HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-10-24, Page 8Ft. -Thursday, October 24 1929. Hallowe'en Oooh! What a night for a party ! We have a full line of Hallowe'en Decorations, Invitations, Place Cards, Tallies, Club Napkins, Favors. etc. e Cole's Book Store Gethin Davies A.L C M:A R C M Organist and Choirmaster of St Geese's Church Teach*r of Piano. Singing, Organ and Theory. Apply 1' 0. 462 'Pupils Visited ARTHUR CIRCLE BAZAAR In lecture room of Knox Church Saturday, Oct. 26th • AFTERNOON TEA „ to •I'F'1'1-:11 t, Mystery Table, Candy, Homemade Baking, Fancy Work Sc.• display of fancy work in NIL Chea. }black's window.' NOTICE Hydro Arrears Upon instructions from the officials of the Hydro- •. Electric Power Commis- sion of Ontario, their rules and regulations are to be strictly enforced. All Electric Light and Power Services in arrears will be cut off forthwith if not paid. {tl e 41{14F:R ('F The Water and Light Commission Goderich ?AIT HURON TEACHERS MEET AT SEAFORTH Wide Range of i+ubj•r t• t Mere' "by the Speaker. The (Ifty-sixth auuo.tl .":••,': aces, of the East I.luruu '1'eacl:erw „'lotion WHO bell at 'Seaford'. in I'netu.e>, pariah hall. en Thurs•tay' au(1 t'r1Jxy, tk•totter loth and 11th. There were MI teachers present. 1'rineipnl Ed- win It. Crawford, of ucaf'•rt1' public shad, tie president. np:od ;hc tenth. r. Mr. Crawford in his l,Ir-.•irt:tial ad- dress.' close the mut )c. 1 -T, A hint; Trust." 'He wondered it teachers of Ontario were always eoI•iznl,t. of the importance of the a 44-; relent -41 In them, and cited exit ,•e. that had none -under his e.e; ^, r4 ;4'1011 wherein ta'achere had . gotten, if they had , high character of their lug, he said, Lever d. _ ways dignities those \%1 in it. The work is .• n.r- ,...n•.. the - '1'euch- N :an al- , :.aged .requir- ing wkeelum. tart and .••• Is) tierce. The teacher, u. ._-t 111. oust 1e au active, aggro- • . iutelliL•eut 4.01111/4/111/d of live, 2A• , • i -Jew. circ toe 11 11.1 above all J • se'lo,tar -hip,' though a near cause for -less•-s be reinforced that -ubt10 power we Bull force of , :,:141. tor. .\ teacher reproduce* her -cit iu her pupil*, they lwing hero-woralipi, r i.. -.:and In her care achy' per week (hen they art tench with their parent -p",u-11.1llty for building , hcuvitt• 4.11 the teeetw• mos lupaertant part , 'l'eaching ie an art: :he artist, the school bre-tieti.S her matt uud the resulting plat. -4.141. Mire 1)onglms, of II, .n.tnictive talk un '•c, _ 44n,4 Class.- For n. _raphy and Nater. ..rrrlate . .\ knit ;lie outdoors she 1111444:; rut and slaked deti:. • .• little or no meanht_ chid•!. She rt'*-omm.• . •1 THE SIGNAL, frequent nee of pictures from maga zines. cutouts, imaginary tripe collec- tions and charts prepared by pupils. in order 10 arouse the interest and luthusiasm Of the claw Site limit on cxhildtlun a cut-out Jotauese village prepared by her class that aroused the interest of the convention and must hate tarn effe•th'e 111 her. geography ..lass. )lbw Myrtle Armstrong prescu'eel n paper on 'The New English History." She coteddered the new 1Hstory an improvement on the old one because of its interesting content and simpli- fied language. She illustrated the use 01 pictures iu the teaching of a history lessee on "The Ancient Britons." .tt the noon -hour luncheon period Principal Farmer of the Seaforth Collegiate ln-tltltte ga4•e an iutereetine address- on "79e Tent' of Daiwa - • GODERICH, ONT. To the Electors of North Huron Nomination day la ov, :cud w•e uuw know where we *tend. tt•' opplweut In thla mutate has sumo., .,sl hiswtaud titer strengthened, and 1t I am your repre*eptattve 1 *ball do all iu my power to bring about real temperance, a t-uuditk.n we would all like to vete, I•Ilydro-Eleetrie The Ferguson Goveruweut hue by tatreful atteutlou Ito Hydro -Eke -trio on fit newt two import*,. ,ptestlone- development shown that he has studied f4rc moreyears' trial fu: I,•' I. C. A.. the interest of our agrieulturlat* and and sattafacttwith ,e attitude bear In mind agriculture is the greet - of the Minister of Ed . ion In Lia "clued "reform." He n'.. appear* to have faith that ,}fvdr., ',r•' will be reduee(1. 