HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-11-14, Page 1(`jristmas Greeting Cards
See The Signal's range of Christmas
(ireetingCardi. Print range from 81. (NI
per dozen up. including printing of nanoc
and mistress .n each carJ.
JrIu1ITl'-�}a•t,�1. SF.\It. \44 .4..
imam liagraw wino senior )(ace, I S,r. ic.•. in . ICunx nisi' nes.
RWI* Carter the Junior I hath will be conducted by the whti-ter
Thr annual road races. held on the', Suijrc's of .eraon.: 11 a w, -T1"'
°ruing of Thanksgiving Luy under' Unchanging t'hrist ;" 7 P. m., 'T'hIK-
r auspltes ! lite GoderIch I „ Sabbath school and .Bibi
classes ato'clock.
The News of the Town
Special Offer
To new subscribers The Signal rt ill h,
:int for the remainder of this v'':Ir f...
or to January 1st, 1931. for $_' INS
1'ItIN'I'1\t: (t). LIAII'I'}:I), Publish.•
E. -ginning Monday twit. the .lute C'. ! •
\ It. teal, '.5111 +u-rlta• at Ift.:t7 P. su.. ThawiNgh'ing and armistice l)sy }'i1 -
i11 -trod of 10..10. leaving Toroutn, at tingly Observed
...:o:; inWead "1 6.OS. The '4"wing "I' The anniversary of Armistice Day,
. of the train 1s due to the taking off Of ji,inUy V% 11h the annual Thankeegiiug
° Lions •eves a tic oft a ng MENTION another trate on fish wino ItaI,. throw-
l•ny, NSA fittingly observed In Code- '
lob creatwl a great dual of hitches! 3 Women's Institute Meeting PERSONALint; [Here work ou-[hv anwine. Crow-ain. rich. this wrylcrs In moat of the
The r.•g"h11 meeting of the W, M The regular meeting of the G.Nlericl' rh"rr vers a hnrge atnuduuce ut rich. is h,teevi special of of ter
'ser e'eatber Nas ideal and the noes I \iumtyl's institute was hr1 .III 31uc \lie• Il.dry, Page vi-IteJ [ri.•nd,.••xt,this e111'hra• uud .1aor Klten 113' H'a' the double anniversary. '
fere carried out successfully. l'pr' S. auxiliary Ie reK1.z 1'hur.h ue-l.wiltee, K„3 1 4511 on Thera! arteruuou. Noe
weenie of lift"' hole took test la the, held to the (11 ate reeve on Tirwlay
Miss Mary Howell vas home from 111hill the past wavk-cud. • +:edrric11 Visa ..1 the r'auadiva Legion
The war veterans altrudrd at Knox
Nnvrwber 19th. at 3.30 ,. m. The pro- ruroito Ger the holiday. twice 7th. The president. Mr. G. itis- 1 t lis uddfelluN's' Hull .4u Monday night ,•Lurches having special reference to
two events. 'rite ,.the so and Huish 1 'Mr. Frank tinker, u1 IJtnitturd. claii-
Int ,tan t the corner of the grow will he in charge of Mrs. F. G. M14s Margaret Strung waw Lowe vert. oreupiel the chair. Atter the open. t,.,l friwtls in town thin week. The inhale atalleuchre ion• Noll Ly th..re being u good turnout. Kry._ it.
a Weir, Mlas furter and Mer. O. !'lark. from Toronto over the holiday. lug rzrrrls.•s anti the roll hull Mrs. Miss Eleanor Saints. visite) - her Mrs. Raines :u,11 Mr. F. 1' N'riss C.II ,' ' "mid prenrinatil au nprprnoprf--
f3quare and Montreal anew! and here The reviler ntr?I,,, of the .lethal Mr. Jo •k .Drell was huwe from Tor- Abell grace a ,plrudhp 1(141. of the ,p:.11'.. Iu'1'or•.nl,• the pa -t week.
Mush. far .'ul1'.1 44a- furnished •1..y..84, 'sermon, and the rhufr rendered
A large uiwber of attjt*. 1.s gathered; g .uta for the week -end. hewnt district c,n,rvutiotn held at flu• loiter '•r.•hertra.
to witness the activities. , e•Irele of Kuuz church will be Kehl to „[ Turuutu, 'pee•wala r. Ano s,u for u 1111511 r darty
Mies IArdlx lien! visited friends +It s))I.4Ixl wusi., including KIpIIl1a".s
Promptly tat 10 o'clock the program, the twiner room ow Moonie)•, \slue,- Mr. }:runt Pritchard 1 Kitty un and Brighton at the week. Thr young lwutde of Ott. (;w•hth''. •'i(a - siunul" and a sato. "Laud
got nndrryNav, the Arlt trent lrelu ter 1SIh, at 8 p. w. M. •iAnunway -spent rhe holiday with friends here. was glceu by our of the members. .\t cuss church have been pr,aruting their. 11101. 111141 11101.3•." by Mr. .I F. Thow-
# J1is, };crlSu Clark was home tenni' the 14osr .4f the meeting refire-nut:.•°ts Mr. and Nits Jas. Renu, of Ireton. thraeaal chwelc, 'Thr htlitsg 1) :u son 11 the •
concinsi Mr. Major
firs senior ace for live
ups to rlKLtreyI will have charge of the meeting and centralist for the week -end and boli- erre =reveal. visited their friend,. here the .p,st uuwlwr of the surreuuofug •!unto-, ple3el fish "Dead March" and "Last
yeabut There were tive e►utranls, all paler will be given by Mrs. L. 1..•
but ons of whom had hatadlcops of Knox au.1 Mlx' Cowan. dayweek. this Call and have berm received by 1•„�•• aaa- ...minded I.'. Mr. Itul»•r'
1+• ryiees at the Rapti.? chorea, next Ili-. Margaret hone:: en bee re- M. C. C. Entertain,. Miss ,les -f4. Meleami. fes -Ismaili., tare. and appreciative atnlletwe..' ton livery.
