The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-12-24, Page 4TO:0mi askslo hear. stmas story
A Christmas S Christmas Was Ruined
Onenight, two:rla before One night it was. Christ-
Christinas,' TomMY, a •, four-- mas, At was , Monday and
year old 40y, asiFed, his tneith- Santa ',Claus was putting
er.Baby Jesus was really Rudolph, Dasher and Dixon
' horn. in a stable. in the reins, while Comet was
Xis mother said, "Well cleaning the sink, and his
When-the ,shephercis-were-Out—Elves-were-gettinOhe
in the field a great multitude ready,
of , heavenly hosts were sing- One Elf was making a train
ing and they told the sheph7 set and Mrs.., Santa Claus
girds that Baby Jesus was walked in ;and tripped and
going to be born. shesais ow! ow! how! how! •
The Wisemen saw a star The Elf said. "Oh oh are you
that was the biggest star they ok?' ' She said, "Yes."
had ever seen. They followed Santa Clans walked in and
the StarAt.lOok thent 4- long said, '"Are: the-toys-readyyz.
time to gel to the stable. And they were ready. He
When ,they 'got there, they, 'hopped en the sleigh and
gave Baby Jesus gifts of said,'"Let's go!" He stopped
gold, frankincensp and at Larry's house but he got
myrrh." ; • , caught in the chimney and he
Before she could finish, said, "WEB I can't go any-
Tommy was asleep. where." •
Irene Brink, Christmas was ruined.
Lucknow Christian School. Leslie Bushell,
Grade 3, Kinloss Central.
Jesus Was Bern
Once upon a time Mary
and Joseph were travelling to
Bethlehem. Then they came
to an old inn. A sleepy
keeper opened the door. He
had no room.
He said to them, "You can
stay in' my barn for the
night.' '
That night they stayed
there.. That night Jesus was
born. They had a' happy
But there was a big star in
the sky. The angels told the
Shepherds there was a new
born king, and the shepherds
came. The three •wise men
came and brought presents '
to the king.
Marianne Rhody,
Grade 2, Kinloss Central.
Why Santa Couldn't Come
He had a tooth ache and he
had to go the dentist. I can't
come. He ate too many candy
canes. Mrs. Santa Claus had
to go and my mommy said he
would come. He did.
Tracy Ward,
Grade 2, Kinloss Central.
Santa's Bag. Fell
Santa had a few more
houses' to go. There was Mrs.'
Jones and Porters to go.
Then Santa's bag fell. Oh!
Wh! What shall I do? So he
went down to pick them up.
Oh my ....Who is it? said
Mrs. Jones.. It's Santa. My
bag fell and I've lost it. Not
It's right here. Ohh! Thank
you. Then he finished and
never dropped it again.
Kyle. Lindsay,
Grade 4, Lucknow Central
men% Thrigtma
Christmas is made of snowflakes
and church hells acid laughter and dreams . .
may all of YoUn4. c erne true. Have a. Merry Christmas.
Cameron Refrigeration
and Air Conditioning
Offering a prayer of thanks and
hoping that the beauty of the Holy. Birth
will surround you at Christrna.stide.
Farm Equipmentltd.
,assommoluommummmiimmoor '
• Vieres -how
to construct
a happy holiday
merry and light! Our best
to you and yours. Our thanks.
'We're hoping this will be a warm,
happy holiday . . . filled with lots of cheer!
Our gratitude for yOur kind support.
C D.G.
"Dinnie" MacDONALD
and ion -
Eying beginning to
end we're hoping your
holidays will be a
continuing round of
pleasure. It's a joy to
know you thanks.
Open Daily 6 a.m. to 9 ppm.
Sundays 7 a.m. to 11 noon
Now's the
time to thank
you for
your continued
good will, and
wish you and your
family a happy holiday!
R. R. # 7, .LUCKNOW
Page 11A--Inelatew Sentinel, Wednesday, Deeenrher 24, 1980. •