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By non Campbell
On the. day after their arrival in Halifax, the
immigrants concerned themselves with preparing for
their survival in the days 'ahead. To eat, one had to work.
"hen were no funds for maintaining the poor in those
ays mid although some, (like Neil MacCrimmon), bad a
Ittle troney which he would have been willing to share,
'he proud people from Skye were loath to accept charity.
In the morning, the men and childless women went out
into the town to look for work.
On their way down the street they saw a familiar figure
approaching. It was Ian Jamieson, late first officer of the
brig Mavis. He was walking slowly with his blue sea hat
at a jaunty angle upon his head and he carried his coat
over his arm. His cheerful face was moist with sweat
from the morning heat. He addressed his remarks to
Chippy Chisholm.
"Oh! So, there you are Chisholm. I was hoping to find
Jamieson paused for a moment and fishing into one of
the pockets of his coat, found a .large handkerchief to
wipe the sweat from his face.
"I've bought myself an interest in a schooner," he
said, running the cloth around the neckband of his shirt,
"The Mavis will be in dock for several weeks for, repairs,
so I have changed ships. This time though, I'll be my own
master. You're looking at the new skipper of the
"Kingston Lass't. What say you Chisholm, will you sign
on for a voyage with Captain Jamieson?"
The irrimigrants had no interest in ship talk. They had
endured one ocean voyage and had no intention of ever
setting foot on board a vessel again. Chisholm and the
fisherman from Aberdeen remained to talk to Jamieson,
but the rest of them hurried away. They needed work
badly, but not the kind which the captain had to offer.
Chippy looked down in embarrassment and stroked his
grey' beard.
"Thank ye Sir, for the offer, but when I signed off the
Mavis, I swore I would never go to sea again. I'm too old
for the worry of it. Besides, I canna climb the rigging."
Captain Jamieson laughed and patted Chippy on the
"One voyage, Chisholm, and no more sea after we get
into the St. Lawrence. I'm going to run the Great Lakes.
Say you'll sail with me as far as York." His face became
more serious and he said: "Just enough time for you to
get the canvas shipshape. I promise you, there'll be no
going aloft."
Chippy shook his head. "York? I once heard tell of that
place. Why would I be going to a far off wilderness?
Maybe the stories my shipmates told were all lies but I
heard fearful tales. They said there were wild Indians,
bears, an' rattlesnakes! What would an old man like me
be doing in York?"
Captain Jamieson laughed heartily. "Old wives' tales,
Chisholm. York is a thriving port. More than five
thousand people live there. They need men like you! It
will be easy to find work once you get there."
The fisherman from Aberdeen became very interested.
If there was work in that place called York, why not go
"I've sailed before Captain. True it was as a
fisherman, but I could work my passage as a deck hand.
That's if yoti'll take my wife and son too."
Jamieson was happy to oblige. "Yes, yes, by all means
bring .your family. You'll be paid for your work. What is
your name?
"Ross, Sir! David Ross."
"Well then Ross, go and find the "Kingston Lass" on
the south pier. There's plenty of work to do. We sail in
one week, so you can sleep ashore until then."
Chippy Chisholm was still considering what Jamieson
had said, when Ross walked away to find the ship which
would take him on another voyagle. The old sailmaker's
mind was in confusion. True he could find work but only
if he returned once more to the sea. Old men could not
compete in the employment market of a town like
Halifax, Captain Jamieson waited for the sailmaker to
speak, but instead Chippy called out to the fisherman
from Aberdeen.
"Avast there David! Wait a wee while and I'll away wi
ye. I need to go back to the church and get my tools." He
turned and spoke to the captain. "That is, if the offer of
the job still stands, Sir! •
The captain was delighted. Craftsmen with Chippy's
experience were hard to find even in a sea port.
"Welcome abbard, Chisholm!"
Page --tocknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 31, 191511.
Visit with Whitechurch folks for Christmas
VisitOrs during the week
with Mr, and Mrs. Carl
McClenaghan and 'Mrs.
Mary MeCienagaim were
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCart-
vile, Mr, and Mrs. Brad
Sack of Ayton, Bill Norris,
son, Paul, Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Des Roches and
son, Bob of London and John
Clark of Lucknow,
Brian Falconer and Lynn
Falconer of Sarnia spent the
weekend with --grand-
mother, Mrs. Cassie Mow-
Mr. and WS. Harvey
Craig, John,: Bobbie and Lisa
of Blackie, Alberta arrived on
Sunday to spend the holiday
with his father, Dawson
Christmas guests with Mr.
and 'Mrs. Archie purdon
were Mr. and Mrs. Kevin
Falconer, Blyth, Kathy Pur-
don, Kitchener and Mrs.
Jacklin, ListoWel.