lbws W 11v41eon minutes according to their ` 1' 1113 . 1 I 111.1 from U nisi[ of several week', The• Meuc-cnu,g 1'+unK• a'luls held it• ht.4 week vacation 1u' Detroit and 1\,..ltl.•+.1:It ufght of next week they \iter the srfcle• the veterans
ago and .ond{tl.4n. T. "scratch ,k1 a ha t as follow.: lis a. 111, I+$, tsua•
1.:a • w Wale r. •:4,led . feed; public worship at 11 a. L. and ut Tomato. first at-howesd the ...Item on 11"eines- ,-•,;.;,g„. Mill • upt+•ur ill Memorial- ileal, ItlSah...ift r h the Ylev the In the
was leu Ma 1 3, Who r + ; .. m. Sernla5 sub e•ts: morning. Mr. 1',,Fey '.ls,,rdown. pf. the Cul- ' ,Ia' 1t_ht of title' Week, . Terre war 31h.. 1..osel1. of the G. C. I. stuff. under the uu•1pkvs.It of the Ladle .fid Sqr isa-. • where a 'Mort sense vex{ '
from the start a1. the likely winner. 1 j o1 Tonna.. was. home f,•1. g yN•ut the wetkRnrt at her homy u4 held. Ree are. Mrlerwid senders
t lea did out tldlNh first, but he wauxgep l'ow'er In the Hour 4,t Trmptatiuu i"
c'l.o.. a good :11t•ud+ince uud the affair Naw f Trinity chura•h.
5.144 make the beet time anti t '!'hank -gluing• mu'h enjoyed• Five hundred mus Teresa!
Mrs Ce. MacDonald and !dated n1 Ilse Or.t part o t Nes l ,warty
+ 1 t bus womlrtraing. 'Thr Threw Faithful and Mf., Mae- ' --_-__-.....s.-. Wreaths were laid on 1114• I11,I41watlr
cu s4)ie 1,.1.1 for the faster -1 time, Itro.e 1'ott„g Men And the }9"n' }n1. f !a• evru1111. un. o1 Detroit. i.. ti -it- tubae Satiety l'tnvaws in behalf of tate veterans. the t':44n
the I I ,ret Wilson sight the Ns•k-coni nit l' Ills+ 311'\ultgluou and 314. 14. J. Me.
•f't h1c esu, eche the last year lfy hit Urate fug Mr. Slaallllau and Niro. alrl'hw•. ll a recent meeting oC the rx.,w,runncnl. .lhulerk 1'bt.ptrr. L U. 11. };,
u Morrison MuK■3'. Ian's Glue loll4a'. ,, r ill Vieroria street United friends at Toruutu. alrhru vcinufug tM tlr-4 pries and t'and.r't r.ul. live couuui'ur of the 1,.'ut hntn' of Ila"pie 11•af 1'lutprer I. u. P. F. uud
'7i•. uiu4 . M Meru lacier Baerlter*
of 9.14,51151 Mrs. al'. F. \uRc1 an.t Mr. T. frit- •.1 r. L'•g �'r•'.•t',5 ::t l 31:- J::• .the 1'. C. ltibla W'I.4', i1 •was 414.- the,l.. It. 11: A.
watt :t01s minutes 3lorri,.11 Mac as. ,I,11rrh will le- held next S hay at Nonuul situ! '1'h,uaksghiu#
r this 'e r. ria• usual hours. 11 u. w. uud 7 p. m. �eh•ad. chard the sc.oud prlrA•s, after 1 'h •t.i'h 'earth rhe week -rod at Turvmto ••idee to euulh•ue the pl:u1 of last cave . 11. tit• afta•ruum the aeleeaus atm.,.
ens net eligible to tIkt part ,' Ler how*' herr. ter• (1....r was eleare.l f•.1. d:rnciu for.
Wilburn 11.514..4 Nes the winner o he Tile minister will be prevent to both' ` K• n o IIs t, s n, for roisiug fluids. .\ c1 1511111 letter i- to ('Iint'1- uud Jioiued In uservice
aerviees..The murnin sub ect, -Two \li-- I1•,rl.• "*". . be' of L"n. which rxi•rllent nunsi,• w:•. :ural -fwd air chat- It. Naini, of lestrdL speto teeing, seen! out. with un ental to sub held in St. Paul's church and at
rare. iwishbng 1540 minute, ahead .4t K Ilfgh S'har1, sls.ul the weekend- end by ter ItISth :•r-hearra._
the second runner. Earl Merv. fear- Prayers," and the evening. -The Wand- tis.• holiday at the home 4.r hie mother, scribers :o increase their sul.s.•rlt tended py returned men frutu all pars
w Ar holiday with her talrents here.
row's actual time for the course Nus ^
Nit- 1'. .44 Nairn.. times to amouutr ft. w• al to 411.. fu of lair 'ennui'. The mention we -
f tl Lord l Jf a The church sehol
meet- of a p. vas Maas Choir 1'unterl_ MI-- K. }'..laffra3, nt ?ant, was taw unlet to rake at least s:x51n iront. the prea1'kel Lt It.•.. Canon Char, of
i1 minutes. fuss{ Gnn'e Strung. of r;Iltllda, were 441.1rid:,.} ••renin \o.eu11.4r z_u11, um..? 1..f Sir-. C. A. Nairn .ucrr she 4'.1 rich broach, 1 sl year the ,uu S1, 4411 1.4
Aceor.liug to the otticlui ecce,. the .it the Metes Club at North street - , _,
1'uU church ext kundav of los. to home fur the holiday week -end. the choir of Kites rhur. h will iia. holWac woes.e•ni, ouut .outrlhutrl veva- J151t.40. h,ehnd .t,tteraards the veferaus.. jai it mtet•
runucrr. finished in the following order, cal u 3Ei-- Olive Guld4huri.. of Turuutu. 1
the to ,le for dlw•ue,aou will Nt. '•Ilught their uunual r•ptrrtuwwvl,; L: tie. hs.. Iles. •F. •.\. }:Ilio+t tool )lis- \'era lug one sale• riptiop .41 t3 a5; Canr •.i ill_ held in this 1'liuton ,:oven atoll. de•-
thr tl4,1 It showing time of start rani 1 I . tut'; 1+ut thee'fLnuk•gichryf week -cud wen torr room. The firm part .f the pro- are visiting frleude it. Toronto for sift; nit. ••f e:.; two. of $2.50; s{tata••n 4.14;o41I.. make rhecnuuty obser•uu.r•of
:, . NI t' d it.,itl has a too l
'nee .4t finish:her si-ter. 31rs. \l'. G. Ilncbwan' ram will IN• ,1 "Ik•ts3 Ihd.ldtt" .-.1.u• o fPN' week,. I of ><:'; Dur Of ; i :4, and thir'3 srt"u.ol l Armistice 11113 at. unload 4....111 Nese
Start Flulsh Mr, al. W. Ilowrll will iutn:due• the:' Mr. Jim 1•arsuu.+. of St. Amirew's #
William Yarrow . 1''.ul - 10.42 aabjeet. There will be at, open '4..0 r•t•n. This has IAN'I• arranged 1n' two Miis Mar) ilnsw•S visited Miss sl eft s of tali- focal. ei::7.15 was tie! vette'. service 44111 be h4.h1 G..41rr:.•11
1 I 4,.II.•gr. Aurora/ c►eit the Thank --talented members of tbrehoir and will Ilr{ru Ilnrplih' in l'.4rt Ilnro11 for .,.1.4.11 tr.tnt \.orb -tree? 111ftr1 •1.n
► K w IK
Rose Strang of Kingsville.
