HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-10-24, Page 5• Cough and Cold Remedies All the standard cold remedies, Laxative, Bromo Quinine, Urovos, Dominion C. B. Q. and many others. Cough Serlediert-Chase's Linseed -arid- Turpentine, Pen- slar White Pint; and Spruce Balsam, Cres Elixir, Ayer's Cherry Pretor*I, Syrup of Tar and Cod LiverOil. Stop the tickling with KIwaroids, Medicated Throat Discs, Throat Ease and many others. BE SURE TO GET THEM AT CAMPBELL'S Campbell's Drug Store Goderich Phone 90 Transportation Service 1 Long Dist ince Short Datante Goods in Transportation Insured Furniture ('arrtully hhovile 1 *Meisel' Operator. ('barges sea w tamable. satisfaction guaranteed. S. R. McMath, phone 1101 r:14, Clinton Central Simmons Bedding at Special. Prices ' We are featuring. for two weeks 'only,' complete bed outfits consist- ing of walnut tinishel panel bed With spring and unattr.--- complete at $19.75 Others at $29.25, etc. :how i- the dime to furnish that . bt'droon. J. R.*HEELER FURNITURE FUNERAL DIRECTOR d t'hot1.•ti: Store :i:t,:t. 1:•._ Hamilton Street Goderich, Ont. RUBBER FOOTWEAR Our stack is complete in all• kinds of Rubber Footwear. All our I:libber, are guaran- teed. Prices arc down this year. Let us -apply your Rubber Footwear needs W. Hern's Shoe Store MODEL TIIEATRE Week of Oct. 28 to Nov. 2 Monday and Tuesday- Esther Ralston and James Hall t'.• -starred in the headlong nowauct• •.1 a dashing young army officer and an innocent girl from ttw country. An , appealing mixture lit tender love and heartache. "T`e Case" of Lena smith Ge•-rgr lenient :'Taw New (7olhw'li," Wednesday and Thursday - James Murray and Barbara Kent lit .. I•n s nt .1st rr.ok yarn. Can ` ..•,..In• hound in the heart of n crook" • rte the answer in thi. gripping drama n1 . Jif.•. "The Shakedown" CAMEO (CISME:DIES '14.-eollertiOns01 a Rover' -'What a fill' i Friday and Saturday -- "The Terror"I \\'ITII MADGE BELLAMY and a wnnderf.i rapshh• e' -t ' ,r fine of tli chilling. crew. ) mystery `Lays which 1•rovidr great entertainment for those seeking_the nuuwool! •• DON'T MISS IT Cameo ('marl) -"Bard t\'ork'; 'f.a-rI.ilr'-Felix Cat p4atinee Sat. at 3 .p• m. WOwee woditl:t0(sWO i "SPARR'S" THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. Of Interest to the Busy Farmer F urn 1.th l I c tilt• Ontario Department of Agrieulture Ontario Cattle for 1laetehurta Fourteen milking Shorthorns, most of them from Western Ontario, are WW1 to IK• 511611041 (n Manehurla. They were •st•In•tnI and purchased by K. II. Tauloi for the agricultural ex- ia•rltarnt-tutlui •watatuhtetl by thei' South Mal.titIn an Itaiiway j season as the p5'• -slit one has been. • l contract on into Above-mentioned LI the whipweuls are one bull land The tit $640 on condition that the three female. from +:. E. Smith, Melt-1Ue Breeding Pen 'vauw1N• toantrurtett this fall. duwnkle; four females from Peart Fall is the ide,1' •itue fore poultry Thefollowing accounts Were paid hret'tler to aeIi •',.