HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-21, Page 5THE SIGNAL, IltentertelVeVKWAITIMITtetteeTIMINEVICIVOWINVICTIMP CHRISTMAS CARDS People exclaim, How wonderful for the money ! Q . Cards and lined Envelopes, 5c,iOc, 15c. a ps 4 Beautiful Toilet Accessories for Christmas Gifts w Brushes, Combs, Mirrors in pearl on amber, V rose on amber. Complete Sets and cz 4Single Pieces. t3 ✓ GIFT TOILET ARTICLES ARE MUCH APPRECIATED. A Q ✓ OUR VARIETY IS WIDE AND WELL ASSORTED. A CZ Va a a Radand Combination Radio and Victrola i io tf ti4 also V i ctrol as e>t 1 Q \I 1 1 \i I \Ir. Roy Meyer, KI v 5 Campbell's Drug Store \ n•- "1 tot the .1-.t ce.nwn'. Q !1111,/,.1.44.0 F i Goderich Phone 90et4lt trtC fl 't 4' lCu to u 4 4 4 Ts 4i � �i t 4 I'4 4 t Q � ttfi'�!E A .,t \\ fol haul. e 4Y•s% ;A .% ..I this week. The win. _ us.k pled n 1 441 n • Sir Obert Stalz�, wl" has h,YI, ,riri) Nose 4 r slh. of \II I•, I;;, rin•1'•1 •'I all I, \.itlll 4',-1 ,w 1� ill for tie past ue;ul' .,4 •r SI, . nn+,1)1 ac I uo., .-,n,%nl.•s. cut. .Ir-. ltidllard aid\\'his,Iry. I"' 1-1,11 a:aI.o 1-1"' GODERICH, ONT. Thuralay, November 2i, 192»9. S LANES field, where Mrs. Woods' brother, Mr. Johnston, iv seriou.ly 111. Mr. Woods remained for a few dors. LANES, Nov. 18.—Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. urs. Allister Hughes visited with M(Leau, of Goderlch, and Dr. and her brother, Air. McKenzie, over thee• Mrs. Treleaven, of Lucknow, were week -end. issit"rs with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lane F. G. Todd & Sun left on Saturday for the Toronto winter fair with their and family, Aberdeen Angus cattle. 1\'e wish thew Mra. Luse good luck. and Mrs. \'int. Mr. and Mrs. ,lohu Miller and family, u v'i i ud Mr.! of Sandwich. slant the weekrtld with on Sunday last. 4 Mr. and Mrs. S4.utehm ut ltaytleld, also Mr. .petit 14111141ar with Mr Mr. and Mr*. Bald and Mre. Gera. Cunningham at Behoove, the tormer's mother. Jlr. Knowles, of Windsor. accompanied them on their trip. 1'1-4{aleatory service will be held In the United church un Prissy evening. fwd sacrament will be (1lsla•Il' e l ou Sit y uo.rniug, 'service. to eotaweu,c last Sunday. Epworth League was held as usual Thursday evening. Rev. Mr. Tavenor diw•uscnd the topic for the evening. Vim let'rwawley read the Scripture lesson. There WAS a pleat -lug duet by Myrtle' ■IN Substantial Reductions 111 During the past week we have been buoy changing prices on a great many lines including Dress • Goods. Silks, ;(;loves, U Hosiery, Wool Underwear, Silk Lingerie, Corsets, Table ✓ Linens, Towels, Cretonnes, etc. The price change in many of • these lines has been very substantial, offering you further ■ .. vine on your tall and winter purehnses 1 • Specials This Week • ■ (kid lines•and broken sizes in wotuen•r uud children's • ■ :tll-w'ool t'nderw•ear: also children's Wool Sleepers at u discount • ui '2:, pc[ cent. ■ Johnston and Mutate Hackett., at 10.30 o'clock. • 1 Women', n'. Neel‘':lr til a lv ids variety at 29c each ■ I Quite n :mustier from the IOth at• ----: LUCKNOW . • ■ feuded the play given by the ltla►esI - 1 a special pnc.