2 Marl Men, 0.l) 10.44 t the �nnda3 seise•., et p. w..
t � 1 1 1 i charge
holidays at his home herr. include ninny original and x11rresaiu# '1'h:niksgiclug Day.
:4 fun Ms,.K,y • • • • 10.1►:. 10.44,1.
Grover. Sal UK r 3 - "' ,re,r117rY1 in � 4ies 11.1• ' . ter. .. ., " •.
Italplta 11 tepee. 10.41. 10.40 t 1 n. w. and 7 p. In. '1'hank+ttltint; with her mother. 3)r 1
Will rause with a •-net p1av entitled •nor the week -trod. Hon. and S21.7: from Sultfeed Suudny
r halving 4.1 err nti.'n. atj:r fru" NI ,;r••rgv's: !•Ill:al • The regular wr.•tfl mf the ll'. 4'. tf.
, w h men s clam. K
r o /he ',1.0 rnm. peddle worhilr Ills 1';uherlu" Slulr. 44bu in attend fagturr- whP'L have never before Well Mlss Ethr� Stoke* cl-itrd her -i•- from \.. et. street Iultwl, •tF_ innn.,.1., w'111s1,e 6.•111 hl aleKay Han on M., .
4 ROW.Cr 1.c 1001 10.4., f 1 g t T inft I.4Ixk• Tor i tat
1 • •h fit • . oft,. rt Mrs. 1D,. uldsr•n at Straiten!. Knox x7 f1. m the Ihtt tilt .wugn•Kx any .• ulN r pet,. at 3 p. m.
1 1 ' 1
prises of fountain )esu- :old peucC. E. Sale.
51- Old-tge Perwienn miss oral l'.Nrl.rr. ..f Port 1:Iglu Mint- Mag IshI Will.- This will Ie Mea. old -helm n•44'di, l to her home •' heal.
s. t d ansa performed entirely by •chair menti,. s. ' in Itruptforl on Tuesday totter a 4.11 Item tt elm 1..•1,• le
(hir s as r :iso :
and the sabre- receive.) ,wwat,r 1'1.•• Moron ('aunty 1/141 -age- Pension High Seined. -lent the week -end 1 During. the 1,term.wslui Mrs. .l. J. .r -.me week- in taw°. f1.lhw u) the'•irr
The course was over.the lame risme' lxwtd hes approved to dere air up- holiday with her parent.. ?ire nasi 3laeKx3 will SiuK. Admission :4.r rrut4. tar Uice Sh:.ruuw lett 'u, Sal tars ..f its cougrrguthnn. If :alt co .pr
a4. low[ Fear.'euchring xlsnu slz .1151 1.11,111iona for pensions. and nearlj' all Mrs. A. J. (Cooper. ____-_-__--
day for Winnipeg. where she .will crate heartily It will out 1.4• digfenit'
any, budding athletes oo o: ,Irl red Ihsmin
• buys up to fourteen years. Fisc source four ..r lite w. far. the alalia cans+• ut1,.IlmmPr at 7MIr rnttage erre. tea Thanksgiving holiday.
ui1Sg lad levet rrrrral frirudly K \ureal l'nr•
w,1s Iwfor" klxKls- ,
three-quarter wiles. ..f !lest have leen 1.a vel by the I'rorin- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Healy left for . mol the winter mouths. reach ter obje•ttve of t::asa.
Miny. Id1 t k part u, iata
The first two tluO
s ng receive.
(Matsu Bowlers Here I --•- ____
the junior rate which wa- up.4u tis! Ina 11 111 irks. In the titch hone at lV.r[xlhaven, Long Island.
' Two teams of Clinton !fowlers cis!- alis. Alice \Hiro and al r. lluyglar
neve of the exceptions numbering `only i N. 1'.. uu Yatunlay, after spending the
tel 11 *• 14 sat uIle s uu Tuesday 1.c- Nairn erre home Nous '1 44 11ta for In the Mag4Mrl, te's Court
Alo.t of the ,neml'ers of 111e town
coltnell are off t.alia3 on a trip 1.y
tumor le Mitchell and other pints to
Ii-i.'.l motor driven bidderr truck...
T114• ,smell has under con•lderau+j•m
Ile purchase- of one or these truc4x
as an addition to the toren'- firer ''ae-
hag equipment.
was apprvnhuatrly our nal,. 'l�tlN also' refusal was lark of sufficient residence! Ile, and Mrs. W. A. 1'nithurt and r V I
MIS • handicap racy. •Kellie durt•r..t game' with local bowlers. The 1.r- -Iles. Ada Walter' uud nice. Cull' untie Iteicl oft •a'urvla3 i.0 a rhnrg.• I)UNGANIIHON
was the whiner Inch :riff i
boners in
The unty of the pen-; the Mise•.. McCarthy. of Toronto. mot- -tame 'rh•au r. n. s N nt 11w holiday inner+. In this county range from "red to letrolt and event Thank -40v- sole of the contr•,ts was as follows: I t 1 ' 7 of r'.•kle-r dohitlK. Ile pleaded goat),
''t Clinton 'with friends tit
)irie•fi.•Id- and In view of the uunler of times
( , -ecru,
Harold Muhriug listed. -evenly to ninety -sheen }ear Forty- lag with relatiyer: and friends. a-$tlene 1
The Mntwtants finished fu the fol• F. Westbrook
11. Giesler • _.. Mr. and lir. Wolter tfarte rpttrF+tl tut; !avert rryi for sow. wisdrux•gnur' 111 \s.:.1\\11.\. 1ary. 1 Mn. Bohr.
