HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-28, Page 6{--Thursday, November '$, 1[1':9.
Felt Tired
and Misetal Ie
"I took L..11.t E. 11:ikham's
Vegetable Compound for mis-
erable and tired feelings and
it gave Inc strength to do my
work. Mr nerves are better and
1'feel well and strong and have
a good appetite. I sleep well
and am in pretty good spirits
and able to work every day
now. 1 recommend the Vege-
table Compound and lou
may use this letter as a testi-
moniaL"-Miss DLit ena Wal-
lace, Union Street, North Vtson.
New Bntnsu•i.k.
Lydia Et Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
e•e. 1 ►•rubs. Med C. 1..• Mee.. Y t a
..e C.4... Delo,. C,•,t.
Painter and Decorator
Eetll"ate. for Imtuu,•., ...4.1 reper-
inp, etc.. cheerfully given on re-
q uest .
Residence No 4. Rayt.eld Road
Telephone 259.1
Sunday Afternoon
1ty ISAItk.J4 I 1.1.3111.'1'tr".
dodertch, Ont.
And in their stento oft t li God does not give it arbitrrrlly to
works the eonditlon on which the re-
ward shall he ultimately granted.
' Christ's ' very words, -come, ye
Messed of My Father." imply that the
righteous are to he where Christ their
Saviour is. The two are to live for
ever in the glorious heaven. Do not
overlook the word -inherit" HHeaven
I. an inherittutce. It heloll not to
trungery and Adieu•. but tui children.
strias th,p ,Iryedged, He
'Pity pleading valve is beard ; w l in ►li dl
In • thew n nnyt'st to clothed and 1
dunghte1ro 1`a•hildrett.es, 1111) j11it i,:tSOW. MO
tio4I,. great
red i• pill rilaouy, given to none except 10
And -e bitI red chet'rd.
City face why retereut0 olid with lett' errlldµrw1l•f MygFathetuainheritItthe
ma in Thy minister
would ell. klutpkoua prepared for you." In thews
u •way we em. 1 . them, tt„rd., Christ tells us that heaven 1s
And hi theta. Lord. n. bees a world whklp by accident was
t . file' l'fJre N',1. fixed
— 111114 to receive the righteous and be
PRAWN their final home. Not so. It is a plate • I sn 1nftlp Yoe+ aW•g to e,yKM apt
1 •irca W pray utero'' i •w iNlrptosely; and. siatrK pratthe4 for Our ,o I.,ttd s*onu I
herefore. perfectly udapu4l to wake Aare •,uiarai nay row a Y ISen•es 4-6 persons)
1' [swanlne. r 4 loaf 1y,tk a non user see lade
Lew Ino i 1y. It i* ;a great n'sldeu,'e �• ,� a Inc a1.011ftII apo 1Arn 1 um NW,
-1'. 1.kaI 11 ulgr not
once emptied, att t f
Bow well you look!
• prepared fur t u
111:1 t a r I l
Increase. our .
e. r
• more t and do n1'rc and t. this cud t ,tad u n d rt door
• 11 our both.• l0 &44th.'.. of tele,:.
By Betty Barclay
(About 18 cakeal
cope flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 ttwspxwn salt
:i tablespoons sugar
1 egg
I •ta cups milk
Orange marmalade
3 tablespoons melted Nutter
Extra sugar
Mix and sift dry ingredient+. Add
beaten egg and milk. Beat thoroughlj
and add butter. Drop by large sawn-
fuls on a hot greased griddle. When
puffed, full of bubbles and cooked ar-
ound the edge+ turn uud, cook on the
other side.' Spread cakes with orange
utarmalade. atoll up like jelly rolls.
