HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-10-24, Page 7FARMER'S WIFE
County and District II
I'lu'htopher Ray 'turd. an 4.1.1 r•.l•1 The young couple NOR reside on the
By Taking Lydia E. Pink- dent of Ethel. died Saturday wuruluggroom's farm in Logan township.
hare's Vegetable Ia..? in hied rutty -sixth year. While Mr. and Mrs. .Stanley `Ib.
\dory' .1. It.Pubgh, wlduw of the, thurp•, of Itlyth'in .vna rainy with )lr.
brie J.•eldl Higgins, diet! 4n Turn-' awl airs: Thos. Taylor an,hdaughters,
lwrry'ttetulter 11th, aged seventy-three were motoring nue evening last week
rel b tw•o 'ear Limdeeloro, their ear was side.
Wilton, Ont.—"I am taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
of Life. It helps me
and I cannot praise
it too highly. I was
troubled with heat
flashes and my
limbs were heavy
so I could hardly
walk to du my
farm work. I saw
in the newspapers
your ad about the
Vegetable Com-
pound and thought
to give it a trial. The first bottle gave
me relief and I have told others what
it does for me. I am willing for you to
use my letter if you choose."—Mas.
D. B. PtTER.4, Wilton, Ontario.
etak Year Neighbor
Apply Minard's at once. It
:ialts the pain and st,'ps inflam-
mation. Removes all poison
from cuts and sures.
Keep o bottle on the sh,i:I•
dean, She i, survived y X011.
and three daughter, yvv iped by a car driven by Mr.. I Dr.,
• •The death ..t Mrs. )dory 111114.r. 'Iambi). of boater. 11r•. 44hthor4M• re-
n Won
enldon o1 Charles 11illor, occurred flet- „•i.(•.1 perernl cots alot(l the how
ohs,. 1111, at 1►41$hw0M1, at the age from flying gifts• and one of. the Tay -
of seventy ,•i;;ht years. lksea;ud is Iur girls ah•• 141111 her flier rut, The
-ur,iv1'11 In •Ix s1.ns aid three laugh SibIh.•rl4• .car w•as badly S.%t keit.
tors and tumay-four gruidehldre11. .\ .ale of s,aIola el -tired horses fined
4► -fir Ituchartue.• jr.. 1141, sold h4• other property Ie•luugiug•t.* the estate
95 -Isere farm .1.11-41w 4111te Water High- ..f the late .I. !*sell •r. Jr., tear %whit.
'4:,y near St. .losepile to hi• neighbor. nit, h'I.r la-? week. free ✓ reallzcd
•Iutue,: M:,..i'. Mr. Intelh rine un'1 for In.rs.•- were not high. but `vee t
In 11111Y Iiptii/1 mucin;; to a 114J444' farm fairly. sate-t:a.try. farm, .11ae
neer Parkhill. •outh',.f Zurich. wa•
.•h11 to IL
'1'he'denth ,M•eurret o41 Sunday. lifter' of Ftieler. The hulu4wtea', f:t'ul wn-
a long illus of NH.. \Ivry Stewart. sold by private slide to Thel,li.re Stein
daughter of the lade 1k.iuild Stewart bash. who 1141,4 ..rlu,h•,I 1l. for some
.,411 a lifelong re+:Aeut of the 1x111 Haw. -11
.v.n',•.II'I •.f Grey- tnw'II.hp. Ik
le- At tlw lair«mage of 11et'all UnitedI ceased was in Iwo fifty -ANUS year. ehnreh. on Saturday. (1c ilwr 12th,I
I. Mr. awl .1 1. 4:. K. Itrow-11• of 4. I- tante•, youu::e-t slaughter 4111 11r. ande
it,,i, .uticltr.`i.•I their six4let h melding Mrs. John' Mel kali, Ti•kersuilih, Was i_ _ ou. \law Luln L'r.M•tur u[ Itruea•1•
anniversary, ou 4h•Iutter 12th. with united in marrialge 10 Itilliar4 Ilaird.l ));ns brides arrest and Gurdon M. le•nu
r 1uuil) reunion. 7L'y' wen• the Minter, youngest sou ,,f Mrs: limiter, ay s spent.