1 believe the L. C. A 1s' a "twat failure as a control "'*sure, but str4Nlg the sales aevenue, *hewn byon tbe,.e figtlnl., r$17.p0O.000aN the Itadz and month", , • .,884.18 the next year, another. *) rt due the day after election whir •III show a steady increase in sal• ,•e(1 revenue. tion." Again I say I am oppu-. • the liquor Mt-- Eversion of, the Str.ufnrd Nio. traffic in any form ,1 will t* ui.11 School °peened the afternoon acs- faithful to "the elect*, ,J temper- -4.m w'luh 4 paper on "Ten..hitn-: auto people who hay.. ioreed mild Health. Site Bloke of the great cam- will support inc in the ng election. 1•8igu for health that 1. beteg w-agtel 1174110 rates must ),. •81144481 Loth by governments Federal. i'rov'inetal to urban and rural ust• If $4.7.1 has end ipal. nod 0111 lined that ell• been the maintenance , •:e t.. rural .-atimi must deal with the phyMh411 users and that based oust. how as well 1I the nu•utal. ('lean w'hoIN, proper desks, good ventilation and faci- lities for rleaalinles- must to provided. 4'otuulou .11se.es•8 and defer•tive teeth. • tonsil.. nod adenoll1, -1101111 • he de - ?revel by the alert teacher. can a reduction to $2.5 .-t before en election be possible? is ...inter your reduction o Ilceu a 1te It Just before *u In edeaatioutn and 1.'rinit yon had to buy after. (11.1 Age Pensions t•' -t thla Comity anywhere from - "8" 10 $114' eat natural resource lu this part of our Province. By btylug *aide 81,00(),- 000 per year for rural Hydro devel- opweut, the Government baa now got this great reoourer 114 such sound fluaueial condition that rural Hydro cel be reduced from f•1.65 to $2.50 per mouth, and financial aeesistance given for fustallation. A farmer can now have the benefits of Hydro to light his buildings, run his ere*w separator, pump, chopper, washing machine, and other household machin- ery. I're•luu44 to the election of the Fer- guson Government, no assLAaute'by way of bonus bad been given to de- velop Hydro on the farms. The Gor- erumeut has already handed over $1t,(IJO,t*0 for the assistance of rural Hydro. Township tSehsel Board Bili Much unfair, lu fact untruthful, criticise of the Minister of Echtc*tun, and his protested Bill has been spread through the'cuustltueucy by designing politicians. 4.4 ! olio 'rlw convention' then broke up Into u any 00 boy ug at N w ac•h 1 , • iwkI pore lionr- ,.nuferellc,- of the variuns closes 480 during the.cumin4 r. which 1* the Township School Board Bill iu directwhi h mer in thepnhll achneol. led, direct taxation. latter --'.'•4884 made eau readlly eee that 11., wet111s The re- t.v various teachers, . and diecuased; out 01 liquor sales in .• last fiscal nothing more unit nothing less rnc'a•r rests the dittl'•ultie- met with N1 their par-' t'e'ar; yet to av0kl a ••rich in the than a bell 1,1 provide a ., uef fs tine rcuUar -phrres of work. province. 20 per tent. 'he Old Age School Hoard for u %thole township. er .,curl-. urn, Friday morning the rlw-tiou of t'ensintus is assessed , the- County. Not one syllable iu that bill refers to teacher is "Meer. was held god re-uhwl as T11e Pnovinee 141011k) the entire consolidated eeh'ols. anti the l'retuier -4.11.",1 yard follows:: President. John Edgar. }crus-. cost. has neper advocattel consolidated .9nildha81. i -rd.; v'i.e-lore-ideet. Mrs. .