HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-21, Page 31
On Page 2 of This Issue
What are you doing for the eolnnlunity
that is doitrg so much for you? You can help
by buying everything you need in your own
home town.
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate and Insurance
Telephone 230
Masonic Temple Building
quote and ut vey little value in case! nwmelts and slat oniery tor lois year.
iof tire; and a recommend that- Hill.' /►ti 'notion of A. licher uud W. L.
ylthoul delay', the cost to be taken care Young the ',leek was laid #13 for ser -
ilip -to -date eumblyattio11 holder atoll viees In conne•tion with the local lin-
chemical motor truck Ir• purchased provewent work at Meueserlu14( Park
IN FIRE EQUIPMENT; of h'y 44.1.issue u[ debentures spread I for the post threw years. and the local
over :1 term o[ years. I *electors of jurymen for 1929 tae suns
Discussion on Fire Equipment of #3 each—total $0.
On motion of W. L. Y. g and A.
Fisher the following was passed: Aa
fence on the 1'. A. Robertson estate is
now on the township road allowance.
that 'roue owners be .rQquestetlty.aaw
wove, the fen.e which Is u nal a� new
and shat the council agree to 4414• a rod
towards the erection of a wire fele•
to replace the same from the west Ade'i
of orchard westerly about rio roils.
Treasurer reported $201.52 count;
selo.ol grunt received.
W. L. Young and A. Fisher Moved
W. J. Powell
Stocks, Bonds, Insurance
and Real Estate
Cu, Life and Fire Insurance
lclsom :-•trcct• (teal. rich
11...11.• 2'1' 1' (1 liar 138
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
Some very , heap House. and Lots for sale
Large number listed to select from.
special -le'o-acre Fano for ole, alauRh- i
ter price: tine location in the township
of Stanley, county of Huron; 9n acreP of I
file is chole' clay loam writ in tine con- i
cion', excellent fur wheat, alfalfa or
any grain, hay or roots. High undula-
ting surface, well tile -drained. Ne•srl
all seeded down; good watt* sup .1
40 acres of this in valuable tin r,
enough to more than half pay for ntirr
property. Good brick barn, urnace
heatedIu,UM•, situated on exec• •nt high- I
way. dome to school, chord convent- •
ant to R. B. station and mai markets.
Price for quick sale 10.00. Terms
11000 cast, (loan will . accepted, near-
ly five years' time f alancw•If required.
Immediate 1 n given.
A number o • ther good farms for Auk!.
Many al Holmes and Lata for sale
very sip.
brick House, Bruce street, near
rth street, full modern etuip}ed and
/ garage. Price $24100.00.
(hood brick House, full modern equip-
, ped, with garage and small barn,Fast
street. Price $1500 -0130 -
Fine Kure°
1500.00.Finesitre° }lnitse. full modern equip- It
ped, choice location. L'rice $9200.00. i
,. Gor.d Houses and [lobs PP100, POO,
$12110, $1500; etc.
Fame Houma t.. Rent. , Furnishe.l
Hous• t.. Rent.
Huron Investments limited
Stock Brokers
Bond Dealers
Royal Bank Building, Boderich, Ant,
Phones 430 and 445'
Geo. Williams
/ Dealer In
Fire, Accident, Automobile, and
General Insurance Agent
Office, next to Bank of Commerce
Phone .53 4, .derich
"Shop WhereYou Are InvitedtoShop"
Readers of CEO final will find it
to their interest to deal with the mer-
chantb \+I -lo advertise in these columns.
Advertising goes with up-to-date
stocks and goods of quality. Nobody
advertises shoddy.
