HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-14, Page 5Cough and Cold Remedies
All the stauiard cold remedies, Laxative, Brom() Quinine,
Groves, Dominion C. 13 Q. and many others.
Cough Retnediee-Chase's Linseed and Turpentine, Pen -
.lar White Pine and Spruce Balsam, Creo Elil ir, Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil.
Stop the tickling with Klearoids, Medicated. Throat Discs,
Throat Ease ard'ttwtty Oth'•ra.
Campbell's Drug Store
Phone 90 Goderich
A car of Rooting and R•14•k
Fare Shingles just arrived
5x and 3x B. C. Shingles
101 our privet. before you buy.
Robt. Standish
a.tSt. Pion.•:kill 1;.slcrieh
:1 !lend of ours last winter kept
tearing strange, clicking noises
',hen he tried to listen to his radio.
bought a better set; but the noise
.. .rpt OA. ..
Finally he discovered that this queer
•und was nothing more nor less
than his ,teeth chattering with the
cold !.
Nr bought a loadFolks'
lk ' Coal
t.. warm up his
s house,
noise stopped !
Try this on your radio !
For Good Clean Coal
„zo totYS
Phone 98 - Goderich
Is your' daughter
enjoying life?
IT i. just in her "teen
age" that a girl should
be getting the most fun
out of life !-Yet so often
it happens that girls of
sixteen - to - twenty have
outgrown their strength
-are quickly tired, pale,
nervous, generally run-
down and unhappy !
Then@ are ware signs of
anaemia, • condition thin
results from thin, worn-out,
undernourished blood. Dr.
V.'dliams' Pink P1111 hasc
corrected this in thousand.,
of girls. Here is the actual
experience of Mr+. Ben
'Nicholas of Eneau, Ont.
'My daughter was In a
run-down state. She WA,
roily tired and did not wish
to associate wnh others. As
this was unnatural. 1 began
gi. ing her Dr. Williams'
Pink P.11s, •nd they -1000
made a strong healthy girl
of her. Now she is as happy
• girl as One would wish to
Start ,our daughter O',
this proses treatment now
by buy,na Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills at sour druggist's or any
dealer on medicine or hs
mail. SO cents, postpaid,
from The Dr. William,
Medicine Co., Brockville,
(Int. 1 14
♦ HOUSt..O.: ••'"-
111 5* CO1.114T10a•'•
Sunday Afternoon
Goderleh, Out.
here': Mro. G.. Jefferson and daughter
Helen, of Owen Sound, Mr. Soul Jeff -
arson of Gorrle. Mise Irene Jefferson
of Colborne, Miss Margaret Jefferson
Of East WYwaooeh, at the home of
their mother, Mrs. C. Jefferson; Mr.
It. Walsh of Hamilton sod MLw A.
Walsh of Toronto, at the Inaate of
thelr'parentss Mr. and Mrs. J. \i' ls
Mrs. J. Flynn and son Joseph, of Tor -
Front all that dwell belosy 1111 skis, onto. with Mrs. Flynn's father, Mr.
l.rt the Creator's praise arise: iJohn Leidy; Miss Mae Be.ITuoud of
1 Mr Chas Itoldtlsiln ut
I.et the Bedt•enwr's name be sung Toronto ant .ere.
Through every laud, In every tongue, Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. John Red- wl11isrr`Alley l owerby, of Toronto,
Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord:
Eternal truth attends Thy word: wand.
Mrs. 11. Campbell anti babe. of spent the holiday aryl -end at the
Thy pralae shall "timid from whore to Westfield, the week -end tit the lone of her father, Mr. Ww, aowerb)•.
shore, I home of Mrs. Campbell's parents, air. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Simpson, ut'
anti Mrs. A. E. Johnson. I Toronto, motored up ami spent the
Till stns shoji else and *let 110 MOM.
--Psalm Ilia.
Yuuog People's S,K•irty 111
" l'ul'u church will meet thin Friday
our Father. we pray that Thy wilt KING$ltltl1N;E. Nov. 13. Week- evening in the 41111 It,
unty he doue on earth as •tt ts in Ilea- I end and Phan oglelug I►uy ylwltor< lu )1 r. and Mrs. 'Chun.,!). Awy', of 1Ru-
tl at every trite and every I chided Mrs, Wiudell and sun Me.sr`
the home of Mrs. G. Hantooa. The
election of uthcel's will be held at this
Mise ileleu (tell. who 1: teaching at
WIud.lur, spent the holiday week- hd
at the home of her fatter. Mr. J. W.
