HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1988-09-28, Page 22PAGE 22. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1988.
Fair homecraft division proves popular
Continued from page 21
Class 25, Christmas centrepiece - no
SPECIAL - Door Decoration ( not
Christmas)- Hilda Holmes, Mrs.
SPECIAL - Best Article in needle
punch - donated by Phyllis Mitchell -
Doris Van Camp, Mrs Heimpel
SPECIAL - Most points Classes 7-15,
stuffing material donated by Stearns
Canada Inc - Mrs Van Camp
SPECIAL-most points Classes 16-25
- quilt bat donated by Stearns Canada
Inc - Mrs Hilda Holmes
SPECIAL - most points in Section O,
donated Homecraft - Mrs Heimpel,
Mrs Van Camp
SPECIAL - Recycl mg - donated by
Walton Women's Institute - Doris
Van Camp; Alfred Knight, Mrs
SPECIAL - Article in Calligraphy -
Katherine Bridge
DORSET: Class 1, Shearling ram -
Adrian DeBuryen, RR 3, Kerwood;
Adrian DeBuryen; Donald Bower-
ing, RR 3, Melvern Class 2, Ram
lamb - Adrian DeBuryen, Donald
Bowering, Adrian DeBuryen. Class
3, Shearling ewe - Adrian DeBuryen;
Adrian DeBuryen; Donald Bower
ing Class 4, Ewe lamb - Adrian
DeBuryen; Adrian DeBuryen; Don
ald Bowering Class 5, Best pen -
Adrian DeBuryen
SUFFOLK Class 1, Adrian De
Buryen; Adrian DeBuryen; Glen
Paine, RR 2, Kerwood Class 2, Glen
Paine, Adrian DeBuryen; Adrian
DeBuryen Class 3, Adrian DeBur
yen; Adrian DeBuryen; Clen Paine.
Class 4, Glen Paine, Adrian DeBur
yen; Glen Paine. Class 5, Adrian
HAMPSHIRE. The only entrant,
Hugh Todd of RR 2, Lucknow, took
first place ribbons in Classes 1-5; as
well as second-place ribbons in
Classes 3 and 4.
OXFORD DOWN: Class 1, Louis
Emke, Elmwood; Donald Dearing;
Donald Dearing. Class 2, Louis
Emke, Donald Dearing; Donald
Dearing. Class 3, Donald Dearing;
Louis Emke; Louis Emke. Class 4,
Donald Dearing; Lous Emke, Louis
Emke. Class 5, Louis Emke.
SOUTHDOWN: Class 1, Hugh
Todd; Ivan Speiran, RR 1, Denfield;
Louis Emke. Class 2, Hugh Todd;
Hugh Todd; Ivan Speiran. Class 3,
Hugh Todd; Hugh Todd; Ivan
Speiran Class 4, Hugh Todd; Hugh
Todd; Ivan Speiran. Class 5, Hugh
1, Donald Bowering; Glen Paine;
DonaldDearing.Class2,Glen Paine;
Donald Dearing; Ivan Speiran. Class
3, Ivan Speiran; Glen Paine; Glen
Paine. Class 4, Glen Paine; Glen
Paine; Donald Bowering . Class 5,
Glen Paine.
The Old Mill Award for the Best
Pen Overall in the Sheep Division,
presented this year for the first time,
was won by Hugh Todd.
In the Poultry Division of the 1988
Brussels Fall Fair, Michael Becker of
RR 1, Dashwoodexhibited more than
15Obirds, winning both first and
second pl ace ribbons in virtually all of
the classes he entered, with cocks,
hens, cockerals and pullets in many
of them
Other winners were as follows.
Class42, Minorca, any variety -cock
1st, Paul Kitchen, Brussels; hen. 1st,
Paul Kitchen Class 44, Rosecomb,
any other variety - cock 1st, Donald
Dearing, RR1, Exeter; pullet: 1st
and 2nd, Donald Dearing Class 46,
The world view
from Mabel's Grill
Continued from page 4
than in the comic section, Tim said.