\Ike•*. Blue-: The grosspublic de •,f 1be Pro- te•h4ois. He apparently believes one '8 (lttm:U+ cele est r2Otar,-trrnsurer. Gc. rge H. I v'iuee today is $4•l*..811. Hydro stilted board for a township. is pre- .le•ffersni, 4'liuton: delegate to O, E. debt. which le prot•hI. :or 1s $153; ferable, but it is entirely up to the ,. ::ave nu .\•, ,}_, l'rnwford. Seaf°rth ; executive, Iftliki k)• leaking 04 1,04.....a. as the net township whether they want it or not. debt, in rowmittee. Miss Hutton. Mr. Muir. and ebt, $112,0(10.000 of e..It 1e charge- I There Is nothing compulsory with Mr. interest the sluff of the \\'Ingham paiblir. w had. able to the 'Highways. a ►tar interest Ferguson.' It is suggea(fon o'ful7. •i•iy should 1\'Ingham will he the next place of charges alone, pakl ,. le debt, a -I if 1 am elected 1 shall euti•r patblie' ue 81.111 fu' meeting. mount to $19./k)0,(p0 1. car. yet we, life determined to give tie test that referable to •1'18 r4wdutl°us;pnmmitt4e pre'Pntal wen• told Ln \Vinglsam \Ir. Spottan, in me lien in the serviee of all the that had its relate. iuclndhlg the following: :uol a fPw tellevo(1 It. r Dur entir•al.pegde• - the count That the memorization selections ;Kitt wits only =OntB. .t, 816(101►; I No j*'r-ei❑ of any standing ezpebtt. the' more for high -clot] entrance be frequently IM90 encs added to the debt •of the any'thluq rlre but that ale Fergisun hnt,gel. ° Province last year. ' Government wi11 1e returned to lower. , \ return of the }'• _ '.-un Govtrn- Knowing this, would It not be well That the lk•parrnw•ut of }Attention mem a contrite. or Li• for South Huron to have a supporter prefers; and Authorize n Albedo Mynd-, lection ..f oxen p -est in arithmPrlc and lino" Control Act for :. long as they ' of the same? In Juatiee to hereelf 'trimmer for fourth ..lite. -es and In' retnlln In power, Y more pleb'►, can Smith Huron afford to Aqui an arRllmer1* forsenior thiel. rites ui11 1* given. 1 „4a1N1 Town- I ointment to 11 Goyerument prepared That A MEMO of srat•wurk suitable ship School Boards w 1.• again in-: to extend so many services to this needs young wen. Mothers today should direct their boys' path toward the church. Christ will stand by you In the darkeet and bleakest hours. but you moat have faith. If you Leer the call do uut shut your ears to it. 'Take up your crow and folk,w' Christ." The rally was Blotted by the pro- nouncing of the bctlellction. by Rey. Mr. Ik,ugau, of Clinton. KORN, 1)A1X911.810.-u„ Sunday, tk-tuber 2'Oth. to Mr. and Mrs. George Beech - ler, Gcderlch, a daughter 1Ju3ce Cplcen ). Monday, October 21st, 1900. to Mr. and Mrs, lasdle E. (Bert) Rogle, of Iialerlch, .a daugh- ter Muth Ellen). I'lll'DFH.-At AlexaNdra husq(1tal, 4balerlch, on Thur•"Ia7, 4k•toler 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alpert 1'ruder, a stn (William '1'bowas). M. RIVED IAtl►SEMORF}-Jit►S?t.-At the home of the bride'* parental, - Hullett town- ship. 011 Saturday, (k•tobe 5, 11R9), by Rev. W. It. Alp, Elizabeth Mupa, daughter of Mr. and 111s. Walter l'unnInghuw, to Frederick Loose - More of Glencoe. DIED \VF:LLF:R.- lu Ge"Ieriell. on M. I d14y, la:tuber 21st, William 1Veller. MAST►\.--lu 4 ;044lertei.. on Tile -day. tk•tu1N•r ::'uA, Dina \bay \L•1 -our iu her 15th year. Mr. Thos. Weiss is Opening a Butcher Shop in the premises on Lett Street lately occupied by W L. McLean and solicits • share of the patron age of town and surrounding country. CaII and see his cash prices Open Saturday Election Day, Wednesday, October 30 owns OWNERS OF CARS ::uag to a -e thein on F:1..•tion Day in the interest I Mr. C. A. Robertson :ire. r•(141 - •'? 