HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-14, Page 8b Tl[lraday, November 14, 1929. THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. Sheaffer's Lifetime Pens These Pens are guaran- teed unconditionally for your life. "It need never be replaced, this Lifetime Gift." We have a full stock of these Pens, also Sheaf- fer's Pencils, Desk Sets and Skrip. Also other cheaper Pens and Pencils. Cole's Book Store Our Entire Stock of Men's Furnishings must be cleared in order that we may devote our time to Cleaning and Pressing and Made -to - Measure Clothing. Clearing Prices on all lines W. C. Snazel HABERDASHER AND DRY CLEANER WEST ST. PHONE 339 KOl3ERT WILSON FOR - the famous Fleury Plows. De Laval Cream Separators, Frost Fencing and Gates Lunden's Haying Tools. Gould,- Shapley and M1uir's Windmills and Cement Mixers. Tudhope Anderson's Wagpns and Machines. Hamilton stn,[ l:oterich. Ontario Now! Priee Reductions 1'ult'1' ALBERT, Nov. 13.-M101, Margaret Pollock. w•lto has been stat•• slug her sister. Mrs. Nelson Graham, is mus visiting (Holds at Kincardine and Pine River. Miss Katherine Crawford. uarse-In- lfriufug. sp('nt Sunday at the home of Mr. and airs. Wm. Crawford. Mr. Walter Tigert, of Flint, Mich- igan. spent Thanksgiving at his home In Port Albert. The W. M. S. utet tit the home of Mr... John Quaid .0 Thursday *Ber- 1 mein. Mr. Harvey Crawford, of Wludsur, -"scut the week -end at his home. Mr-. Percy Graham and children visited atilt Mr. and Mrs. 1). K. Al- ton. Belfast. on Thauksgiviug Day. WESTFIELD WESTFIELD. Nov. 12. -Mt-. Jolues vu,lerson is visiting her daughter. Mrs. l auley :Mellen* of Blyth. Several Prow Weettfeld attended' the f1dght.ga• owl su{r at L,nulesboro on alouday Mb! Mary. Ellis, of Toronto. is {s•udiul a week under the parental roup. Mise Mae Vincent returned home this 'rueeday, after speuding a month .0 G.elerlch. Mr. Reg Jenuings, of Windsor, silent Thanksglvtug with Mr. Geo. Suell and' other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cowan are speed- ing a few Jaye with Toronto friends. Mr. and Mee. Albert Campbell and family spent Sunday with Mr. Camp- bell's sister. Mrs. Robt. Fitzgerald. of Ashtield. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Snell -returned 1„ewe .•n Wednesdpy ' after spending s.•tcral weeks with friends at Burks ' 1;t;le. Mrs. J. rook returned Lome this neck after n lengthy vial with Gode= rich and Auburn friend's. Mr. and Mn. J. N. Campbell spent last Thursdatwith the former's *11l - o h. Mr. and Yrs. Wm. Tamblyn, of Tor Onto, Mrs. J. Tawtdyu and Mrs. J. 111lsley, of Londt Oates! atte l with the latter's slater, Mrs. J. N. Campbell, uu Saturday. .1r. and Mrs. Coventry. of Tunlet°, spent over the week -end with the furnace aunt, Mrs. J. E. Ellis. 1) Mr. ..ugla$ Campbell was at Se- l.riuctille on Thursday judgiug stuck. Mr. James Johnston, of Auburn, 1s busy Installing a furnace for Mr. Al- bert Campbell. The chicken pie supper put ea by the W. M. S. of the Bestlield l'nlied church uu Friday last was a great,' suc.•'s. Mrs Cooke of Ottawa, the ea- tertaluer, was much appreciated by all. elks [.lady a McDowell of Nile was house over the' week -end. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stouehouote and son, Dutald, of Goderich, spent onday with the farmers {wreur• Mr and Mrs. .J. L. atouehouse. 1 PORT ALBERT JJ week from the Wert of the death of Homer ter, Mrs. J. H. t Jelit her sister. The sympathy of the cow- muulty ►s exteuded to M. Ellis and WESTFIELD t intended for last week) \VEsTFIELD, Nor. 5. -Mr. and Sova. W. Walden entertained a nuwls•r of the young steeple of the community at a Hallowe'en party on Thursday night. All report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. llowatt have moved to. Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Wet. Mc!)uwell enter- taineol Brantford friends on Sunday. At time of writing Weettletd Is hav- ing its brat rnowetorm of the season. Mr,. Wm. Walther spent over the week -end with her daughter, Mrs. S. alcl'lhu•hey of Auburn. We are pleased to report that the children of Mr. and Mire James Mc. Gill who have Leen 111 with diphtheria are recovering. The sacrament of the hordes Supper was admin4istered in the Westfield f'nitwl cltnfilh on Sunday. Mrs. J. E. Ellie received word LNt • on the New 1930 Models of the famous ROGERS (Batt.ryless) RADIO 1 Rogers "33o" Lowboy ogers "54. Highboy Rogers "53o" Highboy Rogers Pbonrleciro-R.mdio Note these sensational new low prices: New Reduced Price Rogers Model "530" Rogers Model 540" Rogers Model "550" - Rogers "Phonoleetro-Radio" (liatliu Phonograph Combination All prices complete with Tubes Here's good ne--.-s! Sensational new, low prices on latest 1930 Models of Rogers Batteryless Radio! Nothing more to buy -all these models are complete with genuine Electrodynamic Speakers and the famous Rogers fully - guaranteed Tubes. Largest Radio Production in Canada Results in New Low Prices Rogers sales in October were nearly $2,000,000 -setting a new record for all Canada in radio production for a 30 -day period. Rogers sales in the four months of July, August, September and October were practically equal to the sales for the entire year of 1928. The new factory has made possible not only greatly increased pro- duction but improved production. New economies and new efficiency have brought about savings in manufactur- ing costs which are now passed on to you. - - - 8191; - *218 - *258 - *351i Take advantage of these N4`W Low Prices. Come in and choose your Rogers now Our Special Terms Make Purchase Easy O. JOHANN, Dealer H. 0. STURDY and L. H. ZINN, Salesmen Wast Side of Square - - - Goderich, Ont. CARD OF THANK Al'CTION SAIF 1 W}S11 TO TENDER MY SINCERE family In their bereavemeut. a and grateful thanks to uty many klud frleuda and neighbors fur the tokens of syutputhy which they have exteuded to we itt my sad bereavement. Alt'Pllt 11 C-lItZON. The l'athoik• Woweu'e league hekl a successful euchre and dance in the /Mydfelluws' hall last Thureday even- ing. There was a large attendance dud a goodly sum was realized. The music for dancing was furnished by the'Driver urehestra. JOHNSTON-McDI .