HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-21, Page 4- • 11Weener, 4 -Thursday. November 21. 19.2.9 „s, THE SIGNAL,' Here is Your OVERCOAT Whatever you seek in an (.)vetcoat you will td here a model that is not fad\ personally becoming 111 appearance, hut it reproac corref t in sh, It for the pur- pose ha whif 11 yOU le4.11111C it, at prices that %cr. know you'll like $22.50 to $37.50 W. C. PRIDHAM & SON The Store trIth 11:e Stotl: Telephone .57 Men's and Boys' Wear Goderich, Ontario H. CLEMENTS Painter and Decorator Esti:netts lir tainting. wall -paper- ing. etc.. cheerfully given on re - Residence No. 4. Rayfiekill Read Telephone 259J Gethin Davies A. L C M.: AR CM Organist and Choirmaster of St George's Church Teacher of Piano, Singing, Organ and Theory. Pupils Visited Apply P 0. 462 P-ctrig.!vvf,wctcztvcrtivc .tztr.tf.tvoctctoztit !u; SHOP STEEL' • EARLY STORES FOR A XMAS NI SOO Men s Fine Broadcloth A VA w Dress Shirts A ✓ Saturday only 98c A A SI A y 300 Pairs Only !ft China Salt Peppers A V A VA ki 25c pr. iv ti 41 A Pure as Gold A 10 A A Butterscotch Wafers Iss;A 1-2 lb. 15c :4' Boudoir Lamps $1.49 A Hand -painted, 12 inches high ria121-241Daaartetaaair,aallaipM213134,1711 042 GODERICH, ONT. CREWE CREWE. Nue.) 19. -Mr. and Mr. .Will Crozier spent Sunday with the latter's brother, }Jr. Colin Campbell. lvonnybrook. Mr. Albert licQuold silent the wcuk. eud atilt his daughter, Mrs. Warner Smythe of Terswater. Mr. and Mrs. Rola-maim. of Donny- brook, .pent Suuday at Mr. end Mra. .1 Kilpatrick's. We are sorry to know* Mr. John K11- .1110.-1.. sr.. Is under the doctor's care. We hope 6.r it stieetly reeovery. • Mr. tool Mrs. F. 11. Solomon and family'. of Stratford; spent one .1tQ la -t week at Mr. J. Swau's.'' Mr Meet Finigan has purchaetal Mr. A Mispiold's farm • PARAMOUNT. • PARAMOUNT. Nov. la. --ID. and Piitlock, .ir tier\ It.. were 241111. 11"3" 1111,1,1. at Mr. and Mrs. Dan aria. • leson. Mre. lisynard. of Ethel, called on l'it ra mount friends, recently. Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Danner, of Kincar- dine. visited Mr. :Ind Ile:. Wm. Mc- ; ill reeently. 311es Lanni Webster, who au. na. si.ting Mrs. W. Robb, has returned, to her home. Mis- Verna Hamilton spent Thanks -1 .:iving with friends at Lueknow. Mr. and Mr.. It. Richards and faml- spent Thanksgivina s ith friend* at Berrie. •rhe stork has visited Paramount ' lately. and left baby girls with Mr.. and Mrs. E. Irwin and Mr. and Mrs. I %Am Stank.y. Congratulations. Miss Jessie -Portia spent a week ith her friend.. MI,* Myrtk. Mac - 1 CODERTH TOWNSHIP gnash' of R. and Mrs. Charles Cox. Mra. Cox is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lobb. Mr. and Mrs. lawns Cox and little Milder Billy, and Mr. W. Heifer, of tioderich, have been visitors for the past week with their cousins, Rev. and Mrs. Charles Cox of the man.... Mids. sing, Ontario. The Sunday sehool of Union church Intends holding a Christmas tree and concert on Friday evening, Decetnber 20th. Mr. Geo. Faleoner. Mks Marguerite Falconer and Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnston motored to Toronto this week and took kt, the Royal Winter hair. • HOLMESVILLE tIODERICII TOWNSHIP. Nor. - Mr. and Mrs. Wilt. 14. Isibb, Goderich township, Mrs. borne Jervis. Holmes- % die. andof Clinton.' otore.1 tea *Saturday to NIiinisithg, WIIITECIIURCH oi,,,.. ow, maait wventi 4layx NA the, , 1 101.11ERVILLE. Nov. 19. -The mar- riage of Miss Carrie T. Walter, form- erly of this neighborhood, to William Betty, of Redlands. California, took 111211Ve at Redlands on ()ether anth. Roth