HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-10-24, Page 1Provincial Election
Wednesday, October 30
Every good citizen should poll his
lor her) vote.
Provincial Election
Wednesday, October 30
Every good citizen should poll his
for her] vote.
Fnl:lrrY-SECOND 11;m4 \.l. 42.
FAIRBANKS COMPANY �p,raks in thibitiott of the Pro
meetiva under the auspices of the
Marine City Man Has Project for vt„lwi,l"" I"lur"Ion ttlay"r. held et lhicKay
Ilall 011 1Ve.oeveufug. �lr. J.
Weekly Passenger Boat Service E. T„u1 Nas iu tie chats cull uu
for 1930 -peaker of the evening was Iter. J.
Heycratt of Ilr:uagford. a former
The re:�uar i -ti R e�t .1.4. town erode -rich paster. Mr. Reseraft wave
ertutti1 ea. te•1 • ort friday night,; a diepa.sionete. wyII-reasontrl address,
all the members te•iug prwt•ut except , loitir....e..41 by farts awl figures, show -
I eputy Ittec(• Cralgit. In tate alelug the harmful efftets of the present
rents of the town clerk. -1,.sessor Rob- ; liquor haw. He sowed Premier Fer-
a trteenl acted as eierk. I gustnt for hie reword on this question
The tax •.11.-etor reported further
colle•-ti..tw of Alibi tit ltr_t1 taxes, mak-
ing a t„rtl of MI0,477.31 collected eo
far tri. year.
Medication. for building termhs.
:uud for his aut.w•ratie attitude in re-
fusing the people of Ontario au op•
porta"Ny of expres-ing thelr.vlews on
this matter apart from an election.
Speaking of the demand of the Pro -
t Iere pteuted and'referred ldI,Iliuu Polon for the submission to
uI w., wse
to the lire r.attlmlttee• John Mt4'lure, the Privy Connell ;.f a Case 10 dP
re -roofing dwelling and garage, Bst atertermite.whether the Province has the I
trol.ibit tl„• manufacture of
R \\'sill- dlte•lllug
streetTI os acre tCower o I
SUAY, OCTOBER 24, 1929
Tall: SI.G\.11, PRINTING CO, LIMITED, Publisher,.
The News
the Town
To Organize fur ih►tkey
Next Monday eceuiug. ,h•tulcr 2tlth,
a meeting will be held Iu the town
council chamber for the purpose of
organizing a hockey club. AU persons
Interested are requested to be on hand
at S ocliwk sharp.
Championship Public Speaking Contest
On Saturday afternoon, Ovtuber
211th, ut 2 o'clock. the Huron county
ebamploushipt public speaking este-t
will le t11
held at Clinton, iu e +utdlw
torlum of the Collegiate lnititute. All
first prize winters at each school fair
Iu the public speaking 44oule.t are ex-
pected it. compete.. Thl: should prove
* massa interesting uftern.wtu for ell
ahs w•i_ll to attend,
'..mems -t r'- Thoit ('nrroll, steel Ilgnor. 4r. Reyrrlft stated that some!- I
rllin ----- a street; Rev "f the best legal m tolls In the country
Ad)toiuiva .lw Y
J. E. Ford. garage. I.Ighthons• street ; held the oplilotl 'bat the Province
Gen. Marra.„„, garage, waterloo hull soeh lower n•„ler the British
street ; Royal hunk. new front on Bank North America .\•
the 'Square. f Mr. lte'eynft t . d that the figures
i•.wouutliratl„n front ('has. F. showing.the num). r of. indictable of -
fences for the Ilse": year ending Oet-
)Ian°, 1111/111e City, catch., with regard 1
to a weekly passenger boat eervie in oder 31. Ile4Is. whirl, mually were nihil•
1000 from Detroit, and malting what !nide In Januar of the following year.
aid the town would gftc, was read, had this year Leen held nix IIP tad.
Ly the Mayor and referred to year the; -however. leen able to procure the fig•
,.prick committee. i ores and they showed an enormone
• Another letter read by the Msyor
was from the I'rovin,Ia► Department
of highway. and Intimated that the
Ileparttneut would nut pray anything
towards the purbase prise of new•
weigh -wales. -
A petition for a cement sidewalk
on the west al.Ie of William street
was referred to the public works com-
niltteewirh power to act.
The Aua'lRee committee rccommendtrt
that the solicitor be tnstnurtel to col-
kret arrears of taxes on the-t:oderlch
eluting rink.