Jack Grul two of the inmates of the e4un•y Mess... Mrs Naae Gouley and her son .Utz. ' ,rr •
utter !he magistrate or 1*-ntJ hlr'�'1'relrn.rn, who Itld •INru . i-fthl11 her
]owing order: Wile Carter, Ja k ( refuge have been found to be quail- and Miel. A. MalIock. of Crewe. silent C. F. Chapmua 4'. Liverwor. !sir-. S.
'.Vlu with al r. Horn. raster.,
Harold Mohring, Morley hlarmtlel.l, g W. Bisalt! )t. Sherbr.ok • • airs. S. Whaley. int. Slims, driving license towelled [u1. a year. -.•u• in Toronto h•1. the pNl-t mouth,
John M
tied for poensions. This represents about Thanksgiving with I/1.. and Mrs. Wil-
' A Taylor H. Strep ani. 4largnret Itwlditr. .1 the 1'ni•i 1'rw•i„us s'. t driving furiously 11411% 11 rrnune► t.. bre Motile la -t •rntunloy.
`. urLa f t I 1
F. Huta! 3252. F. l e 1 l r 311 + I 11 t +beet N 1.i hr lost csly 114 Of Ma-- Je•:w Stolle -re Moti e /1 for Saturday
ilia, Barton. 1 N P
t 1 vent the Nark end
Edwin Dean, Rrnom Steep. o n e- 1 the total number innuurs livor (:a111ec, 1 lam ,r a q4. stow . tershy ..f 'I'orontn 4 N•it the hulWay
.f M M r Clarke an. . r pang
7:w1; It.•herhrook Clinton 73:1. j Miss Eleanor Inntitherf3, ut W."141-; end run up oft Mr. 11. }:. 11„lona•, hewn' her pawn!. r. nn, . .
nor to v - ,..
Linn, Bruce Bloomfield, Sam• of titter will have ter till o ten a y
Harald Wllaot, /Donald Wlgnins, I ref° but grate ■ number w'lll re- Ler- 4 lark,.. of the 1'it4pr.'1(4 of Tor• 11'ghr t sure. W.'BlNres C,alerleh week -end at her )tu. herr his .ar tad icier• It was stopped h 4.x51411. shut,
1 AI i Ile Tim. Wo -
Java Graham, Wllliatu McKay. Geo.I main
Leitch. Jackie Re•II, Keuneth l'eneiug' i will I e
ton, Billy Stoddart. Stewart Schon will 3te.l
nada, Jack -Hinck. Lert Ralechler, Thos. rxm` will
Mack MacKay, Rea Iruakw'wrth.
Cent. jlasehler, Harold Mundy. i011
IIwIght, Bud . Johnston. ltubt. Swi-
ll!!, Qrt Bloomfield, Roy Mundy. Hor-
old Vitality, Jack •Leemer. }silly the Is -
J. H} 1:
worth. JdMet McLeod.
A atilaMlt.-01 bras w,rhed to try' Goderich was
their pwato and at Ube con- t smitten death w -he.
1 ',rents a1. girl,/'that Mn. J. Reginal
claw cw 4.T brie
race was otat Ilea mune was oris away on Thursday 1
rannd the SWIM and the six con- home on Victoria, at
to finished M follows: 1st. Iwrt-, had been around as um
ion; ambit Lee;
3rd. (1. ! day and was spending
. Zoe•
4th, Lanett. Ili)tsaleld; Ch quietly to home. Nut-Bc1- their gi.r•t. or na 1 i K
Krum' tit ne Ken well. he said he 440111.1 g' "oflt for n.' .,c. 44' Wright:uu1 Mr-. al'rlKbt city. The pastor of the choral!, !tet.
�4. k' Jessst� hi °f fresh air. and his fn(h.•r. foo It 1� Rohde!► W. lint. occupi-el the chair.
t lis 11 n1. • air lame. 1 Wright
lowing 111111 a few minute,: Iatte
II in three ease.• the INmsious unto. spent Thanksgiving at th.•ir
honed to the county. It 1+ home. the North street parsonage. 1 is L Kuox D. }atDuugnll stork. Io-. relent Th44tr- thing tit the hole i and narrow! s4' trerl •wcw•kage •ut col -
he tint cheques for the pen-' Mrs, -Rota. Johnston and daughter. W. Heitman T. Livermore l her rustier. ate- 51. 11•ntghe�ty lfsioh with some trees.
T. Prit hard B. Carrick . air Berme Hearn. .44 Plratford.4 on Friday 'Meld Kemp. of Whs.
e rewhvd Ina few day Mrs, the -ter end inhar. .4f Clinton. s , hear. wn, it, taut tis, a charge of as
-pent the -week -end h: 1.44411. the roosts. T. M,.'..1 :,•t Ir, Fulford {tent 1'h11�tp:.gh'lum t.V raith her
.1 Mr: and Mrr. 1.111111' 1:. Young. ' R. Lloyd 410.13. C. PAR ,.sou :'669. prtr•ut-, Mr. and Ifs. Wm. Farr. suint. The victim of the meanie being
Mr. snit Mrs. G. F. Mxe1'he... of 1 11(t;:e-, -.awes: W. Heitman, Gude- Mr. Tum (:ray_ of Wrhv3u, Sa.k., x 3u K woman. who rler•Icwl 11 black
Plymouth. Mie'., spent several days ie L. 71:,; T. Livermore, Clinton, 074. Is visiting at the Inane of his gr:, 1- ,.5,,`111 1 h altercation. the magistrate
Nitlt friend-. h1 town and vieinity the i'Mrenl'•. Mr. and Mrs. R. 11. Mew. swot Keprp 1.4 4114• 4Ont Ontario Itef•'rwa-
Alde PLATT �. 1 (pique Entertainment Mr. and Mrs, Wm. %leikle and child t..ry for a definite tern of nix 0111111119.