Return from Thursday's Tour
Much Impressed with What
They Had Seen
Most of the mew
couu(•il, with To
spent 'Thursday 1
Western uutarto
fire -lighting el
two' ears tela
lug and die
night. T
shell. 4t
soil au
b�H of the town
.(t (clerk Knox,
visiting towns fu
and inspecting their
pwent. 'They left in
9 o'clock in the worn -
not get lock until mid-
towns visited were Mit-
rtfurd, 1lespeler, (;alt, Inger-
Woodstock. k. and the Go.lerlch
vtuntel strongly Iwbtted withr,dea that [lobo t10%4'1144(111141 have
take a few long stn—ipsi before 41
null line up with the places
Honed in respect not only Alf he equip-
ment of the tire halls, but alio of the
manner lu whkh they are kept. This
(dere found cxpre.slug at 1114' ,legi
meeting of the council held thefol-
The lutioductlou of tl.is report lad
to a discussion in which nearly all
the members took part. Referring to
the trip of the previous day, the aluyor
statwl that after seeing the etulpmeut
of He'►.eIer and other towns, some of
thew smaller than (lu,lerich, he would
be ushawed to have anybody from
threw places visit 4:(slerle11 4.01.old 4.e
what we have. \\'e were Wray behind
other towns hi tire equipment.
Ire• • • Turner said the lour was a
profitable one. 'They had sau• • a good ,
deal and learned much. Ile was Ins- that we.ap4'ruve the actluh of tloe
prew•d by 111,' equipment at Mitchell t Reeve having Mr. J. ABM notified
and the way it was kept. 1f the coon- through a solicitor that any de wage
cid purcl.used the proposal outfit uI that may bre. Incurred by his building
good deal was necessary in the way obstruction to water run on 1114 prop -
of organization in our lire department.] arty t lot a. that he 1 air. Allow
He believed the people uould 1e 111would, le• held 11n1114.. carried.
favor 4.f the purchase .01 1his i.4113111.vlovesl by W. 1.. Young gust \\'w. Thom
noun and it was certainly toasted; If 11thatcoulcll pay for tile crossingroad-
othersutll place,: could afford It, 'he way tit 1t. Liukhtter's 4.•t .ip4s.-Ile .\.
could not sea! 4%11y 4;"peri. h :'4'1111 not. I Got,lthorpe s farm.
Croft a
t. [ Inso said he was 11. law No. s waspa.481.
` fixing
( sed by• shut he lute' s,•t•u--es- j 44tH(• 111111 places for leldiug municipal
lowing night, Friday. uud r
Thr uemlwere 1111 ',resent. Ice. hotly :.t N11101011 and 1[o sle•ler,'014(1014(11011cotl for Meet .11111 count
D. 4'. l'ostelethwaite, who noted as i smaller !owls than ;ulerlch. Inger-1.m 14 be demanded Ly unrniclp.alltc on
lrlspe4brr ht sidewalk c..tl,4ru.tion the soli, a tor4n of a thousand or so more i n,,luiuution day :
pest season. sot WM. referred on than ilk•'iutothersletieli. hail wau•uk 4111ly;rrulleIto• hl uo'.,erhal 1 111Pt1rufrmps•ronale Gerhert
the sono mad It waR 1 • 1 of thou took charger of the motor' I4•1,11ty 1t. 11.. Verne 4.1,4111111; full
public works committee.
The a4,lyur read a letter (f'om•kile11pu truck. awl and
they wt' righttorlad-
1•'IIe2-.$altf rol\Nifleu(9ub; 1►• !t. e►,
I r sl.iuu 'Road aLochiuo•r? \\a. 8yt . 10; 1' i'.• George Fut-
for -storage Ipi.id egis at the former I job. ford.
Nation))) Shipbuilding Co, plant. Ile -1 Breve Critigie• who remarked
ferret to ,goec11,1 (.onmdtle•• i that Ins was not 011 4he lire .vitamin- poli :t—*'14 tow' tow'u-bip 111i1: 1►. it. it, .
