HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1988-11-16, Page 8PAGE 8. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1988. Candidates speak Continued from page 5 taxpayer. A New Democratic Government is committed to making our corporate tax system fairer by introducing a corporate minimum tax on profitable corporations. We would limit how much corporations can write-off in interest payments on money borrow ­ ed for corporate takeovers. We would reduce the number of years that corporations can carry forward their tax breaks. We would target specific tax breaks to small and medium sized firms and to perform­ ance levels in jobs, investment, research and training. We are committed to making our personal tax system fairer and simpler bv establishing a more progressive personal tax structure where wealthy Canadians pay their fair share. We would ensure that specific tax breaks like RRSP's benefit all income groups fairly. We would reduce the burden of sales tax on middle and low income Cana­ dians. We would make tax forms and returns simpler to understand and fill out. Murray Cardiff If the second stage of tax reform is a value added tax. exemptions should be allowed as with the current Federal Sales Tax. Exemptions should be allowed for food, food production and health care. No doubt consultation with consumer groups as well as others will bring forward the need for other necessary exemptions. Tom Clark This second piece of tax reform is a terrible piece of legislation. The value-added tax will apply to such things as dentists’ bills, lawyers’ bills. If you go to build a house the labour on the house will be taxed at 10 to 12 per cent. Food, as an example, from the time it leaves the farm gate every step of food processing will be taxed with this value-added tax. This is an oppres­ sive tax. It is meant to generate approximately $15 billion in hidden taxes and we in the Christian Heritage Party believe that this country is already overly taxed. Ken Dunlop I’d really like to know more about how high the tax will be before I make too many comments. I don’t think there should be many exemp­ tions. Certainly food should be exempt but beyond that I’m not sure I would agree with any other exemptions. As part of Canada Post’s corporate plan, it proposes to replace 5200 government-owned post offices with private postal franchises in rural areas across the country. What kind of post office presence do you see in communities like Blyth and Brussels in future [will it mean, for instance, the closing of post office buildings and postal services handled out of someone’s store?] How do you see this affecting Huron-Bruce resi­ dents? Murray Cardiff The Post Offices in areas such as Blyth and Brussels will continue to function as they currently do and rural delivery will continue to be provided. Therefore the residents of Huron-Bruce will continue to receive the quality of postal services and mail delivery that they have enjoyed over the years. Tom Clark Government has a responsibility to have an efficient postal service and it’s very necessary in our country because we're so spread out and we have a lot of sparcely populated rural areas. But I feel that we need to streamline the post office’s operation and if bv closing a post office and moving it to a store next door we can cut costs and still provide the service government needs to provide, then I would be in favour of that. Ken Dunlop There is no question Canada Post is trying to close all the post offices. I think that it will happen in rural communities if the Progressive Conservatives are re-elected. There will be green group mail boxes in rural areas and supermail boxes in towns. There won't be many post offices dealing with the public, just post offices for sorting mail. They can probably get away with three post offices to serve the area of this riding. The Liberal party doesn’t believe in closing post offices. There may be some exceptions but primarily we like to keep them open because they are social centres of the community. 1 quite enjoy going to the Port Elgin Post Office. In some communities the post office offers some of the better jobs as well. We should be able to get something back from the federal government for our taxes. Tony McQuail Not only is Canada Post proposing the elimination of rural post offices as we know them it is also proposing to drastically cut rural route service. Customers within 2.5 miles of a primary route will no longer be served and instead will have a super mailbox located on the primary route. If you live more than 2.5 miles from the primary route you may get service if there are at least three customers per travelled mile. Ed Broadbent and the New Democrats know that postal service is a vital service for Rural Canada. It is an important link between Rural Canadians and their families. It is also an important business link. The local post office is an important community centre for many of our small towns and villages. If we are going to maintain our rural com­ munities we have to maintain rural services like the post office. We believe in giving Canada Post a clear mandate to provide the best possible service to all Canadian families. This means ending the plans to privatize all rural post offices. We would maintain rural route service. We believe the people of Brussels, Blyth and the surround­ ing countryside deserve the same quality of service as their urban neighbours. Iwouldalsoliketoseethe Post Office explore ways of making newer communications technologies such as FAX transmission available to rural communities. What do you feel is the single most important issue in this campaign? Ken Dunlop The Free Trade Agreement is no question the most important single issue in the election. It’s probably the single most important question Canada has ever faced, at least in the last 50 or 60 years. Canada and Canadians are proud of our lifestyle, the w ay we like to look after those less fortunate in society. We already have Free Trade in 80 per cent of industries. What we’re doing is throwing the other 20 per cent of companies in a big swimming pool and hoping some of them will be able to swim. That's not the way Canadians normally do business. Tony McQuail In