HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-21, Page 7frqlonie*ds
a Bak
It is the purest, safest and
most wonderful skin remedy the
world has ever known. Whether
it be a cut, burn or scald, a fes-
tered, inflamed or poisoned
wound, eczema, pimples, rash,
ringworm, boils, ulcers, abscess•
es,sprainsor swellings- Zam•Buk
should be -applied with* the
least possible delay.
Always Small* A Mailable.
The skin readily %absorbs this
Ierbal Zam-Buk. It is a rare
Balm that gets right down intc
the Innermost tissues, soothing.
healing and purifying the skin
,n a way impossible to fatty
salves and ointments.
*as boa. 1 for II' 13 of /sloes mad Inset:.*.
swersseAerr or Zane -awls co . rarawN.
Splendid For
II County and District11l
(toy William, uuly non of Mr. and Thomas A. Clark, a lifelong resident
Mrs. Arthur \1'llk'rt, Stephen township, of the Walton community, lu his aixty-
dtel November 4th in tit. Josephs hos- ninth year. Mr. (Dark left Walton only
pltxl, London, at the age of eleven a short tluw ugo and at the tltue of
year. Ile had been ill for over a year. his death was at the home of hie bro-
ther. John ('lark. • Ile was born In
Grey 14W1(4l•I1,, t lie eh 24 I"lr
of Ihr late Mr. and Ur.. George
('lark. Ike M sun Ives! by his wlfb, t.4.°
Mr. awl Ur.. \\'w. Smith, of I reli-
ton, 4444 XuvtInlwr 14th ('elehrated their
golden welding at the 1044.' of their
1 1 Mr.. Bowe Mitchell,%tephe,,
lown.hlp. Supper was serve( to about sou,, George. of LISIo el. and \\a.
forty relatives. Mr. and Urs. Swish ley. of Stratford. and one daughter,
were pr(scitwl with a {verse of gold. Urs. .\. Suhler, of Walton ; *Ivo by
I11rt11 are ht (x1el3141t health. The) three sisters and seven brothers. 1)e -
hate re•ilk•d it. Crediton aIN,it ten, was engaged in blaektntdthiug
y tau•., previous to which they farmed! at Walton. The funeral took phare
iu Stephen township. from Listowel to Duff's church,
Mary Love IA,vr, widow of 11114 late Jatury tun. and interment was in Itru'st•I'.
Taylor. Mensal!. died 011 NocrmII/Ce
11111 11 1 Toronto. where s4' 541* visit -
Ing Mr. and lir. John S
n uud 1111 1101114. $111. had beet)
Golden wedding of Brussels Couple
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (lucriu. of
Brussels, celebrated their golden wel-
health n year •
forr or room ding on Monday, November 114. su
111 derlluhlg
Deceased was in her seventy-eighth roundel by a boat of relatives alwl
year. She had been a n•nitl1411 .,1 11em- 1 friends. Both bride and groom of ditty
sa11 for thirty -Ilse year 141.41 Iwtore gars ago were born 141 the county -- --
•lute sin• and her 1,11•balul lived on i of Waterloo, the former In the year ICruachrn Salts b obtainable at drug and ,rat us nI t 1.1,
u farm ea.t of 11.'1'.x11. Mr. Tiaylor'I lwa3, and the latter lu 11 .I14. Then drpartn.enr swear In(4.a & &t ar. •hotels.
W. (:. Evan.. l
moat0a_yeoll health lug ytl•awoo a day. pert in the Department of [totally. ,►. automatic
li i.,,ttpa4414T1 v.wn�rNleil $inluR
died a1Nwu a11 year. ugh 1urJanie+ wnrririk .f November.
71fin Elmira, 44111 ♦ book cod as b 101 w teat for 4 orb A.
