HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-10-24, Page 611. _Thorahl\ Ilet tate r
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Buy a box of Dr. VCiluaav'
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111 54 COUNY.,ae
, Sunday Afternoon
I$.111EL 1I.t\IIIF''\
Godcr)cb, tlut.
Of Iuert•y- anal oa'juttgui. tit.
0 Iprd. I'll sing to T'-et'e;._�
In wisdom and upright
.S1111 II my behavior • t•c
Xo work of s111 I'il .nI`.r
Before my eye.4 to 4"
1 hate the work of Him.. r•
It shall not cleave
nonmoving or disputing, but be slur i m� Rona to
I.. render to Guth the thluk'r that are
e n
14od'-" Matthew henry says, on tide
ie4 ,': -"Many, that scent careful to
give to turn their due, ore in no care
glue to God the glory due to his
11 ertirt. Fruit -8 -fives ss corrects
�i nee ; whereas„, our 4c beet BladderandKidneyTrouble
11 eel an. its 11111441,due dor to hand
Health at Sixty
..l er rant was 1
hut* to a prlm'e. All thus heard
4'hri-t marvelled at the dl.cr.tio44 of
hi, atuw,'r, awl 1 iupeuiou'ly lt.
uyoidc,l the snare; bet I d.lrbt none
erre br.uglt by it, us they ought to
he, h' render to (1.MI theunch'1d 4Ud
. their devotion'. Malay w111 commend
the wit of a 'st'rmyu, 411114 will nut lw•
c.'mmlu ikil b}- the divine lents 01 u
,.;:u 101.-erIIon.'' e
Roman. 13:1-7.
i4. 1'11111 h: hi. te•a.1,i,4 ever tit.,
PRA]'EK li., 4 poi -tiro dut,•trlue the ground of
4 •n.,iolkc _ o1 Thy i. -' : : u
world. may V.t go fee::. • ..> ! ,c 4'h11'tian duty, He • could. i •
to Idir fur truth afei r._n:c.m�o,•-s I'hri-r.1-11 1 r0o(''
and so dti our Inert iu , s'w,.,iu� the ..t'h pr,s't o[ his nut
Ki11gd14m �1F'ur Jean.' � , .\melt. ''t''ty- son) to sn4J 441 tutu
• I4'trrr-," l'hri-t would pot ulluw Liu.
1014::41111 to lie tu:lde the• meant 14f henry*•,
S. N. 1,Es'ON FOR \111. Nell• 19''9ton whoa the pegde would 4,k.
1.e•.M111 Topk-IKespr.4 lar Rightful by force 1111,1 make him
'tuliurily. •IMe paid the 1ributi' tummy to avoid
Le+.un Passage-\t.uh I":Ia-17: giving ofl'on.'i' he' - .ormittatt
Korman. 13:1-7; 1 Icier '::13.16• to 101.. gice a up ,t.' rulers uud to Ie
I,oldrn Trxt-Roawu- 1:4:1. 13'ie,3,- .ersesteuivaW and Int to death.
'I'h.• mer, iu
M'. eaohii• the
u a land tied, or
w4-Id,41 434. ap tie t 14•
ane t14 ylneafoU CIu-I- Deer,• 1'hlri' �a,uplr "rt meekerM 44! that the "powers that Is• lire
former were, but .•1 Iter we' Le d1•rii•1,. but *eery Is'wrr ychl.1, hr
.1,ow- nothing wore s 'statr,l "."".'41"."".'41Ma. deIle- e- had 1Mn
h'•tr. Thr} ecldenU; t..,.1 +t ;Ihlk'h,trd 10 rale' the world which he
e,uuioe hltere.t ithe ,_• ythi,'h tertutml by Him who hovel the
.'c a-kr11. "I. itt last' _,t• tri- w'
word,1, The 'gni erow
r'- ekl-truce as
4• or '1'
1114, 11er,i1iii '. 4, snow tela., wall iul'ht
ev a 1't \era's
4C.u•, feeler ty deal..'.a 4.'0nw1.0..tut . 4o Th.. ...r 4N1•fstia,
yl"s. %,tell, that he t',,- c.on,-curd. ta•het11- Inftrte.1 with leprosy • are trent
4. -u:,a addn•--wL
that he b, 40 4b,• great Rollin 1
' I am sixty years old and tried alt kinds
of medicines for bladd.r. rad kidney
trouble, which used to k -,P me from
work a month at a time. until I started
taking 'Fruit-a-tives'. T! • ks to 'Fruit-
a-tives' d have worked - .-illy for four
years without a sick da. I have never
felt better than 1 do ars.. writes Mr.
