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The Signal, 1929-11-21, Page 6
6. -Thursday, November 21, 1920. Tad no colour" MRS. FRED. PENNY, R.R. No. 4, Nor- wich, Ont., suffered from anaemia for over three years. Though taking medicine all that time. nothing helped her till she began Dr. Williarns' Pink Pills. "1 had no appetite", she ..rites. "I could not sleep. My blood almost turned to .rater. I wit weak and m' heart would palpitate siolent- ly. I am thankful to ins that in Dr. Williams' Pink PILL 1 found the relief 1 sought. My color returned, m• appetite improved, my weight in- creased fifteen pounds, and it was not long till I could perform my work with ease." If you are weak and easily tired, subject to headaches, are pale, without appetite, and your work seems a bur- den, do not delay. Start treat- ment at once by buying a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at your medicine dealer's or bs mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. s • DrrWilliatns PINK PILLS A MOU•CNOLD NAY. ,N 54 COUN7alta THE SIGNAL, Sunday Afternoon - -a- By ISABEL HAMILTON, Goderieb, Onty Whet' mothers of Salem Their children brought to Jesus, 1'M stern disciples drove thew back And bade thew depart ; Itut Jesus ,new thew ere they fled. .1(411 .w1ctly swihrl• tua1 kindly said. • Suffer little children . '1'o /,owe auto me.- -AV. V. Hutchings. PRATER We praise Thee. 0 God, that 11 Thi. word Thou bust told us that not a sparrow is forgotten by 'thew and that i the ,11lldreu are of more value than many; such creatures. May ver lw• diligent In i(4'tructing thew iu their sou w'as nut with the COW {way, way of life, for Jesus. sal'.: Awru.the - they turned back to Jerusaleme• .-eklig I — hint. The third day they found him N. S. LESSON FOR Christian 1st, pais In the temple, in woe of the spurt Leaven Tegtie-Thr Christian Hem., menus where the doctors of the law in a Modern World kept their schools for disputation ; and Lasses. Passage -Luke 2:40-:1:• there they found him "sitting in the Golden Test-t:phrsian+ 6:2. I wirer of thew," not standing a+ one :in Luke's go_ -15.1, chapter te'rse, to be.. instructed but as a fellow ruem- :ht, we read that after.Chrlst was. pre ler of their society. This is an ha - :witted in' the temple they returnee) to staue•e, nut only that be was "ailed • Galilee. whereas l Matthew tell, of with wisdom." but that he had loth their going to Bethlehem, "Imre the 1a desire 10 increase it u a a1 1 readl women were obliged to attend only the greatest of these, that of the Passover. With them at this time went Jesus he Might reached the age at which child- ren by Jewish law had to glu to fart from time to time. that they might learn to fart la the day of atonement. At thirteen they took upon themselves the dueler of church-weulber*hip. It is for the honor of Cliriet that all child- ren should attend latbtic•worship, for he le pleased with their hosautites' and those children that were in their in- fancy dell atel to G,NI 1.110111/1 he called 1115111. N'hr(4 Ihev are grown 111'. 141 "We to the gospel Passover -the Lori's Supper -that they may make It their own act to Juin Ilewse•hvs to the Islet. " What Jesus tarried behind his 'tar - ruts in Jerusalem it was not that he was loath to go home, or shy of lie part•dts' euwpauy, but tlecause Ile had d business ti;u there, and would let his parents know' that he had a Father 1n heaven. id whom he was to be ob- is-reamob- is-reammore than of theta When Jes•ph fuel Mary discovered GODERICH, ONT. hest Colds Need Direct Treatment IT 1s an ob- stinate cold indeed that can resist the direct double action of Vicks. Rubbed on the chest, it acts 2 ways at once: (1) Direct to air pas- sages with its healing va- pors released by body heat; (2) Direct, like a poul- tice, it "draws out" the soreness. • ©. ICKS ?,VAPOR 4111 Omit toNa[/ay.JLRtMO Mar ♦ OENTUBY-OLD LITERARY MYSTERY (From The Toronto Globe) A loug-standing literary mystery which may never be solved haat been recalled by the ceuteuary of the tine Publication