• breeding 12' '1 11. 'ht• Mini-ipal World. supplies, lit 7 1 Brothers, Caledonia; two fenntien I'[..k out the lien- •,• used n; bred J. it. Mott, wlncp damaged by d.•. from J. al,'. frau and Z. Gibson i.rn 111111 brit tbem .1 house by theub a::•,; Phos. \11111). fur sheep d:moac, fwv. 'fecual,•.. from Im. Z. Gllw„u au'1 -t'h'is. Rirds th:.f 1 ave het•u laying by 'dug,. 520: J. 4.Ilte.plet for -10%1. Son, Caledonia; nue female from El- continuously for .1 >.:m utgrl n rest 41amagasl by dry,. 128 W. J. utmru „am Ireuui•, 1'1e)dr, and nuc ttlltl 1,rlor to the b11 1.111114 season. ,This sheep taluutor. %J: 4art. ,Walker. sh,••'1. 1roln buy and. Meyer, Guelph. ' ;;ice. them a ehtuae ht get back in valuator, :F':: J. ('aldWell, sheep talo Thc..• cattle, h.gether with a num. 4.1.1itlun Health, Am and vitality nor. S1: Estate of Jos. Cl u ailev. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL EAwr %'.\%'.ASOt5It (' I1 met on th•tutt'r 14th, with all the member. present. Minutes of previousmeeting were read and 'ap- proved. by the Norfolk Fruit (;rower) Anaa•1- Tite engineer's r,•Intrt tiff the ()ttu- atiot whose member; hare signed tag .drain way read and provisionally nwrkettug agrdetueuts whereby they adopted. will pay the As,a•latknt 10 tenth a ,No appeal- being revised tat the lora)' for handiiht their crops. Suchr'Killough drain. the bylaw iu.conuw•- a cooling system .t111 save a tremen- Gun t11011..%\11 11 %11s nerd and pats..eil. 1 Iowa by alible) :•• in sut•h a hot! J. M: Campbell was awarded the r frow the 1'uited States, are to be ealth •rn1 •; u; w'..•I Jus{a'.•tur. $71 .: \\'m 'e da + u 1 u ou the h n.el I, Ituprovltig the native cattle irf the "hicks I of the parent sto.k. Select carefully }Mist, tile. SC; :AI; rhos W. Snell. f psachurha, the Shorthorn being re -the birds for the !•i••••.1iug two, avoi.1 drawing tile. 51'2.; It. Putt,rstut. re. .:ar.!n1 a, the moat suitable for the 1.111.1g 11nLe underw,•;_ ' out ot-coudltf..0 l:,iriny Keehnir drabs, $1412 .1. Mc- purpose. . suuferIng f •e:a-rrii,us 11)$1•.•1-. I:ill. cleaning out north branch of Ital l;tr w foal' Clara Breeder. should 's• kept in a hoose .111111111 drain. $is7Ial: J.- 4'. 1leliirney.' •I that is well •en:r:its;l, warm, dry and gravel. hill and fenct•..CCI0.411; Roy \ 1•g`' 1'1yt!sssila14' 1.111 )1111 1. on., spacious. They must he properly M.-4 et•. et ushutt owl .1r,lwiug gravel, the prize list of the Royal Whiter , nourished, becinw only hems iu good 501'9.21: .t. Porterfield. sets -ling jur- Fatr. The eompetitiun is open • to dundition will I rodn•e good hatching ors. $7.; F. 1). Stalker, selecting jur- t•..y- 1u1 iy1.r•u ,old ler. who Must eggs. Equal pari of a g. Nal growing ..1M, 5t,'t: It. .Ruchannu, loam payment ' -how In the ring a foal alr.,I 1.y a 1 mash -and $ good ezg tuas1t make au contrlet on the Cook drain. *1 13.55: purebred registered Clydesdale stab ,'xicetient ration four conditioning breed -4J. M.' Campbell. balance ..outran on lion. that 11tts Irn'h cared for by the ens. • Ry giving the breeders a rest the Harrison drain. P.1110!Ni: 14. cook. boy i.eupelltor tor a month it least and properly nourishing them. you itijItect iug Ht rrisi in .drain. $30: 4.. Mc before the fait'. and must have !wen mitt enjoy uuusual.y' goo.' hutcte•. • ('1inehcy. Ili-pa.