Thomas Graham of Oshawa, Ont.
Because it is made front the juices of
fresh, ripe fruits, inten-i`., d and com-
bined with strengthenin.' ' 'ria, "Fruit-
a-tives" soon brings ra. t health to
those who suffer fro: constipation,
bladder and kidney too s. 1t works
in nature's own way \.w will tind
"Fruit-a-tives" the very • .4.g your sys-
tem needs. 25c and Si box at all
druggists. Start right an -to-day.
Their objet w
-on difficulties.
u ditlicultle'..
-• '•111 a direct "y. -
He a•kel L
•ilyer cola or :Al. \\hut
14.' . Fat. 011 $11e '11;1 t,
-lain,? It o.,.1 he the
portrait of either t., r, lgt.ing eta
I.•: -.'r or hiss prefer*-- -' too -t likely
I'l.1 was the sign d •.•r. -hip. It
•:i t' from 4.11001(44 h,.: :•n,1 must
Is. reeei•'rol to hi% ex'.-''. oger.
In addition to letting ':.1.411 sa•e that
41ae-:tr had a right ' • comu1and a
'ilal'.' of their money e.•r the publ11
41.1.41. l'h•riert gave thea. ''leder-ta4'
that the reigning e• . •-:••r had lea
I..w.•r to t'.'utnand 1 . t on'eienre•
1':1y your 4rihu'e, 1` .••. %%Piv t
lyd• 'et. Ike was citizen or -lase, in It- w'el- able. H 1.
Ile has plans foe gini these,'", fare :111.1, its 1.1ieery: -He i.: a mlu• ,children under hosplt:. :.,rt. 3114 ..1'nut
."1 iter Cttl to the* for 44.MNI. ' .t- servation. This La n-'' :-.NI to AV -
Pant believed ,leans 4'leria to be the where in these.. {mg.- .\ suite:dr
i"1111). rhe Soil .if 1:14,1 1111,1 the _Knug of aa•u, he building Is Alread}' el .,.le for use
...111.1 not Ia•Ih I.•lieviug that ails hum- as a children's hospi• 11r. tt'Ig.
:w s epees was org: 4,ize1 a' eonllnc gins feel. that if he 4.o1111F4'1141e
14/ the Inti whish Ht• ec11reoWnoil lea with provision for eye' threw is
wor.1s. %%11'101. He embodied lea 11i• in- a reasonable hope 411. '.-h r proper
41ruu1fl4n death -Ilse' death -'he chief of he'.pitaI care these . en 4.1144'. lea•
all 3, the servant of all." The Also, .reitlrltl'II to their , • titter n
I teacher ehouId know the (Anoint/Ounces
1 under which Bath poem was written.
Sc, 1. 1111 uuderstaudug of the authur-
j ship enables the teacher to lead the
pupil to Mm the beauty Of 1111• poem.
'fifer• should be no moralising it 1Jt-
t•ra1ur.. Teachers *Mould know (lie
anuli,,, what lie thinks of life, the
ape in w latch he Rye), and how the
thoughts therein co,4t,lhla'tl are a Irro-
duct4n of that age. Without a real
love for the subject the teaching will
fall far short of its atm.
