HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-28, Page 2deo 2. -Thursday, November 28, 1629. THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. Swat leatablished 1548 GODISRI('H : CANADA • Member of Canadian Weekly News- papers Association Published every Thursday morning. Subscription price .12,00 per year strictly in advance.. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO. LTD. Telephone 35 : Gederleb, Ont. W H. Robertson, Editor and Manager Thursday. Novetuher 2S, 11Kf9. E11THU8IASM DOESN'T ALWAYS MEAN VOTES Enthusiasm at a politician's meet- ing is not a sure sign that h.s party is going to ..weep the country, or even win the constituency lu Which he is speaking. In many elections the haste is decided by voters who have never bothered to turu out to meeting', and even the cheers of those who do are sometimes a Tittle deceptive. In this connection, al, interesting story is being told of Mr. 1.J..t e:,orge. After nue of his meeting.. it wan ntslte.1 ul, stud insisted on shaking handle with him.. It was with dltll•ul- ty. indent. that he was 'minted 4.. 1 EDITORIAL NOTES 1 glue way to other admirer. who were .111.91R''''T- , month to c'hrlslt: • • • ThA tt.•w chief .d' huller at 1'+,rl.. Out . bears the Harte of Brimstone Heshould be a terror to 'evildoers. • • • Congress has adjonriw.1 without tno+-1 sing •t tariff hill. Would not the Cate' adlan Parliawcut have Looked foo:i•L If Mr. jteuuett'4. •uggestiou had been adopted and the uttawn llt•use• kelt In session until the proposer) new tariff had been adopted at Washington? • • • It lite thousand .Neuuonitea wish to leave Russia and .note 14. Canada, surer there 1,.. plenty of recon for them here. If .they are like the, Mennonites already in this country. they .could be industrious. law-abiding ciriteu• and an asset to Canada. • •. Fleshed with ti.:on. the t'.nt.erta• tiles held n ,oueention at Toronto Iawt week and resolved on Ottawa as their known local atalwerts. 'You're a great admirer of Mr. Lloyd George." someone remarked P• hlw. '1 should )ust think so.; was the re- ply. '•1 go to hear him every time, get a chance: 1'd travel miles to hear him. 1 think he's the biggest wan alive --won the war. saved the Empire. and there Isn't an orator to touch hew anywhere. Why. 1 tell you. man. it 1 weren't it conservative I'd vote for him." THE OLD LAND HAS WINNING WAYS How Great Britain Floored He - By It. J. Deachinan Ottawa, Nov. let- There are two Nip: of dollig things. the British way and the wa) sin:verde! by the lion. Melvin! Bennett. leader of the protec- tionist forces of the I Soninion .if Canada When the U. S. threatened to raise its tariff, Great Britain remained 4-04.1 and caltu. Lloyd liostrge did not run nround the suggesting that Parliament should remain i•es.ion ted. Mr. 1 111.1w -it. emanated, to smoke ait•NI oto./t•ell‘e. Hut theT betir OW and feed his pigs. Snowden in mind that the eleetions to the Fed- calmly -discussed the ittreictiiin of the oral ;louse will lw ruts on other issues renu"1 certain existing protertlVe Mr:1.41re. lu Great Britain. The that. whether the people .h:01 have. thin ..f the Americans did not cause - • gig .jef,-31 polities. Great Britain was. buoy - ilbe..lefest id the eorn Isder is said Ittety "awing wood. The'peipple of the old land 1111..*st.le to. in sigh'. Agrieultural • up their minds to an.Wer re developing a variety of earn that Its st ought to be 'Ind by s proof against the borer 1 ail! be tsprder warfare 1.111 by -meeting the U.. rew ycars yet before 44 Is devel.:ped S. In OW wrirkels of the woo/id.- The 11:3 -it.t!t iiitatoltie• 1.. increases in tariff lu the U. S.' sensed antagonism in other tome. ths. market ; jou the mere feet • pint ionipt•tifor rouse,/ the nt the letter tam/1w •ott, t'lleeheoi ire tot hie. business friends. is an el- ittiteortnlot ',Top aill be no small ete 414-"'"'1"11 f"r '11 lug 111' "11 night Habig Ott- in Other pe.ple. • .01ragen11.111 r// bootie:A .iiisertiser: In •ix months comary might lose to a certain extent ending September :to last p...o.33. efor own. est - people entered Canada go immigrant-. 