HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-21, Page 1Christmas Greeting Cards
',.,• 1 ho Filtnal's range of Chrietutas
t;nt oo: Ilu,1. Prices range from $1.011
per ,1e/el up, including printing of name
and ad Iress on each Burd.
111110 iTY-SF OOND YEAR, NO. 40.
Addition to the Town's Fire-
fighting Equipment to Be
Made at Cost of $2,822
At a &medal meeting of the WWII:
, onneil. held on Monday night, the
purchase of a motor -driven ladder and
chemical truck from the Ionto Fire
Engine Co.. Mitchell, %vas authorized
All tbe members of the council were
present except Deputy Reeve Craigl"
and Councillor Gould. 11. A. Cur
mlchael, president of the Lorne Fire,
Helene Co, and his sou also were pres
cut teethe cuauell elnemn`r.
The specification. of tieepurchu.e In-
dicate a city seri ice ladder and cbewl-
ral truck m04111t..I 011-a ('het•rolet eine-
els. 'fee equlpueut Includes one 45-14.
'russet extenelob ladder, one 36 -ft.
trussed extension ladder, one lei -ft.
trulsrd wall ladder, two 16 -ft. ,.olid
ante r,.of ladders with folding hooka.
two IJ -ft. roof ladders on "Mdse. two
3.egial chrwleul tank' with :SNF feet of
• homed! Wee, Iwo hand chemirala.
• hi -mit -al hose baskets, with eotuprt-
luents for co:atr, louts, etc., revolving
e searchlight. alarm bell, use., eretatare
lanterns, etc.
Thr price, delivered In , Goderlcle.
muple•'e, is $2,'•22." Delivery will be
early ha the new year.
The nwt1Un for the purchase was
adopter 1.y six rote's to one, iteeve
Turner teeing the only one opposed.
The Mayor, clerk and Mailman of
the Ore committee were appointed a
couulttee to prepare the agrer•meut
and carry out the purchase.
Rev Irving 11. Kal1u. of. Seaforth.
copy the pulpit of Kuox ehureb
ext. Squday morning, and lu the ev-
ening Ihr mi,Mter. Rev. lt. l's McDer-
told, will preach. Sabbath school at
a p. m. -
ServlceH at the JSnptist vlatrela next
suuday as follows: alible school at 10
a, m. Gospel service at 11 a. in.; sub-
Ject, "1k•ltrerance frau Evil." 7 p.
"Nebuchadnezzar s Dream. insanity
and lletturutlou."
Services at North street I'ulted
church next Sunday will be as follows:
10 a. u., Melee Club --logia, •'The Value
of a Fixed Peewee," to be introduced
by Mr. Geo. Gould—also claw tor'
Christian fellowship and Mission
Bend. Churce school at 3 p. m. Pubs
Inc wurshlp at 11 a. to and 7 p. m.
Services will be held as follows in
Vkturie street United church on Sun-
day : Morning clues, 10 a. M.; public
worship, 1 I a. La.; church school, 3
p. ne ; public worship, 7 p. w, The
morning subject. 'Come,—Tarry,-'Go."
The piaster ,will commence a series of
Sunday e•cenine ,R•rmot:a on the theme.
"The God of the Loft." The tarot
subject, on Sunday. will be 'The Lost
J01111 Albert Ya
family once ',roue
wunity', died on '1'
IIt11, at Beverly
%%here he had lived
Deceased wail the
lase Mr. And Mrs.
les, member of a
'lent 111 this c•uw-
hursduy, November
11111., California,
the lust few )'eon.
teeuwl sou' of the
Stephen Yates of
NOVEMBER 21, 1929
Special Offer
To new subscribers The Signal will be
-rent for the remainder of this year for
or to January art, 1931, for $. tat
TOTE SIGNAL 1'Itl\'PING CY)., LIMl'rED, Publisher.
The News o
the Town
Meal Estate Transaction"
Mr. John Snazel, of Goderich, has
purchased Irvin Mr. Thos. Sturdy the
frame house 4icross from the le..tuON e
on West street. The brick house.
corner of Colborne cult St. Patrick's
streets. hue b--eu purchased from Mr.
Geo. Laithwaite by Mr. Theo. Holland,
of Seaforth.• Mr. Holland and family
intend moving 'to (lettere:le shortly.
These 4rallsacleuu. eery put through
by Mr. J. W. Armstrong, real estate
PERSONAL MENTION \Pet Court Sittings
Dates of the winter and spring sit
--* tingle of the Supreme Court of Ontario
Miss Mabel Strang is opelidieg a in l:uderiell etre animeteed. The as -
week with friends ie Toronto. rinse n111 be held by Mr. Justice Jef-
Frey on Tuesday, February 1s, mud'
Sibiu Myra McNrv'iu spear Thank•- the non -Jury sittings. by Mr. Justice,'
giving with frleudr at TuruuU,, bogie o1. luel•da). April loth. re•a'I.el thin week. :Un)oue hoe. lu1N.
• • • - •---- 1- not ,-,'rete• she 41,► twee this .tile. the :000,00 emeut of the awarelu' ilea
-Mr. and Mr.. W. Greig, of Detroit, R .1. M.Olken a ,44(0. lllg teed reeeltel this week. The a11. -
air siN•udhllg a tea days in town. At the regular meeting of Omen • • • •vers are all l;oderich girl rtuden!-.
