HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-10-24, Page 2-.1c7rCk 4+44A 41,010:te. Aso* * • THRSIGNAL, .4,-• Moreover, WHO at ttlie 1raht fuse MOO, 1 laroSALE ARRESTS ---,: 2,-Thatroday, 000ber 24, ligfii. Ch smut _.1 rural achoole areteging up high reboot i work -(the nen 1,r,q I are option- OF RUM -RUNNERS . • lit 111 their nature there is no need Charged with Smng uggliLiquor frail Established 1848 • Gedrrich anti Ititernitle GODERIt'll : CANADA News. t41rWtlintletul.Mr. Ferguson intends(1Je1r1t. IS his petroit. Ott. Is.-'llie working% of Member of l'aussikian Weekly -lwrches 1111 tbe matter clearly Ind'. tivh /a uge liquor syndicates., centred Published every 'llatiraday morning. ,,ate. In estobt,„1, a sydetu of eon- at Detroit, and serving New Tork and papers Association „domed schools ' t,, lake thew l'Illeago /11111 intermediate point., were 1 Sawn pt :1 price $2 00 per year 4„,„slaid batre today lay at 1.`ederal gratial strictly In At na 4 . ' ' li I t Mt fellttollY {oral high rwhools. jury which returnee% Indict went - THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LTD. ' It' the people ,..t• the rural sections i•aitiat fortv-two alleged eonspirators Telephone 33 : (roderich, Ont. -,-1...01. it is their A group 44 under -cover agents, who, W. II Robertson, Editor end Manager ' 111 1 "'r 1.'"'""lhial' 'I riga! to here th, .!, :.1.1 ....twoliolated! enjoyed Ilw confidence Of the runt - ' Voirsylay. Goober •...4. Itr...O. r ,,,,. 'Law...A „1...., instriiinestal is. securing the luilict- r•Ii.e.k. with thi..1 1.• .,,, train of ex runners for nearly nine mouths. were! ai ' moats. They new lwfore the grand ...-- ON TRIAIk !hem ,...11 (Like ptc'en,e. jury and revealed how liquor has been smuggled across from Canada Iti la rge quantities. stored a t cer t a la The 'ietnperenee people. Of North EDITORIAL NOTES point,: ntong tlw border. and finally Haroh are ilet, atiore. facing a . :cid t.. New York or Chiengo by rail! a hi li they have repeatedly professed . 1 Fifteen 44 the forty-two men eir Al it 11(11IlleAA to t he 111 lieiples Election' day. wis!.,....1,4y. oka..ber ast., am. trw.k. . 1 I • • • plaeaal himself unreservedly in their ...da.. ",,r_iu.i.i." ,,,, ,,,i,,,aa...: I have leen arrested iiii.1 released • In North iturom me_ it4.1...rt.„n II ,.. , bow will You 1,.!`e Y"ur ..idew311"' mentioned In the Indictments alreadv • . • • 'der heavy !HOMY,. tterOrdilig to J11111111 bands. pledging higuself• it. the plain- Watkitra. aliatrlet attorney. All taut - e -t and strongest terms to the•suppart only two entries 1,.r the North ilur- 1 eight of tlw allegval ea whopiralors lite • of all measures for the a.lvatieement ..i. ir,,,i- or pate. Pau they•re 111411 ill Detroit. the remainder being resi- . of the prohibition cause. In • South )....,,ing strong.. dents of Ni" York. Chicago: Toledo Thiron Mr. Mallal-la equally. eommitted • • • anal small • towna In Ohio and New York. • to theJeupport of prohibition measures. The eottggry rejo-ced this week hi The belief uwiits are all hase.1* on ... . On the other hand are candidates a real Ottertail • -tile t1 1- f two counts: "Violation of tlw Tariff' I ._ . . g run- le rt. or ';. •-• who announce themselves supporters ,veral uponos. Act and the national prohibition illtw.1 41 .tbe prerent Liquor Control Act , during tlw period from January S to . • • • ... • and followera of Mr. 'Ferguson: wh", Apt*. Jo. nothhig more wIU be September 114. . I • On the words of The. 'Temperance! beard Os rights of the returned Tlw atwo ,.