with t i,t1,ks . at with air-,
shrank of Itnta•'It:''.. Iksruwsl wn,s, 4 \\'lugh,ull sus 444itc11 omni After tl\'
l of ..II:gr of 1.m. gifts Brom
utel1he and the lute IA. Si< Hauler, of 1's. 1'4 Witt:c a wit.; le'41 was held at tlw
. ,•I cou�iving, me Mr. It 1,- Is the loner. live. A. Sinclair utfl •1? ,.l.'i luso fu Seatorth !.,t thre years ago. twine of the bride's parents .nn the
olri,•st licit_ member of the .ii. 14 .\ru•rwllyd. the young sonde left "- and had tired all lyes life here. She wine lof rand, and uf'4'111nl. the
It :Il •sn..r-4. 44na ..f a'reliton. lir a wooer trip other
To111?- , before
, •? 1►ig ie survived by her }.arena•. Mr. ani, libleyoung couple'r.uI . 1,11` a motor trip to
ws. bon, he trait slid utlM•r 14.Int. 1M•tor.• rr•tlliu;.
Mr'''. Hugh M'641;. ui:,l •••Tial bru',II-
Quebec mud other whit.. tin tlwir
\I - .1,-' -.1� Ketch bas-, Lnekuow. in their home "n the .groom's' fermi'.,ars ;uu4 sister+. u•?un, they vHll reseal,• ht \\'iugh;iw.
,•, r.jIti•In of her ebb in 1',lnnie. • •t0'Pr 4 bah•; illness ides h1;ut
'11.i_:r,-.. \I:iry .1 Nit*.
to 1John1m-shell
.\. The e!' octis of tele \\' al her hones111111 on the 1.•••• Se:,fddith
..11.11..1...-1.. o1.Iy .•411 of Mew. liieli '•4f 'lett, v....u.le$.inii .T) Hulled dicta Ootolw,r 'lrae..laay, 4)cldn'ri•v 1511t, in fin nes ord§
I nod file law ial MUrd,M•11 ..f
I.n,•ku...1. Ow marriage ?ii ,oke pdur•• 4th. rein/A.1111 mi ofd x4.1 highly' '" hand hail
just tltwuwr lois&
'tIiierly ?h1' last of 4h•lo1H•r. teemed r,'I.leut 04 that 4owu•hlp. 14.rn ls•1111 of live with ower twos .\eks
.it 114e hob,' of )I r. and )Ins. •Fr41 In tiuln.hi'h, Scotland. 111 the year
l:,.,lll,r: MThillup 4owi.hip. 011 tk•t-' IS::1. •he and a brother exuw to Iran- ( tortunnyyears aatl Ethel. au?'tl f$ e lived
.•r 121 11, their daucht,•r. Miss ..I4?' u/h1 In the early' '70'4 settling In . and atter spending l. few yens. in
Sas►uu•atlt'r came h. See :? tau
Lae \H4 w•r•chmidl, wal4. 'lsl to Hallen. ,\ few r141re. hater she w:1.
leis, uutrrksl to her late hiesbanl. eon. sack ago. Beside- the %nantud, Iwo
-marriage to Sorman 1 1. wo
sees Iluning to lice ill Idle township moil ,
...it of 11r. athl Mrs. Louis IN, L:. I. 4:r.. of Anhurt,. um• weed. her death. She 4• survived by three' sons and two d:m4Lter. .u%l' I •';coil
sous and two daughters: Jann•s. itate1 Tl„ official .I4'14ing '.f the
,l..lph :owl }:opheulla, act home; 4'luir-, )leuntlnl hospital took phis.' em '}rue-
,.f %lorri-. auu4 Mee. !''ter Taylor. day of 14,4. week.
11 --
of Ilull••tt.
:tarn Fire In Turkerandth
For • on 'flit -slay of hat week de -
,} ,sir Larn on the Yarm of ,W►1 FROM AUTUMN COLDS ,,
Mothers! Give your children •
ten Peps tablets to 114! :ver) da).
Breathing the agreeable medicin•I
dome• given off h. Pep, is like
breathing invigorating pine forest
air. Peps soothe the throat and
delicate air tube., .trcojtbco the
chest sod keep coughs. ...olds and
bronchial troubles a bay. 25c
e Qirithe. 4/e Jae,
hate hospital and was making a good
recovery when a vitalize yaw onFri- -
day afternoon and .,he passel away
a few twill's later. ilefeased wa• lora
• la ltrus-els. her maiden 11utln• being
Annie K..uhu•I, and was in her sixty -
1 sixth year. ' Ire.'.-1►r. Perth., who 1.4:
males for of the Presbyterial, church
1 in Canada. wast o11 the way h,itwt (rues
Scotland, sheere he had leen attending
a church tless{itJly'. S11rv4ring al.41
are a 041, Rev 14 It. ferric of Ni,rJ11'
' Batt leford. :,,.k., turd two daughters,I
\Ir- \ l:. Jtlatunl of }'ores, and Mrs.
