HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-28, Page 4rt - 7111.1111.1 i01114.- tr'r'ti+-'il�lp"'w""tit,^"'-'.''li►"'YiY`"'""• "...'.»,.::..•. . • ♦-zllsrtday, Idevember SS, 1820. THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. MUSKRATS Rapid progress is being horde by some of the large and aub'tantial muskrat companies. This business has a very bright future -and offers wonderful opportunities at the present time. People thinking of becoming interested In any muskrat eotupany should look up its financial and business standing as well as its Board of Directors before purchasing muskrats or shares. THE BIG CREEK MUSKRAT FARMS LIMITED) are the world's largest muskrat ranchers and have a very repre- sentative Board of I)ireetors composed of sound business men Anyone interested in this Company eau he furnished with the best of Bank references or a financial statement .('OItltfercial Agencies' reports are also available.. Write us for full p ar- ulars t1"BIG CREEK MUSKRAT FARM LIMITED, 812.14-16.18 Lister Block, Hamilton. Ontario. WESTFIELD WESTFIELD, Nor. 25. -lues Mabel Walden spent a week with friends an Luck now reeeotly. Mr. T. ID. Taylor is visiting at the home of his son, Rer. Wm. Taylor of Rockwood. Miss. Matw•1 Klllough. of Dungannon, spent a few day. with her sinter, Mew. 1Vw. Kelly. Mrs. Maitland Henry w. cut over the u,ekeatd with Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Graham. of Strut - ford, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ellie; on Sunday. Rev. W. R. Alp was in Ottawa pre -oiling on Sunday. Min Wlunifred Campbell U spend - Ing a few day. with her aunt, Mre. R. ytonehouse of Goderkh. . NILE NILE. Nor. 27. -Mr. -and Mrs. James McIntyre ttud son Runnel were guests on Sundry' at' the hotge of Mr. and Mrs. W)n. Sproule. of Goderlch. Mr. and Mrs. II. Mathews and two children vlsitod with Mr. and Mrs. E. Jackman of Colborne township on 8ua- day. The laymea'a banquet held In the basement of the United church hen on Thursday *roma( last was not as largely attended as was expected. ow - Ing to the inclement weather, but those who had the pleasure of attending re- port a very enjoyable and profitable evening *pent Mr. and Mn. 'Harry Sflllb and two children, of 8beppardton, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Nixon on Sunday. AUBURN AZAAlt AND S1F1'i'ER.-A BA - M ZAAR and ,upper under the aa,- plces of the Ladle(' Aid and C. G. I.'1'. of the tPreabyterlau church will be held In the Foresters' hall, Auburn. on Saturday afternoon, November Stith, from 4 to 8 o'clock. AUBURN, Nov. 27. -Mrs. S. Lawlor, Mr. Ivan Bean and Mrs. C. M. Straug- han are among diose who are attend- ing the Royal Winer Fair xt Toronto. The evangelistic Bervk'e t conducted by the "1'ligtlms" are being held in • the Presbyterian church this week. On Saturday of this week the ladies and C. G. I. T. are holding a hamar and wale of home-made baking Is tee For. eaters' hall from 4 to 8 p m. Bev. W. R. Alp was at Ottawa over Sunday and preached to two churches of the capital city. '!tie late Mn, Janet Hlelcingbettem. -In the panning of Mrs. Janet nicking - bottom at the family realdence in East Wawauosh early on Saturday morning is removed one of the older ettlaens and •a much respected member of this community. She had been in iii -health for some time and a great sufferer. Mrs. •Hlekingbottum was seventy-three years and ten months of age. She was a daughter of the late James' Ratclile and was born at Ashburn, Ont., com- ing to West, Nawanosh with her par- ents when eleven years of age. She was married to the late 'amen IIIck- Ingbot'om in the year 1883 and settled on their farm in East Wawauoslt, where she had ,lure resided. She was highly esteemed by all who knew her. having been a very kind and thought- ful neighbor and a loving wife and mother. Surviving are two daughters. Mabelle of New York and Mrs. John- GREAT