Sprinkle with sugar and serve at once.
lug to 1110.4• .t ln. trt•etl our help. •llatl tt'i -h 1i'cl hu. built a: the 0401'11.•artA rkra ..afoawl His ft, remarkIva
.Ietw 115 Iwo to lite tllw:ty• to 'illyh.ttle of all.. great family- a residence lull I t..oked. 1 re ftwl. ' Prs. 1 Aaev 066/,[ruarken Nails f� Gawk: He saw 1111111prnc�. -twee. de4vrrttluu of which 1 pease °t1 colour +J
11 1',a !a visited ' u ..old Burt t*e tints -
all his wealth and e1npltyed :Ill his L erAo .•au • day. 1 J,w F rwuta'"t"etd
111"8.11X FIIK IN�('. 1111[. tom attributes, prerogative. 11 MI Itwor•.
o'nflea.1 14th M ale tot Wpectl.a
in Neighbors M There 1• brightness In every eye' --hall kr,..hen salt. Is obtainable at dreg and
I.e.•tl Topic -Help ng
Need.pines. in every .milt'. The throne of drt.e.:K.1 t son.. In Canada at ,.tc a bottle
LessonI'aswgr-Matthew '23:31-l& Ilei and of the I.ualb is in it. ilia aur- A bottle,-ontaln. enouah to haat (ter 4 orb ,
muutu►—ew+ t Lnattn tut halt a•oeet a dy.
(.olden Text -Leviticus 19:1g. tants A ell w•rve 111m. anti III- Nance
Perhaps we are justified in saying 1• written ou• their forehead.. The
1 that oe have. itr connection with this Sermon Bible.---
passage in Matthew, the wool vie id de- let 110 wake our choice while'('hrl.t
..•riptlon of the last judgment to be I. -till sachtg 'Vet there 1. roomBy Betty Barclay' end Many women °tall to get the most
found in the Holy Bible. Wel learn ever seek to serve-lllm through serving
from it. though goof) work. cauuoi 111- needy ones.
merit heat en, it is 4 s'de14nn tact that WORLD MISSIONS • (;0d 111 11144.1f 11114 1113.k. the prnctie of fail to add a toudl of sugar. Too much serve.
•oral seri, tete tottdltieu on whi. L Ile ,joy and Satisfaction in the Work water nb.orlls the flavor of the vege-''
r In rhe water
out of their vegetable dishes, wither
lec•au1e thee• use too much water, or
2 tablespoons powdered sugar
IA tablespoon cornstarch
I i W410110011 salt
2 teaspoons lemon Juice
44 cup orange Juice
Sliced oranges for garnishing
Extra powdered sugar
Separate egg yolks from whitew. Mix
together the sugar. salt, cornstarch,
lemon /1 1141 orange Juice. Beat the egg
yolks light and add this mixture t0
them. *teat the egg whites stiff and
dry. Fuld In the first mixture anti
turn into a well-olltd omelet pan.
When dune garnish with sliced oranges
sprinkled with the lowdertrl sugar and
table. A dash of sum :he lrwurd• o: The f.ayting inu•pestwg note• Lute
wi.l ultimately eot cooler • c oIl
' lleaveu. At the geurrrl Jeulguleut wet' 144,1* taken front letter recently re- (a small quantity of water at that l
are tie le rewurtUd• n ,4
•'t ac•r.I11Ig to .dyad frt,m the Bev. E. 1'. Sharpe, the brings out the full flavor of the veg.- j Clarence Moulton ha. leased ill.
n their faith, or according :o their feel- ,,ttierinteutleut of our Pundit' Leper table, and also supplies a bit of quick 1Blyth brick and tile yard from ('has.
lugs. or 11 t-..nUug to tlt•ir ps•
r.feionls. Monte 111 Bihar: ' . energy foot! to the diner. Try these l Fraser and is getting the machinery
tett according u. their murk•. It will .•hee•r .)our t'hri-tout. t” simple little recipes and note the "dip- in readiness to login manufacturing
hear that 1u•t early In the .spring.
Let it not he �labl that tbi- doctrine Suutlay oAolccut Sun- !.rent."
'11ulvos the idea that man. toy the day* 1 had the joy and privilege of Cabbage Stewed Brown - In the death of Thema. 1ta11uutyue••e
prat • lice of good works. may nt41ke God fluidizing probably as large• a sunder -Stew one .hopped onion in one ou November 171h. Myth lust 1t, oldest
hi. del•t"r. Net .o. .,-tot the present of men Hutt women as have et"r been spoonful of soup fat and cook it with citizen. hee4•anee1 was lora at 11a!n-
.u1taltou .'f assn's" r dt'►eud. ul"'11 hi' admitted to the Christian Church at hail spoetiful of granulated sugar un- shirts. Scotland, ninety six years syr•
rserct.'Ing faith in Je'S1• 4'hrh't--not • one time hrrt sewellIY-mile wen 11101 , 1 i 1 golden brown. .Add one giant of and immediately a' ter his marriage
•an.l half water u- tread aloof tlfty •Ix year ag", he au.t hi.
