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The Citizen, 1988-09-21, Page 16
PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1988. Hundreds of entries in root and vegetable classes Mark Nesbit checks out exhibits of white beans to see how he placed at the Belgrave, Blyth and Brussels School Fair on Wednesday. There were more than 3,000 exhibits at the fair. Continned from page 15 da Black, Belgrave; Brian Sin clair, Belgrave; Erin Cook, Bel grave; Justin Howatt, Belgrave; Lisa Coll, Belgrave. Class66, Hen eggs, white/dozen -Erin Cook, Belgrave; Mary Beth Brigham, Blyth, Heidi Meier, Belgrave; Shannon Cook, Bel grave; Kendra Brigham, Blyth; Matthew Campbell, Belgrave. ROOTSAND VEGETABLES Class 67, Pumpkins, 2 specimens - Brian Machan, Blyth; Mark Olson, Belgrave, John Arm strong, Blyth; Kimberley Rich mond, Blyth, Micah Hussey, Belgrave; Aaron Coultes, Bel grave. Class 68, Green Peppers, 3 - Kim Ferguson, Blyth, Pauline Ste wart, Blyth; Margie Coultes, Belgrave; Jeffrey Josling, Blyth. Class 69, 5 beets - Carrie Ansley, Blyth, Brent Robinson, Belgrave; Matthew Hussey, Belgrave; Ian Caldwell, Blyth Class 70, 1 cabbage - Kevin Martin, Belgrave; Pamela Morri son, Blyth Class 71, 5 carrots - Wesley Wilson, Blyth; Brad Robinson, Belgrave; Natascha Muscheid, Belgrave; Tabitha Pattison, Bel grave; Karrin Marks, Belgrave; Ray Martin, Belgrave. Class 72, 3 cucumbers - Marie Cronyn, Blyth, Manuel Hussey, Belgrave; Anne Taylor, Bel grave; Michael Ansley, Blyth; Henry Bos, Blyth; Ann Carniss, Belgrave. Class 73, 3 Spanish onions - Jennifer Elston, Belgrave; Mi chelle King, Belgrave; Lindsay Michie, Belgrave. Class74, 3 parsnips - Erica Clark, Blyth; Kerry Hallahan, Blyth; Calvin Schmidt, Blyth, Andrew Wharton, Blyth; Kristy Caldwell, Blyth. Class 75, 1 squash - Trina Leishman, Belgrave; Kim Leish- man, Belgrave; Dwayne Martin, Belgrave; J ulie Elston, Belgrave; Angela Walden, Blyth; Cheryl Allen, Belgrave. Class 76, 1 muskmelon - Rhonda Gibbons, Blyth Class 77,1 watermelon - Chris Jamieson, Belgrave; Michael Bromley, Blyth; Karen Bromley, Blyth; Henry Bos, Blyth, Conrad Bos, Blyth; April Bromley, Blyth. Class 78, 5 tomatoes - John Armstrong, Blyth; Darryl Arm strong, Belgrave; Mark Robin son, Belgrave; Tim Coultes, Belgrave; Karrin Marks, Bel grave; Margie Cordon, Belgrave. Class 79, 6 late potatoes - Kevin Ansley, Blyth; Jennifer Elston, Belgrave; J ulie Elston, Belgrave; Cheryl Campbell, Belgrave, Kar in Lee, Blyth,Brent Robinson, Belgrave. Class 80,6 early potatoes - Sherry Taylor, Belgrave; Trisha Taylor, Belgrave; J ayne Vincent, Bel grave, Kevin Martin, Belgrave; Carrie Ansley, Blyth; Michelle King, Belgrave Class 81, squash, 3 different varieties - Mark Robinson, Bel grave, Darryl Marks, Belgrave; Karrin Marks, Belgrave; Kristy Caldwpll, Blyth; Tim Coultes, Belgrave. Class 82, largest pumpkin or squash - Aaron Barnes, Belgrave; Henry Bos, Blyth; Kristy Cald- well, Blyth; Ian Caldwell, Blyth; LindsayMichie, Belgrave; Henry Bos, Blyth. Class 83,1 pt. beans, white, navy orfield-J ulie Bromley, Blyth; Margie Gordon, Belgrave; Jamie Bromley, Blyth; Michelle Nesbit, Blyth; Tim Coultes, Belgrave. Class 84,1pt. coloured garden beans - Lindsay Michie, Bel grave; Tim Coultes, Belgrave. Class 85, collection of vegetables - Margie Gordon, Belgrave. Class 87, Cosmos - Lana Thomp son, Belgrave; Jennifer Elston, Belgrave; Pauline Stewart, Blyth; Jeff Olson, Belgrave; Ian Caldwell, Blyth; Julie Elston, Belgrave. Class 88, African Marigolds - Donna Lynn Armstrong, Blyth; Grace Carmichael, Belgrave. Class 89, French Marigold - Tim Coultes, Belgrave; Karrin Marks, Belgrave; Mark Olson, Belgrave; Ray Martin, Belgrave; Cheryl Campbell, Belgrave; Chris Campbell, Belgrave. Class 91, Snapdragon, 6 stems - Natascha Muscheid, Belgrave; John Ramirez, Blyth. Class92, Petunia-Micah Hus sey, Belgrave; Wesley Wilson, Blyth; Pamela Morrison, Blyth; Margie Gordon, Belgrave; Anita Massey, Belgrave. Class 94, Zinnia-Lindsay Michie, Belgrave; Kim Ferguson, Blyth; Brent Robinson, Belgrave; Rob Johnston, Belgrave; Tabitha Pat tison, Belgrave; Rhonda Gib bons, Blyth. Class95, Bachelor Buttons - John Armstrong, Blyth; Darryl Marks, Belgrave. Class 96, Calendula - Brian Machan, Blyth. Class 97, Bridal Shower Center- piece-Pauline Stewart, Blyth; Margie Gordon, Belgrave; Chris Piluke, Belgrave; Lindsay Michie, Belgrave. Class98, Fresh flowers in a teapot - Erin Barnes, Belgrave; Trevor Beck, Belgrave; Shawn Walker, Belgrave; J ulie Elston, Belgrave; Jane Vincent, Belgrave; Margie Gordon, Belgrave. Class 99, Christmas table arrangement - John Ramirez, Blyth; Anita Massey, Belgrave; Janette Ward, Belgrave. Class 100, All around floral arrangement in pumpkin - Brian Machan, Blyth, Brandon Coul- tes, Belgrave. Class 101, Open, 3 spikes gladio lus - Andrew Wharton, Blyth; Bob Johnston, Belgrave; Carrie Ansley, Blyth; Jennifer Elston, Belgrave; Margie Cordon, Bel grave. Class 102, Open, Dahlia, 3 Continued on page 18 $$7-9731 27-0d.l fritted