HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1988-09-21, Page 29THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1988. PAGE 29. Classified Ads U-, CLASSIFIED RATES: Minimum $2.75 for 20 words, additional words 11 c each. 50c wil I be added for ads not paid by the following Wednesday. Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114. AUCTION SALES ■ AUCTION SALES CLEARING AUCTION SALE of household effects and antiques for MRS. IRENE GILMORE, RR1, LUCKNOW South half of Lot 1, Cone. 13, Ashfield Twp., 4corners west of Lucknow, 1 corner south on SATURDAY, OCTO B E R1,1988 AT 1 P. M. Double bed/mattress, spool bed/mattress, 1 single bed, 1 antique bed, 4 dressers, 2 wash stands, 1 antique bonnett chest, chrome kitchen/chairs, 1 drop leaf table/2 chairs, 6 high back chairs, odd chairs, 1 large freezer, antique clock, Xmas tree & decorations, crown jars, gal. jugs, copper tea kettle, old dishes, picture frames, books, 1984 Huron County Atlas, snowshoes, Ford lawn tractor [1 yr. old], lawn mower, picnic table. This is an excellent small sale to attend with a number of small articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash Day of Sale & Proper I. D. Sales Tax 8% whereapplicable. Any announcements or corrections day of sale take precedence over written advertising. Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents or loss of purchase day of sale. Crime Stoppers Crime of the week FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: MRS. IRENEGILMORE AUCTIONEER: BRIAN RINTOUL357-2349 AUCTION SALE of household effects and antiques for MILDREDVANNAN OF BELGRAVE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER24,1988AT11 A.M. Finley gas stove [as new], Gibson 30” electric stove, Co-op fridge, Inglis washer [good], Westinghouse dryer, Viscount 11 cu. ft. freezer, Grand piano with bench, chesterfield and chair [as new], RCA Colour TV, 7 pc. walnut dining suite, table and 6 chairs, small china cabinet, writing desk, sideboard with marble top, old wood chairs, chicken coop rocker, arm chair, 3 platform rockers, old fruit cupboard, wardrobe, book case, tea wagon with tray, spool bed, 4 pc. bedroom suite, single bed with box spring, dressers, chest of drawers, wash stand, parlor tables, cedar chests, steamer trunks, treadle sewing machine, sewing cabinet, wicker fernery, blanket boxes, old books, coal oil lamps, lamps, oval mirror, pictures, wicker basket, set of encyclopaedia, small kitchen appliances, vacuum cleaner, electric broom, woodenbutterbowl, Finnegandairycreambottle, iron dutch oven, cooking utensils, flatware, numerous cups and saucers, antique dish set, cream and sugar sets, salt and peppers, depression red and green fancy dishes, large fancy pitcher, chamberset, bluedishes, cut glass pcs., crocks, jars & sealers, garden tools, ladders and much more. This is an excellent offering of antique furniture and dishes. Other antique articles too numerous to mention. All verbal announcements take precedence over any written announcements day of sale. 8% sales tax in effect Owner or auctioneer will not be responsible for any accidents or injuries connected with sale. TERMS: Cash,chequewith I.D. BRIAN RINTOUL357-2349 Campbell’s Jewellery Store in Exeter sou nds the alarm after a ring theft. Crime Stoppers and the Exeter Police Force are seeking your help in the solving of this theft. At approximately 1 p.m. on Monday, July 11, 1988aman entered the jewellery store asking to see some solitaire engagement rings. The store clerk took a tray of rings out and placed them on the counter. The suspect viewed the rings and when he was asked if he had made his decision he said he had and he said, “I’ll take them all. ’ ’ With that he picked up the entire tray and left the store. This is a composite drawing of the suspect. He is described as 6ft. tall, early to mid 20’s, dark coloured hair with a short ponytail at the back, a slender build with a fine light coloured beard. If you know who this man is or have any information about this theft or any other crime call CRIME STOPPERS OF HURON COUNTY toll free at 1-800-265-1777 or locally at 482-3821. You will never have to identify yourself nor testify in court. Ifyourcall leads toan arrest you could