- At Knox church manioc, on Monday, November 11t1. by Itev. H. C. Mcl)erwld, Kath- arine Annie McDonald, daughter of Mr. Duncan McDonald. to William J. Johnston, sun of Mr. William John- ae1I1, all of Ashfield. DID IA/NG.-At lied Deer, Alberta, ou November 13t1, Susannah Finlay, re- lict of the late James Lour The fuueral will take place front her late residence, Bruwiller, uu Tuesday, Nurewber lieb. to Culburue cemetery. Service SI the house at 2 o'clock p. M. • TO RENT FOR BENT, -FURNISHED HOUSE; r imitable for ctwull family. Apply to CORDON YOUNG, .Goderich. 'r0 RENT. -STORE SUITABLE FOR ag grocery or of t -e. Immediate pose armlets given. Apply to CHAS. K. SAUNDEItS, Goderich. "moo -- VOTERS' LIST NOTICE -- VOTERS' LISTS 1929, MUNICIPA- LiTY OF TII'E TOWN 114` GODE- RICH, COUNTY OF HURON. Notice 1's herby given that 1 have complied with section 7 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at the Town Hall, Gode- rich. ou the 31st day of -October. 192$ the 1kt or all persona entitled to vote LOST AND FOUND in the said municipality at municipal elections, and that Stich list remains O:T.--BUNl,'ll OF YALE KEYS there for inspection. uu a cit . F'iuder plan re lance And I hereby call nano ail voters t., tit the ottke of Drs. WliNemI.Y atake immediate pruceedingr to bare M.Ut'I'IN and receive reward. any errors or omissions corrected tie - FOR SALE - i { Lvl11t SALE. -NEW Ql'I 1t1l' RANGE. 1 Apply to MRS. J. A LAWRENCE. ;FOR SA I.E.-StIORTIIOIRN BULL ' calves of taervheable age. ]crown- ' dale breeding. J. C. STOLTZ, Auburn. cording to how. the last day for ape peal being the 21st day of November. 1929. Dated this 5:h day of November, 1929. L. L KNOX. Clerk of the Town of Golc•ri. l AUCTION SALES COIL SALE-1WEI.VE !'I;1DEIl1DF:D CLEARING Leicester ewe IambsApply to JOHN v FARM W. SAI.KE1.D.'felephone 001) r 2. MENTS. AUCTION SALK uF STOCK AND IMPLE- rL,EAR1NG AUCTION SALE or FARM, FARM leTOcK AND 111. MEMENTS MRS. W LEY Y'ISllhl! will sell by public auction at her fads at Saltlord on TI'ESDAY, NOVlIMREI4 19, 102.- oomtnencing at 1 o'clock, sharp: The farm 1f not sold before •+a:e day, of 50 acres, of whieh Use ter:u4 will la' uunounce,J sale day. Horace. -1 draft gelding, h yea o:•t . 1 agrleultural gelding, 10 yet old. Tattle. 1 rinks 1hirhttm wow'. s rs• old. to frerben about rale time: 1 choice roan cow, 9 yrs. old, freak : 1 choice cow. 8 yrs. old, supposed to freshen in March; 1 choice red cow. 5 yrs. old, just fresh. The above crow's are gold eowa and In the pink of c•e,- dl tion. 6 good feeder steers, average s'• "' 1000 lbs. 1'Igv.-1 Yorkshire brood sus Yorkahlre sows. supposed t" 1,,r7,,% first week In February. Poultry.-- 15 white Leghorn hen. Implements. -1 Ileering binder. f ` lu tlrst-claws working shape; !Frost & Wood mower. 5 ft. cut ; 1 Massey -Harris seed drill; 1 set disc harrows; 1 walking plow, [(smitten 21. nearly tieµ' ; 1 one-horse plow; 2 els dlnwoud harrows; 1 Fleury scut- fler, nearly new ; 1 heavy one-horse wagon: 1 top buggy, in good shape: 1 cutter, nearly new; 1 new haaket hay rack ; 1 water trough 12 ft. x 3 ft , Just new; 1 Louden hay -fork, car. and *bent 1411 feet new rope: 1 new gru- eel hex ; 1 good team wagon; 1 set .nee house dray harness. 