HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-14, Page 6G '1l u:.. ai \, ,calash' 11.
COOKING is much more
pleasant when your
stove looks as well as it
cooks ... when its bril-
liant black shine makes it
sparkle like new ... when
redressed up" with Zebra
Liquid Stove Polish, the
one quick, easy, clean way
to keep stoves lovely.
MOKraaaL - 'rename - vara000T1131
Brings This Radio
IntoYour Home
for Christmas
Of Interest to the Busy Farmer
Waned 1f as Marls Igartasst et Appklturt
An Insight Into the internal Waal
character of the Ontario -agricultural
College may he derived from the an-
nouncement that students are in at-
tendance an r fru
w theu
t Ih, w1 cm
qt nape
. Trinidad. Rhodesia, Brnuuda.
Mexico. South _lfrk•a, 1iollau.l, C,cr-
mauy, Peru, Ukraine, Japan, Norway.
United States. England, Wales, Seot
I laud, Ireland, t'zecho-Sluv'akia and
11u11. John S. Martin, Minister of
Agriculture, returned to his duties at
the Parliament Buildings last week
after an absence of five utudths (Inc to
Illness. Ile Walt warmly greeted by
• Iwaits of the different Ileioremental
branches. lion. Mr. Martin will non ac-
tively supervise activities of the de-
partment. although he will Is' com-
pelled (0 take things cosy for about
:i year.
Big % slue in Fertilizers
Commercial fertilizers when applied
to various crops In conjunction with!
good ferning tuethosls give big returns.
1'ho•phat&, iucreu-e yields of almost
He dearly loved • richt tit -bit. The
spirit willing, but the flesh was
sspp t was u week.
Whenever he au anything rush, his boys
used to say, " four dant, he will pay the
Penalty to-morn,w." Read the sequel
w his own words: -
" Nuns• tat.tng the regular dose of
Knarbr t Salta it w quite different, and
my Is,. enjoy themselves seeing me
rat what 1 dare not touch before. My
eldest ,It was the carne, but since be
has taken Krusc•hen tilts he oats at
and enjoy whatever is put in foot of
Modern artificial conditions, errors of
diet, overwork, lack of exercise, and
so on, are bound to have injurious
effects in the long run providing due
precaution is not take'[.
Krusrhen Salts should be your safe-
guard. Besides cleaving the body of
impurities gently, surely told painlessly,
they possess a vital power of giving new
life and vitality to the countless millions
of cells of which every body is composed.
That is why physicians never hesitant
U, reronuuend krusehen Salts.
till crops un talwo•t 31; tsps of nmol In
the I'roviuor. Potash ply., etgtet•lulh' this' •way u the competition of the
on this ',ankh soils. Nitrogen fur most outside product tar wet.
Ie• mbtaintsl for gruwiaag legumes. l
_ . It Is the opinion of the Troriuchal
I ward inspector that when councils are
The .tstiCuop
ui,t1l fyelfelll torfot fra
,l wheat, -weed adviser*" ruttier than "police-
' sele
p lec.-ethey should choose
• epriug v• e.1out l ir;oy. r'e :uud wen." ExcelLeti pr.gres'a hos Leen
1x•85 iu Ihuar•o fur aloe year i- given'' wade t1iI year uud it was found that
at 1H.14tI,it3i bushels, aseuutlstn'd w ith this was most pronounced where a matt
y• h• o,
• 13:437i.:::.4�.u•hr�• 4•. t cut. 1 a t was chosen as Inspector who was eu-
tal it. re.tge,i0 ji ntario for these brains thuslasticabout weed control and could
via. aef7.��1 tf'rt— lays thou :pus; yi•ur. adalbe farmers how to reopt4•e their
41u1• ltn scars b 1,iNiM1I55, ato 1t,.lwria • anal mettles. Matti fader to 5ttcuur-
1 age u wan to prepare a field properly
t -low tturnul uud uuls hud wuu- than to tome-alt.:1g lute 1n the .season
ka•1•. due to u .i'outiuutrousl druuglir, are and order the crop cub because of Weed
sui anter iu size than Laguna, :wall infestation.
fruits proved 'u be a light crop, but
w totter• -apples are. plentiful ulthougit
-mall in size. The tobacco average
nus :144 per rent. below Hr_'.. Taken
all in ill, cite crop yield 1 -'au average
sue. and the quality is goal.
• farm crops ,should. as far n. patsseible,
Need Advisers
Grading .11,.Vital
.1- more than ls4I.lat.lt acres of pasta
toes are grown ill 4In ari.. eyes -';ear,.
it is highly important that an efficient
marketing system be l.erfe•ted. This.
means that every grower should cos
operate iu properly gradlug his pota-
toes and in Oaring thew oar the wal-
let in a ,suitable container. Only iu
Langer Ughg pay.
For several years past poultry -breed-
er. ha,t• been trying to dlseover,
%% bother this use of electric, Tights !n
1:1)iii h,.n-es really ,toes Increase egg
production among liens. The theory
is that in prolou>ging duyllght the hens
were enticed to. lily wore -eggs. Erps•r1-
went• neer a period of Hee years at
the Dominion Experimental :station
with two peens. nue supplied with the
extra lighting facilities and the other
without. oboe. tate following results:
Over, the Hae -year period, the pen
01 100 hens rupplled with light pro -
ducal on an average 511111 eggs at a
mut of 20c per dozen in the Six months.
The Leu without light produced 5871
Kg* at a lost of d!c per dozen. This
gives an advantage of about 300 eggs
for the pen with lights shad at a re-
duction in cost of 1 per dozen.