this election the most important issue is who can people trust to work for the things important to their families, not just before the election but when the election is over, when it really counts! People'in Huron- Bruce are tired of watching Liberals a nd Tories flip flop on issues like high interest rates, government patronage and fair taxes. Mulroney flip flopped on Free Trade and they know that the same big corporations that support the trade deal are helping to pay John Turner’s election expenses. Only Ed Broadbent is indepen­ dent of the big corporations. He’s proven that he’ll fight for the concerns of average working fami­ lies. day in and day out, year after year. From the very start, Ed Broadbent and the New Democrats have been fighting - united - against the trade deal. Ordinary Canadians trust us to stopthcdeal. They are afraid the liberals will simply repackage it and call it improved. The people in Huron-Bruce want someone on their side in Parliament. They want someone who will work on theirfamilies’ behalf, not just before the election, but after the election is over, when it really counts. Murray Cardiff The most important issue in this campaign is the continuation of economic leadership that Canadians have seen over the past four years. Low interest rates, low unemploy­ ment and prospering economy, well funded social programs - these are elements that must continue to be the primary focus of the government in this next term. The trade agreement will promote greater economic stability which can benefit all Canadians. Tom Clark Without a doubt, abortion is the single most important issue. I think the riding of Huron Bruce will be won or lost on the abortion issue. I think the second most important issue is the spending by Ottawa and the debt we’re in and between those two I believe the Canadian people are going to make their voice heard on Nov. 21. Rebekahs make donations Noble Grand Janet McCutcheon conducted the regular meeting of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge. There was a good attendance of officers and members. It was decided to participate in the Pilgrimage Youth public speaking contest for the district. D.D.P. is Lillian Moses to attend a meeting to be held in Clinton to draw up the plans for contest. Donations were to be sent to Mission and Children’s Services Huron County and to the Brussels Canadian Legion. It was announced the Oddfellows and Rebekahs had given a donation to the Van Beek family who lost their home and possessions in a fire Saturday. The Warden and her committee are to purchase a smoke detector. Plans were madeforeuchretobe held Nov. 21 at 8 p.m. The date was set for lodge Christmas party which isDecember 19at6:30p.m. Mary Davidson presented Verna Thomas with a gift on behalf of all lodge members for her many years as musician for the Lodge. D.D.P. Lillian Moses presented three items to the Lodge to be used for a draw in the near future. Shealsothanked her Dep. Marshall and staff for all their help installing officers of the district Lodges as well as Teesw ater and Listowel. After closing Lodge Mary Lowe introduced her sister Ethel Brewer who gave a ven- interesting talk on the correct attire of the Ladies Auxiliary toCanadian Legion as well as some well given thoughts on Remembrance Day. Several games of Bingo were played. Lunch w as served by the lunch committee in charge. Londesboro Compiled by Mrs. June Fothergill. Phone 523-4360 Kathy Bromley speaks to Londesboro Wl The November meeting of Londesboro Women’s Institute was held at the Londesboro hall on Wednesday evening, November 9 at 8 p.m. After the Opening Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and O Canada, President Marjorie Anderson open­ ed the meeting with a poem “Autumn Days’’. Roll call, “A Health Rule you would emphasize to your children or grandchildren’’. The October minutes were read and adopted. The financial report was given, a thank you was read from Dora Shobbrook, a letter was read from the Lady Diana Nursery and another, about the Dairy Princess coming to visit. A letter was read from Friendship House in Goderich as was a letter from Blyth Legion for Londesboro church news Greeters atLondesboroUnited Church on Sunday, Nov. 13 were Beth Knox and Ken Hunking. Ushers were Brent Radford, Rob Marshall, Paul Jewitt and Lawrence Bergsma. Couple returns from Greece Orville and Reta Kelland returned home November 6 after spending two weeks with their sister and brother-in-law in Athens, Greece as well as Rhodes Santorini, Crete, Lindos, Embona Patmos, and Ephe­ sus and Turkey. Four davs were RE-ELECT MURRAY CARDIFF FREE TRADE; THE FACTS... <5PC ST -Trade is Canada’s lifeblood, and exports to the US are our main artery -Free trade is fully consistent with Canada’s 50 year commitment to reducing trade barriers to strengthen our economy -250,000 net jobs will be created according to the Economic Council of Canada -Removal of Canadian Tariffs on US goods will save a middle income family s800 per year AUTHORIZED BY ALFRED ROSS, OFFICIAL AGENT FOR MURRAY CARDIFF CARDIFF, Murray a donation to the Poppy Fund and a letter for help to the Family and Children’s Services for their Christ­ mas Bureau. Lois Elliott gave her report on the London area Convention in St. Thomas. It was voted to give $25 to Lady Diana Nursery and also $25 to Friendship House in Goderich. Each member will bringan unwrapped gift for Family and Children’s Services Christmas Bureau to the December meeting. Helen Lawson introduced the guest speaker Kathy Bromley of Blyth who spoke on epilepsy and told of her brain surgery which cured her of seizures. Dora Shobbrook presen­ ted her with a gift. Grace and the Queen were sung. Lunch was served by Lois Elliott, Maijorie Anderson, Irene McCall and Anne Kuoesen. The Senior choir sang three songs: “Lord of Hosts’ ’, ‘ ‘O Valiant Heart’ ’ and “Let Their Be Peace on Earth”. A minute’s silence was observed. The sermon topic was “The Best Way to Remember.” spent on the Atlas zisiting the islands. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hardy from PortColborne, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lee of Clinton and Mrs. Thelma Broad­ foot of Seaforth visited with Jack and Helen Lee.