HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-28, Page 5• THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. Thursday, November 74, 1929.-5 VICTOR FOR TONE There can be no compromise with purity of tone. HEAR THE AMAZING TONE DEMONSTRATION BY A Victor Radio or Radio with Electrola t)44 aHear what your frriends mean when they say: Victor Quality of reproduction- Hear it and you will want to own one. Guaranteed by Victor. Sold on easy payment plan. g Christmas Gifts in Toilet Articles i tt� it MAKE DAINTY CHRISTMAS GIFTS 4 IAlso many other pretty and exquisite (iift Toiletries 4 gCOMPACTS --a wide assortment, 75c to $6.00 4.�{� Itl CHRISTMAS CARDS IA ii 4 Large Assortment. People exclaim: How wonderful for g cfthe money. Canadian and 4 a A S FORE WITH A VARIETY OF GIFTS. '- ✓ YOU ARE AS WELCOME TO LOOK AS TO BUY. Fo A I-�►R(iE SHIP,MFN T OF YARDLEY'S ('iIFT BOXES DUNGANNON winter fair last week, taking a carload of cattle for the fair for Ackert Brow DUNGANNON, Nov. 28. -Mew. Jean Williams left today for Canton, I11., where she will remain for the winter. Mrs. A. 8 rd of Nile will spend the winter in the village with Mre. D. G i ry in. Mr. and Mra. Otto Popp, of Detroit, spent the week -end here with the lady's parents. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. McKenzie. The monthly meeting of the Women's Institute wan held at the home of Mrs. R. A. McKenzie this afternoon. A goodly number wer,R present. The roll call was answered 6y "'Don'ts' for the .Kitchen." The program wee In charge of Mrs. R. McDonald, Mrs. H. Eedy and Mrs. C. Treleaven. Misr Flora Durnln left on Monday for Ripley, where she will give a household *clew* demonstration Bourse under the au/Picot of the Women's Institute. Itev. ^ C. C. Katne, Mrs. R. A. Mc- Kenzie, Mrs. C. Brown, L'.s. R. David - and Mr. Fred (toss have been ap- pdinted by the library board es a rem - 'Mince to purchase new books fur the library. Wednesday, December 4th. le the date of the hot fowl supper and bazaar to be held in the Dungannon United church. The bazaar will be from 2 to 5 o'clock and the supper will 1* served from 6 to 8 o'cla-k, after which 1 splen- did program will be given by local tal- ent, c•onslating of quartettes, duets. so- los. readings, orchestra and violin music. Admk+don : Adults 50 cents 0111- d dren 2.i cents. The Dungannon public library hoard intend holding an entertainment on Friday evening. December 13th. The program will le furnished by the pupils' of the various public schools in the dlstriet. Mr. and Mr'. Rol),:. Davidson atten- ded the funeral of the late Mrs. C. A. ltohertrnn In Cris me townebip on 1\'wlnestlay afternoon. of Holy -rood Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gillespie and Donald motored last week to attend the Toronto winter fair and also visit with her grandmother at Niagara Falls. Word was received from St. Louis last week of the death of Mr. Arthur Du Mont, husband of Louisa Egle- atone, who le well rememberd in this community. Mr. Du Mont was gassed in the war and died of pneumonia. Mowers. ('has, and 31m Martin at- tended the winter fair in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Reid, of Brant - font, and 1)r. and Mrs. Balfour. of Lueknow, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Alec. Itelil. Communkrn sert•loe was held in the United church here on Sunday, this Ming the occasion on which Rev. 11. G. Whitfield was preschtetg his farewell sermon to Whitechurch and St. Helens congregations. Ile leaves this week to preach In Northville, Mich. Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, of Ripley, will take up the work here this week and will occupy the manse at St. Ilelens. y di LUCKNOW ar ar \___ LUCKNOW. Nov. 26.