HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-14, Page 7"I think Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is wonderful!
I have had six children of which four
are living and my youngest is a bon-
nie baby boy now eight months old
who weighs 23 pounds. I have taken
sour tnecbcine before each of them
was born and have certainly re-
ceived great benefit front it. I urge
my friends to take it as I am sure
they will receive the SAW help I did."
-Mn. Milton M.-Mulksi, Vanessa,
1.1611 E, PInkliam's
Ve(zelahle Compound
• Ma S A
( I
County an4 District
Tin.,,babt inetri. h. of Moon! Carnwk.' tith ,onivoo.li•li ilowick, four. miles
died Gietolwr 29111 tit the age Of fifty•south or Gongs., was totally 4.1eistro1ed
oreVeli ).-ars. ills k survive.' b.% two liy• tire do Thursday last. A horae be -
sons and fourilaughtr. i ing let out for Water knocked 8 1811-
mother her. .
Mrs. Griffith died suddenly. at the, tern down. setting the bans ow tire.
In recognition of faithful service in
Wroseter, 011 Noveuilwr 4(1*.ii e wa..1 wItt tweney.sia pigs and .everal rows the Sunday sigma Among those who We are glad i" hear that Mr. Wil -
home of her sister, *1r-'. D. C. Pope,1 The Season's crop was all lost. together
the widow of William Gil th and, and horses. assembled tu celebrate the occasion Ram Monne, who has been under the
k.:.,,..., two married daughters.. I E/eliight Restored with Mr. and Mrs. lieekstep were Mr. doctor'. care for the past week, is Mi-
llie wedding of • Min- Vera Stuitli.I. theplien Troyer, of the township of and Mrs. MeCraeken of Goderich.-31rs. Proving.
has had a wonderful experience littekeeep, whose maiden name was Mr. 1' hill' Slain* had llie 111140r- '
owl with regard to one of his eyes. When Margaret Catuidiell, wills. horn iii Stan- lane of gelling his hand cut while at ,
adopted daughter of Ales. Stnith of ilaY'
Stanley. to Howard Ligation*. of
I a bov of six years, living with his ley township. oi.eir Raygebi. Mr. Huck. his work the end of last week. Ile i-
. - t Kit ston the sou Of au employee of the 1.11..kno,w Table Co.
• Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Iluclonep cele-
brated their fiftieth wedding aaniver-
eery 011 Sunday, November 3rd. Mauy
messages of congratulation were re-
ceived front friends aud relative&
During the Sunday echool seasion 11*
Queen street Culled chureli Mrs. Huck -
seep wits presented with au address
and a beautiful bouquet of chrysan-
themum.. It* honor 44 the occasion aud
Thursday. , November 14,199.-T
floteuded for last sleek 1
LUCKNIOW, Nov. 0. --Mies Gwendo-
lyn McLeod, of New YOrk, spent a few
days at her house here. •
Gordon Stainers, of Stratford, I*
holidaying at his home.
Mr. and Mn. Alex. Fraser motored
frotu Woodstock on Saturday anti
speUt 411e week-ead_ with Mr. Fraser's
soil. v'e with. ti hard ball. dier who afterwards 1114(1
.k social ev•ening Was enjoyed by
1*1 • i serial last Friday night.
present at the iblilfellows liallowel.11
(* lllll hotel, Henson, took 1 411i
Loulloon oil I wtober 31101. The young ,_
Parents near Toronto, he was %atilt- - I
vouple are making their home in lieu-, s".g 11 gain.* i oft, ball one da or whet} he Thomas Iluckstep, an
fle hood the .1gfet of the eye. mud Rev- 1 ear.; at Goilerieh. Mrs. Milan Harris has returner
eral diwtors who examined it said be Thomas Trewin. old-time resl-1
would never again '4e('with it. A year I dent of Myth, died last month at the. Cilieago atter 'Wailing a tuotilli with
her sister. Mrs. Nell Murdoch, 4.1
ago. however. he recovered the lioine of his daughter In Raleigh town -I
AI Trinity iburcit. 011
W441111W.44W, tetols.r 30. Mary, daugh-
ter of Mr aim Mr.. Weston Maguire,
4101 Edward, son a Thounts Chandlers,
e'redi....4. were Mated lu marriage
I., Rev. 4...11044re. The young eollitlel
Sight 1.t the eYe and now. Ili his eighty -I ship.Sent isaitity, at the age of eighlY towu.
1.4.4'11111i year. eau -toe unite elenrly %%11111)01a, He moved from Myth in the
'80's and lived afterwards at Blew 1
I lielin mid rhiftliatu. 1
A. IL Carr, of Itlytii, is tlw outlet' '
CL1TON • of an ancient Rowan coin dating Wi I-
. to the time 4.1 the Etniwror Nero.
