HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-12-31, Page 1031. Cards of thanks PETERBAuGH • Sincere thanks to everyone who remembered me while I was in University Hospital. Ruby Peterbaugh, ---53 WRIGHT I would like to thank all those who have remembered me with cards, gifts t...nd visits during the. -past year, and extend Season Greetings to the Pinecrest Staff. Doctors, friends and relatiVes, • Sincerely Anna (Nicholson) Wright —53 GARNISS My sincere thanks to all those who sent cards, flow- ers, visited and called me while I Was a patient in LIniverSity Hospital, London. - Cecil Qarniss —53 • 22. Lost and found • LOST Money, a group of 'pose bills Friday, December 19. Finder please leave 'at Hs-ent tiret-offier.' Reward; Phone 528,3814... —53 30, In. memoriam. •••• .••••.;* 1. Articles for sale 5. Cars, trucks for sale DISHES, collectible, anti- 1969 CAMARO with susperi- pies and used furniture at sion and drive train com- This' and That Store, Main pletely rebuilt to high per- Street-Lucknowl-Phonc 528--forrnanee, cash Sale or -trade' 3723, Lenore Glenn.. --4Itf for' good new model snow- mobile, at least, 32 h,p. and TRY C. & E. FURNITURE, up, plus cash. Call 395-5842: nevv and used. Dial Goder- ich, 524-7231. —40tf DRY SPLIT HARDWOOD in 1974 BU1CK, 4 door, full cord lots. Phone 528:2071 or power, certified, Phone 528- ??-423 after ",trt, 3047. —52,53x ----:* . . , BEEF By the Qnarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On Tuesday and. Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications Quick Freezing Available BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LuCKNOW Shop 528-3009 Or If NO Answer Call 528-2112 --40tfar DRY MR . Try an. Electrohome Humid- ifier frOm Greer T..V. and Eleetric:. phone 528-31.12, Lucknow. We also have filters andSanitaire for your Electrohome --4 7tfatt CHECK THE SELECTION of New and Used Appliances, at The Lucknow Appliance Cen- tre, Phone 528-2946. --50tfar BATTERIES Reconditioned and Guaranteed Car, truck and tractor batteries, 1/2 price, Call Arnold Campbell „ 529-7621 —53tfar 250 YAMAHA Snowmobile, late model, in excellent con- dition. Phone 395-2821. —53,1 2. Mobile Homes NEW AND USED TRAIL- ERS,Aruck_carnpers, truck caps. Large selection. Also parts and accessories. We buy, sell and rent. Morry's Trailer Sales, R. R-2_Walk- erton, 564-3748. —33tf 4. Articles wanted Immo. on. mom imals MINN* MIMS OLD BRICK BUILDINGS for wrecking and salvage pur- poses. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia, 1-542-4088. —33eow WANTED: Used truck cap. Phone 395-2821, —53,1 11E111 YEAR GREETINGS 18. Services available MACLYN MANUFACTUR- ING "LIMITED, phone 395- 3352. CAR OILING, 1% miles north of Amberley, west off 21 highway. Open Monday till Saturday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Wednes- days. —51-tfeow AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater, LicensedAuctioneets Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 DON 7IIOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Admiral Sales and Service Tower and Antenna Installation 395-3466 RIPLEY -- 15tfar EUCHRE PARTY -L.-A-Euchre Party-will-be-held in . the Community Hall, Whitechurch on Monday, January 5th at 8:15 p.m. Sponsored by the Women's Institute. Lunch and prizes. Admission $1.00 each. —53 FOR YOU iSrAtCYAK re;atVe(WIMSVSadliK1 BUTTONS MEAT MARKET; Wallow DESPERATELY need customers to return meat baskets In order for them to provide ' this service for ether cOstemerii. PLEASE.' 0E4 ? farm, 90 acres crop land, ; I balance bush, 40 x 60 beef 1-barn-older4louse,-a-sking ; $85.000. ; 4 ACRE5lose -tor-Hwy. 1— . 