J hall u b If ueg
(1..d. 1:1 111. .ot•er•igltt,v• has hetli another for three. awl the rest. with ,after removing ,alt. Stew tightly ! stet. Ibrty-: wu year. ago the)
;''.1 -ed to npapolnt the exercise' of faith ,,ie e'ceptkin. for over a year. and I' veins, and some
in .*esus Christ as i!'ie.••onlltion inion 1111(e,given wild' time to que.tiuus and covered for several hours. vtirring fre- came to Myth, where Mr. Balla.
441si, It the gift R111 1e given; i(u • teaching ,hero 1nd1tidualtr recetrtly-- 11oenlly and occasionally adding moue, tyne was engaged In 11.• woollen mill
111:114'- reward hl -Leuven depends upon Over twenty wore were refused. The. water or weak beef broth. The cabbage l for many years. Ljv twenty years,
:n man's own good works in earth— serious tuauuer and eager answers to mutat be pleasantly piquant. it sho01d;ago his wife passes away, and since!
not because the gi•'•d work- merit the the gae'.itiou• put to theltl in fate of taste sweet -our and be a golden brew•u ..that time he had made hls home with j
reward, LAB becati..• t;au1 -has been the whole church. were a creat taw and glos.ty. If desired, a little flour can I members of his family, for eight years!
nb•t-ed to make the• practice of good fort tel no. per•opnlly. The service he 'dusted over and wised with It halt. with a daughter in London and for Orel
hour before serving.
.asp three years with hit daughter to
laaiii over two hour.. Aust before the �.ltewed COY Blyth. He leaves four sous anti two
actual baptisms we all knelt and those
i 1 repeated after me: Scrape some tlne, eelbmte. white daughters: James, of Bruaselsr of at( Joher n.
repeatedly ,
Christ • ala' •eller• ioe of With to t'•tt• women auto six cit:(1ren (nue lib ee H c a ar
Christ indite such a gift. blit IKr'ati.e under luaruction for .ix years and of white cubbagc• shredded like tunxlle-, bride came to Canada, lira[ residing
i h l - the stalk and thick--' at Strathro
y, and afterwards at Wrox
MothEr Knows
that la all Gossip Trouble,
Intern, er other skin
eruption or Injury, this
rare herbal balm Is to be
preferred -- beanie*
/n frig Touch of
Men Like this Pastry
('se 1 taps Purity Flour. '1 teaspoon salt. 14
rap shortening. ,. cup cold water. Mia flour
and salt, cutting in the shortening until the
mature is like fine meal. loin thoroughly with
the water. Roll out thin. keeping it dry. This
will make crust for two pies. For extra rich pastry
AM{ hall butter and hall lard
Purity Is • strong. rich flour with grout an -
pandas,/ emulous. Always use les. d it thou
et ordinary pastry or wit heat flour.
St it the Beat
tar Bread
700 Tested Recipes in the Purity Flcror
Cook Book sent for 301.
'Vessels Canada Flour Hills Co Limited. Torcnte 95R
to M• b411t set rep
-Just at I nm. blood was shell ore a. stalks that noef eelery, sate! adheres,sannd ftercuttl R C. `.lndrew, of Toronto; Mr . Graven,
But that thy ou was 11e41 for me
And that Thou bide; t me come to them Into even three-inch piece., cook of IgtMlon, and Mrs. ins: Davis. of
The. ter several minutes 1n toiling water Blyth.