The express vvarchouse at the C. N.1 at,,,tit. 55 5. it. it is a swill siker cote
R. station was broken into one night and on one side is 141 a 111114.1 a likenees.
recently aliol routue gotalo were of Nero. It wits given to Mr. Carr 14
taken. though nothitag of 'great value. 1 l'rof. Currency 4/ the provincial Mit-
The Collegiate Institute Literary.1 elim at Toroolitto. witoo.e father na- a
Soviet.). has been reorganized for Owl ,,,,,i,,,imat,. of 31r. Cilres itt tlw vil I
fillet Meeting of the term was ott oct-i 3liss Lillie Taylor, a clerk In the:
lowe'en party. !Poplestone store, one day bust week
tattepped into an open trapdoor awl felli
ober 31st and took the form of a Hai-
, 1 ten feet to the basement. receiving a
'1 • J. M. McKay. who. a yeur ago tair.1 dePP
. gash In her head.
. .
114 re-ide ou the gniona's farm near
The death occurred T.,routs, IPIl
Mouday. NoVeluloer of Mists Mary
'borrow*. a native of Slckillop town.1
ship v al hail iiVed in' Toronto the:
last thirty years,. Tiw normal's were',
brought to Seaford* for interment itti
Maillattolhauk cemetery. Two brothers;
...treks.. James Itorrance. of Slo•Killorp,1
Atod David 1 k.rrance, of Clinton.
Iii 141. Patrick's church. Dublin. mil
Tnes.lity. November nab,
heth Ilnetley. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Manley. was minis' in
marriage to Peter McLaughlin. son of
Mr. and Mrs Patriek McLaughlin. The
.ceremony Was performed by Rev.
lather Bricklin. The young collide
w IP. reside on the groom's farm 4111
.4,,. 14 11 41
Heavy Lees by Flre
11114. bald, 141illi 4014 the
term. with a full set of Witter., Thel tags of Canton, near Port Hope. 1
% cup butter, 1 cup brown sugar, 21/2
cups Purity Flour, Y2 lb. raisins, % lb.
citron, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, y, tea-
spoon nutmeg, 1/2 teaspoon ginger, 2
eggs, 34 cup (scant) molasses, cup
sour cream or fruit mice, !, teaspoon
soda. Flour the fruit. Bake in moder-
ate oven (3750).
How to get Better Results
in Cake and Pastry Baking
A baking export says "Purity is a s.rollg.
nth flour with great expanding qualities
your cake recipe calls lot ordinary pastry
flour use 1 tablespoon less per cup of Purity
4. and it milk called tor use -half Milk and
4. hall water (luke.s•rm), sod YOlar cakes wilt
stay moist longer.
4. Pima Recipe far flaky pte Must -For two4. pit
shells UM 2 cups Purity Flour, !4 tenspesesswasg,.._-_
4.IX cup shortening. i up t ..1.)1(44 fl.dir
4. and salt, cutting in the shortening until the
mixture is like fine tread lir< ti,.,.sothty
4. with the water. Roil out thin. keeping it
4. thoroughly dry. Fur extra rich pastry WM
half butter and hall lard -
"Ming 'MBA only from solectod Waiters
4. hard wheat. Purity Flour ha• the striae&
4. and quality to make it "Mat
for all your baking."
4. Got a sock from your dealer today
Still the
Beet for
Ofur Paw 700-realv
Prriry now, Cook Rook o mailed
for rrro
Wasiers Ow&PkWliai Co. Limited, Toroato 9108
!itduraell the. restaurant awl ice cream
111S1 Hen.. of 44. i 11 101iirk, ha. mad out (Intended for last weekt
if lawknow. 1 BAY FIELD, Nov. :4.-11iss J. Ster-
t.ling left on Saturday to spend the
1 the isouting mutrit111. hwayit: winter with her sister. MIAS Maude
preoodoltotot alai 'I'.
ta ry-t reasurer.
Wingliana's %vat v
St. Paul's Anglieilli
motet eeduntaiid 41
I %Dor the 1
1411..'.n '4"'re* 1 Sterling: ill tonal co.
31r. alai Mrs,. ti. Neelin, who
.-t.-run-to spent a Neek in Toronto, retained
ellUrch olo SluidaY Inane on Saturday.
Major 11. e. Me-Slre. J. MacDonald. of Sarnia. Is
•Inirch service the vi.jting her dam:liter, NIrs. A. Newton -
veterans 11111reited to the nu llllll tient
, and deposited a wreath.
2 30 $ a
SHINGLES for dse Roof
Rendeotne. fireor04. 6.4
the life of the building.
Use DO other. Get mires.
3IA 0 loci
For Schools, Halls, Stores,
Hotels, Kitchens, etc.