'u leave wnr,l Liberal Committee Rooms North treet for ,neral ...lends be prwlwr*l by the a tr."lu4r II, two years 11:. School work County? in l+uhhc Schools year of I Ikgarlment , s and ,111- Tours for service .tINIPrten, ret N•rvh•nr 'of tittle, work in He. , Nc11001,k It ' v4•rslty I ' 1 n t in the ('llntun and Seaforth pnhRc means thetoed ret a mqn = schools, introduoeii the subject id `'ll'allty' but relief to the Province. It mold- in the seined,. Ile deplored means increased taxari all along the .,lir luck of .rrloui- attention to bile Ifne without eorreq■•i...mg benMt. -11Je1 in this 1'rntinee as compared To elect a Ferguseor.-,lpporter from with the attention given to it in the North Huron will be -.• terpreted to mean that: You are -*Balled with the Liquor Control A.'. you are,.aat- isfiel with the Hydro r:.tess you pay. you are willing to i..,v twenty per cent. of the coat of Ohl .\ge. Pensions. and it 1. no conn; -.1 your% that with ('hildren." She adr4,eatc81 the the Province Is t :':4 -Ing taxation asp of the nti.ry hour for enjoyment. ''vercwhere and 11111c.: tip a Mtge enlargement of vocabulary. and for Provincial debt. Can .en afford toI morals: tile moral should on no ae- i take the chancel count he paraded. a• children are 1 again ask the ,•jet•tere to tuerlous- 1 quite as capable of seeing It mat, older I ly eon.ld*'r the 'Poetise and 1 trust 1 will :mesio he ',gritty of -.Ana. of the Brltith Isles and on the 4',ntinent of Europe. hut expressed his pletteetre at the thereafterlntere.t shown in the .nblet in recent year* ln. Miss M0148. of the Sea(torth staff. addre-•ew1 the eonvtntion nn "Reading i A Public Meeting of the Liberal -Conservative Association will be held in the Town Hall, Wingham, on Friday, October 25th, at 8 p. m. in the interests of Dr. J. BENSON WHITELY, Con- servative candidate for North Huron HON. DR. FORRE GODFREY, Mini -ter of Health, will be present and address the, meeting. for. Whitely and Mr. George Spotton. M. P., will also sp'•ak on important ssues of the day. Everybody Welcome. God Save the King! " THE ELECTION ACT - ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF HURON NORTH NOTICE OF HOLDING AN ADVANCE POLL OR Railway Employees, Sailors and Travellers Notice in hereby given that, pursuant t" 1h' provi'one of the FJ4rtion Act •stion ee,, a poll will ie (Tenet ou the twenty-fourth (2401) day of October, the twenty-fifth "Ah) (lay .,1 om,,ber and the twenty-sixth (:0th • day of October, 11.2!+, from One 1,,ors. of two o'clock in the afternoon until ten (i'cla•k in the aftern•s,n o1'•ach of the several days. , The polling place for tl*' Electoral Dia►ict ofH ,r n North will le located at the town hall, town of 4i'sleiich. Jig the tour/se of rtweit knit the yotesof railway empr loyes, .ailor8vn.l trevellers,.wh.r . employment i. slwh as to necessitate their al,*e•nn e*' teen bins 4•• time from their ordinary place of reeid*'nce•, or alio have reason to IsticAt• that they will 'be absent upon the d*) fixed for tleehrtien. The ballot 1,. will her *p.'n*r1 and the rites ori'enterl at 'even o'clock in the aftern*N,n of Wednesday, tl' • addled/ elan /f e 4 'ober, at the said piece. Dated at Goderich this IlSh day of October. A. 1•. 111/e. , A. J. fit ►I,OTH4)RPE. Returning Ott•c.r your sup - folk. folk. She advocated. the giving of looks to children rather than toy.. p)n' Mr. Sacange, optician. of Seaforth.' .-'poke briefly on "importanc'e of Eye Testso +tl nerve energy m! fid he wla'talned To the Electors of South Huron through the Improper fuectinning o•t the eye.% and said that because ..f A. 'R1 BERTS(,N. till. waste of nervuu4 energy pupils with defeetlt'e eight often were dull and elnpitl. on Friday afternoon ,Mics Everson ..f Stratford ale,ke nn "Phases of Eco - Possible to Rural Se•heo1 Elu- catien." Household-rtenee. she said.. meant more than food and clothing. • 11 syn- meant to give useful Inform- ' :4tieln. not so mach to develop, sk111 in 'ooking or erw11ng.'' a% to give a sane attitude toward home. problems. Mb of Redmond of Auburn spoke on Fifth Chi... Art." and told 'eoome of her methods. She suggested the sum mer coursee in art as an enjoyable *8 Wen a• Insrrnetiv-e and profitable, way of spentling part of one's summer vn,•atien. Dr. Field was the 4)na1 speaker on the program. Referring to the %tree's of sump of the **•hood fairs held 1n the tn.teetorate. he •hnught that other s -Eels might pro. Malay take part in tide branch of elu- ati.