HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-28, Page 7THE SIGNAL,
suffer from
like this?
IF he would accept the ad-
vice of thousand's of men
and women, he would find
relief by taking I)r. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. Rheuma-
tlem is no a surface ailment
that can be banished by rub-
bing with liniments or oils.
•eery. poison • laden blood
must be built up and puri-
fied before then can be any
program toward permanent
Time and again, eafferers
have proved the rale of
Dr. William.' Pink Pill. in
sive treatment of rheumatism.
"For some years," writes
Thomas Mama, of Norm,
Ontar.o, "I was so badly
troubled with :rheumatism 1
could hardly walk and suf-
fered mem pawn 1 bad m+d.•
cal treatment but did not
get much relief. Alter tak•
mg 1)r. Williaind WilliamPink Pills
for soma rum. the trouble
disappeared and hu not
shwa Shown the Isom sign of
Start today to tame.* yosr
rimunamsa.. [Sus • b,. of
()r. William? Pink Pills at
Tont neaten druggist's or,
postpaid, by mail at SO cents
a box from Th. Dr. Ailliaotm
Modicise Co, Brockvn*,
Ontario. a.ta
IN 114 oovNTNIoa'
County and District
.\ Iitei. i g revidei1 ..1 lures ha, I 00 Nov ember '19th of Mrs. J. J. Mc-
►wsstrl *wryly Ill the person of John lh,'talil, In her sixty-ttrth year. Be -
johns. ; sides her husband, a esti, Norman. and
Lorne Tull haw sold ids 225 -acre I a daughter, .Les. Will. l'r.'-o•utor,
farm ou the 12th concession of Ilul-' survive.
Tett to Wm. Itue of McKillop. ! The brickwork 011 the walla of the
William L. L,(wbkin, w. kt'nwn new lrlstoltil't' Illls horn completed and
resident of llow'iek. 111e1 November the workmen are n.uv putting 044 the
16th In Ids sixty -until' year. 1 1.' ICH Vit rood.
a widow', one daughter and one son. Main tercet United church has been
lir. and Ur.. E. F. Jackson, who tormented with r haudsuwe piano by
cotductel a grocery store at lien•all Mrs. Jesse Elston in memory of her
for several years, have clewed to, Sinal father, the bate Melia rd (1Idley.
ford and will Make their home liner. The kaaoehing Jost or blowing out
Stanley aid Itte..el Iktugherty.havc of n red light where a culvert was un-
sold their two farms o11 the limb cot- deL lyla`1ructiou 00 the London road
cession of Grey -taw •7(•1 'hundred I aisaf a wile .ut:la of Exeter resulted
acres to Alvin Sit more and the holm„ in tau aveldett- one night lite week.
farm to Earl Machan. ; A party ..f wotorirto from Palmerston
..p14.I into th.. lagud e
George Mutat nisi 111-. Elizabe4h ; wIrrte ,a Ir•s hrunsied, thei*ieir e11rr. ,.ufferrer-
It1ley, Troth or Iltlh4t township, were
married oil t\'/4I111•WI:Iw, N.,vl•W1s •'
a'11h. by Bev. W. 1'. Looe; 4,t .NoltIl-.I'•'
United church parsonage, 8evtorrh.
While Mr. and lir•. ,;e.. Cowan. of
the 13111 c41t(e„siot of 1111111.11. were
aw•ay'.from IWON• 4,111' eveuhtg reeully
their house was ransacked. awl- fruit.
tackles. hakhlg• 'winnows and other
1rticles were-luleu.
Wilbur 1'. Ihdg. twenty-seven year.!
4,t ate•, Jumped from the Glee read
bridge 111 '*,,runt11 nue night n.'.•utic
.ted wa.• instantly kine.). The young1'�
• matt. who was leaehlug hl Toronto. had
I leen In poor health fur some time. 11(•
is survived by hl', wife and nue 14uu.
Ile wa• a *o0 of William Ikdg of
Ilowi,•k township, 111111 the retd11io•'
were l.rnul n• parental Innne•for ',
A wetldhlg was yuiet'ly eelebratt4.1 at
the Mined clulrcll manse. 11e•u•aIL 011 1
aa•ur,lay fast, when Bertha 4'orl11'tt.
1.:,:e•st daughter of \I r. and lir-. Fred
Corbel t. Illy inssil"laip. became ram
bride of !toy McLaren. sem of WI11hun
1.. Mclatre4., 11ei•.411. the •'i-rewwtr
,t a. Ie•rfortue11 1 y (tet. ,A. i Inclalr.
A Double Celebration
A d.,ulde amay ersugy . celebaelion)
look 'place Tuesday of hex; week at
•11*' iionu• of \Ir. awl Sirs. Jas. Bewley,
s.th lite of 11,.rri:;'dt I1•iug the second
anniversary or Ihe•w.41ding or lir. and
Mrs. Ih•wi1.y aced the• tufty-w",tool au-
soher'ary of the wedding of Mr-. !taw;
part -tote. )1r and Mn. It•+1a•rt Fer-
ris of Hallett. 'Pie •j,rale and gnaw
of fifty, years are still in falirly good
I heaRl1. aid they received manly et pre•.
