rostme ou Monday. Why were no fewer than three in Inn, r.aiht under the pen+e of the etnlner Pettish and constitutional free • • • While the F'wlcral cl••le ': getting after the plumbers' .'••u1 the Premier of th:tart,, algesir- n, h encouraging a coluldne of newsprint ma nu fac•urer- Why this dig •rimina • that In favor of flit paper mill cam. • ponies' The printers ant reader* .41 l.•Maftaja•rs have their rights to n fn4 market as well is other class... of th.• w•mmnutty. ioes Mr. Fergm'on. who say,_ he is going to get cheaper leer In this Province. .,.nshier that cheap he•r is more important than cheat, new.up-lwr.1 ' • • •. Ihlati. Rig gleno fa•e.: with the depre'-lou of c.ompetl- d.• :v generous c.dttribn' riot front imported Iamb which this r.••.. ;. t'.,ha.L•l's 1w,. ell - In 12'_". year bas already reached a v.1'uwe of h.• .:.sees of this l'roviu,,• totalling Ir over a!aat,cca,'monodic 41-".4i)... or '4 per vent. of the aggregate M,'1Ium %PIght ••arca+-e" weighing for the entire 11. ttIuiuu. The county from 3.1 to 43 pounds ttllh a 1'refen•m•e .f l'e'ek wady by far the Iw•Itirst esu• for the lighter weights 114 what the tribn:t.41 t.. the total, the marketing+ market wants today. 841(1t r•21rea+se* (nem 1ha: district amounting to IN.- are pralnte.l from !ami.+ weighing SO 4.19 hcnd. I'ertli was well up with Sir j, 14 pound+ at the farm. Finish. ton, .e.,-,.,bl. mad Kent. Grey-. 1.11t.I.tut(, i4 important. Grain feeding in ('an - 51, :.I cover. lienee and 4 Icfor.1 a1+•' made ;oda is e--ehtial if ch.i.e, tw•ll-An1.h.4! 2't','';e contributions. :rhe average tH' ..;Ir.•1--es are:. 121• preala„I la t'lrinue. .,•+ would be 2r.0.1.t ht•:t.l. r---� Ontario's Tobaeeo , Crop NO Turkeys Raided R , 1 R•'ent despot Ines from New Zealand epp roiiteately IgM) tr:r'key.4 have he'll tell of t!.c .Iete• .mens of 2•.1.:00. pro - at )h•• !Ontario (loverument tor- .111 t -,•u "h to large scale 10 what 1s kev farm noir Forestville in Norfolk knoon as the Nelson (listrlet. where r owe., during Ow past year. About land +nae intbjr t. h'bs•, c. d ure has n h'ilf of tie -e %'111 Peale muter the heti dix over•d, llowe•ter, with only ce prior to the holiday season. The ]nett, acres of tuba...... In :lie entire s•'2'r rope of birds, however. are re- e1 strict. the Now Zealanders rail. have .I1re•1 for breeding i'ur;uces. Very a long way to g'• before a ••••cop:iris..0 „las.!.',' int-•rmatlun with respect to' esu he made with tlutari,.'s rapidly in- torkey 6i -i.,. particularly the condi...•re:i-in, a,rca,e. In \.rf.•Ik t�y.:- tooter which turkey+ thrive, has alone 111.'(NI sores of Ala. -cured tobacco • _ v, obtained .:...i. the fitrni was - e'+- were ,row'n in 1929 and ,the tot .1 will �i •.i a few yettry ago undolttaelly exeed 12!00 neer+• in - - 1:'t10, Essar, with a similar total of 10.00,0 acre. flus he+t year. and Kent, Personal Mtenti•as Needed l:aa-eitiug among chicken., Is large- with early a, nT. a.'r•• the .ther priu.•1- 2) N 1.14e that can be dlaeouraged with pal toba,e.. gr'»lac counties. The 61.1 - very little ,are mud attentli,n. Lear- -gregat.• aerea_r „f all kinds .f tolaw„ Ing the birds in ('nutty betters after in tnt•21rio 0121-'ightly more than 2s. - they have started 1,13111g will start the 0111. The yiel.! ••z.w'ded 21 million habit ; tar few nest* In the lacing pound which w t- one t' Irl 1••-s than lu,nw• will for.,' the lien t. lay on the In Nr_s, doe to a falling off in hurley floor tool 1 1I fowl are gni''k to sea- and other .lark tyles. Th14 was the Iiz4- the palatability .f their town pr.,- .Le-u•t o! law p.rjces obtained for these duct. The easi.•+t way to end the tt 1.