earn a cast reward of up to $1,000. Re member crime doesn't pay bu Crime Stoppers does!! Champion lays off 52 Riddell missed his chance Continued from page 23 minister was making a mistake. He is trying to save money by cutting the scope of the program. It would cost an additional $20 million to put the program back up to 70 per cent coverage and more to return to 100 per cent. He had praise however for the Special Grains and Oil Seeds fund of the federal government saying the government has to be given credit for getting the program in place and working fairly well. There was little praise, however, to the action of the government in relation to the Farm Credit Corpor­ ation. “Why would anyone want to keep it, ’ ’ he said of FCC noting that its mandate is break even. “What we’ve got is another chartered bank the same as the other five.’’ FCC should be a body to help farmers with lower interest rates but instead it raised the interest rates by a half percentage point to 12.5. Huron county’s largest employ­ er, Champion Road Machinery Ltd. of Goderich last week announ­ ced layoffs of 52 employees to take place in the next month. The .company has trimmed production from four and a half to four graders a day in the face of declining orders, Don Goddard, president of Local 1863, Interna­ tional Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. * ‘There always seems to be a low period during the year and this is it.” The layoffs will remain in effect until at least March, when new orders are expected. Champion is the world’s second largest maker of road graders behind Caterpillar. Two months ago, Sequoia Associates of Cali­ fornia bought the Goderich-based firm from the Sully family for an undisclosed amount. Sequoia, which also owns Tim­ berjack Corp, of Woodstock, is a private investmentfirm that leaves day-to-day operations in the hands of its division managers. David Million, a Champion executive, said 40 shop-floor work­ ers will be laid off, some immedi­ ately and others by mid-October. Another 12 office employees, two of them at the management level, have been laid off and are unlikely to be recalled. “We don’t have a huge inven­ tory of finished products. We build to order, not to spec(ulation),” Million said. About 600 employees will re­ main at the Goderich plant. Corporate restructing under the new American owners has begun and is necessary “to be competi­ tive with John Deere and Caterpi­ llar,” Million said. stop dreaming TURKEY SHOOT Saturday, October 1st 2:00 P.M. 9 HOLE SCRAMBLE Everyone Welcome • Pot Luck Supper To Follow PRIZES ... Turkeys, what else? CALL THE PRO SHOP IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND Tbke yourJirst cruise Registerjbr Cruise Showcase Thurs. Sept. 22 - Old Town Hall - Exeter 7:30 p.m. and Grand Bend Legion - 2:00 p.m. More than 12 major cruise lines represented Call Ellison Travel Clinton 482-5711 Showcase includes details on The Most Popular Cruise Line in the World! -EARLY BIRD SAVINGS - All pricing for 1989 sailing dates reflects the current 1988 price level. If you book and deposit by Decem­ ber 31,1988 for a 1989 sailing, the cruise will be protected at the 1988 rates. Only Carnival's "Fun Ships" Offer..... • SuperLiner Caribbean Cruises from Miami • The Largest and Finest Ship Sailing from San Juan • The Newest and Most Popular Ship to the MexicanRiviera • Great Little Getaways on 3 and 4 Day Cruises With FREE Air Fare Virtually everything is included in one • Full range of entertainment, including two different night club shows each evening at sea •Dozens of activities • 24 hour stateroom service • Complimentary deck chairs • Year-round supervised children’s activities • Exciting ports of call • Eight delicious meals and snacks a day • Pampered Service • Captain's Cocktail party • Full gambling casino (not just slots, but also blackjack, wheel of fortune, craps and roulette low price ■Welcome aboard rum swizzle parly• Singles' (Unattached) cocktail P^a Captain's Dinner • Access to all shipboard facilities • Briefings on each port-of call • FREE round top air fare from Toronto or Detroit Duty tree shopping on board SEAFORTH GOLF and COUNTRY CLUB nqfit. JUST EAST AT VAN EGMOND HOUSE, SEAFORTH JZ/'UjOJ