1le auuuul waeetltiuoug is .If tothlx+e haxheldlcrieSah
• • • chewer No. :al, teem ere, IIa.o1,- Ili Helen %nrliz taking the flr-
Ilo.pltnl srex•l
The Sigual'a calendar. for 1030 11n c
arrived. One for each prm.1iia-udvante
-ubs•rller. •
• • •
Adam McAdam has wooed tutu town
fr Keene and lune taken over enrol Helen Zavitz, Catherine Crawford
mail roue- No. 3. and Catherine Sale Are the
• • •
Sea' J. 14'. -A-ste.truug'1 advertise-
ment till page 3 for eery cheap ,farm
:Inti ether properties. ' 4;0,1i -rich 1'ulleglate llst' Lite •1a,•
• • • ..steel :,gain iu %%inning all three of nee
The Slguae'. wetill11 II -t ha' 1r(e•u leader N'holarahf{N( .for durum count,•
Succeaaful Trio
Mrs. J. E. Tom Is visiting her duugh- held in the hedge ruunls 011 Tete.:et
ter• Dr. Mary Tom, at Toreroute.. ' evening. the following milkers leer,
Winter Weather • • • t•lae•10d for the coming yellr : L I: \1.1.
Melee,. I1x11 on Monday evening, Dee a holarshlp, Miss Catherine Crawford.'
, it -er 2nd.
• ,• '•
the 1144-',4(4, and Mises Catherine bale
Winter descended upon this part of a1i., Coustal►ce Stewart, eif Toronto. Dewed; M. W. Ramer; J. IV ,' \I 41.: the Ilene The scholarhlp.r are of the
countr • on Tuesday, and a mantle i• .1e -tiding the winter to d,slrriele Wei; S. E., S. 1►, Prof(; s \ . I I r ('hristatas ('ands.—Temple tet•laum. value
or gtllt. jlk) and $N► restive rely:
the ) I 1 P. S 1 Walker; t sur r "(low' wonderful for the money' lards _
merely the preliminary flourish,. re- visIIed with' friends In tme'n on Mau The oe„Isw1 was markwl. M the of- • •. • ou'lty, are g tin uunua y
wee Viet of RL I -x. Comp. Miele 1'h,. i'hrslmns eulcrt:111'wvllt e, highest fi n Its ,lark” In len ash net•
mains to be sects. At any rate, It,fee L,' 1 Kl 'Ir: J
asif It arrant to stay, for wane (I,4" • •- • 11411. grand .up•riu4enelent of Omen a of the Tiger 1,'he.01. of w'hil•h ten sub
c people urn already euuulil'p; apt, ural Mrs. Phar. Ittebilf •u, of len district No. lis 'retire wps.n large at 4irtorin tlnet L,iled church Sunday j J4e•P, literature. cumpaoslt1on. newer*
and1110 Sum 1 L ', 0'4 nue and the ltoyul Arch leges w'In,ol va111 ix• guru int' Tin,rsda) es -
awl. geometry must lx' four.
the mouths until spring again euwee teenstnre, are see'ldiilg the wetter en enhlg. einlie l 1 t.
&newel Merchants say this weather town. eau, conferred by past prnfripal., uf, • flfi• Gelerielt eolleglule Itteitme has
[ 1
of snow Buten the ground. N tletl►er this
• • • 1 ui1 op' . l . ra a. , The I,•hulanclllps, vv hitIt are u(eg Ip
is the beginning of a Iuug winter. or Mr. Gordon Smith of KiucurdWe .1 ,I lb -Ewell; janitor, \. Keeling. and Hoed euoelnites s, 1100•. I:ec, l:mnp the rune letlieu,, of ail srhuuls ht "ie..
belle a 1►rig hone. I 11 fur thf
is good for enmities.. nut ' 1140 young- • • • the eleepter. . bud a remarkably successful ,4f.,r
The Maple leaf Chnieer, L i e fi t r t -eel tee ,'uw'e.t ter
.rl4r are looking forward to the de Glee Carrie 1►ullkald. 1t. N. ha ret
carts. 1'--- a—Elder is relicursine for, an .ntier111•lunleut.
lights of winter to .uruel after a tau w'eeks'ivocatiou tet IJIi•RN srhuhlrs6lps In the e)Ir 19 15. la
Iron t real.
be given a 1011 11x• urs, ihr 'fifteen gran their h:n0 twee fort ye
• 4 quirt 45, I,litle tee 1A1ur al: tit' „f Ikernn1N•r. Watch for the Wire. '
SlorniuR filar 1.wlgr Officers • •• •• nay artiest; fpr the schools of this cuun-
u !mine of• the bride's mother, St. Datiele r • • lc. :and ..f these tweuly -on e have same
..tit the regular meeting of Mon11411. epee Lillian 1 rrtuan, m[ Isla lou. ?fret. mu Ilturday.
November 11'0 rhe regular tuouthly' nxN•tiug at tax
Star Ledge. Nn. 309, A. F. it .4. i1.. is Ole guest of Sirs','Jerrie. .r., Ca w• 1 \I rl 1 li 1 Mulls , a•ld t \ 11 it it Vu Ili Ir N III br' t" Ooderich, Including eight • erste,
held at the lodge rooms, ('arlow, m! brio -.road. '
w leu . a II , 4 -c \' d ills u,.p i Ix + teem eget :es ends and th', third+. uuee to- .
, daughter of sale:.. Elder mud the late held d the bllr lihr,iry' Comtel r.rom ' , .,., ,v,k
i f last week the. • • •
n 1 torr, .n the ever 1J__,. /,oderuh t
N'eell..1114 evening
a a. It IN•rt Fader. N:+. nteit,.d fu marrIal,. I „1 \I••liduy. 4-Ial'M r _ h. tet a, ,lock.
totem Mg officers leers elected tor`t'e
Wu/ Aileen, 4leeela144 :ttenle1 the to air. F:uget. 1•:. Mein., of••1'orouto. • • all Ilo:e u( the x•r 1411 11It
elemin year: \V. M., Erue,t MVellell Hart House masquerade -1, Toronto 14ct. It. 4 - atcl14-nand perforuling Ib.' Tie, \V4•uuen';cr 4:4411 of Kum, T44 !e11r's wt •r: ter,- at11 now a: -
R) n u1h1 higher sant+ of learning. Mees
1 I' M Nel,Nnl '11111 • 1?. '+V.. Leslie - hast week-a•ud. crrruenly. The Irrlde, tele as toilet ,bunch will present the ploy "Nolody
' • It tee' J \V Wee. Craig ;
:ylrr. • • teaks, ewe a Iseoulltng eseetilme of
telt \ane" la the lemur.. reels of uta; .\hA44 1'rnwford la taking the
the church ton 1$e. -em N•r 7.1 h au,l fah.