1 set- team breaching harness: 1 set platform -,'Nies; 2 new c -gal. milk cat.+; 1 I')at,! barrel churn. size 2, nearly new; 1 Empire cream meliorator, nearly new; It tone baked daft straw; 6 tons alfa'• fta hay; 12 het .ensilage; le base Spy - apples, head -picked, and lnclnding I,a -. bgier aril les t..., numerous to ee.n- t Ion. Terms: --AR sums of 110.00 and en- der, ,ash : ever that amount IO months' crwlit on furnishing approved join: bark note). bearing internist at 7 per ccut per anumn. MRS. WESLEY FIstf1le, r'r..pe.e- t cess. (;EU 11', A eiteneer 1'c011 SALE.- -AN F:1►18Os 1'Ht/NO• It. J. atc1LWAIN 11 GRAPH with Victor attachment; willndwssellsluu by4. Cpub.allicerlcahuctiot lot 32. also a number or records. Apply to 11. 'sotn , it a'tip, on IiLACK5T1INE. West start. MONDAY, Nl►VEM1;EIt 18. 1029 at 1 o'clock, sharp: Ib.rses.-Team of grey i'ercheren WANTED -4 yrs, old, about 1400 lie; Ierf.heron colt. rising 2 yrs. ; 1'ereheron .volt. /rl►M1'ETENT MAID WANTED FI)It yrs. o14. l► general, housework. Apply P. 1R eatlh•.--Durham grade 411411W,., 5 yr.. BOX 3& old. .hie lei April: Ile•refurd POW.7 yrs. opt, due In May; Iurham Q \NTKI).--M11)'IN.EA(:F?I► Wi IMAN •'•.w'• 7 yrs. old, due lu January; Due n desires a p,slti.n as housekeeper) haat cow. 0 yrs. old. due in Feb - or helper in goal home. Apply to MRS. ruary : Ayrµhlre cow. 5 yrs. old. W, SERLEY. It.. R. N. 4. eoderk•.h. e' tine in April; choler Holstein heifer. In calf; Durham cow, 5 yra. old. milk- rEATIIERB.=4- YOU • CAN HAVE ''ing good: Hereford heifer with calf your feather bed made into te aanl- ar fo4'1 : 2 steerµ. rising 2 yn. tory roll mattress or down eomforter 1 heifer. rising 2 yrs. old; 2 spring Highest price paid for feathers. Drop cafes• a card to DOMINION FEATHER 1lgs.---Fonneen .tor.• hug,.. nls,n: AN -D MATTRESS CO.. Goderich, and 125 1115. our agent will ea1L tf, Implements.-Massey-ilarrls spring cultivator; 2 Rain wagons; set INa- mond barrows steel rake; walking plow; gravel box; ,et team harness: snuffler and numerous other article^. Everything advertised to 1a' s/III. ss proprietor WIN lost hl„ barn by tire. The effe to of tbe estate'of the late Terms. -All sums of 310 and under, cash; ever that amount 9 months' ere- dit will he given on furnishing ap- proved joint bankable paper. or a dls- count of 4 per cent. straight allowed for cash on credit amounts. R. J. McILWAiN, Proprietor. 41E0. H. ELIdOTP, Auctioneer. i ADMIN1STRATRIX' SALE,OF CAT.' TLE. FARM I1t1 LEMENTS. HOUSEHOLD FU'RNiTI'RE AND! F:FF'FYTS. We are instructed by the admires -1 tratrix of the estate of the late Joseph E. Whitely, to Pell by public auction. 'at the premises, Huron road. Gode- rich, on (SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16. 1929 at 1.30 o'clock. sharp: One Durham cow, 4 years, due May let ; 1 Jersey cow, due in July; Mel- otte cream separator; Halm) churn; butter bowl; disc harrow. set three - section Diamond harrow.; mower. hay rnke; grain cneee, .uythea, hand scuf- fler; set platform waleµ, 240 Ile.; t'nrtInnil cutter; light wagon. demo- crat; set light eleighe; set term har- ness; 2 sets single harness. 