HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-28, Page 12 .f Christmas Greeting Cards See The Signal's range of Christmas Greeting Cards. Prices range fiom $1.QO per dozen up, including printing of name and address on each card iontft 11GHTY SECOND YEAR, NO 47. STANDING OF G. C. I. I CHURCH NOTES STUDENTS IN FIRST TERM EXAMINATIONS With Some Words by Principal Hume to Parente of the Pupil The following is the standing of the students of the Goderich Collegiate in- stitute In the first aeries of examin- ational of the year 199.1930, ending iNovember 15, 1929. Individual reports have been sent home fur perusal and eumment by the parents. 1. honors, 75%; 11. honors, (lit to 74%; 111. honors, 60 to 6." ; credit. 55 to 50%. Perm 1 t-1at Year CommereW ('bion Average 612% Group B. -'brie who have failed in Abe number of await -vet stated In brats iota after each name: - Greta Steels (1) - ...79.5 Robert Studded (1) 75.6 • Phyllis de Peudry (J) 74.7 Margaret Elliott (I)...... 72.2 sous Wiese! 11) 71.5 Morrison MacKay (l) 66.8 Bernice Moore (3) 65.7 Erie Quuld (2) 04.3 Marjorie !'rouse (3) • 61.1 Annie Linfield (2) ....62.3 Ian MacKay 14) • 59.6 Dors Kltton (5) '57.8 Jewu Morgan (5) 57.8 Jessie MacKay (4) 57.8 'Jack Videan (8) 54.6 Murton Lamprey (7) 54 James Murphy (5) - 53.4 fort) n t4uw'erly (6) 61.9 Wilda Rutledge (7) 51.3 Ralph Henderson (7) 49.3 :ad Year Commercial Class Average 64% (♦roup A. -Thos- passing iu all .nb- jso'ts :- Mabel Brownlee 77.4 Marie Ryan 76.8 'rout) B. -Those failing In the number et sutsitega iA Sflekets -- "i 'toroth,- Steep (1) 80.2 Lulu Jewell (1) 76.1 Marguerite MacDonald (1)71.8 Dorothy Walters (2) 71.7 IdmRy Me('lure 12) 69.5 Della Marney (2) 68.5 Irene Maras (2) 65.3 Annie Tubb (3) 84 Herbert Bridle (4) 63.9 Patrick I e4 ( ) 63.3 charlotte Llaington (3) 63.2 Clara Moore (3) 62.4 Mary Greene (4) 61.9 Ida Carrick (4) sial lead J lllott (5) ....51.6 N orman howler (4) ...... , ....58.6 James Johnston (6) 56.4 meth Cornfield (6) 64.3 Gladys Shore (5) 52.7 Edward Itaeehler (8) 51.7 Margaret Sheppard (7) 49.2 Marie Shields (10) 46,6 Speciol Class Victor Elliott 80 •mbr°.e I'olburue (1)..,...r.,65 Naomi Melkrmid (1) 64 For 1 i1 -Class Average 58% *1001) A. -Those passing In all sub - ports :- Helen Bisset 80 AIma gallows 77.1 John !'arsons 77 Herbert Grabsm 74.6 Group B. -Those failing In number of Rubies -to in brackets: - Jean Whitely (1) 74.2 Marion Snell (1) 70.4 Myrtle Young (2) 67.6 Mary Bisect (1) 67.3 Allele Burke .(2) 614 Ernest ('rawford (1) 66.2 Kathleen Whntely (2) 65.6 Helen Whitely (3) 84.1 Keith Saunders (1) 64. Victor Roberson (1).. 62.2 Mildred Sallow/1 (2) 82.1 E laine Burrows (5) 61.4 Jessie MatMeson (3) ......,..,61.1 James Naftel (3) 59.9 Grate Mason (1) 58.8 tlllda Finnigan (3) as Madeline Geromette (6) 56.4 (brnellue Johnstone (6) 66.8 Florence Sowerhy (4) 56 C%ofln Young (2) 54.9 Ibert Flown (3) 54.8 Herbert Greene (4) 92.7 Eunice Young (3) 61 Charles Mltebetl (7) 50.8 Perth's Jenner (4) 60.1 Group C. --Those below 8096 avenge, tmnkld :- Ido White (6) Aare Cartwright (8) Keith Young (6) Maxwell Cormier (5) Mona Harrison (8) Verna Barbour (8) lledley Proust. (8) Ione Ryan (7) Margery Luridly was prevented *um writing the examinations through finers. Form 1 C -Cissa Average 613% •slip A. ---Those pealing in all sub- jects: - Franeeee Thomann 711 Alma O'Brien 67.R Margaret Sandy 64.3 6ranp R. Those falling In the number of subjects In hi -tickets: - Jelin Marionald (1) 78.7 Bertram Me('reeth (1) 76.2 Albert Welsh (2) 714 Audrey Wieland (2) 74.7i }inward Wilkins' (1) 74.2 David Tohln (2) 71.R Mildred Million (1) 71.7 Ruth Marney (2) 70.8 Phyllis iwwren/e (2) 70.4 !salwelle Tyndal (1) (18.3 Edgard Jeffrey (2) 00.6 Ray Lawrence (3) 68.4 Phlllp Carter (2) 68.2 Eleanor Tyndall 12) Mei I Herbert Palmer (3) 63,7 Myr'le 'grimmer (1) 4154 Verna F.dward (2) 64.2 Marjorie Macfie (2) 63.8 leonortl MacDonald (3) 0.42 Fred Roes (3i 61.6 Cora lecter) (4) 61.1 Raymond Dern (2) 50.4 (Continued on pawn 8) The Men's Club of North street Culled church will be addressed on Sunday morning by' Mr. Wm. Manu of luuerkip, president of the' laymen's Asso.lutlon of the London Conference. The plembers of the Westminster Guild if Knox church will attend a veering at Exeter on Tuesday evening f next w'e'ek. All who wish to go will . please band their names to the preal- ,lent by