Ruuelicul , euro• at the t'ufcersit) of
etarrtary, It. I . - I 1 1 fleas'• keep ihcNr Intl., i1 ,,Iia I Western l►ntarbe 141 Loudon, end Ili-•`
years hail a res{onsille position with' her home herr. Nailing lteteli,u, Mr. nod Mrs. Berets
' • •
the John 4'. Farwell 4u. of that city.) A. Robertson. 'rhe installafl„u will w11r ts.:nrlrutNng Trinity" College, Tor-
te•tlri three ears ago on 111 eltlt .take {Aleve n11 Friday reaming, Delete,. • •• •• ' left ou a sleet honeymoon trip 10 The n{:u1ur, nlr'•liug o(' l,a,;t.,l unto. Cnngrahlhtlons nn' due to thew
1 LI, y g leer Y.th. to FrWay evening of phi. 511.401 Sadie tend Ann 'Farrl-It lett points cast, the Pride trawl -ling- in .0 j
e( falling health, he rewoce'1 to Call- week, November Ylnd, •h,. ,neu +l 111 • this week for Oshawa, where"( y •"'ill Inoue and Sc ""d Club will Le'I•1 for their emcee', and Wise to the strip"
furuis, where lie 'mislaid away in ►U laud travel cunt, guru and geld int. 111 the school tori Tnlreela afternoon.of the school Nh gellrl t
ese%ent)'-se'eonel year. Surveying are home well take plater. rem:llu for smite time. 1 if It
1' 1 I
en One is at the led% e•ity of .Ter
phi. [uwu. Nrnt at tell ear y Mlsw MaryJuhu t
to the city „f Chicago mud for many Arthur Huy; chaplain, James 1►Ilver; ml, of Stratton pine, gree and hick,., Nitll .ur•ag.
D. Munn, trmsurrt, l'. Normal w•h1o1, a cut the a,PkrtNl n' 1„40 tie! of ,ilk assert eat. After the
and wearing the gift ofthe groom.
11 1 I them to
\ 1 '9111 it a 15 o'clock. e•v' their lin+ R 1 'a • t
etbrown fox fur. lou ter return 4: It t 11 i melee..
-„e eel 11 r _ 1, 1
. \\. ut a'i g to at
'DUN N 1 M Griswold,
e r al'a(men .
• GANNO his w•Ife, one daughter,
1YUNGANl'o-N'. Nov. 30. --eft'. nod
Mrs. Robb. McKenzie, Mr. Lura" Nr -
Kenzie and MIss Lily Plunkett motored
•o Loudon on Sunday and Went tbe
Clay at tbe home of Mr. and M
A. Y. P.. A. at Exeter Mr. and Mrs. A. J. l'.Rgter vv01% the)• will take up rt•sieleut•e 1u Toronto. .
f Scuta Monica, Calif.. 111141 three, • • •
Exeter .Ttmes-AJvocate • On alohday recent visitors with thelt sun. Mr.
Among the gifts r0e•hel vv'us a cab II Old of the It.lpti t
of he silver ttet Herbert ► 1 one.
et_,ire• . will hold their annual elle of
of the Dlt.•hburu Bent C'u.V;nlveu 1 the tell Helico slurs,
J he . I.ae es
sous: ►rthllr of l arms evening the Trhftt Memurlal bran, II Ilarold Cooper, at Detroit. I 1 h
of I,lulalue Neb., and Hubert, brother:
al bo Mrs. ''of the A Y.P.A. entertained theGeslerieh
/ n. Jas. preemie. The meeting was ape y Mr. and Mrs. Rm. Doyle.
T. Yates,of Toronto. ,nate.- last. Rat. It. Gale,
Mdaachern. 'singing a hymn and prayer by the God- •• • •
_Serial Even. of Krax l'hurrll • • • t'uited <hureh, preached the sermon,
Mbla Erma tion, le, win+'• eneraluing 1, B. Itl'RKlfc)LIiQER arias minister, Rev. J. N. H`'Mills.' Mrs IIuRh McGovern. of Toroutn•
the Guderlch hospital, spent a ' l after which.the Exeter president, Mr. l+ rsit1'lg her farther. Mr. John Me- 1'h4-:uunwl ` , t hegt•thrr".+uciul eoeu- ilii Friday evening of. th►s N44.'.. Which N'11+ e f interesting. During the
ill e of days this week at the home A prominent buslaeer man 4,1 '''''''e•Sydney "rat, cu11ceye1l grAeringa of, Ronald. Cambridge street. tier of the cuuge g:uber ..f Knox church Noc,.netx•r _ld. the annual entertain- offeror), I1L. I'uull mud Miss Gladys
esfupp )
of her arc'lts. Mr. 1,d Mn. lllrtuu rich, In t11P prrN'e ut Mr. l'. It. Ilurk• I wrlemw,. to the riNltOrs. The folbrwtug • • • was held uu '1'luirwlly Inst In the le- mete by Knox church choir w•111 W 1 gale eine a solo in pleasing manner.
1 holder, passed amu' et Alexandra las W.