i the D part nt ofw,-md. that pig
air our non and two 1 4Trek: Jahn . Quetta
(lot ttlat thigh 1dere• ned.r, 1 by Pa { 444 the ne•u.u1, It the _NI ggllom of water. If h.• is rink
Taylor and ){r. Wren, of Toronto, , tlw 1 , A. .pray outfit.' I4. chane( up IN•f44 t five 4.nlions .c walk a eo will drink
Ta. (wing put away f to
+ Ur.. .lobo Slwplwnl•, 441 Turkrr+,nitl). i llurrl44 pace lawn highly
of leen• lwrtli`ith. They beet. sof I Inn rr•ults are to i4. obulluwl uv it- her pelted
rlskrsrpahewl...t', heat11tai
1�The man
. 1 dents of yearBruss. f upwards
thebout ! her for eHunter ..r tw'ry4' Feats. allyl � )rile. They should I4. carefully
'ane mnusr, pretty
ti a (kilt au- tel(' ty eettlt years. halving I hauled, the husk hle a fill.'( with h ray temperature 1. req nu.1 liter I'nNluo,
f r ttv ,-*•rut on Thur,hlly 1 years 's Marl three until re.i l 1 in I Mr.lan vill'..... ,"`rs'+'r�i' They were war• hautewater to soft.,,, the spear- 11 110.1
+041 toll suffers. ago. Their
6 beats 36
Read this wonderful letter from a men 01
76 who la " more active than 40 years •ao,"
thanks to the "dally dlawful" of &ruacben
Salta. AMA gout and rheumatism.'
1s, jug ore' ham 50 seam i so absolutely . ackw4.u' oat
ain at
Lruorken aha dAind Jpo so N nic 141
hoar (Ane r*Auea, but also Mew drawbacks.
[rtueAen Sana 1 Aare w far found after 11 years
or more of using thew, ease no found,
kr anti
ao counter -ewe so*ate:�er. 1 art ,e and ears
aeon (Aon 40years ago..'
good weight for young gobblers, they
now run 24) and 2i pounds. for
stores are offering 4(k- per pound
dressed turkeys. The hulk id the crop.
slacks amounting in some cases to over
fifty iwr tent. of the shipment.
Good Top ,-heat
4 resse
howrvrr, will be shipped alive. The largest yields, 1 u[ w' a
AlgtrWM-11111wI :•year t.ld steers net• flare been obtained in the experiments
v in which
tel tai fartiners from inti to $741 per at (rurlph in those }ear. good heel ...kVA.. La nub.. for t r wheat entered the winter to
with btruuR•
d atrr,nlitig to uniform
pis to $10.50 tier head. condition w t a
Brant -Small quantities of red growth. Th1s 1* an excellent nittRiirs-
clover Iwlult w1rk.'UN1 at $4 per bu : t(4Kht ftlwe lulegtumltrer wheat at the
Awl cleaned.
1►ufferiu --d►igi11Ig of turnips has
teN•u truuph•lrt1. The atop is below ac• In a contest for agricultural roan►
,-rage yield x11.1 quality. s.•mtutirt'., Ur. 11. 1.. Tr intoe. the re•
1111udns .\ great drat of lu,,e 1 (The 1'r, --robin*( fors 4 v'tif rir11 ►utattl' , *'ll
lux- Iwr11 dour and is lwfng uward,-d first 1
div weather this tall Inas IN•eu 1'ar- loll Iulprur4wrut prl`gram adrptel to
44 1' larger age work.
p.uld-' uv448r.h entitles thimf to a streety. Tlw
trip to
try farms are getting (Mk• and letter. the American Society, of AgronAwy
pee Jori,'❑ for their eget,. I meetings brad 1n 4'hic+(go, "Xovrudwr
I Kent-- .t .144.1414.1 drink In the num•' 13 l0 13.
ter of 441114• to be fed appear. 1trub• I .
tilde. Hay was a splendid crop. but i . ` wag' wader a Brom
hgt•h•y and oat" were light and the1 the vitiate feeders:
liberal ten .ilifylereo( water
general feeing seems to be that It Is 1 t
rather speculative to fecal rattle with 1 to 1111 4144.•t'' ••1 Ilse Ni•N'k. 11,Ig* rhe
present high prlt•s of grab. IN•Iter and ore more thrifty 444444 rows (
1,n,,d.hgt--Sugar 4s'et. are of a large undoubtelly'Ki%t• more walk when they i
size wed m44re fret' from .11 t4.~ct•or<n arutlosiIt.r.'41 braverIy- hisIwyntal
Ithey have leen -f 1 o a i ►t
1 a in•• %Outer weather. It
rN during ('lean tippy 0 '.4,4 rat k_
vine• rv. urinal fast with fall pigs. the use of
a doubt Ile *ilii.' of warty water au
Go after that cold with
Matard's Liniment. Put
Minard's on chest and
throat. Take a half
teaspoonful mixed with
syrup. Also heat and
inhale Minard's. No
cold can stand that
Limed•. is eseetlret lar
Vipto ,nnueaoa,Mm•. hitt.
