HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-10-24, Page 3'4 BUY -AT-HOME DIRECTORY On Page 2 of This issue What are you doing for the coil inunity that iKdoing yo much tor y'm? You can he111 by buying everything you 1., cd' in your o\t'n home town. Till: SIGN.tl. PRINTING t'(1, LIMITED, Publishers. r.• ional (;uI)EHICH, ONTARIO, T1iU1;S1)AY, OC OBER 24, 1929 iasulnl a loving it. 'r,.•. toter, a11ould " RUDDY CANADIAN love history, know i Ileo, awl; ►w•hag APPLES FOR OVERSEAS iutrfa,:h11 lu it thew -1.1.1,•1 ley to in- serest the pupils, Lihc e,; bt'r Uk-e pu 'What shall i send the folks In tlu • EXETE• Rtoil applies to sof N(1,,1, well as til (iW 'Country le a )nen heard a4- „they 11118sc•s of seb.'^ .1 .. l'.. create the ('hri-t«uls season upery hear Out ihut hderest the t ;;,•„iuh guld4-N 1Uuld help the te.0 l„ r : "L'he orrtrrsA If the average Canadian realized huts wtn•11 our big juh•)•, red apples are, of Rudy should 1t• _r.,.!.•.t.. - Inter- unit'',ur and vy, e.l by people Many Problems of Educ onus Dis l„ting• 41etults ebOU1l nppliel. :t• uy.i•rseu,. the 1.1 Clw lit„old be hn- cussed-Miss Annie Consist cup'dewentery reaiiiu h.'uld Ile tfl• medlatadt suttirl.. Elected President I keg with texts. 4, Thr•-•11t•rt. should eana'b s :u-ciaiu rosy '11 111004 ars !i dnlwalixe the subjs.. ! e u•re 'w swel. rel''1"11 t'� �ola,g and old alike. The,' y llltt-tratious shuul.l b,• used as well rt'I I8lire our brilliant sunshine and The -tit! 1 vsrald .anis ull ruawe1111111 U8 hislurie novel. 11"craphy, iuvtrtl- I`:Irw sumwrr dac- nod they do look •,i \Wc-1 Huron teachers w•as held in .ntlous awl excur„i _• The Imlwr t 1*rui slur .unl che•rtu', \utth,lu 1L11H stre•r Illiiel chnrv11, 'Exeter, ��,,, f❑11 of lwIpflll ..•,i_hts for'the spit-, 'fed, and ila(lw'ino ,.H Thursday Mr.' sold Friday, I. the to'. teacbt'rr'. sur the McIntosh'Iii and -the most popular M uul I1. \U. A. J. Itriun•ti, the Prod.' Miss I: race pep's: f„':,atoll will. e:ury your gooti wirhe. acro-- the res brit, presided throughout the se•ssious' I .I'binl ('Ince Compo -1 i•nI. Th sol' and standard Wives' and barrel. of Iter. l'. 4. \parehulw•, Irletur of the i *et rlliuld develop ii. a natural way rhufe• haud•pielce' old loud Imo ken 9wnh, in conducting the opening ex- ' t'rom the course C4' ••red by the set•- fruit. (:otcrun„•„} 1114 11iitt 111 are l,ro- rrcir.es ex1eadel 114I welcome, to the and ,•lus3 Only chUir.a tor.wulr dctll►I- curable at reas•nmble prises from any :thee• f 118 etui•ha-!yell re barest• 111 study `of the scu' n c forwatival. grower. albs the matter oQ 14 ipment , :thee of the work they are carryingIIlaragrapk structure, lnl:a.tluti01*, etc. 'Is as•simhle ns' the intoning of as ant .81. The tasks of the teachers l of subJ`,1",.,..s .f Iotere-t the pnpi:s The Canadian National 1of t` sail' the preacher are her Lost. , he said.; .19o1d ' w•Irt•twi 1• 111,,^t. thou.ht. call for vour-appla, transport and de The minute. ..t the nae( e(••1ou of. trmlines of stories el ,i!