Monday night. . The services; at Knox church next Sunday will be conducted by the miu- ister, Rev. R. C. McI)ermkl. Sermon subjects; 11 a. m., "The Treasure In a Field ;" 7 p. at, "Our Report on Lite." Sabbath school and Bible clas- ses at 3 p. lanses■t3p. W. the auntie!' tbaukofferiug mw•tiu; of the W. M. 8. of North ,greet 1 inert 'luirch will be held In the Suuday school room Wedsc day evening, Div - ember 4th, at tip in. The speaker will es' Mrs. Greenwood of Mitchell, press- deaf of the Perth Presbyterial W. M. S. Services at the Huptist church next Sunday as follows: 10 a. m., Sunday e•hcot, Pub;k• worship at 11 1. m. and 7 p. w. Sermon eutijoeta: morning, 'The Ascription of Praise stud Glory 'o Gal ;" evening, 'The Knell of a Lost Soul." The Lord's Supper will be observed at the dome of the morn- ing service. The regular services in Victoria ■ f+rcet United church will be held ou Sunday, with the pastor in the pulpit. The morning subject will be "The ltiblt in,the Hume," and in the evenlug, 'The Lost .Coin." Tbia b tbe second of the merles Mr. Mutt et tieing at the Sunday evening services. The public is Invited to attend the young people's meeting of North street Pulte+! church on Monday evening, Dec- ember 'lull, when Mr. Fred Meek, a student mlwionery of Toronto, will toe present. bast summer yr. Meek was farther north. than any other misalon- Ory and did real pioneer work there. His trlk will be Sates ely luterertting 'A goal mualcul program baa been are ranged. KINGSBRIDGE K INGSBRI•D(i•D, Nov. 26• -Mr. Law- rence Audio. wbo for several years has made his home lm Detroit, but who was once a Klagsbrld>s Mf. 48 10 be married In St. rhum's eta Thursday. We extend cosbrat ulatlo ns and best f good wIshee. Mr. Cyril Austin le at present visi- ting In Detroit, but Is to be In SL Thomas on Thursday to be groomsman for his brother Lawrence. Met. Wm. Dannon returned to her home on Monday from Alexandra hone pita!, G,slerlob, where she was presen- ted on November 0th wltb a bouncing baby Is'v. ( 'ougr'a t ilia eons. Mr. Gerald Garvey is spending a while at the home of his parents, hat, lug returned from Sarnia. Rev. Father Sullivan, of (liable, vial -el the burg last week. • Mr. Walter Dalton. of Detroit, spent a couple of days last week with his paresis and family. OBITUARY MRS. SAMUEL BROWN Mrs Sarah Jane Oliver, willow of Samuel Brown, and n former resident of (Soder-tele died Tuesday afternoon. November 1At11, at the residenee of her son, William itrown, 326 Herkimer + trent. Hamilton, at the age of seventy - eve years. Mra. Brows bad been In ill -health tor some time. She had re- sided la Hamilton for two years, hav- ing previously been a resident of God - 'rich for a number of years. She leaves one eon, Williams with whom ale resided, and one daughter, Mrs. 11. J. I)nyle, of Los Annie,. California. She was a member of rskine Presby- terian church, Hamilton. A funeral service was hekl at the residence of ber son on Wednesday evening. Nov- ember 20th, and interment took plate at Tara en the fallowing day. MILS. W M. ('. K i 111 !'ATR I OK The death occurred suddenly at ('u- hrl, Sauk., om Thursdaty. November 21st, of .tell, Dougherty beloved wife of Mr. Wm. l'. KIrkpatrlek. Ihreased Was forty-five years of age. She was born In Ashfield townehlp, a daughter of Mrs. Dougherty of Gederlch and the late Nixon Dougherty. The late Mrs. Kirkpatrick relded In Colborne township until her marriage about eighteen years ago, when she moved to the West. Of a very kind and pleas- ant dlspoaitlon, sate was well beloved by an who knew her and will he great- ly mbased In her home. She was a member of the ilnited Church. Sur- viving urviving to tnonrn her 101s are the hus- band acyl els daughters and four sons; I her mother. Mrs. Dougherty, n2 Gode- rich, and four sisters, Mbeses Eleanor, of Woodstock, Mildred, of Toronto, Florence, of Goderich. and Evelyn, nt t)tbnton. The funeral took place GM Monday afternoon, a servbee being held in one ('ahrl United church. The Ladies' Aid of the 4(54.4 st church will hold their annual sale of work, homemade baking and easily in the old Hydro store. corner of Col- borne .freest and the Square. 