HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-21, Page 8( E.--Tharaday, November 21,11909. GIVE BOOKS l his CHRISTMAS -New Fiction - The Runner Ralph Connor Fiighting Caravans _ Zane grey hong Ago Told ..Hsrokl tial) 11' right Burning Beauty Temple Bailey %Vhite Oaks of Jahta )laza Ike La Roche Another 1)ay ,Jeffery Faruul 'The Galaxy Susan Ertz Blair's Attic .I..se•l.h C. Lincoln Jim the Conqueror Peter B. Kyne The Prodigal Girl Greece Living- stone Hill The Courts of the alornillg .. John Buchan The Romantic Prince Sabatini The cilenlitten Murder Phillips Oppenheim Partners in Crime Agatha Christie and many otters. Also Reprint. at .4:4k PICTOig ? Q aa4tC4 Cole's Book Store The Leading Men's .Store F-t'ervthing that s nett In Alert's :Vein' Hand Tailoring anal :`pecial Order to Your Meawtm. Chas. Black _1'.1 ioili rich If You Want To Save Money Buy your New or Used Furniture at BLACKSTONE'S Furniture Exchange Gs ase trgeray et tested' THE SIGNAL, — GODERICH, ONT. AUBURN'Fashion Fancies $mI' AMONG ('LAUDS, NOTICE Hydro Arrears Upon instructions from the officials of the Hydro - Electric Power Commis- sion of Ontario, their rules and regulations lire to be strictly enforced. All Electric Light and Power Services in arrears will be cut off forthwith if not paid. BY ()Rl)1{R OF The Water and Light Commission Goderich THE GODERICH uwat Pdws U AUBURN, Nov. 20. -The play ••L ua' Rivers," put on by the Women's lin- atitute. was given In Clinton ou Mon- I day night to a good house. Congratulation,. ore being extended to Mr. and Mrs. .alt,ert Naegele the addition of a pair ,If daughters, who have come to gladden their borne. These are the fourth pair of twin children who have been horn in Au- teuil. The others -were the children of Mt.'311.1 Mrs. Wilson 1eowtuouly knulvn tis Shoemaker \1'IL., n1, Mr. anti Mrs. A."Akam. and Mr. and Mre. Don- ald 1'atteraou. Mrs. W. C. Roberts.tu w'as called to t;,tderteh on account of the serious ness,, of her granddaughter, the infant hill of Mr. anti Mrs. W. 1)ntaldson. , LEEBURN LEEI4I'ItN, Nor. 21. --rhe W. M. S. held their monthly meeting on Wed- nesday afternoon. Though smaller in attendance than n•ua1, it seas an in- teresting meeting. The treusti er re- . Pored a flue collection of over $18 taken at the rhaukofferhtg meeting Metal in ,.Suter tlon with the Sunday servioe. Plans are le•tug mage for something spatia for the December meeting. Invitation• will 'le scut (0 every woman (,young girls iueluded) for this meeting. lest all try to be there nod have a nice social time dur- ing hunch' hour. TAO of the Sunday school• chtsstts hold a sola) evening in the basement, of the , LurcL on Friday evening, the WANT TU ENJOY YOUR. 1 1 '.ales Miss Both Shaw 1.. holidaying at RADIO THIS WSNTER ? Stratford. Mies A. McDonald. teacher of S. S. �o, U. %p ent rite weekend at the home of her parents near Paramount. ' Mr -..'1' ilunter, who haat been laid rep with an attack of qullt+y, is letter and cth'•e to get ou'side.again. ET THE]l HEAT FOLKSI MIX YOUR (( ETHER 40WEI WITH HEAT WAVES A friend of ours' last winter kept hearing.. strange, clicking noises when he tried to listen to his radio. Ile bought a better set; tut the noise kept on. Finally he discovered that this queer sound was nothing more nor less than his teeth chattering with the cold ! He bought a load of Heat Folks' Coal to warm up his house, -and the noise stopped ! Try this on your radio ! For Good Clean Coal CALL THE J. B. MUSTARD COMPANY Phone 98 — Goderich ■ Rubbers, ■ • • Rubbers, •■ ■ Rubbers ■ • • to be sold at • • • Special Prices • ■ Rubbers for men, women, boys ■ ■ and girls • The balance of B. Supaman's ■ ■ (Harriston, Ont.) • Bankrupt Stock • •• Men's fine Rubbers, all sizes, while they last •-. ■ 79c ■ ■ ■ i Youths' Rubbers, heavy soles, just the i rubber• for school, sizes 8 I-2 t013..59c •■ ■ ■ TURKISH COFFEE 1:y Ik'ty Barclay • - L1 roil ort when. tehen yttu are tern- A VIGOROUS OLD TREE ing tirdvl or tcheu_gnest+ 11rop In ones• p•etedly. try serving•Turklsh coffee. it - N -3/ .t_Tribute to the Regal Lino' Now that evening gowns are all fol- lowing the royal linequeen, of f h find a flattering selection of exquisite • 9s, ion. -----... _ The Juagtraujoch is Peached High Up exn fns &Sarney. A;p,a. One of the most rennet kable uoteie In the world is the Juugf•aujoohi perched high up on the Juugtt'au, an the Beruese Alps, Switzerland, 11,480 Leet above the level of the sea. Built of stone and Irou, the hotel is welded. as it were, Into the sheer rock of them fatuous mouutaln. Snows surround it eternally, Sud, lu winter, it is buffet- ed by the fiercest blizzards of the Alps. But 1t gives hospitality and warmth to climbers and to the tour 4eta who visit the mountain by the funicular railway from above Inter- laken. From the windows of the hotel lounge one often looks out up- on a world of clouds, through which Some of the high peaks of the Her - aye Oberland stand out like rugged Wands. Nearly every member of the hotel staff la an expert moun.aineet. For though the funicular runs to withia a short distance of the hotel there are often long spells during the winter when the heavy snows prevent all oownnnlcatton with the (maids world. Then, the only weans of reach- ing civilization is by ski along dan- gerous mountain track.. The Jung. fraujoch hotel has its origin in a ramshackle shelter but bullt by workmen when engaged In the con- struction of the funicular In 1912. Prom this dwelling where they ate their simple meals of beer and bread has arisen the hotel that is unique la the world. Did You Ever Stop to 'Ilik?' J. 8'. Owens, vice-preeldeut and, pai- red tuauager of the Oklahoma Gus and Electric Company, says: That one of the greatest problems confronting the e•Mlntry today Is the retention ou the farm of the .q•pe'of wen who, utter leaving the farm, have wade surceases In modern bttth,ess venture*. To keep mut of this character 011 the..farse there wast be brought to the farm many of the conveniences that are commonplace In city life. These conveniences mum be such as will eliminate tench of the drudgery Incident to farm life and bring more profits.. Men and womeu on the farm ere entitled to leisure hours for recre- ation and cultural developtuent. Electricity has demonstrated by Its use where it Is available in the country that much of the drudgery incident to tarts work may he climinattid by tak- ing advantage of what electricity of - 1t rIs- ttlItgIng efarmstrlcity to' the farms of- fers many bitricnle problems, but these problems should be studied by all of the parties lutere•+terl, to the end that the greatest .utilisation of this modern boon to mankind may be availably for the rued sections to the same extent tut it is In urian to unties. Careful study of the problems he volved in bringing ele•1ric power to the 1 farms Will prove to all parties at , iultuterest lis feasible application to it;;ri re costumes on every hand. The Princess gown of whi'e satin, sketched afore. pays dignified tribute to good taste with simple elegance. Short ahoulder strap. of fine rhine- stones indurate 1 discreet Interest in glittering ornamentation. Patterned seamhyr on the