In disens-iuu of this matter It trios -:,tee. 41111 It au- juuld question
ke a whether
1he . 1'. IIP berlt `lorrist; 1, (1 ishu1w'1, 'house, %Moss\
pins! that in sue e41se at least a ten-', this council h
pant o( the to%lI Is in arrears for 1011 I..-114 purchase or trove it to the 111- road; 1). 1t. o., 114,rae' Dorton; 1
council. 4'.. Benson ('hlshulln-
I tat. and the chief of pollee was 111-0...oiling
j strudel la look after the collectionofd Comellienr `prialpartc,.wito an -
he n -of i at .- jahliaary lith, 1:431.. fr..01 9 a. w. ,
any rentals due, solid 111 •case of non- the
tnecmeut warps are to he tnkell to hal'P, u -h' I ''r ahem- aluf ler 11 4.frtl" t. at. Thom. of W.
'adjourned nlpi Dece iter I
1 k 1
-Fear Is never the sole determinant
,f huwxu behavior."—Lewis F. IAwes-
Our stock is complete in all
kinds of Rubber Footwear.
All our Rubbers are guaran-
teed. 1..
Prices are down this year
Let us supply your 'tubber'
Footwear needs
W. Hern's Shoe Store
the property vacated.
Another letter from 4'. F. Malin 454th' and the way It vv'u. kept. -If we are go.
reference to the proposed steamboat hog to buy a ladder truck, we should
connection for 1;uderich next year was j fix up .the tire hall;' he said.
referred sp the intssof ial l'ineryuuftoatl little Intention ofyor llrtlyingthey
trluk this
('o ors 1 with what
Ills Worship '4'4414 there were (ow- year. but hr was itul resse•5
of the condition lI the se•etdinl'f,re1ieetie tlhoughtiltleeir lrhrwbtulp the i+wptlleI—Mary Garden.
le -
of the It the Water Hrghw'ay ile
through file 1'hu•ry, and from this i went on the truck vt'ao+ 'really (1f worn
Iourbe' were gertd,l 1 a Imes opinion I use., m41114small14tires the -c a couldr. le 14)' 1g -I to The tutee 1 the r *-44 'thlnnfsem(1rcpars,
of the highway1,1! In •general. ( »se,. n g mature deaths than any other one
motion was passed 'Greeting that' ulshe'41 without flooding a house with Alexander Black.
theme complaints be brought to, the water. If they hail been able to take fsletor."
i attention of the Mae Water Highway the citizens along with thein. be Im-
i A4,44a Ietlon and of the comity lounel4i ]lieved there would ,s to1 not 1*' 0111' 44 of
of },a tUn.
A petItltlon Was received for 1, side tquhpwetlt.
walk on the west stole of \4Vlhihan The \tnyor expre-se(1 lila regret that
I street. from Britannia r..nd to lot 29. Councillors Mould 111141 Bailie had, not
and way referred 40 the public works beenllwith tthenhe o the
trip. u' the
11 confutes. - -
1 A formal notice was received from mail or better care of the Inesent
I Robert ('I.rk to the effe t that his eaehpnlemt.
' •Ignntare was by ruistak" affixed to ('oun. McLean 1 rges :lotion
a petition for the conatrtret1.l1 of the' 4'oiuu•illor McLean. chairman of the,
idewaIk on Wellington strict huside lire committee, -thanked hie fellow -
1 trees, and that he wishes the walk members of the council for going on
constructed outside the -trees. the trip and for the interest
nter st,they had
This war laid om the table. shown. He urged 'prompt
purchase: they did
Up to the Judge, Says Mayor the
4 kit terw. be said.
said. vvhetl the y 41 I.1
Turner complained of the con-
t r ett (1f Idle 4 44115 w 4,11 ow,. 441 npl ill pre- of iiii 1t 1e been would insole of odleeded. Mention haul
w tat lie ,asideris1
street where it 1
partition for the laying of the side i the most ings,rtaut feature of t e
walk. He sail it was an1dea'ant 11t141prol>".fit tone ln. ad levo. at of lifersavI III11 toy
dangerous. 4 s-ur
Maayor alacEwatu replied that the -ladder truck shmtld be the first Met*
'natter was 111 the .lodge's hands. Ile of nplsrrat(4 at a lire.
