HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-14, Page 44. Thwsda). November 14. 1Ir.'. THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. Here is Your OVERCOAT Whatever you seek in an Overcoat you will find here a model that is not only personally becoming in appearance, but irreproachably correct in style for the pur- pose for which you require it. at prices that we know you'll like. $22.50 to $37.50 W. C. PRIDHAM & SON "The Store a rth the .'t11. /: Telephone 57 Men's and Boys' Wear Goderich, Ontario GODERICH INN GARAGE Fll'1.\1..4F.R\'IeE.STATION FoR Durant, Hudson and Essex, General Motors Automobiles and Trucks .Expert on Electric Trouble We Specialise on Brake Service You can invite Police Inspection when they are n•p ain.l by us Automobile Supply, Electrical Parts for All Makes of Autos in Stock $25-T,• anyone oho can bring a car w'e can't repair -V.!' HARRY BRADLEY HAMILTON ST PHONE 247 Read the "Buy -at -Home" Directory on Page 2 Arrow Spring-Eze Arrow Spring -Maid MATTRESS MATTI ESS GUARANTEE[) GUARANTEED FOR FOR Ten Years Five Years MADE BY ARROW BEDDING LIMITED FREE With every. Spring-Eze and Spring -Maid Mattress sold during the week of November 1 I th we will give FREE a beautiful Silk Bedspread. 'One Week nrily. J. R. WHEELER GODERICH Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director Phones : Store 335, Residence 355w AUBURN The Womatl'. Inatlnue,,*111 tum 111 the Foresters' Hall 4.n Tuesday, Nov- ember 1811[, at 2.1S. Subjet t- .'1►em- uustratlun on Cookies.- jr'.'Straw and Mn'. S. Juhustuu 111 clwrge. 1tu11 call - "My' Favorite Bonk.' H„stesser-Mrs. spent Sande). at their homes here. Iteau, jr,. Weir, Mk. Viola ;Monne Mr. aud alta. Jaa. ltublusuu aud Frances, of \\'Ingham, Mr. aud Mrs. J. D. Beecroft, Krie«t and 'Florence spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. An- dreo M. Kirk of Seatorth. Mr.. Steelman. Mr. Wellington Ma- ur and Sir. t`harle. Invtver Open[ the week -cud with Mr. and Mr.. 4'•utte. of Coen. Mr. and Mr•. Thu.. haunt and Merl(• ,.1e111 Sunday with Mr. awl Mrs. Nor - to Mr. aud Mrs. Harold Sparltna. ar Whitechurch, a eon. Mr. Robt. Mowbray returned from Toronto with a new Wlllys-Knight se- dan last week. air. <ieo. Falconer and Mr. Cox, Miss Kathleen Terriff. Mies Adeline Buss and Malcolm. all of Toronto, ST. HELENS ST. Ill I.F:NS. Nov. 11.. -The follow- ing are here for 'Vii:11lk.glvIng: Mis:• r• .label and Irene Wood«, from Klt- . )ener; Miss 1)orothy M'4. tlBlfu, fruw Sandwich:. )IIs. Curt Neale. from is -t \\'awa1u.1l; Mr. ('ho.. Sletpltlltu. wan Wilkins of N'Iartxal. from London; 31i•• Dorothy WebsterMr. and Mr.. Fred Thompson. •f and friend. Mi.. Harrison. 41t'11111 11r : Sir :111.1 Sirs. Percy 11w1e and child- Turouto, VI44tttd over tate Week -rod t it and. Mr. ('ecll 11ydr. •1 Kincar- dine:, Mr. and lir.. E. ('ra11aon :and, e \Ilan. of N'iughlnl; Sir. awl Mr.. Hamilton and 4=.01 with their eouau.. Mr. and Mrs. if as. It:uuage; Mr. El- LF:F`BI'BN. Nov. 12. --MIs. Alum well Webster. from %Vlu)4ham; Mr. !toy Whiteman, uC Toronto, with her \ihhls.l11, from Flora: alio Murlrl toot her. fruw 'rrr.wutrr. ....11e.1 on from Loudon; Mr. and Mrs.friend• here on .. uuday. Sl i.. \1'hlla LEEBURN W. T. Spiller. of '4viugppiNgt at J. Mil- man was formerly teacher at S.S. No. 9. ler'.; 31e...r-. Bog. awl -parry Levis. Mi. r. Mildred and Marian oke. of trout Luck nu%%%; Mr. J. 4'.,, Klotue.auti G4/1.1 1.1101. were quests of their slater, mother. Mr.. Keine. of 1la0441toil. Mrs. Thu.. Horton. on Sunday. with Slr rrhuu. Mr-. D. Futlwringliaw. from near '1'Inte.4• lore .:1w:ty}o1 •r 4hc 44 1tday' ttrurt•tleld. and Sir. and Mr.. Malcolm Bev. 11. '(i: %mitdeld aud 31r.. \Vhil- MacKay. of Godrriclt. motored. out to field. to Brantford; Mr. Wil..nn Woods Mr. Alex. 11. l'luttuu'. uu 1\.rhn.elay :11111 ht. 'umber. Sire. 1t. J. Wookla, to i ,, f lav[ week. Mr.. MueKay remained Fergus; Mr. and Mrs. 3Viu. Taylor. to; with her „'.ter until Friday afternoon, Goderich; Mr. and Mr.. Will Webster the •[hers rentrutn) the save day. awl children. to Seatorth. Mr. Allan Liulteld returned 1141ur butt week fr a motor trip to Tur- cattle Ilona. 4.0 Friday to recuperate '111 atter her recent illuesa. \We art' glad -to hear that Mr. Wm. Mrs. 1). Prrutlee and Mr.. Iteid, of Itualc, are, is able to user his hand agnlu TonalUl, were . Thanksglviug clatun after a severe attack of blood -poison- 44 uh Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stinson. Mr. Gerald Hamiliun stent the week. his seen R•slerit'k 111 laid up lu the hos- end and holiday at his Maur at Car- eutng, November '21•t. a laymen's ban- quet will he held In the basement of the l'nlletl church herr. Tlw speakers will Ile Bev. W. A. Bremner, of Itrut'etk'1d. and Rev. Benjamin Smillie, of India. The gunner Is being given by the W. M. 44. or Nile. All the men from the three, churches, fort Albert. 1.etlntru rood Nile, are eordlahy invited to at- tend. There will be 'no charge. A very enjoyable evening Is anticipated. BAYFIELD HAYFIELD, Nov. 12. -Mr. and Mrt, J. Tippet, Mrs. W. Elliott, lees Elliott and Jean Dunn motored to Detroit and Mt. Clemens o11 Saturday and spent the holiday with friends. Lr. Hud Mrs. E. 1'. Lewis, of Tor- onto, motored to the village on Friday and tient the week -end with Ur. and Mrs. N. W. Woods. Mr. Jas. Vaniero11 mal •oil Evan - Cameron, of Toronto, spent the wick end and holiday w•Itli the former'. two Ther. Mr. John t'ameron. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1.. Dixon and Mins ('arrie Dlxuu. of Loudon. spent Thanksgiving with their daughter, Mrs. F. H. Paull. Miss M. ltalgent spent the week end and holiday at her '1 at Inger...11. Mrs. D. Dewar a..1 J. Dewar left on Friday to visit her daughters tit Tor- onto. Miss Muth Elliott, of Varna, has I been spending u few 1ay4 with her uncle. Mr. G. W. Elliott. Mr.. 1W'. Heard. MI -s Nitta heard and Fred Hrard�•sprit Thanksgiving at' Kitchener uyrl Arthur,Ilk.Almaj1I4 Kay. of Toronto, COLBORNE TOWNSHIP 4 1)1.13411INE Ttt'tVNSIIII'. Nov. 13.- Mlr. and Mrs, Keunetb Alin, of De- troit. spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Aldan AIlin. Frank returning to Detroit with them. . - Mr. and Mr... Clayton. of Putnam. -tent the holiday elating friends here. TWO little -.mange lade have route to our burg. one to the hone of Mr. audStry ill. has iup.rovrd .o much that Sire. .E. Pfriwnter. the other to the as able to nuke a delft In a car ugof '1'••r•nto. eq.