HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-28, Page 3BUY -AT-HOME DIRECTORY On Paye 2 of This Issue • What are you doing for the eothnlunity that is doing so much for you? Yon can help by buying everything you need in your own Inane town.. lona "Shop Where You Are Invited to Shop „ Readers of XlIt *tonal will find it to their interest to deal with the mer- chants who advertise in these columns. Advertising goes with up-to-date stocks and goods of quality. Nobody advertises shoddy. THE SIGNAL PRINTING W, LIMITED, Publishers. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1929 EIt1HTY-SBOOND YEAR. NO. 47. 0. F. CAREY & SON Limited INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE Tekphone 230 Masonic Temple Building GODERICH -- ONTARIO Of Interest to the Busy Farmer The Armstrong Real Estatf and Insurance Agency LITRE INSURANCE (Sen Life Co.) ACCIDENT, SICKNE1'is, AUTO. RTC, L'iSI'KANI'R Seine very cheap Houses and Lots for sale Large number listed to select front. Farms Flerial — lett-urn• Farm for wale, &langth- ter price. tine Location in 11e township Manley, rmnty of Huron; lel acre .1t this is chole clay Ilam Roil in fine con• di exeelle•nt for wheat alfalfa ..r any grain, hay or rot.. high undula- ting surface, well til•-draind. Nearly all worded down; g.sel water +•apply 40 screw of dies in valuable timber, enough to room than half fry 'for enur• property. ' tbeet brick barn, fartuece heated rlolt*e, situated on excellent hiI1' way, rl.na• to srhool, churches., ,conveni- ent to H. ft: . etati..n and good markets. Priv' for .nick mule 114501) 00. Tonus $1000(11a11 down will be acteptesl ; n, arc I five years' time for balance if nsquirel. Iymnmediate tennesson given. • A number of other good farms for oak. Hits the Spot 1 As a Quick Relief for COUGHS --COLDS CROUP BRONCHITIS, Etc. there is nothing like Dr. Chase's Syrup 1'unrished ley the Ontario Department of Agriculture Typical of the toast work of f11crsI1- Hemel trade in cattle 1, shown by th gotten now In progress( at .the Outarlo fact that educe the first of the year ap- Agricaltural College Is the suuhy of proximately ;iia► purebred holstein ea • parasites in hugs and of the reasons for lack of vitality 11, winter -born hogs. colder the direction of Prof. Knox of •the 1►e)arttueut of Animal Husbandry. The ultimate .a.lutlon of these prob- lems wilt prove of .lire,' value to every farmer. tie have been exported to the I tilted Stales. • Nhrblkage of p'otatoe's Experiments eondueted by the IHyi• slum of !totally, Dominion Depart Meat of Agriculture. show that shrinkage -- 'of potatoes while Ili ',storage can be Count the coat greedy lessened if correct storage prac- Faru, profits are stoat'. They areal Ikea are followed. All alders plarel limited by the selling price of products' In storage should tie mature, healthy the Bost of praluctt..u. The selling surfaces, dirt and me•Imuicul injury 111111, Lerhaps h, 11 greater extent, by I and as free from moisture on their prise nine In• Influenced by oryfnuiz. as Iosslble. The etornge of event.. mod ell turf*. It •1.. much letter to fowled potatoes . endaugers all the fear) and milk five cow's which eech) healthy stock. It is, however. Knell - give a proof" than ten which pay catty impossible to keep latae quautl- ,sr-ts only. Tu rJP=, crops cheaply (les in good c 1111.111 for prolonged1 there must ►e u high yleid. The 40x1' periods nines, the proper type of stor- for. the farnl, or per acre, or per ; age house 14 neat. For 0114 purpose 1 cow' /toes not tell conch. Comparison' l Pamphlet No. 111, issued I.y the Dein- j should he on a ton. bushel or poaud In1on 1leialrtmleutoo( A;rb+nlnna•. rx• h:1si+. 