HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-14, Page 2• 2.-Thurittay. November 14, 11129. Established 1848 G(1DN'KI('H : CANADA Member of ('anadien Weekly News- papers Association Published every Thursday morning: Ynbecription price $2.00 per year strictly in advance. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LTD. Telephone 35 : Goderich, Ont. W. H. Robertson. Editor and Manager Ti i' t.ay. November 14. EDITORIAL NOTES tedious of the Canadian people. Trans pareutly honest, devoted to the wel- fare of his country and its people, 84114 proving his worth by deeds rather than words, Mr. Robb disarmed par- tisan criticism and on all handy was recognized as a man whose sincerity Was becund question and whose su- preme ambition was. to do his duty. .\ -Robb Inldwt't"-beeanal synoilymuus with a lightening of the burdettgot The THE SIGNAL, RUDDY CANADIAN APPLES FOR OVIUEA8 "What stall 1 rend the folks In the Old Country''" 1s a query heard as the Christmas season approaches, but if the average Canadian realized how much our big julev, red apples are appreciated and enjoyed by people overseas the problem would be im- mediately solved. Canada's luscious nosy apple* are relished by _young and old alike. They taxpayer and an improvement of the symbolize. our brillluua sunshine and m11101181 Nuances; the common p.oph. warm summer days -and they do look felt that he was their friend; the busy- Chrlstmasy and cheerful. Northern )Irfaitn-h Reds an.. Bahl.%ins are the best and -the most popular to curry -)our good wishes aa•ru.is the sea and standard boxes tts(.1 barrels of clone Hand-ple•ktd and and -packed st rengt t. Cattails cau 111 afford to love ices interests of the country had con lido m. in his judgment. and to.:441441.)-the Liberal party lie nstoo1•) 0f 1 ('I fruit. Government iuslaeted, are pro- Le-. than -ix weeks to 4'hri-two-• 1 111 ell of the type of Joule .\. {Lobb• • curable at reasonable prices front any • + • 1 • • : grocer, while the matter of slalpuleut The recent general election eget the' .lye„se alto attended tilt. 4oiu•t silt• is os simple :es the mailing a card. tie - Province a halt-it-williou dollars, 1t Thr Ca11adlau National transport Express will dugs In Genlerlch last week had u uetc ca 11 for spur apple*, transport and tie- wusu't wort frit. - ',•�1,1'1'1euce. They Tai been accustomed liver theta ley- quick swrrlar, 10 ray • • • + station its Great-ltritalit---3reld1J and to e.iu4ider the court room u p.:ae'of Mc1bn111111 of The 4 1es1c•y Enterprise' I,11611r businns'+. where It was their pal• ,must European ruu11prie-, giving thew pooh11l ebael i.lrl ll4l•tlou l were. al allege a- citizens to :trend and listen refrigeration service ua fast Iwsseuger political drha.te. 14111 shouldn't 4480traua•n. 1" to the pr..vserIG11T They were greatly The Iran-portalion charge from strong taugtwge like that, even if he anuoyesl when they found • the door Moltraot and thlebec up to November is mad :,bout It. barred against thew uta order of M4 Seth or from st. Jolla. N. ti., and Ilan- • • • Rax. N. N.. theratfter, by direct steamer Justice \1'rlght, who, noon ..4utlsfhd with to clots in, Grant liritl:w, lrrlrud cwt The death o' at. .. the prteauitiuu- usually t„ken a en- the t'h:uwrl Islands per a as r recalls the fact that lie visited Gude- Mrs,, quiet and decorum in the court time' rnJ tat ler standard .barrel In - itch in the bye ale tion campaign of room, ruled that nobody should enter „eluding refrigeration, 11l27 uud addressed a meetiug 111 the or leave during the examination of a For rotes to t'aua,!L11u ports. through uTIl la littera House in support of Mr. iils- rates r esContinental {.dot- and other witness, urs wt. pri•suwe, while aunt` particulars• -consult any 4'4111adlan lady was addres hog the court. The Naomi,' Express agent, Th 1 th t i1(.11. Jame t Robb 1{ k t 1 I $,1 1 J rd lop• • • • ' The • deferred election lu ltru.e, where • the Liberal candidate and further mewher. A. 1'. Mewhlnney, died on the eve or ladling day, 10 to to held oa *November 27th. Frederlek North result was that many persons were' put to great Inconvenience. and Citi- Nora Newlin.