Mle• Sharman commented on the
piton and uo14,4/41 a vote of thank*
10 Mr, Uckucheru.' Iu Ute discus-
sion which resulted the Idea of re:ur-
reeiing the teachers' library, whb'h
outer .'sI,tel In the inspectorate but
was never used. came forth again. The
IMwoks uululwriig about tine hundred
were divkk•d among the different
public libraries of the iw•lrewttira44'.
1 Mr, A. J. Brlatnell, who w•as'a dele-
' gate to the O. E. A. host Easter. gust.
!its r.l.'rt of the prrs•eeling, of that
organization. SIMo•e 11111 not permit
,•f any ulrtru'•t on the paper. .1 full
rel,orr in book furls may be ol'tliuiel
by , teacher who writes Mr. W.
F. %I.'one of Dundas, pitted... Mis.
, Helen Hayter rendered a pleasing solo
„hit -h broke the monotony of 4111' .4.,-
er".1.. 31r, (toy somehow:._ tit-tisulerich.
1 dirtiesed the merit, 4.1 the present
Canadian) lli.tury end was of the
' "pinion that It meets with general fav-
or. A Ary.te of opinion t'a'ng; 1,tke•n 1111
411e text •4,"1101 the majority in favor
of It.
'rile r' -.'I l?1.r- eounuitnw present -
•.4 it.. rgk'rt a- fallow.: 1
That a transfer curl. preferably the
\ 11. 1'. 4•Itr,4. be used by all put:41s mov-
ie:: from .toe seh.s.l to mealier. These
tarts to ►m-upplled by the !h'p,lrt-
mrut of 'Eat ,tion.
Thor the Department of Education
prepare tool eulhoriza• a suitable e.l-
le•tou of pn'hlrne• in Arithmetic for
....'0111. third nut 1oilrth cheeses, .
That the Department of Educniton
be a•ket t.. grant 11r -t4.1,1.'• permaue'ut
„e•rthlcate- to teachers 1114011 res-lps of
proof 411a3 the. have t,nuple'tel flick
t4,•-r+wl4.3 not doubt dale every Chris'. (cried of treatment • 11''113 infea- 1'Iger ttchool work and have had at
in1 1. ought.- to mailtnin the truth tion by leprosy. I least flvt. year.fi .u.•enrw.fnl exLwtri-
whi.11 Nen/' set at n:rligh4. 1,141 that From the +tnudp'ii, •►iritual lite.elle• as a .eM•outi.'la•. pr,.fe*.doual
If he tiid it w'011141 ,,-ni-,. 1' -*elfin his in our homes there 1.11.,1(11 In -.1 teacher. -
• ease -Nero would 1.' 44 114.1411 -err .4 4:0.1 11ictltl.'n of a work • • .lens'. This ' That . the Minister of Educatlou
1 •
for goo.) t.. hint. -E': 11. `lanrfce. 114. finds humble but joy f 11,41 s34- 111nn- eitherdesistfrom ee ndiuk out peatnlde
' '1'b,• Sermon Bible emu: expression In Geo. ,ho 113'1. 0‘ lests urging the teacher. by 'precept
perleneel a aewn..•• ' life. it 1.
A Cake and Pastry Expert says
"Since Puriry is a strong, rich flour, with great expanding
qualities use I tablespoon less per cup if your cake recipe
calls for ordinary pastry or soft wheat flour. If it calls f
milk, use half milk and half water duke -warm) with Purity.
New Recipe for Flaky Pie Crust
For two pie shells use : curs Purity Flour,
ii teaspoon salt, y cup shortening ;i cats
cold water. Max flour and sal', resting in -the
r.hurtening'until the mixture is lite Inc meal.
Ms thoroughly with the water A' II put thin,
keeping ,t quite dry. For extra -rich pastry
rose halt butter and hall lard.
Send 30c for Parity Flom? Cork Book.
Western Canada FL -qtr Mills Co. Limited
Toronto, Ont. 9LR
s1,U the Out for Bread
y., int not ant ex4ample to inculcate the habit
WORLD MISSIONS mauif4•Y In various teak -tram.. unit .,a.riety or remove
'flat• important work Of retailing the
children of lepers from leprosy
4 into-. to be one of *Wel' Iiwrell.ing *81114',
The work listing done lea th1- w -ay by
31i -non its far-reaching in its effect.