-indicates are designated' Advo..ate) has sliatnellso-IY flooled the soldier n061 Federal eleetion coma' ,as the Saul Hosentielit‘thil Sam MIller `serdi,.t ,of the clesa...r. of ionterio as around. Jr • • . rings. 11.dli Itwoentield and Miller Ihave been arrested. Eight Ult.1111A.r, given lu the plebiscite of Ile,. Ite. , of :Miller's gang and three members' . - fore that v• le in 19'.:4 NIr. Fergio•di The -1'0;1 Council having decide.1 of Hosentiehrs organization have been Feld: . . that WOMPII 1111,1 t.t• appointed - to , tip. , !. rre.tell to date. "1 will not change ll.. -%!' ''''. T. tA• I cannibal), , patinat.,. a new solo," of Fleet.' .4 boats with an aggregate one 14111 unless the peopie aletuanal 1.'• ,,a,,, recoup a..., I., in 1.fli*,r. cargo captivity of 2.1110 (awe. captivity used for the .nauggling otwr,ntip"... plebbwite that such a Change Ile Mille. " -.II • • ' For tlwir services with tiw stanaglit....: - A few we*.ks 'Irler the "re. in Nfir-1 Now thaNte United Farmer- have-- ring. the agentaf were mid sums 1.4 ender. 19'..4. Mr. _Ferguson atilal: wisely, we beliete-,refratined from totalling ' several thousand dolla I.- "III 1111Y. 1923. before the elect ion. " ',11 • a 1 f nide,' have •been turned over to tla th. . I mad. a l'arefitlly armedalered delar- 11111 I log a 11.4. .n tde fiel, . or , , . tIlVtrlet attarney'A offiee A. ftVinIMIWP.1 ' stion at it -it agreed to by •practieall) the 'election of next week. it may. not Tile principal Canadian INIY•e4 AYr the.! ' all the men who are now ill the Will-- la. amiss* to point a.111 that the fanners' too syndicate-. were located at ode-' try 1 want to say to you that might have • far greater influence in rich and Rirtrside. Ontario. and a. . dere is no gift, nn lattlee'in the gift t he re..111 ..f All,, election If ....riling to officer. from thew ',An!, of this 14,141e. not ellen the Prime deddling they could aet it:dually in •upporting the liquor Iva'. -tangled to Port $ato Mini.tership of the Prot -Mee of Ont- hie on Like 'Huron. Ideer the li.p.... orb,. great po.itIon as, it Is. that has one or other of this "old party" can- %,,,,-. taikel, je storage point. 011 ftlr111- NUS :Ont. At'llil't IOU for me .10 efoll'e (Mates than diet , have %ism they alonc 1.tiiie St. Clair and at Eeorw. Vi"13te an "bil"6"11 given tc'• nominate a- catnlida•e et their own ft Chicago wit. the principal tuark., • • • circumstances that render Iii- defeat for beer. while mos. .1 the whisk., the people." '' ' • .What happened? 111 Inea CO Dint 4.4. ," sin awl chninik,....se went ti,:s;ew• y,,,.,, probable. If the •okl parties real-, .... -, , hers and when that did not sati-f) • 'zed the eiiiltigire of a formidable 111-• ntly.4.41 11101. took a 11111 WI 1). a II, beer. the agents Sabi. E114terrl 1.011- •• liet11•111110111t eiltillelit Whitt would support smilers were alerv41.1 hy rail. while the li.mor party the 4 11. T. .A. WAS ' thrtnAll ittkeilly ton'ttritnlArki and the pros- certaiii policie4 out1 oppet+te eertait. I Ilivngt. 11114 Tilleirtt received ile•ir sippljes by truck. est mea-ure alas eniteted. under Willett other 1.01ICieft Ili; Miner whit ' their ' *Ile- a litIll"r have molted the Amor-, origin. re d e . o- i tobi teitahratid pity tia.." mous" thrtre Of #49,1'111001N1 ill 011Y year. thewonlbcare nmi lair le ITT; in-...rinia,-, mite a man *who 4,sothi re:v..11:1bl) per!lifhetr sat"IY:rrikal hen ‘t.vw Ira-tais- The issue eould no! he more clearly elaim the support of this. Independent Lake- St. 4131r through aelvire.44 la , '• drtann. It 1144. for Ow temperance v-oters, I.y cu.t11111A bOrder lialnd him, t • element. • The Proliihitionkt. hat.' ' of North end South Huron to .ily learned ORS, and .n. mst oot ea.s in "" mte pet."1"" the iligiteet"r` '''' whether they vle.dre as 'their rept.... t:ft roil! tl:rreo..loat:i.d.ontaitig I.ea's I91) .