011 Sat urday, ieremlwer 7th. Ten will 11e served from :3 o'clock. ` GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1929 Special Offer To new subscribers The Signal will be went for the remainder of thin year for 25 CENTS or to Janntry 1st, 1931, for t$2 (IO 'flit: SI(;NAI The News of the Town Catholic Worm's League Bazaar I PERSONAL MENTION Victoria School Cemmeneement A bazaar under the au.pk•es of the . The annual commencemeut exer- Catholic Womeu'e League will be held In the Oddteilowe' ball on Thursday afternoon, December 5th. A large and varied assortment of Christmas gifts will be offered for sale. There will also be a sale of home baking and candy, and au appetizing supper win be served. A beautiful walnut hope -- chest la t„ be disposed of, with Saute Claus as an attractive setting. The president, Mrs. Jas. Foley 1s the coy- vener of this affair. The publle la asked to reserve the date. Ger'omette-Aiaelman A quiet wedding took plate at St. Peter's' church, Goderich, on Monday. November 25, when Lillian Joaephbnt- Alzelman, daughter ut Mrs. Alzelman and the late J. E. Atze:man of Mont- real, was united in marriage to Wil;ard Joseph Gerumelte, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. (ierumette of Goderich. The sere mony was performed by Rev. Father Lowry. The bridal couple were atten- ded by Mies Madeline Gerumelte and Mr. Vineent GerimeCe, sister and bro- ther of the bridegroom. The setting (Duple will reside In Go,lerlcll. More Veasey for Winter Fleet There were two gratin Tont arevals with winter storage carguesat this tort his week. The Franz arrived on Monday with 205,000 bushels of wheat for the Western Canada Flour Milts elevator and the Hagerty arrived at the week- e'nd' with :MUM bushels 0t wheat for the Goderich elevator., Two steamers are en route from the bead of the lakes, Home Smith with 03.4544 Inl.hels of wheat for the Wes- tern Canada Flour Mills and tbe Que- doc with 204,000 bushels of oats for the Goderich elevator. These cargoes are for winter e'orage and when these steamers arrive there will be ten steamers tied up here for the winter. Dredging operations were at it stand- still all week on account of the rough weather. Today the waves are wash- ing over the piers In the harbor. To Play intermediate Hockey A meeting of the (slerleh Hockey Club was hell In the town council chamber on Tuesday evening. Mr. S 1). Croft, president of the Club, oeeu- plei the chair. The chfe( item of busi- ness before the meeting wax the de- cision as to what team or teams should be enterer) In the O. H. A. this enm- Ing season, the last day for making en- tries being Wer1newlay of this week. The mater w'nx thoroughly diseuwsed mad the decision finally reached wax to place aff laternesliate team In the field. 1t was p,ineel out that a num- ber of the boys who played Junior hockey last damn either are not avail- able this year or are over -age. The Present prostieetg are that there will 0s' plenty of material available for the intermelinte eines. It was decided that the ('Iter should sponsor a town league series this sewers to bring along juniors and this matter wiR receive further eoneideratloi by tbe executive. Commill es 'were appointed as fee- lowa: Rink. 8. i). Croft, J. 1t. Reynolds, F. R. Darrow; advertising. (iso, Jen- ner, 1i. Sturdy; egnlpmeat, F. Z. 81► hest, 11. Murne.'y, S. I). ('roft; Iran.- portation, Dr. J. A. Graham, D. Ti. O'Brien, C. 'F. Chapman Geo. Iles Ewan. Katals Cher& gebelainnient A splendid audience tamed •Ruts ea Friday night last for the entertain- ment given by the choir of Knnl church, the lecture room of the cburcb •being filled. The choir has a reputa- tion of many years' standing for pee - Titling prime entertainment, and it wns fully sustlaned. The first part of the program wax a "Betsy 1'nlrbitt Weep -- Gob.", This was conducted In some - whet the style of a relined minstrel show, Mrs. i1. C. Dunlop acting -as in- terlocutor and Introducing quips and Jokes and stories (01' .various members and alsp the more ferieN1 number. of the program. Theme Incl vocal so- los be Miss Margaret Wilabn, Mrs. San- derson, Alex. Laird'and A..Traverse; recitations by Mrs. Major; a quartette. 'Plumeon. Traverse, Ailetln and Knnlers: a Iwx'ette, Maas.•. 1IRIst, Nairn and Somerville, Mrs. Alex. Smith, Mrs. Sanderson and Mrs. ihun- lop; trio, Mrs. Dunlop and Misses; Nairn and Wilson; a duet. Mrs. .lex. Smith and Mr. J. F. Thomson; a tenor horn solo, Mr. Traverse. There were .:• ; n noniler efehornses by the choir. All the numbers were given in 'excellent style, and a '•'•costly pleasing feature was the introduction of some splendid new talent from which much will he expected for the future. 