The public works committee report-
ed that the residents on the east Ride
of Colborne street. from Church street
to Nelson street, had been notified that
they wnnld I* allowed to Construct a
standard curbing. the work to be
completed from street to street and
to be done under tate snpervi.ion of the
it 1 that the cable ou the
incrt•a.e ureter the 1.. O. A. In 11026
suet' offences within the Proving..ueim-
lerPtl Ie.. than 12.fftt►. Mali/27 they
nen. over 13,t*), while tills figures for
102...t. which the Government was hold-
ing tetek.-showed a'total a x1.251.
CAMIA all'. Ohl. 2:1.- Owlai to other
engage: m ate. the itea�nler young
lergte hate 1..4.1 obliged to alter the
date of the Ilall„tt.•'eu masquerade
part % from Friday-. November kat, to
Vt ti-dat. Octole•r 30th. Carlow
young people will 11Pd1r note the
The haves thanksgiving tng serves'
of Smith's Hill 1'nited church will
be held ou Sunday, :fevember Rrd,
when itev. .1. L. Small will preach
loth morning and eveasiag• 11n Mon-
day. November 4th. the,l!layfield choir
north sidea of Harbor 11111 would be will prcrtent their drala, "The Mia -
putt tip e+ soon as convenient. treat o1 eat. Ines.."
The epos dal committee reported
' That tulLealkalrI be made into the
nfilnit •, +lesjinietaem ttfl -the a -tows '
by outside vendors."
Councillor Croft, chairman of the
special committee. also retorter orally
to the effect that Bandmaster Davies
was willing to oferry on for the remain-
der of the year at $40 a month. He
intended having otte or two prectlee,
a week and a few ...inert. during the
winter. nasi intended twinging on a
rips° of six ..r eight beginners.
It was lett with the special com-
mittee to have a contract drawn up
and .hotel by the bandmaster, to be
presented at the next meting of the
The fire committee reported that all
hullding permits referred to the tom-
mlttse at the last meeting had been
pawed. with the exteptkm of that of
D. C. Young, which was being held
fan further information.
The market committee reported that
tae matter of leeatitn of the market
scales was deferrer) to the meeting of
• Quotations on vales from the
Manufacturer. were rend. and after it
brief tII euseion Councillor Mannings
moved. Seconded by Councillor Itnllle.
that a ten -ton rials at 8300 f. 0. h.
Hamilton be purchased from the Gur-
ney Co. ,
In amendment Councillor. Gould
taoyel, seosidel by ('onnellk.r McLean.
that the town purchase a ten -ton wale
at $1175 installed in Goderich from
the Fafrianke Co.
The amendment was carried L tri'2
only Couuelllors Munnings and
Bailie voting nay. and ReeVe Turner
ani Councillors Sproul, Gonld, Croft
and McLean yea.
The clerk and the chairman of the
market t•tenmlttcr• were instructed to
communicate with the Fairbanks comp-
any and ask for terms of ninety days.
and the cloth -nein of the committee
its Ito advertise for tenders for the
building of the fonntletNon of the
-wrap. s.
The Council then Adjourned.
G. C. I. Notes
Ou 'Thnlralay Itt-t the G. C. I. buys'
football team played the Collegiate
tent tut Mitchell and were defeated 34I.
The Mitchell team were to play the
return game here today, but the game
was posit/ors.' o11 aeCollut of the wet
we. t her.
The G. -C. 1. Literary Society is
holding its first meeting in the form
of a Hallowe'en mawlueratte "prom."
on Friday evening, November 1st.
PORT AI.DERT. O.•t. 2.3. -There
was a large attendance 111 the monthly
meeting of the W. M. s le -t Thnra•
(ley. 1t was hell at the li .m a of Mrs.
.lolls. MMcKeuzlt•.
Very sot -44.14W arrive• -cry. service".
were held In Tort Allart l rtlt.d ebureh
last Sunday. Both morning and even-
ing servlees were well attended:
We are pleased to report that Mrs.
Jas. Hayden, who has leen i11. is im-
E411114 Crawford,. Erne -1 l'rew•tord.
Etta Quaid, Cora Dick -in. Florence
MtKenzie and Jean Led? or. who are
$tudents of the G. 4'. I:. spent the
week -Cud at thelr'respe. tive homes.
Thursday-. Frjdav end Saturday of
this week --October 24th. 2Gth and
211th- mark the final three days of
the score -wide sale event at Geo. W.