•n1 Thaukly;iv4 �'.n1a• of 31r and Mr. Will 'ronin, 01114r w'Sunday wKiith. Mr. aud Mrs. 1;. Kin;. .ratitle tions. Ja, l'hisholw. jr., who. had 1111 ,Inc- MI-. Jean \\'..Ids. Of 1;111t. si.•n1 the We en• s••rn to report that Mr. e' 'Moll wale 'rui••duy of lust wer•l, and we,•k-end and holiday at her hwue. A. Ih we 1,n •i• Ate eoutlui,l to her oho al.et sold the harm on wheel, he Mr. mol Mr.. W. It. Jowett left on .tr,' \1'e hope .he 44IIl ,..111 gain , w11, 11ring. is moving up to Ills wrhrr Tuesday t• .pend the winter in tr•ut;th• farm. Slr. 4,tiver 1''..k. who la... Med • Florida. Mrs. J. Ferguson avvoulp;)IIIWI Mr. Leve. loran. •r . i• ill in Ake for a uutol•er of year. down by III them r.. Toronto: where .he intend.- rales hospital' hake urs[ Yo the 1'.•lut Form tlropirtfy, to cl+lf for the wiutefr. She will ah.. )lis.: Lee•lu "Snyder [• • visiting her is moving •up to the farm lately v,- -.lend ••'n0. 'line in 1.. ndon. • ,.r.re ' , .'0h ier• for a week or more le- .:1 tell l' Harry Fieettta11 oil the lake Mr.. F. W. Raker sent to'foruttlo fore kick M Tor..lto. SI[ M 1'., re ..•. o , lu• r. \\'.• uuder•taul Mr. 1,e•11dy. • MI Friday to visit her daughter. Mr• hog. hilt we' are .Tarry to hear that 4.11111 at Niagara Falls with a broken Its:. We hope the injured mtwlwr 44111 ..sot he *Afloat: ugai(1. .0 flint ' Neel may to 11 Mr to get alstut es usual. Sit.'Ilatuilton 1'Iatton, wt's ho ha. le lisle. Mfs 4;he.ly. 1Mvi.on, of London. 1. spending a few darn tlVs week with I her mother, Mrs. ,1. Darisou. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. King. 1Aluglaa Klug. 111.4s Shut Prot•tor aud Mr. \Vin T 1 1 ( the • Ilutuu from \\ lwnuo.h ha. pureha.wl Jimmy F:. York.. .' ltd Nch..,) 11f 1'.,utmt•r.r. 'Vent the holiday t'111.hniuis place. 4V4• mei owe biro to. Slr. and Mr•. 11. Ahrens. Detroit •t her Doom• herr. 4 are %IA1IHg- Sir. an.l` Mrs. i).'Murray Mr. and Mn• .1. Stewart. of Mimi! •.•n. lied 'rh:t.k.4i.Ing %%lth Sir. .1,1.1 SIr-•. J. Pollock. "Os nu Muslim et Gsunct Slr.. and 11r G. F iuout, def Flint, Mr. Will Maedel. Slr. I'j:,rr and kilo bride. 11f Toronto. visite.! with their grandparents. Mr.'11u.1 Mr.. I'aul alar.l••1. Ia.t week. 'Mr. and Sir.. Pita+. 1H;.\ MILLER Try this linvoary blend when mulct ■ ORANGE PEKOE A f IP T L A ''Fret !coin the gardeae' LET US FIX YOUR BROKEN WINDOWS FRAMES CALLED FOR ANI) DELIVERED WE CARRY GLASS All sizes, and use only pure Linseed Oil Putty Alf. Teb 74 & Son WEST STREET We Deliver Phone 481 If You Want To Save Money Bus sour New or Used Furniture at BLACKSTONE'S Furniture Exchange Ma..:el. of•E-e'4. al's.'1•itt,1 hi+ lute- BI:NMILLER. \•". 1:; Thanks- .pent Th:ullsgivJog at their rnttatte. Ili.-i•t�•r :)•t 44'•s lir lug Day' !seised our very quietly. S1rs. J. 11.1)oneld. who was vlxltln; _ - - - -' The teitiptatian to neaten up with the Jler' daughter. Mrs. A. Neuron -Brady. 1.14.1n11.11/ owing to the Iafe •rH...l4 .4 rah1 returned t., 4ra,rn)r on suml:, . Hrr `L _ -- ..q4 litany at home who .,Hera.' .l' dauihter'aecOm{sttitel her ' 444.1 Witt- --Riik1 !tubber:, Rubber {II E['iil'H1►Il �•". ll. :-.lir-. ,vould Marr been cl'RGag friend.. remain fora visit. .•nt- and . 