•u. Ife rompAlt[Nntid eclNol hauls and teaeherst on improvement in beau- tification of school grounds and build- ing. In most section.. though a few were dilatory In thie re -legit. HP brought 10 the attention of the teaeh- 1 ers the regnhttiens regarding religious instruction. new attendance forms, new registers. circular ' on history. school library gnmts. and other Inet- ter'. of Interest. Ladies and cant As nomina- seryative )1hr t desire to ail*. vlew•s of que-• present eleetl. r.. The Pro* -in• • Irll • having a 1 which ias lit... -oda'. and tir.a great 'privilege with the nnmit,1 l•men - of the Liberal -1'4411 ht South Huron. I the electors as to my c- before them in the s r° 1* mugratulare'l 'remier and Cabinet the Prevince out of u••ial chaos. it ie n f••r me to be honorer] :fern to support such an honorable Goternu.ent, that in the last three years has accomplahel so much for all tie people of the Province. GE44. H. ELLIOTT. TRUSTEES .%ND RATEPAYERS, AT- TENTION! Dungannon, Oet. 21, 1(429. To ttic Se•'y-Treas. of the"& -boon Board: The annual convention of the Huron County Educational . Association of Trustee- and Ratepayers 11111 1* held iu the t'•w'u hall. \Vingham, on Satur- day, Nure'nrie•r 2m1, commencing at 1 p. m. shsrp. .\ddressew eon live sub- jects ubJets of interest to an educationists w111 be given by Rev. H. W. Snell. of Brantford, and Mr. Wm. Morris, of Toronto. president and 'es•'y-treasurer. respeetively, M the trustee.,' and rate- payer* section of the Ontario Edu- cational Association. alert by our mem- bers of Parliament. school Inspectors. teachers and others. Make your re- quirements alon educational lines known to 1'ha.. A. Robertson. Gode- rich. convenor of the rewdutien com- mittee. prlor to the convention. Kind- ly Invite your teaeher and have this announcement read In school. A special invitation IP extended to ladles. \\'M. AR('HIIIAi.I), I're.. 1111ron l'o. Fwltnsntional Assn. ' MRS. R. DAVIDSON, Secy-Treas. Huron Co. Educational A.s'n. TO RENT uoutno TO RENT. -ON 1*U( E it street, between North and Vic -torte. Fully equipped. M. W. IIOWEId.. TO RENT. -STORE SUITABLE FOR l■ grocery or office. Immediate pos- session given. Apply to CHAS. K. $IiUNDHRS, Goderich. WANTED C►MI'L'TENT MAIDWANTE 1►. A1'- ply- to 11I1S. 4:AM87.E, Wat••r- lo tat re•t. (IOMP1:TE)NT MAID WANTED FOR Llama general housework. Apply at SIGNAL OFFICE. FEATHERS. - YOU CAN HAVE ■ your feather bed made into a ean:- tary roll mattress or down comforter. 'Highest price paid for feathers. Drop a, card to DOMINION FEAT1}EK AND MATTRESS CO., Goderich, and our agent will call. tf FOK SALE p)Ii SALE.-SILOI1TIIORN It 'LL la eulreo. of serviceable age. Brosn- an* breeding. J. C. trISILT%, Auburn. �1 L1.F1PS FY alt .seeLE-St Nettx 1 comb White la•glutrn Imlli•t". Price frust $Lal► to $1.11; also year -Add hens for one week only at 75 eentN. Rl)Y T1 NIt.U.I., 11. R. No. 3, Clinton. Tele= hone 3 on (*r7. CAM) OF THANKS n1'.YIY►ES ARE -LIKE Ala:.:. ■ 'People know today that hen-. M1tS. 4t'APT .I N4N(MAN Mel ►.\lit- 1,nyN•rlc feel with udnlrrelss and hal- 'People *1441 homily ulke phi- ..pier• ;leased (Mods, produce high-flavored t 1414117 u[ Pxpre�-iug their grateful *legs 1{•e spent 81.000 1n to and thanker to iri•• ds fur kindle --es minerals to pall That flavor to our shown 114 their t 1111*• '1 b..''•a ''' '' ,'nt. 1144th t.*s 111111, while our potatoes ee0st PUBLIC NOTICES 4lWNS1141OF COLBORNE. 