Pion. of ••ongra'alation .1111d gots!
4hohbro o1(-1 widen
An au!,.t,.-.u,;.: ••(tut talk Ida., all
the home •,f 1111• brittle's parents. x1111
•1.10ussion of. 1lnlle4t. on Wednesday.
Noveuller 204 It, whit flora l(., only
d•toughier of lir. and Mrs. %Vestry
slim, was milted Ile marriage to John
\. Shoblor..'k, el.tert .•011 of lir. 311141
Mr- John 11. Nb..bbr•a.k of !Iullett-
I ,' icrnwuny was performed by Re%
J \\'. Johnson of L..sideA*.n,. After -
atolls the happy couplc left on to trip
to Toronto and other paint 'Phey
till wake their home on the ,+,n.
.-.ion of Willett.Celebrate Their Golden Wedding
A happy tomtit's. ult. .spent at, Abe
home of Mr. and lir'. John ('hamity.
.th concession of East Wawano.i. o4,
Tuesday, Novend.er 12111. when they
celobruttd their golden wedding.
Among the friends who gathered for
the annIrtrsalr) were some who were
present at the welding tlfty years ago.
Mr. Chimney wits born on the farm
now owned IT Harry Clramney. a bro-
titer, on the 411h cn11eelsslon of Feist
\vawauao.h, and firs. Chaatuey, who
was Sarah Itrook•, daughter of the
late ler. mid lir-. Hobert "1lrfaks, %vlar
horn on the 7th concession or }:est'
\yavya110-la. If their famlly:;6(, five, i.-•
four are III Ina: Mrs. E. Maines, }'Yon- I
cis, Sask.; Mrs. James Craig. St. An-
' get'.tine; Richard and Bolen. on the',
11,411144 1)1 rill on the nth concession of i
West 11'awannalt. Mr. and Mrs. Clam-
ney are faithful members of Donny-
I-r,4•k- United churn.
The death of Robert Dlnsley occur-! .-
ret November 13th at the home
of h1* sister, Miss Martha Linsley. at e
the age of seventy-three years. Mr.1
1)1ns'ev ('9141 !'1•1114. 11h0t14 two months'
ago from e'al.iuruhu vtbcre he load
iiveI for t1 any year-. Ile 111 n 011
married .1111: i. suryhc,l by one brother.
Edward of Lo. Angeles. Calif., and ow..
-inters. NC-- Irin!'hy and \Ids. Itob.,•u
..r Clint .11.
Miss }:Icautor Solder, of Ilriceti,•:,1
nes In•. 4 n, ;stinted ergani.,
I'resbytertato 4'1111 ••h.
The funeral or William j4ol.i.., who
diol In a ('11114)444111 hospital on Nov-
ovemlaer 12th, ta.k Llatw'to the Clinton
cemetery, where his
tive years ago.
al shoemaker by trade, lived In Clinton
for some years. also. at IB•nde'sb.ro and
Itrlgraye. Ile w'a`s In his .seventy-eighth
ye.tr. (►4,e ,00hs ('e4•11 Ilohbl of ('hat• .
ham, and two daughters, Mrs. Baker
of Chatham and Mrs. J. :Skinner of
!California, survive.
The Leading
Men's Store
Everything that s new in
Men's Wear
Ilarid Tailoring anti Special
Order to four Measure
Chas. Black
Phone 219 t ;(tticricl,
Sore Throat
Gargle with Min -
lard's in water. Also
take • half teaspoon
of Minard's to syrup
•t night. Quick
relief assured for
hoarseness. croup,
quinsy and other
The Greet White
Liniment es
Fresh Bread
Baked Daily
1....Westiht►tu 114 St
That's what you get
when ordering your bread
from us. It contains the
plifest ingredients known
to bakers.
Buy a loaf to -day and
taste t:.e difference
Ing t•ouslderable damage. Solne hours
later three Kincardine men ton their
way Wife Prow Loudon l•alllie along
and their car after dropping about
tour feet came up on the other side
of.the toad. The car sustained only,
minor damage and was a''le ho proceed
on Its way.
The ti(ty•thlyd annual Meeting of ,
the Seatorth curling chub w,1. 14441(1,
November 18111. W. J. !Duncan w'as'
, elected president ; W. E. Kerslake,
vier-pretI(ett.; 1t. J. Winter, secret n•y'•.
Rev. Ethv,ud F. Goetz, pat.orr of Ft.
James' church, 1s ubrerviug this week
I the hveuty-tlftil anntv'ersar)' of Ids or-
' (Mouton to the priesthood.
At a lodge of instruction for 11noon
!District, No. 8, 1. U. (1. Y., held hi
ldea(orth recently, visiting members
were present from Rrue•elleld• liensall,
1 Exeter. tbsierieh, Ciliation and Dun-
' tannin' Ed. hole. 1►. U. (i. 'L. .s'.
cupped the chair. After the work of
the evening .pet't'hes were given 1.y
several hest It. 1►. G. M.'•, including W.
