HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-28, Page 8It.-'Thuraday, November 28, 1920. Christmas Suggestions You are invited to come in and look around at our Christ - mu display of new gift goods Our stock is now complete Books for everyboely, Beau- tiful leather-bound books, Stationery in very attra'•tive boxes, English China, Indian and English Brass Goods, Sheafier's, Parker's a it d Waterman's Fountain Pens, Desk -Sets and Pcneils. St1 also our new gift Tiny, whicV conies daintily boxed. Irttlilg Cole's Book Store and Gift Shoppe THE SIGNAL, Our Entire Stock of Men's Furnishings must be cleared in order that we may devote our time to Cleaning and Pressing and Made -to - Measure Clothing. Clearing Prices on all lines W. C. Snazel HABERDASHER AND DRY CLEANER WEST ST. PHONE 339 Attention Motofists have installed a HOF WATER CAR WASHER. Put your car away clean. It will pay you to pre- serve your f►ni.h. GOODYEAR RUBBER CHAINS to fit your car at greatly reduced prices. Special 11 -plate Batteries, $7.50 FN, R. Miller Service Station Corner Elgin Ave and Victoria Street. Phone 259w. - Read the "Buy -at -Home" Directory on Page 2 iY.,tess.2.>'_,iri GALVANIZED SIDING for Outside Walt Attractive to look at. Inexpensive. Easy to pat on over old walls. With building pa�t hChoiceof Bra Brick, Rock -face and Clap -board patterns. 3050 e 3 a 0l.O SHEET STEEL CEILINGS add the touch of pros- perity to stores; give -better light. Perman- ent also for schools, halls, kitchens and bathroom.. ,o upoverol piaster. No dust orlitter. Easy to clean and paint. Can- not crack or fall off. GALVANIZED SHINGLES End the fire hazard. Put on over old roofs. Easy to lay. Good looking, permanent, inexpensive. Use NO Other. " Ile• permanent lues( roof w the cheapest W aid." id GET PRICES FROM YOUR TINSMITH OR CARPENTER GODERICH, ONT. STANDING OF 0. 0. I. (Continued from page 1) Marton Raines (8) 64).3 �. Olive Westbrooke (a) �2 Lulu Croft (3) 57 31 Kenueth Jock (4) Vera Clark (8) 'akvnald Croft (4) Phyllis Cooper (5) Burke McLeod (4) Group C.-Tlnse below 5O% • ranked :- Phyllis Horton (8) William MacKay (5) Margaret Grilfth (7) Edna t'rawford (7) Form 11 A. -Class Average 64 Group A. -Those palming in al Jetts:- Madeleine Naftel Roy Errington Douglas Mldd;etun group B. -Those falling 1n the u ,,f subjects in braekets:- Beta Fisher (.1) Ruth Caldwell (3) Jean 'touter (3) Harry Cook (2) Marion Porter (2) Fred Bisset (2) Joe Priddle (2) Thomas Page (4) Dorothy horsey (3) Beatrice Campbell (2) • • •' • Mildred Wilson (1) Harry Babb (4) ltegiva.d Cantle (5) Cora Culbert (4) Mabel Edward (3) Willie Thomas 14) Marjorie Doer (4) Ruth Worsen (3) Bessie here (4) Raymond Dreuuan (6) Form 11 B. -('lass Average Group A. -Those passing in a Isobel McWhinney 69.1 Group B. -Those failing In the number of subjects In bras -tete: - Mary. llcJ tuuou (1) .... 72 Ruby Brringtuu (1) 70.7 Douglas Feagan (1) 70.6 William Barrow (1) 70.3 John McMeben (1) 89 863 65.5 55.7' Margaret Foster (2) 54.61 Effie Jewell (1) 53.51 Samuel Walter (1) eo 60.2 Russell Pfrlmmer (2) rerage, Earle Meru (4) 1 James Reddltt (5) James Sheardowu (4) Arthur Freeman (8).... , ... 51.3 William Thomson (8) Philmore Bisset (4) 51 The earnest co-operation of the iar- Murion Holmes (4) 49 ents of students who are not making .5% 'Selena McCreath (4) .. , .48 proper progress hi needed. Promotions Ralph Walters (4) , 48 are based on the term examinations and 1 ends I Fors 11I B. --Class Average 64.8% the final. Any student who falls in satire than three subjects will have 78.9, Group A. -Those paaslug in all sub- to remain In the form another year 71.9 but will be allowed to 'take such ;50.3 58 53 52 Evelyn Dean 06.7 Group B. -Those falling in the number