11 Nehlcc Is hereby given that a Court will 1* bel41, pursuant to The Ontario , otenf Lista Act. by HIM Houor the Judge, of tbe lbunty Court of the County of Huron, . at Carlow on the 7th day of November, 1909, at 2 o'clock pa m.. to hear and determine complaints of errors and omlasion% in the Vo- ters' List. Parts 1 and 2, of the muni- cipality of the Township of Colborne for 11* . 1)sbcd the 16th day of,October, 1929. C. J. HETHERiNGTON, ('ler* of the Municipality of the Township of Colborne. lift/TICE OF COURT OF REVISION TOWN OF GODF:RiOH. you 52.48) per lags, the quail!, and foist 'slue is worth :at cents more per Nig than ordinary mixed variety, 1111- gnt,ks1 1NttabN•s. Send a 11* - c•ard 11) 114 for your nitool'. 1V4 -181111 101,11111 every lag to 1e right or your money hack. Yours for bunelue.a. J. F. H1'(:1L1, & SONS. It. It. 2. Seaforth. Huron county's largest p",h1tn g l.wen. Delivery free. TAKE NOTiOE that the Court of Retiaiun of the town of Goderleh will hold R* Sot siMing In the council chamber, town hall, Goderleh, for the purpose of hearing appeals against the assessment roll for the town for tbe year 1929-1900 on Thursday. Oct- ober 31st, 1929, at R o'clock in the evening. - All parties iutere-tel are repueeted to attend. L . L. KNOX, Town Clerk. Goderich. t k•tol.er 17th. 1929. av- AUCTION SALES At' TIONEEKING THOMAS'GII\TRV, GODF:Iti('H. • LIVE w1C)CK A).1) tikYNSki A: AI CTIONEER Telepbone No. 119. 1 Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satlsfactkon. Farmers' sale notes dlacounted. f'LP)ARTNG AUCTION SATE OF �{ee lit it • SF/HOLD • I'RNIT'i'RE. We are Instructed by MRS. ELIZABETIi THO\iPS(8N to -ell by public an•tion at her home. C1 r1A C road ..lerich on nm. . 'CATVIUSAY, (KT. 266 YOUNG PRESBYTERIANS rr.mmencing at 1.30 o'clock sharp: RALLY AT SEAFORTII i'raett(ally all the contents of the, I WESLEY W. FISHER. ►►tt Auctioneer, w111 conduct sales anywhere. My terms are reasonable and I w111 en- deavor to give •*tenetion. Phone Carlow 1314, or addr•ens R. R. 4, God - frith. DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER ('HIROI'RACTOR A:.D DRUGLESS THERAPIST Goderich, Phone 341 Equipped with electro -magnet lc baths. Electronic erectric treatment, and chiropractic. Chronic organic and nervone dlseases. Lady In attendance. Office hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m.. excepting' Monday and Thursday and by appointment A. N. ATKiNSON Residence and omee--(turner n' South street and Britannia road. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT I FRANK P. GIBBS, CHARTER8.D Accountant. 192 Ontario street, Stratford. I'hone 1640. Rea 1330J uo Liquor ('oatrel Aet 1 would like the electorate to know my stand on the liquor gtien. I Am agoodgel a temperance man N. my opponent, ont, or any person be may 111114 campaigning for him. If i am hon- orerl by being your repre*entatiye, iI promise yon my 'nice will to heard in an effort to .rill tighten up en lin*- weak slot- 111 the L. C. A., and; further the elan -e of temperance. Ten yell's motet O. T. A. had de- veloped the curse of the bootlegger to quell an P8 teat that during the regime of three Attorneys it was found Impo..p.le to enforce the Act. By vote of the tucnders it was de- 1 ciclel that part of tie funds of- the institute he used to provide scholar- 1 -hips for entrance pupils from rural -e'1,00114 at •1114 11044 entrance exa111- hwticnts; uud that the eNecntiv4 of the LI.tllute 1e n roomette to nr- range for this. leave.. including11yinR -room. dining 1 Psrrttatires of room. 1.r14rom and kitchen fnrnieh ' Presbytery of Huron °R-' "� of the glassware. cutlery. etc, Including Bev- i A very Nueecesfutl rally' tial walnut pieowe, ,l good oak dlning' Young I'eopleu •RcrcletlP, am) 1) nday melte. Happy Thought cook stove. 