Celebrating Christmas
—with Wilford-and-John Clip,—
perton last Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs, Andy Beattie and
Jenna, Delmore; Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Bernard; Jean,
Jennie and Cathy and Mrs.
Cousins, Thorndale;
and Mk. Wesley Rutter,,
Craig and other relatives in
the community,
Christmas Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin
were Mrs, Gertrude Tiffin,
Wingham, Mr, Wilford Clip-
perton and John, Langside
Jim and. Carol, Wingham and Leonard Robinson, Mail' and
Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Mullis, Tracy, Belgrave; Mr, and
Adam and Andrea, Ingersoll. Mts. Neil Rintoul, Steven,
guests . with Scott and Stuart; Mr.- and
Rev, and Mrs. John Bell Mrs. Harry Gutoskie, Mich-
were Mr. and Mrs, Bert Fon- ael and Michelle, Kitchener;
taine and Christian, Streets- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Camp,
Dam, ,InVerlittron and Mr, Mr, and Mrs..
and Mrs. esley Bell, Carrie zer, Jeffery and. Julie, Wat-
and Robin, Walkerton. • erloo and Mr.. and Mrs. MaCk
Mr. Robert Elliott and Bill vCardiff; BrusselS. :
of Northern Ontario were Christmas guests with. Mr,
Friday callers On Mr, and and Mrs. Dan Tiffin,- Wing-
Mrs. Victor Enierson. ham 'were Mrs.' Ethel Stew-
Celebrating•Christmas and art; Mr. and' Mrs. Bevin
Lloyd—Montgomery's • birth---Tiffin; Dean and St-vhetu-
day at the home of Mr. and Mr, and Mrs. DouglaS Tiffin,
Mrs. Angus Falconer on Lori and Michael, Wingham;
Christmas EVe'were Mr. and Joyce Tiffin, Toronto; Barry
Mrs. Alan Falconer, Tony, Tiffin and Charles. St. Piere,
Timmy and Amy; Mr. and Toronto.
Mrs. Wallace Milligan and Guests for Christmas with
Mary Lou of Sarnia; Clara Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott
Milligan, Steve Irwin, Clare were Mr. and' Mrs. Paul
Weber, Faye Irwin, Mr. and Elliott and family, Brussels;
Mrs. Kevin Falconer, Blyth, Mr. and MrS. David Elliott,
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley. Tiffin, LiStowel; Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Mrs. Cassie Mowbray, Mr. Laidlaw, Michelle and Jason,
and Mrs: 'Archie Montgom- London; Mr. and Mrs. Barry:
ery, Blyth and Mr. and Mrs. Elliott and Ryan, Mr. and
Lloyd' Montgomery. Mrs. Bill' MacPherson, Stev-
Visitors with Mrs. Cassie en, Larry and Penny Schies-
Mowbray on Friday were tel, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Brian FalcOner and on Satur- Morrison, Edmonton; - Mr.
day Mr. and Mrs. Relison and Mrs. Gordon Trachsel,
Falconer, all of Sarnia. Regina and Mrs. Jim Yundt,
Miss Bev Bell, concession Kincardine.
2, Kinloss was a Wednesday Celebrating Boxing Day
visitors with her friend, with .. Mr.' and !Mrs. Bevin
Janet Laidlaw. Tiffin, Dean. and Stephen
Mr.; and Mrs. Carl Mc- were. Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Clenagahn and Mrs. Mary Tiffin, VVingham; Mr. and
VIcClenaghan were' Christ- Mrs. Doug Tiffin. Lori and
mas guests with. Mr. and Michael and Mrs. Ethel
Mrs. Tom Pritchard of West Stewart, Wingham; Joyce
Wawanosh. and Barry Tiffin, Toronto and
Celebrating Christmas Charles St. Piere. Tolonto,
with Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Rintoul were Mr. and Mrs. Tiffin'.
Richard Moore, John and
Richard Day went, on a skiing
expedition on Saturday,
Murray Moore of. the arm-
ed• services spent Christmas
with Mr. and . Mrs. Walter,
Cindy and Richard. '
On-Saturdar-Mrs, `Walter.
Moore contacted, Miss Linda
Moore at Kitimat where she
spent Christmas and hopes
to obtain work in the ,new
, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Durn-
in spent Christmai Day with.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Seholti'pf- Gederich -where
Lisa was Write from Red
Deer, Alberta and Mr. and
Mrs., Stanley Norman of Lon-
don were also present.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Durn7
in were Tuesday evening
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Durnin, Steven, Colleen and
Ruth Ann of St. Helens.
Congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Elliott' of
Brussels 'on the arrival on
December 13 •at Goderich of
their baby girl, a sister for
Mr. and Mts. . Bradley
Speiran, Brussels; Mr. and
Mrs. Gary Rintoul and Kevin
and Mrs. Hazel Purdon,
Lucknow were Christmai
guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Rinteul and Brian.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rintoul
and Kevin spent Christnias
Eve with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Corey of
Boxing DaY guests with
Mr. sand lvIrs. Wallace Milli-
gan and Clara were.Mr. and.