of -The Cantonal' Boat Sogg," which apgleared In h%lackwood's Magazine fur September, DOS As there is at least nue other popular norm. or rather tong, of the sawe name, that written by Thomas Moore during his visit to Canada in 1605, 1t should be made clear that the refer- ent* Is to that sonwtlwa's called -The Lone Shit -ling," from a phrase occur- ring In the second, and most quoted, stanza. These four lines, so well known, are as follows: "From the Ione shirting of the misty Island Mountains divide us, and a waste of 111e118- Yet still the blood Is strong, the heart 1s Highland, And we 111 dreams behold the Heb- rides." A race that has ever !leen passion- ately attacher) to its rocky homeland instantly responded to the pathos of these lines. Wherever Scotsmen gath- ered. the words carried a depth of meaning tor hungry hearts. 'rhe High- lander, driven from the land of his strategic points of our wissiuuary fathers by oipresslye landlonllsm. work. It Is a vital ewutre where the yearns foe the smoke from the whirl - gospel message can be 1.0w'14 and the lug and, as The Ottawa Journal says. 4'hrlstian life lived amongst helpful for a glimpse of the misty islands to cr which his heart forever 1Uugs. The wise Well of the East found thew, and Iles. It, conlwuulcuh• it Ml.,my n sown surroundings to bring forth fruit and orm preserves* in the words the same ' there they lived until the flight into ut Christ'age auN•' ild 11,1 0- luau be sown again in wider fields when the' 1 t Egypt and lieu he .elutes the terata j,layiug w'Ith the chi'ureu in the tem- leper who hos not only been healed In spirit which the lament of the, piper Christ'', how Willy. but in wind e1so g0441 ,Orth t4( has carried around the world to bring to Nazareth where they took up their 1,11 but be mus s`.tlug with the tut- 1'relief to homesick Scottish hearts. Itt- sru. The message of the ('.ass holds It remained for an Englishman, how - mad grips: the mind of those who i ever, to rescue the poem from oblivion. know only toe. well what it means to, Mr. Joseph 1'hanllN•rlaitt. almost tiny snuffer and to be despisi•d. It was a! year.. ago, '•set the heather on tire" revrlatlon to rage on an ewral.ton 814411 by quoting 1t at a gathering of High- land mils :now'lug surae lantern sIhl 4(f laud crofters. Since then It has leen 1 11 that-euov,uw.t,t- ..t .i Moulin r sent with them his woahep s.1 1111 n the life of (9trist to the Irla•ro 111 our I quoted by writer*, orators and eloeu- Au" he increased in favor Ni[11 tom' isles' him for causitik thew so much Iel.er church. to hear the exclamations, tluulsts'utitil It has i,e•oute. at lea.+. and Mall. this Is. In all .nose Cracr+ anxious cuutern for his whereatwrut. of sorrow and sympathy ,alw.utaneously.its second verde. the inherit•aute of • that rendered hila acceptable both t" They diol not e•omprelrrud the 111,1tnllg"'Christ when the picture of the English -speaking - for {arq'le eceryNherr. God and mato. Herein Christ see+'111• ,1f bis r1•ply us. we can today., for St Christ chug crucified for use was het the authorship remains a rays- woslu.'ll himself to his estateof but iG 1hrow'1 n(ou the eereen. I eery. 14 was published anonymously. }', ha. INeu cyph1in01 by 111, after words \0a' that we are discharging more, as from 'a friend of wine In Upper atlon, th11t•.as he, c4(rnlesi:mIll1 to he awl decd-. It was his rerun' tato Canada." w'lio• hail heard it sung by au I"fa!". a ('1111", 1 Ybuth, sou the int- the world, and his meat and drlik in symptom-free cases each year. It Is au age hf t;,sl "mime llrlghter 111 the world, to du 11 Id Father's will amt Increasing problem to thio those who Highland boatmen while bride "rowed hint. vvhru ler grew 1"I.ea youth. 1114111 finish his work; and yet at that thaws are able in sum. useful work. Tu down the St. Lawrence." The "N1Ntes it ,ld N'ldle 11e .wUN 1111 liths est 1111" :' 111- p:i relit+ uui*I.