Put up in a day. Many handsome
patterns. Easy to handle. Nailed
in place over old p . N dust
or dirt. No muss and litter. Easy
to clean and i?aint.
Ckt the facts and save your money
&a your local tinanuth or carpenter.
31r. awl lIrs. Fred Ritchie. Muriel
Ritchie, 41 Eltuvale. and Mr. W111 K1114.
of Toronto. spent the svele-enit
Mr. and Mrs. G. King.
NIrs. W11.4411 111141 111.44 R11111 11114444
:4414 1.011414411. 44r111 $ 111 4%1411
Mr. awl 34rs. S. Ilueston.
• cattle to .174.r..1110 on Friday.
lir. W..1, Stinson took a carioaa
it, state of all preo•ol llt loons little
- aoorpeelally oltirilig the .1,1,11013y to let Well ,ittt
1'3114'41174v a""4)4 am. rait. aelig::11* bt one of the qualities of the inventor."
When the fir -1 symptoms -ArtillIr Ransom!.
sneezing. redness 44f the running
• ""'" "‘" T81.1°. si"." 1‘1 be! "The wen Isla. Will the gleateoot site -
given at once. They will rapidly break ' not
ntart .111were y 444.11up 111)' awl pe
revnt more serbins Tairkington.
eomplicatiorta. -------
velro-kis p a lam_ uf_ BAlLY.1.‘ .11lroperly-...1,s yprnersttone and
With all the bran
of the whole wheat
With Shredded Wheat in the home lou are ready for every
etneraency-a quick breakfast for husband and children with
no work or worry -a delicious lunch -a satisfying suppers'
eat it with milk and berries or sliced hinanas.
twil Tablets in the home -always foulidathin Qi.i.r iie-offorfitir-r
-1 11' I 11 filet they lire like lisiviiig a
ori'er Nicholls.. Murray tinder
111 1 1141 11111,4f. they ere gentle
, but thorough laxative 141:1! sn1.14011
1111. ...V1•111111•11 111111 rt•Aillitli• lurtatd.•
ilylvifiz out coop -titration allot ill-
olliteo.thou awl relieving the bah) 04
many Childhood aliments whieli • ate
iiireei result of a slog:Ted condition
..441 1I04 bowel.. or -.air stontarit.
:ire ahrooltitely .iifto &Miran'. '
vvela the 2omiicesi They ilien
l,, contain no ilrete at all loirmto
possibly 410 harm -7111ey always il
Jt; t'% 414411 Tablets are soill t.v all
medicine dealers or will be s
mail at 27. vents a box from th..
Niks Helen Sreeniiii. of Drysdale.
104 recently
Zurich from lila Brill. has had
ex trim' at. improt eumli 1 .. 11141111. to Ihe
1.,..111.11y 111111 Moved lot. 11 luxt week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rau have re- •
' turned from a ‘1...lt of seN era! week -
al 1 tet rod t and other points. While
, ..wity Mr. Riiii *11. relieved of a snin
..f money. about $710.11 a iriekikwket.
.1o11,41111 Gentles recently received ,
i word that his son. T.P1111 F. Gel 111/1.,. 414
I Fielding. Sask.. had met with a 4114.11- '
1 ful aut.imobile aeeident. the ear he
. was driving 4.o4lbling with another
one. Mr. Gelinas was syverely irojarerl
..1441 has since been tinder treatment
Ito...pita'. ,
, Charles S. itottolour ha. plirelloomool
the 1:111 -sere WM ott the Mlle Water'
11 Igli‘Stly. north of ilrysdale. frova-his
neighbor.. Lawrence Delf01111111.. *1111 .....
CPIS possession April 1s1. 1931 I. Mr.,
1 Detioutuic purchased this farm a
I rears ago (rum .klfred Millman. I
Tiosiplille Bedard. who has Ital itt'.I
father's farm leased 444r 14 lllllll ber 641 •
years. has i•nrchased it 100 -i44 -re farm.' '
1141.11 l' Tilbury and has mioved on to it I.
Mill Ills faintly. Gilbert .leffn•y has,
moved oil to the farm vaisiteol hy 31r I
iradard.oviiieti he Inis 4et-c41 for
,4.1'nt of yegro,
ISamuel Slytleoch, an old resibleht of
thmeitolville. died on October Sint
--, after a ,ear's Illness. He WWI born
... In 'rtickerstnith sixty-nine years agn
11 Ilil II:141 lived in Eemomly-ille since Ids
'marriage In 1991. Ile is aurvived by
his wife, two mons and one daughter:
Itoy, on the homistead farm In Tnek-
evsmith ; Hay. of Toronto, and Mrs.
Paul Ifolg...f TitekersmIth.