sail.me and 4411 am.:ar 1. 4.
mento es
:ria Ger Whets 1/ senior*
n l e { e
.\n Expensive (etre(
Al. ,111 ..\11 1111,44. ,.f th,. corr(+{raul-
wne{ ll ,lou. dilater 1 o hNhon t .itray (mct• phicll rrurla.r the uutar{„ ltr•-
ea ll. GwWrs..u,, 44f ter. namely 4 during with a sued t Mee so that nay • 1 u riculrnn•, the til" hhR
lwrrriugs• ho Xur,,1 s 1 Harry. of Tun,uh,• and , . utulwur la
tlrl rave �t•xttlr 1\'u 1 during the. day many tr later ycarr el
pr sent s week their
er. Mr those, water materiileave: I the gun Itlshould I . used i1.i of Iinterext`K
to •seri(( down the exterior part. of e'Rehtg .w many ((•use+ of chicken
present erre tlefr d+ulghl,•r. \I r•. lric=
h4.. of 1'liutn44, X: J.: Mr.. Clarke. ot. 111( umr11hrr. After rwptchtr the took tn. t in throughout the 1'ruclun et
{ thluklu4. 4.+d 1 nnubp,N{ to an Idea
.'orae u ,
Vncrmt'tr 7th, when l+tdw{. huh' year (iii I'rerluus y they c after r soak of •.'cerate day•. the
daughter 44f lir. and Urs: • tinned
; Ethel for styejesons and `one dan[gh- tt r'satwahlruth'name l h,gllrMar Ina I after should he startedriian,{ the
I•'rrgn.ol,, Itctgrace 441144 111111144) In runshts of three.tris and sliver, of :Bowerman. The 4 441411 wt 4 4404. ens reit enter• forced (1144114.11 1111• pinup and
u a ern '
Ur ural Mrs. W. J. 4.e. its, X
Iter. 4•. Graham officiated. .after (lir Nr.. Harry Kirby, of 1110.1011. Have
,•n•utuuy a ree•ptl ,u was held pt the tug tN.udut•tel a hotel for so unto. years.
I home -of the brides aunt. U{•' .1. 11.' they are ell jnowna to
Imoncv hing
N [lar
Curdy, l'au,IrlN•IIc111,-, after N•h11•h Ihr public. •I ro. along 11 � • ee•k.. rod ll n.. •ritl'' i the drain 'dugs shnnle{ IN rem
hnlN`v, couple left 011 a motor trip to friend.. Nish Ihew mxuy happy �''i r+ 1 041erleb. and the engine rel for a fro' which 1 honest!) believe would IN In
Toronto. Niagara au,) other {ip I'5 $ 00Ole ,\ quirt Melding took 14..1.4• recently andoliut 1 Il ,t Imlrnllaul Ileo t.. ser nearlywhich 1 li,,I ran) a suer end 111411 tna•
Resident ,I of 1:1.1 Ni
h ToNn.hip 111 114's $r T.'.' for Lows of Arm that the different i lame. of the. pump) lug nue .try ease' of the ours who nn
Thr Budd041 i ly lir•. unaJohl \1rVe1 iig Phoma. (' f Ilii father 44f \. atter i at the 1'rrsbbeing 11 laud•. !ter. diary err p1he di { ei a coat{(( of •oil t,• li.g 141141 ,110 nod 44,,f govt.'. w•u1 nr II
.n ember
er it•I.la .(u 'P.,tIIWny .'le 111 r 11. (Iii. arm
of 11111automobile
township. ac whoa cident i i E. Inrry Jl aide ,,The ceremony
Iwayringe' ,n.' .rl rust »I -1:1I' r and cu111n.1, ulsro the co-u1N•t
�•nr•nItut 7th. at her ha., 1144 Ole ItIle a'fe1a'`wtwkn11ugu.abr..t*l titan acth.tl performed lytlte". J. Bernard i 1 wino of all 'IlI'I ry dealer. ..r eerhlia
•;d line. GW11, Ill t e eighty-sixth
. !trills!' .Apple Narkrl w.utlry
4... r. . who it.