• of . ,-the last play they Have ever attended. - ! Nor. lU. -Mr+. Howard ■ ■ WES ------ - Agu.'w has returned lows from Wing 'l'J.n• 1Iola nee of our ..toek of Ilennlanle at half price. There ■ haw hospital, where •he underwent n 111 ■ time •u .4rd ntanc u.efnlyend- on the r. infant table young people and all' say that it was - ■ Remnants Half Price ■ • raudoits operation some t ag . ■ 'IVESTFIELlI. Nov. ll!. --Miss Flsk. The Mission Band of the 1'reshy- ■ steno se sp•ut the week•rud with tt'rlau. chard. 14011 Its an111181 thank - Mr. and Mrs. R. Stonehouse of Gale.' offering last Friday evening. 'Flier.. ■ re h. I was n good attend: flet' 1111.1 under theMr. and Mrs J. rim anal .1•Ie1r+Ue4 leadership of airs. t liev.4 No0101.81.1 their tllftleth wedding anniversary on 1 and Mrs. lfora(e Abell+o1 a spileudld We.11esday last. Congratulations. 1.roa rano was given. Mr. and Sirs. Win. McDowell and Auulrersnry servers were ,Leff in Miss Mildred Thornton were Brantford the 1'nilea chnr,•h last Sunday. visitors over the weekend, special ,, w,iker for the day was lt.•' \1 r. and Mrs. Wm. Crozier and fowl- lint. Richard Davidson. of Emanuel lye of Crewe were guests at the•honfe! College. Toronto. There were gikod 011 Crozier's brother, Mr. 4'. G. 11regat!ons morning and- evening and j 1'luupl.ell, on Sunday. the pue+sages delivered were very in- ' Mkt. J• Cowan, of W11'gham, was' terestlue. pima guoof her brother. Mr. Jack; Miss 4;ertlr 'rreleaceu iu .1.441011 Cowan. uu Sunday. `` with frielats iI llatuilt.u. Mr. Maitland fleury 1. attending the lan nlversary sersiees Iu the l'uittt. il.er It r fair. A Iumla•r in ills v1,•lalty have 44114 441rell in the hall un.Monday night. finished their hall plowing. Those who H %vas under the ausptee- of the have not finished are loping for 1414.11• sited ..touch choir. Stirs Theresa M. weather fora while yet. Wdgel s 1 ...its :old dt•amatle 1111111 Mr. and Mrs. W. F. ('ampla•ll. Miss hers were mueh enjoyed, as were al.. \\'luulhwl 10111 11r. I/uuglaw 4'1uu,ltla'll the hers ;riven ly 10e411 talent. neve 4lod,•ri.•h visitor.. tin Thursday. ,\l r. John Joynt is hi New York business this week. ASHFIELDThere will la' a tunwpn'rade in ti,, 1royu 14411 ..n Thur+lay evening. -No\ --- .•mla•r; lith. under the auspices of 114' ASII1-.1F:1..1e, No%. 1!!. Slr. and n';nlLuli, W1111,1(.11 .4 League. -\rtIIii - r. ... m Meyer -nu. ", .dao tnvh stra. \1'iogluw; will .up- un,•indwl ih,• funeral of Mrs. .1. Kelp•. 1,14 the mash.. Prizes will he ci% •n \fill .1i 1.l' I.IIPI.1,•. . 41 1-4, I Lint'. uta'udwl na Pre..uc of u •- • . ; rt'oine•.I b` l;.., !true. I I 1111 .• 't; Maitland testla t, 1nl S,..1.- lie Nletrol.••I•nl I'uited .• un !� at \\;1._lam oa Tmeselay. ---- \I.• --r.. c'harles M.-Car'l.j and \\'i!i0 '•I•tioa, or the ,scenes: c..npl ...•- . i�4 '11'4 n•,m_e Ilan{ let'.; o \1..444' 4• 31 l'l ..1 1 'fruit, strew w.r'k'sca.a- 4,,,,, —.o.ent.,-r 11th. al,onl ,i. 14 ti.o, a .\e•lti4ll. renewing .4.1 mainatl I \'1 I;t nod..., ... '"'� .t -L'.• I Mr. Arthur Stewart. son ..11. 