411 11.4.: of whom :61,7s1 were British: 20.71.11 but note (Ile Minn of the peop.... of from the Utlited States: 21.shl (root the Argentine. They did ,not keep; hartbaesterts Europe. end 25.9.17 from their House .1 Parliament Sitting for ;Whoa 17.670 Canadians who hew goo. gress at..I Senate tft act. They entered to the Fulled retnnied bone- tido negotititious. They kept an eye to live. so fault be f.matil with out for the prospects future devel-. opulent. N.Pw Great Whitt' and the' tlw size or *the rwini'phiportione of jib. new body of Canadien eitimens. agreement by wIsioh Great Britain %vitt . • • • get 11 preference of fifty iter cent. in The -big four- is. the making of her shipments of artIthial silk. the treaty of Versisides were 1,loyd. alloi wool. silk and eotton and otlwr 'mite n little task and Miami... then Premier of Italy. in overeomisig the advantage which President Wilson did not long survive. Great Britain las• in 41tat country's and Georges Clellieneesiu lin. now tin- "I'Irk" A Better Way The. Tig.•r of rrniior wit,' •ierntity•ti% eoti-dideraide •iirtirim. among our hard- y -car. tot slice mid already Ilnil a' long' boiled protediiiiii41. iti MI. ....unity „iv! a„,th.t. nfe 1,,,iii„4.1,1„, wili.„ 111 Siiine of them refer tit It a- -41 strange „ bargain with the A rgen t lire.' arid 114 nation discouraged Ity three year. of bartering away the heritage of the Em - terrible ' warfare. France wns almost pire, Greer Britain ha. 111/ 111(4611lb/11 re/1/13:141 give tip. hut Clement -eau rm.- ,Df Piiiilllit II lilllY "II fr"1"'"Iff`: Illot %veiled in reanimating Ills people with I::: t it.t.ttst .flititts4.411 vire. 1st t.irt tr. 1.1 eclicess I Iiii..tHerri , 1 Iiiii.: ,oline• ..y. Iii. own indomitable spirit. .anything can he reflected In the policy -he rest is history. of any country. What she saYs to the sone. g.....1 friend- of The Signet in existing with the Argentine -hall be ...onto seem hp eutertain the Idea that ' improved, and shall be improvi-ll I.) P1ir, paper has an especial grudge' giving the Argentine people sin oppor agliinet thiiit city. liven 11.4. of remarke' Utility to secnre better and elle:wet 11 iiiii . if the) had the opportunity of tine. In other words. the Argentine reading !milers from ell ..rer the Proc. Republie export,* cattle, wotd, hide. 1114 I.. and beyond. they woeld find that and wheat to Great Britain and antler the arrangement as now proposed the The stylist is not 1.1 fill peril I iiir In till-, /0-opie oe the Argentine will be able, 101, reweet.. Jtett a. a ell mitt" i` Mk from to secure more textiles and ether pro. Tile Durham Chnotife--ettfrwe,....oityl,..minchs frion Great Britain than they quid.. ittrilitracili.i 'Ill .imilar *train al- would otlwrwl.e smnre In exchange for the products which they eviport to most every week: , f.rent Britain. Mayor )1,11ritle ofr-lT9ronto. ad- - of emir.* this thing Is gnu thOtu• 1,. ttie o'her day* And 14 11111401./1 a., leeption of il trading arrangement l• ,nying that the whole ..f.ai Idly of , one in which each country inereases Toronto University ototold ire At. tariff lind therefore rel'elVe.1 11..m ' changed beeanse they ressrded ,,,,mioimilite,, r,,r the products which it • Toroirto as vienderant.- Ile had has to export than it would otherwie-- been insulted at !Um House and ' restelve. It's stupid, of e1111 1,le. bill WrIg 11 Ighly 111 1.11,141. NO 11,4114 sttillitlIty in trmile matters is the Ina - the .populace of Toronto will SM., tural prodnot and by-prodnet of ex; tee with 3119.4 Meltride but' the trestle pro.eetion. Great Brit/sin will rest of ontarlo is with the Unlver- gain trPOintolOtt•ily front the arningc- %By staff. Toronto luny riot be ment --so will the Argentine The t* Intolerant in the full meaning of 5, wIll he the Inger. the won!, !Olt If titer.. ever was a , Mr. Hoover's VlsI1 I PISICP that 01111.0141 Pith W11111 1 414 n , If WIII be reealled that Preeitieti• then Toronto Is IT in capital tine. Ile went In it battleship. lie