•tlt. Snell drain. 5211 fi1,,- by him. -- •t. I'urtI'rlield, by-laws and elrrk't fee- -.--.tog 1. flifikull ..n the lk'cell Slid Killungh drain` Market ,tceording to cun••ut ri•pprt. furn- ;111;1: ....limy treasurer. share of light British 'rttii in 1.ower Winghaut. 5:1.4141: 4'. Carter 'The lhitarlu Fruit ::rowers' sta.'s i hhnt by badatirly n lnu'al rel most sect ors. itiun have btr.•u nttltit.l through their rain Is badly' ne•ded.ln twist ,w;tlun; palruluaau, 110.7.1; J.,rhu Vincent. Int of the Province. t:;hou;th showers 1rulmimt, 5.2.50; 1:. It. \'trent. poi overseas -itI tst•utatIve. L\Ir_ Vitllou, tri that transatlaulic apple. during the' l halve test mewhalrp el...`.si Iw a dr „egmt iwml .5117: J. 4:IIGKph•: stinerin y teitl,•nt. ,$•11:.:11, piIti few mocks have lar•u light In sales ,Ittiou of the a,dl itt tea been .itis- Connell w•r11 huff their next mret111_ with poor quality holding the market tit*at. D5 Eastern 1e•.u6, r mime. to Tuesday. November 12th. .town. Livens -,l and Illesg.rw• mar- are reported to be :h Iy Letter mid A. tYSRT}at}'IF.LiI, 4'h•rl. i t d, densely! alt show an upwardodtrend Pluwitlg hi going .'.u.t rtpliIy. Ill 1e demand and price for .4yt*quality central and west,. 1. ,n,•:iris, however. Hearing Is Ige•Ileviut;•with the ne•, real apples. There Is likely toe be a micro-syuchnrtous radio. 4'nl1 :r low demand for Canadian green- ap the laud Is Rte cult . •I dry' that and plowing Is difficult tt h tractor and rtiniptell'` Druz store for •Mtnn.tt. Llys for gr w time. almost impossible t' 1- herr-e-. Mitn tlom. Apple Rasmus are ua lweltel' to land streams are reported is , for the tars' gneuings and poorer quality tel ants.rl- time in thirty yrarf. lite stock grin. f I \ 1 ',shipments. menta FOR ' CHOICE GROCERIES FRUITS. VEGETABLES. BUT- TER, EGGS. MEATS, FLOUR INE: 'TIIINI: THF: ELsT Silrerwood's Ice Cream FRIGIDAIRE EQUIPPED for -your protection all in. look around at •l be convinced Where Citation is Paramount Spare's Grocery Hamilton Street Goderich Phone 146 N I•:DEL1\'KR iN Ti 'WS Fresh Bread Baked Daily That's sthat you get whets ordering your bread from us. It contains the purest ingredients known to bak-rs. Buy a loaf to -day and tate the difference* E. U. CLEVELAND Phone 114 Ni•• -t "t A Different Woman hate gnat /tarIi. .4 nPr .r n.. ng W. that MO /twee seen a Salta gQreat *effete,'1- 111414,1 1 ir,,rr' at,d ktdnry troidlq aged after trying ••,r'.11h 1 i tt a diffPerot aorwrn. 