* Plebiscite -Campaign (Moncton 1 itt.,cript a zeas who u11wiuhagly disregarded the It wa. a ham14o1glat campaign and Jndl;e- riding were publldrII min-every•effort was made by _both sides to toted. To put it very mildly. Judgeinform the electorate of the merits of Wright's conduct in this matter hi•t, ,•a'1' as they saw, them. From; 1 1 ,rued ,if the effect ut W. 'Elliott. of fort Elgin. has Leenshat ,nu •r r aa'eV did not increase the respect in the campaign it is gathered that the' t•husen as the Liberal candidate' whk•h nr•mlltrs of theudiciary• are • • • j argument which carried the greatest usually / held. The business of a weight wtt11 a majority of the electors Remarks to the -effect. that the Lib- irt room Is public business, the wit. the intimation. by the Goaernwent eral party of ontario has, been almost Judge and other court attendants are.• that dicast taxation was the only alter - he luta ince did t 1 -wiped out are away beyond the mark. not aoor ait public seryauts. and the rights of then thetive t gotern etlt -ale e)-tel/Y 1 90 - The representation of the party in the public -ire superior to diet arbitrary sure large additional revenue front Legislature has been badly shatterwl.: rump. attempted h/ be c4lublishad 1.y that-iorrce. but- there i- ,.t 111 111 every con -111110114')' anyone who derives his authority from qultd a fornthdable 14a1y of Liberals.' a public office. It 1s to be hu{Iretthu: ,\ couple of thi.ur an.l ruts' ilkllrlunsly future c,IIrl-ittfugs in Goalerie•h ti i.' distributed aw'I '*, tea• i,n*Vtit11t'tu- rle• Is. free front the unpleasantness whir!, - 's - w.,.M make a marked ddlTereuee 111 the nwrked Mr. Ju -tics Wright's cont.. e••,y,'1.'.exluu Of the Legislature. last week. • • • T4.• huge new brl,kt• at Windsor. Few Learning Trade- spindling Detroit !Liver. was form- 1.1.Inter 1-.:x press ally opened ..n M•m.htr•and wilt add Mudd' 11.1111nr11 1- bring 111ade ill all tarts of tlutario op the fact that there Immensely to, the •faculties for travel are prictical'y uo apprerarbrs to trades t.•'.cei'ir't':uta•ta"anti rbcst'niteti-Wtatrt trey -atom--Tits is an -alarming condi-- The bridge is said to have t..1 -t *214,- thou. and it is Ji4b•u14 to .solve, , It esaelaal and tole the Largest snetwu- 11'141 t.' be that upprenti'e. in -all 'ion bridge in the world, .v int a freebrtua• bee ..f 1111.4'1111 11 err,. plentiful. and. I..,ys were quite wilily: to lean. span of 1.v744 feet, It 1111• :1 forry' tnole•s and 110.1'1t ivlaal4 4;..• e veo l'.' of r.,allway that N Ill tos•ou44 o.- .vert•- av,•rth to employer,. \ _ .• - .date t10e lanes of vehl.ies. and an it w'o111.1 ap{war. that the only „usi .-ration of many boys anter FeI1':11_ L'!at •fiwl] ahlew'alk. -4•114...1 i- wages, :111.1 they! are quite • • • w'1lllih to ac111pt_iltt_J4Ji-oferlu4 the ler King hPi talking of tax re- 19.•.1 motley. whether they have milli This is -n pretty fair lndi- ti,-:ltl.p- for such ttork or not. Th., .her.• is :an elel•t4o1, in the offing. is- one reit...It why there are so many - 4 •ool.dn free Press. • L•ic-'nhorers and 041 few ineeltnuies fu I 4 oto erli u.ent sent, 1!11, process of development. y tier. it reo1111t41 111x- Etiquette In list) acral. there would be uu election every (Tlw• New Yorker. • year. There wilt have to 1•e an .else You didn't have to believe this. but that, •cf cUnr-e•, wi'hiu 111e next two :1 gentleman re•turue'l from :tbro,o1 ti .. year.. but talking of tax rWsietiun"'cs that an American girl tmdplug. a, in Italy went into a moving -picture 110 indication of