itodice and gathered panel at the side hack Jag below- III, hip line Lives tate gown a grace•fu! length. is delicious and invigorating and it addition it has the advantage of iein something of a novelty. - /;enuhte Turkish' toffee is alway frtetiii roas'er1 for the ocenelon nn ground. ns tine as fitce Powder in. quaint bra.et mill that le part of th, equipment of every. Moslem household But. since you do not hate the mill you can' substitute pulverizeyd coffer which your grocer will grind for you. While the water is tailing -a demi tasse hull for each person -measure a heaping teaspoon of coffee per cult rend 'mix it with an equal mensure of granu- lated sugar. When the water bolts hard. edd,the coffee, and when 1t looks frothy remove it from the heat. After a moment or two. let It boil up again and repeat this still a third time. Then pour it thiek and foamy into the cups and serve it at onee- Any grounds which may be unduly large will 1 be precipitated. Turkish coffee should not to served In cups larger than the demi taste. It ia always serred with- ent cream. Mr. Kenneth Cameron and a gang g Of welt have been busy the past two weeks packing an exceptionally Ila.• s crop• of apples lu;;,l.' MIr. ameron's well. { i1 known orchard. "The. apples etre of very fine quality tits season, the dry 1 ' weather conditions of August and Seat -1 • ember having fevered the development • ut .sound and clean fruit. In Mr. C'ancerou's orchard is n Northern Spy tree which fins a record ' is to be proud of-lt a tree could be proud of anything. This tree was planted C away back In 18.;9, when every boy and b LOVES WESTERN ML'SIO. Demand In Japer for All Kinds of Western Classical Musk. The demand in Japan for all kinds of western classical music is in strik- ing contrast to the condition In Chi- na. where native music is still pre- eminent and where foreign melodies, either classic or jazz are not welcome ed, declared louts Sterling of the Columbia Gramophone Company, af- ter comeleting a tour otghe Far East, recently. Up until thirty years ago, he said, the Japanese were almost entirely ig- norant of foreign muste, but during this time they have rapidly become educated to it and now there is e arge demand for music by Beetho- ven, Mozart, Brahms and Wagner. This appreciation of western musts' L genuine and not the result merely to be like other countries, It is agre-, ed. ,Foreign mime. whether rendered by local artists or those from abroad. received with great enthuslum. Tho appearance of a.ars such as Ga111- urcl, Elman and Helfetz always. ring packed houses while many are nrned away when visiting opera own - pantos play "Carmen" or "Alda." Scientist. who have attuned eoffee say that It is a mild stimulant. bene- ficial to all but a small percentage of ■ persons. Unlike other stimulants. they ■ say. 1t doe,' not drop one below normal after the period of stimulation. ■ .1".Ute-ricans ere vs:ma,'ly proud of all things 4nor -Luigi I'iran- ■ i delln. ■ "1* a trap habitually talks to hint- ■ i self, so 1,e l-."-Ilarry Emmerson ■'4 dick. • ■ ■ GEO. STEWART Bruce St. Telephone 105 Goderich ■ ■ ■ Boys' Rubbers, sizes I to 5 1-2, while rthey last, Special 79c i ■ •■ • Girls', misses' and ladies' Rubbers, i Overshoes and Goloshes to be sold ; at half price and less. ■ iMese prices are gond (or ten days only i M. ROBINS ■ ■ ••■ • Tip -Top Tailors ARent for Goderich and vicinity 1 M sgtth Sid. Square, Gederich :....■..