41he ,lu.lgeo had laid the matter of The report of the fire committee wits
tie sidewalk over to 11e'mler end then adopted. with the understanding
taken It .1411 of the hands of the coup- that
*heer rr{ort on detailsitter wastarllo hrrleg 111 a
oil. "lf he council
i to du the work gr The finance committee reported that
the luau comlcil tt is up In him to girl
ahead stud see if he ca' 410 Any 110 ter'. ille
tleiernlnw'rust, sumCorpof
than the council.-
Deputy Reeve Craigia asked 1f it'd *I.:2 u ° ns.tle town's share of 0. W.
would 11.1 any horn to have the town i s. h ad t [
ted sl 811(1 (ddt e( 011111
loth at " p. 111.. preceded by meet ng
o[ h'.(•ul board of health at 1.341r. n1.
0. J., HF:TItERIN(;'r0N,
Tuw'ta hop (_clerk.
"There Is uo age limit for singing.
I shall continue to Moog until I die."
For all particular.. -•-' •, nrite
Real Estate Agent
Hoe 89 Square I:oderlcb
Coal and Wood
Genuine Hard Stove Coal
Chestnut Coal
Pea Coal
Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg)
1 can supply your wants in
any of the above fuel. Pronlpt
-cry ice and reasonable prices.
Telephone 1 78j Goderieh
Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
Assurance in Force - $1,896,9 1 3,000
Assets — — -_ 1488,958,000
Dividends to Policyholders increased for the ninth successive
year in addition to a special maturity dividend bonus
District Agent
PHONES : (lfh';e1ce 549
'fO-DAY the lure of easy profits is
drawing many into the whirlpool of
risky speculation—to-morrow the vision -
of wealth may be . rudely shattered.
A few years hence, which will be yours
—a comfortable balance in the Bank or
vain regrets for hasty action?
The Royal Bank
a" of Canada
Goderich Branch - 1. D. Eastman, Manager
men level nit the groom .
('111ncillur Bailie said the walk
might still be (atilt this year.
Reeve 'runler—What will be the out
,•pule ifhere should be an accident?
The mayor—. -\\-e will Kaye totak,
the re+,astbi41ty. The Judge shoot,'
have taken there thing. Into cunsilet•-
The lien Telephone 4'ntfIauy a.k441
1erruissioa too ranee three pals 00 Wil-
liam street. This w'n.4 referral to 111e
puhl1, works e4ntaittee. the n•fereaw
to include also 11 similar request which
it was under -total the (company 45'114
tohake in arnllee'tion with oxford
request from the Ci.11eglate In-
stitute board for funds was sent to
the donor' committee.
'4p14ications for building permits. as
follows. were referred to the tire com-
mittee: E. A. Mnskell. re -roofing kit -of any repairs required.
chem. West street: D. 1''. Young. garage.! The council then adjourned.
HArlsir street : Feel :Seabrook. garage,
Rt. David's street : L. Whitely. repairs
to garage, the Situere; St. (;gorge's
chore', baptistry at North street Ora- 4v1i,11011NF
trance to church: \1'm. Tebb"tt' 1 c,lloru,• council met 'November 12th.
A communication was mahved from with all members present, Minntes'of
garage. Montreal street.
g adopted as 'rend.
!tckle ire
regard to1alteringethe\pees- motion .ftlWm1eThou' and .% I"Iyhrrenl
ant gexr shift on the tire track to (1n notion "f F. Wilson and W. 1,.
the 'tandarel st4 ft. It was explained Young the Itee.e 111141 treasurer • wen•
that thl. caul., he done by m motor Instructed to sign) the road snlerin-
me•hanic 10 a few hours 11n41 the mat- tendent'44 payment touchers for #1175. -
ter ens left wish the fire committee. 15( ass tact p�anc,;'f Fti ' 4)411.
r andW. L.