Like the time he said, talking about
full employment: “everybody who
has a job, wants a job" or the time
he called the senator from New
Mexico, a congressman from
That last one may be a funny slip
for Americans, Julia said, but it
might make the Mexicans a little
nervous. Some zealous civil ser
vant, a new Ollie North, just might
try to get him what he wants. Tim
agreed and said he hoped Mr. Bush
stayed in the southern states if he
was going to make slips like that or
Canadians might get nervous too.
It might be better to have a
president that sleeps at cabinet
Cornish, any variety-cock 1st, Edna
McLellan, RR 5, Brussels, 2nd,
Michael Becker Hen Michael Beck
er, Edna McLellan Cockeral Mi
chael Becker; Edna McLellan Pul-
lett Edna McLellan, Michael Beck
er Class 47, Any other variety, solid
color -Cock, hen, cockeral and pullet
Donald Dearing, 1st in all. Class 48,
Any other variety, parti-color - cock
Michael Becker, 1st and 2nd Hen
Michael Becker, 1st and 2nd
Cockeral Edna McLellan, 1st Pul
let Michael Becker, 1st, Edna
McLellan, 2nd
In Pigeons, Michael Becker took
first place with his Rollers in cock,
hen, cockeral and pullet; while Paul
Kitchen placed first in Tumblers,
cock and hen In Ducks, Edna
McLellan tookfirstswith both her
Rouen duck and drake, while Mi
chael Becker took firsts with both his
Call duck and drake
Class 1, Canned peaches - Sue
Cowing, Helen Warwick; Linda
Galloway Class 2, Canned pears -
Bessie Johnston, Joyce Johnston;
Marjorie Hartleib. Class 3, Fruit
Cocktail - Bessie Johnston; Mary
Ann Miners. Class 4, Plums - Nanci
Ducharme; Sue Gowing; Marjorie
Hartleib. Class 5, Cherries - Marjorie
Hartleib Class 6, Frozen Strawberry
Jam - Darlene Bishop; Nanci Du
charme; Helen Warwick. Class 7,
Peach Jam - Marjorie Hartleib. Class
8, Fruit Marmalade - Marjorie
Hartleib. Class9, Grape Jelly - Nanci
Ducharme, Marjorie Hartleib. Class
10, Any other variety of jam - Mary
Ann Miners, Darlene Bishop; Nanci
SPECIAL: $10.00, most points in
Class 1-10 - Marjorie Hartleib
Class 11, Bread and Butter Pickles -
Marjorie Hartleib. Class 12, Pickled
Beets - Karen Bowles; Marie Tyer-
man; Marjorie Hartleib. Class 13,
Nine Day - Bessie Johnston; Linda
Galloway; Marjorie Hartleib. Class
14, Dill pickles - Shirley Baker; Mary
Ann Miners; Nanci Ducharme. Class
15, Hot Dog Relish - Nanci Du
charme; Bessie Johnston; Marie
Tyerman. Class 16, Chili Sauce -
Helen Warwick; Darlene Bishop;
Karen Bowles. Class 17, Pickled
Yellow Beans - Nanci Ducharme;
Shirley Baker. Class 18, Canned
Tomatoes-noentries. Class 19, Icicle
Pickles - Bessie Johnston; Mary Ann
Miners, Darlene Bishop. Class 20,
Pickled Corn - Darlene Bishop; Mrs.
Gordon Mitchell. Class 21, Corn
Relish - Shirley Baker. Class 22,
HomemadeSalad Dressing - Marjor
ie Hartleib; Bessie Johnston; Dar
lene Bishop
SPECIAL: $10.00, most points in
Classes 11-22, donated by Joan
Bernard & Janis Bray - Marjorie
Class 1, Pint of Canada Grade B
medium Maple Syrup - Bessie
Johnston; Joyce Johnston; Mary
Ann Miners. Class 2, Pantry Shelf
collection - Nanci Ducharme. Class 3,
Apples -1) Apple Sauce - Doris Van
Camp, Mrs. Cordon Mitchell; Mar
jorie Hartleib. 2) Apple Jelly - Nanci
Ducharme; Marjorie Hartleib. 3) 14
doz. Apple Muffins - Nanci Du
charme; Marjorie Hartleib. Overall
Winner - Nanci Ducharme.
Class 1, White bread - Helen
Warwick; Eleanor Hemingway;
Audrey Cardiff Class 2, Brown
Bread - Audrey Cardiff; Mary Ann
Miners; Eleanor Hemingway. Class
meetings after all.