•1 be gisel' liter them by 1ul k ra,'rrle to u111 lir> were read and npprunsl. H. CLEMENTS Painter and Decorator );4tiwat•s for 'sainting, wall• afper• ing, este., cheerfully g1) ell an rc guest. Resilience No. 4, Bayfield Road Telephone 259J O. F. CAREY & SON Li•nited INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE I� ?Ia-ouic TempleBuilding -- ONTARIO Huron Investments limited Stock B or kr.. Bond Dealers Insurance Royal Bank Building, soderich, Ont. ..- Phones 430 and 445 Geo. Williams Dealer In L% DOMINION, PRO VL\CL. ' MLICIPAL AND ('OKFO- KATION BONDSFtre. Aeeldent, Automobile, sod General Insurance Agent • office, nest -to Bank of Commerce Phone 53 1;.slerich Brophey Bros. TIIF: I.E.11)ING 1.1 NEK.11. DIRECTORS% (I) EMIL t1.M1:R8 Ambulnm a service al all hours, d.. or night. I'I I„\ I -t lit ,I tI 1:It'11 J. R. Wheeler Funeral Dirt'eiar and Embalmer All.:,11- prow;•tly attended to doss or night PHONES store 3'i5 Residence 3,'.,w 1Iu1111Lon Street, Goderich TEACHERS OF WEST HURON IN ANNUAL SESSION OUR CLUBBING RATES - Save You Money The eluhhing rate for The Signal and 1'11' Louden Fret' Press i1+ 30.50. You rayl 'fur. A-iulilar saving on other papers. c• 1reilunl and the d'•tai►s 1 -t„ i t n, 1> Is• t.,l,l must Dingwall ,lnthtrle .'dale thorn Miss M14 Id t Pentland futr,Decor- I iuuio frow Ile Armstrong Real Estate I, lilt• smbjwd of -81x8* tp481 Decor- -ec1 iun�, cath pun c r4-rriger*11 *4 vrclr on f passenger 4*lons." sheemploaclAd-thene•e.SI1F where the other, left 11 118' pais•-14.1u*.-rs, of keeping. the room attrartl%e'. of 1,..1 m4)' 1 co-rebu .,1 art. his,rhe traw+lr,rutti•,u rhar;e fr••w and Insurance Agency keeping a clean Ghlcklr.::rl awl of torr. •ge,.raph)•, lin r '1'114- use alnn,real nod 1111444w ap to Notcwber �• oluIlall- '.IFF: 1N'1 KAN(1- (Sun Life CO.) I rot•ering the .bray wa11- with 11111164..f homonyms *1atinued 1101111 11 or !torsi . t. d l . ACCIDENT. SICKNESS, AUTO. nod pit'n,rt'. tllspluy ut the b'st thruuRh this• grade null ,;red In Nen• fns. N. �...tl1ereuftt• r. he lure t s e:uuer' BTf- INSURANCE tmrk ..f P11.-11 'Plass prove: of 1u'ere-t teu'1' bililling.,- to points lu (:'eat liritaiu, Ireland and lie, lilts pn1411'. r'rht• wlud„its should '1'114- roll call showed 11, t.•ach,•t'r, the Channel 1*1wtd's 111 $3 per st andar•l Some very cheap Houses and Lots for sale, t,,' di -twitted \YISII flowrrhlg plaints present off this day. box and Isi'11t•r standard imrrel, i Large number listed to select from. :unl the blackboard' 4-.......4 have upon _sent Llla trecoil'. L. .,f willow' s of with Fr�nr•]t class Com. F..r canes to ('llHnaltau IN.srts. fur0mlg chiding refrigeration. - . ;.a. followed w II it dr:nchlg: to represent M( mouth. -10.11'.1 l,4- tAught ...Neat cottag • 11) 1.•rn eluippr1, _ 1018, n the , 4eur or special •;lays• as 11a)low Is,s1th••n, i.1ulguagenoes ti+ ('uullneutpl 'eclat+ xud other ,4,11th 1 i f15(10 'Thanksgiving, CuleatlHc. • Ft., for dailyase. Ll Ill- ci,nl,• cores.' I,nrtl.ulars, e1nsult any Canadian lent condition, ""ivrn; W"t strtet,.Prote•tton 'Week. The teacher her -elf ons for sorb m art-h'aNld t,r sande 'ut 1 Pen'( . pr c,. a 4-H, Flue twu`story red brick hops.', excel- 1.ntriek, het4Id. Bowe to n•pnwent Fire dint of coninlou'etror- 1)1111 1111• reals National 1xirees'agent. rTe'11,a,- IN•,Idd 1N• 113410. „ should be a sample of neatness mod slre•sseal and an est TP..