(committee Report«
The sgss•Ial committee reported: Thom the hill from• The Signal Print -
As the Mackey itrell Co. 'are still hog 4 '. for #.s41.sl eta`p isseh,fors. xprint-
nott 4441bread t a lrens}Pnt town andtrailer' Ing
litaken opt a Rice has laid
lhrnse, the chief id is
another information Md,re the pollee
magistrate. Regarding letter from itP-
flex Sign ('n. quoting on street traffic
signs• WP recommend that no More
signs he purchased this year, hot that
all sign. requiring repairs ..r repaint-
ing be taken down this fall and -fixed
up daring the winter. •
The fire contmltte• reported:
Your tire committee with other
naemhers of the council visited
chell. Stratford, Ilr*p
8,'00dst0ck and Ingersoll to lank over
motor track ladder and chemll•a^eq('p-
mMt for fire deportmentpr
. ladder equipment• with Is horses
drawn and years oldla cutout' Inao1P-
town sls•cinl O. W. S. 1t. account.
councillor Gould. chairman of 111('
market committee. asked the ,pinluu
of the council 4.4 to how the platform
and shelter for the new scales should
be built. Be was asked to bring In n
report with necessary details.
The council reverted to fire depart-
ment matters. Reeve Turner having
spoken of the condition of the place
In which the motor truck 1s kept, it
nppeare.l that this place was in charge
of the puddle works department and he-
enuse. of this the tire committee bail
loot hail it (•ll•atled up.
Lean Also mentioned some repairs that
were needed 111 the tire hall.
A motion ens 4srs(•cl that any re-
pairs or cleaning of the fire hall should
be attended to by the fire committee.
•,mlmittee to 'bring in estimates
We carry a good stock of
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc,
Electric Wiring of All Kinds
Estimates given on application
Frank McArthur
Telephone 82 West Street
The Most
Liquid Investment
•Y�'I't.i Bank Account is primarily an in-
- vesti',glt- - But i1 is the only investment,
yielding a fair rate of inteetrpt, that is available
for your use at a moment's notice. Emergencies
can he immediately suet t» the hank account
that has been conSIltently developed. Your ,in-
vestment, ns such. yields regular returns in
interest. Your- investulcnt as a ►ntnk aeelllnit
yields constant eati.faetion and pMn41• of mind in
the fact That it is always ready for other uses
without tint trouble of converting into cash.
ices Reduced
Sciatica? Lumbago?
T-R-C'sgive'lafc 'meetly relief from pain
rod stiffnnw. Itespr. 11. F. McNeely of
Peterhoro, Ont , w'ritew: "I have no
'Imitation in saying that Templeton's
Rheumatic. (a}Iaulk44 are the only remedy
that has given me relief fmm my pain
T -R -("s err equally gyral for Sciatic*,
Lumbago, Neuntia, Neuralgia No harm-
ful dnags. 50,' and 11 at your deal'r'a. tel
TODAY you can buy the greatest radio value
in Canada- the Rogers-- at new low prices
just announced.
Imagine a genuine Rogers Batteryless Radio,
with 8 fully -guaranteed tubes-- genuine Electro-
dynamic speaker "sensitivity" developed • to a
point without equal in any other set - the Rogers
5 -year reputation back of it - sold at the previously
unheard of low price of $198—all complete, ready
to operate.
Here is rock -bottom price, ycs, but here first of
all is quality, value, performance and dependaN'bwility.
Choose your Rogers today.
Reduced Price
Rogers Model "530" - - 8198
Rogers Model "54099
- •
Rogers Model "550" - - $258
Rogers "Phonolectro-Radio" *358
(Radio -Phonograph Combination)
All prices complete with Tubes
Canada's Greatest
Radio Sales Record
Sales of the Rogers -Majestic Corporation
Limited in October were the largest in Canada.
The four months of July, August, September
and October were practically equal to all of
the preceding year. The gr: troy increased
production brings about savings now passed
on to you.
A small first payment
will place a Rogers Radio
in Four horlr° for Christmas.
"53o" Lowboy
"54o" flighboy
"550" Iligbboy
O. JOHANN, Dealer
H. 0. STURDY and L. H. ZINN, Salesmen
Goderich, Ont.
'r -R-{ s W est Side of Square