II it Parker ,.t' \Wu,ghutu. Tliei
1.,,. took plus ou,Tiw.d,Io after -1
e,_, '.f the pioneers of this dlrtriet
'.'.sl In, Saturday evening Inst. in the
I14'1'-'.4 .of )Mary JanePhipiw11, widow'
oh.• f Ibite William Finley. 411 her
.•ighty•tWftit yenr. 1k..easd spent
some of .her 'artier year-. near -\\'ro\-
.•ter. I.open? mM1.1 of heLife In the
cielulty o4 \VIIIZLyant. Il.r ht»hluld
died matoyear$ ago and 'he 11':41'•
' a family of iselve- eight .04.. it
u�ham Ilittec
l hurch was the
•.Sanrcday of a pretty Wed -
1.4g. the prtur414111,4 111 which were
.\ddic }'earl, s,.•ohd daughter of Mr.l
and Mr.. 4:. 11IIler 1'rs•tor, and I1r. i
4:vur;;e W. !low-ou, son of Mr. find
Mrs. W. .1. 11uw..111. The .•.•t•etuuny
%%1141.•rtorniel by Hey. Sl.ht'y Lavi-
ru, .4
Ham 4 H111wr11 'f Ttickerttlith towit-
V i. G . STEW ART -hip, reser ntl1.•. east of Kipten. Thresh -
in" wart in 1progre•ss when the fire W114
Bruce Ste Telepsase 105 Goderich
11i-••or.•rc., The 1Mrico,'. crop MO..I
...tin. live4t.k Nene . hunted.. Mr. he Fall is the more cover.•-,•:I•ou•
17tldwell was 111 tie mew of the ban, of tl:e year for „',.t` one and` •t'•4-
,,ien the ulariu .vas given. 1T,. 4.. ...I I ham. life 114,11 ..
to the threshing floor and writs badly and nude.* rhe *u- lt.er ,Is on her
hart. Ti,.' I.e. will ren Into 8.everul glia rd that !wale 14,.-- ,.re -Anal wets
tk-ath n.)• ..f dollars. itaby'$ nava' Tablet• .1r,• n. ,cher: hest
Death of IliaLyon.l W111'Lyo,rer.mtinc 1 ul.hhig '
Harrison Lyon. who 4.r -'d' nwny colds! Theylact a• a ^,erne 114 live.1
teretes :1111 11:. lint! eAnr�. i4 lids keeping the Rowels and aomaeh fee,-
•itt11eighth Year. had been a lie badlent
a11d sweet. -\n 01'.:I.111111 •lose of
IlnlIlii f... many years. ll' !1111
�,1 ailing for s4011,.. time. hitt sheath the Tablets will pr•.'4r • dale•. "r if
. Tw .•udllculy 1v141 mll4xpeefedly Hs he it d1.e•. come on .u•111e11y their prompt
h. going IIt.'41t h14,nsn11I ueticitles. nee will relieve the baby The 'I'ab-
11.• 4. /survived by his wife. win was let$ are sold by na•,Ileitte Beller• or
formerly '.11.4 Murtha 1.,•,,r. ax ,l.ngh• Tl 111111 rat \\5 Hutt- )lel 14 bog f .....•
tors 111111 tau 1.111M11111.a
: Ml.,. Mn4 1.yon.' 'le "r thdarlo:
d /'algnry : 11n4. Arthur Ker• iak'. 1
I I:\'Ter: Ms's. Eldred (talars. i rael4u.('Ll\TIIN
• Int.: Stanley. Lyon and Mr.. }:mer -
.on 'Heck. Hnlle't: Olive nod Ida, tit
home. and ,I"septi on the 1 tend, LTV, \\'llhe tutKw`fl 9v1 .y 1whale•r
The l'relliten %len .%,ph)'tiated 11:414; in his .,•reuty-tint 4eat, alter
J11111 e. Flynn, aged sixty-nine, ant an tune-- ui :�le.tlt er
."� of De -
his .n Fr,tn. i-. ages! thirty-two, loth 411191.411
..f creditor'. ner' a•4dlyxtate11 bat life tits 11 farm in Tile's. r.ueith. re.