4')he 'rens,] part was 11 short 44157, "Aunt Maggie's Will," which besides be ng itmnsinr enftrhasized the Impor- '•n, a in a c°Iing w'°mfrl'x life of a knowledge of goal housekeeping meth- ods 'Those lasing parts In the play were Mrs. Dunlop, Mrs. Major. Mrs s '•'- •n. Mrs lb'rt Tsylor. Misses Beth Thomson, Mary McKay, Chriat Inc .e ...., .,.., . , o e 1111,f, Ile,en Drennan and Margaret Wilaon. SPECiAi, OPTICAL NOTICE [lave your eyes examined by our well-known and pain/taking wpcialIst, Mr. Hnahson, formerly optical expert 1 for Keats, Toronto, and Henry Morgan t 6 (70., Montreal. Thirty year.' experl- enee, nineteen years coming to (fade- t rich. You are ss.nre.1 of the Met op - deal work to be fib' minor! and at very moderate tont. We furnish ail the late styles of mounting., the beet make of the hent makers, end our prima are from 4400 np. Thursday, Friday, i)e.- emher 12, 13. SMITH'S AlT'rORE. Goderich. BRIEFS • Mr. Robert Johnson!' west at Toronto fist week 09,1111111g 5 eoncention of he County Court Clerks of the Pro- vince and also a meeting of •he else - n -ice of alis Ontario Good Reads An- stelatlon. of which be fo prveident. The Maple Leaf .tempter. L O. 1). F:. will present their entertsinmen', "Vert - fey," In 11. George'a pariah hell on Wedneadey and 7Tnrday, December 11th and 12th, eommenrtng at R.15 p. m. Admlaalon: Adults 50 cents; children Ski canto. Mrs. Slocum ham returned to town atter visiting friends at Niagara Falls, N. Y. Mia. Stella Harney baa returned boar from Detroit after spending a few months there. Misses l'owell, MCNaugbton and -Hume spent the week -end at Toronto, taking In the winter fair. Miss Erma Moss, R. N., of Hay City, Mich., is visiting her asters, Mre. J. B. Whitely and Mn. Jamey Young. Mr. Irwin Gauley, of Woodstock. spent the weekend at the home ut bb parents, Mr. and Mn.. Wm. Gaul'y. Mrs. Colin Patterson lett the past week for Brantford, where she Intents to spend the winter with her daugb- ters- Mr. and aura. Melvin O'Reilly, of Kitchener, spent the week -end with the furtter'r parents, Mr. end Mrs. M. J. O'Reilly. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert We4.eter,• of Luckuow, were guests ut rhe home of lir. and Mm. Manse's' Real, Brock ;tart. on Sunday. Mrs. A. E. Wlleon, of Saltford, and her sister. Mrs. John Morrie, of Sarnia, are attending the wluter fair at Tor- onto this week. • 'Mr. MA Mrs. Frank Holty'man, ref , Htyril, aecetupenied by Mr. Shank: of Waterdown, were visitors In Godetieb .nu Mou.1ay afternoon. Miss Florence Dougherty, R. N., left un Friday last for Cabr(, Sask., to at- tend the funeral of her aster, the late Mrs. Wm. C. Kirkpatrick.. Mr. Fred Johnston motored from 'pronto on Sunday and visited his anele. Mr. W. B. Grahabt, for a few Hours. murning to the city in the ev- ening. - Mr. Chas. C. Lee Is reported to be showing aatfefactory lmprovemeat s the hospital at Toronto and it la ex- pected that be will soon be able to re urn home. Mr. 1.. DuusIol, ac.00111a11t 011 Ilse I's -al Royal hunk Watt', bus returned to his duties after spending two weeks' ntlda m home and I, c at ,me si d her teener. Miss Agnes Flick, of Colls,ruc tlowu- ehl r e t for lake Orlon, . lett on Tuesday 7 Mich., beta( called there on account of the serious Inures of her rioter, Mrs, C. W. Spurgeon. Among those who were at Toronto this week for the winter fair were Messrs. Gordon and William'nanet, T. Pritchard, and Reeve Hugh Hill of Col - 45111'e tuwnsbip. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Collrurre and I -daughter, Miss ileten, of Pontiac, Mich., are spending a few day's in town. Miss Itnp•e, who had been with them at Pontiac for a few weeks, re- turned to Goderich with them. Dr. and Mrs. Whitely tetendel the Liberal -Conservative banquet and 111111 I field In the Royal York. Toronto, on November 21st. The following -day 11 luncheon sans given for the Senators' w'ir'es at which Mrs. Whitely was an Invited guest. I Mrs. William Turner arrived in Goef- erleb thio week from Sidcup, Englnd, and brought four healthy children to Join Mr. Turner, who lull been here eight monthsworking on the new ele- vator, and has provided a comfortable home for them. Mr. Turner is a brick - Myer and cement finisher and served in the Royal Navy as stoker during the war. They hope to make Co.lerich their permanent home. • ON THE BOWLING ALLEYS A bowling -league has been organized at the Royal alleys and it la expected play will get under way on Monday- evening. ondayevening. December and. A sshelule Ls to be drawn up at once. Inuring the week the draw was made by Messrs. Pritchard, Knox and Rettertoon. The ten grntps or teems are as follow: Reg. Fliliott, 11. C. Young, H. Doak, W. Snasel; F: Riley, G. James. T. Pritchard, Dr. J. A. Graham, W'. Stell, F:. Sale, H. Williams C. McManus, P. Turner, H. McNee, E. J. Prdhane A.,Mit;onuell, V. Mar- rs. A. 'Taylor, J. Johnston, F. R, Dar- row, E. C. Robertson, J. -Rowasa, W. Litt. 1. `4nucler., W. Hoak, C. F. Chap man, T. Glazier, H. Allen, G. Mace:wan. W. Blseet, N. Young, J. Yell!, W. MeM auris G. Matheson, D. McMillan. F. 11. Martin, P. Itisset, L. i. Knox, W. 1'ebhutt, W. H. Robertson. W. Sturdy. J. heist, J. H. i,ander, T. McDermott, F'. McArthur, (1. Buchanan. F. 11uut, 1'. Johnston, J. M.4'ounell, H. Wanton, It. Johiaton, L. Jewell. R. I, Lloyd, 1). MneVieer, E. West- bruoke, W. Heitman, F. Pafford. • • • The contest for than' .erring the nearest to 200 In a single game Is cre- ating a great deal of interest. 'Po date slzteen players- Noe tallied the even 200. This eunfest will continue until the end of the month, when there will be a playoff for the prise. A team of Goderich lady bowlers 'were at Clinton .on Monday evening anel took part In a friendly contest with Clinton ladles. The Golerlch team won three straight gamer. The highest .corers were; Miss M. Mul- holland. Clinton, 440; Mrs. It 1.. Lloyd, Go,lerb'h, 523. The Inquest Into the eirennveafteett sensing the death of ('e•II Sproule, fet- teen months -.old son of Mr. and Mee John Sproule, of Galerlch, ha■ been edjonrnel several times and the date now set for 'he next sitting Is Monday, inmpmber 9th. class of Victoria oc'hool will be held on Friday evening of !hit. woek, com- mencing at 8 o'clock. All Interested ill the work of the school are cordially invited to be present. Gordon Wong at Hong Kong • Word was received the pest week from Mr. Gordon Wong at Hung Kong. China, that be bad arrived safely and had had a real grand trip. Mr. Wong, Alai is the proprietor of Woug's Cate, Goderleb, left here In September ou a visit to relatives in China. The letter was mulled at Hong Kong October 26th and was reeeked In Goderich Novem- ber 23rd. Huron bicep at the Royal 1V. M. Henry, of Itergrave, was an exhibitor at the Royal Wiueer Fair, 'lbroetu, and climbed to the top of the class with his Oxford !)own ewe Iamb. Ile sou first le a clavi of twell'y-Iwo ('51' Iambs, later whining the ,'hamp- i fonship Now the Fleming Estate. Mr. Henry won al.t0 the big end of the Dor- set ribbons, exhibiting eight 'and tak- ing eight prizes. In market lamb be won arcane' in the singe el:lsa and ' eixth 1♦1 the class of three. Sixty-three lambs were shown from Alberta, Sea- kateliewan. Ontario and elsewhere. .ldrlresa by Rev. G. W. Butt The regular timeline of Central 1 and Schein Club was heli) on Tuesday afternoon. An address was given by Rev. Gordon W. Batt on "'Phe Home a Training School for Communb ty Servlee." Co-0p'ra'lon In the biome, he said, fitted children for Nervier when I they went out Into the woild. The child should have opportunity to share in the work of the home, and so receive training bit efficiency, thoroughness and fidelity. On motion of Mra. Thorneloe land Miss Bailie a vote of thanks was tendered the weaker for his thought- ful and heltInt address. The boys of Miss Baille's class sang I two number's and also recited In con- cert the ('hristmae story from St. l.uke'a Gospel. Miss hunt gave a piano R010, "Ina ora rterT Garden," 1n very i n rleas p u r g style. , A number.of items of business were discussed and tt was decided to pack a Christmas parcel for the children 1u Mise Horneys school district at fuss fake. Before the Magistrate - 1 Among the eases which came before Magistrate Reid this week were charges laid by Corp T. I 'or ems, It. C. M. 1., of Sarnia, ' arainst three men In the eouthern part of the county of having migratory game birds without. a permit. Two of the mien lied each a wild goose, and the third 11111 11.111141 a pair of wild ducks, which were used las deoy.. One of tee• ducks Ind In'il in this man's pros. sesiou, he said, for Twelve years. 