lettere. With a 1.r01.1 that Is ' *O. well received. There Were: bow- (tont/Dually leetnring the rest ot ever. Pertain rumbling.. ' tre y. "41..wt. Ilse Province. and 1.Ommittees for' ' ler." It wee meggesir7d _BS litany this snit that trying to grab every- Argentine papers that a less oiteillsite' thing that is not securely tied i down, Toronto IS fre,InnIng about ivotild tit the .perasion more closely! the mmit unpopular mciropolltan than ninny rhino,. no matter how hap- :, Nutt re In Ontario. Ntit eontfil t py they might be. The British looney ' II Vl ith the Canadian Exhibition, Is winning --"red leitxrd" I. not the only : they have with other things grab- thing that wine Rests—the British wily belt off the Royal Winter Fair. rind n„w ire out for the Candi.'" Hen- le the better way, art It equally la. Meinwhile our Government le not twill At Port I sallomsle. It may la. truly maid that 411.- r4wf of °merit. regnrol. Toronto much Ito the aroe.- light ari Toronto regard. Montreal Horn! Ontario lia. even golf call- ing Toronto "Ilogtown.•' for that word hate long .inee InAt If 0 de- ,, rliolve meening now that hogs are worth over ten dollars a hun- dred ' If we can mate the life of one child It win he worth all the time and effort we 'peed on tratfivortrol '' Herbert KINGSBRIDGE 8 (intended for last weell KINosBBrM;E. Nov. 19. --•Messes. Billy Myers. Chas. McCarthy and I4aw- reoc•e Auatiu, from Detroit, are speed- ing a week among their trletµls and relic 14 es here. Mics Ruse O'l'ouhor left on Saturday for a two week..' visit et Jtuffalo. Mrs. P. Austin has gone to Loudon and will resile there for the winter. Mr. Michael Foley and hls lwreute. fir. +toil air.. Fed. Foley. Mrs. 1- M. Sullivan end airs. Jas. Garvey visited lit Loudon on Sunday. Mrs. M. J. u'('uuuur and stns Elaine I silent a couple of day last week visiting lu %Ingham and Wawauo•b. Was Grandpap Present? .At the State Soldiers' Howe' iu flet• ford. Nebraska, this taut drummer. Wil - Ilam IL Campbell. au eighty -one -year - 'old 4',t11 War veteran. married Mrs. Ida It. Curter, aged wevcnty-w des - coolant of Daniel Boone. Hiram Boone, her ninety-eight-yearold father unto• resldh,g in the Soldiers' Howe. gave the blushing bride away. Newa dispatches. balled to mentiou whether the older wetnbers of the family were present or not. Morning to Motorists A contemporary rectsminends to his readers that every ear owner' whet. starting his ear steeds! Ile sure flint the garage doors are open. This, is particularly sane advice at this time of year when the cold morning air might have it to make one leave the door. closed. There 14 tired- ly danger In starting a car with the doors shut. doe 4.. the risk of carbon wan hat -i paid the penalty .if fonrettill. in this respect. THE SIGNAL'S !'' oderich "Buy -at -Home" Directory and Business Guide Through the co-operation of the business men listed below, The Signal proposes to reproduce a series of educational articles in the endeavor to bring about a better business relationship between residents and merchants in our town, and thus to bring about a more prosperous and progressive community in which to live. A. CORNFIELD Ready -to -Wear Clothing Gents' Furnishings Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Ladies' Ready -to -Wear and Millinery Telephone 418 'Slap WWI In Ira limited is Slop" W. ACHESON & SON -General Dry Goods and Ready -to- Wear Rugs - Linoleums - Carpets TELEPHONE 76 Cleveland's Bakery Quality Bread, Cakes and Pastry Telephone 114 We4stern Canada Flour Mills Co., Ltd G eo. W. Baechler PROVISION sIH)P Groceries, Meats, Fish, Fruits and Vegetables "that Frwild Tell. Another -We fo our 11 dell%1.11111:— Phone 368 11 EA ItT1 LY ENDORSE THIS Buy - at - Home CAMPAIGN Support Local Merchants and Help Our Town Grow World's Greatest M 'licking the aerld's greatest men. Ilki. selecting an all-star Itiw..re team. I. a difficult undertaking -OUP 11 WIlleh IWO persons would likely reach the same result independently. Th.. feat was recently attempted. a View to plat -111g Annie+ tot (be world's ,. eighteen greatest, nien ou the facade of a neW 141111 library. the folbta Ina k- ing selected: Adam Smith. social -deuce; Be- i thtiveti. tuned.: Dante. poetrY: Darwin.' biological science; Letmartto 118 Vlilei. 