86, many mature trees, ; % older 4 bedroom home ; 1 needs renovating, oil fur- nace, -24 x 48 steel barn, /. asking $20,800. IV1EL MATHERS 1; Wingham -Phone 357-3208 1 Rep. L. W. Hutton Real Estate Ltd. Broker, Kincardine • • • • 1/••••• mom. 64611 salin• INsim.,..•••• /OM ..1•4 OM= •••••• E. Farm services' BERG STABLE: EQUIPMENT _ , Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390. —30tfar - Farmers get your alterna - tors, disc blades, cultivator points, plough points, dog food. Agent for, 0.F.M.A. KINGSBRIDGE FARM SUPPLY Vince AUstin R. R. # 3, Goderich'. Phone 529-7240 'YttMtfS McAtta%WziA ASA ASZt . PP OR. BEAT.T R UGh T~1 0-107-1,4440w- sentinell--Wednesdo Difeeni4er,-31;-19811— Y, SELL TRADE CLASSIFIED AD S ADAMS In loving 'memory of Robert AdamS, who passed- away December 29, 1978 Sadly missed' alone' life s.' way.. .Quietly remembered day by day, No longer in our life to share, But in our hearts he is always there. Lovingly remembered by Wife -Pauline and family.. —53x 32. Coming_eve.nts 9. Accom. to rent FURNISHED bedsitting room heated, all utilities paid. Available immediately, Phone 528-3723. --41tf THREE BEDROOM house to rent in Lucknovv, Available immediately.' Phone 528- 2299: —50tfar TWO. BEDROOM apartment in Lucknow one bedrooin apartment in Teeswater. Phone Glennhaven Apart- ments after 9 p.m., 528-3234; —45tfar HOUSE FOR RENT in Am- berley. For information call 395-5305. —47tfar 15,- Tenders 1973 CHAPPAREL Snownio- bile with trailer, 295 c.c. twin engine. tune up and tr4ck adjusted :, $500 or best offer. Phone 395-5257. —51,52,53 4-980-MODEL PLEA-RANCE-- Simplicity Washer and DrY- er, $699.95, no sales tax. Greer T.V,&__EleCtric, Luck,_ , novv, phone 528-3112, ---52tfar • Cecil Cranston R. R. 2 Auburn Phone 529-7691 AIRHAMMER BACKIMEING --- 5tfar A".V. i. 'IP • me. •!'...• 18. Services available PORTABLE WELDING Will do portable welding and in shop repair work eustunrStablhirg— SPIKE 'BAKKER R. R. # 5, LUCKNC1W 524-2026 2tfar POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE' IN RIPLEY Heintzman Gird y -Sherlock Manning Pianos, Panasonic Sound Equipment. Recondi- tioned pianos for sale; used pianos wanted. For piano tuning and repairs call,. 395- 2982. "—tfar CUSTOM BUTCHERING - hogs, cattle, and lambs, Mondays, Reasonable rates. Contact Ripley Abattoir, 395- 2905 or 395-2979 evenings. --42tfar 20. Public notices STUDENT needs ride to Cin- cinnati January • 5, 1981. Phone -528-3613. —52,53 NOTICE TOWNSHIP.OF KINLOSS Thee Township Waste Dis7, pcisal site Will,be open every other Saturday, January 3, 17, 31, February 14, 28, Match 14, 28. Township of KirdOSs 53,1 ar 21. Personal To all our friends on R. R. # 2, the very best in the coming year. ' Tom, Anne, Stephen and David Pritchard —53x -1S—ALCOHOL A PROBLEM-- in your famil? Al-Anon can alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 881-3113, Goderich 524- 6001. Ask for an Al-Anon number. —45tfnx HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or. Walkerton 881-3655. --40tfar PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066 collect or 432-7197. -40tfar 27. Deaths • BARGER William 'John, suddenly at York Finch Hospital on Fri- day, Deceniber 19, 1980. Billy, dear husband of the late Georgie Spencely; 'dear . father of Margaret, Mrs. G. (Robb of Brantford, Bill of ;Weston, Florence, Mrs. H. Simmonds of Etobicoke and Dorothy of Weston; dear brother of Howard and Gor- don of Lucknow and Pearl, Mrs. P. Bradley. Dearly loved by his 11 grandchildren and 19 great great grand- children. Interment took place at Glendale Memorial Gardens on Monday, Decem- ber 22, 1980: - 53 E, Farm services -ttGOOD OPPORTUNITY I U 011 Canadian Company doing WHITECHURCH - At -business bothirr Canada and=- -t tractive-home ,With--many ;- the United States, has an ?, new featureS such' as vinyl ) Opening for; a District Man- '; drywall interior, ager. You must 'have recent ; new Fleetwood cupboards agricultural . backgronnd or and much more. Offers have been operating a farm. ; considered, Suitable applicant inigin eV- f - - en be operating' a farm now HIGHWAY FARM on #86 3 and. anxious to augment near Winghatn, 45755 ac- present lucerne. Interested? res workable.. Beautifully" Write to me • and tell' me ; restored' and restyled 3 aboin yourself Ted McLach- bedroom, 2 Storey brick 'I lan, President; Kingsford 1 home with new added Industries Inc.. 482 Commis- ; family room . with fire- I sioners Road E., Lohdcin, place, 2 full :baths, drilled; Ontario. --51,52,53 ; welt, many other features t Such as, modern kitchen; LUCKNOW SHIPPER t with custom cupboards.; t UNITED CO-OPERATIVES l Owner who •has been ' OF ONTARIO ; transferred has ' laVished LIVESTOCK DEPT. ; money on. this luxurious 1, TORONTO e home. TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD Sealed tenders will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until' 1:00 p.m., Tuesday. January 6th, 1981 to rent the Town- ship. Farm, part of. lot 10. concession. 6,. Eastern -Divi- sion for a 5 year period. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Donald M. Simpson, Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. HOW DOES YOUR SUB- PUT SCRIPTIT LABEL READ? :100 • ' p-families and-friends of hel Noy er4.6.0.1 , REQVIREiviENTsin REPLACEMENT...CATTLE. • , Ship your livestock 1. ST, HELENS - Restyled - with % home on a 3 acre lot - BILL TAYLOR • 1 coloured siding - house: R. R. # 5; LUCKNOW fully insulated - 2 baths J. On TuesclItys attractive kitchen - new Or groups of 5 or more ; insulated workshop 24 x On Thursdays t, 32 - combination oil-wood '1 From Lucknow Stockyards % furnace in house. Taxes - CALL . . .only $90 per year, • 528-3530 Home ; . 100 ACRES Hwy. #4, ; 528-3119 Yards ; north of Teeswater. 55 - ; Tuesday or Thursday by 60 level and workable. 8:30 a.m. for = ; balance mixed bush. ask- prompt service • ing $49,500. ASK BILL FOR f-1-00-AL-RtS next -t-o---above w ANNUAL MEETING Lucknow Agricultural Society will hold their annual peet- ing Thursday, January, 15, 1981. Supper at 7 p.m. in Lucknow United Church. Any member requiring tick- ets phone 528-2184. —53,1x . 61m., e.e;er ewe. A. For sale. WIINIDER—STEEL—bUildi ig 40'' x 100', Ideal for mach- inery or grain storage. Phone 528-2071 after 6 p.m. —42tf 2000 BALES Timothy Trefoil hay. 600 bales Timothy Tre- foil second cut hay; 700 bales of straw. Phone Mark Rohr- er, 357-2868. No Sunday calls. —51,52,53 1•11••• ••••I0 D. Livestock SERVICE AGE Hampshire, Yorkshire, Duroc and cross- bred boars, R.O.P. tested. Bob Robinson, R. R. 4, Walton, 345-2317. —51-53 LYNN LOWRY FARM-SYSTEMS LTD: Amberley PHONE 395-5286 BUTLER - Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim. Silo Unloaders, Volume Belt Feeders, Convey-n-Feed Cattle Feeders, Single? Chain Conveyors, Barn Cleaners, Oswalt Ensil- mixers. FARMATIC - Blender Hammer Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender. Mills for Ground H-Mois- . ture Corn, Augers, Leg , Elevators. ACORN Cable Barn Cleaners, Hydraulic Man- ure pumps. WESTEEL-ROSCO-Grain bins - 1350 to 250,000 bu., Bulk Feed Tanks. ACME - Fan-Iet Ventila- tion `SystemS. ASTON Ventilation Sys;-. tents. B & - Complete Hog Confinement Systems. SLURRY-SLINGER - Li- quid Manure Spreaders. CLAY - Parts and Service for Clay Equipment AERO-FLUSH - Liquid Manure Pumps, Aerators, Separators: WE HANDLE , EVERYTHING-ALMOST —21tfar