of subjects In brackets: Mary Ferguson (1) 68.1 Ethel Cook (2) Ruth Bunt (1) Evelyn Cooper (2) Benson Pentland (2) Charles a aftel (1) Carlton Worsen (3) ...... , ....55.7 Donald Morison (1) 55.6 55.6 544 51.3 46.4 39.4 61.2 58.8 58.8 56.4 tib Arthur Nim(kton (3) Stewart perguwou (2) Helen Davidson (2) Harold Breckow (3) 75.5 Jonas - subjects subjects of the form above as the aster 82.8 tine -table will permit. The work of 828any year cannot be mastered properiy 81.8 without two hours of concentrated 78'7 study each night at home by the av- '73'1 erage student. Parents are asked to see that this is done, If the work de - aired Is to be done In the one year. J. P. HUME, Principal. Auleen Litt Esther Mcllwaln Elaine Bamford 65.11 A.ex. MacVkar 14.3 Sylvia Salkeld 62.8 . Jean Price 02.2; Senile Clarke 61 'Group B. -Those failing in the number 89.3 of suojec:s in brackets: - 58.8 Jean Abell (1) 77.4 57.8 '• Howard Young (1) 74.8 '17.3 .Harold Taylor (1) 73.4 69.1 88.7 .68.4 66.2 145.1 83,5 61.0 61.3 ,..57.2 Alma Howell (1) .•50.9 Fred Egeuer (1) 56.4 James McMeben (1) 56 Margaret McLean (2) 55.7 Hilliard Treb18j (Y) 55 1 m Ctirtsttne Robertson (2) 54.4 Wilfred Plante (3) 52.8 William McWhinney (2) Mrrgaret Saudersou (2) 51.1 • Dewiest* (Juaid (4) .......... •01 45.2 Graham McNee (2) ' 80.8 63.5% 1'earl sandy (2) ....00.8 11 sub- Gtadla 'Pallor (2) 60.3 Eclua Knight (4) 59.1 81 Murray Hetherington (1) 58 ,..t10 Meta Sheardowu (4)...., 58 3 74 a1 Audereou (3) 58.2 Jeers: - Eileen O'Brien dtau.ey Taylor Ruth Curwen Irene Stoll John Howard Rhea Beachier ST. AUGUSTINE DIED ROBERTSON. -In Colborne township, on Monday, November 25th, Julia Barbara Johnston, beloved wife u( C. A. Robertson, M. P. P. KIRK1'ATRICK.-At Cabri, 'Sank., ou Thursday, November 21st, Alice Dougherty (formerly of Goderich, Ont.), beloved wife of William C. Kirkpatrick. IN MEMORIAM DELONG.-1n loving memory of R. J. H. belong, who passed away two years ago November 29th. We Lovett him so, no words, can tell How much we loved him and how well ; well; God loved him, too, clod thought it best To take him home with Him to rest. -WII%% AN1) DAUllIITI RS. a� - --•moi LOST AND FOUND CARD OF THANKS W1J W18H ,T() EXPRESS tN)1t 1� thanks to our friends for the many kindnesses and sytupatby shown its during . the illness and subsequent death of our little daughter. MR. AND MICU. WI'LFRED IXLNALDSOF AND FAMILY. TO KENT 1TO 1t.Y:NT.-8'1Y11tE SUITABLE FOR 1 grocery or otter. Itumediate pita Isession given. Apply to C1IA8. E SAI'NDERS,:Gotertch. COR WENT.--Tllltl•:E SOUTII ROOMS of apartment house on tbath street. Modern evnivenleucea Apply is J. E. HARN'WELL, Keays street. COUND.-WITHIN LAST THREE 1 week', a rube and an auto rug. Owners may have saute on appticatbiu to POLICE SEItGNANT Russ anti paying for this advertisement. WANTED 'DEUS fANTI:I).- TENDERS 1 stiII be received. for the renting of ST. AtiGUSTINE, Nero. 28.�[ra' the etkatd. rink fur the seusun rim - with Is s(k•ndiug Ihia w l! Apsply to Y. l►. BOX 335 Gole- with Shakespeare friends. nal, Ont. Mr and Mrs. N C. Lamina) w • and 'family. of Goderich, and Misv .\note McAllister, of Dungannon, were the gue.t, of Mr nn,l Mrs Mason McAI- lis'er on Saturday last. Mr. J. W. Boyle Is recovering from hl� 'seems it neo Miss F• Reed, of Ashfield, spent a (t`l .1T111':RS. - YOU l AN HAV E your feather Mrd made Into a saui w omforter ss us, u e tart' roll maitredown Highest price paid for feathers. Drop a card to DOMIr\ION FEATHER .1ND MATTRENN CO., Goderich, and our agent will ca1L d NOU8E TO RENT.