1 Aad to gig. up • 1 tr,k. Alit thanks to Si 'towhees .wale I an.1. , 11 tank .grin, and I a my fan a link tier, ou.rn.ng. ,ertd 1 doa't hear of the hill. comp/vete rpm n Asch a Hold II Y pets - H. if Atntpu•r .w/ DrltlAfn. .•firs or ate ot'e[u ger ,"up )rally i; reported i a.r .audition Fltry' are re,pu• iwl to Sloe• the are. with the milk flute a .l. below tit For the Critical ma eti..0 ns wain as shipments .11. in stare sects.,..- i.teturiii;- itlrtc null) ear that the latter can ea .rar 11 r. ,already chreel and 0 "Its ml1j; Ali' }distribution.Ail 1 QrANLL I Aary end. *ad a fn.aY•/hut ••I tY times, buy 6 yawl. 1 recommend Knbee 1. as/1 sem rnw.ei is a hurryuob....:e Knttclra ilalta 1. deportment stores tu 1 sad A t -nal. contains euuult. t .., an.1 Se J. an !hill .lass, A•yh'tt .41 nil Ar ted! cut i\Ire 11. P. i.1 -* lt. 1 , taWaetlm. 81.1. st 1 and a .t ..'.' a n..ttle. Int Jur 4 lir 5 tnuuttu-gram heal lug batt a -sat a day. • Shoe' Buyer l-,tIlolt to arrange lirtrlttnt..rs'are findiit, i' ,I.tlk•ult to re -e - that Is narestsnr, is to mike ..lit bills cur\• their regulrenn•n:, white .bole- r'• - - 'o Mr. Fulton at either Liveried or I I f f 11 (1 f l 1 t 1 1 I;la,._h.w' and send. same to A. Ful .v•Iint1M )spirt g•"' - .it . .. lt lir hinny suer pu sou, int.• Prom Fulton. • t. r:tl indleat•' our tient": :'Ti.'b,' t al ;he bail t 11ut Strlu1tl, 1.t•ndun W. ('. 2. trha•nt,' thre report- ) e a very slot!ed ma.l'•: •.. with growth, pvnible price." • - :it it standstill. 'I':. harttvelug of • \Cr huge something in For.tetrar for Cold Storage Naar appie and root • • i • i- • In full everyone who has a carr hid' his feet,. , .\ . old storage warehouse to eost -wing 114rw•. MI .ce'- , :mrutp. are especially the workingntan,1tau• farorr. :Ito,trat and to :,•v-nnitlnNiate 25.taat light crop," and 1.1 1 mdiflen'... the 1nte•k driver, taw schoolboy and the 1,,,rrels t.T apple+`will t,e erected In quality, l'otutoe- - , I. aereace v„mnK luau. fi.r work nisi t'tnrl wear. Norfolk county In 11e near future. but are of good •1''.1 .1 .,1. w'i11 un- something for the K...1 hn112.2Ife, the young Ladies and children for home and 1'I I` i. the nntr..ne ..f a•''tl,it taken d..ub1e111y rnmmnn•t .•r psi..•' -1011 wearthat will please your ret•. GODERICH TOWNSHIP The amtivt•1s11r) cervices of e:rc.e I idled ehnrtt. porter', 11i1T. wilt age• held on Sunday, October 27111. Ser - :it 11 a. m. and 7 O p. m. Iter. to \L Tavi.h, of Exeter, will he the pleat -her for the day. The dual. fa prrpariug special music` for the Oe- itt loos WESTFIEi.h You are cordially invited to the Frigidaire Store to come in and see the superior operation of the Quiet May Oil Burner Otto Johann, Wroxeter Distributor for Huron, Bruce and Grey Counties H. Sturdy and L. Zinn, Local Dealers WESTFiflidl. Oct. 22. -Rev. E. Mold. of Welland. and Mr. and lire. John Meld. ..f Clinton. %l -ilei lit the It.. • of the gentlemen's sister. tir, M. 11t•Cittle. - • 111-s .ionic N'ightmnn ,and Mrs* . .1. .lnilerrsal ht/Se return/ d home trout pony w111 provide '' Ii,r1t n Rutherford_ preach tat Sunday. " It, 1111.1 eyrnl,:r. The leal'hers' I14•'•F:te,er 111.0 li:hte•t .111.1 1. nor•-t-weariuK K•ari- I;i.t Tltlrmlay a:.'1 hi i.htl••w'e. eat- -Illade in 4 ttIIdn-tie t:'tdrilh line. trod,.l by all d 'ht• rem -hero: Elio.