111 her` eighty-.ixi l for damages 1i,' oilier earulill ltht' r'r*-h. 11'uut• I In' Exeter ldk•y will wnk( 411.' r' }eerie-;!tr r. ls!' pill IN• Irh•II MNI to' roWpul s;.ry reglad natlo0 of all {
year. veliwitI.rrm er int yy ....14111).111Gude.brat arhrr 44f t I,-; un (rout the rr{N.rt of .tndrt•p Ful. haudtwl.
dual 11
cid fur neer tlfty year• i,, ein end the cuss ecus t"i hurt at Walkeave Neu r- Mr.olaud Ir\lrs. lk•rlr$(Murk111uorrrvely', I.•u. uvrrrn• 'vert• 1 of
of for (tluli' tit! oil. i 1 �u`vtnlhrr11thanl ley,- tet
rb•11 font It1j,. err bur.. N diel l- at the roust .\sslW o1W 0) rnlig recently. .\s ►hi• ear ;(riot}•rout 4:r,scr .1*4.h,41,11
court, ('uNert a.•crptiug 1�••(Kar, bili 'lir Ih�hl.11 lilnrket �t11+[ilea r'vi„lnrin,. t•• ,4.,.rel
iltn`rlue1t�l'{ is.
Dill. and she 4- .urrirel by one ern tun. - 'f ha ease,' hda•eeer, a�as n.•ttleditvrn1w,1 being rn,, over by 441 wttuuur
tad four daltslMir. Mr.. \\'. J. 14,4 out of t u , along lleiu .1 11441 the dr. ha. Ir•1•n mrkl a 1114+ or idtme known for x:err
lion, Clinton;-S(dins ssol lur.1 awl front .Hhf ..f41. -1411 tTlrril+nrt'i.kr. ntt. little gIni darned out Iron.
k1.' itln• I onrr. due chiefly kir a light u.110i4,1 p
ll,v. teller. Ttr.,4 t4. 1 and
.I•INr G.
Urs. on rI141 o of OUr, .due i• 1.. fight "Ontario :4l• •'dor.. V. a. kn'. managing srljiur
tr wedding Isilrly' in bumper of the ear, lint 1111nu11" 1 t•' Itr have IAN•,, of.,p•le.. 11"4 to ria i i. .1 tbr. W4 Ins Fart ma rrfrrr,.4 "
1: Nobler. Torm,hr. :old .1. 1:. \\'.Nm. cnrnNl on rbc turd her Itlph•c, 'Voting m r .erN,ier. she Al{rr:1.t•.r� to you. I await your reply with
"it the ..f St a•oo Iw•.reli. Nir+ n 1'n11wrM met i 1py 'wNh currrspruill9lin
she fns1I.risr•1.1 n•uo4re. lir Fulton. , (ti. '4) 4., ••...
111• u11N•r of St. Pool': • hun•h, l'llhtou. !nth,1r41thlni. ,Irftlitwlnd Wltwr�'i.�t and 11;111g
laasubruughtttliei uil•nulud•tllltfl the c1r 1'
IlrA quiet eddinald ' rel apple• M•'rt• *44.41 r..mlN•Iw1 for wed Xily.:'ss to +4.y the Iwgw,rtuw•• ., i-
rar 11/141 lens.'( a Jack.nu 11aa'kh14. m former nv+ldrut red .a t'r,r•IIset 11 well
e.h.Itt'1r ••fid of not Needle-4:
large snow for "srN-r,•ti" of
\ quiet wedding hid {,1.14• at the wr.iu • car. The turd rens .1usty. old I out hurt.
Sakur shun 1, 11:1 14.41111111114. Kiewd, on Nhcu tis• le -aging d .rl..11, Iluwt•crr, 111 n c11bh• am not. or other nature.
v, November elle 9411., when f,1 r. of Iter car, •lindlu be }Ow ro�.mimoue ago for Ione. loll who
for a+few )ears .1".(1 November , h. 11 r. Foliate nnnuliucwl `
mi llr.1r,
rapid sur mud. the driver out ' recently had lives! at Wilke -More. 141.. that tluutrlu apple price- were f.1111u4. "1'44 •tr0(1g Gtr hones'twswl nlnu,.,rnit
iL•trc(•na larded; rldr.t daughter .r( lir. ..f Rrrcu•, r brutlrrr oft 4. .� the }:n4.14•h nark,-'. poet can't be both n 1 ••
aid lir-. William Ur11•.u:11d. I�flgwu, ulnuy, at u 1 off --omen lin: --William _....r..v ('ullwrt'• cur In the du'.•ty ear.' Iisrl (Ictulwr lath o,, the Way'!" 'a•u-
_ .. ..:..t�....n e•..ra...,aa N11rrr hr Uu.l INY•II _ .car attribute., tu. a large
Thursday, November 21. 19 .-7
Was In Bed
All Summer
"I have to work in thc store and
do my own housework, too, and I
got nervous and run-down and wasin
bed nearly allsummer. The least noise
would make me nervous. I was told
to take 'Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vege-
table Compound and I have taken
seven bottles. It has male me strong -
et and put more color into my face.