From among the healthy children of Ir,
Pers who bare leen sare41 from' le -
1.11. -s. 11115e colo$• , miry of our
an..? valued !wilier...Others have JMue
out from our home. to take up their
life among the healthy community.
where -instead of )ming a charge on
the public and at menace to others.. as
they undoubtedly wou141 have leen had
they ,.hare,i the fate of thlr leprous
parents, they are nmking their own'
eentributi.rn by their ,jndn,.r}' and
character to the strengthetistg of these
conlw11litbM. it is gratifying Oleo
that ,'hildren 111 whom there was
early Infection hnve he•cenie free thr-
ough lnelf,-al treatment from any taint
of disease. They. too. can now confi-
dently I,..k forward to a life of tint
tigress. In the fort -ring connection
it is of exeptjounl h,•re.-.t that 1,r,
1'. A. Wiggler:. under whoin n number
of treatment .'entre. for lepers have
1s't'n organized in Ell-t'•rl, 1:.'11(1da, has
found that i1 the village- :t haze lar-
eenGitte of the Child 1,1i are already
The New FADA Radio
When you consider that this is the first time a Fada
Console with Fada quality has been available at
such a reasonable cost you will realize what won-
derful value you have in the all electric FADA 25.
Walnut Cabinet burl walnut panels contrasting
with special maple panels above and below carvr
leg• and ornamental stretcher.
South Street Phone 83
least in gratitude '
velvet]: In /Service of
the stronger, and .
where love. jog 41141
rut and ullonnd be,
whom the Word of
From Without. the 4'.
otim13a ill
Qulokly soothing and healing Zam-Buk Is op endld
for skin troubles of all kinds. It heals with the ald
of Nature's herbs, In Nature's own way.
44 S. NO. 1. \VEST WAWAX0411
'I'11e following is the rrl't'rt tit s. S,
!No. I. West Wawatio-b, for the neul'h
of September: `
%'.- Josephlm Murphy 111.1 Petri is
Murphy^.epuIl, Morg:tie Klee La,
Harry 3(4.41e 74.
Sr. 111.--ltetttrhw Kinuhan tat. .,
It,1\ aloud Boyle stn
Jr. 111. , •Iti114 IlIiil,c teL .I.,,- K.•:Iv
11. - 4.i, rye Carron l 1ok..
Sr. 1. E.I 1a•4141y X71.
Jr. I. Norine Kiulha, olid \ono
13iyle Itytial, Irk'. 'ai:argaret 11:1. •
•'fhtiv absent for one or more '•i
:4111111111 ion.,
Number 14n roll. 13: a'enl4e tit
n'nd,tttt". ll.:t.
a1,ti1 M(lut. 'readier
"1111.e job worth while has 1Je.1 to" it
the prhr-tag of cut -lane. umra-itis
'study and toll." Itrure !tartan'.
'tri -•sou as wt. 44ave 111ngbt 111:11.
N. man tir•t and 111rt1 r e•itiza'n of '
oalltrc, a great adg- rtyt fonts:
wll��uye Iwvn 4aken."-i3,.41. Wi'll's,
Neuritis? Sciatica?
•I.•-'siuC' re- temptation. spsyt+d
weaker h`. wols within •redf- T-itr(,a brought relief to Mr..mmo❑ lift r C W. G. Burrows of Chatham, Ont. He
u- of three miles where the/ attend•
That in astral s-Ihad terrible Rheumatism in but thigh.
• r are twee- 1` ru.t is neer twenty -flue 1itP Fllflh After the first dose he felt better, says:
. of those In
Chis- work be not taken up. . "In half an hour all the sharp st+bhmaa
-t dwell..-; That i11e Hydro eervlee rate to rural painhadgone. Twomorednsesclearexi
1 garbed. ie elther dropped or red teed away every trace ofpain." T-R.Csare
--fo a minimum. equally good for Neuritis, Sciatica,
TEACHERS OF WEST HURON That the name'of Mr. Fret 110.4. I.umbagoandNeuralgi� Quick. Safe.