(live Uwnl a trial and y.n'wilt always Mehl. IItl,te•M f;uiuinthan, AdelaisTe wear tlw•lo. Tlwy coot no more than I'arid•.•ts n••i Tn 1.-i- 1,111l ••there and glt-e you double the Wer. and Kive. on/tort to pair feet while' at ••-: An Rev. Ire\'. work or ploy; anal what Is more will cost 'ham w111 you less, ..:;t11. morn u,orl. Rubber Root, and otla'r Rnbin'r +.eit- w,vr for the %Lodi• fatoily. All Of the Brumfield. Mrs. .1. '1t111blyti, of 1.on• olesloro, kited nm $onlay with her sicter, )ars. .1. N. I2an111e11. The threshing is el wpleltat In this tirndry for ,ntnlhrr year. 111141 oh the whole the grail bats tttrti.l .'lit 'pretty I well. Mr, and Mrs. iIi•rt Taylor and family visited 'at 11.' home of 11 r. and Mrs. .1 1.1. Easley. Of le.udesloru. un S hay. ,t nunnIN•r fr Westfield attended :1 w,r•k. the anniversary' service; lit Knox 11r. Mal -NI.- Early and futility -twill . 1'nited church, Auburn. on Sunday. .nudity ea 11...ies. rttt. ', ore Clad 'to re►ort Ilhlt 11iss i Big Game ('ountr)' Edna 1':m'k. %p0 w•as operated on for .t hmitt.es success depends. entirely.. npiN•ndlc:Fi- in the ,itrat i her1111nnerua !. ou bis dbtllty to .select a territory OM- gen- mile tabling the gn•tte.t amount of sane' hn`1i ri,.-. I:)nn lit on rite wlek Ifs per wgnrkare utile of walking.in maitipley, noted writer and Ilwse day- ,. \\'r hole .fur a' meetly 1 sportrinen, returned a short time ago recovery.1 from it enreftti survey of the hinting Mrs. 114.1,:. Irttt'idson In In Guelph n 111 grounds of Not'thern Ihttarlo.-Taw gist this wt'ek a;l•1;iintrau executive meet- l if his, report. made to the tionist Inv of a' tthe I i'n.frea oust itti epnyrrr ' offices of the ('anedien 1'icit1e 11811- •1 air.n.loltn savage had 11 sueee.nfnl iIII way, is ns $1011 WS 1' last ,, nlydny. Thaw. Gundry ofii There 1. a ennsid,se •rnhle Increase •'r was ,he auctioneer.auctioneer.•'ser. in the French and 1lnttawa River Iasolellelast Mr. :ani 110-. H. Mc\l'I inney ,nal 1 • .Itt lets. 1,2 t., show , good t iner. l. Mr. and tin F. Ross at tended tlo 1 All tin• way down the w,••t side 0r I:. !t tion ..f dedtiahl 11 I•alie Tru,isknmeb ed, the the re-71're..hcter it11I1.µin Lila 11,12V on Tin,- im Ititrr. The celebrated, big game re-', • ¢Ions along tie• north shore s,f Lakel day. a Sntlierlor, pissnorthof the i'nusdi,iif The IeittrtIr.. Fig«ins: •Ther(• p S.e,I Partite Railway- line.' are well slip)- 11w•ny in .11.•. Ira ho•ldta.1. Goderich. a. 1/114s1 with 11111.1.11 owl deer. portico.' show) on. ni.:night on Settriho. Ill party In the .til...rtiable awl Meta- 4ki•'t •r 17. Ethel X. Wenn, wife II of [wild Piggin.., of Wel ■ pima 41lstriets laud. au,l Ic daughter' of \t' Werth -while Information on the Menu*• I' n thnvt• sihjtr•t 1• 04111 111441 in 11111110011 IIIA. fpr- 1 • le Mire. Fie ,.•• tit'ed -This for limiters.- which g,Illnnll. 'I ,what nor Lr i i, IN. ohtalw'd fr..n1 :thy 4'tmindlnll 11:,•i INcil i I , - w.me lithe '•Naw l.. tltr h iltiitic atom'. ..r W. Fulton. ii,,t -fart her perrn• nt r•'\ w',r•k- .0 "r Iwitersl Pas•entwr .tlfasntt• Toronto, n nnrh•.I -i, ago to ger now be 111I . I DUNG,A,l . -ON • in our r(.arr sloop we nn• ends, illi t•i site th,• i.nl.lic the t..t of •r, in to:aerial and a..rkn•ate•hi,. ' Ihlrue fall and winter we make' it a specialty •I •J fur t to resole anti n•pnir your Rnhbt•nt. ' lu : Ruhta•r Ikw)t. and Shoes, titrr.h.-•s atu1 11-'..!) Fro. ,n dR.i.- . fen 4:.,•SIN•• You may donhle 11..• Footwearlit.. a your lfnbtw•r Footwear by hrindina the' it... With fri•nit Honk an in t.n..•. •••u rs ams Si. col. Mr. and 41.- O. )1. )i..h••nlir and --FIIR 1.111'R X1'11\'l4 1- tIntcu .d, -i• • •utalay ka t'lintoit. theF.>►tT. STKF.ET i`O(/T 1'F. _nest` SI' \IcKenxir't tl''hlt er a' THF AXi) REPAIR SHOT' Our Entire Stock of Men's Furnishings must be cleared in order that we may devote our time to Cleaning and Pressing and Made -to - Measure Clothing Clearing Prices on>'all lines W C. Snazel HABERDASHER AND DRY CLEANER WEST' OT. PHONE,3-39 Thursday. tlt•tolrer 2.1, 11120.-6 SHINGLESI 5x and 3: B.C. Shingles (:et our prices before you buy A rar of hoofing and Rock Face Shingles just arrived Robt. Standish I Fart Vit. Phone 9141) (.1.4erioh1 ..t nisi... ed •, - hn- 1,••i.•l Sta' t\'tl` ill-1,1W.\I - 14..t. Trete., 1.11. Will vi -it 1 ..11101for awhile. Mr. :gel \I• - It. A. MvKetzie :11111 Lorne motor, re.ndon Fist Sunday to •t-t=IP 11r :.•i 11r., .1. K. \Ica•:ash 1.11, tar, \F Iv uzl' and Lorne return is' ho • Sunda," evening. bit Mrs tInK,'t 1 i- - enutlning in the (Iry-for 1K 1 l'reletiven, Whovk:t- an1\'w..1111. Prop. tDe tact 'wo wet'k`. the muGaderieh, Ontario ' •• her homein Toronto. pauded by her mother -Opposite Knox Church Buy your Fall and Winter Underwear at M. Robins' Men s fleece -lined Shirts and Drawers. Sizes 34 to 44. Special 89c Men's all -wool Shirts and Drawers. Sizes 34 to 44. Special $1.19 Men's Penman's medi- um -weight Combinations. Sizes 34 to 44. Special $1.75 Men's cream cotton -rib Combinations. Sizes 34 to 44. Special $1.45 M. ROBINS The Most Complete Men's Store in Goderich A•'ent for Tip Top Tailors SASH STORM`SA5H Tested and proved to be the one -and only fuel saver. Special Prices Now (until November 2nd) \\ .re, phone of call Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd. P. 0. Drawer 160 [BUCHANAN'SI Phone 47w or 385 W$NUte`•■I>1 1B1 1♦ •Iir•1♦111e1 r•11 •I• •• 1. 1/ ■ ■ li• t 1 1`11 :n Tone to Its+• Ito: .I ■ RENMILI.ER treitnand. She wa- mfr bit-I.:1'11'lid 111141 1it1: -hie•• N then in \\, td. Itrwtth's het he ... ( lute 111Pd for hast week i bund. she I• tau )wall dl4hghr 11}1'r-. or Oft, iii. --fir. Harold .\KS`s mei flit' nod two ,t- %'alter of Toronto, spent the age k• 0141 re•pn• n Iter parent.. 