- Mtaa Helenii - Thompson spent the week end with Campbell's Drag Store 1 4v W Goderich Phone 90 ei of ,�qqIAC K-yy RatnttV,LTI• 'L td YY lr,o GODERICH INN GARAGE Durant, Hudson and Esse:, General Motors Automobiles and Trucks Expert on Electric Trouble We Specialize on Brake Service Y,a, inn 1114it' 1' -•ice 1i,slsrh'u, ,I -n tin -y arc r,'paun-'i Lt 11` Automobile Supply Electrical Perls for All Makes of Autos in Sleek in To anyone ran brim a far we• can't re•l.ur HARRY BRADLEY HAMILTON ST. PHONE 247 ''M USKRATS ! WHY NOT BECOME AN OWNER The Dominion Goverment has issued a booklet -"in the hope that tine information therein may be useful in raising the Muskrat Farming industry In a position of greater economic importance." -A twee and sane oplsertnm- ty to enter this pnffitable Minims, is offered you by The BIG CREEK MUSKRAT FARMS Ltd situated at PORT ROWAN, ONTARIO Canada's Largest and Best Equipped MUSKRAT RANCH Twenty-two hundred acnes of Conl,r,e•rr1N1 Mnskrits! Fenced Risme, and below the ground! Controlled water supply! Adequate fool supplies! Protected enchrsurtes, competent employers and every available facility for successfully ranching your animals! A Board of Directors to boast about. iIJames cindinVaana•, Merchant, Tillston- S. G. Vance, Merchant. Wittenberg, burg Ont; Lester M. Keachie, Barrister at 1-aw, Toronto, Ont : A. C. H. Walker, Insurance Oficer, Port Rowan. Ont : Dr. E. Bier. Physician • Lon- don, Ont.; R. 1'. B 1ht7J, Fur Merchant, le,udon, Ont.; Allan V. Young, Hamilton Cotton Co., Hamilton, Ont.; G. W. Wigle, Howe+ Lithographic On., Hamilton, Ont.; M. B. Holton, Chipman -Holten Knitting (•.... Ham- ilton, Ont.; A. Itlarkhurn, Publisher,I,.ndon Free Press, London, Out.; James V. Young, Hamilton Cotton Co., Hamilton, Ont. Twisty pain are owned in ;oderich at present and twenty saiautas will explain the proposition to you! GEO. JENNER Ilurotl (' t) K4'pre.'•711 n' .e RON :,!i. GODE:KI( II 1 a 411111111131111111.1111.11.1. ■ ■ : Coats At 'Half -Price e • Usually an opportunity like this does not come m auntil February, but we are offering you this in the • a height of the season, giving you a full season of wear. • This is the balance of our stock of misses' and a X ▪ women's winter Coats with a few exceptions. New a a stock. good quality fur trim and well made. ■ Clearing at Half -Price a a Bath Towels at Half -Price ■ I Plain white and white with colored borders • ■`Slightly counter soiled. •• ■ Ifs 1 We are sole agents for Goderich and vicinity for • ■ the famous 1 1 • Kayser line of Gloves and Hosiery A II This quality line of merchandise is fully guaranteed to • III give absolute satisfaction. Kayser Silk Hose in all the a 1 new shades for winter wear with the slipper heel, in ■ • service weight, chiffon and heavy service weight in a • • full range of shades and sizes. • ■ Kayser Chamoisette Gloves is • in the new shades and styles 5Uc to $1.50 II ▪ reasonably priced. Pair V a of 11 GEO. W. SCHAEFER ▪ UCCKSSOR TO HIES. A GRAY Ix) Phone 56• � '1 Clearing at Half -Price North Street United Church WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION BAZAAR SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30th Sale of Home-made Baking. Aprons, Fancy Work. Candy etc. Tea Served dress 3,3 is 7 g... friends in Toronto. Mr taut Mr-. Joe Anderton. of St. Helens, alien' $nodes at ow horst:` iK Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hill. Mr. Dan Murr4i4on, of Hilary. c;:siert en friends in Lm'koow• one dry la'1 week. The• annual-, Iliankufferi1 .if 11..