1 set sur- rey harries* potato) sprayer, feed boxes; pruning hooka; shears; lawn roller; lawn mower; rakes; hoes; iron Atte; 3 p °ors; quantity of Inm- her; sugar ket e; 2 water tube; oak barrel; 18-11. las ler; oak hall seat; ex- tension dining table; secretary book- case; small tables; bed end .,rings: large Ostert000r mattress, new; child'^ cot; drop-leaf kitchen table (cherry) ; hall dozen chairs; three -burner o11 stove and oven; washing machine; :0 Barred Rock hens. Numerous other artfes. Everylething mtwt be dtspo:el of. as property is mold. Terms. -All sums M 310 and under. cash. Over that tlhnount aux menthe' credit will he elven on furnishing ap- proved john notes. A discount at tbe rate of 0 per cent. per annum allowed for 1'11 .11 en ,credit amount a. T. l:1'NI►RY & SON, Auctioneers. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE. C. Itlacketone, . tIonsisting of parlor, living -room and ' bedroom furniture. kitchen utensils, etc., will be offered for sale by auction on SATI'RDAY. NOVEMBER 23rd. commencing at 1.30 p. m., at the former Hydro iffier. earner Colborne street and the Square. T. (il'N-DRY & SON, Atx•tlo'neers. AU TIt1,. SALE OF FARM trnicK. A. T'OWXSIIEND will sell by public auction tit lot 12,I Bayfield line, three miles east of Bay- field, on WEDNESDAY, NOVINltElt 20, 1929 at 1 o'clock, sharp: Horses. --Team of nerionitnral b1• Ings, 4 and 0 years old. Cattle. -Jersey cow, 7 years old, dire to February; Jersey heifer. .Noe 1,1 December; Durham cow, 5 years old, -due In February ; Durban' cow, 8 years old, due 1n February: black cow, 0 years old, slue in April; Dur- ham cow, 5 years old, due in July; Durham cow„6 years old, due in July; 2 Hereford heifers, .hie In march; 4 steers. from ►10O to 1000 lbs. ; 3 heifers. two years 0141 ; 3 yearlings.; 3 spring calvevc. Pigs.- Sow with Ove pigs, :1 weeks old; 2 store hogs, about 150: lbe. Hens. -Fifty 'tock pullets; 20 year- old Ruck hens; 50 White 1,.ghnrn hens. Miscellaneous.-- Collie dog ; 15 cords 14 -inch body wood. This Is nn exceptionally good lot of stock and in good condition, end will be sold without reserve, as (he pro- prietor Is leaving the harm for the winter. Terms. --.AR sump of 310.00 and un- der cash; over that amount ten months' credit will be given 011 furni- shing approved Joint bnnknble paper, with a discount of lire per cent. straight allowed for cash 011 credit am- atinta. 't. TIIR'NS111• ND, G. 11. ELLi4ITT. Propria„r_ Anetioneer .AU(TioNI4JRING THOMAS GI'\DRY, OODERICH. Grin YTUCK AND 010N1Dt! +l'(TIONZER ' Telephone Ni 119 Saler attended to anywhere and ev-r, effort made to give satisfaction Farmers' sale notes discounted. WESLEY W. FISHER, n Auctioneer, will conduct 1111 lea anywhere. My terms are reasonable and 1 wit', en- deavor to give satisfaction. Phone Carlow 1314, or address R. R. 4, God- erich. • • iiRU'GLESS PRACTITIONER (rHIROPRA(:Tt)lt A: 1) DRUGLESS THERAPIST Goderkh, Phone 341 Equipped with electro-magnette baths. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chroak organic and nervous diseases. lady In attendance. Office hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m.. excepting Monday and Thursday and by appointment A. N. ATKiNSON Residence and nf5ce--Corner of South street and Britannia road. NOTICE OF ADJOURNED TAX SALE ('HARTERF.D ACCOUNTANT FRANK P. G11114, o11ARTHRIDD Accountant. 102 Ontario street, Stratford. Phone 1580. Rea 13003. MEDICAL DR. F. J. 11. FORSTER, EYE, EAR. NOSE, THROAT.' - Late Horse Surgeon New York Opk- thalmlc and Aural Hospital, aselatent at Moorefield Eye Ilnvpttal and Golden Square Throat Hospital. London. Eng. 53 Waterloo St. 9., Stratford. Tel- ephone 267. At Hotel Bedford, Goderich, Toes - day; November 19th, from 10 a. re 'n 4p.a. LEGAL i,'RSEST M. LEE Barrister and Solicitor ! Sun - Life Building. Adelaide sod Victoria street., Toronto 2. Telephone tElgln 5001. Whereas the following lands were offered for sale for taxes on October 21st. and whereas no pifilcient bids were received therefor, now therefore pur- cnent to the provisions of the Asscssmenl, Act the following deserihed lends will be putt up for sale at the court house. en Tlulra/lay, November 2101. tit 2p. m.: (YIIRtORNE TOWNSHIP Property Amerce Expenses Tota! Blk. A-58,59. i'ark ; '/a acie 3 ,oX1e2 32.31 $ 655.03 Plan 11-9, 11, 05. 00.85; 1'4acreT TOWNSHIP1.17 6.1)4( 207.20 ilenfryn-70. 71 , . , , 3 11.14 $1.(51 5 12.14 irtot 16, core. 17 1:1906 4.50 143.5e Ti'RNIBERRY 143, W. Tj P. . Meraughcy Sur.. try. 74 Me('onrtell Seir, 6. 7 McCaughey Sur.. 10. 14 , . , McCaughey Sur., 16 Mcihonald Snr., Pt. 11 %. atciMnatd Sur.. 62 ,'.. Me(;aughey Sur, 14, 15 BAYF iIDT.D Bldg. (bn.,)8. E. (o?. • , ..... 3 !toward IM., 8, 9, 10 , . , . ..... . Howard St.. 144 B1.YTI1 345.04 320.76 110.94 76.30 24.06 :si.24 15JMt Dow de BRUSSELS Holliday 8t.. 91. 92, flit .. 1 404)44 112.09 $ 414.05 Thomas. Pt. 11 .. ,doss. , ..... 206.15 6.40 211.55 GORDON YOUNG, County el'rwaurer 10.13 30.31 2.37 2.34 1.10 $2.12 4 47.17 $1.50 3.65 2.4)4) 1.75 2.55 1.110 1.0e $ .75 1.510 .40 40 .25 322.20 114.110 79.10 2['..80 .51.71) 3215 14.04 4 10.48 32.110 2.7Z 2,74 1.35 Go.lertch, Ont., Nov. 13. 1024. DUDLEY E. HOL3L1117, Berrlater, Fitt. Oflke--Hamilton street. Godeelgb. Phone 27. spa •R. DA RtRO W , B A R RJETiliti, C. w Plueeeaaur to J. L KI1lwraa. Phone 97. ' Office -The Square. Goeertelle Nape R *Napa BARRIRTIR8, Eve. BA: iirAVS-RC.HAYS tit., B.A. Halton St., Goderien TNSI'RANCE, LOANS. RTO. McKTi LOP MUTUAL FiRi4 IN. SURANCE OO. -'Farm and IS dated town property bemired. Milkers -Jas. Connells,, Pres.. 000- erich P. 0„ Jain. Wrens. Vice -PISA, Beechwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor. flee. -Tress., Seaforth P. O. Dlrectnrl►-•A. Broadfoot, R. R - No. 3, Seaforth; Jahn G. Orley., No. 4. Walton; William Men, R. it. 140. 2. Seaforth; Jibn Bennewles, Brod- hegen ; Gen. ltc(*rta.y. R. R. Ne. 3, tteaforth : Robert' 9terrls, Harloet; Murray Oita nn,' _ *taeId ; James Evansw, Beechwe'd ; . Connolly. Goderieh. Agents --J. W. Teo, nodtrkll; Alex. i,eltch, R. R. No. 1, V$.WS. John Mornay, 8eaforth; >e.t fle•afnrth. Polley -holden, can til ail , paymenta and get their ears* t ► ,; eM at R. J. Mnrriah's (pothtf( Clinton; Calvin Catt'a Atorety. ,tnn street. Ooderdeb, of J. A. General Store, Bayeeht 4