In startled by a 1a1 1 week. and gave The tonal a
pleneant tails The supper awl cuter:aium.•nt jar- I -ren. of ,�• turn. v141te1 til: week at the', !!itis in additional .Ix m.ntbs' Kule
it became known h i I M' Ile eft at Victoria street 4151',.1 church h..me uf-Mr.alud airs. A. D. Ife1A•an. termellate sentence.
Platt end pas......1,
"u rice Lauder nue 1's s•
1 j' kir Brlmias,mhe. of the St t'xtLeri,,,,s oft :he twenties .44 Thanksgiving Day Mr. and Mrs. (:.1.o' l.ytllr" of lViu41 , i►uring the wa•rk the usual grist of
ht 151-4 at tai.. *•,11e•'1:4e Institute. •IN•ut tin•-rliuuks- drew.n rileord er•wd. .After n lomttt sur, spent the weekend vIlth the Int -I ,.,ase. touter the Highway. 'l'rnitic Act
t. Mr. Platt , ,• reaps, -fol nyxast sorrel in ter'-,hoolrN,n1 tee's punyus. Il r. and Mn. J. John•and the Liquor Control ,tet pas -sl
1 during the
h hes he terve - nt t n. t1. 1 rhrongh the conn.
u- atop.
: r
. • .•hnn•h. 1
• women f t 1
the evening ter) rise Gomes here.
Lc the
Mr. and Mr,. Jaux•+ 4'ounolly i.tt grain of great merit was given in the Mr-. F. It. Larkin and Mo -ter lllck•, Thr•n• hate INrn H•rertal 411.0. be
ling very" f T1 t k'•iv111 the auditorium. v.bi.•h vex- filled to .•ups- of N'lndsrrr, visited the forulcr's' t„
by tale
did the
listard la fiodericle
talied "alai ung• some
a tteodtli (h7 radio'
y ase In old
rd ers -
lAotldo k:4 1oeli
abej h the
given 10
fill' Oil/
ciliate of
gasorke co
Mae. - It was
for tho who
him lying on the, ground. f wes
poses brought oto t ,e for a,. q e 1.l F, lumbar f Amhenr',urtt and
1 1 t
.,r•.lw .'r. L• - e:ra•eting.: from North street United
.4f ( Ha11, 314-s Iwl.eI 3Vrirtht
1 1 h ui ItT3' :Is
of St. 'Glide'. College. Turuntu: Mr.
chnrch *ere brought 4y Her. C. F.
Clarke, while Rev. R. 1'. Melt_rrwid
, b1. fight best wishes from 'Rime-Pres-
re the magi+trite of cattle running
mother. Mn.. Jan il•Imilton. over the of large 011 the highways. nod a waru-
I ing bas INrn i.sawl lhal this pr:n II". Mr. and Mrs. Jo 4 ,sIti••Id-anti air. �4 IN• t-,', i..- -
and lir. W 1 Powell leave next Tars-'
dry' to Blend the winter month* hl Site for Presbyterian Summer Nrho,i IAV11rnIl.g1n11, railed on 4411.11114 here the
passible and a doctor suwmane • n1 al r. 11th Ihm Florida• with the objet •'f e,uaM1 I,ing :: first of the
he died in a few minutes The taus. • htteriau church Thr entertainer of Miss 3Ltr3 par -mus. of MN:f11 foie sttwith seined e funis. funtu•r r member-
Mr. and Mr-. Heber Erdy will family'
*sent 41114144t nod M'•tulnv with friend.' ,
M1'- 11.44111 !licks 'pt,t the week•
end at her home 444 )34-sInrwc111*'. -
lir Coker.. of Toronto, sp•ut a f.!tr
11113, Willi her son, 11r. ,1,, Yokes.
Mr. and Sir-. J.•hn Menge i and son
Frank tuotorwl to 'Parnate and ;,1'4'11'
the W0111. '0141 %111, their .:nlghter, air-.
telt"3 St'Igel.
31 r. and Mr- Will Il,Fl•y and (Weigh -
ter a4'In411(rw1. o1 le•ae11ugtott, rlsltwl
friends here over the we'k-,nd.
Mr' r. :aid nate. Itobt. Dos ,rpa•nt
•a few days at Elora. tine guests of
Ile. and Mrs. Ja•. Wilson.
Mn.. and Mn".Fred 17.'-- sI•ut
'I'honk-gi'l,g rt Am►xrly.
Mr. Ray Duff and Mr. Shaw. .of
Isar of Ah,srna, 1'a. 1'
` Mrs. McKenzie owl daughter. tai--
u[ death was phlrbltia, resulting farm �•• uwuc fri.15.1..an•1 customers of the errttlug w'n, Mr. 1'Iw,n .44. l'asoke, of terity', 3luntn•al. '{tilt the Thu►,ks' of the 1'n•sbyferlr1 a'Ioorch n toe Sr }:lean , of Clinhm, spent T1, r. 311--
a wound he reefed In the Great War; tar Nary ''tinter who for three &massa, tJle Indinu basso. The carom-; girlug vacatfnu With Iter psrv•uts. Me.
Mal of Ihuulltui trod, London, a profs lug ut the hour .4f Mr. and Mrs G.
erty of sixtw•n acre, un ';the lake Al. McKenzie.
shore al Kintnll has ',mon pur.•hnsed The lodiaK of the I'resh3•t•riau
fry" atberll,K front JosephKI ala Iusss . 1h1 the prge hnr'h :Ire holding a o the per socinl
Reginald Platt was horn lis G,NIe to Ira•xr o[
h New• one For the first part ••f the pr,•l[ram tete are n hoose nasi n burn, rani n+ In the hnnetnent of the church un
.0 In a very true sense this tine voting
man gave cls life "fur King xnd coon'
years tondo -tel a nadir," locality twit- - lalttlriaevas 'Mr. 15. Major, who.. attoo
for on West strew', will be interested glue a rw'itaa1 white the audlenee was
ler marriage un Friday. K
Nnyrml.4•r ate. at Mat ,.son.
ark., to Mr. John Hall. of Shillington.