■N'■■ Phoae38� ■ a ■ m s ■ ■ M M ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 Brophey Bros. TILE I.E: IN(; FI NERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Ambulance service at all hours, day or night. PI 'ONES: Store 120 Res s,1 GODERiCH simsminmemanimmminweaseeemriminmer J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer All calls promptly attended to Mit or night Ptp)N1;4p - Stor,. 33,1 Itesldence 353w Hamilton Street, Goderlch I1OTFI. BF:I)F(Iltlt es Wednesday, November 27 J. B. KNIGHT will display a complete lin.• of ladies' and Kent.' HAIR GOODS including Patent •1r,.. Advice on ail Scalp Adm.nts and the ase of Insets Rapid non, Ms,/ for tri.o.Idme: nt Th. W. T. Pember Stores Limited In YONGE STREET. TORONTO, ONTARK) every girl was hungry for up{des and t wagon -loads of fruit were not left to' rot on thed group as there are this year. Well, this seventy-yearrotd tree is not quitting work by any means, but continues to mkt teat great record. This year there hung on its branches at pkking time twenty' -five barrels of apples. Twenty barrels went into the Hest grad., three were fairly goal, and there were about two barrels of poor or damaged apples oil; Ale ground. In the past twelve years+ this old trees has produced 169 barrels of good ap- FRUIT CROP SAVED. Blast of Air (leans Trees of Pest In California By use of a 125-h p airplane en- gine, oonnected to a blower, Harry W. wen, a fruit grower, hu devised a method of blowing of calyxes from setting fruit, thus eliminating the Cause of Jacket rot, which In previous ;. is and In the eight years 1918 to years has resulted 1n heavy crop t lir_ it produced 120 barrels. -Luck- losses to growers of apricots. not. Sentinel. Mounted on a cart and drawn from i a tree to tree by a tractor, the blower, t de - Wealth is more likely to bring un- through which s�t blast of air la de- 1..i titaness than t ,Meese." -Jobe D livered at a vdldmr of 20,000 cubit) ltoke•feller. feet per minute at a rate of 130 miles Penalise Cheques Next Wee oronto. Nov. 20. .tpproxluta t.•ly 111,155) old -age mention cherpaes will be [Mailed all over the Province of old ark, a week from today. Hua. Feria Jemleaste chairman of the 1'rnelot' Commission, annopn,vd today. This PUBLIC NOTICE 1'O IIRICH HOSPITAL .t.j4$u :- ATION. The annual meeting of the Oedema Hospital Association will be iw!d MacKay Hall on the evening of Kon day, December 2nd, at S o'cloe•1. �.. members and the general publt s' metal to attend. ^'] .1GNES J. 4111H'MAN, 1:. 1. PARS' See•retarya 1'reed••t. WANTED t'oMI'F:'1'ENT MA• W WANTED 1-xllt ll�� general huusemsork. Apply 1' �t 'BOX 341 �EATH It - 30t7 CAN HAVE your feather bed made Into a sant- tary roll mattress, or down comforter Highest price paid for feathers. Drop a card to DOMINION FEATHER AN"D MATTRESN (s,0., Goderich, and our agent will call. tf AUCTION SALES /htFJDIT AUCTION SALE OF FARM stock, Implements, new lumber and velar Insets, property of Joseph Mac. Adam. lot 2], I,. R. West, Ashfield 1 west of Klntall), on Wednewtay, Noe. ember27th, at 1 o't•la-k. Eiery'thing to be disposed of, t.. prigw•rty Is, NOW. I'(T1iN SALE or THREE 00M- P1.F:TF: drivingoutfitx Including Hor- ses. ilante.�, Buggies, Putters, Robe.. Bugs. Sells, Blankets Whl{ts, etc., Ott Hamilton start, 1; slerlch, on Satur- day, Nan•emtt-r:Toth. o,.mmeneingat Lao o'clock sharp. The riga and hermits are practically as goal as new Sad will be sold wilLwlt reserve. Terata cash. amount dtew,•uot Include all the leu. rr. (il'NI►Itl' A tit►N, .ttn-tloueera shiners of the i'rovim•e. he sa1d, and she expects that within the next four month,' 6,000 ..r 7.150 more claims will ts• ro-ci.ved. ('+tiseeronH�leriagrew Miss . Verne Marie $t-rlutge,.ur. se - coo,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. borne it•rimgt•„ur of Blyth, be.anue the bride of John omicron. only ,am of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cameron, of near Brus- sels. on Tuesday afternoon, Nocemlwr ' 12th, In St. Andrew's Presbyterian church. Windsor, Ont. The Rev. 11.