Peul r
t B
One Important way lar which the
I'm 1
u tr
Department toe
Y nW t at D. is
carrying its know•Itrlge in a practical
utanner 1.1 the farmers of Ontario 1s
by the ttttablishnu•nt of poultry breed-
ing stations for purposes of -culling
and general flock improvement. Inst
year there were approximately. 50.000
hens on 100 farms w•hlch came under
this plan, while this fall over I00,INl0
birds, representing ata► farms, have
been enrolled. The department has
*even inspectors constantly on the road
with a view to visiting each flock
four alines a year and culllug undesir-
able speoiweut,. Thou$auda of blood
samples are taken and forwarded to
the laboratories for testing, from
whlch,rep.urts are sent back to the In-'
startups. alio set upon thew. A not-
able Improvement in poultry stand-
ards has been achieved in this way.
New Interest in Field Peas
Thirty or forty year. ago untarlu
farmers grew annually about half -a
wllliuu acne: of field pias, but when
the neerll became troublesome inter-
est in the crop gradually waned until
there was leas than 100.000 acres
grown. However, during the pas few•
years pleas have been towparltivety
free from ivat.•t lr•t.. and the a.'rcttg,,
has beau increasing a little even year.
Renewed interest Inas Leen obtuiiterl
also b t
y the de eb, pwa•ut at the Ont-
ario -turb•ulturul College cf air out-
standing variety known as 11. A.
1'tl. which Is now hellig distributed
through the Exp.eriva•utal 1 /1:0n. This
variety is a cross between Prussian
Blue and While Wonder and is a fair-
ly curly ripening I.ea. Under a ten-
year test at O.A.C. it has yielded ,about
23 per tent. greater returns than tu.s.t
common varieties. St-terul former'. iu-
the Guelph district hitt. rep.rted ex-
cellent crops with this variety.
Buy Certified Seed Potatoes Now
('ertitie•.l iseed will do more, ls•rhnp+,
than any other single factor ;u Iw-
pennve the potato rug) on the average
farm. Certified sled will likely be
scarce and expensive next spring. and
therefore the wise farmer will arrange
for hi. supply now.
R. D. N.slwell of 11111stturg, one of
the best-known producers of quality
potatoes, when acting as field man for
Thirteen Famous
DeForest Crosley
Models to Choose From
$78.00 to $685.00
There is a DeForest Crosley
model to suit every purse. They
are Canada's most popular radios.
Eighty per cent. more people have
bought DeForest Crosley in 1929
than in 1928 to this date.
This is your opportunity to hely
the outstanding DeForest Crosley
1930 mo -els at these remarkable
terms. Come in and arrange a
home demonstration today.
the Prop: and Market Branch during
the past summer, had au excellent op-
portunity of observing differences In
potato crops. ile vasa: "My eyes were
opened- to the serious estate of the potato
business on the ordinary farm. I wens
amazed at the summit of black leg and
rhizoa•tonia in the average fields. In
tunny cases the lose from thr+t• tw'u
disease.: alone would run from
10 to ,S per cent. This meant to unary
farmers this year a lo,w of from tt10
to $441 per acre." Certified yawl mit
wily reduces the disease pus,, but in -
You will blare RAZ -MAH
No matte what you've tad, don't
despair. Use RAZ -MAH. tit laws
Forest, New Hamburg, 0111., mus"1
was much affected with Mess ler
year.. One day � Rev. D. H Band
recommended RAZ-MAR...1t has s
wonderful effect. The first dolma,/ e
" Guaranteed relief fruit r0� t walk
or your money back. No Immix' now
50r and 11 boxes at your deatar's tw
creases the yield and quality. Yw [saw sad buy Teattylstw•s
No former ran afford to use taste RAZ- MAH
Hca/ A//
L'er eczema, psoriasis,
g- ring -worm, ulcers,
abscesses, and other
distressing skin dis-
ease Zam-Buk remains
unrivalled. This great
herbal balm ends pain
and irritation, draws
out poison and corruption, and grows
healthy new skin in a woode*IW way.
foss4%dm tug
JOt dor
AA dealers
You. Get These Privileges
by joining our
Christmas Club NOW
1 NO "CASH" PAYMENT: Club members make no
cash payment. Only the regular weekly payments,
NO INTEREST : Although
given exceptionally easy terms,
Club members pay no interest
charges. The Club price is the
total cost.
Nowhere will you get easier
payment terms than those of
this Christmas Club. Let us
tell you about them.
We will gladly give you a free
demonstration of any of the thir-
teen DeForest Crosley models in
your own home.
bers have the privilege of 'ex-
changing their set at any time
within one month, for any other
DeForest Crosley model of higher
price, receiving full value for all
they have paid.
event 'of the death of a Club
member before the account is
paid in full, the unpaid balance
is cancelled, without further pay-
a Club member become sick or
unemployed, he can make half
payments for a reasonable period.
TION: Club members may select
from any one of thirteen of the
new DeForest Crosley models.
Special Christmas Club Trade-in Terms
for Your Old Radio !
To those who join the Christmas Club
right away, we are offering specially
attractive trade-in allowances on old
radios. The big allowance we will give
you now will make the remarkably
small Club payments easier still.
Don't let that old radio depreciate
West Side of Square
another day. We can give you a bigger
allowance if you trade it in now, and
you pay only the same price today for
the wonderful new DeForest Crosley
as at Christmas time.
Let us value that old set today and
save you real money.
O. JOHANN, Dealer
H. O. Sturdy, L. H. Zinn, Salesmen
Goderich, Ont.