Roach 3 program was them Kiera: Solo b)' Mr. Albert Cox, East street, was at cane rano of ehureh, and was as held In the lecture eon(. .\n attractive alter the service the sawn utlitetw were
Iles Jas. Medd. Mr~l'!. Phillips and', Wel on Tuesday evening. November) l'. twirls. instrumental I solo
b• Nils* deriel St. Thomas on Tueadae attending IheI usual an occasion much enjoyed liy program line been arranged for the o,•- I revealed: President, le A.
cele Robert, of Auburn, spasm Sunday hAth,• The detested had been Jn lie Stanlake, a„curl solo b>' x e'ii,'ti,'ll funeral of 1,1+ brother, Alfred Cox. those ',relent. en.lon. Admission 35 cents. Awl...wry-treasurer. Mrs. It. Se -„trimer.
at ilx• house .,f Mr. mid Mr. I"rod health for clout a year, and had been mender, a ciullu solo by "Mlle Stan- ,after •fee engine of ••Old 11 Iced,” • • • al r. amid Iles. Ates. Erwin, of Marlette,
a patient at the hospital fora weep P. el. R. coed e•lor.
Bess. 1r lake. a minder of piano .see -talon. by • • • and raver by Ret. It. V. liels•rndd. Ile. and 317•. C. Is. Mei'or.luh•k w'ere- Mich., ,,ere recent vielton of Mr. and
spent before his d0*111. The Irate II r. Burk- I he t;,xlerech urgnutst, Mr. DasIeR.. w os. Griffin awl child -I the chairman, Mr..\u,l•t•w Porter. gave at ills home to Mrs. Me•r'a'rmlelem lar- airs. .4. le lutein.
Mr and Mrs. G. M. lit -Kenzie t t Mr.•,and Mr . J
Saturday at London. 1 holder wan fifty-eight years of ptpl. I formerly of Cardiff. Ea land, which nen. cif Detroit, are cl lltitg of the' arae futnNlnetury remarks, which be ewe Its. tend' Mrs.. Benj. .then, for a M1 A Thelma Ritz Is visiting fel ode
Mr- and Mrs. Charlie Elliott and 'Ins Ile was born at Ottercllle, (Int.. a were will received. .\ 'ing-w'trg lel home of the turmrr's lserents. Mr and amp111fl1v1 from time to time throughout ,few tiny. on their return from their Iat Stinhell,
Beery arrived seine on Tuesday from wltl of the hate Mr. and Mr'. 44'w. b) W. C. T►,avis w'us ruj„)1•tl by seen'• Iles. Til.. Griffin.
the•10 evening. Addresses Ne Ii Rfce•n al.,trip to Great ltriuuil, and left for 1 Mr.. r. 4\'. woods, l+, all". Anna left
Golden Palley, where they hod leen lturkllokl r. For • number of )fear. 4,r 44 A half-hour dame ales held. a(- • • so by Mr. Mollerauid, Nr. .\. J. elite? ties home at. Ilwurie, Indiana. and Ile, lhatlK Gewchplulnit Lett ole
visiting She Haat couple of tnup1bs.' 'Ile nap a resident of Toronto and for ace aides 1110. 1 Na• ,'l,- 1l Iter. Mr. Kayand Mr. 1;. lteneow, the 1,13 • • • Sl nuc to spend the ss 4, for in Florida.
Meng then moved a cote mf thunk. io - Mks Nina Graham, of Nee York, 1,
Born- --1 h1 Wednesday. Mrs le November a iu past Ph, yams he had conducted
a here In attendance open her uncle; Mr. 11nmf•d outlining a plan for the en The G. C. 1. Literary' Sewiety je air. ,Intoe+ Johu.lon, who has 'been
II r. :mad Ile I;av,. Mewl, n iu togs les, where he cuuduMed a' the Exeter yuuug people, Vest1* ui, wascoure •hl o Iger people 13th, t• InPw. He is survived W. ik (inah:uu, aAw 1s ver 111 at his e R t the yowl par o[ the honing it.+ lint nig meeting of the eat Imes$ to Saskthe !village
for several Sa years,
daughter. photographf roa the El to by Sy -elute West. The totaling y ruugrrgxtlou in public speaking. 4411 - tenet un Friday night of this week.,rv•Iunael to the village au Saturday.
Mr.\\' \ Lowe on Newgate street.
M Wilson tl "F' it '1'1 nr(;rlm will Include p debate., The sol s,DtN•r ahicb wear Shell by
t0 5 tichx•k ; suppler from 0 to es after,
Mrs • u • vaork w ............ , Nur. 19.—The :eem l
d fur Dean. of hof•
Wire. a'bu•a ss•.•n•tary the brlM had , f lullorn4- deet and the Square, on* meeting mf the Bible ±fN•iety N -as held
sun. 01 St. Thomas, (hit., and William 1 about fifty member, front falx, N. Y., spent t11e weekend with leen the past Ore ears.
teal b 1 y :uunl,or December 7th. Reserve the in 'rreuly (11» I t on S I,'t) evening
1 • ,,f 144 Andrew's
two sisters au one Mr. and Mra. Vic
1A•aron, of RkIgelpwn, Ont.,; Mrs. Nel- bermes to a s,N• .,, evening, there erlrg
n Gcaler1r11
A hot font supper and bazaar will by his widow 44114 0110 Sun. 414 elu+eNl by sluging the• \xteonpl .. 11 • • . Margaret w'u snug rwee )' u e p the '1`rinit)' Church l:uihl in Iii• totau
re bold in the United church 0n Wed- Burkholder, ofd oneo, and alsuMrs thew• Ile Vernon I ' 1 1 M Arthur Tr r Ica instrumental maulers to "-kir."diet».
,h. Bazaar from 2 brother. 1 1 r h' I with null plea larvuts mf t.4- hu )
tx,trday. December
, Bourke. M. A., of St.. ngs. 1110 . r. r ur Iter s,• 4.: '
two Meters
which .1 splendid program will ire glteu
by local tnlcnt, elrnsi'ting of gnartette•14
dnete. N,.I(w, rendings, orchestra stud
♦loan music. AdmIssIOn—A,Iulls 50e,
children 25e.