• M. i'aulin. pastor of the church of- ficiated. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron will reside In Windsor. Pajamas Just a Fad Don't he afraid, ladles, men have no Intention of wearing pajamas as street attire. in fact, many of us do not rare for them at night. After fleeing end turning half a dozen times, one Is too likely to find the northwest part of the garment boon,! tightly around the southeast portion of the off leg, with the centre hinder locking the kneecaps together. Theses of us who are old-fashioned sneak Into a nightshirt when we are at home, and carry pajamas for hotel and sleeping car display. We won't sport pajama, for long. We are merely lne1ating upon some hing that rivals women's attire in sensibility. Sooner or later we'll get kilt, a knlcker, • short. or something hat will take the place of our prevent ineenitary trotw.er-and when we do, well forget all about those pajaas. j sen ra des. "A-_an expert, I say the only method gsex appeal 1s by clothes." --1;. Bernard Shaw. Large RamllMta in Italy. Province. So far as we hare heard, 1 each of them got hie deer. 'There is not one normal wnmlltt According to an officialagency, who if he lives1 there were In Lai) In June, last year, 1,432,000 families with seven or more children. The total popoulation is a little more than 40.000,000. More than 100,000 of these fam111N had sig!:t or more children. of creatlh an hour, is played up and down the tree from different angles, blowing the fruit clean. A1'(TION SALE. The effects of the estate of the late C. ltht,-kntoae, con•istitg sof parlor. Iltilse room and bedroom furniture kitchen utensils, etc, will 1.e offered for sale by auction 'ou - SATIRDA Y. NOVEMiBER 2.3r41, commeticing at 1.30 p. w., at the former I1yden office, corner Colborne atree• and the Square. T. GI'VDRY & SON, Auctloneers NE A1ITION-EIsgING TIR)MAS OI'NDRY, GODERICH, 1.1YE t4T(x-K ANI) 011P11RA. a CCTION EElt iephooe No. 119. tbales attended to effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers' sale notes discounted. I II ESI.iLY W. FISHER, tat Auctioneer, will conduct •les anywhere. My term. are reasonable and I will en - dearer to give wttmfactlon. Phone Carlow•rid, 1314, or address R. R. 4, Coil- ' A- an ;o,1- anywhere and every • DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER /vHIROPRAC'Pttlt A: D DRUOI.RRt{ TH ERA 1' 1ST Goderich, Phone 341 Equipped with electrn-magnete bate. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic organic and nervone dlweames. Lady In attendan.e. • °Mee hours 2 to 5. and 7 to 9 pm , The hunters have returned from � excepting Monday and Thursday and their trip to the northOrn pert of the by al1D t iitment A. N. ATKINSON Residence and office- Corner Soutar street and Britannia road. s long enough, does not regret deeply the fact that she remain- , angle."