---NORTIf STREET, nit first block. SeveiProomed brick. Single house with all woderu conveni- ences. new furnace. newly decorated. wired for electric stove, a garage and large garden. l'owsesslon Jan. 1, 1970. tenant leaving town. Apply to MISS POLLY, next house (north side), er M. J. W. ('ralgle. few days this week with her aunt, Mrs. Mason McAllister. Mr. D. McAllister spent Tuesday of w with Bluevale friends. . us, 72.1 Madeline Acheron (4) 53.9 Mr. and Mrs. t,Vn, Wilson And fetus ' Duro. by Henderson (3) 51.7 IS c•alled on Auburn friends on Satur- 69.2 Group l.'. -'loose below 50% average, day last. ranked: - May Boyle (3) PARAMOUNT_ , Evelyn Culbert (4) this eek Tax Notice All taxes and road oil charges must be paid not later than December 14th, in order to avoid the pen- alty. J. H. ROBERTSON. Collector. W, i•arry a good stuck of Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of All Kinds Frank McArthur ELECTRICIAN Telephone 82 West Street r 1ternidette Boyle (5) Form 111 A. -(sass Average 88% 1'ARAMOt'NT, -Nov. 2(1. -Mr. and Mr.'. P: Dahmer And children, of Kin - . Group A. --Those passing In aU sub eardlne. were recent visitors with Mr. jests: -• Deters rat the week - FOR BALE CH(HCE PIILLE'r8.-WIIITtt Lac HORNS. May and June hatched. 21.25. Barred Rocks, April hatched. 31.51►. These are Komi pullets. Ido rolls offered. C. G. CAMPBELL, Aa- tsarn, Ont. COI( SALE.-FIXTI'ItES AND B11i1 NESS for Barber Shop, situated on IWest street. In the town of Goderich. Suitable terms. For fur her pertieulars apply to HAYS & HAYS, 'lamlltss street. Godericb, Ont. COR "SALE.--- MODEL. A I"ORIt PUBLIC NOTICE ■ Roadster with rumble seat, leather npholetering, five gti,d tires, bumpers fsODERICH HOSPITAL ASSOCI- ATION. The annual meeting of the Goderich Hospital Association will to held In MacKay Hall on the evening of Miro- day, December 2nd, at 8 o'clock. All members and the general public are irked to attend. AGN'ES J. ()HAP'MAN, 0. I. PARSONS. Secretary. t'resident. tis'- and Mrs. Wm. MtG111. s1'n.iew Sutherland 87A • Jetties Sutoerland Arthur Brawn Dorothy Allen Lenore Craig Reg Fisher (21.1)ton Edward James Salkeld W. K. Saunders I Jean Lednor Evelyn Long h Miss Laura We p 61.6. e•nd with friends at Zion. .80.2i Mr. and Mrs. Ceche Mullen and eon. i of Kincardine, are visiting with friends In Paramours'. x..........77.5 7o Mr. Page held a hard -times dance xxxxxx/1ixxxxxxxxXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmaxxxx Special Values in Ladies' and 70 In his hall at Paramount and nl: re - e6.0 porta good time. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritchie. of '/.ion. 65.8 visited with their daughter. Mrs. Nel- son Itavnard. during the week. Marjorie Het es, tun 64 Mr. Jos. Stanley and Edith were Duncan', B. ThoMaese f Sunday visitors with friends on the Group B. -Thune falling in tbe number 2nd concession.' Margaret Ryan (1) 69. of subjects in brackets:- Annual Alerting C. F. W. (/-A very plcn.:nit Afternoon waw stent at the 67 home of Mrs. Gardiner Stanley when 65.2 the Paramount U. F. W. 0. held their 83'5 annual meeting. The treasury snowed 81.4 a splendid bahene•r and the following 5N rinks -its were elected for the emoting 57'8 year: president. Mrs. Jas. T. Webster; 56.6 vices -president, Mrs. JimWebster. 54.8 secretary, Mrs. McAuley; treasurer. 54.81 Mrs. Gordon Jamieson; organist. Mrs. 53 Wetw'er Mrs W. T. Gardiner was ,, appointed a delegate to attend the c.on- 51.5 ventlon wbkb is to be held in Toronto. l varied program was then carried out. Misses' til x New Coats and Millinery 0 x In order to make more room for the display of Christmas merchandise we are x x' offering special values in Coats and Millinery as listed below. • c, Fur Trimmed Coats for $21.50 [Regularly $26.00 to $27.50] You will appreciate the values offered in this line of Coats. They are made of imported broadcloth with fine quality fur trimming. Newest shades and