1/41 111- Die requirements of the teerfe't type e.f storage, house. it .clearly ex• Curbing Cannibalism plans the proper mcth,.ds to follow H 'ous but each farmer controls his 141111411 perr'utage of diseased .1r ti el Prof.W. It Graham head ..f the In order to secure the hest pricers for 1 'onitn' !k•'x rim eut of O. :1. l'., ha. your potato .rop and may be obtained PLANTS THAT NEED Soule think muted lilt Is ji1-t e. n, PROTECTION IN W1NTER;'Iaut billingold linriut; x/111 411,4,4% el' Ihat onlyythe billing le con -taw Eddie Cantor._ (Experimental Farm. Note' "Seho dmaa tors and w•h.oluIistresses luunag unit ,the 1traw9wrry 1s the have to deg' wltb Ignorant children o11 nue which it4 t' I- prate, tiuu in "ler l one side and with ignorant educational III wont part. Ira Cit molts., It Is a :+hal- authorities I.ii the other.-- Bertrand low -rotes) plant. /11111 k k liable to be Hurw'', heti vel by frost and the roots klltcsl. A light -,orerlug elf straw. preferably marsh grass tree from weed seeds. just before winter sets In, is de-lrubl.' Iv. prevent 1111'., and has beeu 'found et• fet•lbe on the Lkomiu1.1, I Lerlmcu,tal Farms. as have The wethuds des. riled ' for other plant/ below. , Grants also need pridec'41,n in flu• welder lark .4 Canada where grapes I ripen. While vines way not be Injured by Bluer, bud- start into growth early In the spring, and late spring frost. kill these, :111,4 s.1 des.)roy the crop. By laying the vines down duel covering with poll, 1111s ell 11 he prevented. as the soil 111'e41 1101 lie la 10.11 off until warm -weather In spring. - ltasplerriel need protection oho. e 1 .'4:Ihy in colder 111.1rlrt'. Where snow either cvwes late or there Is very little, snow (luring- the win!er. In ext_rowe 111.es. such aa. • parts of the l'ratri. Provinces. the 1111es should be entirely ,overed w1111 snow, while ill of h.•r- 11'4/41 lig down the 11111101 :/1111 ph•4diug the tip• down with $ous•; wi,l help en -are their hying I''n•er•.I sIth 'tuew early: • n good suggestion for curbing the fre- Prow the department hybrid ten rose.. hybrid perps'tu:11s, gWWe1I1 outbreaks of feather -pulling and — awl ellntblug roses sl Id be protected of llnaeed and Turpentine rant11bltlism when pullets are first put Weekly Prop Report in 1111 1.ut the wildest part. of Ca1,cada. • Na cx.utinemeut. Such au outbreak 0e- .t, aplcndid season le reported by ttt1- Earthing up thelbuw• t0 a height of 3r and.15 Cents a Bottle ,urrel at the college Plaut this fall. farmers of Ontario! nreording t.. the eight. 0.1 leu inches M a good methal. A ,11umnilty of fresh raw blood -Wax ob- eUrr•ut weekly crop, report. Farmer the tips le•Iug nein doali am) 1-.veFe1 J. W. Craigie Real Estate aad Insurance alany goad Houses and Isola for sale'' very cheap. Gasp brick Howe, Bruce street, near 1 I North street, 1/111 modern equipped and! garage. Price $24100.00. Good brick House, 1u11 modern equip- ped, with garage and small barn,F:ast genet. Price =1500.00. Fine stucco House. full modern soap - ped, choice Ideation. Price $3200.00. (o,..1 Rotten and I...t.. P100, p00, 112010, :1:.110, etc. Some Mouses to Rent. Furniphe•,I Holler• to Rent e'er all parU.vl:ir. see or write J. W. ARMSTRONG Real Estate Agent Hex 89 Square f:oderfrt. "If you .14.11 t advertise you fowl Ir..••'- lend Its•wnr. tallied from the slaughter houiu' and to Durham county revert Increase.) egg with soil. Another gaol plan In 10 put given the pillets an a drink. -In Of • - teen minutes the appetite had no ale! ated that It was safett baek 111 the two - the pullets tht,pee,,,had been previnasly attacked. One gallon of blood was given to each 100 pullets. There has not been a renewal .of the . trouble. Wintering Bees • "Experience leas shown that It Is letter to whiter bees outdoors than iu the sellar unless you have au excep ; tiuually suitable cellar." says F. Erle; Millen, Provincial apiarist. "Eighty per scut. of the honey bees in Ontario are wintered in various wintering cases outdoors. In old Ontario almost every beekeeper winters outside. but in. Northern Ontario cellars are used extenelvehy. For successful cellar win - 1 tering, the cellar must be absolutely r dark. dry rind kept at au even temper- ature of about 45 degrees. Poorly in- sttlrted and damp eschars make pence. winter storage places for been. Win- tering lees 'outdoors means more ex- • pense. but unless one Has an Ileal eel - lar. title methal Is reoim