-}:ii,abeth Marbury. An investigation of the wreck of the steamer Mapiecourt, which went on the rocks near •Cockburn Island, In Lake Huron, on October 20th last, hast Hen commenced at Toronto by Captain I A. Demers, Dominion wreck eom- lt isloner. Deepest Oil We1I... The deepest oil well in the world is in California; It is nearly two ale down. THE PROGRESS OF CANADIAN MANUFACTURING By It. J. Denehmnn The progreew of Canslan manufac- 'uring can often le measured by the anion of raw material. This, of course, could not he ali- ened pe plied- AP a teat where the major por- aion of the raw meterlal was prodneed in ('anada. We could not point to the lmpwrta- ann of hides, sklna, leather or wool and tee the figures as a direct Indl- atitnt of the progress of an industry. The figure. would be an Indication -for importation of these products Is lar e - k t,f a class or kind not produced In 1 ttnada-teit they would be less com- plete'woofs of progress than figures of an industry such as cotton where the import retirements fairly accurately the progress or the industry. T1s• following table gives the figures -bowing the imports of various raw tnat,rlals 1n three different years: In14. 1922 and 1929. The figures are for the fiscal year ending Mareh 31, at etch eat*. 1914 la the last. pre-war sear. 1922 is the last year in which •Ile heal psdiciee of the previous' Gov- •-rnment were In forte, and 1929 the least feed year ,for whieh the figures err arnlllabk. Iron ore ,til for the soap Induatry It tat silk \(.mill' grasm and sinal (used for making twine, rope. etc.) „ 189,010 Ita.v ,.dton 709,930 Tin In blocks 48,070 Itaw milder • ' 44,2104 No living man who propnaea to deal fairly with pnblk queetlons can look these Nets In the dee without admit - Oat Canadian industry daring the ?Par. 11122-1921) hen made greater pro - area than at tiny other period of it. history. Mr. Bennett has contended time and time again that canton alone of all the emintries of the world has reduced I's tariff since the war Will he now It view of these fact. reveal to hit audience' the natural and logical co- rollary of ('anada's tariff action? Tariffs were redtewl In Canada Since 1922-Indnatry ham made greater strides than ever before That always !has been the natural, logical and W- I evltahle result of the tariff reeluetlon. I Cotton a Specter Illustration The cotton textile industry has been most vehement In its protests against tariff reductions. Teat remmita over a period of yearn meaeuring the Imports of raw materiel. The growth was aloes until 1922. The figures follow: 1912 72,741,9(10 lbs. 1913 77,457,1100 11*, 1914 7419 3,031/ lbs. 1922 955,3 49,000 tba. 1923 125,261.500 11*. 1924 .. Ik5,f410,000 lbs. 1925 11126 1927 1028 1929 There 1s a record of facts. Can Mr. Bennett and the cotton textile India- try ndiw try explain the fact that atnce the tariff reductions took place the growth of the cotton textile lndnstry In Can- ada hes been greater than eret be - tore? Mr. Bennett will not explain. He will not mention the reefs. The cotton textile manntaetnrera will not explain. They cannot explain. 100.870.300 lbs. 135,573,2110 lbs. 149,743,1100 ibs. 140,224,011) lbs. 150127.000 lbs. 1914 1022 1929 1,972.207 tons 005,902 tons 2,272.130 tone 39'i',11245 gal. 1,342,390 gal. 4,1112.318) gal. 101,699 the. 371,570 It*. 1,279,ft49 Iliacs cwt. 197,5121 cwt. 745.831 cwt. cwt. 003,11110 cwt. 1,501.270 ewt. cwt. 27,242 cwt. r,51j12R ewt. eat.. 1110,1125 cwt. 777,046 cwt. The fact Is that retainable general 1 tariff reductions always Increase In• duetrlat development, add M employ• menta develop our Indnstrles, help Ag- riculture, relieve the consumer That Is a fact ; it cannot Me dented It will not he denied. Mr. Bennett's only answer ,'Ill be words to this effect : Shall we, my fellow citizens do velnp nor ntetnra1 resources keep our citizens at home, cease to .ell GI'NOKA'S SALE REGISTER Monday. November 25th. -Auction Sale of farm emit and Implem,•nte, CRANK P. G►RiSS, OIiART)ti'u ) hay. gratin and turnips at the farm! Accountant. 