•rstool not his saying I deal with the wo01e15 a11r1 glrly w•tN1! Au11/rlrsla" (4(1110111 In N 111.11 1(10 l5rew ('hold. This Is seen lit the incident that nor his prophetical utfice; but "MaryIeleoma sy'miltum-fear and haver 11e aP{'eared ecus cuulrlh11let be John 1;. er follow,- the only incident in conn`(- kept all these ,+wings in her heart." civet• ('1,rlstlnus, and eauuut, firer 1 of lea\Vale.. &vert. t, which and Ilei t'1'rhe tion with hl+ life In the name which Thi+ glimpse of his glory w:1r short. tore. return to their homes, 1v a still lie left ut twenty-nine ear-. •'f age., Hr d11 nut try t.. pats. -unite his parent,' greater problem. -Prow Without The attribution of 1t to Lockhart himself. It VI :Ir. the i -tortoni of Jewish familiest'am o put this mus nut "stained. John .;alt. have. the -o -n est opportunities where he might 1• ' the Scottish veils,, and Dr. William o at tend the fees[ of the Passover at lest 1q,pornlnitirr for on. The current issue of The Bible in etes5 on a .•.went. 'u dr c 1 'World ba au interesting' article; t"Tiger") Dunlop, friends of Lecl•- �►� e a. u. life again Mob their relatives. 111' tors In the teo'edr. 11e heard them; take up his life again as a norma l trod that there "the hilt grew. :I 111 he asked them questions; be returned Nasrel strong i(4 width. tilled with VII.-lit` veers 10 them and at his wisdom tow: awl the grace of God w:t, upon Hod understanding they :erre much him." Mtatthi'vv Henry sats ••f this :imams'. errs.: He ease: in the growing age:' When his parents saw whin• 11e was .dud 111' '""1.1"'r"1"0- iq sof -dura. "1"1 they %%ere astonished and vl hen be ua ml. { 1 - a If you wish the very finest tea—just -just try It. SALADA' TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' 110 ROBERT WILSON FOR the famous Fleury Plows, De Laval Cream Separators, Frost Fencing and Gates Lunden's Haying Tools. Gould, Shapley and Muii s Windmills and Cement Mixers. Tudhope Anderson's Wagons and Machines. - Hatuiltlon Street 5;oderich, Ontario BROPHEY BROS. Leading house for high-class Beds, Mattresses and Springs - INSPECTION INVITED Store Phone 120 . e Residence 217 Jerusulew. Though it was a 1 [ Jour- proveueut and pre, but r tit a [ urX UN •urea bait to attend three Il willingly returned to Nazareth, when• 1'y the fames ludlan Christian. Sad., hart, were then both 1n Canada f r I hu Sunda'. Singh, entitled: -What the tM'lals of the Canada t' {a1uy, which year a ul eau; yearswill we quote; was t fawn opening up as follows: to Jerusalem. t the feasts 1,f 1 entec.l"t Tar f be was a- It were l I the Huron Tract. ernacle- and the !'.1w's*r, but the; buried alive lhSubtless he neat up Bible Is to Me, from l ; between t,utiph and Lake ;Junin Rubbers, Rubber Boots and Goloshes —Life -Buoy Superior Quality Rubber Footwear is here in all the newest styles. It is a well-known fact that the best -wearing and best -fitting feature are embodied in LIFE -BUOY RUBBER FOOTWEAR. This Company concentrate all their efforts in the production of them. Prices this season etre greatly reduced. Let ug supply your wants. Our stock is well assorted in every style and size. Buy your Footwear at a Shoe Store where you have all kind to chooi a from. GEO. MacVICAR THE PRACTICAL SHOE MAN NORTH SIDE SQUARE GODERICH .I to warship at the feast+ there times a year, but whether e 11 h People can see the Book and its! � Either probably had the w•holarship ever r g power and force of attraction are, famous7 Dunlop w ut a ain to thetemple. t , dos- readers, but its wonderful unseen for such a literate y effort, though the will written t' wee note with the dol tors there, we are a more notable for its waspish reference known only by those who read 1t•aln- of told. was -pet -0y and prayerful) Just as the' to relatives than for Its literary grace. Be retarded to Nazareth observedand y' For example: obedient to his parents. their magnet and the needle can be seen, ojder•, and went and came as they but the ma[netic force which draws; "I leave John Paddle a silver tra- dlrec•tarl; afid. as It should seem, the needle to itself is hidden and un- p1't, to the end that he may drink lea worked witb his father at the