'I'hurrvinc morning while drilling a tiring 4.. Clinton about 4:%,'ll e c .:11-,.
Well Oh tlw Carni of Sidney Snell on ago. Beelth.• hi. wife In, 14•:14'- four
the 4'•ylserIio-Iti4/l1lph lou11dry, ten suras: Arthur and Milton. of 'I'uek,•r-
d anti
• n11's Band hest won hm1'the e Jame."
t , suDwight,'►t,II, second you of )trace. Of . and
7..r and hies or
ter der4e41h1g Mr. Snell's well,,kih.i\111 ern !furl the 111.4 !three y,mtr-
' had rote dry., and they were makingng been
,,M41 proare.s with the work when' with the imperial foil Cmittntny. 111'
the drill broke. To repair It the elder' rice.) hods• last week and is s1e•udi11;d.
Flynn went 1,yvco Into the well. whirl, a holiday i%.:11 his parents.
WHA some thirr•flvd'f,wt deep lnstwh,? The 4e121. ..t ('111114M :'re to mare
hill poled 14 not known. tat npp.lr'nt4y lural f:nilifi,•. for a new' game u'\I
hi• w-ne, or'rrni•e he ,-nrinn-dloxi"le year. a nine -hole gulf ,vers' having ,
.gas. In an effort to risen hint file, been laid 11111" 111:r J. Fraser. Mnitlnud
/iso, soul 1'44,1, a111 he', too, wen. "(PT- Gulf 4'l,h "pro' of God'rreh, nn the
,v TI' 7x(41111)' cess 14.r'v,•ri'.I fnrne of Sr'r1R )11d11'tuu. Qtdt' a
slyer Mr. Steell want to sae's his ,ettl) Tor diel111441u1ember..4 1,,h.e nen
r$ttl'. .\ 1,x'lor was summoned. hot
,cold .14, nothing. loth men 1111ving
klub.Twor•haus+ in the griper).hn,•i11'
!teen ,lead for some time. The 1od14p
were taken to their homes rind the in ('111,1on are aniouneId. ('atrr'll &
funerals were bell on Saturday.
Shipley have disposed of their Albert
('atfk Fall to Pass Test • street b41sh ies* to C. i,041., who has
Tim,".-.\t4coeate:-\fe-ars. heel emote -ting n grocery 111 the old
•I Harry and N' 1o. Smith. o? "Spring. i N'Iltse stand for ,anew tine•. 1.. Law -
horst Enrols" Lake rand. sufrer,41 n' .on & t ',tr�r14t t,$ ITl 'fe1' 14,1 night s.11
' heavy los. 1114.,1 week when the maJori-' moron
t' of their thoroughbred Shorthorn', town. • . -
!apt, were found to Is aRer4e1 fold •.f, Wind Is Rustler South and Soft"
bloating n tubercular te-t by Mr. Forks. R
t:oc'nixwnt In.pevtur. The owners .lotus J)lreli,•l1I kn'v1 whereof I.
In( the cattle 0'1114411 to pl41'e 111eIr aro,' :9.441 9Mmniug 1111+ 1,emwtir111
lord hi the neerc,litetl herd plan and ' line. \nn' rend \\',v t l41dl.m .kis sold
called the hilte`I'r. .c 11'4 thine -on.• vcal•r: eon1,4 have inspired it. For
bend of rattle were coudennied• 111111 on then•. I4',• '1'1;1.1' N'iuds gently .-r...4
Tlulrsdny of tn.( week were shipped to ant cool ,Ile ;;eni4l warmth of a t•pir
' Turunto abattoir to Ire .Innghter.•'4 Inn- suns
I ,ler IIt1•eminent Insiw'•tton. I1I'I11.1'1 ,,...k s„I;,,'. from ‘Winter. Hut new
-1n the :tnlnanlrt w•lig the herd -tree :4,4„•orae bine I':n•Ihlsollt water,.