1 of Dungannon Me adder! to the list No harmful drugs, �64cc and SI 00 at
4Coatlnned troth ;•:,ge 31 Iof life mombere. your druggist's. 110
-���ss wows
tuII -I 1s to mark , o h one. then Election of Officers
tllke. Ilp the correct. - in elates .0
that all the pupils tang benefit and
avoid .uth errors as '411. -aw"the-they,
their -there. Free and ea.y expre•.►0n
1 ii Im almed 44
. lou 1 -
Continent., were a- .1..1 !4' \Ie.sr.. Mins 1", Kalbfleiseh. Ills* A. Webster:.
Tofu, iteacom and It., -sir. Anthony. auditors, Mewere. G. Maw.on, A. .1`
Mr. Tom expressed 1,1- intention of Brtntnell: resolution... Mies A. Gaiw•r ,
offering two s'.-hoter.bitw, to rural atlas 1. Meeullneb. MIM. Edna 'Bei.4,
I elitratiee candidate.. hi 1980 a. In PBC:). MIA. 1.. McKenzie. MINS 111. .4.11.'mang.
Dire 10 Exeter ce' 're and one t.. (lode- I Mr. !toy Stenphonse : dele4att•_ to `4 n.
rich centre. He also- gave the con- : E. -t.. Mia A. E. t'onsltt. Mr. Palmer
tents of a let, r reee•ice.1 from Mr. Kilputrl.'k.
lluelated. High school l►rgrertor. to the *r. .1. J. ftrintneli gars the pre-'-.
eget that on ''le test made in Form; dent's n,ldreee, on the MnbJe't of Su.
I. of the Hit! Schools, Goderlf•h and T1,4' paper wall a masterpiece of
IE-eter stoned rirst, reflecting/ as it thought.
did on the ••1 wo'k clone by the Mr. G. Mawsnn took n Osten o{
..' of he tn..prtorate, who Fourth •'.ir.r. pupil, in Agrteniture and I
The el4•tion of ogiavr. re -tilted a- i"j` V CAPSULES
1011uw••: I're••d,leht. Miss Annie k:. I'on
AB; view -president. Mr. Palmer KII
patriotic; s•retsty-tree.nrer, Mr. 4;. S.
Howard : e.ulnr1II4?rs. \1'. •Brokenehlre.
make good a-• of his rules of retelling. taught a lesson on the Jn,'gfng, of
An 1te•m '•' ir.teieat at the concert- Pi'nt,e",'' From slimosM shown he'
Lm w•a. - t h,• . -en•+inn of the an -a -0r developed '11 wore card int -order to ,
.4444'. of the r.•rnt entrance examin-. tebutate 41x• re -alt• of the .4,il.!re,,'
a'lon. This • N taken by the (' nnlln- Judging as to size, ..haps•. surface. ere.
r Me --r. urhou•/, Howard :I:el rte, T1,P me01011 w ,.tin.. elan'-•* loot
w'ethey. 'Tl.. ..iia 1.. to hare MP nay proved of interest ro' the convention.
teateher... ...is, hilly. guided aright a• Mr. ,,Itearom lave a paper on E-
the form -4.1 sample of nnno
awe'= 'ot,iEbyry F.,inention't.1 F:: _' ,.'. T'
.le-irr•cl. Plan of exchange was explained. 1114•11 '.
iridal followed a history of the mnllag('mPllt
The open:, _ exerciser were taken of such schools, lige in , e :ion. -1 •
by lrul.e•t..r I:.;,.. ,,•_lifter whloh the peenlnrity 111 that the, head mn..ter nf'
minute• were real each 4eh(wtl Pets the enure• of study j
:Mks Lottie Ite•l•10'.'- of God.'rleh .ultable to that particular ka'-411ty.
sok,• along the line 'f Federation, V11111 11.111 there Is but il4e weeks. 1e -
to 11hid, all teaehena male 11114 ft.- ginning ay the end of .Indy. Salaries
male. should erelong- The work ear- range from 1244) 4,4 I*1*1 n year.