I am looking after my *tote kid
housework and my four children
and I am getting along nicely now."
St. East, Hamilton, Ontario, Casual.
Lydia E. Plukhabi's
Vegetable Compound
It It e Nil •rnsrd- dinner soil.' Culbert i. tinder iv...toy-one year- of 1..Wig, and he j4, purecivt.4 mil...e. by bi.. 11 II -.mine. n1.114. Itriti-li apple. nen. The 1.01.-e-lioe- IMO were 'laid Hoick
14w.eremony wit'. performed by liev• , .•iit on and had to be amputated. A- month, ,A ...ti Slid u slaughter live in lllllll lwr • of off....nilltIon apple- front
rsecl /it the home ..f the bride'. par-, age. and therefore * ni It . I • •'.1 1•• d1,0114-1 wife. _ _____ plentiful. It i. expeeted that the de- %heti the Ford replaced old Polddit sire
at.. %Ir. anti Mr.. litreadfoot left 011 1 of the law. 111. father took legal at- _ __- . mancl for rol apple. will be very. latch . being reetirrtu•leil all over the country.
, 'honeymoon trip to Toronto before lots in 1114 behalf.
...s.•1 on Friiiily No% ember' Nth. of A HELP TO MOTHERS ,,,„„ one evening recently and siefeittist in ...curing a tight pac. for the Itri- ineluilitig 111..4. at
-opting in their twine 4.0 the Kippen
• The gam... .,1 ellrekerri I. engaging 1 Starks before that time.
. n aimed to go easy ..t. Greening.. and like an epiclemie, .
Ontario a poll -growers .1 lllll 1.1 Ole lir, Chriotie.'pn•-dilent 4.f 4). A 4'
- --- - I 11.. 1...n1 player. :12 to 114. with 1... t1.11 market Iteeent arrivals overseas! nill have atten.14.1 the college daring
drawn game.. On Thank -giving I 1.% li:ive -how!' an e‘ee...4.,.. commit) of the current )4.ar.
mother. a* n M. were defeated -Ice'. Is. with 17
•111 be tilayed
Death of llamas A. Clarke. Walton BABY S OWN T
041.. A teum front 'Brie -sets %kited cheer at • el
101.11. •I'ATION FOR
Durant, Hudson and Essex, G I Motors Autosoliks sod Trucks
Expert on Electric Trouble We Specialize on Brake Service
1 oil can invite Police Inspection slims Hwy are repaired liy ti -
Automobile Supply, Elisctricid Parts far All Makes of Autos in Stock
t T.. anyone *Ie. ran briail a car we can't n.pair
atop haling plaSteel 1111a
unsightly cracked ceil-
ings. &cry to put lip
quickitand once up the/
tay. No dast or litter.
Ley to clam or paint.
Shoot Steal Corneas 10011
vroll. resist tire effect -
*mitt. Add brightnees to
mu., 'torus, churches,
schools. kitchens tine
bathrooms. Do nothing
gin Tom get the prices
sod full particulars.
are to 1111111 1/11 1 014114.11110 111‘11 1 1Ve 1%10111 ....11.1ffly al Itrn-sel. and Stratford.
' regulate the bowel.: sweeten 'rite. At the annual meeting ..f the Sea
stomach ; eorreet constipation 41 1111 ill-, forth boo. bon ling ..1111.. held la -I _
dige.tion; break eold. and simple week. Ow greateot )4.41r 111 11.4. hi.,14.1)
fevers and make the cutting of teeth of the olui. wit: reviewed. The spiew i
painless. illd new green.. 44.10..11 had been in
' Mothers who kerp a 1.40C 01.the Tab-, preparation for two %ear.. nen. opened
I let. in the house always feel safe this year. 11 1111 a tine new /Ct.ison OW,.