uentled. Bees can be Igl('k14l any time h1 1 14414114e or early November, and need no attention until spring If properly prepared fur .tinter. Outdoor wintered Iw.'s eau -t he kept Lt waterproof winter cases." An imporfaat Ruling t•, Hereafter persoes ...ming to 1'auad:. , to buy cattle for export will be per- i witted to case their motor cars ed C. S. mnuulfacture for That pwurpwe with - 1 out the payment of duty. pond or 11e - posit. This regulation w•IIl greatly fa- cilitate the movement .if cattle -buyers from outside Canada. Inasmuch as formerly they were obllgel 0. leave their cars at the port of entry- and engage means of trans(portatlon in travelling from pint to point In Can- ada. The Importance of this interne - W. J. Powell Stocks, Bonds, insurance and Real Estate Car, Life and Fir* Insurance Nelson Street, Goderich ('hone 292 P. 0. Box 438 Sun Life Assurance Co.. of Canada A TOWER OF STRENGTH Assurance m Force - $1,896,915,000 Assets — $488,958,000 Dividends to Policyholders increaw•d for the ninth successive year in addition to a special maturity dividend bonus . PHONE (thee 115 Residence 549 H. R. LONG, District Agent productinu and splendid markets for; an inverted wooden trough over the eats; wide!' are selling locally for J:e•' roses, and. rover with o rawy manure fur extras. and 4w• for first-. Essex ,.1.eioes are g•••'J for projeetio a also: 00auty'$ tolwlo..t Ilan practically aa11, For rlimbing roses 11e Inverted trough leen bought, and, nhthougit prices are: method. 4.''x.'- tilled with dry,leaves, or, n0 higher than Inst year. the ,severing with heavy paper or, meth..; average is (.,usiderably higli'r. \\'Heat • all make good means of protection. is looking well .in Huron. although . A light 4..1verhtg .if strawy 11111bure' drought has d,•rea-ea the fall °1011 or leaves over the herlaceous bonder considerably. There has leen omelet -I will help,Irrhig through things which eralile demand lu the 'clo urs' of held -1 would ..therwl,e he killed. Nar.•Is'u- inland for eat1Il. Americ,11, buyers :1r.''Iuuch tenderer than tulips mid need have been quite active. paying a* high I some protectiou under extreme condi- as $30) for some type of ltorstelbs,', tions without early and udepiate snow Middlesex e.runly out* tern less forum- protection.— W'. T. Maeoun. Domin1( t ate. owing to drought. and large mine lwrs of lire '.lock are stilt on pasture. Sheep are reported to he In good con- dition, Tcmiskamtbg .heepmeu Icing of the opinion that flack* were never In lwtter condition than they are this fall. held el Need Crepe ` A larger than mend acreage of r..l clover hes been cot for sear) in 4 111 1111.144. tIle y1e111 Iwr 111-1'.' varying from 120 t•. 3110 pounds. it .14 believed that there I may Iw from threw to font million pounds• of reed. which will eon-Banti. I the largest reel 'loser seed er.p i1 tel.) Ont:rbo for lu.u,y.,.y ears. '19a• gmeli''• lof the -eel 1- reported t:osnl. '7h' crop h, Northern 4lnt:11lo is 1.•1.•11 all., In failure Gila year. Alslk,' acreage In told e11,t1rlo e11- estimated 20 per cent: larger than 111 11!r2v and yields( Iwr acre have V11 e14441 rr.'nl 1a► to :awl of d., low yl'Ids w- ing general in the southern and Inks counties and high yields in the clay country between Toronto 111,41 41le.'rg1l111 1111y. in Northern Ontario. Tcndska- ming ellstriet, the total linable:non of alsike 1* not expected t.. *tweed 10.000 bu+bels, about half :1. much as last year. 1If Ilfn seep 111.41111/4.1 1(111, 111 1hit nTie was again light in 1!r29. The 'tens g.' left fur seed is not heilevel to have exceeded 10.100. which may yield from 60 to 120 pounds per urn'. about the same as in itr24. An ale lance of sweet clover for seeding pnrp.oe* is expa-tel to be available next --spring. Timothy seal production in (enterica Is reported as normal. a large proportion coming from the Navau dletrtct of Russell county. l'relurtiun ut -blue gross 1n Sonthweetern Ontario•11 is/O- mitted at b0 per /slit. of normal. The Peel be reported to be partk'ndarty heavy Iwr bushel this year. Noranda