'art: Benplanin Enfant:. 'public tiers- , ler: Gatii,e.. physical -1 Goethe. 1;t1:entoerg. ;wilding Hendon's. .his - and administration: Neu-tou. inn !town t it o. playsiist: ra.tettr. ritedical whorl.: Plato. 1.1111. One of the striking aspeets thi- 11.rt It that It ineludes three twee.. be sides shake -pram indicating tha: pOetry piesents the neist likely path to. Immortal fame, however aiduraide It May ioe it..t pricticril career during one's lifetime. Frauklin I. the only .tmerican in the li.t. hich may not be derog• atory to our neighbors, considering! that the entire ithnorical itcriod from is covered in the search for celebrities. R. WHEELER. Furniture Funeral Director and Embalmer Telephone: Store 335 Res. 355 w GETTING YOUR MONEY'S WORTH W. C. Pridham & Son GENTS' CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS "me stmt. with tlw Stock Telephona 57 Camibell's Drug Store Drugs, Patent Medical's Toilet Articles Victor Phouoirspk• wed Records TELEPHONE .0 When 111 speud your money you naturally want 1.. get all y.... CA 11: Is everyone's right Only those ho are commonly. re- ferred to as having "more money than emu*" throw their money away. Ali others •re careful to see they do not get the wpm tot any bargain. But one has to be Able to look farther than the end fir IllI•V If Ile II* 11/ Ise sure that he is getting his Isiolle)'• Worth That i• the defetwe of those who buy outside their community. +tend of patronizing home merebanta. But the way tit make the law pri.... poottillole 111 the home town let for all the re.iiientsr to do all their buying at home. Increased tintrotisge of the home town meretrints gives those same merchant's's bigger truylag opportunity. thereby maintaining a minimum price for good ,stantlard userchat. dime. The price buyer slimy. thinks he is looking out for No. 1 anal he toys It I- not him fault If the merchant In hie eounnunky is not making any money *nil la forced out Of bonitos... He overlooks the faet that he lit likely too be MS hard hit as nuyotw eler•when the mer- chant eltewe his doors, but it is a 210 to -I shot that the buyer is the one who losea. and all 'Want* he did not believe in communio merchant, reuffIcient17 to support them_ You never Isonglit anything for nothilig Ne.ur Iton't. try it now Think It over Jas. C. Carrie Hardware, Paints, etc. R. J. Howard Geaeral Supply Store HARI)WARE, PAINTS and 01 L AUTO ACCESSORIES TELEPHONE 306 w too East side .4 Svpusre PHONES 501, 363 Ilairersal Niihau,' ad 601 Shoppi Up-to-the-minute Millinery, Lingerie, N•chwear and Julian Sale Loather Good• Gifts for all occasions WE INVITE YOU TO CALL M. N. MAKINS F. E. Hibbert Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS R•liable Good• •t Reasonable Prices TELEPHONE 86 -THE REXAU. DRUG STORE' Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Kodaks, Stationery, Conlectumery United Civir Store Agency TELEPHONE No. 1 W. C. Snazel Genie Furniskings Suits nIade-to-measure CLEANING AND PRESSING TELEPHONE 339 The SIGNAL JOB DEPARTMENT is equipped for all kirels of Telephone 35 Broohey Bros. FURNITURE aad FUNERAL DIRECTORS Tolspboas: Store 12.0; Res. 217 FORD SALES AND SERVICE IN NEW CARS USED CARS THE FASTEST SELLING CAR IN THE WORLD AND THE MOST ECONOMICAL TO OWN AND OPERATE FORD PARTS COST LESS TELEPHONE 403 Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat & Bronchial Troubles Soon Yield To .1 move Is On foot to establish 'wirer shipping f•onneetIonm between India. British Africa and Canada There mks- nitiohe such ats the Ar- gentine with which Canada can lin Australia and New Zealand might feel the impact of American tariff in- ereattets. If thes ever eon*. Herr la a sphere In which Moeda elm play a larger role. There Is abondant evl. denee that the Governmest la Stir, to Mose happealapi. Tbe action of Ar- gentina and Great