it. The King G'n- theatre and suddenly realized that she eminent is somewhat different •hi this was sitting behind none other thin I' respect from the 4iovernutent nt Tor- Imre. 7Iss-o11111 hinewlf. His visit 4'. onto that The For I'ce's wr1 ardently itcog11ito, and successfully so,,.,fur 1111 ons• neoguiztrl him In the half light of admires. the .'Mena. Ile son- enjoying e•rery• • • • .thing. imge•l). until. in the midst of a I'reutler King. speaking at Dim -.r- newsreel, a portrait, of hiw.elf in Ver- ona Pose e 4 throw -14 on the screen - The ton the other slay. foreshadowedflu Pose spal4utors, of course. all ano-e•, cheer - fur her re•Ilnetion or ps.+sibly the--ing wildly. all save Muw.,.Iiul-himself, coniple•te abolition of the Federal +:ale• soy„ sat through the demonstration, lax. Repemtisl rrdnctiotis have looniest fidgeting. His had 481.4, obviously. a fete, tae 11.1811 to 4wo 444•r (1414, blit r,,they ni..• 144.1111 t'hethho �/and.np 4''.4') at this low rate ft I. ... 111 uted to and risk Ie1ng n(.gir,zede•r hu11m'in11 himself, or to re•unaln tnoiie'tly seated. pr.wl0.w fifty er sixty millions til'- After IIs• e•xeit tient was over at, o4,1 year. :1n objection to the entire 111.4. ta+llnn lash sol o had tIIP seat next to Jitlo11 of the sex at one stroke Is that him lentos! Deer and said: "Signor. it would 141.:orb htisine•ss. the tax haus 4bit1 * how we all ter,, bot it's safer t.. stand np,' his already been NW on quantities of 8.444414 that 4.1111111 not fe dl1111e.11 I'f before they would have to meet the cnmjwtltion of tas•tree goods, • • • •'How eon* that you ay,•re horn IT. 1reInnit " 'Yth. 1 pest waned 10 1s. near; niy mn'ther.,, RUBBER FOOTWEAR Our -1 '.-k i-.Qtiipl,•te i11 nil 'kind, of littbh,•r F.tiltwetlr A1Luur itubl»•r-.dr.Atuara11- teeel. a - Priee* are.lnwn.4.1.1is j:,•n1. Let us supply your Rublier Footwear n.•.41-. W. Hero's Shoe .tore -\nnotno•eulent was made two Weeks al_o of the bnnkrlptey of the Foshay Company,.. 8111•), 11[14 large lxlw•er in- ten•st- in the county of Iirn.e. It wits felt that this would (rave the field ula'n to Hydro, but arrangements have teen matte, 11 is reporte.l, under which the t'omi euy will continue Its oper- ation. is Brine, Our sister a ty d - fortunate in having an independent "concerts to glte• the• people :111 oltev11 hive to the 11y+lro nluuolsdy which h 1- I' throttled enterprise in such comities „- firms. :1181 Huron ,thiel are 1.4 111 the fit.on•d 11ydr., 7..11111 • • • • , i(et'era1 threes...m..ot tights 441 11,• re.e•nt elections n•'mlied iia tie renn•n of iulnorlty repre'et1At!ar-. '1'10• nn. regret/nide of these lriung11lar c1110,1, W414 40 .1,- w'a4 In W'e41 NI1ddle*ex,' where Mr. .r {j. 1.. t11•leridge, tete• I'rogr4.4e1ve decd.' hi the Leglsl'1ure. w114 414.1.1.3 4141 by 11. Inrrueliiiu of it Lienal. \\'hile• not speetac11lar' larlitirinn. 71 r. le•thbrl.lz• was 110..P. 4el of n clear head and u.•.1 judgment and playedJais part with I•.• eoprliig dignity. West, Middlesex i- nns mpre-4111eli I.y a ('alteerVil 11re, though he pilled only a•• little over one-third of the votes, • • • 1' r..1. 14141•e11 by his d1a9 ors out of danger, after a ten weeks' I,httle ..Ill pneumonia. Hon, .181111•. A. !tot %% ;le stab ken .vital simplex y- ' nt noon en poon.h,y, mid died a few- hours Inter The news was T,rri% w1111 111,111110) throngholt tie Dominion. for 71r. Itohb a4 Fnlernl Minister of Finance had within 111P IN -1 (.•w year. taken Its • place pw,nllarly hl' ...i hi I4,.• of f Aches vanish when Minard's is used, -For headache rub the forehead with 3linard's in water. For toothache bathe the face with 3linard's and place a piece of cotton saturated with Minard's in the cavity. Quick relief assured. 