1 from the sudden attacks of Mite.. that ' holt.e wa. Imin. giving 014. elttli on
i seise their little one.s. If Baby's Own equipment equalled by few in We-terri
1 Tablets are given on the fine( .Ign of ontario. slather. were elected 11.4 1.
-"I always keep liflby's Own Tablets gnril : trea.urer. C. P. gill.; cluiphitii. ,
. in tlie home and IiIIII them 6 Wonder. Het*. 'I'. II. 1tr..w11: exerutive eimmilt• 1
1111 help in keeping my baby well.- tee. J. .1. fluff, It. E, Bright. 111. .1.
Baby's own Tablets are oohl by all Winter. C. Holmes. 11 1 1. Sproat. '
ellfillitille (Widen, 11r hy mall tit 25 The death of John 1 4. Grieke: one
rents a box from Tlw Dr. Willianwe of the 14...f -known men of thi. 4.4.m.
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. munity. trevitrre.1 g boy, November
ZURICH i troll. Incea-1.1. who nil. 111 111.
The marriage of Veola Elizabeth, 1 Killop OM n-Iiii.. n•liere afterward. In
ebils...t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1.01118' 40)4144I1 01144 of the line.? farms in the
Effective September 3rd, 1929
A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M.
" 9.00 8.15 iThakempcn re 51 Sill0 3.45
" 9.10 8.25 Invipitock 54 S.20 3.33
Arvin 9.45 7.00 Wive Woodotock tts 7.45. 3.00
Direct connections at Stratford with Arrow Conchci to St. Marrii,
London, Kitchener, Guelph, Brampton. Toronto.
Direct connections at Woodstock with Arrow Conches for Brant-
ford, Hamilton, Oakville, Toronto.
of Mr. and Mr.. Fred C. Kalbfleiseh,
all of Zurich. WHil wiled). solemnized
' at St. Peter's Lutheran church on
E. Tnerkelm officiating. Afterwrirde
the happy collide left by motor ear on Ile 1.. survived by one daughto.r. . . •
a honey 11115441 trip, lefore ...ftlIng its 1 Thome. Beat tie of geriforth. a 1111 OUP
their new home. built this summer tit i son. W. 'I'. 4 irieyii of lietroit. The
ths.„..n est 141141 44 the village. 1 body WU. 1.1'01111111 from Detroit 11 1111
Z1041411. 111111 What 1.14414 1411 Mr a ,Ite funeral took plitc.• from First
ilangerou. tire early Sunday morning Presbyterian elinreli, with the Inter.
of la.t week, n hen the garage owned , Mein ill Milit1/1 11.11111 Ilk tents:ter:v.
.11111 operated by Harry Rose wa.; Mr. and Nirs. It. N. 1111.4:4 lllll wile have
found to. be in flame.. Th.. frame i .141 to Stratford, where Mr. liJenatt-
building tva. soon 410.1144.y1•11. 11. W11 44, Mill I' 1.1 4111 1 1.44 se, fify of the t'ollegliite`
11,, tho• frame stable adjoining the Inotiotte. 41.
!Al. -4 min and Mr. iley's re.idletwe away endlleill) on r rola) remit 11 porn -
;sere threatened. 1,114 with the it.si.t• I 1)-ife .trok... in her r444V44111Y-f.111r1 11
111414 of •/14. 1 144I14111 11 tire brigade, they year. She 1,11 1'.. 11 brother. John
were otved. The garage and 4.4111 1 I4111. T1110111,40.11.
4/(4411 10 nnVi• 111.1 a 11101110111144 /14141 n
111e 131W111,111113 311111 4.4111111 lllll 411.4 1111
Compotiy. Three year., nuo lir 411110.4A
farm and renewed 44) Seliforth.
brigp .tored in the .table. Mr. Hey
Ian? lmairell.
Of Interest to the Busy Farmer
Famished la fat ontar s Department of Agrin'finl
At lionarli Park l'iiit...1 elmrch. 0011* feed. lire non. reeking inerea4.
Toronto. 4,11 November 1 1th. Vern ing attetilion liv redwing the 1.1...4 of
ttnetoioi lone. 41am:titter of 3Ir. 11,141 milk produet low Pumpkin. afford li
NIrs. if eortte II. Edam* ..f Winglotn. good iintiiitionent for fall lir early win,
Velle 11-illitill III marriage to John Itat.111 ti.r fiu4littst. lint tlieir nuttitive value
• Mitidoels. Itev• A. J. Tiomm. officiating. i.. ton heart) 1., liktli 41. ...rt. -*Inge.
rldr. and Mr.. Mur414,441 ..tre making It i. . otfe proof.... to feed 4.4111 men.
their home in Toronto. rove 4., 6.111611 .1 pro.. iiiing t hey sire not
. Word Imo been eet•filV1•11 of the 4'4.9111 fed lint ItettID. Apple Imamate "nage.
of Mr. David I MY, of Chilliwack. 11 , the by•proclit .1 of ..1.14ir and vinegar
A :deter of Mawr Co.ens of W high /1 ill Pe/ ill i il 1,1 11•4•11 by ninny dairymen.