New• Ontario. hut formerly of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Hall will reside on the
groom's farm Ave melee from Shilling -
Niel Mr.. 4;. I.. Parsons.
Mr. and Mr -s 1)8rry Mit"Ius'Il, Miss
Florence a1,1'lure and al r. Bement
Snwerhy motwed to Toroutn and
.pent the week -end in the city. relay evening.
Mn. and 31 r'.. R. Hatton. Mfr. :d I it is quite close to the Bine Water F g•
lllgltwny it le .onsiderel a very wilt. , Supper and Coneeit.-The fowl -np-
alrs, S. ('lark" and Mr. M. Conover. per under the nus ir•es of the Wum.'n's
alba.' place for the purpose for which t i
of 'ILrr41' 51 spent the holidayhe at the; • 11191ilulu. held Irl 111,. risk hall Ise
hire of Mr. and Mrs. It. ('firer. it Is Init•ndeh It Is ,.xps•te1 that E 1511
work will I.1. ,'511111N•leed early next Friday •".4-ultrg. was very mese-end
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. (illh11m, Mr. and
orryrmw,t .K the build• I hf all particulars. The supper veno
At the dam
at Knot church last
meting recital of a
paslr. 'Tb. organist,
taasjor, WW1 a■aielad
' rnther1ng11afti.
It;lgln h■15d, std Mr.
of Colborne tomtit*
baa, who is an ecce
rich thirty-six Scute ago. the son of ,
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Platt. He took
the pharmacy course at Toronto with.
honors. graduating in 1913 with the'
degree of 1'hm. B. Fur a year or so
ter he hid charge of a drug
*pa to Toronto, anti in Mirth 1:1.1:i. ,
he oallated with his feilow•'tnlelt, in
His University (25th, Itntt.•rc.
by December of the same S•'ur
,J* Trance. Ile wan wounded in
1917. at tie Somme. and
CasiBoariyy a year in a hospital 4n
bstiore tieing Invalided to ('an- 1
Ike be *pent some time in Ito,-
_ Guelph, end Ie•ore he was
)st, rendered several irele sotto, fn lMere'd he %oiuut• Bred for ser -
■and oleo gave a 'cello *ono. Air. Tra- .1cr with the Army Medical Corps to
lease rendered an excellent nob ou the Siberia. where 1*' was given the last '
Senor horn with organ acrOW ant. of chief dl,rteneer in the ha•9itR1 at
Mesons. Trireme, and Fot m Vieth., lock. . His corps. reached SI-
.r horn and
I.' term slant the time of the signing of
Si -
contributed •tem
duet. The {htereafirtg recttal was the armletice, but it wan 1101 until
his die-
► that
he received
Ie. 1 10.
Irreught 4, a clone with an organ Htlo June. 1
fey Mr. Major , barge. Returning to G.Nlertdl, he had
leen employed for some years pnoe •as
Insurance Inepe •tor 10 e.- •1'tion N MI
the grain tra'flk• at this pertAlthough
he finfferei severely from his wounded
Three Highway Accidents
County Traffk Officer Lever has been
cafled upon the pati week for 111s
aerviees In connection with three ae- leg and underwent several operations.
Mentos on the h1�Meya. on Sunday he was nercr heard to complain. and
blight. on the Lallirrthoro road, cart very few knew tint he was oilier 111nn
delve,' by Joseph 'lretl4ter and Archie well and strung. He was a menthes
Botrtnsen. Isoth of the Auburn dl.trit,
• ,mllllwl, with damage to both earn.
The matter was amicably settled.
Irebsiar agreeing to have both cora
Irwl. Nott.dS was hurt. 7Mer.
On Monday esening, on No. S Mph -
sway near Clinton. an accident of-tir-
led through Mr l'antelou. of Clinton.
applying his brakes too quickly. FAI.
Neleon. of GoderI' 50 wile driving
' behind, piled into tlfelrnr's ,•sr and
)ors. Nelson *track hrr hen! ngnited
the front of the car she was 1n and
was badly cut. She was taken to the
proton hoapltal, Where twettp-foer ante
elves were required to eine* the wounds.
She was afterwards brought home.
The third accident was on the Rhee
Water plghw-ay. near 143. Joolt#1. at
Teeaday. John len(nme was driving
a true* alaag the hlgbway when John
Douce, at 11MkW, turned la MI a Ade-
4 -
tioed -sea raa tits the track. d
dfi • It'tmelgor agree to mama
sieges. *v1nwly wag baht.
Cwt Lever 1a taut at all ttrlmt-
M OHO Sit assistatlas ilk eke ifg
!MARsow t:11‘0111114 bik b.4.R am
of St. George's church. the Metwee
Bing Canoe /'Inc. the Blue \Vater Golf
Chub, snd Hnron Lodge, 1. O. 1). F.
(Ie le ,nrvlved by his parents, ■ bro.
Errlewt, of Pon ('olborne, and
two ,asters, Mra. A. A i)nwiilnj
(EIIreI t. of Toronto. And Mrs. I). 4'.
Reid 1Glndyel. of Detroit.
The fluent! took place from the
family residence on Sunday afternoon
and' was ane of the largeet seen here in
mnny years. SPnbe war eOadieted
4.y Rev. .1. N. 11 M111s, rector of at.
Georges and the Irxllbearer, were TA -
Col H. C. Dunlop. H. Is Wolaaa, W. J.
Rnch.nan. iv 11. Holmes, Ernest VI -
dean and Rert Swnderwm. The war
veterans and tnldfelluws marched In
pee prosysainn, and at M■Illand cerns•
tory the funeral rite,. of the 1. O. 0. !.
were nb+Prvrsl. Th.esP preyed inch -
411.1 '41. sod Mae Ernest Platte dal
!'ort • ,'ltarrw ; Mt. and res. IL r.