DAYS 54TURDAY, November' 30, TO SATURDAY, OVERCOAT December 7, INCLUSIVE --AT-- PRIDHAM'S 7 DA SATURDAY, November 30, TO SATURDAY, December 7, INCLUSIVE ON account of the very mild weather this Fall, Overcoats have not sold well. N e have a Targe gtock and have decided it would be better toput on a sale now, sacrifice profits and reduce the stock, rather than pack them away next spring. THEREFORE ---OUR LOSS WILL BE YOUR GAIN NOTHING RESERVED -EVERY OVERCOAT AT SALE PRICES ( Men's Overcoats in Chinchillas, Whitneys, Meltons, Tweeds, Barrymore, English Velours, Camel Fur. All styles --sizes 35 to 44. GROUP NO. 1-- 10 Men's Overcoats. Sale Price, • $10.00 IIn GROUP NO. 2-- GROUP NO. 3- 15 Men's Overcoats. Sale Price, 20 Men's Overcoats. Sale Price, $i5.00 $20.00 GROUP NO. 4- 10 Men's Overcoats. Sale Price, $25.00 • i GROUP NO. 5- 35 Men's Overcoats. Sale Price, X30.00 ston of Keistern, Bask., one son, lrnest, at home, and a stater. Jean, and a bro- ther, Thomas, of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. The funeral, which was large- ly attended, was held on Monday after- noon. service befog conducted by Rev. T. W. Goodwill of Auburn Prwbyterien church, aasieted by Rev. G. I. Groom, followed by interment In Ball's ceme- tery. The pallbearers were Meaars. Jame, Murch, R. McGee. A. Rubinson, W. J. Parks, E. Phillips and W. J. An- drew. BAYFIELD HAYFIELD, Nov. 28. -Mrs. M. Fer- guson, who spent three weeks. with friends In Belgrave, returned home on Monday. `liar. and Mn. F. H. Patdl left en Monday to ,pend several days In Lon- don. Masora Elliott, Will and Frauk Cam- eron and Mlu Helen Cameron, of De- troit. spent the week -end with their father, Mr. A. Cameron, and Miss E. Cameron. Mrs. A. Newton -Brady. who has been the gueat of her mother, Mrs. D. Mc- Donald e-Donald of Sarnia, returned home ou Sunday. Mr. D. H. McNaughton left lag Wed- newiny 'to attend the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto. The young people of the Anglican church put uu their play at Varna on Thuniday last at a social which 8t. John's church held in the town hall. Wawa Emma and Gertrude Thomp- son, of Torouto. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Delguty. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Etherlug•on and two sons, Russell and Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Zinn. Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Capling and daughter Maxine, of :ttratfonl, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. John Jowett attended a hall game at Ann Arbor and visited in Detroit for a few days Inst week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Mallett spent last Thursday and Friday with Mrs. J. Davison ;tool on their return to Lou- don they were accompanied by Mia, Annie McLeod and Marion Davison, who (nese assured positions there. Indian Entertainer. -The en'enaln meat under the auspices of the young pn-,qdc• of St. Andreae, United church, which , w-ao held in the town hall on Tuesday-, November 19th. was quite a treat. Mr. C. A. Cooke, Indian entertainer of Ottawa. put on a very :lever and entertaining performance. Ile kept the audience convulsed In laughter, ss w'sdl ■s interesting them with duscrlp'lona of Indian lite and customs. For the first part out the program Ml• appeared In ala native dress **Chief I►eyokaM, with atriums of wampum. and neeklace of tear's claws. the latter the mark of hot clan. Ile carried a tomahawk of the style fur- n iahwi the Indians in the eeveoteenth century. Has rendering of Indian song' from lullabies to war hong, and the wurwheo.p of the Indiana was fascina- ting for forth y g and old. In the second part of lila program recitations and pantommine were interjected. He has u splendid voice. which was :Mown to great advantage bt the varier) choke of his wet -dura. Mks Gladys M. (:ale. organist of St. Andrew-': church. was