Mr. and Mrs. Ratty are natives of Canada, but have lived at Redlands for stone years. The bride Ls well known as a trained toffee nod Mr. Batty la it promineut contraetor. Miss Elva Proctor has returned from the Goderieli•hospIttil, where ahe underwent an operation over two weeks Mra..Coictuhoun rendered several pleas- Imitduive ple•Ilasininagh.ing the eutertatu- Mr. and Mtn. E. Riley, of Detroit. aecompatilett by Mr. and Mrs. Wagner, of Detroit, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nell MacDonald, Mutant. Doings et Thankagiving Week. -Ash - at the sceue of it number of enjoyable festivities during Thanks -I giving week. liouday night it most exeellent fowl supper nas served at Kline:bridge, followtal Hu interest- ing euncert and dew* much enjoyed by the tette number present. Thurs- day evening at latchalsh the U. F. W. O. held their annual fowl supper. Those present report a royal feaet and a good time. After the sumer Mr. J. MacRae acted as chairman and along with other thing,/ a number of iu- tereating apeeches were heard. Rev. Mr.' Colipahoun, Mr. nos., Ilr. Ilatheeon and Mr. Fiulayson being among the speekers. Friday night the scene of octivities shifted to Kintail, where a reception an* held for Mr. and Ntra. W. Johnston. it bridal eimple of Nov- ember. Over two hundred were pres- ent at Kintall hail to enjoy the splen- did time given. After lunch the happy (4.iiiple were presented with it purse. Mr. 81111 MN. .11111111614/11 W111 reside on the groom's farm on the Blue Water tliglivvay north of Mitten. Their many friend, them every suceess iu their new life. ago. reeeption servire for uew nietnbent was held hi the United church On Stitt. .1to. ltev. J. W. Herbert preached au appropriate sermon and special music was rendered by the choir, assisted by Mr. Chinon*. Potter, of Clinton. 11 forIller toe1111,4.1". who sang. "Come Un- to Me." Mrs. Geo. Johnston. of lio.lerk•h, slatted the I•nited chinch Sunday school on Sunday and (are an ad- dreaa in the interests of the work of BINMILLER DENIIILLEIt. Nov. U. la having Its Drot touch of winter. Rain, sleet and snow. with freesias temperature, make the muntry look like the Ar..tie region* Harold Walters and Alonzo Oke, of tit. R. C. T. 1'. Toronto. were home over Sunday. Mr. and Mr.. W. 11- 1At11- at•comh- be.ter waitent. of Detroit, 1. vi.i- tailed by their daughter.. Mrs. Lorna Hug with his brother.. Jervis, niotored to NIpissing and are Louise Maedel Anil Mary' Long til- t -kiting their daughter. Mrs. Cita.. D. ,...., tended ehurch itervice laid Wiiiiilay SU COI, al 1111. 1•11110t1 (+unit panionagei ritri„w. when. :ales. 4 Rev.1 AVelr Of there. • Myth a4litre.e.ed a grateful 'W. al. S -, t be ukofferisig meeting. John Million hail the misfortune to lose one of hi* horse* 18,1 wean...day. Nervous and Miserable Through Constipation "Fruit-a-tives " Restores Vigorous Health C r..tie it threw 'iteelf 11 WHITECHURCH. Nov. 18.-1 num• wadi a way iva to break its back. bey of ladle. Tont ere g ent e. A inei.ting or tbe I briatnie. i rev W. M. W. meeting at Mrs. Elmer Tit - ....wool oonimittio. Wil• held III tin 1111., /111 Wednesday last. per% ge Ia.' Illowla esening. 'Th. Mr. and Mrs. ElilrLI Nichol, ..t. pine. program W11, discussed and if arrant's' sale. visited on Frldny with Mr. anil twins wort: out well there will he %Ir.. Wesley Leggett. . . .... to.al Chri,ttusis 1...ewert 011 Friday, 1118,,, Mr. 11.4.11.k 11,411.0 and Mr. John ewe- ..110.A. liatt. . croft went to London on Saturday to .... a ne y .,iii ia peopie held au itnproUipiti eM,P their -1..ter. Mrs. 41.;eo. Robert...n. ilebt.11. OH 1 114/- .1111.11.1.1 ; 11PM/IVO.1 Ilia' O11.1 1, 111 the Ineailtal there. inittilgrirtion should lie re-trieted A Me. and ate, John Purdlon awl fain! go11.1 tionaber took part in the 11.4.1111 I. it .pent a few days dila week with bat it 1,,,,,kea it...tr the negative siit.