I►uwe,wg and �Netiof TttfiMN;
D )�«
Mr. Cooke appeared
111.11:41 ch Welton.. 41
pum :11111 necklace ,
latter tis•• nark of
tied x toms hawk
Welted the Indians
century by French
1111 interesting ace
lure. Ilinsxrathsg hi
rU.+�-the i
the dress of an
ro strtngs of wam-
.1 fears' rises. ler
his clan. Ile tar-
ot the sty14. tur-
n, the seventeenth
tr,d,re. Ile gave
t .41 Indian folk -
talk by songs of
flany, the sung of
Appears Before His Majesty
An %esoclatel Press destaatrh front
1_ondon, England. on Thursd,t last 11/1-'I
nouneed that "for the tlrnt tihn• ,ins
the beginning of his Illness a year.
ago, King 4:.••rge 1s going to the
theatre tonight. His Majesty has .e-1
le•ted the play 'Rose Marie' at the
Drury' Lane Theatre. Thi. announce ,
meet h of epeeist! Interest to Galerlrh
'people, 1n the fact tint Mr.' Chas. Mea -
lane. of this town. is a member of
the company honored by 1l is Majesty's 1
Imtronnge on this signal ncaelon.
Maitland -
' . The annual n of odk•;rs of
1 Maillaad 1.0s 33..l. F..& .l. 31..
tt r
•y II 11
, A
' evening.
cw e g
r ria )
It k
ter foll0wfng were elected for the en-
ening year4 W. U. 4 . .1 Rolertsou ;
1. 1'. M.. A. 1.. (ole; S. W., 1Sr. It. R. ,
11ia11 : J. ll'., 15r. 1. A. Graham: eha1.-
I lain, get. K. 4'. Meiermfa ; treasurer.
R. G. Reynolds: se•retar'.. Geo. Mac-.
\'tear; tyler. A. Knitting. l joint In-
stallation of the officers of Maitland ,
and Morning Star lodges will take,
Place at ('loth.% on Friday evening,
1 heetr»IN•r 274h.
M. tad Mrs B. at DeWitt;
lane, Jobe 1.04
C.. r.
H. H. Reid in Hold-up
The 'Ronk of Commerce branch at
College and Clinton streets. Toroutn, I
the manngcr of welch 14. Mr. 11. H. '
Rend, formerly of (:,Nlerlch. we. the
scene un T•nesday of ,one of the hank
robberies that are iemming rather
common In Toronto. Two men entered
the Bank shortly after 114,„11 hour, ez-
111Mteal revolvers. and herded ter staff
tato a ranit while they gathered np
aver 80.000 and made their getaway.
A 11lw minutes later a woman. Pn-
44II g tem Rank 10 itearslt sem, money,
found the staff Imprlsuued In the vaulttold
and gw.ra - the einem. Mr. held
a reporter It mss his firm experience
ata hold no In thirty yenriof banking.
Mr. R.ld woe manager of the Standard
Bank A (jod.rieh previous to the ale
'mention of that Bank by the Canadian
Bank of Commerce, and remaine'l here
utast titae afterwards, removing
'hrwto oily a kw months ttR0.
children at play. of 'the you 1)1 aasum-
Ing the reep tislbilltie,. of manhoogl,
• hr• is a r -sang. the snot o1 the. uhslleine.
1,15111. and the death song of tile' tarsi.
1u the ws•oud part of the pr,aram
-,sags. revltations x4111 15111101111111P were
nituglwl unt1 'lietttel dellghtel a
r. 11u•ke buts 11 11ne v .1rw.'isle�J
c tl a II- Is P
vex+ sh.4wn l.4 gheest x11 uu K tile
entire! ,-hole,- of seleclioxa.
Before Mr. i'•Nrke env*. hie clueing
Mre. Gorge Ger 81141 .111ugMer. Vera. I year 0n the' imp
end Miss LIIIla n Patterson. of Brant-
ford. ap•nt Thaiksgiving with Mr.
and Mrs. 4:. Patterson. -
I Mr. and Mrs. Nan Mem and Mr. (1.f welch "'it"'
the prop
11. Vaunt -mats of let rola, motored
lute; a short play, entitled Parted
herr on Saturday and spent the week- 1371.311111"41.1q; rrw•k.
end with Mn. len Ilnten's parent.. The pur.•hnse'w•1)1 Icrevlde a 1'114119 try Atm! Het," put on by the young
31r. and Mrs. Alex. llender.on. for Boy Smelts and 1`: 11. 1. T. aroma Wog)! )! 4(1 the hN•x1it3•: duets by Iles -re.
31 r. and Mrs. Marvin Green and awl .IQ serve (.ir the entire territory -Lorne "Pentland and }'rank Mellwaii;
daughter. I),ris, and son. Harold, of within ter Noma' of Nee Synoal. k ficdo by Niles Margaret Pentland:
At the Ins) meting of thc� SynaNI sr•1e•tlonx by the ereh.•strn and via.
p ertnitslon was given for the purchase. Ilnlsts. Rev. C. '1'. Keine ot9'Upi.sl
Wider .ertnin rondltlone, of a pro's- the chair very fittingly.
)erty naipdiing M .'nesettmg Park for Itrown-Kred.- Dungannon I tnitei
t1... S3teed sntnner school. Before chnrch parsonage wits the scene of stn
Ings and grounds. ser that the s isool
mac be held during the rammer holi-
day period. The matter fv in the
hands to( n cu01nd lee of the :43 nod,
wetted fu the basement from (1 t.. 9
.icbrk. after which a very Interest.
Ing program was rendered by 1•N•:U
talent. Tile consisted- of an Opening
song - selection by the Women's , In+g1-
Port Heron. spent Thnnksgtving eith
)1r. awl Mrs. Will Grown. Colborne.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Henderson. er-
number Master 'tiny Jo N• J' Isnston ''• nipnnled by Mr. rani Sire. inn Ixr
Tied -
gave se1'eral recitations in his custom• •e ,, of 15,'!rof*. motored to Itruswds � this, pnrehar MIR put through, 1 •• Interesting event un Saturday. Not. m-
a13 entertaining manner :410 retain -ell this w.rk and visited al r. and Mrs. 1 ever. the property etas Rn141 to another ter 9. at 11.:Go a. nt.. when Miss Th.•I-
wdaughter' ..l
need. Ind t
Iterthn it
net ,oi,grnhtl:ution,s from hl• lu.lixi, con- 3. N. 31nedene d. Part}.
Ven. Ar hd,•aern J013140.1-141 9'111/111 ,non _ Mr. and Sire .tube R, e e riole s-
fn•re I:rtia Baal Arrivals cion of A,LOeId became the bride •d
e'en.' the winter months in the South.