0 Jesus Christ, I come." and pear Iota a strainer. Then stew At a social evening held by the 11lytb
tIn Bengali, 'of t•mnrsel. We then all the pier'.* of celery for .twenty min- Orange Lodge a farewell address was
sang the entire hymn :Ind it was 1m- rte. with halt teaspoon batter or presented to Mr and Mra. R Il. !lob -i
mm+. ��� �� ,M ikx's► "`,+ �
mediately followed by the baptisehteken fat, half teaspoon sugar, some taxon, who are removing to Seafurth.', O nk
Well, may they "continue Christ's pepper and beet broth. Duet some Aecnmpalnying the address ws' a hand
faithful soldiers and servant.. unto I flour over, and cook until dune with some combination fruit And 1"eiecc
Iter en . m. bowl.
lie a�1 burning with. for KEEp THEM HAPPY BY
make n fuel of
Leading house for high-class
Beds, Mattresses and
Store Phone 120 Residence 217
Rubbers, Rubber Boots and Goloshes
- Life -Buoy Superior Quality
Rubner f'ootw'ear is here in all the newest -tyle[•. it
is a well-known fact that the beid-wearing and hest -fitting
features are enilucli'd in LIFE -BUOY RIBBER FOOTW-EAR
- This Company concentrate all their efforts iri the production of
them. I'ri,'I's this season tare greatly re'elueell. let u+ supply
your wants. Our stock is well assorted in evt'ry'+tyle and size.
Buy your Footwear at a Shoe Store where you have all kinds
to choose from. --- -
their 1 end." half cupful of euros
H �M , i
you." She- Ob, don't
The .*caul* occurred alt Winghnm ,.It Have Arrived for Your Christmas Baking
KEEPING THEM WELLS! �iovemM't the late Bernaof nlel;eip�n,'
coo rsel f."
widow o
Khat Rus the Teter "t your tinybus- I heir sixty-ninth year. Deceased wag r
hand's letter?" "There wasn't aft, Raisins [bulk or package], Currants,
Unifier -003 1 Inver" It 14 natural for children to bel born In Waterloo and had been a real-
1 When I f R 1 ham the past nine year)
niter—'•l1 y a _ ,
�pqo- ovules and full of
fun. cn est o n
-Every day sees humanity more vie; they are fretful. fussy Bull tliisincli el ilei having previously
dltd laboat twenty year
something i•torious In the struggle with space end to play yon may
time."-Guglielmo Marconi. wrong. Almost invariably that same ago. Surviving are two sons and one
th'tq Ile' in the dlgextive tract. d:mgltter: E. J. help, of Detroit : John.
Tl greatest gift Haat can come to It fa to meet the need for 811 also- j f t Brantt township, Sham and M. IL J. Ben- ,
see the good In other Intro and esti regulate Robert G Maguire, which w � [
be ." to make them see the good 1n then tomaehd. They g and thus y Lard, Cocoa, Shortening, Flour,
him." -Charley M. Schwab. the stutco and nand Indigestion: Iunhisnsixty�econd yeartMr. Maguire
Dates, Figs, Cherries, Neels. Lemons,
Cocoanut, Shelled Nuts.
1e gree ea ai/
a man rich or poor. is to t•e able to lately that
corrective ' own childhood
have I Inger,of
regret is telt yet the death of SF ALSO HAVE
pie d to' menta [ 1st a t t hl h occurred in
Melts away the
miles with 'hot.
s really a thrill, this new Atwater
Kent Screen -(grid Radio. The dial
lightsuptolet you krims t he set ison-
for there is leo hum or operating noise
to tell you. Y-1rll turn the station selector
knoll-and.how the stations speak up!
Here's music, touching the velvet depths
and crystal heights (,f tone. Here's amen
,talking, just a'* if he stood beside ydu.
Yet he is hundreds of miles away!
The Atwitter Kent Screen -Grid has
done away with distance. It brings you
many stations, each separately and
elearly.-Such performance is the
outcome of '' 7 years' experience,
of thousandth -of -an -inch Atwater
Kent aecw•adv, yet you enjoy it
for a moderate sunt herr-because
so many people want it.
Let us demonstrate this won-
derful new set today!