1 k WHITECHURCH Ill ••••••••••ens• MODEL THEATRE Week of November 18 to 23 Monday and Tuesday - Lillian Hall Davis and John Stuart Brita111'. gr•atest'Ct1•ell team i11 a real level British pnsluctiou. The nue+: human and haunting emotional .Iranii yet produced in England. Rex lugrar assisted in Making the finest picture pr., 1 domed within 11e Empire. "Roses of Picardy" Fox News Reel N., advance in [Meet, 4.11 sieve program ' Wedtteaday and Thuruday- Tho.as Meigkan -in ■ story by - RF:\ REACH This combination has •Iwaya been • prime fav"rite, locally and elsewhere. and this startling drama will increase• their p..pularity. A vivid dramatis pic- ture "The Mating Call" 4 :intro l omed)-"IIW yeti" Hodge \'edge -"W hlrl .1 .t rtivity'_ Friday and Satattday-/ Richard Diz - i11 a nmsiilg laugh special conc.•rnl isle 'rorty golf snit ml.+ulna. I'4a•Ido-n.i h.•natrre and hot water. poker and golf. -ue .•n..• an.1 romance all cont. a. t 14 1a1(e• great entertainment of "Sporting Gds,' "Sailor Hoy" -Felin In "(Wm :Meet • 01 " Matinee Sat. at 3 p. w. 1• T 1\'. It. Farrier event the week -end with . Sliss Flda ihdan. of Itertnnville. Mr. Sid. 1'astle. Nang:•rJ 1. all.', stem her 4)11•10. Sirs.- B. T. t'hillips. Coale- 11:11111111111. spent Sunday and 'lo114ay' Thank -giving with hi. !Wilber. Mrs itch. v !siting friend. iu the village. ' r;. Castle. Sir. awl Sir-. holt. M,l'lenaghan Mr. Edgar Val 11414.11e1. of ,'l'or.a.to. Mr and Mrs. Harold Kitts. of Sur- :udl Mr. awl Mrs. .1. D. Ilewt...ft at- -rile the week -end with his tuotl.1'r. ria. .1■•e1 the 1,4.1 1419y with -Mr. and tended the M. and E. banquet; In Sea- ,.a1r. and Mre. ihtf Blair and Slit- SIr-. vitas Parker. ' forth I'uilod-bwr.•h .01 Tee -day, last. •[red and Elmer. from E•sex. spent Mr. rh,vi, Dewar. of 1' rant... Nees Sir. and Mr,. John Fal.-e,ner and )Ir. Thanksgivins: with Mr.. Nellie Ell- -the -week-end at hi. home :uud Mr.. Cecil Faleet..•r ail. family .vard.: I Sir. 40. K*tbflet't•b spent .Tllanls'-' .lent Suudo) with Mr :11..1 Mr-. Ar• 'Armistice IMy was re+•ognlaed ink/1%in:: at 1415 i)ome at Sllldmny. elite .\ii• -he -on. S'- 11.1.•1..•. - 'ht .•hurdle's on Sunda). A-4ajtaote 0(, Siists .Anna I3lintt -lent Thank -1,0%- 11r. and 3114. .1.w 'I'hewp•on.awl shelve was paid to tin ..4. who IUadr•Ing with ler aunt. Sirs. J. Fraser. tawny. of SlitehelI. •141.1 Sunday with :he supreme I.nsrIll••e: their name div•' who returned to Toronto with her on Mr. and Mr.. Tho, Bol.in•ou. The .•th forevermore. A1WIltiou was SlouchL and 14 111 spend the winter latter are having a radio I11aat1..4I. 21.11,41 in 110. ,erwou to ole uer.1 for there. •-. Sire. Slell.atv.• Melhlicell, .f NI ill- nithntkag the spirit of goodwill hi 1 Mr. elms. (;enleinhardt, of 1'tanin. brook. 1.".1.414114 tier patrents. Sir. 9111 ae'll human heart as the .'111)' imsis for! Kana-. 4vl•Iliif,t her hrot<1er. Mfr. Ifni. 1'1la•, s'1 mi.l.ell . sane and la.dag 1"(v. In the 1'v- i Fred1:rnnriIh1lydt, andother rel - Miss Lila •;Mild. -of W4'1111 114 slant •hog Uri*, It It. Cumming adtlrw•sed 1 stire. In the ai.iutn'. 1t is thirty -nix GI, week -end with her mother Imre. .1..•ia1 Armistice, Ilay ,..terrier hal %,.ar. .Riles 51r-. 4;emehohardt had been horn---4In We4Ine-da0. N•''.-ennter 14. ,orris.herr x _ airs. Robert ell 111111111g lm: returned Mr. :nod Mr.: nem Wright -nodi Mi... -Twee i• a cn•t .1IR.