Ncharfer's drygoods store. There will
le bargain. in all lines of merehnndtee.
The enrolment In the Commerelnl
'objects has reached twenty and no
more teeginners ran le• accepted this
There haw been nn engnlry• for cies-
'Fs In Jititlor Motrietlatlm, anti the
anthorttles are prepared to give in-
strnetlon to English Literature. Eng-
tieh ('omposition. rind either one Math.
emotion! or rine Scientr, subj.et aw
*mired, 'providing at least twelve per-
son' enrol for permanent Inatrnctlon.
Gasses will he held two or three
pleat• a week AS agreed noon. The
lAternlnre and Composition Class ought
to appeal to many of our young people
who have considerable leisure time.
(hely four have handed In their names
for the ('ommPtt•lal Art claw'. The
young clerks In shoes would profit
by raking this work.
Enrolment may he mode In troth
Clasw•s t,' phone or of the Collegiate
nu Monday and Wedetesday evening',
(Mtoter 21i and :M►. from 7.30 to 5.110•
The fee will are $1.00 until tneeemher
20th. tt♦
3. P. IWME, Principal.
Mira Rita Plante rrl.r.l home but
week from Detroit.
Miss Irene Jeff
weeks vacation in
Mrs. Wes. Mel - ie visiting her
• in ltrautfora.
s, of Detroit.
til her parents;
-M. Laughlin. of
i.l tisitors in'
li d^it. is visitvisit-41e..+, loupe. Cam -
1., spending twoindsor.
sister. Mrs. l'hish
Mks Eileen
silent the week els
Mr. nod Mrs.
London, were w
Mrs. Joe Young.
!ug Mr. and. Mr
brio road. y' -
Mr. Joe }lou, of /Caron, poem Sun-
day, with Ilia Iaaretttt. Mr..uul \Ir+. I.
Film. itrot•k wtree►.
Mrs. J. ('. Ila 1.. „f Wort Col-
. Johnston, I
s tin Y
It. Col-
borne. w
1 rete. IP g
Ligh(helu-e street.
Mr. and Mr-. W
Ann Arbor, %1I -h.,
11-'. alcl'hw•.
Mr- and Mrs. R.
and \IIA. EIlls, pf
day with friends at
Mr. • and Mr.
Kingston. are
Jus. Jeffrey, Nei
Mr. and Mrs.
Hay, have been t
Mrs. Thos. Young.
Mrt Reg. Soave
rolia rind Sarins
end. with friends in
M r. Reg. Thom
to Detroit after cite'
with itis mother,
Mr. and Mee. MI
Aaaeaansent Up --Population Down
J. H. Robertson, municipal asses -or.
has complete) hog assessment roll for
Ifni. Heshtnds the population to be'
4113, a drop of 1(04 from- last, year's
figures, 421'1. The arse-sment show-
xn iner•e-e of $i(Y2,trr4. The tfgnres
for 11129, with those of last year for
tomparitcm, are:
i 129 10.74
Land and
butldingrt - $1.Wti.(4(► $1.456.490
Rosiness :443.167 :119.:."12
Ineome (16,822 87..3413
School tax
only rr12.0on 4.1st,:kt0
A former weddskndwn re -,dent of
Goderteh, In the perms of Capt. Nor-
man MaeDalrmid, p mod away et De-
troit nn Tuesday. October bah. after an
Illness mf stout two weeks. .IAcens41
was In h1- wv-enty--shank yrsur. He I
was born at Tnverntvw, Scotland, and
came out to Canada when 41111t0 young.
For upwards of fifty years he re -ideal l
in Galeriefi, and was captain of one'
of the late Wm. Marlton's dredges
for over twenty years. of late years
he had been residing at Iti'trolt, where
he was iri the employ of the Nichol-
son Cnivereol Steamship Company. Be-
ddts the widow, one (blighter and
three sons surytre: Mrs, Adam Tromp -
sun of Big V1111ey, Alta.. and Norman.
Kenneth and Willard, of Detroit. The
remains were brought to G•tlerl•h and
the funeral talk place from itrophey
$2,7141,720 $2.078,tl05
W. M. S. Conference
The Nest section of the W. M. S. of
Heron Presbytery held a Conference In
the Queen street United Church, Itlyth,
October J8. The auxiliaries of tib
neetter-were wen re.preaentexl Tind'the
reports of • the various departments
were- listened to with marsh interest.