accompanist. Rev. It. M. (:ale, the pastor. introduced the entertainer with • abort address. Smart Wintsr MILLINERY at featly reduced pikes for Friday and Saturday This range consists of felts, felt and velvet and satin com- binations. Tritnmed with or- naments, ribbon, felt cutouts and velvet insets. Colors black, brown, mons blu1, green, navy and sand. $8.50 for $4.50 • $7.50 for .. $3.50 $5.50 for $3.00 You are cordially invited to inspect our stock. Miss MacVicar Kingdom Street ..Ar......... MODEL THEATHE Week of December 2 to 7 Monday and Tuewday- BILLIE DOVE A lady among ladies. Queen of the social register' Great name. great charm, groat traditions. Yet she sacri- ficed them all for a man they called a card a twat. A wonderful cant and • radiant star in "Her Private Life" t'A‘IF.t' COMEDY - FOX NEWS REE1. II Wednesday and Thursday - 1 Desire under the palms and along Parisian Boulevards with Charles Farrell and Greta Plisse' Ea -t meets 1t'et:t in Fazio and they clash with startling results. A Homing drama staged amidst'4•xotic -urr,.undings. Filmed ' 1 the beauty spots of Paris, Arab, and Venice. "Came.. Cometly„-"Hodge Podge" Friday and Saturday- ; Esther Ralston and Neil Halniltsn e -o starred in a spos.ky, my.tery (:m• Thrills all over the place and a romantic couple, marsmc.l in a house of hotel. pn.voking horrors. a • 1 "Something Always Happens" "Camino t'onody" -"Felix the teat" Ooderieh Baseball Club, acknowtedges the relelpt of a cheque for $3 from Mr. Mr. D. G. Young. treasurer of the A. M. Robertson as a donation to the Club's funds for Gila year. I0000•••••••i• Matinee Sat- at 3 p. m. LAMPS LAMPS MAKE A VERY ACCEPTABLE GIFT We have on hand a Targe stock of all styles, col- ors, etc. Now is the time to make your selection while , the choice is good. Shop early. BOYS' OVERCOATS X6.00 GROUP NO. 1-12 Boys' Overcoats. Sale Price GROUP NO. 2-- Boys' Blue Chinchilla Overcoats, 6' o o $8,75; 3s1& 32 $I050 To make this Sale more interesting we offer the following men's and young men's Suits at (rest Bargain Prices YOUNG MEN'S SUITS I :. young men's Tweed Suits, single and double- 51 5 breasted, -izca 35 to 37. SALE PRICE Men's fine plain grey SEnGE SUITS Single-breasted, standard styles, wonderful goads to wear Regular up to $355.00. SALE 25 PRICE . -- During this Sale all this season's Sults will be sold at 10 per cent. off. Stanfield's Underwear Stanfield's Rol Lnhel l'nderw,nr, sizes :ort to It alar $2.50, for • It.,R $1.95 Men's fleece -lined Underwear Regular 01.110, for.. .«.,...,........• ,....,.....»,.......- Remember, this Sale is for 7 Days Onlyw 19e Saturday, November 30th, to Saturday, December 7th. Come early and get the best selection. Terms Cash. C. PRIDHAM & w SON J. R. WHEELER GODERICH Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director Phones : • Store 335, Residence 35Sw Winter is Here ! (let your radiator filled with ANT I -FREEZE before it is too late. WE SELL GLYCEROL AND ALCOHOL 'BARKER BROS. Bayfield Read - Telephone 241 TIME TABLE OF THE ARROW COACH LINES Effective September 3rd, 1929 WOODSTOCK - GODEREICHue A1.014. . M. P. M. Leave 7.00 4.15 Arrive Gxferich Miles 10.45 H.00 x.20 4.86 " llolmeeville 9 10.25 5.40 " 7.26 4.40 Clinton 12 • 10.20 5.355 (' 7.48, 6.00 �+ Aeaforih 21 10.00 515 �' 7.b0 6.06 +' a•` St. C(►lumban 28 9.55 5.10 t' 8.00 5.15 . " Dublin `27 9.48 6.00 "' 8.15 5.30 tit. Mitchell 82 9.80 4.455 8.35 5.50 " Sebringville 40 _ 9.10 4.255 " A.45 6.00 'at' Stratford 44. 8.45 4.I5 t` 9.00 .6.45 ss Shakespeare 51 8.80 3.455 `' 9.10 6.25v ' so Tavistock 64 8.20 8.35' 9.26 6.40 Hickson 60 8.06 3.20 Ani,* 9.48 7.00 Lea,. Woodstock 68 7.45 3.00 R A. M. P. M. „ Direct connection: at Stretford with Arrow Coaches to tot. Marys. London, Kitchener, Guelph, Brampton, Toronto. Direct connections at Woodnt+ck with Arrow Coaches for Brant- ford, Hamilton, Oakville, Toronto. CANCELLING ALL PREVIOUS SCHEDULES v,' LUZ