102 Ontario street. 8t of Geo. Cowan W. H of W. 11. loStratford. ['hnnc 1580. Rea 1330,7 30, concession 1, East Wawanosh. 25(s CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ` mile, west of Blyth. • _ MEDICAL n J. R. }sORSTER, LAN NA�N.-At Alexandra hospital. Gol- erieh, on Saturday. November nth, to Mr. and Mrs Wm. l.anunn, of Lane-. a -,,u. DIED BUIIKHI)l,U1•:R.-L. Goleric•h, on Tuesday, November 19t1, 1'. 13 Burk- holder. aged 58 years. YATES.-At Beverly Hlllm, California, On November 14th. 1929. John Albert Yates, eon of the late Stephen Yates. in his 72nd year. DONALDl11)N.-in Goderich, on Tues- day, November 19th, Georgia Isabel, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Donaldson, aged 11 months and 4 days. FOR SALM R SALE.-FIXTI'RES AND BUSt- a NESS for Barber Shop, situated on West street, In the town of Goderlch. Suitable terms. For further particulars apply to HAYS A 'HAYS, Hamilton street, Goderich, Ont. se=_ LOST AND.It'OUND 101/T. -SET OF tif►ftKE,T WRh;N- 1'HEN In n steel box on Victoria street between Hamilton and Rrttee streets. Rewanl. Lrave at Si0'NA4, OFFICE. LN -IT "MI -WITHIN LAST THREE 2' marks. a robe and an auto rug. Owners may have .Sane on application to POLICE SERGEANT ROSS and .paying for (bit ndvertieement. TQ RENT HOUSE TO RPINT -ON BRUCE street, between North and Vktorla. Fully equipped. M. W. riTOWEiR., H01'SE TO RENT, 3 ROOMS, OAR - AGE. Situated on Angle/toe Street. Apply to MiSS VA-LOIiA.N, Feast street. TO RENT.-NTOTE SUITABLE FOB *erlcery or ofilee• immediate pot. Seaelnn given. Apply to Ct1AS. E. gA1'ND}JRltl, Gnderleh. our natural birthright, etc .1. 7" That Is not an answer It Is the TO R10NT.-ATARTMF)NTS ON' evasion of an answer. The gentleman Kingston Street. Five manna. $10 cannot answer the facts Neither can a month. Apply to ornnoY RROS., any other protectioniat sneerer them Massey Barris Agency, Kirareton St. It. }• }:S E, F)AR, NOSE, THROAT. , (sate House Surgeon New York ()ph- thalmlc ■nd Aural Hospital. assistant at Moorefield Eye lin.pital and Golden Square Throat hospital. London, Eng. 113 Waterloo St. S , Stratford. Tel- ephone 2137. At Hotel Bedford, Goderich, Tem - day, November 19th, from 10 a. m to 4 p. m. L EGA1, ri RN EST M. i.EE. Barrister and Solicitor Sun I,Ife Building, Adelaide Said Victoria streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5301. DUDLEY E. HOLME;, Barrister, Etc. Ofice--Hamilton street, Gode$ch. Phone 27. R R. DARROW, BARRISTER, Ue'C guceeseor to J. L. Killoran. Phone 07. - (►Rlce--The Square. (loderyd, stays 4J► t}'tapo BAaarwretu, Ere. R.C.HAY8-R.C.Hall; ;a.. B.A. Hamilton St., (4odericn INSURANCE, 1.0ANS, ETC, MCKIiJ,OP MUTUAL Fiititi IN• SURANCE (Y). ---•Farm end ien dated town property lutnrerl. Offleera-)as. Connolly, Prey., (lod- erich P. 0.; Jaa Events Vlre-Pia,, fleeehwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor, Ser. -Treat., Seeforth P. 0. Directors- •A. Rroadfoot, 15.. R. No. 3. Seeforth; John O. Orleve, No. 4, Walton ; William Rinn, R. R. No. 2. Seafnrth; John Rennewley, Rrod- hntren ; (;en. Mr•Cartney, R. R. No. 3, Sea forth : Robert Ferris,,, Ilerinck Murray Glhtw,n, BrurMeld; Jamey Frans, tteerhw, James Connolly. Onderlch. Arents- J. iV Ten, Onderich : Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; John Mnrrey, Seafnrth; F. hlnehley, Seafnrth. i`olicy holders can maks ail petymente end get their reeds receipt - ed at R. J. Mnrrleh's Clothing Store, Clinton; Calvin unit'* Grocery, King- ston Street, Goderich, or J R. Reld'e General Store, Rayfield.