Mr. anti Mrs. Elwyn .Anderson anti
children,- of Loudon, motored up and
visited at the !tome of Mr. and Mrs.
Motet. Davidson over the week-kutl.
Mr. uud Mrs. Bruck Orr, of Toronto.
motored up and spent We wet+l'•eud
%%trial -end at 1111 home of Mr.. Jul
KINGSIURI Ili; E it...
' The
� rill, .0 1 -
tongue way crown our Saviour lord G. Drennan, LW. and Norman ()lomgh-
of all. 1' His Mame we pray. .1 Men. 1114, Mtss IL
01oughtta, from Detroit •11..1 1lrs Gro. $uw•erby.
- 11r. M. GrIR
S. S. LESSON FOK NIli. •!1111, l9•!9 ,-hawp, Mr. 1'. Beauchamp, from Flint,' holiday ut the home of her parents
Lesson Topic -Thr Iligtter Puerto- I1irh. ; Mr. and Stns. Pope and three, )le'. and )les. A. It. Pentland, Dun
• daughters, trona Kitchener; Mrs.gauuo'.
flan. Keane, Messrs. J. C. Keane, Norman Last Sunday ltev. G. W. Butt,. the
Lemon Passat r -.lough I : I -a; 3:1.3; „ 3 at plata fruw Hamilton Alast„r oecupled the pulpit In
;l \Iles Margaret Pentland, toucher ,,f
iu. Mr. and Mrs. F. Menu- N S. Xt. tL steal the week -end and
111 minor.
•,r-11. Mr. Motel!.fruw Guelph; 11e% t utllrr I l uluU thunk. During the
service -\I.
• 1
Golden Teat -.►ens 1i ::6. I , Sullivan, Messrs. Mc�;uire and Vitel Chas. cooke of Ottawa muttered !.
trout the other prophetical buils b) a Stratford. 1 ted.
11001 of Jonah 1. III l'kuts let• oar, from Cllutun ; Mlss Helen Row's Sulo which .w'as Very much ItP11'ts a
ler. from a
the fust that It Is out the pruph the, Mrs. D. McIntyre stent a week re -1 Robert McH.,n's baro. un the 411
but the personal eaIerleure+ of the ,eptly with her friends at Flint, Mirh" concession, ssion, was devxlroyed by tire' Oc
man, f t whb•h the Interest centres. In At the last meeting of the Catholic) Friday night.
order t.. r.rNpe the divine summons ' Women's League, whleh was held in I
so preach trout
utJo•r nr Nheyeh. h,' the parish hall, Mrs. M. Hogan read
trotµ J,. pea . for Tarshiwn a report of the ninth animal die-esad
inn during a 1+1.111» was, at his not. convention of the ('. W. I,.. which was
thrownival and by the hemp of 'lot.: held at `St. Mary's in October. Mrs.
thrown uish. a i and swallowed r•.1 M ,Ila alt 1'. presldeu1 of the Ashfield
u rest tlr11. 'l' p u d.1 t land, and ublllytsiop and was at Si. Mur)'• ar-
hr was thrown up upon the laud, and • delegate.
after a he 1 summons.
. began preach- Under the capable management of
iug to the Nluecitt's. u
uud ►euplte began to repel' . Iing help of herfellow-4.
• . sine indignant at the divine compote workers of the. tic W tl '
slut. hot was t,rnvlueed by God of hl, workers fthe. Cat of 11a11k',g1
fodh,hoss by a gourd 14 el 1. , Ing �ie,. theag were' a great suawss. butt
Jonah moult! out stay in the city and I,,a eve .and ttunnl'fally. After the
revelVe hospitality from the citizens bounat•.ms "upper, there ty,1s a mustrle
torr eyed civility.
towards*''.'thew with program. for which Itev. Father Sulli-
r'ultwuT ctyillty. we wo.• In a \era ya" node at sl.eM11d chairulan. We
bad lin 11104, sot be went off by hi
;cud made, a booth tit houghs and 1 ,'au and •Mes.r.. Mtl.utrt .0
ur it walling for the expiration of the
with their mnsbrtl ability were
forty days. The tenderness' of God be', with fl,elrun W I41lI :l ,1 itywe ' program.