- the present contest etre endorsing mit. . 1ni entielvv... at Toronto mosonprourising .4 the party eatioli.:atek in preference W:itkit.ea they ii 'ail the alleged rtim-nin ne- oppont.' of tbe .11quot& or. tror sule , u. naming a vaga candidate oftiers werestutineal lay the darins work of porters of the prerent Liquor Avti course. Verniers. 1114' townspeople, do' the filmier -rover men. The liolleted _____ men. who already have hOen arrested. not all think alike on any question. were quedloned 'before arraignment THE TOWNSHIP SCHOOL , and it i. ilittkiilt to .eenre their united by the eery men who...p.1.1 .Ns grand , "0.1,41;7:7 of any candidate or any Jury IlleY had worl''a'lT -'• . WWI !filth' III tilt. ..: _ '011Sirle.. 11.. I•crir..-, • '• • I Township..lesal P.....1-1 Gill? 'fie . Walkei ton lit. a 1114mor store. stud Paine tip Ontario's Deln4 I Ferguson does not advocate cone -11 The thisowial lairdeu. placed upon date 11 N , .orth Huron says that NI at 1 Ile il..iliting conoliti..... are not ITor..111.. Stair. dilate !.together desiralde 14 iii.11-ateit by I 1... people of Glitario by the Ferguson ' date.1....-bools and that be111111-..f e "ill-l.dien comment .1 the Iler- Government are seen in their real rol 0141-Tiines. the Conservative i„iner „j. psortiona When It IA known that dor- stand- by the 1111 it red -choolhott-e., is oath Bruce. It says: Ing the la.t sly year. the present ro MrFergu .' son is 'quoted a- devlitring I .." ibat his township retort board' prol , Provincial dpi': With the only beer uar.,lion,e in i glnw 1111. li'itilliellmt.t'intilte es aa rent as the 101.0- ore oPtionul. Illy .11.Yone wh"! south lime.. situated acr..... fr..ni the netlitilati."1'irlitovin.r.lal 4144.1 In the lad year ha. followed Mr. ri'1101.011%. -Iteel'ho.1 Herald -Times ofike and 33 11(1 the 11.1- of the -Whitney regime. . on. this and other subjeets kiniwa that ! nor di.pen.ary for the riding Pi'' 11 took Premier Ferguson'. NIini-- Mr7 Fergiewn doe, net, always may ! Mina .111.t down the . street in 11.44 ter. only -,•ix years to Incur more debt what he uremia. nor alt 1134 MPAII , . ' - . than wa. inotrred by all tbe minis twxt block we have isarlmoa fate oje lotellIt011eri• i4 judging the extent Iti ter. ....1 all the governments in the If Mf. Ferguson doe. not adv.wate towline.. for the large territory to be ati,,,,-, mid ow year 1914 "ears between eonfeder what' lle. says. the traffic. and after making tine sib.' f„rty.,,,,v,.,, eonsolidated schooled. what la the, lubricated. we have no hesitation:1n in Whitney's 1111).. the yearly 1.111 for voieing .air "Amen" to the deClarittion interest ..1, the Provinehil debt wa., mtatling of the M? JIWhat 11.114 114. of the Tory candidate in Smith Lan- 9i..5.0.441.4 Mr. Ferguson nd la i - month by lila talk of doing an'llY/Witl: ark it hen jie a say. that ltogether too Nliniste'e ti hate inereat the yearl‘ a the small schools - that la. the school- tati!..)4booze 14 being sold. . Interest eliarees (luring the few years with! a .tnall attenilanee? What tine. \V 111 PremieVsoom r erlsn aintain- they hove leen in power by d y five ori! he mean .1.y this prop.,...0 1,4 hare leg at Ripley lad wick that he was lb., amomil. The ordinary expenditure of the aiming t.. make Impart. ,11 1111141 of to. -high school work dont in the rural tad 3111.t a