•- in Its_•". which ,had the effect of trouble Is to stay In tote leu f"r hilt et:on 21:•1in, many of the smaller and With Mr. Irunulu;t :r Mini+ter of it ,lay. locate the ring -leader. and re- le s-etlerieu.wl growers, image grow- 1'n,anle.'The Toronto Telegram fore- move them. This trea'uofit is usually 111, t.'.a,4„ on n1,-uitahle -u11 and the shadow* lively ttwe4 III the Ileo• of lvao ler rent effective. --'-•' intermittent grower. un the other han.1 •the al'•r-aa•• '•f the bright flue -cured (,mm.na. it gars: Smut • in Wheat typo• was ai per vent. greater to 1929.. The late Mr. Robb wax a roan of it Is estimated that the two smuts. although the yield woo practically un - peace. Courteous to everybody, he re- +tiltking *nut or hunt. and erose smut.' changed. eelved in return rnnftPsy from oppon•' _ - enta of whatever bro1.od. The net re- ilt w.o that budget (Wallet; were too peeteal in tariff ni.tl'cr' to lent: t"- rttepay.•r-. !:.tl, the r.•nr mad las genteel to make news. Hui Mr. Dun- ward- OW low tariff 4-14-2'4 of Wo -t- iles the rlwli.n period at the begin- ning 14 different. With his cocky air ,ern Canada: int he 121' broad .enough ning of December Coincided w•Ith, a and ilia aggressive mien he's like n to r.4 oghize that his 'petty will I4• h. severe +{a•11 .f ear'y winter.which n, red flag to the Tortes. It is doubtful if he could repeat the Lnrll'x Prayer legislate for the whole of Canada. ln.t doubt had its cffe.'t In keeping eh•ctor- without creating an 'argument. And for tiny, p21rtlenlar se -11..n. And it is front the Ii"iuim:mien meeting* Had when he start4 talking tariffs -well, only tale that• :a Western man -1'.'I•.4 . where there anti n contest, from the that',, where the fan begin... • have a tarn at tariff making j polls. ton tjie 4'e her Cond. If t' r ilea s boping • •- • •t~Pather :It the ieginning .•f Dr'en: • • • Ia•f %ker.• mild: farmers would he hat -y. S+.enate reform will n' 't'f•• owl. it luny 11.11 1.e a at rt lithorl• • The deferred election h, North lienee e"' t f 1 .t the proposal %i that Ineml'rr+ of the• ...- Notifiel in a 4uM'antlal 1naJ..rity, In busy season In t'ow'n. Ttlr Slptal 14 1. should he chosen 1.y thr 1'r.• , the neighborhood of 4100, for the tab t9•n•rsl I•EfslAhlrrs. This world peace among those W110 1".kei with fay'•r eral enudlAgte. Fred 11'. Elliott of n1.•n Mee id.•a of gertirg the 11+,111 the highly nudeedrahle• result of bring . Port Eli Tiw N' rel 7truee' rte election. Awry from the Christ nw- .eA-"n : but .11r idea was rather tlwl .pie n . With eE spirit of Indrfeudeh.e. they hrvP' • , . is ., i; - the Plw •tons should not lN• held I,r Elgin to 1 - (i1E Fw1Pnl p.Nt1c- in... the 1'notln,Ln' �or-,dire to ts' .,'uaratpinled 411,111 the r lfrd t. for -e"onl until r•hnuab •r t ansd.l h .ml 1 1 +1 shown lit refuw.iny t. be .centw'e,l by Aleort 'he 11r41 of F'ehrnary. Then a ,4nlrse according to British prcelept „m dere •tate meat or -municipal rtnr huge ('all+eryatirg majority In i r111her than United `tt.... pia •ti,,•: .\ I - tIN• le•gislawre. �1'r understand that au••r•+ Sli- fer the year woolt! be available, (ern+s the line the p oaerfl0 teen:::.• +4.20 - the • +n.,esftJ rnuJldnU• wNg•,! his , w Inet's •..- rata only a partial statement PumpAlEn largely 111,1,11l tilt' tvra'n.hll'• r. le at- I.aierhPnd- nest 21th.d t12";;.11,"1::::,. thee•R.s "hn• 'i ' can leOmen : and as comparatively little ,1 hoard !.ill. and 1,oCre ha% nR:+Iii .,f RPpre•+entntice•-,,.nth the result that neither . n., ,,•t mnticipnl work Is 'lone until spring been served upon Nr. Ferguson that the.. 1:::f,r e:e tion 4111P w•ntrl(1 not rural tlntart.', 1.,-4h•te;nNnelly .1 i -e,l 11 "thin. .1 Iml•t... . , i.rN•. Ic 'mi..: :in, material .leper h: the cnr• 1 11 li,,,,; , t'rP•It Britain the• It,now• '.f 1..nl- lea• y to 111- props' -al '.f t+.Nnshlp hoards and .sms,did:.tel w•h.o1 Feletutry 2e.arlwr. of course, la name• do mischief and in c'anada the w•ua r 1 the Le,1-1i1tire lino not •provlrlwl for, the 1::t.r .lite: x. 11 14 11 eholre fast. Add Its 'digits together and sub- President Falcotw'r sttog. -. 