Moore, Clinton; \1', 'radian, Exeter;
T. Baird, Itrucetteld, anti F. Sturdy,
t i(4lericl'.
The net proceeds of the sale of pole
pies In ieaforth 111111 vicinity on Nov-
ember 91 h. wider the auspices of the
comedian L.t'tllun, were $it3.6tl.
Richard harry, who had lived in this
neighborhood nearly all his Il(e, died
reently 111 IAmdolt at the age of eighty
years. and the remain.. were brought
to $euforth for burial. .A sister, 3v -
J. J. shine of aevifor,h. survives.
111 a public speaking contest held to
NortlwNle Punted ,'Irorih of Tuesday `
evening of last !reek, 111.. Auoua
1►ale and W. McNay curried off the
h ills. 1►ale'• suI.jt. t was
-Christianity and War." and Mr. 10 -
Nay spoke 1.11 "Phe 144411:11e 411. Natiuus."
'1'111. oppaa•Ing (,.ute'.tatlel• wt•r \I1's
Held lull !Stewart Beattie of bullet•
1'40.0. Miss Redd, speaking 4111 "Prayer
its the Life of the Young People, -
while Mr. Beattie:. snbjet•t Mot "('I1.N1.-
I tug a calling.
Thursday. ', '' -u,L4•1 z• L'r_ 1
With all the bran
of the whole wheat
All the body-huilding elements of the whole wheat, nothing
added, nothing taken away. So easy to serve and so delicious-
ly nourishing. Gives new vigor and life to tired tissues. Serve
with hot or cold milk or fruits.
The 'Exeter t'hatnb'r of t�.unm•r,r
•.14.444'.) Its whiter term unit a ha11gnet
'at the 4'entritl ho'i), at uhlch se•yeral
nsvnbers oT the I•.ntiotl ('hnmin'r of
Commerce were entcrtal ed. ns* A fea-
ture of the PyPndug'. program
presentatloll of a goldheadel, cane (41
Major W. 11. Wood. munnger vt the
London ('hnmlwr of Commerce. Id op=.
pre.'lntI„tl 111 a.si•'•itice rendered and
. courte.h'•• extended to 4)11. Exeter
The deayi occurred in Exeter North
Head &
Mrs. Fred (;o1I of Neustadt. Ontario,
had Asthma IQ years and for 2 years.'
had to alt up at night. She written in
part: "1 couldn't rest '.mpPrly, couldn't
sleep, evmbin't work Then 1 learned
of R:' 2 M %1 For ti or 7 years now 1
haven't hada tra,e of Asthma " Von
ma have your money hark if 31 worth
\II dozy n't bring
gnd {II homes
No harmful drugs Mk 1N
at. your dealer's.
Ge now and buy Tentpleten'a
Brings this
radio into your
r Christmas
250 Lucky Members
Will Enjoy Radio's
Real Thrill this
HIS special Christmas $1.00 Club was one
Down CI Y announ-
ced recently. Yet already more
than fifty memb&rs have joined.
You'll have to hurry. DeForest
Crosley have advised us that we
Priced From
$78 to $685
80 per cent. More People
have bought DeForest
Crosley in 1929 than
in 1928.
must absolutely limit the Club to
250 members. Step in to -day
and enter your. name.
How the Plan Works
YOU pay $1.00 down to join. Then week-
ly until Christmas you stake a small pay-
ment, and on Christmas Eve. or a few days be-
fore. your new DeForest Crosley is delivered.
The balance is then spread over a period of
twelve months. Surely no payment plan could
be easier probably such an offer will never be
made again --
Anommolaimmilmia If Y
ou Already
Note These 8 Outst%nding Club Privileges Have a Radio The
Club members make no "cash" payrrleet.
Although given exceptionally easy terms.
Club members pay no interest charges. [he
Club price is the total cost.
Nowhere will you get easier payment terms
than those of this Christmas Club. (-et us
tell you about them.
We will gladly give you a free demonstration
of any of the, thirteen DeForest Crosley
models in your own home
Club members have Ilse privilege of exchang-
ing their set at any time within one month,
West Side of Square
U:'lv' the :4 oder weekly 1
for any other DeForest Crosley model of
higher price. receiving full value• for all they
have paid.
In the event of the death of a Club member
before the at count is paid in full. the unpaid
balance is cr.ncelled, without further payment.
Should a Club member become sick or un-
employed, he can make half payments for a
reasonable period.
Club members may select frons any one of
thirteen of the new DeForest Crosley models.
O. JOHANN, Dealer
H. 0. Sturdy, L. H. Zinn, Salesmen
Phone 586
Christmas Club
Offers Specially
Generous Trade-
in Allowances
The amazingly easy terms of
the Christmas Club become
easier still if you have an old
radio to turn in on the new
DeForest Crosley. Your old
set is worth much more
than it will be at or
Christmas. Let this
value reduce the amount of
your Club payments.
Goderich, Ont.