-st'.ry brick. house, full modern equipped, garage, /15(O. Fine soiree, house full modem einip- isd g,ssl.l.,t•aflon. 33200. • (:'Nal brick two-story house, fulltnident. garage, Bruce street. 3.800. Good houses and lots, $rata, $1000, 111100, 11200), $13(11, 111400. Farman dI11.ttL1 appear in different attire .in °oder to break the monotony. In'pwr•Inr iielos Ill commented upon' the paper and 'wnggel.led.to flee con- vention the necessity of cultivating the aesthetic silo° 1. Mr: Tom, ex -1. V. N.. and several (if the teachers offered, suggestlou.t In the any of pufdicatieLn8 dealing with the work, among th*se being Pictorial Education, .e monthly journal published In England. , I Good Farms with al) necessary build- Miss Adeline (raiser.- of erediton.l 1 Inge- 100 acres =2800. 10° acres 7{3!11°. 100 gave a paper on Supplementary Retool- ' acres =4°011, 1011 acre's =6006. 1b0 set" ing. The selection of t11e eurZe. u- sug- ' >1N000. _200 acres WOO.. should tend to the prosper 414-44.- . I ASK ABOUT THEA I hutment of thechild and the supervision of the material should is. done by the For all particulars see 4.. write tea,•her. children should be ttknght to J. W. �$>rsT�c>xa .lilt#• 711e dictionary and the ellcyclupe din. 4 stmer •grim properly devrlotoed Real Estate Agent 11..111;1 lead the rh1141 out into new It.l4 N9 ware Goderleb Helds of discovery. The books should Ile stilted ;to their age an4 to their ahil11)to comprehend. Works ,arch as that of Abraham •Llneglw'should be on the iw.ok-shelf and with young child - 'ten the .tori*( should be told, not read. Care. Mast be exercised by the teacher NO prevent the child Nen from reading frivotons stork.. With senior Inlpil.. to prereut slang (\pr••: -lolls,. hath and Np'ee•heys honlil, ►,e a -c.1. freely to "develop lou nage. ' Repro- aluetlun of Ntorlen, friendly 1184 bust- aess letters. descriptive 81d illustra1 tive ldogrnphy, etc., offer good mtiteri- nl. In correcting the work the plan (Continued on page 6) Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada A TOWER OF STRENGTH Ar.urance in Force - $1,896,915,000 Assets -- - • - $488,9S8,000 Dividends to Policyholders increased for "the ninth stweessivl• year in, addition to a special -maturity dividend 1740',11. MCP 115 H. R. LONG, Reriderire 'a" District Agent I'.I O N ES TIME TABLE OF THE ARROW COACH LINES Effective September 3rd, 1929 c WOODSTOCK - GODERICH READ Dows, SUB -DIVISION ' A. M. P.M. Leave 7.00 4.15' " 7.20 4.35 7.25 4.40 7.45 5.00 7.50 5.05 3.00 5.15 3.15 5.30 8.35 •5.50 8.45 6.O(- 9.00 6.15 9.10 6.25, 9.25 6.41) Arrive 9.45 7.00 Leave t1'oo(fidO11k 08 7..t5 Dime! eongeetions at Stratford with Arrow Coaches 1,o St. Marys, London, Kitchener, Guelph, Brampton, Toronto, r RE.A1) A. K. Arrive Goderieh Miles 10.45 -' • Hohnesville 9 10.25 " . Clinton 12 10.20 Seaforth 21 10.00 St. Columban 23 • 9.55 Dublin '27. 