seen and is not visible by telesevgle or trade of a carpenter. Though they were microscope. to the unseen plower, of poor and his father duly Ills supposed tbls Word of (sod drew. sinners like father, yet Jesus was subject to them; me to the Saviour. Further, Just ay ad the power of attraction in the magnet wisdom,he was obedient to does not depend on Its aeceptamv or fly parent-,. Herein !sand example to (4a y a"' I teat emotion. it expres:tett a heart- andobedient to Inj power of the Bible exists and iaf[ h welled 1 the brave though he was strong therefrom to contort him under the affliction of a slatternly wife." The Bleat Song has nothing of this obvious smartness. It has vigor .and dignity anal a universality of emotion that make for enduring literature. The filial with denial I people. sothis hidden draw-, Canadian Beet Song grew out of a • children to IN' dutiful 1 t whether r people believe hunger that we a up n their ;sirens In the turd, and growing a ways present w lr iu stature they will grow Into young It or not. It makes no difference what- I folk who left their misty Islands and t even became nation -builders in (*amide. The scot With m and the many ether feltl Its nay'. +1'tnt- pw/e Order )our wants from us and your baking how or other telt its power; for in• have earned a place in the recr,rtls and If so much so that In•uple he'll lit f (3.4 and ever. 1 h Highlanders of that day roan. tctoctextcectoctetittcmtvectcworcici Have Arrived for Your Christmas Baking w NEW FRUITS Raisins [bulk or package], Currants, Dates, Figs, Cherries, Peels. Lemons, W Cocoanut, Shelled Nuts. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING ALSO HAVE Lard, Cocoa, Shortening, Flour, Extracts, Almond Icing, Etc. W WORLD MISSIONS There is no doubt in my mind that Leper 11.,be is elle of the moat son The F A D A Line is complete In selecting your new radio or one to replace an out-of-date model you are naturally interested_ in securing permanent radio satisfaction at a reasonable cost. Fada has been building radio receivers and speakers of known and acknowl- edged superior quality since broadcasting began. Fada has always de- voted its efforts exclus- ively to the manufacture of radio apparatus and has not been identified with any other product or activity. It is our privilege to represent such a radio specialist. The Fada line includes table model receivers and console models with built-in speakers. I' li)% :iu 63-1 $175 (battery ('onsole (Mtrippesl ) E'.\Il.\ 265-5 \ Table Model !tottery Radio receiver -Walnut l'abinet $95.00 (Stripped) HURON MOTOR SALES EXCLUSIVE DEALER South Street Phone 83 stance, Hindus' and Mohanawetan+ In ludla-often forbid their people to read the BUIir, lest they (1e drawn away by its power and become Christians, as many have already become. -From -1 outlook of the ('hnreh." respect of ('anadiene for all time. 11 success Is assured. SCHOOL REPORT j If —SEE OUR WINDOWS --- S. R. NO. 7, COLBORN)1 The following Is the report of R. S. dw•r : No. 7. Colborne, for she. ECONOMY MEAT DISHES gr. iv�\ loss Bolton 72; Emmerson Durst 60; John Hutchins 71; Elmer By Betty Barclay - IA* 60•. Now that the days are getting a'lde'r Jr. IV. -Harold Stevens 74; Dorothy ' we have n greater craving for meat, •Flaber 64: Elmer Fisher 02: Vera eggs and ash than we led during the Hutchins ell; Ruby Ilutchlna :13; Ed-. umla•r month.+. Here are a eon{51e of ward M eMllcheel i3•. unusual and economical meat dishes $;r. 111.- 'Frank McMichael 7e; that will prove very popular. Ruby Young 73; Norma Lee ems. ('arolina Meet Leat Jr. 111. -Rath Durst 09; Arthur Me- I — PSI pounds chopped beef Michael fig.. Ruby McMichael nal; 1,00- 1 small orlon 1 large green pepper 2 small pickles - 7', . te•sp oon Halt '6 feaspooD peeper '. teaspoon paprika- ' atrahlel tomato Alice 1 pimento Mix the beef with the chopped onion, the green pepper, chopped finely, the 20; average attendance, 15. pickles cut in smallpieces, and, the M. I. JEFFERSON, Teacher. 