smart styles featur- ing both the Aare and straight-line models. Large luxurious collars and cuffs of such furs as French beaver and Imperial mink. Different sizes Fur Trimmed Coats for $27.50 [Regularly $34.50 to $37.50] In this lot there are exceptionally good values. They are made of French broadcloth in the season's popular shades. Lined and interlined throughout. Shawl and crush collars and smartly and differently styled cuffs. Various sizes up to 46. Fur Trimmed Coats for $39.00 (Regularly $45.00 to $49.50] These Coats are the very utmost in smartness and value. The materials and 1linings are beautiful. This is one of our best lines. Millinery at Greatly Reduced Prices X FELT HATS, regularly $2 95 and $3 50, for $1.98 iii VELVET HATS with metallic trimming, regularly $3.50 to $4.00, for $2.45 1 Men's SUITS and OVERCOATS for fall and winter vienr. Styles up to the minute in every detail. A. CORNFIELD "SHOP WHERE YOU ARF. INVITED) 10 SHOE " Ladies' and Men's Wear West Side of Square �� Phone 418 yyGederieb, Ont a�a' I1t+rM M��MiX J'..��N XX XXX atx3Cs042000t watgesass Helen Cooper ( 1) Vesta Tabb (1) Lyall Crawford (1) Dorothy Linklater (2) Florence McKenzie (2/ Kenneth Hunter (2) Ross Pfrlmmer (2) Gordon McMehen (2) Marie Thomas (2) Cleta Watson (3) Walter Newcombe (2) Albert Baker (5) Reg. Newcombe (3) John Kuecabaw (3) 40.8 after which the hos'ess served a dainty Form IV. -Claes Average 58.896 will t laneb. The January meeting o Group A. --Those passing in Sill snit -linnets at the home of Mrs. Wm. McGill. Jetts :- Min rgaret Margnret Groves 4.8 Jean Walter 6 89.1 Frank Savage Smith's Art Store have now on display all their beautiful Christmas 1',cturc:. China, Brass Goods, Tapes - Tries, and no end of iiscful dainty little gifts from 25c up. this is the shop for you to sel- ect just the right gift for every- one. Come in and wee all the pretty 'things. Smith's Art and Gift Store Card Tables Have strong frames with nickel caps at the corners. The top is covered with a good quality green felt and the legs are well braced. Outstaad'mg Value $2.39 Alf. Tebbutt & Son WEST STREET We Denver Phone 488 1 if You Want To Save Money Buy your New or Used Furniture at CARLOW NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT a Court will be hell, pursuant to the °uterlo Voters' Lists Act. by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of tbe County of Huron at the Court (louse, Goderich, uu lerhhtp, the 13th day of december, 1929. at eleven o'clock In the forenoon, W bear and determine complaints of errors and oin!e ions In the Voters' List of the Municipality of the Tuwn of Goderieh, for the year 1 Dated at ,kb, this 250 day et November, A. D. 1929. L L. ICNOX Clerk of the Town Of Goderich AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF THREE 00M- PLI@Tli; driving outllte including Hor- ses, Harness, Buggies. Cutters, Robes. Rugs. Bells. Blankets. Whips, etc., on Hamilton street, Guderleb, on Satur- day, November 30th, commencing at 1.30 o'clock sharp. The rigs and harness are practically as good as new and will be sold without reserve. Terms 'cash. T. GUNDRY & SON, Apctloteera. front and rear, stoplight. automatic wlndsheld wiper. and speed to burn Your old car taken as part paytneat W. 1). 1,1'MIIY. St. David's street. HOLSTEIN BUMS FOP. SAM - S/ Gaol type yearling hulls from smooth straight -top cows with big milk record and good butter fat test. Also two choice calves. All reasonably priced. Heol fully aceredltod. W. HI'ME CLt1TPON, R. R. 5. Goderich. Phoned 1413 Carlow. AUCTIONEER'S() THOMAS GUN -DRY, GODERiCII, LI'.iC STOCK AND GENERA' AI'('TIONEEK Telephone No 119. hales attended to anywhere and 'vary effort made to give aatlsfactioe. Farmers' sale notes dla•ounted. W®SIeEY W. Figura.rs,11 Auctioneer, will coodoct sales anywhere. My terms are reasonable and 1 will es (lessor to give satisfaction. Pbooe Carlow 1314. or address R. R. 4, God cried DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER rHIROI'RACTI)It A. 1) DRi7GLROa Ti1t1tA1'IST Goderich, Phone 341 Equipped with electro-magnetle bathe. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic organic and nervous diseases. Lady In attendance. um t' hours 2 to 5. and 7 to 9 p.m.. excepting Monday and Thursday and AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. by appointment. A. N. ATKiNSON We are instructedby Residence and omce-Corner e' Mit. REG. STURDY 1 South street and Britannia road. CARLOW, Nov. 27.-Th1.Masonk at- borne sell by public agctluo at coDceaalon borne which was to be held on Friday 8- meltGodch tow'nahlp, 2!• mtlert south 1 night lest was postponed ou account of sickness In the community. of Provincial highway, on hiss Jean Young has returned to her TUESDAY, DEVEMBER 3, 1929 j CRANK P. GIBItq, CHARTERED home In Toronto after spending three eommehcing at L o'clock, sharp: (l' Accountant, PC Ontario street, months among her relatives here. Horses -1 black borne, 9 year' old,' Stratford. Phone IMO. Rest 134(12. I Thos. Wilson shipped another car of 1500; 1 Clyde mare, 8 years old, foal' buckwheat from Meneeet station on to Grey's Clyde, 1400; 1 grey marc, 8 Monday. The price paid was !tic. years oldhoe, 1200, good single or double ; 1 bl k rs10 Tears old, 1100, good CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Mrs. W. F. Young is visiting her single or double; 1 black more, rising daughter r at us, n tars old; 1 grey Chas. Burnet., •, wee regret W re 2 S U mare, rising 2 port. Is not enjoying good health and fear old7 sears old, tine 1s confined to the house. Ile and Mrs. In (.•t•t e-1 ; 1 red black cow'. 7 4 years old, McPhee are staying this winter at the home of their sou -in -haw, Mr. ' Ww. due In January; 1 red cry" ,Iter cors obi r • redt3 old, due in January ; 1 real cow, 5 years old, due In April; 3 helfera, rising 2 years old; 2 heifers, fat, rising 2 years old; '2 steers, rising 2 yearn old; 1 'leer, fat, rising 3 years old; 2 spring calves; 10 pigs, about 100 Iba; 30 Oxford ewes, young; 1 Oxford ram, rising 2 yeast old ; 40 Leghorn', 1 year old ; 40 white Leghorn pullets. Terms: All sums of 310 and under, cloth; over that amount 10 months' credit will be given on furnishing ap- BLACKSTONE'S Furniture Exchanire� slti Ine Bossiest N Seeritir 'Waimea. due in Janney, 1 , .,,,. service at Smith's Hill church on Sunday, the 17th, was In charge of the Women's Missonary society. The address was given by Mrs. Weir, of Blyth. The season for municipal elections Is approaching, and there are rumors as to likely eandldkte$ for the honors. The Indications point to an all-round esofficer contort. Mr. Herb. Morris has been op - pointed returning for the town- ship, Mr. It. M. Young, who had dis- charged the duties of this position for several years, having given it up on ac - ,1111111 of his poor health. Mr. Tait Clark has returned from be held GUVr cover. Son, Auctioneers. Toronto, where he attended the winter T. MEDICAI. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE. BAR, NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Oph- thalmic and Ararat Hospital. assistant at Moorefield Eye Ilospital and Golden square Throat Hospital London, Eng. ti3 Waterloo St. 8, Stratford. Tel ephone 2417. At Hotel Bedford. Goderlch, Tees - day, November 19th. from 10 a. as fn 4p.m. iEGAL CRNI9ST M. I.F.E. Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life Building. Adelaide and Victoria streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5301. proved joint notes. 