4lE : le.tn.•en :h.• early December and the Inset the reanit front 190: 13 from university of 'Foram.) may have n ,,;tele .I:nnenn• date+, and so far w•P 1fgNl equals 1!117, the snit of.who-c dt• change of name nn.t he ku.wn n, th'' lant, 144.11 1111:11.11. 20 sae any great ad• Rite Is V4. Now xnbtraet leu from 1'•117 ' '1''fdfy of Ontartn. Thu• =nage-th"' and the rc'snit Is 1r12l, to. sum ..f whose S'+nt,'14'• in ►'Iran' iu, the date. digits la 27. Keep up ilii- prows "meg about n quarter of A century too of xnhtroethng the atm of the .11gI24 late. Queen's at Kingston and the from the pi'evtnns.20,;tl.:uo1 !on'll nl- 10'reN•rn at iM11101t have IA%•owe• mel ! ways get A u'uut4•r Whose ,lilt+ total •e•tt11blish•il awl are rerelcing strong 9, 111 or 27. Moreover.. Ljfe lit t+ 1.f 1R and of 27 tl.em...O.•s total '1 - '1'"r• •'llpg4rrl for their claims for steam onto Star. • so, ' ' tion in the matter of thiamin' N--i- StIII more 4-,,11"nt,m 1:14.1 te,,! hence frotn the l'rovincial Trea•nry. the .ante 2 11111E a1.1411.•tlla: Its. o :n.' while the 1't11cnM11y of Toronto, with 1931 Further, 1f The eine'• 4, 1,•11.1:1- .4 11.- great proportion •.f I's ,tItdPq,t- elah 4111 take any 'r:n,ple•• al,:,2.--- a.'m111, from the Pity of Toronto and ever. and subtract the 2otil ,.1 It. di. its .h'iruus. IS gradually losing the glta, the molt wilt intlfiably 121• A nml- pre•eminetwe as n Pmvinelnl 1'hh•e', .21y it once had. And no doubt the i le.y,1" of Toronto would prefer, rather hp flesh J•tn-e the WIMP ref their city die I ry hag not of the ,.nncil'4 program. • been pretty well deprived of Immo- Io • • • should !e similarly treated . in„ r 2o' be ...maidens!. Anel in any PAse (h -re's n curia• thing ab.Ut 193n -• • • ..• the year that's +netaktng up on m+ x t tlp•Ie of 9. , • • •. • Hon (' 'A. Dnaalna Pumped., IAN. Hon IF•n Jar. A. Iola as Nlnl-te- of. C.nn00011 from the l'ulverdty. on as. Flnnnes. Ile hese had a r'mnrknblr *Mae "'IMO p,rtton of the Ananeln. xnecP'•+fml puha, career IS both i'ro- Mtrdh•n of Its nllntensnee. ♦InTindal and Federal arena,. and 'here • • • Is nn Maann to 401!1.... that he µ42 Judging, from the repots which not prove to be as caps..2,' and rexour,r Mach es of the nomination prnr'!!tl• fol In hU ries poet as he has ahem?, lyes in ninny mnnhljallti1.-. Heel himerelf to he in the ..her offices le 'hanae It. the earlier date has net r hag Ailed. Having grown his j4,lltleal .alte.t in Any Increase of Interest In wing, nn the prairies. be may he e2 11nn,tetpat affairs on Ihr. part of noel NOTICE Hydro Arrears -Upon instructions from the officials of the Hydro - Electric Power Commis- sion of Ontario, their rules and regulations lire to be ,trictly enforced. All Electric Ligltt and Power Services in arrears will be cut off forthwith if not paid. Ill (iltl)F:it OF . The Water and Light Commission Goderich GODERICH, ONT. THE SIGNAL'S Goderich "Buy -at -Home" Directory and Business Guide Through the co-operation of the business men listed below, The Signal proposes to reproduce a series of educational articles in the endeavor to bring about a better business relationship between residents and merchants in our town, and thus to bring about a more prosperous and progressive community in which to live. A. CORNFIELD Ready -to -Wear Clothing Gents' Furnishings Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Ladies' Ready -to -Wear and Millinery Telephone 418 'Shop Where You ire Invited to Shop" R. WHEELER Furniture Funeral Director and Embalmer Telephone: Store 335 Rea. 355 w W. C. Pridham & Son GENTS' CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS - "T1..