111,-1 • \Ir-. Hugh Stewart- mueessiuu 4. wi,. .,. so painfully injured a could.' .4f „el,- ago w1111e operating 11 tractor. it r • •u%rry is ,;u.:ori• It MUSKRATS! WHY NOT BECOME AN OWNER : The Ib. ' on Goverment Inas issa.Y1 a Is..k!.•l—"in the dol..' that the ad -rotation therein ams be useful in raising the Musk rat l'anuiug industry 1" a position of greater.s•o innlwrtance."—.\ -af.• rn.1 •nue nph.rtuni •' t) 1•� enter 11,1- pr•.litabb• Lu -ane-' i. •44 -r.••1 %441 hr The BIG CREEK MUSKRAT FARMS Ltd situated at PORT ROWAN, ONTARIO Canada's Freest and Best Equipped MUSKRAT RANCH [scidy tw" landre,l acres of corn111,•reinl Muskrats! Fenced als,'.e all•l 1a•1"w the ground! Controlled water supply' Adequate 1as1 supplies'. Protected enclosures, competent employers and every available facility for sne(rasfully ranching your aniln:als.' A Board of Directors to boast about. i slJaob Y'nnc4, N. rcl,rmt. Tin. .0 t;. ng: Vance, Merchant. Tills.nb.ir . burg, 011e Lester SI. Keachie, Barrister at Law. T+.mato. ttut ; A. 4.'. 11. Walker. insurance 4'diver, Port Rowan. ant.: Ili. E. Bice. 1'Inycieian, Lon- don, 4Mt.: 11. 1'. E lhty, Fur 3I,rchaut, 1 111411, tint.: Allan V. Young. 1landlt•'n ('•etton Co.. Hamilton, tent.: 4;. \\•. 1Vigle, Howell 1.ithographi,- C"., Hamilton. Ont.: JI. it. Itottoi, Chipman -Holton Knitting ('o., halo ikon, (het. :.\. Blackburn, Publisher, London Free Press. London. oat . James \ 1'.Illt. flatniltou 4'.11011 ('•,., lIan,ilt't . ant. Twenty pairs are owned in r:oderich at present and twenty minutes will explain the proposition to you'. GEO. JENNER Ilurun 4 "unl\ Iteticesentati%e itll\ :(9. taDOERII'H THE REASON \ Our Entire Stock of Men's Furnishings must be cleared in order that we may devote our time to Cleaning and Pressing and Made -to - Measure Measure Cloth g Clearing Prices on all lines W. C. Snazel HABERDASHER AND DRY CLEANER WEST ST. PHONE 339 Due to stock Mr. Atwater Kent joins with the other leaders of industries the public dollar for the prosperity of the country. fluctuations in stabilizing tn.,I.i, g a goo 1e.wldt al. Miss Antoinette 1I 11, of Slildnmy. 1.4 Ile Cur.I .d her 1tl•li. Sri... Lor- etta SL •r ills ww•k lir. and Mrs. 1►avld JL•\\'I,iuney and \Y.dues.iny, 4k-I.1a•r .8' :u tie .Uta Iter! 3I,'IVtiwley slant Thanksgiving ...OS - 1-w ten 4.n4'ku •++ »lien S1:.r' ('liutup: the good+ of Mr. 1111.1 Sirs. Jane. da l ..•r of. Sir-. •31.![).-l4 1:.' 1:Irl Blake. ehnban'-, i..-.-nme• the .1-4.44 of 1 Nr. .1. Meyer. and Edwin Meyer.. SInrd.s•h. -ou. of 3lrs.. \1,,1 ..•tit I•' nceh-end visiting at ('ares., i.c ha:e^N.•il Stnrdo.-h .,f 1 cer4ntoay 4) Is la•11.•1 m. ,I 1. tiled �.•u, pre..lts- Sir. an fv;4 rvi;.i -4, '%ill utak.• .1 h.•tr 1 'f r- I4'i.t. a,:u,8.,•.• of t14.• t: \h.ntrd.•4 I,Ir•. 4,;." Levu :r 10 • 1, lerillln. 51r 11e441 -ha- -1..4.11 Ilfd"n� re-lee:t ..r leen act l%.• ill atoll% ...1101111ai1 y 11401 1111.111-.:,11.1ale o.-111 he _re-rt'4 ilii.r.••I'i ..n' o••k ,.I. ale 1111,1 Ni err Doll.Ier. After it lone) ue.an I.II' ST. HELENS )i r, wet S1rs. Mlnrd.'ch hair taker, tip 14.s141e0ce lu l ,llekn"W. ,\ %%4041 in.: .•1 11441 •. inter,•- - ' '. 1 1-184'.' at the• home .•f Iii•. :u.