1t appears that the keeping of such birds w•Ithout n permit is an °Renee carrying heavy penalities, but n permit ern be 014111141 from the 1- (sterol Gov- ernna•ut without charge. The miigis- ' trate Iuga,s'd the minimum fine of 4114 and coats. I On Saturday a number of boy. from 1 Colborne township were up for break- ing lieu Mr+. Smith's summer home at llenmiller. Sentence was suspended. the toys agreeing t° make good the ' damage and pay costs. Two boys who broke into the school - bowie of S. S. No. 7, t'o;ber,e, on N,rt•- emher 11th were allowe.l to go on ap- logizing to the trustee board, the chair- man of the board being present 18 court. Pit IYI'4X(i ('(1 . 1.1M1 ICED, 1'ubtLshers. MR. WILKINSON'S SEVERAL COUNCILS RECITAL AT GUELPH 1 Former Goderivh Organist Mine Tri- bute from Guelph Press From the ower Suutid'Suu-Times of November 22nd we take the following refereucr• to Mr. C. A. R. Wilklusou, formerly organist of St.* George's church, Goderich, now of Oweu Sound: The followtug tribute in the Guelph prow is of tonsideveble local Interest, owing to Owen Sound having beeu, so fortunate as to welcome recently as a resident Mr. Chariest A. 1t. Wbbkbnsou, new organist of St. George's church, an account of whose recital at St. George's church, Guelph, at Thankagiv• lug tune is given. During the short Arne that he has beeu here Mr. Wilk- inson he organised a boys' choir at St. George's church, which already num- here twenty sweet boy voles. Mr. Weklhsou'a choir, and one of the out - ...tending soloists of the city, melded Mr. Wilkinson at Guelph. "Guelph music lovers were very for- tunate In teeing able to hear Mr. Char- les A. R. Wilkinsou at St. e;tsrrge"s' church on Saturday afternoon. '!'here was a 'splendid represented' c audience uud those who were not able to be pre rent missed a rare treat. Mr. Wilkin. :ern wits formerly organist of St. An- drew's), London, .Euglaud, and later Mt. Calvary church, Ituhimore. Me playing reveals the thorough mus+ rias and an intimate relation with the king of instruments. Ills interpreta- tions are free from clap -tap tricks only loo familiar to UM through the moving picture type lit organist, and the effect of his play lug Is nue of sublime .11;41111) befitting the atmosphere of the church. The saneness of hitt judgment Is 454r- I►culurly evideut lu the Fugtu' H, A. ('. 1.i', where there ls ample Lor tontluuityztfur a nurliucre orgnutat to wdulge hs mere show. " "Mr. W'tlklns111 w'i4g ably u. ide.1 by Mr. Fred lllghnnt, baritone. whose beautiful voice has been heard ori. welly °reaslous In Guelph, and whose ease of vocal utterance makes him a particularly enjoyable n•'sistuot In a recital of this nature. "It will be interesting to know that Ile.'.Vilkinsnn is a ,ompaser aim mean note and he la at present writing a motet for the Vogt Choir, which will he rung by them at their concerts !tee 111 11tbe mitring. His eharmiug -sung, "Ssilaee," will be sung by the choir Se t - o•s ofchurch nett . M .Geos s St 3Its' nriny afternoon et the regular organ recital." County Meeting of H. and 8. Clubs The Huron (Council of Home and Sebad ('burr wet on Thursday evening last in Central school. Representatives were pres.•nt firm other asaocinthtns of the county, especially large conting- ents motoring from Reaforth and ('lin- ton. Mrs. G. i.. I'nrsons, president of the Central Hume and School Club, oe- tilpled the chair for the first pert of the program. She welcome) the visi- ting is -ting delc;;ntes, then called upon Miam Isabel Sharman, B. A., president of the Huron 0111111. to toneluel the business of the meeting. Miss Shar- man mollies' the conetitltlon Of the Council 4111(1 the duties of the nftleers, and en led ups°, Mrs. Arehllnlld, of Sea forth, to answer questions concern- k, lug the work of the Connell. Sirs. ►n hlbeld also gave a report of the meeting of the Provincial cxecutire' recently held In Toronto. A program of misdeal number+ wns given before noel after the business ;weskit. While the audience anthem!. Mrs. Ii. 1;. Joiner preslled at the piano and rendered Revere! number,' 111 her usual linisht'd style. A duel MIs. ,leaner' and Mr. 1). Cant' brought an insletent eneore. Mie. 1115 Ilowell gave n finely -execute.' piano .411411: there were pleasing c,'•n1 '(11105 by Mr. IUlginall FNsher and Mr. George Iniehann•h, and Miss V'. Fraser, of Clinton, delighted everyone with her folk song.. which she 5,r printed 0's Ow guitar. At the close of the program refresh- ment' were served by the ('entre! Clue and a pl.'ax,nt hour was mpent In aoelal Intercourse. 