Mines will bell ex.Hyklend uu 1,e4. Int 1u order to facilitate .vllca tion of dividend* we advlee al hollers to have their stuck trans ferrel to their own mime, Huron Investments Limited Royal Bank Building, 6oderich, Onl, Phones 430 and 445 • I T Total As.ma !suss of $900,000,000 Maw 0f.. Wses re= • West of the Great . Lakes', THE growth of the Bank of Montreal has closely coincided with the gradual development of Canada from a smell colony to a great Dominion. In the Bunk's westward advance to the Pacific Coast, one of the important links in its trans- continental chain of Branches was formed in 1878 at Winnipeg.when the Bank opened its first Branch west of the Great Lakes, Thu forward step, taken seven years before railway communication was opened up between Montreal and Winnipeg made available to the incoming popu- lation on the prairies the stabilizing co-operation of • strong, conservative and at the same time energetic financial institution. Of the Bank's 66'I.Beanches, t4 are in Winnipeg and t88 in the Raine Provinces. BANKOF MONTREAL Goderich Branch: R. C. WHATEIEY, Manager NEW BOONS AT THE PUBLIC LIBRARY Mellen Spleudor of God honoree W. Mw -- row. By Soochow Waters —Lemke J. Mlln. Ancestor Jorico--1W'•m. J. Locke. Leery ,if Lonesome I.xkc- Ilsroll Ito ud loss. The Quare Women --Lucy Farman. The Inedible Year ---Faith Bald- win. The Galaxy—Susan Elle. - The p'e'ople of .1.11 1. Tuwu--F:rhrl Hue"ton. itlack Storm —Thomas 1'. 11Inkle. Ithlr's Attic--Jos.'7'. Fna•UIM 14n- lvrin.. - ltohse-11. M. Bower. The Uncertain Trumpet A. S. M. 1(ole•1111101,11. The Roma ntle Prime—R. Natatinl. Another Day—Jeffrey Farnol. The Listening' Post -- -Otter )tich- monet. The Purple Kohn—Jeswph Hocking. Ultima Thule 11. II. Richardson. Hansim• Soloed -Peter F:gge. )toper's Row --Warwick i)eepdng. A Wild Rini—Maud Diver. Da rill Murch ---,1. N. Fletcher. 1.nd 141 Snnnyt,rark—Albert P. Ter - lone. A Maid and Iter Motley --J. t(. Fletcher. Paying (Meets.- E. F. Iten*on. Pill tn Nn11Ing ilarold Marble. Fighting ('caravan* lane (brey. - The Runner - Ralph Connor. 'cam The r'on.tant Enemy Joseph Hoek- ing. The tllrl from (1or1's Meme—W. a Mowery. - - Bethel -Ell M. Miller.• f The itrlde Adorns! -i&, i. Murray, The Stumbling Shepherd --a. A. Cody. Magic for Marigold -1.. M. Moat- !0>•ery. 11 GEO STEWART non/Ai Bruce St. Telephoge 105 Goderich Geo. Williams Dealer Iu DAMENION, Mire Ml NIt'II'Al. AND ('11(11, KATION BONDS Fora :lreldent. .Automobile, and General Insurance Agent ()dice, nest to lfa1,k .41 ('•.nnlerce 1'I .53 Gudericl. DIRECT WIRES TO TORONTO -Mt )N I til-AL-NLW YORK An assurance that your orders w ill he_ tilled immediately and accitrately. Direct wires are linger) un the pithy us. 11 - market. • . PP KIPPEN, NEWTON & CO. MiMBF.R!, OF MONiRI.AL 'TOCK EXCHANGE NUMBERS OF •MONTRLAL CURB !CAPUT Telephones. Metcalf 3454..3455.345b 372 RICHMOND STREET LONDON. ONT JUST IN TIMEFOR C+IRISTMfiS Price Reductions 4-4° on, ROGERS BATTERYLESS RAIDEG I Rogers Highboy only $218 Rogers DeLuxe Highboy °"1-Y $258 Rogers "Pho,,olectro Radio" °Nle' $358 Rogers Lou -boy only 8198 THINK OF IT! Yoti can now buy a brand- new 1930 Model Rogers-Batterylcss Radio— with 8 fully g..arunteed tubes and built-in Electro- dynamic Speaker—for as little as $198.00! And three other popular console models have also been sharply reduced in price. Here are the new' prices now in effect: Reduced Price Rogers Model "530" Rogers Model "5,10" Rogers Model "550" Rogers "Phonoleciro-Radio" (Radio -Phonograph Combination) All prices complete with Tubes Terms to suit your convenience o. Factory sales in October were thc largest in Canada —nearly $2,000,000 at retail values. This greatly increasl.1(I production has brought about savings now passed on to you. At these "rock -bottom" prices, thc proven, reliable Rogers is unquestionably the radio "buy" of the season. Come in and choose yours today. O. JOHANN, Dealer H. 0. STURDY and L. H. ZINN, Salesmen West Side of Square, Goderich, Ont. 998 *218 *258 •358 bi _ Jra.: '.ear ••wrc:; 11iie�i .'ash"