Failing from the head of the stairs
to the foot. (1114' MOM 1 11F recently. NIL:.
John Webster, of this town, WA/ */
badly injured that for a time it was
1 feared the result would I* serious.
1 Fortimately no' bones were broken.
'lien Johnston, well known In this
' comtimnity. died suddenly at Hamil-
ton. of pnennionia, on November 1st.
Deceit -ell was born in England and
came hi this, district at the age of
fifteen. Ile served In' France during
the WV and afterwards returned to
Seafitrill. and a little over a year ego
was appointed inannger of the Hamil-
ton '11111114‘. 11e 11PRTP11 a widow anti it
young 41 instiller. Several peranns from
' Seafortli „trawled the funeral, which
took place at Hainilton.
Jane A. 'Carlin. a well-known final -
new matt of Seaforth, died on Fritlav
mortang of poeumonta-after a two
,r-yei.pik... Ohara's. Dereamed was not mar- .--
Miss Snider. orpnist of the Eg-
niondville I'tilted church, ham resigned
I her prialtion to beeome organist in ale.
.CHnton Presbyterian clinrcti.
Outside Was
ie. of Brick. Rock -4a'4
, weather Proof. rdwf
to paint. Haag to put on.
Effective September 3rd, 1929
itE‘i) rxm, SUB -DIVISION ri \ I) Cr
. A. M. P. M.
Leave 7.00 1.15 Arrive 6111erich Miles
" 7.20 4.35 llolmesville 9
7.25 4.40 " 0. l''lititon' . 12
7.45 5.00' " Stliforth 21
7.50 5.05 '' St. Columban 23
s.00 5.15 •' I Inhlin . 27
11.15 5.30 Nlitchell . 32
tt.35 5.50 . ScbringviTlc 40
S.45 8.00 4 • St rat ford 41
9 00 8.15 • 4 Slinkesperire- 51
9.10 8.25 44 To vistock 51.
9.25 8 40 " flicks -on I .41 1 05
Arrive 9.45 7.00 Leave Woodstock tts 1 .45
1 Oi roil (41511111,) iftf‘m fif ;stint t.,111 4% 'lib Atrow C„aelit.s to St,
•iktidOtt. K it h. ner, Ouclpli, Brampton, Toronto.
Direct connections st Woodstock with Arrow Coaches for
ford. 11.iiiii:top. Oakville, Toronto.
ill 1.,
9. 55,
11 :141
P. M.
3 35
3 20
No wonder COLD:5_,
yield so quicklyc
Mks attacks them
2 ways at once
Just rubbed on the throat and chest at
bedtime, Vicks VapoRub relieves cold -
troubles two direct ways at once.
(1) It acts through the skin like an old-
fashioned plaster and"draws out" tight-
ness and soreness:
(2) Its healing vapors, released by the
body -warmth, are inhaled direct to the
inflamed air -passages.
. This method of treating colds originated
with Vicks. Today, the whole trend of
modern medical practice is away from
needless ''dosing."
AS -Electric eight' tube Neu-
trodyne for house -current
operation. Push -Pull amplifi-
cation. Dynamic Speaker.
Cabinet of Walnut.
(Lem Tubes)
CoffsPiete with Tubes, $195.00
P5JJ1' 1'1
! 1/e•
NR 378
Eight -tube AD -Electric Neu-
trodyne. In beautiful Walnut
Console. Dynamic Speaker.
Uses 245 type tubes. Push
Pull Amplification. Phono-
graph is equipped with speed
control, automatic stop for
rnotor. Radio Phono switch
to change from Radio to
(Lest Tubes)
Fri Note with Tubec, $165.00
Akia•141 SIC • •
Press tht switch on your new Freed Radio . . . turn
the -dial to the station you want . . . and frotn the
depths of the beautiful cabinet comes a tonal quality
of such clarity and resonance - of such absolute
fidelity of reproduction -that it will Positively amaze
Freed Radio unlocks, new and marvellously beautiful
realms of entertainment. The glorious harmony of
deep organ tones . . . the throbbing melody of the
violin . . -the plectic tang of the banjo . . . every
note 6f every instrument is reproduced "just as the
microphone gets it."
The creators of these superb sets, famotu as makers
of quality radios since broadcasting began, have
through years of experiment under every possible con-
dition, achieved in the Freed models the most perfect
performance'et accomplished.
Let any of the dealers listed below show you the new
Freed' models. You will want one in your home . . .
in surroundings where, at the turn of a switch, a world
of enchantment is'at your command.•
1)--/E I S E NI A N
"Jus! as the Microphone gets it"
H. C. DUNLOP, Rexall Drug Store, Phone 1
Distributors for Ontario, D 14 flowrien & Toronto and l onclon