•reu.r let Wee.. -- xY � xx rum Turouh., where she had 1.4'n un- ' 4k ryitJly Wright.ight. )li.w., 1', and H the trona who i+ afraid to •heat and XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX h l/1ntflttftinXxx or the eV.. of the d.• fur for the past Drew. of London. were Thanksgiving the man of honor " Walter Lip!; .4.144. .1:111.41. with It.•v. and Mr.. F. 11. plan. mann.- Word len- tweet ' re'.'eivtrl by Mr. Mr. :mel Mr.. W. 14. korrett 1e•f( op ,.ho 1.'11.4 of the ver( -widen dea'l' 'fae.day fdr Stratford to attend the < f his brother, Finlay F. Low- In p wedding of their daughter. Ethel. to �/ • hillas, Texas. *rhe late Mr. Long bad , Mr IMF P.M. of New !Minter.. After - ?1st nst mined from California' last July 44;Ir.1 t1w) all proceeded to Florida../V'y nil was engaged In girder construe- w,liere Slr. aud Mrs. ''Nosh will 41e10 aJ ion work over a viaduct when he ,444,4,- hone) moon. - Vila seised with heart failure on X l,wr•.la). 4letorer 31.4. He was in h..• i . •-elf 11 year and leaves to Boots and Goloshes -Life-Buoy Superior Quality Ruhh.•r=footwear is here in all the new'.•..[ -tyle-, It is a -will-known fact that 11m 1w:4 -wearing and lest -fitting feature - ere enllaulierl in LIFE -111'0V RI'I)ItER FOOTWEAR This Company eoncentrate, all their efforts in the production of them. Prices 1his s.m•.tn ere gre•atl)' tr'elucrel. Let us supply your wants. Our stock i" w.•.II assorted in every style and size Buy your Footwear at n Sho.' Store where you have till kin.is ,to .'hno ,- from. - GEO. MacVICAR THE PKAC TICAL SHOO MAN NORTH SIDE SQUARE GODERICH Special Values in Ladies' and Misses' NEW WINTER COATS X We have a complete line of ladies' and misses' new Cloth Coats. These Coats are authentic in every detail. Lavishly fur -trimmed with French beaver, sable and x opossum. Colors of black, brown, navy and sand. All sizes. These Coats are x specially priced. x • Trefousse Washable Kid Gloves X made in Paris, France, in all the new winter shades. Silken -Suede Pull -Ons A silk Glove lined with suede. Duplex Chamois Gloves in shades of newbiege, deer, oak and shrimp. In the Men's Department Men's and Young Men's SUITS and OVERCOATS 1 ' '' +s his wife and -mother, :',others, Mr. Long 8,144 • ..tnhly known 1n these a : ,'.r.• he went West. r s T'...• mailman, William Moore, has torted delivering the mall In the torr- oon now, which means that, mall i+ V day late. This is a slight reminder Ahat dark days and had roads are not 'j,' t'ry far away now. NILE X NII.I:. Nnv.. 12. -Miss Allce Shell - X erd, of St. Cutherines, and Mr. i•:d- e" ear Sh.pp•rd. of Hamilton..spent 'la• a.rk 1'11,) 111141 Thanksgiving Ivry wit l.. Xheir mother. Mr-. 1.. Slwpptent. IVa Visitors 111 1111' Minis of Sir. and Mrs. tfx5i Rohn: F.•klin on Snn.lny were 31r. ;1'0 Sirs. Harry Kneeshnvv aud son. of 1..\•- y •nito, awl Mr. and ler.. \\'m. Itlehard- itT x -on. 11f Listowel. 3,14,...Lilian Wise. of G.slrri'.' . « 'x .1 4)44444,1141 1C114o4t at MI` home 11f Sir nod Mrs. .1ana•. Sf.•lntyre. I Sir ami -Mrs. Cleo. )1.1'!we. of 1'1)- Nit month. Mich.. +1'••►11 Sondny at the K vane 11i Sir, and SD' \\'111. Slcllwaln. i{ Ssr. nod Mrs. Bag. Johnson. of 1;.”1 - up for fall and winter wear are now'bn display. 