7 ('OMF: TO THE WINTER GARDEN PAi$ glren by the little Juniors of 84. Oe.rge'. ehnr,h °h the nl'Ie,n0,11 of IW'e•nbor 7th, when Pretty Flower, Will help toil tbs'se s'nnetlJngtic to take home, or perhaps a ('hrldmaa gift, and little Jalmnese maids hope yon will tome end have of erneost tea ,rlth them amongst the cherry Mas - mi ems. OBITUARY MRS. C. A. ItOIIERTMON after several months ofeillnese, Mrs. Rolertson, wife of Charlet. A. Robert- son, M.-1'. l'., died Monday morning at her home in Colborne township. Though It had been known for sense time That her life was ebbing. the news of her death creased a wave of sympathy throughout the community, the de•cuseil Indy having a host of friend., In town and country. Jullu Barbara Johustou was isnrl et Kinenrd!ne. the eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Johnston of that town. After leaving Kincardine the family lived for ten year., In Huron township before tur'niag, sums. thirty yen r. ago. t., the tow'nshl►. of Construe. Twenty years ago last June deceased Was married to Mr. 4'. A. Robertson of the name township. She took an nc- tIve and helpful part in the affair, of the cmmmunily, ia.rtienlarly hl conn'('• ton with Solider, 11111 .hure•h, where ns orgn,l•t and i•horlster and in other capacitlee she gave willing and vaht- shte service. One of her spheres of In; tercet wns the Women's Missionary -leteiety, of which she was made not long ago n life member. She leaves, besides her sorrowing husband, two daughters, Dorothy and Christine, is'th nt home, her mother, two slaters, Mew. G. W. Paterson of Toronto and Mrs. (Dr.) 11. (7. Weir of Auteuil. and a brother, Mr. A. 'Y. Johnston of Vii.;:o0 ver, 11. C. Her fati,er passed away in Mauls Inst, and a hetoved brother, Was as drowned In the River Mait- Innd in 1911. The funeral took ping frons die family resld,•n a ua Weln'sday' after- U0bI end wee the .evasion of a very Inrge gathering of sympathizing friends, Imus) coming from Kincardine Heron township and Ashfield, as well ag from (alerlch and other part," of the ty and from more distant points. The funeral service was In charge of Rev. R. 11. Cumming, minister of Smith's Hill church, who we," assisted by Rev. W. 11..tip of Auburn, n former meteor, and by Rev. Dr. John Young of Mexhn. N. Y., and Rev. 1)r. Cutin 1' g of Toronto, as'h'es of the de- censet. The palihcarrere were nix rou- sins: Gordon Young. Williem filen. Rot!. Ma.femnen. James MacKenzie, Peter iStreet and Jame. Meet. A pro- fuslon of,heaatiful ihevers aurroundel the casket, among the offerings hiring a wreath from the North Huron Lib- eral Asaowelatlon. Among theta present from a dlstaner' were 1)r. Mc•Qnilhen, M. P. 1'. for Northeast W'ellbngton ; Char. Fletcher, ex -M. P. 1'., of iealminf'on; J. 11. Mitchell, ex -M. 1'. P., of Alllstoh; Mrs. J. 11. Me1.arty, of London; Mr. end Mre.'(1. W. Paterson, of Toronto; Mrs T~ J. Robr'rtaon and Mina Mary i(0b- ertann, of Niagara Falls; Mr. an.l Mre. Nssh, of Wlhgheni; Mr. and Mrs. Mi- (im, of Fordyce; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Porterfield, of ik'tgrave; Mr. Sheldon !tricker, of Fhrlwle•h; (imrge Stratton. Z. P., Wingham. Dr. Mt•QuiMan re- preeen'ed W. IC. N. Sinclair, K. C„ M. P. P., of Oshawa, at the patter'e special refined. On page 4 of til. lame W. (' Pride ham R Ron armouries, a '.encs stay.' overcnet RR le commencing ,,n Saturday Nndembrer 30th. This will be an op prrtiintty for the men and Nip! of Goderich and district to secure reel bargains In overcoats. RETURNED MONDAY BY ACCLAMATION Nomination Meeting Quiet in God• erich and Ashfleld Townships, 1929 Council Re-elected hudericb township will have the same toune'll for 1930 as for the pres- ent year. The official nomination pro- ceedings, which took place at Holuies vllie 011 Monday afternoon, were very - quiet. Only the members of this year's council were placed lu nomination and accordingly they were re-elected by ac- clamation. They are: Reeve, John 11. , Middleton; councillors, Wilmot Ilalo•ke. Frank Powell, B. W. C4hur'h- ill. John Fr-dnhterton. Mr. W. 11. Lobb wag chairman for the meeting that followed the om1'Inl proe'ee.lings. In addition' to speeches from the members -elect, there were addresses by N. W. Trewartha, who spoke on county council matters; Geo. 11. F:Iliett, of South Iluron fame; H. 1.. Salkeld.