- fYnitetl church Sli=sins 11111 1111 an.. held Isun by the Band utter whi^h The regular monthly mowing of the Sanford Hospital Auxiliary wilt be held at the home of Mrs. Melvin Jewell on Thursday, December 5th, at 2.90 p. m. Brophey Bros. THE LEADING FUNERAL DIRECTORS ANI) EMBALMERS Ambulance service at alt hours. day or night. PHONIES: Store 120 Res 217 GODERiCH ri m•r:11 Director and 1'. rnb:r Mur An raII, promptly -attended dal or nlal:t PHONES stare 333 Itr�ldenee 3. ilxmil,..o Street, Goderich to J. R. Wheeler It must be better when millions like it so. AL DA" TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' "Why docs be call himself an "in- door aviator! " "1 suppose teeause he runs an elevator." last Friday evening.A welcome cion - Marjorie Allin deliverer a speech of I wrteome. The rest 4.1 the program wit. made up of readings. rceit thous, dla- Iogues. Instrumental- anti stergitig. A very Interesting number was the Thanksgiving Carnival, In which mem- iters of rbc stand were dre"'.0 cal as fruits tical vegehibles.nnd played their parts well In a dialogue. The meeting closed with the winging of the doxology ann prayer by the pastor, Rev. R. W. ('raw. 1t. M. MacPherson. late of Frank ford. Ont., has leen Appointed manneer. of the l.ucknow branch 4,1 the Batik of Montreal snc.eedingT. S. Reid. Mr. Alex Mackenzie Is vlvIting j ,friends In Toronto for a few 'sepkas. f Mlases Rent MaciMniald and Chris- ' Mackenzie 'tient a day til. week with friends In Winghnm. 51r-. 1•'. T. Armstrong 1; 1i-i'lug friend. in Toronto this week. Y. P..s. Meeting. -Tic recut u• meet- Ingof the Presbyterian Young Purple's Society was held Monday night. The scripture lesson was mad 1.) !hatable Douglas, after which the Lord's Prayer , was reputed 111 unison. \tunical uulu- hers were an intnumental duet by Douglas' and Margaret )IN,Donnld and a solo by Mn. Wm. Keunerly amain - panted by Mrs. Walker on the violin and Mrs. Harold Jewett cat the 11111 1111, t A rending w.is given by Edith Smith. . The topic. Thnnk'giving through Thanksgicing," was ably taken by Joha IC. Mureh, who slam closed the mee'ing with prayer. The meeting next Monday night will he in charge of the literary committee. Coal and Wood Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Pea Coal Coke Pocohontaa (2 by 4 egg) i can supply your wants any,of the ahoy.. fuel. Prompt service and reasonable prices L. FLICK Telephone 1 7$j (1odo•rieh rHE GQDERICH \km 1'801 T}I77S AT lTE. WAY TO51LND A WINTER EVENING s Some people go around home all winter wrapped up like a hund• le of laundry ! Others buy Heat Folks Coal. } 1ng ns chairman for the treetslun. Mbnt ASHFIELD ANHF1ELit.'Nov. 26. ---Mr. and Mrs. File Wake and .Jlldren, of Clinton. visited at Mr. Dat1d M.Whinney's on Monday. The :tshfleld nomination meeting for municipal milieus wan largely atten- ded on Monday. The present council hoard was returned to- ofllkc for the y"ar 1930 by aeciamation. )I?•r Beth )Ie't'utitiel1 slaeltt the week - en,' as til a guest of , Miss Frame., Crozier. Thee many friend- of Mr. Jopn.Kil- p; :ri k• -r.. regret to hear of his Hi- ne... -11r•, Y. tt'3lalley and link., • I•, tr. 't, ''sited. with her parents. 51. nod Yr H ill Mc('artb; . over the week- ' A Mr. and Mrs. Itiellard Me1Vhhmey visited with friends In Toronto and attended the Royal Winter Fair there int week. The MI--.- Chir) Burrows and Bella Green and Mr. .Ihivld Green, of andgrardton, were guests at the home of 4r, and Mrs. William Me('ottnell on Sunday. Ashfield, along with the greater is.r- tion of North Amcrlea. had her drat taste of winter ht.t week. ('littera. sleighs, nitte!ntibllew. and o' her wheeled ychlcics were 311 ht use on the road cal the saute time hist week. The M1 -es.- Emma and .111e Bo-' eoneesnion 12. who are lensing .1-htleld 11.1. week to reside In Itoderich, were wai'ed upon by neighbors nod friend- on ',fondly evening. Noyemis'r 10, to 1,1dThem good-bye. An 1mprotn!lt.1 Program of spcerhes and mn.I44n1 num- bers ens given. Mr. M. Matheson .net - Some et Choicest Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits Let us serve you with your requirements New Dates and Figs' just arrived AIwnvs open to purchase !''arm Products Geo. Price & Son (Suecessor to ileo. lchaeferl, Comer of tie Square and North Shoot Gethin Davies A.L C M. ;A R CM Organist and Choirmaster of St. George's Church Teacher of Piano, Singing, Organ and Theory. Pupils Visited Apply P. O. 462 • NOTICE Hydro Arrears Upon instructions from the officials of the Hydro - Electric Power Commis- sion of Ontario. their rules and regulations tire to be strictly enforced. • All Electric Light and Power Services in arrears will be cut off forthwith if not paid. ltd (►I;nh:l((iH. The Water and Light Commission Goderich And these are the most comfort- Ite'..le ('runt rend nn addresswhich I itble. wens neeomptuhd by the 1.resent•Itlon It is much healthier t0 live in of n ('hestertleld table and N flower a warns house and wear fewer Clothes. Than it is to exist in a cold house, where you have to go WHITErHru('n. NOV. 2. --Tits ( . bundled up from head to' toe. I (i. t. •T. Air patfhtg oti n Idny, "Tont Ist- For your health's sake, order Acvommalated.•. ht 1114• tn•111utr111111.• A load of Heat Folk's Coal. Friday, November 21►. ria, (,oeeen (.lean LOar lee and Willie 1 IIy. of W. Angus -i CALL 1"® fine, ,lent a few dale Inst week wleh i their grandparents, Mr and Mrs. JRs. 1C rer(•rrtnellua. 1eEe Mr. and )tie . T. H. \I' ore moil Mr. and Mrs. Mee Rout Attended the flat-'' he Sir•..trchOI,' • of it'll hellInt.' :'wlk idNe'le Illit 'f1YIIIMwNter WHiTECHURCH j J. B MUSTARD COMPANYCOAL ere! I Rw'.roa'r • on Mottles. Pilose 98 - Goderich Mr. (len. Kennedy nen: to Toronto' Men's and Boys Windbreakers AT T Reduced Prices Men's all wool 16-o7. fancy cFecked Mackinaw Windbreakers. Knitted elastic bottoms, two large breast pockets, with flaps, very warm and service- able. Sizes 34 to 44. Special, $2.95 Boys Windhreakers, same quality as above, sizes 26 to $1 79 30 Sizes 30 to 34. . $1.95 M. ROBINS A tent for Tip Top Tailors 1.1.,,,x,• t' 1 7(4 VARIETY! --2 NIGHTS - WEDNESDAY aul THURSDAY, 'December 11 and 12 8.15 p m St. George's Parish Hall Auspices Maple lest Chapter 1.0.0.E. Adults SOc. - Children 35c. TORIs io-O'Z. JAR Pure Orange ' . Marmalade 29c so-oz..JAR Pure Strawberry JAM 39c Kellogg's -i,oa-ted Corn Flakes 19c F rest) Milled Its Rolled Oats 25c Silver Leaf 1.11. PURE LARD 18c rl'E;ci A I. -A l,E:. PER telt. • Good Bulk BLACK TEA 49c • Palmolive Soap, 6 cakes 47c Bawe's Floor Wax, No. 1 size 43c Swansdown Cake Flour, per pkg. 39c Borden's Chocolate Malted Milk, each 59c Vi -tone -Serve hot or cold, 8 ozs. 33c, 16 on 55c Canadian Choice Peaches, No. 2, H. S., per tin 24c Clark's Pork and Beans, No. PREMIUM TEA -1 lb. with ►• r k Clark's Pork and Beans, Large size, per tin 23c Cup and Saucer Free 69c Veno's Cough Syrup, per bottle .. . .35c For Your Christmas Require- ments See Superior Stores Display of Raisins, Cluster Raisins Bleached Sultanas, Currants Dates, Peels Candied Pineapple Glace Cherries Smyrna Figs and Preserved Figs Complete assortment of Canned Fruits Christmas Candles Ginger Ale, Tobaccos Cigars and Cigarettes Nuts in Shell and Shelled Quality considered, Superior Stores Prices are the lowest J. J. McE ►4 EN, Goderich. J. CALVIN CUTT, Goderich. CHAS. AI.TON, Dungannon. ROBT, PHILLIPS, Au turn. WE IlitV11(: II'/ The new pA a_ Balanced -Unit Radio This superb SCREEN GRiD-PLUS LOWBOY only Neutr dyne 11.4 i,4 N ) Plus Tubes Extra Cabinet finished in genu- ine walnut with bird's-eye maple and Oriental walnut panels. Genuine ELECTRO - Dynamic Speaker, built-in Acoustic Equalizers, and balanced to use TWO of the wonderful new 245 power tubes, push-pull. Free Moine lcsnonilrnttion! Yes, we will deliver this mag- nificent Philco Lowboy to your home on free demonstration. No obligation -no red tape - and EASY PAYMENTS, if you decide to buy. This is the same marvelous Philco that you have seen ad- vertised in the great national magazines. Rare purity of tone -marvelous selectivity -vast distance range. Call or phone us today. Other model• from 995 to tl 29S at LAUDER'S DRUG STORE Sold and Servicediby Frank Riley G Young, Salesman Bs sure so hear the nese PhU4•o before fou buy any radio