illerS, Wefeel that ituanetli• , lortiry Government In the lit.t eotuplete'. sehOols? Itoesdie intend to make 11 :11elY after till.' 1.141111011 %NA. 1111144t get year for which it wag re.ponsilde high ...hoot out of every little red bits) weaning the pea.antry 1 the amounted to 37 14,1 million dollar... The •schoottil.? (IfCollrIntthOttlif the Premier'a greatArilr;o0, Conservativedeelireil they were elee- o, , is to be accomplished in his day and ,,.,1 1„ othyp Inyewpw the people 4,11. The Tottliship Selincl Board pill. ' generation. So nmel..14. 41... ILA It Altleet.il fhe Mitre expenditures ton a- everyone rea117.4.0 ',',Ii. has followed !! sere. awl .41 11(1 It' time 1.,, .1.. it. 1 .arge.' Yet' ,it year. later the Fer- tile di-en...101w of tbe niewoire, meana." Thaa4. %to, would „airk for the (AL.. glk-kw Government's "ordinary." YN• tablishing of a liquor store In-. Oita penditiirwo amounted to 704 I, fuj111,,,, ibillars, an increase of 7.8. per vent. In Mr. Ferga.on's mind. consolidated! i.lnads*-11 tol nothing elose The 111'0'i -town are taking upon themselves a 1111 view a tile extrlivagrinee of the' posal. have been discussed repertedly trent re.,,pen,i1,1111s. kergll...11 Govertititetit. the tremendou. by the representatliVe. ttf the school • ' revenue. the Government 1.4 eolleeting trnatees anal ratepayers of the Province. gig New Plant for Kitchener , froni the 14' '1.1.' and the .henvy obli- gation. It I. placing upon rural and! arid have been rejected on every 04. . (Kitchener Iteeoral a ca.i.m. The repre.entatives of Ilw viral , N.. Mote pleitaiint..lieWst lin; been i..1.11,14.1111,3:e111.111i:,ipillIti4.4, tli,. citizens t 111:Ike their .. ham heard ii. tin. Twin t it y t limo ie ay "'" nation Ionian in t, unerlrtabi.tuatiner. school ...lion. know milte WC1 I tilllt lwillit'0114-111 l'klrrittni In yederday . ey, . voo the Nlini-'er 44 IE.11111 1 i011. if be can •Ite....r41 regarding the greoIf thwere Pte fr vanolioLite. 1 01 Po 11-1"I! of 1 114. Government thei wonlil he %fl- eet hits way, will have enteadriltilc•I planned for IVa'erloo by. the erectipti .i•I .. the .littninistratIon to spend .vhool. awl 'thud the 11111 will not of. a large talent 1.. make condoms, more motley and pile more taxer nts.ti r the North 1mert• la. optional. An' optional nwavoire l'enPer 111." -h -el." for ' • the N. elan ....111114.10 and the .‘rgentliw. .The - I.4,, I' • ele.trly 14 not intended. for Ilwre -oaten...to that when the plant is oork .-. I. provlaion In ti.' eV...ling I'll'"'l it z to captivity three year. 'hence 11 - law for the merging of la•1111.1 sittlikowk nnill employ 1.5011 hands Indicates the and th.. i.,,,noliii.hiug, of 0.„,,,,iid.,,,,,i niaviiiiide of the projeet, and it means a decided Myren... In the To in City', ...lewd. If the ratepayers of the -.141"1 , peiaitation, taking kilehomer nod . P4' --til- .',...111. to take. enleli net :all. 'Waierloti out .of the small city ell..., - GODERICH, ONT. THE SIGNAL'S Goderich "Buy -at -Home" Directory and Business Guide Through the co-operation of the business men listed below, The Signal proposes to reproduce a series of educational and thus to bring about a more prosperous and progressive community in which to live. articles in the endeavor to bring about a better business relationship between residents and merchants in our town, A. CORNFIELD Ready -to -Wear Clothing Gents' Furnishings Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Ladies' Ready -to -Wear and Millinery Telephone 418 'Slow Wiwe are Invited to Ship" J. R. WHEELER Furniture Funeral Director aiidEmbalmer Telephone: Store 335 Res. 355 w W. C. Pridham & Son GENTS' CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS BOARD BILL "An extravagant wife brought ow to this, sir.' 