11r. n11.1 "- (1 cud itch, Ifs parents, Slr. and Mr.. yin• it. telco Imntnann..ci. Also r•nr' ■ Rd. 1t';ilrers. the. The foto ,1 w'I* held ;tit Tii,'s.Iny Mrs Will Dant. of Toronto, ,.,1h n nftrnoon, rn i .sr 1-01t, from the boob yr.ft to 11 r. owl .Mr.. J. Wont (:)rdhnl, ..f her parent- in hhm,gnnn..tt, the re ,■ Mrs. E. •1. 1'oniter and son Georgie. rush,.. being :, ken 10 the Anglican of 111111, called on friend's hen•.orer the 1 e1t,1Pt•h. wia•ic :t rerri(e 'gens can:lnt•terl ■ mirk=end. by Hca'. .1. \ 11. t1Hls of G.Nlrri. h. ■ Mrs. Chin•nP..%'otter. hies re•nt'er•, 1 \ very large 'mother of friends and eel +ttffi••irtll ly f.. ire rile f,r re turn I antnt.httnfp•'•- were present and nt•- 1 her o ,erntlnn hl Grwlerleh I„. 1..maim to nit home After I (ronlpanie•.I t 1111 h.‘•IdtAk cemetery, gets• ri• Interment gen. mad.•. II 1 Ho11d,li„key). have been Imlay retMlr• Tbtt- targe ,antrthnflon of flower. sent inK clic rondo ••n :fir hill. nainn41 nen. from Weiland and elsewhere as an II stiller. Increased iil'ontourkt traffic to tie callers ..f l..ce bit rlyater•t .r tin• I. beauty spot of ftnron comity is de- depannl. Frlepds w•rre pnwrt from mantling 'rider roads. fatter- \\'elland, 1Yihlwrt, Kln.nnHne, atm ilnnrlltladles are teusy Inct1>s h,,rly and 14 i,aleb. The hereevnl • Ing up the.'r toad anti tib palrrnfw and Ima11S1141 have the 11,11. 1 fowl sapper 1 Mondry, trendier Com. sympathy of the eommuntty. The Listowel Ilnrmonl,. 1'onertt Com.; I Two Goderich Stores ALIrc:„. • 4 4 s THE COMMUNITY'S GREATEST ASSET Those people who eontribute to CI growth and prosperity of any community are it■ greatest asset. Money spent at home means that money stays at hems Deal at Superior Chain Stores- ,tore• owned and operated by your friends and neighbors You gat the ultimate in service, quality and price, and the satisfaction that you benefit most in the prosperity of your community WE SEI •I. 1 1 IE BEST FOR LESS Two Goderich Stores Special Special - Maple Leaf Salmon Kellogg's All Bran 17J Sockeye 1 2'. Per tin 22c I Arg, i„kale 2 packages 1 9c Special Benson's Corn Starch wansdown Cake Flour, Manyf lowersSoap . Shortening, 1 Ib. pkg. Electric Bulbs, 60 -watt Ingersoll Cream Cheese Specia' Large pkg. Chipso and I (Ake Castile 23e sap Fre. per pkg. 39c Thompson Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. 25c 3 for 19c Eagle Brand Milk, per tin • 19c . . 18c Kara •Coffee, 1-2 'Ib. 35c, 1 "Ib. 69c . 3 for 69c Sweet Mixed Pickles, 30 oz. bot., 49c . 2 for 25c Refugee Beans, Size No. 2, 2 for 35c Special Campbell's Vegetable Soup 2 tine 25c GODERICH J. J. McEWEN, J CALVIN (UTT. DUNGANNON, CHAS. ALTON. 111i111111151 ■IIII■■IU ■IllRN Ill ■1•■ Special Royal York Orange Pekoe Tea 2 pi. a. 1 2'.. with 7Uc 1 16 ( she .^ gar • • a 1 1 ill 1 ■ 1 ■ • a 1 • 1 ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ • • • ■ 1 ■ • 1 1 ■ 1 1 AUBURN R. J. PHILLIPS. 1 ■ ■ ■NU/M■ El MI