' •'Thorinnn Knight.' The majority or Sail to ?he 4:i itl-41' \\''-t 1,11,•- slyer'
the animals were young ,•owes. year- ,p1.11,t 1111 r life, gay -plumage.' birds
„ ling• nut a few valve.. They still and Clor ,. flu44'1•, anal foliage
dohs n 4n411•4.r of y/ning 1'4111,' which tmos''. • , fish„,.. nt l..rt. of ,•ell
n11.se: 411' t4.? ,snt4r..fnlly. I oder 71,1,1:,d,„!:,`,..!''',;;;',' r.d bygone ro
th4' nr1'r,'.11•e41 h'r1 plan the Y:m-'r►t. othe is*41ds of
'intent remunerate• the owner up to Ilam 4,1a_ :u .i teak', of ('111.144111 1,1..0
I 1wn-thlrl4. the value of the animal. ;uul .i ,hu r',.' ''1'
the marilmlm valine „laced „n OW
\acti,ip111 Steam -hip• 7:..1:1,,.
..r ,• nninml ',Mint .:4 Val The Smith-p.,1;1
two , , '. tt' -., • ' .r tel
I••4l' iH-en note) for their sp,len.lhl' i. Inu14. 'I ' Eastern Greeny sol % 1'”
',al ..f Shorthorns and the wining ant 'mbl;et+^ 1'
4 ,,1:1. S,.• K'.,.. \ i
pro•?4rall) their entire Gerd means\ntlgnn' .tu\t �t•errat. 144h11.- •'.
rr: 4 w•thn"k_ They Iotrol. bow- 1,10.10.
un. I: s• S1. \111 „10..4:r,•n-
'.sor. fn hull11 tl1. * neve herd. ' ado al. , ' , ,.;44%% II. Itrlti-h I:t.iln..
Elie• \\'. a (:mop S.•rchr•- 14i111.. 1..
171(1 SSF:LV 11erultmla. l'. 1i11111111111.,
nail Rl1ir
_ •.101111 14.11 ..h.:r,' connect ion is m.1.'
\Ir-. ,\11'\. Hoy. TTrttrw•ts tfon'h. If .for (Belize. 4:1illsI llon11ur.:r.
L,; up 11y the 11...1111 ..f n (ell In the
Fire p11?:17111 'M•hi-1ik' •t'anIsi'p”
barn. . h, her
11 1144111,11?
nee1s"ihlMd thewthe el itw1:14''''. the 1.0,tlt,.4,,,Itrine'
in,.., 144
Ile nr. 1s•r Ing
16' *41 of a pityev:in to flow. 'the ?raced hivor, o
Full' 41411! mors from any ('nnaditin
\\ ..mill.
\II•+ 'l, r: }:. Ro-$. ooh dnnght'r National 1.,x' or steamship agent.
of Mr. and Mr.. JIM'. '1'. It".s. 'f •
lirnssels• tool Harry I'itamp0414. n1-•"
,•f Itres.els. sere married at Kitchener -- -
we1ne«lav of lust week by 4('v. H. of the S..I1- 11 ,, re I ielt ten.o41 - wry
M GanEfortl. a former rector of Brits pre teller f •► she lay
-••h ' .\ngllr,Ill elutreh. Tho yeynlg roni1n11e1, ll i
,,.nple will Make their holm' inlelttg 14'.', 4'''lin Voting of Toronto
nruwNs. lite bear t i fal new pi4e• organ, the 111
_ j gift 'f \Ire .1lts'rI E. F,tthergl11
y1q,AF•1►RTII l in 'nnemory of her hn.bat l and her
_ _ j sister. MIs• I.•tltia Mt 1.4114', w -as
The death ,.•sire" 1 at her home In 1 "furl 'y pr ""''r•1 find 14. ,lirlt'tt.
!•elfnrth on Sunday. IMtolser lath. e;1 Th' 4"n 411 of Mrs. l'eer.'. wit• or
Mi.. \larg"ret 4'nthn•ertne \i.Kny, atter It,, Itr. It. Perri., .MI•nrr'4 sndd,•nly
es a very' �rief Illness. i),es'w,i had re-
enn Frllir night Inst. \I r,, I''rrle hall
t,,t-neI only n few da ,P from n ho11• 111ider11om' x11 o)s•retion ie Iles Winn- ..