1 he sides are ri.'ll rn44,1•Iltp. ,un.t St r. 11,111 )ese 1►a. to the minute In every detail, w'al11 sitter. of TI Mr. d, visited • nt the home of the Indies' sister ited I:. This week -end we ire offering a spec i.il Y 1 9.50 x 1logle: on Sn'1't''. in OVERCOATS at M.. : 1,11 )Ir+. Hrlryey Mef ann...t Ir,•n•oit. Stith.. sl'ent n few day. the A new shipment of men's arid boys' past week and over Ther's pnents. at ti• home of fhe f•vnn1't;'s pnrruN, Sir. nail )„.... a over.. LEATHERJACKETS x 1.1114.41 4411„ atfenb.rl the. annual JUS f RECEIVED x - .'r at I.lnbe.4lr'' un Mnnbnv 111)4111 5t; rrt.nl 'his vicinity were: Sp r. and fir+. GI We carry a full line of men's and young men's wear, including AI y„'Ing' Mr. 1.a... itnttsdae and UNDERson Wilmer. Miss Jennie Marquis. M. NDER NECKWEAR, SCARFS, HOSIERY, SHIRTS, Jea.. Glen 111111 Mr. and Mrs. Tele.,,.. WEAR, Etc. Ni..'. Mir. Waal Sirs. flaryey Slrs'ann.. N I.... )leenne and son Will vl•'lted 4.i' r.lativrs in Kinenrdine 1111 S11 III Slr. awl Slrs. Saninel I'entlan'I 141In)4nnnou spent Sunday at the ho" • ..f their son. Sir. Herb i'entl:nnl. !We- Corn 1)1 -kaon. of Port .Stier, -pent ')t we'rk.enb enol holiday at 1111' hon0. of 1,.... brother, 'Mr. Thus. 1 rleka11n. jr. Mlle.. Myrtle McIntyre, of Goderirh. visited at the home of Mr. and Mnn. Itlohard Melntyre over 1111' week -end. laytwew'a ttiangtte t•-4 h. Thnroil ay rv- 11 A. CORNFIELD " SI IOP Wl iF.RI-1 YOU ARE INVITED -TO SHOP" 0 nWestSide off SquarePhone 418 Goddeericch,OnttLadi ad Men's Wear XX3CX3CXXXXXXXX/y/XXX/\/XXAXXXX=AXathXX x KNOX CHURCH Choir Concert and Betsy Bobbitt Reception Also One -Act Play "AUNT MAGGiE'S WILL" in the lecture room on Friday, Nov. 22, 4.1 "s.1:. p u' Admission 35 cents Now is the time to bug your RUBBERS Men's fine Rubbers, size. 6 to 11. Special 95c Men's 'one -buckle Overshoe- �izes 6 to 12. Special $2.39 Men's lark' Rubhr•rs, in black or brown.. All sizes. Special $2.65 Men's Rubber Boots ire - r, to 11, from $3.25 to $5.50 M. ROBINS Agent for Tip Top Tailors - 14)..14' Sit "Wlth'er-try new blessing come% 18)44 16,1(14', with every dientitl" ,• vans a new distress.- --Raper: Itllglee: ���ERIO sTOREs WE SELL FUR LESS Dainty Lunch May. onnais", small 33C 22c, large New Lemon and Or- ange Peel, per ge Ib. G JC New Seeded Raisins, 15 -oz. pkg - Chateau Cheese, 17c ix, Ib. pkg McCormick's or Chris - tie's Soda Bis- C suits. Per Ib15C Pure Raspberry Jam Lame 40 - Oz. 31C jar 15c Cream of Wheat, per pkg 23C Oxo Cubes, small, 25c 2 for J Millionaire Sauce. For meats and fish. Oxo Cubes, Targe, 25c Bottle ....14C each Marshall's Kippered Currants, 2 lbs. 35 Herring, Targe 23C • tin Layer Figs, per Ib 2oc Fresh Rolled Wheat, 3 lbs. .... .... .. 25c New Prunes, medium size, per lb 19c C1 ushed Pineapple, 2 size, per tin . 28c Cameo Toilet Soap, per cake 5c New cut [Peel, %-ib pkg. ... 15C c Glace Cherries. 14c 1-4 Ib. .... .• New Hailowee Dates, 2 lbs 23c Brillo, 4 pad size, 2 pkgs. 25C Zebra Stove Polish, bottle 15c Macaroni and Spaget- ti, 16 -oz. pkg 15C Royal York Orange Pekoe Tea, I/2 Ib. 35c J. J. McEV. EN, Goderich. J. CALVIN CUTT, Goderich. CHAS. AI.TON, Dungannon. ROBT. PHILLIPS, Auburn