A large amount of supplies have been
sent to outposts In the North and
West. Miss I'ulethrop, of Koren. gave
a very lutert•.alug talk nu low work
in Korea and told of the great need
for more workers there. The Indies
from Nlle gave spe•htl mU-ie which
was ner-h appreciated. Rev. Gordon
It+ut and Iter. R. M. Gnlc'ring a duet
whttIi tins enjoyed. The ladles of
the Q14e11 street auxiliary served
dinner lu the ltasemett of the church.
Bros'. tunernl parbare, West street. ton
Friday afternoon to Maitland cents`'.
tory. Res.. R. 1'. M1.Permid ens 1n
Charge of the services and the pall-
bearers were Messrs. flesh! Marwick.
Colin Murray, John \itholsou. Roy
Melhnlaid, ('apt. Malcohe %h,Donalti
Mand ('apt. Jns, Inkster.
The news of the sniklr'n death of
Edna May ,Mason early Tlte'tlny morn-
ing east n shadow 01 sorrow over those
who knew her. D*ee(te'd was four-
teen years et age and hal leen ill
for only els days. Suffering from
appendicitis, site was ret„ntel (o Alex-
andre hospital Thnreday and Pnsaed
awns early Tuesday. Sh. via. born
at Clinton May A. bolsi, uud wens the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. cern Mason.
she was a popnlur student of the
font/HMV rises of Vlefor'e ...fowl end
was nn hnerewtel and ever -willing
worker in the Peinday et+hro1 and Young
i'eaple's Society of Victoria . tsfreet
1'nittrl church. The funeral, wit. held
Thursday afternoon from the reldenet
of her Rrendmnther, Mrs. i.. Jewell.
itritannit rind, to the Colborne ceme-
ten-. 1tev. G. Hutt. her pastor. conduc-
ted impressive services% and the pall-
bearers were echewd Mewl.: Filmer
Hutt. Walter ilunt. ,Audrey Smith,
Harold Tinder, John Carrick mid this.
Worthy. .School Children marching In
prnee slon pa1d A silent hilt touehIng
tribute to their eomrade, and the Im-
mernns Born' offerings testified to the
effpitlon In which the departed OOP
was held. Rhe Is Anrvlred by her
parents. Mr. and Mea. 4'. 'Mason. one
slater, (ars e, her grandmother, Mr..
Jewell, ami as , uncle, Mr. Lorne
Mr.. Jnr. Young,
at the home of Mat
Mr. and Mrs.
ford, spent n cow
with Mr and
of town.
Mr. and Mrs.
"Inners' and "Outerh" Dispute (her
Location of .itleeall.
Whoever uanrd a eertaiu •u-eet
iu this town after one of the grt•at-
Il aline Wust halve lead
Rev. L. P. Lowry (conies to St. Peters est fighters of w Robertson and WhtteL' Address
Iles'. 1.. 1'. Iw.wry, hate of 1'urkhill, 'a premonition of Ma kettle that lit. the Electors After Nomination
has leen appointed- pastor o1 the (leen raging the pert week user the
I.w•al Roman Catholic panels and Wellington street eidPwalk. The earl Proceedings at Wingham
t -- Charge of the mervles at St started last year, when the town
that street The North Huron electi.in 1s a
II/1.1 ti Hitt allllollnwrl that Iter. Joseph calk on the east side .•; I straight mutest between ('has. A. Rol.
Cook. of Loudon, hall 'teen placed tem- and to place It Inside Int ate of tree's.1 e•ns.ou. Liberal, and its. J. 11. R'hite-
iw.rarily ih charge of thaw tetrish. but .1n iujuuMlou was 1.1.e.1 at the In -i
l, Conservative. la South Huron- ai'su
this 1trruagl•tt . ii is sal of Irlrtl by thea visnas of 1YIIIlatn W. ce, au.l the dote are only 1ssn candidates: \V. G.
permanent aplw•intua•tu of Bev. Father prowe•t was dropped r (he time. Meld, Progressive. and Geo. 11. Elliott.