THURSDAY: Billie was a little
worried about the way Canada has
been getting along at the Olympics
with the swimming team nearly
drowning in the pool and the
rowers looking like they forgot to
pull up the anchor.
Well, said Hank, at least our
boxing team is doing pretty well.
Yeh, said Tim, chuckling over the
bout where the Korean coaches
attacked the referee over a deci
sion, sofar we’ve had fewer people
knocked out than the referees.
Eleanor Hemmingway, Helen War
wick Class4, Angel cake mix - Leona
Armstrong, Nancy Ducharme;
Karen Bowles. Class 5, Pumpkin
Loaf - Helen Warwick, Hilda
Holmes; Doris Van Camp Class 6,
Carrot Loaf - Karen Bowles; Joyce
Johnston Class 7, Date and Nut Loaf
-Doris VanCamp, Katherine Bridge;
Helen Warwick. Class 8, Zucchini
Loaf -noentries Class9, Banana
Layer Cake - Audrey Cardiff. Class
10, Queen Elizabeth Cake - Bessie
Johnston, Karen Bowles; Joyce
Johnston Class 11, Apple Sauce
Cake - Shirley Baker, Mary Ann
Miners; Karen Bowles. Class 12,
Banana Muffins - Nanci Ducharme;
Helen Warwick, Karen Bowles
Class 13, Bran Muffins - Bessie
Johnston, Anna Dolmage; Doris Van
Camp Class 14, Oatmeal Date
Squares - Bessie Johnston, Kather
ine Bridge. Class 15, Peanut Butter
Cookies - Helen Warwick, Joyce
Johnston; Anna Dolmage. Class 16,
Chocolate Brownies - Helen War
wick Class 17, Chocolate Fudge
Candy - Katherine Bridge; Bessie
Johnston; Helen Warwick Class 18,
MapleCream Fudge-Helen Dobson;
Helen Warwick, Bessie Johnston
Class 19, A Dessert made in
microwave - no entries. Class 20, A
snack made in microwave- Joyce
Johnston; Karen Bowles; Barb Mc
Lellan. Class 21, Butter Tarts - Helen
Warwick; Nanci Ducharme; Kather
ine Bridge. Class 2, Pumpkin Pie-
Helen Warwick; Bessie Johnston;
Nanci Ducharme . Class 23, Apple Pie
- Bessie Johnston; Mrs. Lyle Martin;
Nanci Ducharme. Class 24, Cherry
Pie - Nanci Ducharme; Katherine
Bridge; Marie Tyerman. Class 25,
Strawberry Pie - Hilda Holmes;
Helen Warwick; Bessie Johnston.
Class26, Raisin Pie-Helen Warwick;
Bessie Johnston; Nanci Ducharme.
Class 27, Dutch Apple Pie - Mrs. Lyle
Martin; Bessie Johnston; Hilda
Holmes. Class 28, Peach Pie - Mrs.
Lyle Martin; Bessie Johnston.
Class 29, Ontario Bean Producers
Marketing Board Special - Helen
Warwick; Joyce Johnston; Mary Ann
Miners. Class 30-Cake decorated for
80th birthday, Thompson Meats -
Katherine Bridge. Class 31, Cake
decorated for a Thanksgiving theme,
donated by Brussels Legion Auxili
ary, Br. 218 - Katherine Bridge.
Class 32, Chocolate Layer Cake,
donated Clair Veitch - Helen War
wick; Mary Ann Miners. Class 32,
Carrot Cake with cream cheese icing -
donated Elizabeth Sholdice - Shirley
Baker; Doris Van Camp; Karen
Bowles. Class 34, A Dessert suitable
for a sugar free diet from Todd's
Bakery - Karen Bowles. Class 35, A
Dessert made with pure Maple
Syrup, donated Mary Ann Miners -
Bessie Johnston; Barb McLellan;
Mary Ann Miners. Class 36, New
Brides of 2 years or less, most points
in Classes 1-28, donated by Bessie
Johnston - Joyce Johnson. Class 37,
$10.00 voucher Weston Bakeries
most points in Classes 1-28 - Helen
Warwick. Class 39, Fry's Cocoa
family favourites - Helen Warwick;
Marjorie Hartleib; Mary Ann Min
ers. Class 40, Overall winner Section
K, donated Audrey Cardiff - Helen
Warwick. Class 38, J M Schneider
Inc., Apple Pie - no entries;
Chocolate Cake - Shirley Baker;
Butter Tarts - Nanci Ducharme.