A very Interesting entertainment wa44
Kwan at the chicken pee social held at
the Presbyterian church. under the
auspices of the Ladles' Aid. on Mors -
(bay of late week. A. goodly number
and one ge 1/•r. r-.. _- Mee n vocal s„ o welch w•as e•1• e' Ntuden . 11 tote Tbur.la • last. Nass quite a
(lies. o J. E. Pettit, of hurge.+aolll,., Airs. J/leOd as Clinton Sllcbael's college, '114 411o, vc:'s a rent s rc ,fatlou. At luten'AIs cont-; ellen frlel•I- of the s+haul ler,.. 1p rue'•+. .t two-aet Oil) -ramp Karp
Will Smith, of Toronto, and Mr. John eeterel ex mien; of Thr Central; Thanksgiving guest at the home of R I'1 1'
J es at
the . greet! Pret.int ion. lel tet Il r. 1'. K. v'Ithl to attend and we this pare. of 1111-." tea. given by sl4te of the young
h• .,f the .1 reit, Solos were
Burkholder, of St. Catharines. A WI—Home and School 1 Clnl, of G,*It-111 Mr. and Mrs. Sllnudcrs. • , collegiate education. 115 I.
oak funeral service was held of Iple' dreier to Clinton on''1'uesday evening The hit o[ the evening wan an or- • • • elven 1'y Ile.. 11. Ahrens of Detroit on.Restreet, 014 ,past•rdaf ,u, attended a meeting of the 110!0,. Mr. and Mrs. F t, tIIl nod child +R
Newgate„ d as- ren' have •returned to their home At reined el et by Mrs. lis e. R,t+lt'1'land o `t. elnt u • Journal .411aeurs' h.. ii.IN dl'a,lsu tmwlc by the Lakeside teem::
ti'teruooh. Rev. W. T. Bunt, pastor t Steel S,huui Club tber<•. 'Fite \Ie 111 Mrs. The processus entwines! !e
Ute i3aptist church, In•1ng 113 charge.Hrcont retorts thtlt►ww•thlg n. fulloa.:, of th err after tiuiliug at the homy. Mies Adelaide NI11IIe ah In f 1,.ar1y t, 4?i.
the remelt., the Home and of the fernier'. mut her, Mrs. B. Ar- I measure paid tribute to suule Of the, rand, vole: tLe,.<enr of .4Pleu«tent Katl-
Thl” (Thursday) muruinR t At the meeting m[ 1 11 nohl. "celebrities" of the. eon110ilntlun end 1.•ring et Monday. Ilio 1eeiesi •n IN•Iuc al r. It/ltd. 1a -I (11r, who had Ixr+: at
'err taken by C. N. H. to °tterrin, ptei,ul Club, held In the aaliturlum Of • • • I delivr•n•,1 ,1 kindly sermon on the lane the lnpr{sol of tips little dnaahtcr of nyn,.lee the tuna tLne week•, returng+l
for 1441rnlent In Mllldade cemetery. the Collegiate ole Tnewhly ,s,ziliag • ou Sunday.
h service from a'di+- nom war Ipn•sentel. SI r. and Mn. R. J. McCorslrk and! tits of harmony and united cudeniteer. Slr.:e)Id Iles. Harvey 1'000 of.:,Rlerlrh 41 r. nod Iles. (;IHKrt Knight un0-,
Those here for the t1 leaf very exeel4wt frog xc1• a daughter IlnrenreL of Ilrantfonh vise In church xRAlts,. Adv;Antpgr cans tel- 1tr the list. John Hart. who had also
•o r telt • W adv • ' ofilcllteI tet the baptism of Mr- Cutts ' lir. Charles elemeiuhnrelt, of 'foretell,
or the congregation were present. be- tame included Mrs. W. J. Guyat. Miss Robertson of Goderich K ted over the crack -Pal at the Louts' " tuklu f the olrpp la )
«1d a number from I.oeknnw l'rf'. lllnbrok, Mr. William Burlhyldf•r: of Most l,struetice awl helpful Hilo re.s of the Ind s uncle, al Jame Mite- '.4) the choir ,ron(ert to I' 0 1(11 on .4fte•r 'Lc-erci,e•, eliuner can- served sdn•nt the vc(ek-cud with Il r. mei Iles.
erd b Most of the program
t.R Rev.
Toronto, and Rev. J. E. "1r'tit. of on Tile Need of el .1 Hcspil+4NPII y Friday evening of this week, and the and and enjoyable evening s'e'nt 1'l F, G,•ueeltihnnit.
wa* rendcrecl by hucknmw talent. lies. hurg0sscelle.
b, our C141 a ton." Miles Is. O'N.•11- Vicar. • • ; entire comiosltlnu -the cre•ntien of the. sewed enteraglrse and Meeting of all+. Emily Iwo 1 tpx•'lt"tile Nalk-
C II. 1[ciklnald occupied the chair. onto. o a Forest delightful
in Tar-; end with friends In Cullorne
S v LONg out( also ace ■ Ikllghttul talk on Mtr,• H. G Elder and t roFhlereland uRr ladle,. who
awl Mr-. 1'(IIIKIIrhII )IIP +':IIIIIwl:rialey of Iles. I1. A. Stntr left un Tlxslla)' to
•1'114- seise of Mr. and Mrs. 1)evld Mlt• JAMES '. g
Arrington. 7th concession of West There 'lassel nN-ny at Red les.r.!'the work In that school and Ow club of TIIIRouburg, and Inn. l air-
sr1[•h n ..welldefaming kyle, that It will 14,'? Windsor. \t r, noel lir-, Ilam) ,1 •11,1 flu• winter hl Nea' Iork.