2 [ h P b t [ 71mm� was u s he disiosel of. SrAforth, int Tuesday. 4ktoher 1:Rh.I TPrnl.•-b'a'h led the1 'dent 'tee.' Y• P K aawi ti ' ' � I ( floor lamps. garden fool.. dishes o'h o1N u the reN .y ery o Q14elee heaters, ear•. Everything mint bekl 1 Furst PrP hvtrrtnn Chun h The opening c'xe•rcises were freebie PICKLING FRUIT II Betty itnrclny Yes'. Etre' fruit may be turned in- to pickles or catsup -anti certain her- : rice a. well.' 11erP are _two recipe' that may well t.P added to milady's *deckling Orange Sween Plekle 4 oranges 2 cups of sugar 1 1-3 rips vinegar 1 1(88)4on whole elute. 1 teaspoon stick cinnamon Teel ortinges, removing all white membrane;' eat 11110 thick slices; steam until clear and tender. Boil sugar, ringer and meets for twenty- ' Ave tnin11tn•. Add fn►It end simmer' aloe it for one hour. Plii a In ntPrlli7Prl I jars and scat ! Lemon Catsup Grated rind of 4 lemon. J11C P of 4 lemon.. 1 fahle.pon grater) h.rseradl.h 1 teaspoon salt 2 ttM8pNtn. white mn.tnr'1 'eel 2 teaspoon' celery seed 4 cloven Few black'.* mace Few grins red lappet .MIc Ingredients: Mal thirty-five mhnues. and 1t111P while bot. Let 818n1 fire er six week!' to ripen Serve with fah. - • OFk41t',t: It. F)1,141(T"1' After two and 0114. -half years of (:oy- vernntent ContnJ the Government has sse eedel 'n I' tf ig the 1dR loot - T. Pinkney, of Seaford'. gave an nddre•-s of welcome. The minutes of the Last ally were rend by the ee8're•tery, Mhos Floe Winter. (bslerlch. Reports from the Suu,day schools of 1113th, Clinton. Exeter, Goderl•h, Hetes gall and Seaforth, the Young People's Societies of Exeter. Hensel!. Goderich and Seaforth, and C. G. 1. T.'' of Au- burn and Senforth were given by rep resentat Ives of each place. All the reports showed that a very prosperoaa year had been spent. 11'hlle the collection was being taken the choir, c%wlating of the C '(:. 1. T. group of Seaforth, rendered a teantl• f111 antltem. Miss }isle Winter gave a short talk on Knox College Summer School. The report of the nominating com- mittee wa• given by Mrs. Ik Tigan of Clinton and the (Akers fns 1i410 were elected. They are n- follows : Hon- orary- president, Rev. I. R. Kahle, See - forth ; president. Mr. Ertel Weir. Gode- rich ; vice-president, Mr'. Angus Mc- Rae, Seafnrtll ; *Pe•retsry, Miss FAde Winter. Geuhpr(ch 1 trPAsnr•er, Mims Ilertington, Blyth, Mir. Goodwill expr•selrrl the wash That deepest sympathy end lest wish - 141 for a speedy recovery should be conveyed to the president. Mr. Weir. who has leen so serloltsly int that he was unable to 1e pr*'Ment. Rev. C. 1.. rowan. of Hamilton, was the *walker 01 the evening. He 'pokr on 'The 4'hellenge of \'.nth," dividing 111* address in three pert.: Challenge of Will. Chelleng of Faith, And Challenge of Emillirem*. lie took n. his text Matthew 10:24- "Theta .fe.n* Bald In 1l1. dlse1plee. 1f one by honorary press W. GaNtwill of Blyth. Mr. Carl' I�(tgor, nod tht'o all bootlegger 10 man will enrrne after Me, let him at present'lelt.g (Walt w-fth. The or- deny httn.elf end take rap his ern.. ' er 1.. out le tm•'t R^ and follow• Ml.." ,io*ne woe mekiui Mr. Fergie."). baa kept feiah with an amnia t.. 11!. dl.e•iple4: "If 1111) the 148illy gde. 1 ask your •)"•rt to man will follow lie. There 1s nrath ele.•t no, h. help promote temperance still further. ity eontrolling rl,e male of good 11'111°1, 1.7 eliminating the 'tile of poks°nal boot- leg 11.114°1, by nate-nue(' ell -year mrin- eatinn egein.t the improper 41.e of liquor. ideal c mdltfnn* of reel tem- perance may be reallaed. The !Miner control AM can tee fut- •L T. GI -NMI( & SON. .\netlnneer'. UNRF,SF,RVED AIYTI4►N SALE OF F:\itM ST.KY<. INII'LF:MF.N'PS AN'D PF.81). JAS. D. M*-MANM'S w111 sell by public Auction at his farm L. S. orad, „Colborne Colborne town -hip. 2 miles north of (kalerlch, on FRIDAY. NOVEMRPIR 1't. eommprleing at 1 o'clock sharp: Hor.e•s.