9.45 Mita•hell - 32 Sebringville 40 9.111 Stratford 44 - 8.45 Shakespeare 51 8.30Tavistock 54 8.20 Hickson fill . 8.05 II UP P.' 1i [1.011 5.5.405.35 5.15 5.10 5.00 4.45 4.25 4.15 3.45 3.35 3.211 3.011 Uir(rt con(rtions at Woodstock with Arrow Coaches for Brant- ant- ford. turd. Hamilton, Oakville, 'foronto.• ('.1NCELLiN(; ALL PREVIOUS SCHEDULES <4.41 itte 111111, 1 Ih NIA(,ARA SAaa, t ..... O if' 00 •. c L.6 tJ iANGLE a,.er, trE 4 - -1 n A • Enjoy Restful Night on Lakc Eric on your Trip East or West, or to and from Canada NFR 1,041448 M train N auto, enng an all night's r. le nn hr.uobd VVlakeFne. (rat I.,44*tramenatomagnificent y,41,nehntelsce snd courteous,vithltr*,.om- room (cookie staterooms, est client onthe!ear hop SF.F.ANURFF' A da CAR Lute wen Avoid miles sad males of congested (0 ,lmly. aeM al ata a 7 std Divisi s i Stinky, Cu., s^.'land Di.. Male >� Uc.a c� Each way, every night. Ino.n4 at In.M 900 Daily service, R part Stan ley, 4 00 p. m. summit 7 )6a. m , (F S T.) p. m. stn.,. l Irveland 9 in p. m.. 5th. Lune 10th to September RPh. 117 points C$410 o ,lir S. SO rd. trip j4.S0 one w-ar - D(ttTAi.O m t1.FVFi.AND - $ Neu. Low J Autos tarried $6.y0 and up Fares ' 13.00 nix ..,-PT.STANI.F.Yt;t(.I.FVFLAND-1S.00rd.trip Autos Carried 14.50 and up -rtd for details es Cb8 Tensile ?Tarr Pira tanley,ti ed. Dugan. New Y. ,k Part Stanley, Its 1st to November 1 P nest And ..th.e.t c , ' a, f 0"14 Point 11,1•In-the rI VVt, ND AND BUFFALO TRANSIT COMPANY ( •13 III tntyna,,ill,11111111111111111111111uma1"%;"i''nitttt111, �lllllllllll•llllllllllll0al lr llllll �t , .. t • •- ti J. W. CraHigie Real Estate and Insurance ! this, reading may 140 0o-relntal with Illstory and ges•grnphy and may be taken either :It sche4d or at home. I'npils should lw• tested un what has lor11 rend. Anent renders were sag- •e,.te11 as beneficial. Mfr.- Knbr Creech of the Exeter F'aff took Primary Reading with 11 t'lflos of six girls. „She 41es-eloped the ltv+s,n ' by Ininwtneing pt. -lure s1101 :m411041 , 'het pupils In eonaple•te• se11t,11e•s Ore - ' an Item ahnut each milt tomtit there- on. Word recognition, in script, fe11- Itswei1 and after a short drill senten- I.e. were' rend embracing the words learned. - `' Lhrly 411'rusklons folhowel i1 whl.-1, tin• teachers Were divided on R.w•n oy.tems..'the "phonic'' and the old ''1ot.k and say" methods'. \Il.s Vera Todd wave an interesting paper on second ('lass ('ompw-(tiOn. According to the plan suggested the pupils tell the story orally and then reproduce It. •l'ie•tnro stud)- for •thhr grade proves of interest to the pupil-. $sirens building sl Id develop Into pnragrtph e44111,tymetlonrota. of inf- ferent sell.o,lv may carry on a (N,rres- poltlene 1(y letter to develop that Phase of the sntrjt'c•t. Thursday Afternoon - The afternoon aessi0n opened with the rending of the minutes of the morning .esslon. Thiele with it class of the mobile school pupils w'n- .taken by the music instructor. Mr. \C. R. 41411(11ng. A. T. 4'. \L. who in a very plen.ing wsy te1nwel hi. method of taking the subject in the class+ rooms.