Prints to a splendid We, too, no travel a elml- alas way—k sum tem eus medicinal fumes ere given off which confer di.tet benefit on the delicate lining mensbresse. Peps soothe mod ems" t he throat. and clear the chest end biros - °blab is • remarkable way. Keeping Up Appearances We make it easier for particular people Frank H. Martin Tailor and Hatter Teleplese 45 This Week's Special Write -Up W. O. PRMIZAII a SON Thi• I.:Dile of the oldest and beat -known lirturs In the men'. furnishings hurnesst in Western Ontario. The recruit sif years of Painstaking attention to the stints of the commtuilty in this line has been the *midi' growth of tbe conatpueney. on that The Store with the Stock" is known for many miles ont of Goderich the place SI here the right article eau lw found at the right price. • Just at prewst W. C. Prlditam & Son ant Inaugurating a seven day,' special stale, and it will be worth every man's whits. to inreetlgate the bargains that are being offered. D. M. O'Brien FRESH AND CURED MEATS and POULTRY DELIVERY PHONZ 31 E G. Smith Baker and Confectioner 1 h. Bolter Bread PHONE I 8.4 WE DELIVER Miss L. E. Hogan Confectionery and Ice Cream —Soda Fountain Service - HUNT S CHOCOLATES TELEPHONE 393 HE BREATHE -ABLE TABLET Calvin Cutt Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour and Feed Telephone 116 J. R. WHEELER When buying furniture -NI -her a single pieee or an entire set be sure to consult J. Wheeler. He carries; a large stock at his warehouse on Hamilton street, and If he has not in mock Just what you want Ile wilier* it for you. There is no reation in ionising by the home merchant in buying furniture, for Goderich is nest as close to the factories where it lat produeed Ihe city establishments are. and In dealing with a man -you know you will rlitt no danger of being Joshed Into buying something that will fall to pieties almost as 'mon •„ti it Is Ohl for. Buy furniture from your Inane town merchant. E.C. Robertson JEWELRY, DIAMONDS "QUALITY GIFTS" Royal Crown May China TwAstuotau 134 Blackstone's Furniture Exchange Used aad New Fumigate "WE SAVE YOU MONEY" PHONE 240 J. J. Hoggarth GARAGE Gas, Oils, Tires, Accessories TELEPHONE 427 F. M. McArthur Electrical Contractor FIXTURES and SUPPLIES NEXT POST OFFICE PHONE 112 FRCP Silitigh-P just srriviA 5x and 3x B. C. Shingles (lid our ',Heel. Wore you bny Robt. Standish Allison & Heitman FRESH AND CURED Meats , REST QUALITY—( TELEPHONE No. 2 Smith's Art Store Art Pictures, Pidure Framing —English China "GIFTS OF QUALIT1 PHONE 144 British Exchange Hotel Huron Cafe in connectiou Known to be clean and up-to-date PHONE 162 Wesley M. McLean FLOUR, FEED, SEEDS Groceries aid Produce, Hay and Straw Asset Brantford Roofing. Phone 360 Stamped Goods, Hand Embroidery China and Pottery 1;1 Fr:- 1:1)11 0CCASIONS Phone 567 RUBBER FOOTWEAR Stardy's Cash Grocery Choke Groceries Provisions, Fruits "Everything Good for the Tabli." PHONE 210 Miller's Service Station Goodyear Tires phis Service Worth While Oil Changed and Cars Greased —MARMON MOTOR CARS PHONE 239w M. R. MacVicar High -Class Millinery Hats, Corsage, Flowers Scarfs and Novelties 1)11r ,tock i- complete in ell kind, of Footwear. All our Eithietr. are gllfilfitto Prices are down this yen r Let us ipply your Rtildwr Footwear needs East Street Footwear and Repair Shop For Quality awl Comfort in WM. AHL, Proprietor Opposite Know Chtorrh Phone 606j Wm. J. Clark DE SOTO SIX A CHRYSLER PRODUCT Sales and Service Expert Kerwin, on All Slake. of Cant L. J. Baker HUDSON and ESSEX SALES AND SEN‘'ICE General Motors Trucks RiTeirs on ail makes of car - PHONES 166-247 W. Herds Shoe Store Goderich Fruit Market Quality Fruit and Vegetables Corn., East Street sad Square room!: 470 MacEWAN & TEBBUTT CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE Gas, Oils, Tires and Accessories --""1" Repairs *a all makes al cars Televises. 234 NASH "400" 1,ea(ki tio. World in Motor Car Value The only Car of all the new ears with every new 1929 refinement SALES - SERVICE - STORAGE Huron Motor Sales 'South Street