• store With the Stock" Telephone'57 Campbell's Drug Store Drugs, Patent Medicines Toilet Articles Victor Phonographs and Records -Kodaks and Developing TELEPHONE 90 R. J. Howard Geaeral Supply Store HARDWARE, PAINT:( and 011. AUTO ACCESSORIES TELEPHONE 304 w Broohey Bros. FURNITURE and 'FUNERAL DIRECTORS Telephone: Store 120; Res. 217 Keeping Up Appearances W1-.- make it easier for particular poop!. Frank H. Martin Tailor and Hatter Tele/isee 40 Mus L. E. Hogan Confectionery and Ice Cream -Soda F••itaia Sorrie•- HUNT'S CHOCOLATES EELEPHONE 393 Calvin Cutt Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour and Feed Telephone 116 & Heitman FRESH :1NII (t It El Meats A1.1TV-- TELEPHONE No. 2 Babbette Gift Shoppe Stamped Goofs, Hind Embroidery Chian and -Pottery GiFTS FOR AL1, (u'(':\SiONS Phanii 67' East Street Footwear and Repair Shop For.Quality and Comfort in Footwear and Repairing WM. AHL, Proprietor °preset• Ka1•a Chord PININ 5051 Goderich Fruit Market Quality Fruit and Vegetables FRF:til l•.\ti 1 Canis Fast Street and Square P1IONS 470 W. ACHESON & SON (General Dry Goods and Ready -to -Wear Rugs - Linoleums - Carpets TELEPHONE 76 Cleveland's Bakery The Co-Opertit ice Bitker Quality Bread, Cakes and Pastry Telephone 114 Geo. W. Baechler PROVISION SHOP Groceries, Meats, Fisk, Fruits and Vegetables "One Friend Tells Another" -We :lo our .en delivering - Phone 368 NO MAN LIVES TO HIMSELF Ther.• 2 .- 4 time schen a man could do very much n+ le plcaR,l What he did A+ an inalvtlUa2 was of little couern to anyone elec. for it had 111Ile effect un anyone else. Those days are gone. Taint no man can live unto himself, Life is a complicated affair ander u.l'rn cohdltfou.. Man 1+ no longer independent of all others i❑ pec , •nuunnity In w:icli he resides. Organized society, In the form of governments, uutlohN1, provinria2 and booth has rw'ogutze,l ihl nett ...muttons. Among the ninny thing+ to be observed the mala one 1. loyalty to one's own community. A man may claim he has the right to spend his money where he pleases, that no one may stop him If he wants to buy his graerles, clothes, furniture. sho s, etc:. away from. the community In which he resides, or earls his living Ile is right. but that man observes only one law, amt that 14 the law .2f *edfl+hnc•.s. This slme 202111 :lige. has the right, and .should by all the law* of,e,mmon deen••y, wend his children to %oboe! 1n the -same i„mmnnity which be 1+ aupporti'ng. 111. money goes to support outside Interest+. Lel 11120 (hell 1101101d .n 111e-.' 1.114441e in- terests. and not lice las, a ratan luuII) when• he deeite- the 1+•netlts of tower taNsti.m. Ane tronsportati.n fa, Ilitie., pl`eat.n! and corn- furtah'e surrounding., and then show his'grit tltnde by neglecting to support the interea+ that made the community In which he resides. Ih.n't use the argument that what you buy outside your come 'munity; I* swat. It Is the little thing% in life that ,.tint. Make theta vomit for your c.mtumol17 1211y from your home town mer- ehan'+. Jas. C. Carrie Hardware, Paints, etc. Eaet Side of Square PHONES 501, 363 H. C. Dunlop, Phm.B. THF: REXAIJ- DRUG STORE' Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Kodak,, Stationery, Confectionery Un,ted Cigar Store Agency TELEPHONE No. 1 F. H. WOOD FORD SALES AND SERVICE NEW CARS USED CARS THE FASTEST SELLING CAR IN THE WORLD AND THE MOST ECONOMICAL TO OWN AND OPERATE. FORD PARTS COST LESS TELEPHONE 403 This Week's Special Write -Up FRANK H MARTIN Isn't 1t ,I 'grand and glorious feeling when n prominent Mitten says to you something like the,: "That's a nifty putt you're wetting: where did yeti get it?" -and you tell him Frank Martin is'your tailor? 