• Mr. itiol Iles. 4;or.I.n. ll.sire. or Hoek. lind the greater talking strength :..:.! - . A 0011. ' tt I I the tint" of the nrgiltewitt., . Sir. 31111 Mr. 1-:Wn rt MsiePlierson awl 1.11. isna14111117 164, ,i,....0 1. It' .1114110W tio..1.-entl with Mr. and tom -lied during the woek I.Y tl••• lat., %Ir., 'toy 51,4ep oit ngham. ' iffy: oPf Mr- Jinn., Loin: sia Re.1 Deer Ilr. ten.' Mr-. Irwin Henry and Ro-s. ..„ .soerta.. O111”,4. 0141 II:lry 11111O. IN r1..• - ' 4 1-1..''''""".; ,-Pe411.,,Sill,111"ith Mr. where in ltd. 1-.11e W1,11iti two week - •in.. Mr. W1/11Prt 1-11r/1/011. i of the 1..i•sing of one of her .1/111.. Fill• . II 1'4 Ida M.4111"1.1 •Priit 9 '"IlPie th lay. In Ten-. Ilr• Long Itiol an lin-. Lay- last week with Mrs. Patterson fortunate fell 5111l. led finally' to .f Dicknow. - pliennomia The ritiiiiis. sa.re brought goalie mid the funeral look phi, from Ili-- Wintilfreil. Farrier. ef Cedar , viiiii.. riven, the week -end sit her home her late las-blew.. at Itammiller to here Colborne cenwtery.111111.1 the iorrow and NIr and Mr.. Jack Harknefta and ...„11pathy a the strb„).. t„mm„„tty 14., I Awful. of Teeswater. -1 -"e" Sand" fill' 11111q11 A% Aetillielll. whore Iles. Long aliti Mr."and lin,. John Faiennpe. Et. DUPERION. The drowsy, fatigued condition that usually goes with constipation i3 a serious handicap. Overcome it. Be healthy by taking "Fruit-a-tives". Read this letter: Ont. -"The remits are mar- vellous. That nervous, tired feeling has completely gone. 'Fruit-a-tives' bas. made a new Man of me." -Mr. Donald Duperro?. "Fruit-a-tives" is the intensified jukes of ripe, fre=h fruit, blended with stimu- lating tonics It It the stoutest natural Inc of constipation. Gentle, natural and positive in its action, it builds the sys- tem to function properly without the con.-alnt un of laxatives. 25c and 50c at ail druggists. Try it -to -day. NILE. Nov. 20, -Miss Mary Brooke. was horn. Mr. unit mr.. iite)p Long, i of Ilainilton were present. Mr. 011-i Mr*. M. Pettapiece anti Jamieson ond Misei Mande Conn and :Visa Laura 1...t. 1,,ai a Lettita.tatce „maw east alai -pent Wundny with Mr. 11 tul Mrs. the remains and sill stay a Week, or Henry. Kerr of Nile. _s 1 Wo here. Rev. CeruplwIl Tavenor, of Mr. and , Mrs. Jolitedon Conn and Ashtleht. and Rev. t'. F. Clarke. of ituby !twat' slummy witir Mr. and Mrs. 0,.101,.1....4,1.,d ite, it. 11. onnuilliw t :onion Elliott. - • of Itemuiller In the service. The floral Mrs. Harold Sporting anti infant son it -thine+ were ezreutionally Ipentitiful returned from Winghain loomItal on Friday. WE HA.VE 11[11 The new Balanced -Unit Radio This superb SCREEN GRID -PLUS LOWBOY way $ I 69.00 Nesstrodyne $ jp.47;.( ) Plus Tubs, Extra Cabinet finished in genu- ine walnut with bird's-eye maple and Oriental walnut panels. Genuine ELECTRO - Dynamic Speaker, built-in Acoustic Equalizers, and balanced to use TWO of the wonderful new 245 power tubes, push-pull. Free Home Demonstration! Yea, we' will deliver this mag- This is the same marvelous nificent Philco Lowboy to your Philco that you have seen ad - home on free demonstration. vertised in the great national No obligation -no red tape- magazines. Rare purity of tone and EASY PAYMENTS, if you -marvelous selectivity -vast decide to buy • distance range. C.all or phone us today. Other models