'Did *he' 111 give 3 no toenty.five (acne. if you will wait * m!ntite while 1 fetch my wife to take a look at rm." - The London Plowing Show. 16101111111114110P rea Colds Ways With one Treatment RUBBED on . throat and chest, Vicks does two things at once: IR, (1) It is vaporized by the body heat and inhaled direct to the inflamed air passages, and (2) It stimulates the skin like an old-fashioned poultice and "draws out" the soreness. acts@ ways at Ones ' Tile -, • With tie Stork ' Telephone 57 Campbell's Drug Store Drugs, Patent Medicines Toilet Articles Victor Ph,,oaph• and Record. -Kod•t , nod Developing T1.L f PHONE 90 R.1. Howard General Supply Sture 11-NIUM INTs and 011. AII*0 ACCESSORIES TELEPHONE 306 w W. ACHESON & SON General 1.),y Gooas and Ready -to -Wear -- Rugs - Linoleums - Carpets TELEPHONE 76 Brophey Bros. FLRNI1URE and FUNERAL DIRECTORS Telephone: Store 120; Res, 217 Keeping Up Appearances \\, mak, it ca-,. r r ,r particular le (11 ICKS ,I,VAPORUES &ER m *Ivo,/ dots aro Muir • Cleveland's Bakery 11c Operative Baker Quality Bread, Cakes and Pastry Telephone 114 Frank H. Martin Tailor and Hatter Telephone 49 Miss L. E. Hogan Confectionery and Ice Cream Soda Fountain Service - MINT'S CHOCOLATES TEL EPHONE 393 Geo. W. Baechler pitovNioN Groceries, Meats, Fish, Fruits and Vegetables -One Friend Tells Another" -We 110 our itit 4.•11veritig- Phone 368 THE BACK SEAT DRIVER Western"Canada Flour Mills Co., Ltd ., 111%.1 1:111.1 I \ DONA. THIS Buy - at - Home CAMPAIGN Support Local Merchants and Help Our.Towe Grow 'We all know of the anisette. who guides tIit dcttt Iny of the aut mobile (nun tlie'rear seat. the person who always think* he etaild handle the machine much more capably than the driver. Ile 14 like the man. Who ataidds 4.11 the redefines of the game of lire crith- ela1811 the action. of those who are doing things, but who fails forget into rlw battle Every ..ttlee ha. one. Mit the buses.geta tired . and chucks him out. • • • There are people•like this In every •commulary. Yon know well the balm 33 itt. complains, bout conditions, who 1. always oppowd -everything. nho floe. not work bemire he toys there la no work 1.4'410 'and tlw elyintuntlio' g..Ing to the dogs. He +tends out 11 'contraar to the INTA4.11 Who gets Into the Itch!, tnakes the liesit of every tabulation. and When be le not siati.fie.1 with eouitition+ nnikea -eta losiest-to-goialuesa effort to improve GI- in instead at 'denoting aro 1 and whining. N.. man can Ire hippy 1f.htt 14 always limning away from Ib,' ,proldeuts ..f life. 'What ea‘you do 1» ,entivel Neticities in Godericit and make it a better jonsmunity 111 whleh to live? Start sulywhere. lou do •oottethititt. • -Don't IftAVe tile work to someone r4or, Get that eommunity aldrit. and. light. Every sincer.• effort at comtutinit) • betterment on yanr pert makes You tel nitwit htgater. Booed your connuainiry that ;you may be able to boast 11 Hare no synitatthy' • for the .lantaitual klwl:er. Buy your goodhi thalerteh. This will tipown-yr." i.f yollf merchant and a bigger and better Garderielv Calvin Cutt Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour and Feed Telephone 116 Allison & Heitman F RESH AND I IlFID Meats _BEST QUALITY TF1.F PHONE No. 2 Jas. C. Carrie Hardware, Paints, etc. PHONES 501, 363 H. C. Dunlop, Phm. B. THE RI XALL DRUG STORE' Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Kodak', Stationery, Confectionery United Cigar Store Agency TELEPHONE No. 1 hirersal Millieery led 61f1 Shoppe Up-to-the-minute Millinery. Lingerie, Neckwear end Julian Sale Leather Good. Gift. for all occasions :Art Neirdlco-rk, China WIIINVITE YOU TO CALL M. N. MAKINS North Ws el Ste.'