% SlBe)ialm;nl, \rtlnn, "y Na\ - ui1,-1 w1411 Verna Kathleen. daugiu. l441,n 3la,•Fadzea❑ cud the 1s04.4 \I Stecradzean. \Waldemar. -' 1 - to .111We, Sla.•t'Illua ..a of the•- 1rU, Ile)'. 11. NI,. I 41141 ,, and Stilcl'nilnan "f l.uckuaw. Ito' I. It. Kahle of ilea1'.rt1 (440410rt1Y1 the ceremony. Afterward. Mr. and SIF. Mai•/'allutu left on 0 motor trip • Montreal and inlets./ Tiler will' 14 Ih•truit. Silkalo Bedspreads i ■ Nit,. o1.1l "ilkalo Bedspread. in pond -ha 1, _ .unl full -:i - • I: gel, 11- ""111 ,11 Sln4•ill, $3 49 to $6.50 ■ .1-1 ■ ,, . 4 ...'ll ■ • B Sweater 1- Coats Boys wea e ■• llflood color eomnhinat4011s. roll collar isi,, - $2.29 ■ 'rti. •'s• 30, :12• ;i 1 Sp. sial prlee. . ae11 ■ ■ - N READY-TO-WEAR $ is Our unlit... stock •.f ‘‘.encu'- :16.1 cluldrett'- \\Toll r c ,oat- ■ ■ Is off, -red :It :1 special .11 -moot 1 1111 e III s o« GEO. W. SCHAEFER va u mi ✓ -i (CE)i(ll: •fit 'UHF s A GRAY t• CO Phos S a ■ North Street United Church WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION BAZAAR SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30th Sale of Home-made- Baking. Aprons, Fancy Work. Candy ' eta •. Tea Servei from 3 31 to 7 T.m. S'1'. 11ELF)NS, Nov. 1,. Mks SI. S1lrray is home atter-pending a week . {siting !ter co11.60, Mrs. hit.. Doltglaa, Mitchell. • )1r. Wm. Wiseman, of Waterford. has been engaged with Mr. .loynt for term. He. neoved 111" wife and family -.f give last M•. -.'k to the "red 'brick." Slr'. F..1-. of Whitw•hlnrh, 44 was a rr.rut %(sitar with Mr. and \l r-. Whit - !odd :it the noose. Mr. a1..1 Sir-. Ilolpns.m \Vuods and Lorne motored .11 Satiirda) to Bruce - SCREEN GRID to M I L L I N E R Y New Hats ih Metallic, `'el%et anti Felt, in cleverly blended Materials, and latest shades. Corsage dowers, Scarfs and Novelties • Miss MacVicar Kingston Street Choicest Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits Let us sere you with your requirements New Dates and Figs just arrived \' , 4, _ 4,In 14 144 pli1414.1-.• F:Iran 1'n..lnct- Geo. Price & Son "44t,t,, -",r t.. 4.r40. I..11a.•ier Corner of the Square and North Street I55 4 III 11\ 1 . limn, IK•, Do not elt'lo•oti 00 your ' old rusty stovepipes. BF SAFE GET YOUR NEW Stove Pipes and Elbows NO W 11.Iv.• 4,.11 111..1 0144 Odorless Stove Pipe Black Enamel? Leeds fill your ear radiator with ANTI -FREEZE - Alf. Tebbutt & Son \\I',I '',181 The Atwater Kent Co. has never had any shares of market, owns its business outright, and for more profitable years has done never borrowed a dollar. business on its its stock on the than 27 increasingly Own capital and has liENT RADIOS A.TIAT4rhy.13 Price Reductions in Radio History The Radio without SCREEN GRID is of ancient vintage today The Famous Screen Grid Radio in the Famous No - Model 8500 4 4 19 .1►\\ $198.00 Nies. 144111141 ' .11\\ $225.09 \Ied.•l !44,144* .t►\\ $248.00 Cabinets N1.010 1.1 `345.00 AT/WATER KENT introduced THE FIRST Screen Grid Radio on May 1, 1929 SEE ALL THESE MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY AT Time Payments For Your Convenience Exclusive Atwater Kent Agent SOLD AND SERVICED BY FRANK RILEY LADDER'S DRUG STORE GIRVIN YOUNG, SALESMAN