from 595 at LAUDER'S DRUG STORE Sold and Serviced by Frank Riley C. Young. Salesman s 295 as sure to hear the nese Miley )ou buy any radio 13ring in all your Photos and Snaps 11,1 have tlicni FRAMED before Ilw rush Welhase moililings to 1.4.11 kiwi of piviire Artistic line of Christmas Cards now on display. Smith's Art and Gift Shop NILE _ . _ - .. • .f Ton.nto. s.ent the pest seek vlait- XXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxya home of her annt. Mrs. Wm A New Shipment of Dresses Just Arrrived X Mr. awl Mrs. Janie. Melameld. Mr itol Mrs. Din -Attie. and Mr- Jo-. 31.- x1 .1'alt. Kiprn, were rio.t. tin sat- Ladies' Dresses in the Newest Styles and Shades COME IN AND SEE THEM SPECIAL. VALUES IN X inlay nt the pat -nonage. We are sorry to report that Mrs. II l'enrbenet. is not enjoying gswil health it torr..ent. lier many friends hope t 111. t %%ill moon regale liP1' 11,11181 X u ben1114. lir owl Mrs. T. Nixon visited 011 ; XX 1 ii.V11 I I eve. iif 4th etwieession. Asidield st.willy et the home of Mr. and Mr. x iown4hIp. Mr. anti Mrs. 'Fred Seaannk and Mr.' 'X N. .1111n. of Goderieh. spent Sunday at X he home of Mr. and Mrs. John TOM. Week -end guests nt the home of Mr X nil Mrs. James McIntyre were Mr. awl clarenee Potter. of Detrolt ; Mr mil Mrs. Stanley Hayden and two ••••••••••••• • Ldies and M• isses Coats annedirlit,rfi.rteenrds 1:1111.1 • 9 a A complete line of ladies' and misses' new cloth Coats, authentic in every detail, lavishly tritnmed with French bea- ver, sable and opossum, in colors of black, brown, navy and sand, all si7es, and specially priced. A Special in Ladies' Felt Hats Regular price $2.95. For the wcek-end...$1.98 Men's SUITS and OVERCOATS for fall and winter wear, styles up to the minute in.every detail. A new shipment of men's and boys' LEATHER JACKETS ,jusr RECEIVED We carry a full line of men's and young men's wear, including Cloves, Neckwear. Scarfs, liosiery, Shirts, Underwear, etc. A. CORNFIELD L -SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED 'TO SHOP" Ladies' and Men's Wear West Side of Square Phase 416 Goderich, Ont. XXXXXXXXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XN:ICXXX XXX NILENE 1-er Women Not a Narcotic 82 Pstrtc•st , Torero." Det• Tee Wemen'• Deportment. Memo Laboretorree Limited, 126 WeitIngton 811. Wed Torooto. Maar madam - it gone IMpopilble for ore to tor prow toy thanks to yo.. fee tho nate ittILIENI (loon too 1 woes otto= =tering my monthly period 1611000. I Wm preened/soy free tree, psie. ana san is nty wort os orowol* (1111attod) Mr McOs Yours On Dot.D AT TOUR DRUGGIST ___Sold by- ( ‘MPHIELL'S DID STORE II. U. Ill NLOP (The Itexall Drug Store) H. DIREHALANN (Hayfield) Meeting of Girls. Guild. --On Twew irk ,ay afternoon the Girls' Gond owi nt 0 111P 11‘0111O of Mrs Telford Nixim fo. heir November meeting. There 551 - good attendants. of both member*, apt X tisitors Th.- meeting wfts led lo tli.. Week of November 25 to 30 xPrt.sident. Mrs. Leslie Pentland Tli • X Mho. .11411116 marmite. A few to1.1.1, -• Wallace Retry and Ray Hatton • ODEL THEATRE it. scripture reeding was taken by Mk- vt "day- and Tuesday- ^ ie. -de motatin 61111 the study boa% 1,y X1111111or4 wre ac ediitssed R1111 till` MP4/1- i the screamingly fonny comedy pair in it ing was then brought to ti close il.ythe. great 1'1(11th-setting farce. An lort.:1I1 of 1 :1C singing of '•illest be the tie that finale' inerriMent is often*, in %bleb yon non sji and prayer hy Mrs. Lundy. after which .11 orovin pine worrie,: wet - Y., served by the hofttemaea of the day. Mrs. 1 Partners in Crime" Int a et(11 int hour was *went end lunch wan a___ " I lerli. 