47 S I11NARD'S 1011011Frur LINIrviENTJ 1111111111111117 For. ' COUGHS, COLDS, �r BRONCHITIS, SORE THROAT, 'FLU & CHILLS, etc. /,, J'• Be Sure To Take 111 2Sc. Boxes. of all dntggists and stares. GODERICH, ONT. THE BREATHE -ABLE TABLET THE SIGNAL'S Goderich "Buy -at -Home" Directory and Business Guide Through the co-operation of the business men listed below, The Signal proposes to reproduce a series of educational articles in the endeavor to bring about a better business relationship between residents and merchants in our town, and thus to bring about a more prosperous and progressive community in which to live. A. CORNFIELD Ready -to -Wear Clothing Gents' Furnishings Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Ladies' Ready -to -Wear and Millinery Telephone 418 'Shop *here You Are Invited to Shop" R. WHEELER Furniture Funeral Director and Embalmer Telephone: Store 335 Res. 355 w W. C. Pridham & Son GENTS' CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS Thee More Willi the rt•.. k • Telephone 57 Campbell's Drug Store Drugs, Patent Medicines Toilet Articles Victor Phonograph• and Record. - -Kodak' and Developing TELEPHONE 90 R. J. Howard General Supply Stere I1ARI)\\•ARE. PAINTS and 011. AUTO ACCESSORIF:� TELEPHONE 306 w Brophey Bros. FURNITURE and FUNERAL. DIRECTORS Telephone: Store 120; Res. 217 Keeping Up Appearances We make it easier for part ieulfr people Frank H. Martin Tailor and Hatter Telephone 49 Miss L. E. Hogan Confectionery and Ice Cream - Soda Fountain Service- t~UNrS CHOCOLATES TEt rrHONE 393 Calvin Cutt Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour and Feed Telephone 116 Allison & Heitman PRI•;sII AN1) (I'I;F:11 Meats Iii•:ST (11':\i,ITI. TELEPHONE No. 2 Babbette Gift Shoppe Stamped Goods, Hand Embroidery China and Pottery RIFT'( FOR ALT. OCCASIONS Phone 567 East Street Footwear and Repair Shop For Quality and Comfort in Font wen r arid Poi -miring WM. AHL, Proprietor Opposite Know Church Phone 505j W. ACHESON & SON General Dry Goods and Ready -to -Wear Rugs - Linoleums - Carpets TELEPHONE 76 Cleveland's Bakery The Co- Operative ,faker Quality Bread, Cakes and Pastry Telephone 114 G eo. W. Baechler 1 1124V'I�ION SII( 41' Groceries, Meats, Fisk, Fruits and Vegetables "Ore Friend Tells Anotln-r -We do our own (bilk eri11.;- Phone 368 KEEP YOUR COMMUNITY ALIVE There is nothing worse than a dead community. Try as hard as it way to conceal the frets, the truth is a ritteu all over it, so that he that runs may read. No twwoutlage of bluff or bluster ,:,,it conceal the true situation from anyone who comes within the 'Imh- of the coulmunity. The wont pert abut It is that once dead a comwnnity seldom If ever survives. The fart that it seldom Ca❑ come hack- is e11411y explained. The arms log and prosperous town today Is the one that can m- iring new residents as well as capital. It Is one that can offer at traetia•e Inducements to the outlying investor, who•.• (nit!' Is built 111• 111 the progressive and co-operative spirit of Its own community resi- dents. .\ prosperous .ommuuity is the -awe as a Targe corporation Its menders are stoekbolders. and as such look carefully to it that Its affairs are adwlulste•reti in such a ranter that It lulus 11 good substantial dicldeud. This an only be accomplished by buying in your community, keeping your money In circulation so 1t w(1) imus bau•k to you. patronize your merchants, encourage them to expand iil'a bnsitiess nay. Talk Goderleh. Boost Goderi.-h. and in 414.111g o keep n kiviiiing it "1.i.e Community -(live." Jas. C. Carrie Hardware, Paints, etc. I ..•t -nb '.t �. r:..n PHONES 501, 363 H. C. Dunlop, Phm. B. 'THE REXALL DRUG STORE' Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Kodak', Stationery, Confectionery United Cigar Store Agency TELEPHONE No. 1 F. H. WOOD FORD SALES AND SERVICE NEW CARS USED CARS THE FASTEST SELLING CAR IN THE WORLD AND THE MOST ECONOMICAL TO OWN AND OPERATE. FORD PARTS COST LESS TELEPHONE 403 Goderich Fruit Market Quality Fruit and Vegetable* 1111 11 I•\II1 Corner East Street and Square PRONE 476 This Week's Special Write -Up HURON MOTOR SALES This well-kuow 11 establishment, isonitn•teel by Mr. Harold 4'. Young• illnces the lash tar before the people ..t G,.Ierieli and dis- trict, with every ,onfideuee that those who. Invest In one of the-.