'o need to go out of town for clothes of the kind you would like to wear when you meet the Prince .f Wales or your best girl. Frank H. Martin tailors for particular people, and 1f you get your clothe. from him you can man'h along with any of them. STURDY'S CASH GROCERY ' The season of preparation for Christmas Ix here and one of the prime requisites far the teetivttles of the holiday «elision is a gen- erous supply of grocerlea. At sturdy'• the shopper wili And a com- plete line of fresh retains. figs. nuts, dates, is•PIA-In short, "every- thing good for the table"--ao that those who 1Ntrrha •e their holiday supplies there will tee well on the way to a merry Christmas and a haply New Tear. E.C. Robertson JEWELRY, DIAMONDS "QUALITY GIFTS" Royal Crown Darby China TELEPHONE 135 Blackstone's Furniture Exchange Used gad New Furniture "WE SAVE Y01' MON EV.. PHONE 245 Smith's Art Store .Art Pictures,rscture Framing -English China - "GiFTS OF (WAIT! 1 - PHONE i95 British Exchange Hotel Huron Cafe in connection A Real i'lacc to Ent and Sleep Known to be clean and ap-t.-d.N PHONE 112 Study's Cash Grocery Choice Groceries Provisions, Fruits "Everything Good for tie Tahk" PHONE 20 Western Canada Flour Mills Co., Ltd., II1-:. RTI1.1' EN IK SE THIS Buy - at - Home CAMPAIGN Support Local Merchants and Help Our Town Grow Ueirersal Millinery and Gift Shoppe Up-to-the-minute Millinery, Lingerie, Neckwear and Julian Sale Lather Goods Gift. for all occasions .',rl '.,v+11,-t.,,r1.. 1.110 11. an,l Chin* E INVITE YOU TO CALL M. N. MAKINS S.46 -f 4.,•4.r. V..•••,.A F. E. Hibbert Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS Reliable Good• at Reasonable Prices TELEPHONE 86 W. C. Snazel Gents' Furnishings Suit.. 11ade-to-measure - ci.1•: \ N t Nt i .%N 11 PRESSING TELEPHONE 339 The SIGNAL JOB DEPARTMENT is epuipp,vl f --r all kind+ of PRINTING Telephone 35 D. M. O'Brien FRESH ANI) CURED MEATS and POULTRY DELIVERY PHONE 31 E. G. Smith Baker and -Confectioner "The Better Baked Bread" PHONE 154 WE DELIVER J. J. Hoggarth GARAGE Repair; on all make•,- of cars Gag, Ods, Tires, Accessories TELEPHONE 427 F. M. McArthur Electrical Contractor FIXTURES and SUPPLIES NEXT POST OFFICE PHONE 52 Wesley M. McLean FLOUR, FEED, SEEDS Groceries and Produce, • Hay and Straw Agent Brantford Roofing, Phone 350 Miller's Service Station Goodyear Tires plus Service Worth While Oil Changed and Cars Creased -MARMON MOTOR CARS - PHONE 21/ft Wm. J. Clark DE SOTO SIX A CHRYSLER i'RODi'Ct - Sales and Service F'cp4•"' kepnirx"n All Makes t( ('nr4 L. J. Baker HUDSON and ESSEX HALES AND SERVICE Goma, Motsre Trucks Repairs on all melee* of cars rHONR$ 195-247 MacEWAN & TEBBUTT CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE Gas, Oils, Tires and Accessories Repairs on all makes •f cars Talephese 234 M. R. MacVicar High -Class Millinery Hats, Corsage, Flowers Scarp and Novelties KINGSTON STREET NASH ' "400" Lewis the World in Motor ('at Vallee The only Car 0f nil the new cars with 'VPew' 1929 refinement SALES - SERVICE'- STORAGE Huron Motor - Sales Phone 83 - H. C- Young South Street The 1(l Some v Lary , leer rt. .1 `uu tins 1. 'loom, any er ting 211 all ,as 4(1 ar, cn.nigl mj4•t heated way,. ent to Prim i101t(1 1i roan• A n Ya %Pry . Norte garig ., 1441. N 0,-I F„ fad. (i" 4lnr SLo lion fro'. 4 1 'r •.... ire•+o it s erns II a