• in a few mitinte+ he lied the children shgrinst. n Herr rang. The 10*4,4o* sans an ngfre•nblo diversion from the gen' oral routine and one In which the teachers to. .k keen 'Mere*. Inspector ieacom tnntmentr41 upon the work and espresessl the- hope that soon all se ilrds, meal nod 11rbno. would 140 1;n ig the >sttlfJett. Is? late. the Tie- lmrttnelt of Edueatlon has made 1111- I oral grants to schools Intn*lw•Ihg It. )11.11' Alive 'lloffuuln. tor I►atahw(NN1. her a-11111 peon -ant manlier deliglu- 1491 Ilio te:u•hers In the singing of n solo. %Ir. .1. C. SU -Ern -Item. 11. A., 1K London Suntan Vchuol. gave' is lnik Oh the tcrn•hing of history. fie would use thy. snhJe•t to direct the moral nature of the child, esp4-181*y in the 11.14 of noteworthy rhnrnc'cre. such as Florence Nightingale. the *Only of whnsr life inspires the girls to noble !i deeds. or by the study of ch,ractcr- aloh ter ('nlnmhns. whleh htdine-Its lends to 'watery hmeats the Iw.y.. Characters calling forth loyal''- mat- riolisnt. etc. ata) tN• +e4e•44-41 144 de• „c4 -lo', thaw' trail* of chnrnetor and put), hacrnticely, rrea'P 111 the minds .,f student* n rent desire 10 do some- thing .worth while. Ile celled to tnemor} the %late* Ninth ev111411 the series of etsminntlimn, now in lime, ante into being. The present system f cramming history for the sole pm'- , plan'. of passing otinotidflH•s 4hron4h r*nmlutllons an. condemned on the ground that If lead* pllplk to hate the .ubje•t and to sctrn forget 11. 1mo.Ag hIs cities at the Normal aoq(ml over Oft' per cent. abhor the subject 114,11.1'1-NI:r4,\D 11 13�rflilf r�i j Gf ltluil 6921 lit EVEN though you live ata dis- tance from us, you can quite con- vcniently do your banking at our : • nearest office. Just write for our folder-' "Banking by Mail Made Easy.7. It will explain how you can de- • posit andwithdraw money by, mail: YOU W11. 1. 111([ RANKING Al' Till N,IY.t. The Royal Bank of Canada Goden5h Branch - 1. D.•Eaatman, AM.+n.1l:er erguson is Slipping THE people are tired of false promises as a cloak for reckless spending. They want reduced taxes rather than increased promises. Only Liberals' Can Retrench They owe nothing to Ferguson's Friends ( Ferguson Fails Because: - Debt Increase -9O Millions. Gas Tax Increase to 5c. Liquor Revenues go up. Spending Reaches 58 Millions. Interest Bill is 19 Millions. Ruinous Rural Taxes. School Law Tinkering. - No Reforestation Policy. Local Autonomy Restricted. No Retrenchment. Liberals will Give: - Full Lax Survey. Relief to Municipalities. Honest Redistribution.. The Alternative Vote. Business Policy in North. Sound School Laws. Law Enforcement. Cheap Rural Power. Local Autonomy. Spending Reduction. FERGUSON Says: No More Plebiscites. SINCLAIR Says: Trust the People. WHICH DO ? . ( YOU CHOOSE • I InFERGUSON 1#EGS FOR 5 YI':,\RS GRACE LET HIM SPEND IT IN OPPOSITION �V DIDATE CA A LIBERAL VOTE FOR 1«,11,•,1 icy the Liberal Office. I I King St. W., '1 oronto 1 1