Mrs. Pat Donnelly, Angela
and Jill of Islington; Mary
Lou Milligan. Sarnia; Mr.
and Mrs. ''Alan Falconer,
Tony. Timmy and Amy and
Steve Irwin.
Mrs. Wallace Milligan and
Clara spent Saturday in
Kitebet-ler. '
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey.
Craig, John, Robbie and Lisa
of_Alberta and Dawson Craig
were Christmas guests on
ThurSday . with Mrs. Janet .
Hall of Wingham.
Dawson Craig held a
Christmas party on Saturday
in Whitechurch Community
Memorial Hall for his rela-
tives. Present were Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon McBurney and
Hugh; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
McBurney and family, East
Wawanosh; Mr. and Mrs,
Alex Robinson and Marilyn,
Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Rbbinson, Hanover; Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Cook and family,
Belgrave; Mr. and. Mrs. Alex
,Craig, Lana, Ryan and Jar-
ret; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Craig, John, Robbie and Lisa
of Blackie, Alberta and Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Peacock, Blue-
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Craig,
Ryan, Lana and Jarrett were .
Christmas guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbert' Schwich-
tenberg and :family of Port
Mr, and Mrs. Paul Laid-
law, Michelle and Jason of
`London were guests with -his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elroy
Laidlaw during the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray
Aviss, Mark and Tricia of
Orangeville were Sunday vis-
"ktors with Mt. and Mrs. Tony
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin
and Joey spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. Dave
McGlynn and family of Kit-
Sunday guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Tiffin and Joey
were Mr. A.nd Mrs, Bill
Snowden and 'Bill Jr. of.
00clerich and. Mr, and Mrs,
Dave McGlynn, Janet and
Wayne of Kitchener,
Joey Tiffin had the misfor-
tune while playing hockey 'at
the tournament at VVasaga
der. His many friends wish
him a speedy recOvery, •
Chalmers Presbyterian
church held :iits Sunday.
School concert on Monday
evening. ReV. JOhn Bell was
chairman for the program.
-- The Sunday SchoOt sang-k
Believe in Santa• Claus and
Jolly Old St. Nicholas, Stev-
en Rintoul gave a welcome
invitation. Karen Elliott gave
a piano solo,
A play ; The Girl Who, had
Everything, was °presented.
Kendra Purdon's class Ryan,
Craig, David and Donald.
Pickard, Scott Rintoul, Ryan
and Jarret Craig and Tanya.
Rumble put on a skit. The
audience sang 0' Little Town
of Bethlehem, Peace on
Earth, It Came Upon a
Midnight Clear.
Mrs. :Emersoa's class.
Lana Craig, Steven Rintpul
and . Henk Blom told of
stories they learned in Sun-
day School, Crossing the
Jordan River, Destruction of
Idol Boal, Fall of Jerich6 and
gave Bible verses they learn-
ed at. Sunday School.
Karen Young and Clara
Milligan gave a ducit. Little
Carrie Bell of Walkerton
gave a recitation for . her
grandfather, Rev. J: -Bell
when he asked if any one
would give a number. The
offering was received and
dedicated by Rev. Bell. A
skit, Mary Had a Little
Lamb. as given.
The Lion Tamer was put on
by Brian Ross, Michael Ir-
win, Steven Blom and -David
Pickard. A skit. The Christ-
mas Basket, was pia on by a
number of players. The
audience sang, 0 Come all ye
faithful, Away in a. manger,
and' First Noel. These were
introduced by recitations giv-
en by David Pickard and
Ryan Craig. The school sang
Susie Snowflake. Donald
Pickard gave the closing
recitation. The school then
sang We Wish You a Merry
Christmas. Jingle Bells was
sung and Santa Claus came
to bring. everyone gifts and
with his helplers delivered
the gifts from under the 'tree
and gave all -children a
present, an orange and bag
of goodies.
with family
Grant Helm and Sharon
Dietz, Leisa and Adrian,
spent Sunday with Sharon's
parents, Mervin and Norma
Dietz, Darrell and Jason of
McKillop Township. Attend-
ing the Dietz family Christ-
mas were Janice Dietz, Kit-
chener; Darwin and Nancy
Dietz, and Joshua, McKillop
Township; Douglas Dietz,
McKillop and Janis Van
Vliet, Walton, Milton and
Wanda Dietz, Seaforth, and
Victor and Claire Jackson of
Mitchell. A special guest was
Sharon's cousin, Brenda
Dietz of Los Angeles, Cali-
fornia who was home for
Christmas with her parents,
Milttin and Wanda Dietz of