The interesting program closed with 1.4. Janes -Bateman hove gone to I'L4-r,• were lire grain bent xrrtr
the singing el the \t11a1:11 ..iirhem. b nye. N. 'Y.. to visit their son, Mr.
'J hn J..nc•s-Rn tents n. and will. likeh :,I- at this port the past week. Th
tier Grolerirh urr•ited the for,pnr
Result of Ka a mml of i;aII t' in Mouth
Huron Election
A revision of the ballots ,;.-1. in the
I'rrvineIa1 election It smith 11,1 run
was cominenesl herr oft T,esla3 morn-
ing by Judge R. 1•. McKinnon, orf
Guelph. and ens concluded We weeley
evening, though formn1 jndgeneut was
not issued until today. The net 44.4111
w'ne the inures.... of the nrttjorio. of W.
rN'llbur !:.stege Brown. second son .•f
e Mn'. .;ruwl, :and the late Charles a'.
I Brown, M 144'"4 Wawnno-h. The-cere-
of this w4N•15 with :(,5,1544 Mwhele of m0ny w•os performed by. itev. 4'. 4,
wheat for winter rtorag" for the Kni01'. pastor of Ioungannon Unites)
ll',•stern caned,' }'lour 311)1s. ' tin chime's The hrlde, 44ho w'n• unlittyn,lel,
Tuesday 1h" Itrlenldoe arrive) with woe chnrtnln4 in a iw•ig• enstabble ,sf
:17n,INNa bis -hell ..f when) nidi oats for georgette And Inc.ewith block sritin
the (:o.lerish elevator. Ti.,' Remora -hoe. and h•.4. in nut't:Idug shades. She'
Is discharging !.1,151115 bushel. of wheat .•arried •a ,h.w-rr longnet of itntterfly
Baseball for 1l1N
Ail htters.twl In lin...ball in 4:oN1e-
rich are Invitee to attend n meeting.
to Ile held at the town hull on Wed.
n.'sc'ty evening, Noteimber :'1(5 h. at
o'clock. 'rhe treasurer's report tont
be submitted and plum• f.r next
ya'xr tih.enseed. A prt'p'' 1 Is shaping
for n larger leegue for next sells,ul.
ie enthrnr,., p•rtinpe. Stratferl, Mit-
chell. 1'Ilnton. Senfnrth. I:xeter anst
It I. I.11. Thele i' nothing like get -
at the I:4,414.110i .,I,.,...rr t1,In3' %Tlulrs- roar's 111111 mnlleuhntr fere. 31re
day 4 mut will clear this evening for Lillian need. sister .f .he ',ride. sand
Toronto le I'•a.I ptckagf• freight. .NII .lrthur Brown, brother of the brtJc-
thew• cnra.N•+ qvr• trim the head of ! groom, were witncs.•h•s of the ceremony. .
Do- Ink,.,. . after the marriage the bridal party
The Jockeon 4'nnstrtrrtl... Company droy4- to the home .f the brides 4knr-
V. M.•do. the•Pr„gr.•ssh'.' member -elect, completed the 1101104111
tram 24' to :4.z. The resonnt was held ting'' "fatted In 44(4.41 time. w, Ilio',' .the mooring crib at the west side nj When. n Acelding dinner was fieriest.
wits wools) like to owe a good Newson
the harbor the- W1/1`k T}IlN crib s lon1y ntielinte r"h111.4,44 of the
fords Improved 11reommodatl,n for Noon,. IN•ing pres.nt, The dln'1p
..'.••+•I- tir•hsg op herr ono also, glees role wet- suitably deoratel for the
,n,te•tion .k.,,t1.• ..,111111 craft. tier, IN. ,,.,- Iota 111111 girl friend,. of the 'ride
Itlg a channel at the rent of the era, did the serving. Foliowing dine! the
for fhlibeet". roe -beets, x11'., to tie happy couple left on a hoheytnan
n,l' to be spent at London, litrxtford, Mit-
Mr. ,lames Took. who wax *uperin- ebe11 ■r# other ts'inte. the bride
4r.d4nt of the ent)tnlctlOn work On wearing a gown of nut brown e-r'•p•
Ow new million bushel elevator for the .•elan, with Mee trimming, and cost
John S, Metcalf Co., the contracture', of black kitten's ear hrondrloth with
left the pest week for Chicago. The, fur trImtnIng Awl clack velvet hat
work on the new cl*vn'or 1. 5:..w r0m- 1 w'itl silver enahrol.lery and other mat-
pletM. chink. se-•swsrlee. In, their return 31r.
Some go.1 el rings ..f per.h have and Mrs. Brown will raalale,on the
ieen renght bt hook rind line off the groom'. Perm. 55th eoncenelon Af .\+h -
piers this *arks ''old.
tion work on Pt ts. 311.. :1114 )its. ,1:o -le M. Beed.
100 ellgrllrothr►1 of G. 11. I:Iliolt.'41w on-
...nil cote Wits found to bit: For Meth!,aho11hd torn out to this meeting and
1.741. fur }1111014, 4.75R.trkP,n hand.
\ oiscrepatiry In ballots engartwlI
nft••r the -IPr•t.on vine found} to bel The N'.',train-ter Gniid of Knox
dm to an error In term ;minting office ehnreli �wiII present the play 'Nobody'
which had the printing of the ballots linthe cNut*- nnn1le entlNr1i14* and roomof
In No 6 division, Stanley, 4001 book
of fifty ballida was short 'eight foal- l'len•e• keep these detest In mind.
Mtr. and ' hese were dk'•orvered •meting ; "
the ballots retired at one of the See- The regular meeting of the Vk•t:•rla
forth p021R. Ilene. :Ind StMal ('luh will he p(et-
Mr. Me41 wa- representee al the re- t Iortrl title month to the date of the
emu" h7 3. G S4nnhnry of Exeter. Vtctorla school rommsn,r•ment, 4444th
and Mr. Alliott by 11. R. Neiman of will 4. *ome d11y in the In -t week in
Goderkb. !ioveMsr.
'ur(rwfnl ('oneerva4 i c4. caNlid8te' The '1.f ',In..ehxll 111 G,N1Prleh next year