Alta., on V\'admwllay. November 17th. in ('1e1i lieu with it. Mis+ "Darman, 1 Yrs. ]Meld Noble, o[ Cargill, ot.441t 11 Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Neelln left las(
Wsewaneth, was the ecene of a very and h,Rhle reaPK'ted rest- president of Huron Council of Home at the hutn0 of Mn. N. Eider the last Ion be 1 theremembered
erect of this program. (Ind at li•.IWIIIinlinlrlhllrws, of the Mlt tv,•l,k for NPaforth, where they eel
a well-knownweek.
dent of Colborne township, in the per- and School Clubs, was also present. • • • refrlwhuu•uta `air' scI•ced and n pleas ehe•11 rend, Iles. SL J. Re.gcri And HI's. eh4y
for a short time before going to
their lat of Susannah•Feline. widow 1'f the Although not wishing to address the ant R ,1141 IIme wale Rent lefUM the atld Ile+. JOhll ihr rf of 44';I1N r)'•. ('U 1,11, w'hi'm tlPy ItlhUld Nletldlllg
daajhtPra, sons -In-law. danRhter-In-law. 1pto JaIDce i.lotlg. RCCPa,wi hall ]Nell' n11lfI1lR Vll l'n111./'ll work she exprre+•wJ Mr+. \\'ro. It1rd. Atter RpIPndII1R I)If' Nt11T111 Ili+eraeNl. 1 the winter.
and gran,lcl'lletren, twenty nine in all, visiting at the home of her sou. i)r.' her delight to LDP conduct and work summer months here with her brother, K K I \ Nprkrf leales in 1'Re Silt+ Mnrfon IhO lsnu pad MPIe'IA
gathered to OnJny the day iagster. J. 11. Long. at itesl Iker the )Inst three' neeonpblhell by the l'llatun ('lub. Mr. \\'m. 1.1110, left on Sumlay for
Thr 4
•n,•.IR 'alae from pondon, God- month". She sufferer a fall tw'o wr0115I These nddre•sses were intersperset Detrodp to tspend the winter with a I The Vrtthirp►s Tlcrr t elxelatmA nive'iltit) 'fnlh••I Itis ae1'k Int ,440.4 rmlw44 ilei w/wrWluq lntind ;Irnthet fatnr luyx} r0d
arks, osh, an , Dungannon and Welrt prness p eI her death and . Tlw see s- tier folluwing very ctiou14pleasia no gra • • • 1•••`'
VawanoRh, and a most e11Jnyable thn0 Illnrsa pneumonia deceln'ed. Tho late well-n•ndenyl muslrnl sele•tluua: ]'lame et Uie harlNer the least week in the Il,. rear m( :' a Inc library and Ire Davison of IA•troit returnwl home with
Mr 1 h.1s. tyke 1 had a 'Ale of way Of grAll 1 at arrival+ The Ontp uoN n nus r "-'m on Satunlay. •
leo spelt. Mrs. Long was In her seventy' -fourth we, y 1 Ilam Pots--elowelt the welldtng took
Arthur Stewart, who three weeks year. She was bora on the ninth eon place at St. Ju
ago was 'OJnrel while pluwfeg ,.c"tion of Ashfield township on Nov-
Withtractor on hie farm In Aehtield. ,Iroise 3n1 MVO a dNtIghf f the
happy family gathering on Thanksgiv-
inL 1)ay, when all the msmheres of
family, Including their sons,
duet, Militar Murch, by Mrs. Morgan
Agnew and Sire. Perdue; air o. -
m)'s Sleepy Time Song," by Sirs.
Dougan; solo, "Danny hay," accunee
'. 5I0 1 NI .. - o Il• . _r.
his farm stock at his pface•en the
with 1:1(i,INN) bushels of wheat 11r — ace' Anglican rh 4 ,14
Buren road last week, 1R moving. to rived 011 Stl1111Ny alvening x1111 Iles- • Before 11* Singlet -rate ,
Windsor, where he and Mrs. (Nie fn- I cin -.-o l her cargo at the Western ('nn- Game Weenie' Toole, of Ll -towel. Stretford, on Tuesday, November 12111.
of 1111dn Ethel, elder daughter of Mr_
antiMrs. VV. It. Jowett, Hayfield. to
a er 0
has retnrued to his home after steeled- late Mr. and Mr.. Thomas Finlay. Af- lintel by guitar. by Intel Fraser. tend to make their homy 1n futon. paha Fluter Stine elevator, this IN'l,g' lull too 1, re) toNnslup mN•ea Iarc
Ing some time In Alexandra hospital. ter her marrinll• she became a ree41 • • ' the only arrival of the week. Magistrate. Heel on II lay, mu the
Owing to the fact that his Hent of Colborne towu'hip and she re- The BaaebaU Meeting Mra. David Took returner to her i The prospects for a large whiter ,•helrgc of mole -eine n den of fur -leer Mr. Leroy Toth, won of Mr. and Mrs.
tthighrlca R fleet are not veer rromisl
R dislocated, he finds {t. neves- ..Ided at BPIIIIli11M fox about filly' -five Judging from t11f. .011"11 a111P11dn111'C hems 111 1'onmtn un :111111r/1Nf, after y T nig lit tI1P her animals. In other wnM+, 1111•)• F'rc41. retie New Dundee. The rl'Ce-
ery ail d present time. There are now Live, arra; elfarge.I ,ells Rigging out tl dell mony was performed by Iter, Canon
Airy to mete crutches. In 1) Her husband pSurve Surviving
her of the meeting held In the town Dell visiting Harry
the . Ns- of her s. anti
Irk...usher. 1!117. Fnl•vh•1ng nm oh 4Velnewlny<.erenil!!p, there Is not Mrs. lUrrrf ityno, X,.wgate nicest, scall a14-Rtne•rs fled ups here and th,. Ilaltau'1> ' 'f skulk,-, stitch is contrary l0 the' fluff. Only immediate frll•mle+ and
In iArcw hl en route from the held of the lakes name awl FlolterIP. Act. 1111 (envie- i relatevle were present. 'rhe young
Tl►e Signal stated last week that A wren Notes: ,Tulin it, of Colborne town- much interest in basrbNll in Goderich with relatives Nile and Dungannon.