• cars will . find .4.141 satisfaction in Its performance, in the nom fort of 114 riding qualities and the luxury of Its furnishings Tlw owner of a Nash has something of which to be proud, and Mr. Young will be pleased to give a demonstration at any time to anyone who 1s looking for super -value in an automobile. At the LIR .tune garage. South street, which Is the home of Huron Motor Sales, up -t. ohne nc,ommotlatlun is provided for motorists In repairs. /forage and 1m11- crel Ferric*. MISS M. R.-MacVICAR A well-eIres'te,I woman is a delight to the eye, 81411 an imi+•rtnn, detail In the ensemble Is the ,tat -In fact, If the hat is wrong every- thing Is wrung. 14141 11.04 of Gr44lerieb and vicinity ha is. learned that at MI's* Macy ice is millinery parlors. Kingston street, they can ob- laln hats in the latest modes, with the newest ideas in 1rilpming.. and other simony accessories for my lady's ee..tume. and al at most reasonable prices. Miss \,'t -Vicar's experience 1s always at the service of customers, and just now she Is showing as wide range of new styles In smart millinery for et -Inter. Western Canada Flour Mills Co., Ltd., IIF:.t1:T11.1' ENDORSE TIII-' Buy - at - Home CAMPAIGN Support Local Merchants and Help Our Town Grow E.C. Robertson JEWELRY, DIAMONDS -QUALITY GIF Royal Crown Derby China TELEPHONE 136 Blackstone's Furniture Exchange Used and New Furniture \\'i: �.\vF: YOU MONEY"' l'lIONF 210 Smith's Art Store Art Pictures, Picture Framing - -English China- ' GIFTS OF QUALITY - PHONE 198 British Fxchange Hotel Huron- Cafe in connection 1„ hit Known to be clean and up-to-date PHONE 162 Uanersal Milliiery aid 6itt Sloops Up-to-the-minute Millinery, Lingerie, Neckwear and Julian Sale Lowther Goods Gifts for all occasion• Art N,ssllcwork, Litwin. and China WE INVITE YOU TO CALL M. N. MAKINS Nash 3.6 ,-.1 Square Geoer•<h F. E. Hibbert Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS Reliable Goods at Reasonable Pnce• TELEPHONE 86 Sturdy's Cash Grocery Choice Groceries Provisions, Fruits "Everything t'v„sl b,r tin• T:11,1,... PHONE 299 Miller's Service Station Goodyear Tires plus Service Worth White Oil Changed and Can Greased MARMON MOTOR CARS - PHONE 259w Wm. J. Clark DE SOTO SIX A C11111 -MR 1.1;til i 1'T Sales and Service I.c1.-rt L'cpnir-gni All 1181'' ,.t Car. L. J. Baker HUDSON and ESSEX AND sE1tVI('F: General Motors Trucks R•p.n,r- ,.n ,ill makes „1 cars PHONES 106--247 W. C. Snazel Gents' Furnishings Suits ,lade-tu-rneusure (•I.1•:,\NIN(; .,NI) I'ItE: INl. TELEPHONE 339 The S. A. Gray Co. General Dry Goods, Ready -to -Wear and House Furnishings 4, 1 .8 STORE 00 VAL'. 4 TELEPHONE 56 MacEWAN & TEBBUTT CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE , Gas, Oils, Tires and Accessories - Repain esu all makes of cars Telephone 234 D. M. O'Brien Fi1I-"i1 .1Ni' ('i Ill -11 MEATS and POULTRY DELIVERY PHONE 31 E. G. Smith Baker and Confectioner "The Better Baked Bread" PHONE 1 84 WE DWVER J. J. Hoggarth GARAGE Repairs on all stakes of -:,r- Gas, Oils, Tires, Accessories TELEPHONE 427 F. M. McArthur Electrical Contractor FIXTURES and SUPPLIES NEXT POST OFFICE PHONE 82 Wesley M. McLean FLOUR, FEED, SEEDS Groceries and Produce, Hay and Straw Agent Brantford Roofing, Phone 350 .M. R. MacVicar High -Class Millinery Hats, Corsage, Flowers Scarfs and Novelties KINGSTON STREET NASH "400" Lend* the \\'nrhl in \lotnr Value The only Car of all the fly.) cnr- with every new 19211 n•fili, to ,'114 SALES - SERVICE - STORAGE Huron Motor Sales Phone 83 - H.C. Young South Street