4% off on credit amounts. DUDLEY E. HOi,ME•', If weather is unfavorable sale will Barrister, Etc. Ocoee--Hamlltnn street, Godesldli. Phone 27. fair. ' Mr. W. N. Raymond has been making good use of tbe tractor which be pur- chascyI recently. I'lowing In this section Is finished for this ae'ae,n, and although they were deiayed by the dry weather in the early part of thets the work Insrmers have caught up grand style. We believe there le more plow- ing done this fall, and better done, than ever before 1u this section. Mr. Reg. Jewell and family moved to town recently. and are living on Newgate street. We are sorry to lose them from our sl neighborhood. R ghbrt hoods good Jewell was a g neighbor. The tax collector Is making his rounds. December 14th is the last day for payment of taxes. A triple celebration won held quietly ,in Novemher 10th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Lawson, to honor the sixty-fifth birthday anniversary of Mr. It. M Young, Mrs. IAwson'sffather. the sixty-second anniversary of Gordon Young, and the thirtieth an- niversary of the wedding of Mr. And airs. t;or,Mn Young. A number of the relatives were present and with the aid of the tine dinner prepared by Mrs. Lswsnn the occasion was much en CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS. IIAY. GRAIN AND LUMBER. MR. P. M. '8ITLLIVAN will sell by public auction •1 lot 5, con- c•ewelon 7, W. D., Aahtield, on TUESDAY, DE('EMBER 10 commencing aspring o'clock: 2 yearling Cattle -41 p g heifers; T yearling steers; 6 2-year•ld deers; 3 2 -year-old heifers; 3-year- sid steers (short -keep feeders); 4 years old, due to freshen In Decem her; 1 cow, 3 years old, due to freshen In Ikcemter; 8 otherers old. 1 purebred hull, registered, 3 yPerifting 8 Horses --1 brood mare, years; 1 driving horse. Sheep 441 choice breeding ewes. implementor 1 set donble harness; k; I wagon, with box, new; 1 hay r new; 1 Me4'ormick-Leering mower, new ; 1 Mc(brmlck Dee'r1' grake,t new ; I scufrler ; 2 plows: 4(11 if., with platform; 1 40 -gallon e•nel- o11 drum; forks, shovels, chitlins hose, uttl numerous other arttdet. Miscellanennw-'3 tons chopped bar- ley: 0s tons hay ; 2 frame buildings. 20x:1), and 1Rxr2 . frlimes and lumber to he sold cepa y. Terms ---All sums of 310 and under, climb. over that amount. 10 months' rredtt will be given on furnishing per ap- proved joint notes. 0 per nnnnm alleweel for each on credit soma. 1'. M. SULLIVAN, T. GUSIDRY SON Proprietor, Kingsbridge. :toyed. GtJNDRY'S BAIL 11E0181101 Tteaday. lleeet>rher 10. - Clearing I auction sale of farm stock, Implements. hai. grain and lumber, property of rae•tws 1'. 1/ Sullivan, lot 5, e W. D. Ashfield. C R. DARROW, BARRISTER, tie. Successor to J. L Killoran. Phone 97. Office -The Square. GoderleY. Hsps R Haps I)ARRiMtkes, ETc. R.('. HAYS -R C. H AYS us. RA Hamilton 81.. (4oderien iNSURANCE. LOANS. ETC. McKiLLOP Mi1TUAL, FiRE 18• SCRANCE Of). -Farm and ass dated town property lnttatrM. Officers -Jas. Connolly, Pres., God erieli P. 0.; 24s. Evans. Vice -Pres., iteechwood P. O ; D. F. McGregor, Ser. -Tress., Seaforth P. O. Directors -A. Brnadfeot, R. R No. 3, Seafnrth; Jahn G. Grieve, Ne. 1. Walton; William Rlnn. R. R. No. 2. Senforth; John Bennewlee, Brod- linger); Gen. Mr('artne'y, R. R. No. s, Sea forth ; Robert Ferris. Hartnett: Mnrrav Gltrr,n, dtnurfeld; Jamas R•sha, Beechwood ; James Crnunnhy. (loderteh. Agents -J. W. Yen, GoderMh: Alex. l.ettch. R. R. No. 1, Clinton; Jahn Mnrray, Seafnrth; E. illnehley. Seafnrth. Policy -holders can make all lsaymente and get their cards receipt - ed at R. J. Mnrrlsh's Clothing Store. Clinton; Calvin Cntt'a Grocery, Kg. Ia atom street. Goderich, or 2. H. Rdd's General Store, Bayfield. e