Class 1, 5 Chocolate Cookies -
Johnnie Miners; Chris Bridge; San
dra Bridge Class 2, Banana Muffins
- Johnnie Miners. Class 3, unbaked
cookies or squares - Johnnie Miners
Class 4, Angel Food Cake - no
Gordon Finch of RR 1, Ethel, was
named as the top competitor in the
Field Crop/Commercial Forage
Crops Division of the Brussels Fall
Fair, to win thecash voucher donated
Monday -10 a.m, - 2 p.m.
Tuesday - Closed
Wednesday ■ 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Thursday -10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Friday -10 a.m. ■ 2 p.m.
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed
by Otto Pick and Sons Seeds Ltd
Other winners were as follows:
FIELD CROPS - Barley - Lyle
Martin, Jim Bowman, Jack Cardiff;
MixedCrain-ClareVeitch, Keith
Williamson, Murray Johnston,
WhiteBeans - Allan Cardiff, Neil
Hemingway, Ken Johnston; Ensil
age Corn - Paul Johnston, Clare
Veitch, Ross Veitch; GrainCorn -
Paul Johnston, Ken Johnston, Jim
Cordon Finch, Lyle Martin, Jim
Bowman, 2nd Cut Hay - Jim
Bowman, Laurie Black, Paul John
ston, IstCut Chopped Hay - Alan
Baker, Ensilage Corn - Gordon
- LyleMartin, Jim Bowman, Ken
Johnston; Mixed Crain - Clare
Veitch, Ross Veitch, Oats - Kent
Bray, Chris Boettcher, Wheat - Paul
Johnston, Ken Johnston; Corn - Paul
Johnston, Ken Johnston; White
Beans - Paul Johnston.
In the Standing Field Crops
competition, judged prior to harvest,
competitors and scores were as
follows: CRAIN CORN - Murray
Cardiff (91); Kent Bray (90); Neil
Hemingway (89); Scott Cardiff
(88.5) ; John McIntosh (88); Glen
Johns ton (87.5); Jim Hunter (87);
Bruce Johnston (86.5), Ken Johnston
(86); Paul Cowing (85.5); Alan
Cardiff (85); Ian J ohnston (84.5);
Murray Johnston (84); Jeff Cardiff
(83.5) , Paul Johnston (83); Jack
Cardiff (82).
ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1988 at 1:30 - 5:00 p.m5
offers a very warm and traditional setting for
your wedding planning. As well as a selection of gowns for the bride,
bridesmaids, mothers and guests, we have tuxedo rentals, lingerie,
decorating ideas, flowers, etc.
Come see us ... we’d be only too happy to show you our selections, discuss
your plans and our reasonable prices.
“You get the Beau, We’ll tie the Knot
X Christmas Dinner Et Dance
t at the B.M.& G. Community Centre
| Saturday, December 10th
5 Special Hour6-7
I Roast Beef Dinner at7p.m.
k Catered by the BMG Catering Group| ENTERTAINMENT BY:
3 Comedian & ImpersonatorI AL ISHARA5 8:15-9:00
Groups and Individuals welcome
$25 per couple
Book early-Only 300
Contact for reservation:
Karen Hastings, Gerry Wheeler, DaleNewman,
Doc Stephenson Sr.
ston (90); Clare Veitch (89); Ross
Veitch (88); Glen Sellers (87), Calvin
Semple (86); Keith Williamson (85);
Paul Johnston (84); Ken Johnston
WHITE BEANS - Alan Cardiff
(92); Murray Cardiff (91); Paul
Johnston (90); John Boneschansker
(89); Joe Semple (88.5); Glen Sellers
(88); Scott Cardiff (87.5); Ken
Johnston (87); Neil Hemingway
(86.5); Paul Gowing (86); J eff Cardiff
Watch for
OCT. 5/88
Full Detailsin
Next Week’s Citizen