1 tomato Jniee. Season with salt, pepper, and paprika. Grease loaf pan and place halt the mixture in it. Cut the pim• Iauto in long stripe anti arrange over the meat ; piece riot of meat over pimento and bake 1n a hot oven for thirty-five minute.. Ten minutes before removing from the tire. lance Lacon strips ac- ross the top and permit them to get crisp. Serve with bacon as n garnish. Baked }jam Ham Brown sugar 1(read erllarha ('loves Milk or cream Helaine itu11 a four or five -pound piece of 5:111 (Of several hours until tender. Let cool in liquid In which it was holler!. Plan In baking pan and cover with a thick layer of brown sugar• With tine bread crumbs on top. 'tuck n\\few cloves in the ham and f111 the pall with milk or cream ver as to (one two herds as high an the ham. Raisins may'be put on (wild toothprleke), giv- ing a very pleasing flavor. Bake forty- tv'e nllntite?. -The deepest peril to morals 111 not immoral people, as we so eommonly assume. but moral people who treveaty morality."- dlenry Emerson F.*d1ck. Had His ideals The minister had just married an elderly and rather dour Scot to n woman considerably younger than him- self. enol after the ceremony he re - market afehly to the bridegroom: •'Well, ?a*k, 1 anp alar?" yai'll he go- Ing fora honeylnoonY' ' it ,neymdon." echoed the Rent "what's ihatY" "011, you know," laughed the clergy- men. lergymen. "a little trip somewhere together before You settle down to married Ilfe." . The bridegroom ah,hok his head mo- ro.ei y. "Ne, n*." he said, "1 'inns hold vel' geilfvantln' ahnot w1' • strange wum- man." SPARR'S GROCERY 1 THE STORE OF SATISFACTION If Hamilton Street, Goderich - Telephone 146 ; WE DELIVER IN TOWN toctctoctogutetometocutcctittiscivc nerd Fisher 65; i.orrine Fisher 1115. Jr. 1-ilelen Futter. Pr. --=•Laura Dnr.4t. *denotes alwence for examinations. I'erfe•t attenth' wev-holy Ntnchila+, Verna Hntehins, Dorothy 'Fisher. El- mer Fisher. Lorrine Fisher. Leonard timber, Arthur McMichael. Helen Flsher, Laura Durst. Number .on'roll, "Never le afraid of tackling a Job you've never done before." -Henry Ford. "You can't control young people by saying 'Don't do that!' "-Lady Arm- strong. rm-strong. Stop That :OLD I TO -DAY. maybe it is just an ord. i.ary cold in the head or throat. To -morrow. it 'way Ise Amusing sore- ness and pain in your bronchiole. Avoid needless risks 1 Secure prompt relief by taking Pep.. These handy tablets are most soothing sad agreeably antiseptic. They gies off a bre.theable medicine which direct, benefit. the throat. brow ebiale and ars air -passages. Sur • 2•Se hos nI Peps to -day sad ,.atsre against coughs and Aelda. Pt RS eras/he able Tab/et • • ... Why you should ANSWER PROMPTLY BY the time this woman finishes her hand of bridge and reaches the telephone the party calling will haveiven up. The tardy bridge - player will be told "Sorry - there's no one on the line now, Madam". Both of them will be annoyed -the person calling and the person called. Both of them have wasted time. Remember -it takes three to complete a call - There are over one million local calls in Ontario and Quebec every day which fail to get through. These uncompleted calla mean two million min- utes a day wasted -congestion of traffic -constant irritation -a handicap to business. Some of them are unavoidable and some of them are our own errors. But many of them are mis- takes made bls the person calling or the person called. It takes three people to complete a call We are constantly striving to reduce our own errors. We are now pointing out some of the common errors in telephone usage because our aim is to provide the best possible telephone ser- vices and in telephone service, co-operation is essential. Answer promptly when your telephone rings. If it is not conveniently located in your home, con- sult us about it. And when you make a call, wait a reasonable time before giving up and causing a ';No one on the line now'. •Eztensirs now eonstrue- tion and replacements o/ loth local and long Ma - lane, telephone plant trill moan an outlay in 1459 o/ more than $117,000,0DO. -'r