. h F. H. WOOD FORD SALES AND SERV ICE NEW CARS USED CARS THE FASTEST SELLING CAR IN THE WORLD AND THE MOST ECONOMICAL TO OWN AND OPERATE. FORD PARTS COST LESS TELEPHONE 403 F. E. Hibbert Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS Reliable Goods •• Reasonable Prices TELEPHONE 86 Babbette Gift Shoppe StampeiGoods, Hand Embroidery Chios and Pottery (;IF'Ts FOR ALL OCCASIONS Phone 567 East Street Footwear and Repair Shop 1. • Quality and Comfort in Footwear ntol Repairing WM. AHL, Proprietor Oppoute Knelt Church Phone SOSj Goderich Fruit Market Quality Fruit and Vegetables Cerner East Street and Square I')lfl\Fm 470 • This Week's Special Write -Up WESLsy K. 1114111111 W. IL store In the Opera Iloti.e• Nock: KIngstot street, ie one tlw haply 'dare'i of the town. sir, tiet.inni sinq». it large busIneor In flour, feed, seeds, hay,. straw and idho firm and garden proitoet.. Ile al... carries A 1111e Or tro,tit.4. SO the 11.41e. - keeper van procure a inree part of her supplies in the one store. ,A wide acquaintance with the farming esonninnit nt.) 5,100118 - -Itt ilfliidling farina. farm pr...lucts 1111544.' Lir.l.ctin favorahle. pcsition to procure 1 lw.e.produeta for etedotners rt.' Ire.? .powvitole priers. and hi. extensive stotage faellitics enable 1.1113 to keep on hand at all times large stocks I.1 hulk Mr NIcLetin also is agent for Grant ford itonfiss and can give a price. W. C. Snazel Gents' Furnishings Suits f ode -to -measure \NIN(; AND l'1:1;--SINt; TELEPHONE 339 The S. A. Gray Co. General Dry Goods;' Ready -to -Wear and House Furnishings YOUR STORE Of VALUE TELEPHONE 56 E.C. Robertson JEWELRY, DIAMONDS "QUALITY GIFTS" Royal Crown Derby CIA& TELEPHONE 136 Blackstone 's Furniture Exchange Used and New Furniture wE sA\ F. 1•4)1' MINE\ PHONE 210 Smith's Art Store Art Pictures, Picture Framing English Chino l,;1 1-` \.I.1 IN" PHONE 198 British Fxchange Hotel Huron Cafe in connection 11.1 11 1,, 1 Known to be clean and op -to -date PHONE 161 D. 11. -O'Brien Fill.:•4•11 AND CURED MEATS and POULTRY DELIVERY PHONE 31 Sturdy's Cash Grocery Choice Groceries Provisions, Fruits ert thing Good for the '1,11,1." PHONE 299 Wm. J. Clark DE SOTO SIX 1 ( 11111 -I 1 11 l'111.1111 ('1 Sales and Service Expert Repair. on All Make. of Cars Miller's Service Station Goodyear Tires plus Service Worth While Oil Changed and Cars G -MARMON MOTOR CARS PHONE 'ri!ht E. G. Smith Baker and Confectioner I II. r I la 1.0.1 lir.,1,1 PHONE 184 WE DELIVER J. J. Hoggarth GARAGE lictour4 Oil all ninkc- tif Gas, Oils, Tires, Accessories TELEPHONE 427 L. J. Baker HUDSON and ESSEX -AIF:'4 AND SERVICE General Muors Trucks izp, riur..Es 106-217 MacEWAN & TEBBUTT CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBI LE SALES AND SERVICE Gas, Oils, Tires and Accessories Repairs on all makes of cars Telephone 234 F. M. McArthur Electrical Contractor FIXTURES and SUPPLIES NEXT POST OFFICE PHONE 82 Wesley M. McLean FLOUR, FEED, SEEDS Groceries and Produce, Hay and Straw Agent Brantford Roofing Phone 350 M. R. MacVicar High -Class Millinery Hats, Corsage, Flowers Scarfs and Novelties ki IN rItEET NASH "400" Leads tlie World in Motor Car Value The only Car of all the new Car- sith every nen 1929 refinement SALES - SERVICE - STORAGE Huron Motor Sales Phone 83 - H. C. Young South Street