'Pentland and Mrs. Telfonl Thom Mr. James Snell left today (Wed- tieorge Iwwis in "The Nea Coll...nail. "Fox Neal. Reel" W--. tiesday i for Toronto to attend the 111 he the ig.41,111n..ttiviiil,f,, liv,iislat oiletibitih,rtter Emma and other. Itr. and Mrs. Drive Iti-Gralten and Royal Winter Fair. Ile two children spent one dal lest week , .4nelat1ifirlIthr.. anti Mrs. Andrew Kirk of f --__-_ .. ASH_F1ELD I ilia'-'1:ii‘tiVgt. "Min SOnmeldllitmgerPolgifilAllr el-in:1111.1.Z i Bradley in Wednefoloy last. with the 1 president. Mni. john MaeRne. In the 1 Mune. .After the buslneas part of the i meeting en Intereating program was ii grilnefei nmi. d Toh0P11•36 1 itiOnfrii Awr.fro...il na.mttlent:ylattlitiop , %silt:1E1M TOWNSHIP. N,ov 14. -- 1,11,,n,:vrie.::::. g et pr seat north of ',mignon. M .1 4 A m. Heegett. M. N.. is toles. al M rton MkIdleton, Iescher In " 8 No. A, spent the week -end with a int n Illoderich. The Weston Rand of the Astineid i Preibyterian church pat On it pageant I 'Friday night. The children took their 1 part. splendidly. and Rev. Mr end SHINGLES ,k car of ki,otitigan.1 Rock Face Sliiiigles Sx ind 3x B. C. Shingles .i.ir prices before you buy ,Robt. Standish LAMPS LAMPS MAKE A VERY ACCEPTABLE GIFT We have on hand a large stock of all style,. col- ors, etc. Now is the time to make your selection while the choice is good. Shop early. J. R. WHEELER GODER1CH Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director Phones : Store 335, Residence 355u; --- - Wednesday and Thursday - Lina Basquette 1P111111 all 1111-41/11'CaP1 throng'. no atoativof o turizan ri tioof oeiety unit nderw.rld Fit. A dramatic mystery thriller that sporklegnitli ?Warily. "Come Across" Cameo ( 'onnyly -"Hs) fill Pulite. Hodge l',,t,"M,d,l. tn %lila _ Friday and Saturday - Fred Thomson pietonzes the colorfol, romantic life of Ceram, the famous Indian scout The spirit of the pioneers given to the M`r1,11 by an uninatchahle.portrayer "Kit Carson, Cameo Comely-"LowIty Breaks" Fells tiw Cat -"0ily Bird - coming -Milton Mills in "The Spotter" Matinee Sat. at 3 p. m. ••••••••••••• UPERIO .sTOREs. WE SELL THE BEST FIJR LESS Quick Quaker Oats, with china, per pkg. . . 34c Surprise Soap, 10 bars 53c Fry's Cocoa, 1-2 lb. tin Silent Matches, 3 pkgs. 22c 25c Royal York Orange Pekoe Tea, 1-2 lb. . 35c Kara Coffee "Secret Blend'', 1-2 lb. 35c, 1 lb. 69c Royal Ba.king Powder 12 KKovah Health Salts, ozsize, per tin 53c for 35c Dessicated Cocoanut. 1/2 Ib. .14c Calay Toilet &tap, 3 for 25c Aylmer Soups -Except Chick en, 2 .for 21e Ingersoll Cream Cheese, 15c size, 2 pkgs 25c Molasses, per tin 10c Pure Maple Syrup, No 11/2 bottle 35c Clmice Evaporated Peaches, per lb 29c Evaporated Apilcots, per lb. 35c Brunswick Sardines, 4 for 25c Crisp° Fig Bars, per lb. 19c Finest Loaf Cheese, per Ib. 33e Durham Corn Starch, per pkg 10c Peatiut Butter, per lb. 25c Corn Syrup, 5 lb. size, each 35c Muffets, per pkg 12c Bon Ami --Cakes or Pow- dered, each 14c Ideal Silver Cream, each, 25c Silvo Silver Polish, Small 15c, Large 25c 2 in 1 Shoe Polish All colors, 2 for 25e' New Golden Hallowi Dates, 2 lbs. 21c New Currants, 2 11m. 35C Bleached Sultana -4 Raisins, 2 lbs 35C Finett New Natural Cook- ing Figs, 2 lbs. 25c Gillette's Lye, per tin 14c Glace Cherries, 1/4 lb. .14c Candied Pineapple, 1/4 lb. ltic Cut Peel, per pkg. 15c New Lemon and Orange Peel, per lb. 25c New Citron Peel, per lb. 39c Borden's Chocolate Malted Milk, 16 os. size 59c. .1. J. McEWEN, Goderich. CHAS ALTON, Dungannon. .1. CALVIN CUTT. Gederich. ROBT. PHILLIPS, Aubsra.