Durant, Hudson and Essex, G 1 Motors Automobiles and Trucks
Expert on Electric Trouble We Specialize on Brake Service
.:411 111\ Ile I'•.la,• Il:'I••'u"4 $Len they ar,• "ITN 111•11 by u•
Automobile Supply. Electrical Parts for All Makes of Autos in Stock
- T.. s'.c 't " w 1, - v:u, brine .1 •'„ s`en't
.0114-1 \1 -I 1:\ 11 1 •I \1'0,\ 1
tz 0 13 1., is 't' W 1 L S O N
----FOR - - -
the famous Fleury Plows. De
and Laval
Cream Separators,
Lunden's Haying Tools. Gould, Shapley and Muir's
Windmills and Cement Mixers.,
Tudhope Anderson's Wagons and Machines.
'�tn•rl C,n1.rirh, Ontario
[1811.1.1 OJT, shining black
and spotless store is a
sign of home pride ... also
a sign of Zebra Liquid
Stove Polish ... and a sign
of good judgment too, be-
cause Zebra is the quickest,
easiest and cleanest beauty
treatment you can gime to
a stove ...to make it look
bright and new.
ittgctITTS (0 ) LIMITZD
Thursday, October 24, 1929.—T
Every Cold is Serious
and a tight, tearing rough. Fever, dry
skirl, thirst, coated tongue and consti-
pation are other symptoms.
Ur. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and
Turpentine seems almost like a specific
for bronchitis because it is so snc%'asful
1111110"1' • g,iptIle ,•nugh,Hiding exp.'C-
to attollandrelictinglir inflammation.
Any odd is .,•rio14 enough when its
dreadful poe,,ldit1es are considered,
but when there ,s soreness o' t,g lit n ess
in the chest and a dry hard ouugI you
can look for bronchitis, which is often
confused with an ordinary vxold.
It is usual! known by aching limbs,
and body pawl-. chilly feeling•, weari-
ness and weak LW., 'Mill in taw Chest and
Com leteComfortand Good Style
p are linked in the new
Footwear for Fall
Tie nr.. .4, 4s 411 Footwear show how notch good .tyle and h,,w
mach lar r n•allyscoi,fortabke Shoe.
There are ' "1 �
,s'4aput `i� » "a for ssy .tl'Cusiou, town, country, stem, bu.iue+s and
semi -formal wear.
The most l• pods► leathenefor hila season are Patent, Black Kid and a
number to -had..s of brown. Tl.e cornet style of heel for street went
is the nteli.un ('Morn: They are ree,1nnlelided for b..th style and
Rubbers at. l 41,e. new -4%14- of 7.411141'"' are non in stnck' in tie latest
NR 378
Eight -tube All -Electric Neu-
trodyne. in beautiful
Console. Dynamic
Uses 245 type
Pull Amplification. Phono-
graph is equipped with Speed
control, automatic stop for
motor. Radio - Phono ,witch
to change from Radio to
(Los Tubes)
Coop:Ott with Tubes. $165.00
DilltG1111r.,' IQCAIR . .
The blue -clad back has crashed through the
crimson line, the pigskin under his arm • , •
he slips and is up again. He e!udes the frantic
lunge of an opposing player and streaks, like
aa flash, towards the touch line . he
tackled under the shadow of the post --but
he's over !
You don't merely hear the excited announcer's
report of the big game ,. . you're there in
person ! Freed's marvellous tonal qualities, its
hair -line selectivity bring to you the very
atmosphere of the game. Your heart beats
faster as you thrill with the excited spectators.
Never has there been such a receiving set!
Made by a firm which has been famous as mak-
ers of fine quality radios since broadcasting
began, the new 1929 Freed is its highest
achievement. The greatest value ever offered
to the public. Its marvellous tone, range and
selectivity are the result of years of experiment
under every possible condition. It is a master-
Ask a Freed dealer for a demonstration today.
Then enjoy the big games, the great orchestral
programmes, the dance selections, the lectur-
ers' addresses—"just as the microphone gets
MO1)11 \R 78
All PI' '' - 'lit -tube
Neutral.' ' r house•tut-
rent toner!' i'wsh-Pull
amplilil.e, 1 r v natilic
Speaker '1 • Console, '
with two , •elv Uses
245 type t ''
"lust a' the Microphone Gets it"
Freed Radios are being shown in this district by
H. C. DUNLOP, Rexall Drug Store, Phone 1
Distributors for Ontario, D H Howden & Co. Ltd , T. ronto and Londna