1 bad seen Issaled in the Mtg1s ship: Thomas. Oliver and 'liarmld, of at the present tltrlP. The meeting was 1 with 31)4,11110 Inlehels tel wheat for win- neon. s fine of $5 and costs ells e01- couple left by motor for Florida, where
warning 1 1 t,.r shrrng4- for the (u, i, rirl ,.I,.anle.r. le,. ,•,I froth inch IY the offe•nd,.r+. tit
trate'& Court that the practise of al- Lethbridge, Alta.; Harry it., of Gude- ranee for the purpose of receiving re- Ake David Thompson, of Toronto,'
nm nt large` on the r. J. Benson. of (tel Deer, -ports on the past YeaHlnl'S 45(41v►tWM wti a T1 a,,ksghlpg clNllor In town
Naslgatlon <1;:,:•,04
ole. not rlore until 114" ltu'alg the caws of vlolpllon ..( t'
cAttle toAsh; D 1 ember 12th and no do,Mlt 11 nnmlN•r of Ilic1145 5 Tr,ltli,• .4't wheel' cane. 110 church, Sout1, Ineu(1ui, way the s•'.^4
highways moat be sterPllyd. County Alta.; Elwyn, of Ilemllton; and tela, and making pions for the s4-nson of and on her return cans ae•o4n eaniel by of a prett vccddln dn''Slllun[.I)'.
Traffic Oi e( -r Lever aerie that it be one brother, Wm. F. Finlay, of Ash- 191p►. '('here were only nine persona her deeghtl•r. Mrs.'tV. 4idc1Mnald• find other .deamers will tie up here before fere the. mnglstrete during the weeky R
Tra :sere ICY, 111 W11101,410- xccltset 0014• November llhh, when 11111(1)., -'e-
■adP plain that thin retens to flail toan.hip, nod two ulster+. NrN. present, inellxling two esilieseu1Hteret three children, ahs are makings villi thin.
(0 I'r
311(4 township ropd' nA 5'4-11 all A. R. Allyn, of %'litorIN, 11. l'.. 114111 of t.4- irrr1N. The ',resilient. }tfeve! 111.Torunto. • • • The itrh'old.N' expel. to dear this 111,1,•+. They 11)141 to Il ig Inrn 1111•►r 1'0(x1 11111114)14 Pr of \i r. .1. 114vi+en .III'(
v1 rdsl h sways. Mrs. 11. H. Finlay-. of Tuomp, Wash. Rtebt. Turner, occupied the allele, and IThnndny) evening, IIKhL for the,, 'sockets-- or wherever It Is they keep the inti Mrs. Davison, ei ltayt•:e,
to i rte n k ---- reviewed the reeled of the 1044440(4 Of Mr. J1111,.R lur•hxun'l, cash" 1.n' 111111) blend elf the lakes. This steamer are' their 111on0y Jost 1Ile H11 111e 11,* the men, !weenie the bride of Phomas Mael•••t,
--- — Finlay Long, • son of the de -
Awa at Dallas, TCSAA, 1lr1l1. IIP Bald that baseball bad not months was very vv•rfnuNly Be hx•k sail rival hest week and unloading e.lx•r- one paying A.p mei rte+144 for speeding Allay seen of Mr. and Mr.+• helllaA :1I'.-
Mn*ie Teachers' ('1 rs' Fe1MntNeo censer, p y f recelcel Ih { I far remcenNl ns in be able to nikr a! on. of bee cargo 01'.2711,30► N ehel+, and Ihf• other $10 rind cost' for (1rty- lett, ,pf ',melon. ('.1pt. the (tee'. 'r. ',-
Yr. Ikof t 1' s' nth o my the tate week K )par the 1 I l drive '15,ol peek. ills friends err of where and onto have 191'11 ander, biz wlhotel 11 permit. Wallace uttirlated. l'he beet...who )vas
meeting 14 of the 'Perth County Music Mrs hong '14reatly lrlrAs,.d at the e4-I(14-nc'e of his way this week et. the (,Nlertch ale. _ given In morel:fgt. Iy'-hrr !stonier, Fred
Hilo week.
Federation change a held at de in the fuser al D
ware Made to the ix/k la ft to at phi' m0f ting M Lorne 1 Young pre-
reemeing strength and tenet he will ratter. Developments In Dank Robbery Cam nvlRlm, of - Detroit, chose a slurp e
Hilo verk. A 1)4-P armtl 1 t 1 'won 1e mete recovered. ('0residendels tilling in with Rritvel The further developments In runnel•• dr, -s' of 'Kende,. blue georgette; her.
clmetltnllom of the Federation whereby 1 broken t tt • • • 11
the prtv11PRP•-of membership will he Inn( etc v Stratford
1lsxron-110rn1d (Monday) : which 1 ki ga
extended `a fi rd B item isl mudlrInnx.It tern urs cel M Younger
M. A. llumler (eaves tomorrow for
The Stratford convention
In IM F * mrhe s I 1 h h 1 lane Weshingl'n, 1►. 4'., where he w111 at -
l the rote veore RApe: U- rumpling C.
14. g( assis*1140, of fi the service
1'am'11e'll brought latera the Feder- bf ItPv. ('. F. Clarke, of (i.N1,.rlrh, and very well ,tlnandAlly, considering the tend the eighteenth trimmed confer-
•tlnn the musical situation to (lode- Itcv. C. Taverner. of Ashlielel. The support It lead received. encs of the Relined Y. M. C. A. of
rich and told that, although no definite pallbearers were four sore, Messrs. Rlrve 'curlier at 1111s 'stem of the ' North Americo from November 20 to
this N x.