Oreeneol hall been 111 failing 111./IIIII
,r years nod ri-,1" infant blind. Ilere said Memoir- •
; ill for -..i era! days from irii.o.iiiivr.. rc=ciiiiitivc, ill tiii, iiirri.ri•iii i,,iiiiii,
i tlion'ti. ' itt ft 14 toi.pecteil to hotel Wellington- A, 'mill of $20.0410 In
%roiled grape. 4,1 which she find eaten 'flianke•iziting 1.',11r. The priee ranged
tt illiantIty Three ontelde upeein11.14 from 21 to 25 cent. ter twaind. We
were ealle41 In. anti the child 14 re- , expeet +Oman 150 tons of chicken in
EXETER storing Me a point&
Mr And Mr.. Ibl. Minter. of Es.- I now everywhere 111.411-,re411. Where -
ter. 4 elehrated the fiftieth annlver.ary as we toed to think 16 and 17 panel.
Fresh Bread
Baked Daily
That's what you get
when ordering your bread
frc`si-n us. It contains the
purest ingredients known
to bakers.
Buy a lOaf to -day and
taste the difference
For nearly half a century
these pills have been for
sale in drug stores and known
to the- general public.
For at least a generation
before that they were used
extensively in the medical
practice of a celebrated phy-
Their -value was proven to '
the public by the giving
away of millions of samples.
Now they are universally
known to the niedical pro-
fession and to the public
generally and are found in
the great majority of homes.
Since the sale of Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills
is continually increasing, we
believe that this is the best
proof of their medical value
and of the way they are
appreciated by the people
who use them.
for the
There is no more effective
treatment for constipation
than Dr. Chase's Kidney -
Liver Pills.
The action of this medicine
is prompt and effective. This
is why so many thousands
of people depend on Dr.
Chase s Kidney -Liver Pills
as a regulator of the liver,
kidneys and bowels.
Even when you are not
ill, it is a good rule to take
one pill at bedtime once a
week in order to ent4nre the
health and activity of these
organs: This will keep you
feeling well and add years
to your life.
liver and thereby relieve
biliousness, headache, dizzy
feelings, indigestion and all
t he distressing symptoms
which accompany liver com-
Kidney troubles usually
twit from chronic liver de-
rangements. The blood is
overloaded with poisons and
in an effort to purify the
blood, the kidneys break
down and the poisons go
through the system, resulting
in backache, lumbago, rheu-
matism and other painful
and dangerous diseases.
It is not sufficient to treat
the kidneys. Medical treat-
ment must also awaken the
action of the liver and bowels.
Because Dr. Chase's Kid-
ney -Liver Pills do this very
thing they are most effective
in relieving disorders of the
kidneys. •
Their combined mid direct
actiOn on these great filter-
ing systems of the human
body accounts for their re-
markable success.
'Medical men often refer
to the liver as the governor
of the human system and
blame the liver for many
human ills which affect the
di tive system.
N en healthy andvitetive,
the liver filters the poisonous
bile from the blood and
passes it into the intestines
where it acts as a cathartic
to regulate the action of the
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver
Pills act very promptly and
very dtreCtly on the liver.
They quickly arouse the tor-
pid sluggish action of the
The evils of constipation
scarcely need explanation.
There is no greater 'rule of
health than "Daily Move-
ment of the Bowels." In
this way only can the nuthan
system be thoroughly rid of
poisonous impurities.
Some of the common symp-
toms arising from derange-
ments of these organs are: -
('oated Tongue,
Fickle Appetite an'd Indi-
Feelings of weight about
the Stomach,
Pains in the Back,
Depressed Spirits and Ir-
ritable Temper,
Irregularity of Bowels,
I.oss of Weight,
Kidney Disorders,
Tired, Languid Feelings.
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver
Pills are (or sale by all
dealers in medicines and are
manufactured by The Dr.
A. W. Chase Medicine Co.,
Limited, Toronto, Canada.
111V1 I -P4.
Ilia AM.