-1 team of brown mare.. 5 and 0 years old, 3U 0-itt weight.: 1 team of grey geldings. 4 and 5 year' old. 2$110.itc. weIRht : 1 driving mare, quiet. single or double. 10110-/b weight. • Coax --1 Holstein e41w. 0 yr.. old. fresh • 1 Holstein row. R.yrt. old., fr(+eh ; 1 ll,ltein ('ow, 3 yrs. old, fresh; 1 grad•. Guerre•) Mew. 7 yr... 0141, 41114 1n F.hrnnry; 1 ihlrh0411 cow, -ft yrs, old. milking fresh to June; 1 Hol'tein mw, 4 yr* n111. dile in February; 1 001 - 'dein row. e yr.. old, dile in January, 1 Holstein cow. 9 yr'. okl, due In February; 1 Holstein cow, 0 yrs. Md. flee 1n February ; f. young calves. Sheep. --410 Shropshire e'w'es: 1 Shropehire ram, 2 year. 11141; 10 Shrnp- 'hire Pty*' limbs; 7 Shropehlre ram lamb'. sow air 1 9 pdg% 0 weeks 0141. Poultry. -20 Soling dneks ; 0 gee'e. implementt4.-1 \h1.s•y-1lerrkt seed drill; 1 Med'ormick i►eering mower, Inew this year: 1 hay rake; 1 sed of harrow.; 2 new ploughs, Fest & Wood and Fleury : 1 •'t of .letg ' with platform rack ; 1 .et of lig t s141¢h- : 1 wagon :Ind -t.ek rack ; 1 baggy : 1 cutter: 1 Frost and \Vnod disc: 1 fanning n1111: 1 set single har- ness: 1 rare rart and hobbles: 2 woe -Intl*' ltArup.s. new this *King: tchif- 0. tree and neck yoke. Hay and Oats.-- von bn'hels of ,fit.: 140 tons of good h,ly ; 2 fon'• of baled hey;.7 tons 'of halal straw. Other articles too nnmer(tt14 to men - Don. Everything advertised must be des prised of. There will 1* no reaper, nn anything. Term*. --M1 'nm. of 910.00 and un- der, ea'h; Durr that amount 10 month', Ark .11'4runt. JAMES 1►. MoM:1NI'S. Proprietor,' 1'. (WN'DRY Os SON.s (toderie-h. Auetloneerw. Ing nw.re romantic." said the 'pecker. then the ,spp8111 of religion. but when romance die' we mw.t have the well to carry on end preach the (totted. Religion la never a call to lnxnry and power, hut a call to nervier and self - dental. Ono needs faith to .'*r1y hint aerosol the hardships that fall on • (thrlee(len %sub. Tale ehnrrh Ninjwier. MEDiCAI. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER, EYE, DAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late House Burgeon New York Oph- thalmic and Aural Hospital, aowlatant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital. London, Eng. 53 Waterloo St. 9., Stratford. Tel- ephone 207. At Hotel Bedford, Goderich, on the evening of third Monday of e'ac4i month till the following day, Tuesday. at 1 p.m. 1F.GA}. rRNHST M. I.EE. Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life Building, Adelaide and Victoria streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5301. DUDLEY E. HOLME:, Barrister, Etc. Office -Hampton street, (loderlcb. Phone 27. FR. DARROW, BARRISTER, }+1T.2. Successor to 7.• L. Killoran. Miele 97. Office -The Square. Ooderl4l. Maps & Rape BARRIRt1M, KW. R.C.HAYS-R.C.HAYS ta., B.A *Hamilton St., (indericn INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. MrK11.LOP MUTUAT. FiRE IN- SURANCE 00. -'Farm and leo iated town property insured. officers -Jas. Connolly, Pres., O0d- erich P. 0.; Jas. Wan,. Vice -Pres., Beechwood P. 0.; D. F. Mcflrognr, See.-Treas., Seaforth P. 0. Dlrectone-•A. Rroadtont, R. R. No. II, Seaforth; John 04,. Grieve, Nn. 4, Walton; William Rinn, R. R. No. 2. Seaforth; John llennewiee, Brod- hag.n; Geo. McCartney, R. R. No. 3, Seatnrth ; Robert Ferris, Harlock ; Murray 0ltunn, nrncefleld ; James Evans, Reechwond ; James Connolly. floderk'1' Ager,'.' ---J. W. Yen, Goderich; Alex. j,eltch, it. R. No. 1, Clinton: John Murrey, Reaforth; E. Htnchley, I$P*forth. Polley holder* can make all payment, and get their cardsi reeelpt- ed at R. .1 Mnrrl.h's Clothing Store, Clinton; Calvin entre 0roeery, King- ston street, Goderich, or 7. H. Re1Ma General Store, Beylleld. •