In the care he tall nl petted tIte _ TOng urogram.
ua11 fruw Ile osrld of the night uud the' (.ODERICH
iwat•uf the day, Ibldilyelnconveniences, s
would-ju.t - have inerea,rrtl the fret of
mind uud sunt. The growth of a gourd t;oirl:ittt ll c f't1�; \' illu11woo. 1:1
naturally was chow, Ihti 1',141 caused The \1-. )l.
it t, spring up • la a night. Out- to meets this Wednesday afltvW ou
(earn Jonah that 'Ilntsr whit ,love' to
fret and .•O1iµ.;ui❑ should never he left
wi.ttona something to complain of :1111
their fully lie etearly show'u.up, and if
•i"'ss161.• coned.. G.nl -Prepared-II worm .
t., )gust. the K. MEd to wither. being
deprived, of the shelter. he felt the ex -1
treat.. heat 114 much that hr IS, awe
faint ;111.1 Ai-hc.l to die. "It is letter
tor me to .lie thiol to the.`' Jonah was
ji•alons for Id• rwUlry's honor and
for h:- o%It bouts, If the Nine"lte'
siert• to repot it would slwwe the 1.-
raentr-.-w tu.- 1.441.41 fit.* IM'rl'i rjLlt�liu u,)
the favor Gud *honed to these Gentiles
would be an• ern omen to the Jewi-1,
twat ion. Ile was 'jealous 011 111. .halt
:0, 011111 ; fearing lett. if Nitecrh mus
:,..1 dear.yr,l wlihill forty day-. b,•
-buaki. b,• Liv nutl'Y•I 1/ _false pn.•tn.,
had a zeal for God acs the God
Israel but 1lut aitvrrtling to k11 '.'. i_.
1114 paetiduIt. overruled his mind and
sous irni r- nus- lie .poke imel.It•,II"
still, his lips.. saying he did '..'II to
e' angry' w li.•u 1;,141 deprived hits •
Lai. last Itlt of comfort . hl his - •
•1 rail. Tben•it was God brQall 1'
:on with Joftnh awl thus shelwwl !.
his foolish conduct. ,'.Than lout . •
pity 011 *111' gourd. for the which tl
least out •tal14.rere)li Mritl •r 'widest h :
grow; w•111rh catue up I a- night and
perished 111 a night. Should nut 1
pxln Nineveh',' 1;01+ r.•temtt for
-14lriig Xineyrli is a very tender nuc
Sorely' .luuaJi". heart would IK t0w•he.l
Mien G,141 wcutinnr,l the thousalil of
little children that would perioh'1unl.l
•lir cit)' he destroyed. They and al-..
the rattle were of nosh more value
I Ilan the other which .lough was grit'"-
iug. tall taught Jonah. nnit through
him the World at Large. that there
is out. Lord over all. that is 'ri(•h tt
merry to •1111 that ea 11 neon hien. and
i' every nation. In Nititn'eh• a. well a-
iu Israel he that fears col nod work
rlghteousness Iw ac.ep'ed of him : b
that repents. and turns front his evil
Way..shall Hud mercy with hint.
M both
king the president. with the able mot mil
t Juualt be.
'tth•rr.• nod r..
Leading house for hi' h -class
Beds, Mattresses and
Store Phone 120 Residence 217
SPECIALS For This Week
■ •Ilirw' Fprcin1 are (roto our (Ino -1• Furnishing
■ hut for quick w'llinfr we' are making a display of these
■ ,lownrtair-.
i•t Might tne'tt.lt also that Father Soli"
• ul \lacl•11
AUBURN. Nor. 12. -Mrs. Gormley
Thompson. of Goodin). luta/ leen deli 1
■ tl(tlt her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11.1
Mogridge, the paid week.
0 Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Matthew., of
1)(partwent , ■ Toronto, and tau sons. 11111y and
lineaRobby, were renewing old argmnlu-
■ Ione. In Althorn at Thanksgiving.
■ Mr. Matthews was manager the.
■ Sterling Bank here a few y '
We nre worry to report the serious'
■ Illness. of Mrs. .1. Goal and hole to
Cretonne Special, 31c Yard
Inand colors, suitable for ■ hear of her recovery.
II In wide range of patterns NIr. Arthur Tnngblut, of Detroit. 1-
■ un a rlslt h. the h.ttne of his parent'.
full 3 eters, inches wide
rtaine, cushions, etc., 31cyardv Mr. nt.l Mrs. (ie,r. \•utrlrbint.