Heil en by the Federation Is for The nthiltore' report .hawed n pawl
Oa. wag] of the teachers and the balance. The Question Drnw,•r wa e
14494111g It ha. Ilion the Department taken
Inspectk. or
Beacom. A hearty
ear y
is far-reaching, in . .0 far Ait pre.-
w•.1 horse any worthy n•..,iutionel sent IeM of alnln street church for'thy w.•
1n from 1.4.111 institute.. The eon- of tIm church, the teachers Who pro._
yentloh meet in separate se.4lnn' to vlded the program. the citizens who
•-n..(der the Federation Annnnnee, opened their homes to the teachers
and to the retiring officers fur the
year's ferrite. The .tngng of the
'National Anthem brought the meeting
io a (•lose.
The number of teachers in,lndin:
visitors who registered was 1111.
President. A. J. Brintnell.
Secy, 0. S. Ifoward.
Merits.. The nom tele 110 110e11 orgnnl•
7altinn. tlwai111 -.me AM' linked up
With the ventral organisation. The
women'hekl their 'election of "Bien".
resulting as follows:-Treeideut, 4.11..
14,144e Robinson: tat vice-pre..fent
Ni -et W. Farrier( laid Pier-i'r4e'Irlept,
Nt'• oral Finnigan: ceerstaryYrea•
-nt•er. Miss NaIM'i. Bali'.'- •
Mr. J. G. M4Eactlern. 13. A.. of
ln'ud4n. gave hi. paper on "The Pre-
le,rati"n for rhe Teaching of Liter-
ature.- 1 s• .; ng a poem the pnpll.
r wow to. ie.J,.i feel as the poet felt
and 10 ser o' the 416*t saw. Tine
".t thing in only vulgar when Ito
hest is brave," •f;. K. (')i Lorton.
"Nearly flfiy per eent. of the people
horn In any year do not reach .Ixty-"
-Derwin P. King'"ley.
The Leading
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Everything that s new in .
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Hand Tailoring and Stp•t'ia-!
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1 can .upply your wants in
any of the above furl Prompt
aervie4 and reasonable prier*.
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Leading- house for high-claaa
Beds, Mattresses and
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\7r '1
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add the touch of pros-
perity to stores: giro
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bathrooms. Easy
plaster. No dust
orlitter. Easy
to clean and
paint. Can-
not crack
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Outside Walls
Attractive to look at.
Inexpensive. Easy to
put on over old walls.
With building paper,
warm, dry, windproof.
Choice of Brick, Rock -face
and Clap -board patterns.
End the fire hazard.
Puton over old roofs.
Easy to lay. Good
looking, permanent,
inexpensive. Use NO
The permit/semi Arevr4e/
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add Ise ern
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and Parkins
The Original French
a'e esus Perfume
Manufacturer's Introductory Offer
Saturday, Oct. 26th, last day
Bring this Certificate and
Powder- world'
0130me0M.,• onme ly gift
asking Re
irEEPresent ilia twenty arid anti Ne, to eeitr pay ear Notal
tdyertlsing •epenee utrdndles, dexo'.'•, eft., end we will
glee low Free, without fnrlher root, 13 Mae trench
tiarrlosos Perfume and a 1(01 Afarel.eau Del.w. Fare
a most eaqullu lees powdea. Cloth Items are Vine y►ta. for Pitt Kr.
Aare,. on the hark of this ret filtrate. Rates rertlaret't for sour friends mar he had Inc the
seta to each rus4nmer 1 IMt prlre. Cert0Arat4,4 good only u long u thee* •noodle• site
Ards Coupon
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rale OSTIA (.0044 ONLY ar
J. H. LAUDER, Phm. B.
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North aide of Square, Goderlrh.
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IThe World's Most
repulse Perfume