• the towuahlp treasurer; John temerity and others. ASHF'IEI.D In Ashlleld the council of 1(1(19 was returnell by acclamation for 1930 at the uumloathing on Monday. Re,'re -John A. McKenzie. Delany Reeve -Thos. J. Anderson Coun.ltlurs-J, E. Ritchie, William J. Black, Samuel ,liwan. WI`4IiAM The Wingham town emnell fr etre- bet by acclamation for "1900: Mayor Thos. Fells. Reeve, -J. W. McKIMem. • Couuetllors-A. Teeing, I1. 1I. Elliott, C. H. Wilkinson, Jas. MVGlllivray, R. A. Spaotlon, Henry Diluent. McKIi IMP Nowluatlons for the lowushlp eoun- iN.e 11k30: For Reeve -John Dodds, Jobe M. Eckert. Fur Council lore- John Campbell'. Ihulief Itegele, Thos. J. McKay. Ruaael Dorrance, -Joseph O'Rourke. 1 Baylleld ('lurch Presented to Bishop A despatch from London, Ont.. says: .A wealthy Catholic woman, whoa* Hanle la withheld, has purchased the forwer Methodist church at Bayfield, a resorton a summer lake Huron, fifty of''1 ., miles north Luudd , ... 11 ' • p; •.J - tel the edifice No tui -11.,1, , 11oh a thanksgiving fur Iib. re'. et . del;. _:ant from another serious illness. 1t is un- derstood a priest will be stationed at Bayfield during th.•-I:ntmer • *on. Bishop V1111on rem -obis 14101. but rather weak. 11 1111 hist week he e, d a setback which alarmed bfr trier.... Ile is attending to much of the work of the diocese, though h. is ,nn; : to Ie'ste Ms palace. BRIEFS R."a'rc,' ('hristmas night. W.'' MI' 'day. !December 25th, for 'Inure in Mei- oak 11,111. Musts- by ''Ashram 1'ar- rbb orchestra. The: 81511,11''. report Of -The :elle- stere' Return," elven snreN tIIIby.-1n St. George's parish -hall en '1'n, -day and Wedur.,luy 4'tru1414", is he .1 .ccs ow'lmg to 1•1,k of SINuw. On Thursday and -Friday evenings. December 1th and 60i, the Westmin- ster Guild w111 present the fem.-comedy "Nobody Kut Nancy" In the lecture room of Knox church. Admission: .t.tlllts :13 lents; students 25 e,'Ilts. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP COillitiltatel TOWNSHIP, Nov. 27. - Miss Leola tenydor left again for Tor- onto on Monday last. Mins Alice Couch, of Putnam, visited at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. John Treble for a few days. Mr. and -Mr,, Anderson, who form- erly worked for Mr. 1.. Mantel!, have moved to Mr. Kenneth Allin's house of Meiaw. Mr. Anelersou le working for Mr. JP�!!1, Welding bells were quietly ringing 011 Saturday, November 23rd, when Mr. Lawrence Snyder, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Snyder, and Misx Mar- garet Allan, only daughter of the late ('has..511111 .11,41 Mrs. Allen, were united In marriage at Renndller parsonage, at higfl noon. The welding dinner was nerved et die home of the brlde'a mother, and later Mr. and Mrs. Snyder went to their borne on the groom'. farm on the Maitland concession. We ex• "tend tongratulntlona to the new couple. Weare very Perry to relate the death of a dear friend and neighbor, Mrs. C. A. Robertson, on Monday Wet. The funeral was held from her home on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Robertson had hien In poor health all summer. As She always took an active part in both rhnrch and nodal work, and • wns a , misshd penton, she willof 44. cheerfulsadly mlsr,eel.y The sympa- thy of the community goes out to her sorrowing husband and twddaughterw, kisses Dorothy and Christine, and to her mother, Pasters and brother. Miss Jean Morrie returned from Lon- don lad Tburdny and sins Ind been nursing the la. Rotertson. Mr. Will LotengMrsfilledhi. new silo ion Monday last. it la of cement, 14x 3,", feet. with a fine seven -foot steel roof. and will be an Improvement to Mr. Long's line property, Mrs. Ernest 'grimmer 1P very 111. We hope she will soon be around again. NEW ARRIVAL IN (.ODF:RiCH 4:.•;nntlfnl Alto)) loll" hex arrived Mere nal wiebe• to find a home In (lal- arlch with Nome little girl. Rhe brings with her a lovely traneseau, her awn e Bosehud brush, comb and powder pile In Rn overnight hag. also a bean- •Ifel wnrdr„Me trunk. She i. wattle[ In Mies Maktns' window on the Apure, where IIt114 girls apt grown-ups are Invited t0 meet her. • -, .t