■ full 36 wide. SPECIAL : 11r4"e'• a Aplin '1141 N. hill re-
■ ur sins an . one d,r•r w 1 1 11'tll' 111
turned home from tlwir !uniting VA-
Curtains d Panels 1-2 Price ■ pe(111ton nn fl hay night, bringing it
II 1
Net Curtains and Panels, Mr. 111,1 \D•s, t:c.r.Iol, Taylor ',Ie•
■ Our entire stocof k _: Suis ■ Thanksrlclnr 4'1(11 Ih'Iroit insula.
■ I N 1t Curtains for the kitchen or bedroom are brut Ilit•r
■ In display at half-price.
■ Colored Silk Madras
■ `,uitable for Overdrapes, in plestsing
■ blue, green and gold.
u36 inches wide .. .
■ 50 inches wide
patterns. Colors
. ..,.... ..,.39cyard
69c .•ard
■ Drapery Repp
Mr. -;dams, if Toronto. ',lent
Tim nik+ghiug with h.s 1 u . .Ir.
■ •1'l.o no,. ydatns.
■ MI.. Iarintret \i-IlIhuns spent
Tli,I ksgi%ing at her home in Golrrirh
■ township.
■ Mrs. T. Rradn.s•k. of Myth. 1s %irl-
■ dreg her sister-in-law'. Mrs. W. Ih,hic.
■ ST. .11'Gt'`tTINE, NOV. G. Mr. ,l.
Kirkland. of Tte.wnter, spent a
■ hays bast week at the• home of M.
.,� anal 1I -• Wm. iyllsun.
SPECIAL ■ Colors blue and Lose. 50 inches wide. 59c yard ■
■ SPECI4l � � v ■
Upholstering Tapestry J hl' Wilson and MM..1..1. Wi1-
irg p Y
y t•,,
■•1111. of .•"'OMIT. .lent 'tnrsdny of 11116
n attract ve patterns anti
$2 50 d • k
o friends here.
Mr.. .1. Mesmer and batty tlnrgnr(•a
i of lilt 1.•, spent a fest 11a)s. I\
week nt the home of ler brother. M.
. ! D >Ir • , •••r',.
▪ M,1,u1r1 t- attending k g hI m.
■ f Mr.anal M
� Mr. and Mr.. J. Chimney, of West.
ar ars• NIS.- N' RLcle, I+ eentinrd to boot)
i0 inches wideimommimommgo.. SPECIAL1 with a ...ere shark of ldenrisy ors..
M. P. i't'nlsh spent Slit▪ onlay a•tlh Goderleh Mende.
Store GEO. W. SCHAEFER Value
■ 'I.1'C.ESSOI{ r(11'111'. v A 111{.1' 1'11 Phone 56 utal
fiend. are celebrating their golden we
I ding today. Congratulations.
The following spent theholidn)
Choicest Groceries,
Vegetables and
Let us serve you with your
New Dates and Figs
just arrived
AIwa ay open to pu)chu-e Farm
Product -
Geo. Price & Son
,Ilrl'' --lir tU 4 i, -.l. ,1•i1:t1•f,'r
Corner of the Square and North
--Sold b) -
t' t>II'ItE:1.1.'s IIKI 1: STOKE
11. C. In I SIAM'
Thr Kemall Drug store)
11. IIKEHN.tNN t18a)'ficW)
Gethin Davies
A 1. ( M..> H C M
Organist inti 1 huvmaster ul
St George's Church
Teacher of Piano, Singing,
Organ and Theory.
Pupils Visited Appl; P l). 462
Thursday. November 14. 1929.-5
hL(II /.,1
fines Telephone 105 Goderich
Hydro Arrears
Upon instructions front
the officials of the Hydro -
Electric Power.Comntlis-
sion of Ontario, their rums
and regulations ire to be
strictly enforced.
All Electric Light and
Power Services in arrears
will be cut off forthwith if
it). O1{I)ER OF
The Water and Light
We invite you to see our .
Midwinter Millinery Display
--on -
Friday and Saturday, Nov. 15 and 16
showing the newest styles in Velvet, Felt, Satin
and combination effects, in new de -
aligns and smartly trimmed
('URSAGI•: 1•1 t\RFS :tn•l NOVELTIES
Miss MacVicar
1,, atrun.
after Hours in the Cold .
TARTER" chattering noisily all around you . .
e'ohl engines balling and Coughing .. but \ 0111'
car swings instant IN out festal the nick, picking Ill►
speed effortlessly. You are alis a\, first away with She'll
.. the gas that mitigates cold -weather engine troubles.
Fill up with Shell and don't worry about cold -weather starting.