tow11rd$ the Or- john R•• O'icer, harry 1t., and Elwyn meeting vacated the eh*Ir and Mr. S. 22. Mr. H11mben well represent the 1 11 1 k tl teller, hod math a Stevens p111)e1 iapprogoriete nwisle
gant have 4l1en taken J 14(1 4t nfTf-i• ext h weather. %s. The hoe- /euteenton of his own Aimee In the thrnughnmt the serves.. After the air- ,
anlaHttnn of x 'enrich tet the F'eler- A, Long, a brother, Wm. F. F'Inlpy, 11. ('raft was Appointee' chairman Red 1'r•utrsl ItnRlen ynur ,.r, rollwxy torn. tee lu extent this we,.k Intl Ary
R• • • 14 `robbery and Wel Implicated emir %Ie n re•epllnn a•H+ held at the
at10n them, he fa of the opinion that and a mittens, Wlllfam J. )inlay. Mr Chas. Shephard pecrctliy. Mr. E. Mrs. W. F. Saunders has returned
Ie invertible tma•nrds each lite+4- preMnt t I. Ik•an mu
tens hinder the tlSls from takingopt ing l her
one of wham a. shpt &mem- merits % home, t to
buffst refresh-
Toe -
the attitude the retiring h IrmAn from a vl"lt rpt two weeks with friends, wow's our In the lak,. nod emptying ler of t.4- hulk tshuff. Amending to merits Nrrg.+e•rcrd pet thir(y•Ove pests.
a movement. He told that theses la H Fm R I th various st Toronto. While In the city ase sing them. r4'terbreokl•'s ri' l 0,1 e0nf4-sd0n, the The honeyll l"Il is being event In Tor -
deb, which rad ripe
nrlho in (lode- OIO/e44 for th Ttf a serer% of songs for ('KGW twowlen't- The Ontorto Government fish Ingxe- whole affair ants pintuled by hitnaclf onto and NIoglrll Fella. Mr. and Mist
rtes, witch band
for fnrthrr lis also N1 thin
111 station (King Edward hotel) and i s' steamer Miseford hoe Inrn In and a man nAmtel Wends. Of the tom Millett will reside In London. Among
went The $and In O,Nherlch 1PadvtRab111ty mf R
h4 terRanlrai PlI And was aRRnre1 that Rho would to given unit for ROvrrpl daft' this area: wait -tet rn1•r }4ONp tint nHe mlaslnR after thro'4- pm44rnt at the wedding WPM
a woh-orth-while d1 1 that no ler p place 1 R
the robbery. F $4 Melee D f and YYM Marion Davi-
Wined third place at the ('anadian f Hayfield.
National Plxhlhitlon. There are seven
winkle 40arh4-14 in (loderieh and the
•boars in the churches Include talented
rdrigere. Some di.eulllon took plan!
as to how a branch of
In the 11 ation
Mlgls( he ori
they will spend the winter.
Mullett — Davison, —.St. Jatucs
s ago. The rcmnhw o
were broughtto her
residence at henmlller m141.4114'
fee on Tuesday afternoon
Colborne cemetery. The servIe" were
conducted by Rev. 1t. B. Cumming.
pastor of Rcnmlller United ehnreh, of
0)11111 Mre. eongwsa Mr.
r supper! it deserve! frons
public dieingthe reason, and m•
regre'tell there were not more present-
s. .o r -
e the trensur,r'A report, which
allowed that the clubbed a of
even, there being a balance 1n the
s three cents. r. men
opinion wets that the club had '
around the north end of the mooring Iron with the rnbls•ry of the Hank of
crib tet the west side of the harbor I+' ('on,mere4 branch 111 Toronto, ofw a
to be done and this work will likely; Mr. I1. 11. Reid, formerly of Goderteh,
get under way Ina IIs' or two. Aimee 10 manager. hate been noted with In -
four teams are to 1e engaged by the i tere4t. The Ila,,k was robbed on
Department of ('nhlle WOolit' 10 dm Tul•w'ny. tau Friday four arrente had
1 I 414 been spade, land It 0%10 reported .that
Dredging operations hove leen., held 1Nler rico e. ,e.
hat 5.1144 n smart Fre rh mode In sil-
ver metallic; gray shoes awl 1t/r ' n
were worn. and she carried a bouquet
of Butterfly resew. Miss Lilian Mal-
lett, sister of the groom. vela an sterac-
tlre brielesnlx111. Ilnrry I)rnyeett car-
ried ort the duties of best nein. Mee
cel a vote of thanks 10
IllfleeM. The e' n
ca11ts1 for nominal ant for r
e ensiling year.
electingofficers at
meeting was thoroughly d4hpted end
the ronc145100 reached woe -
floe 4h0u1d be taken at this meeting In
view of the *mall ettendanee. On mo-
tion of Mr. til: F. 1►0an the meeting .11R-
band/+d until such time as the public
Should show their desire to gave bet-
ter support t0 1.0eba11 In Goderi'h.
p the funeral from a
dietnnce Included Mr. tend Mrs. Elwyn
Long, of 1lemlltnn ; , r. Oliver1 long.
tet LMhhrldge; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F.
Finlay, of Ash4014.
At the Dnffrrtn Park race meet at
Toronto this week, Ramona Grattan,
of Dr. Whitely's stehles. with Mnllin
driving, won the 2.14 peace. The claret -
Red pace wan won by Martha Napoleon.
owned by Bert Smith of Guelph, form-
erly of Ooderlch.
r 00 the program whemser sir
should find It cinvenlent. She cats
heard very clearly by several In God-
erteh who had their redlns tined in
to Toronto. Mrs. 11a1,41derS also Pang
In Bneelale Pre I'yterIan church at the
merlins/ service on Sunday.
to for favorable westeher conditions
hefore proceeding np the lake.
Newspaper desepitteha today state
that the steamier flurlhurt W. Smith
la aground near Alpena, Mieh. Thl
U one of the American Rtenmers which
wintered .at this port last semen.
:.t,•rhronke. restore! • . ev sou
(1(10. which earller on the day of the son,
robbery he had sc(•re'ed In the base-
ment of the Rank premMsc'. Another Mr. and Mrs. itThetlt Cloap, of Pari&
gum of $1,iI*0 was recovered on the Ont., were Retests over the weekend
arrest 01 One of the ont*Iderl, a mal 04 Mrs. CIump's uncle, Mr. James Mac-
named Hudson. Vicar. Hincks street.