Complete with Tubes
--- rs
and Dynamic
Speaker $198.00;
Sold and Serviced by Frank Riley. G. Young,ISalesman.
drive out constipation
1 break -up voids and simple fryer+ and was a w,•11 -known resident of 1Vl,tgham
i them 1 es serving his 44401111 term
j writes: -"I would not be without l stroke, and for two ye t
Own Tablets as 1 know of notb• ually been losing strength., ills wifefumy '
, .sour stomach." I Thomas M. Henderson, p
Baby's Own Tablets ,are sold by '' the17th tlInghaeath mllohospital g au 011 o November
medicine dealers or by mail at 'xi cents
a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine i formed a few days previously. Ile- •
Co., Brockville, Ont. ' ceased wag in her fifty-eighth year.
__— She was a daughter of the late Mr.
ZURICH and Mrs. Thomas Llnklater of West
j Wawanoeh and had been a resklent of
thIs locality moot of her Ilfe, with the
ire. Concerning aro tt Extracts, Almond Icing, Etc.
shay teething pa
31rs, W. E. Forsyth, Dover, N. B••' the town council when h' had grad-
Order t our wants from us and your baking y
success is assured.
Ing is who
al them for fretful, ds ouClara. wife of SEE OUR W I NI DOW S
ualrle+ who are troubled with colds or' Clara Isabelle Llnkl ea1hl away at
John England, of the village, who exc'lrtion of afoot seven year, stent in
had been suffering with gangrene tl l the West. She is survived by three
winged at the knee.
the leg, was Oakes to London ho a I sons • Rollie, of London; Prier. at
u few days ago end the leg was ant- home and Peer ,
Martin F.dighoffer, of the lath con- ----
cession of .Hay, met with an accident
while felling a tree, his leg being frac
A joint convention irf the South Hur-
on and Hay, Stanley and Tuckersmlth
branches of the Ontario Religious Ed-
ucation Council was held In the, Evan-
gelical church, Zurleh, on November
lath. Colin Campbell. towtwhip presi-
dent, occupied the chair in the after-
noon, and J. B. Mclean, president of
the South Huron brano'b, presidedspeaker the evening meeting. The
of the day was Bev. H. C. Priest of
Toronto, who 14 the general superin-
tendent of the untarlo Religious Edu-
cation Ctluoei1. Idliceri were elected
for the ensuing year. Messrs. Mclean 1
and Campbell again bending their re
etxetive organisations and It. P. Wat-
son. of *Brumfield, being chosen as
secretary-treatemrer of Muth organ's -
aliens. w
The people of Ilrumela were shes•krd
to learn of the sudden and unexpected
death nt Mrs. i'eter Scott, which oc-
curred. Monday night of Inst week.
Mrs. Scott was apparently In her usual
health when, aloud 10 o'clock, /the welt
itrleken with paralysis. patoging sway
in a few minute.. 1)ecensed, WhOge
maiden name was Margaret M. Brine,
was the daughter of the Tate Mr. and
Mrs Jo'. Brine, of liar mrhey, And
was married to Mr. Reeat� folly -seven
years ago. She had lived In itruuels
ever .Ircc her marriage. 144/111 Oft her
hnsiwind, She leaves three eons and a
daughter: Brine. of Toronto; Stewart,
of Hamilton ; Clive, of t,�algary, and
Mrs. lased Bnrehlll, of ItMtae"I1. An-
other .on, frank, wag killed In tlhe
Brent 11'nr. Deceased wag In her sixty-
ninth ever.
A toilet wedding took i,Mee recently
at Meleit1P Pres0hyterlln church, Bev.
R. (1. .'<tenseast'ing dattghter nt Mr. aad
n rs J, y
• Mrs. James RPrnggheH of itrtraePla.
and Jag T. McFarlane, Motels .Mon of
Mr. and Mn Geo MoY'arlan4. (irey
I e of Toronto
Hamilton Street, Goderich - Telephone 146 Wr
The hoarse croupy coughs that
attack young children at night
can usually be relieved quickly,
just by rubbing Vicks VapoRub
on the child's throat and chest.
Vicks healing vapors, released
by the warmth of the body, are
inhaled direct to the inflamed
air -passages, loosening the
phlegm and easing the cough.
At the sgne time, Vicks "draws
out" the tightness like a plaster.
This method of treating colds
originated with Vicks. Today,
the whole trend of modern
medical practice is away from
needless "dosing."