Leroy. i Some of the residents of the street I'.ouservath•e.
wanted the salt Inrid tars: Wald The notninalive.atlons for North Huron
Ilan Good ('bane. of Recovery I -ome watltet 11 Ontsld. :4');:i.:7::::', I t.ok lobate ou Rntu ria} .' the hnce
The Owen Sonud Sim -Times, report- did nut core parol a pall at \1'iugheua, and atter the ofleg the ne•itlent to Mr. ('harles Cart-a'asso luu(paethey g• ft Lal' r vsliut. th.•r.• tsar• the usual '
yrrlRLt of "tint city Cart -
which wa% men- w1 leen was the tllsyi J„-4 .'lcll!u- .lerchnnking: The Candidates. agreed
Peter's church ou 'Sunday ha.t. 1t council proposed tei nuustrnct a et•,uent i,
1 'u r
tiom•d fu the... .ouiUmn. hist week, sully mo -t of the tc i. Fate lined
tip on one ride of the ' ,,,.. arrangements, speak
state. that ntlJ: sac exumhuttlou,Tiik' minutes but George Soolton, )t 1',
en at the Owen Sound hospital..re- Inuring the last sun, Mere were It •I not satlrfieti with Iti: :nd :n -
vented that the• vertebrae, was. free- skirmt.1.es between I ..ing for- .Wte1 upon Irhag glial n plate (et alai•
lured Mout t,.ttwut'. ll,iyll- the spine, nes. and as non aerie 4 Net..'! to program. The time fur each wide w;n
e ec
I and "although ;here was no pantlyslr.; i'1' as tar away •
as 1s usual in such case-, there I+ /to .1 the work would eget
t11 Mill:ul, mf certainty of what %may yet develop'. Tile -448S night ell last
r ,'.ring lir-. In the meantime he 1s making excel• l o spa'rbal meeting of
ra.ol. lett progress and Ida .drysleians are'•
held to
k look+e's then mama-eti to bn loons ast, dealhlu.' tte:ng
le hld.ovrr. minutes,' the• Fetlern1 .member taking
huwtrer• , y.. ileo not usarl by kir, \1'ltit•ly1.
aflll w,i, lir. Rot.erf.on Bloke . tl:
esnsid,'r t %tills the liquor question, ..lucatlonal
. Mew, id town, hopeful that with Complete rest heyanion, and atter.alx t7li""' "t the uuatter., old age pension. sal uthce
wsalt, slx•itt Sun- f tfi t
�� � walk be h n•gt epi out.. •1 of
Calash a motion- Wu- to tae
will eventually hese n complete
re matters. Dr. Whitely followed, t'iek-
edpb• corer}. • ' tt� nit pretty ebrsly to the lilies uf,his
tt Jeffrey, of i the tress from butanols tom! I" �t.
ND. r. ('+urncright, who .Ierl' yeah alto i tm1.1n.s r1 the ehxtiu.. petbllshtrl 1n
r. :Ind M r- was a resident of Galer!•h, la 'now 1:torge'r. ('te.eeut. 'fisc liwul division. tri.
j1 tester last week, lir. Slofton
the prnyrieterr mf s Mel'. wear store on which the ptto . was adopted.
-411. df Nurt(t nt 411t"1:411Sound. . He 1.11 from an ai''
';ts ..f Mr. and pie tree In an hrt•h»r,l near Od tt.t
nth street.
Nuuud l'u,•seloy ..f dna week. e
not„rd to Pi•t inndwl nn his fuer, but the Jar.ot ilea
spent rhe week -I fall tuust lutt•ttcnn-t•.l the injury toi
sat Viefuiiy the spine. 1 i
has returned!
g.actor"1 days1 Moored by Detroit Magenta
R. Thomlwctt. l The fallow lug item of larel Interest
Ruth• I." -_,;,,i11,-,‘,.‘ 1 cnaes. to The Signal from Detroit :
•rntt. Th7.l
Thompos.ip this A llenquet tela- given III the llusmuic
Temple last Tinlrtday night by Ashler
A'"3' ut Bur- bridge. A. F. and A. M., in bona of
t s last Inc honorary members and past mas-
Hdarotry MtnBtelurk tern. Two mt the oldest members head-
ed the line of march to the banquet
k Jeffrey were room, where over 5110 sat down to din -
in Detroit for the L -end for the ser• which was -Cruel LS n number of
gulden wedding attttll Bary of alio lai-
ter's sister.
Mrs. E. W. Carrie alias return., m
a visit to Montreal; and whoop'
attended the Minna meeting
Il Dominion W. A. it. the AngilcSh
Address by Mrs, Macklin -
1)e spite the Intlenlelt wencher.
there wit. a large nttenden.e at the
meeting of tin• Central 11o411e and
Suhtol ('pull In McKie Hall on Tues.
dayAftenwol. nougnet. of nntumn
flowers brightened the room nod teror-
stet the pretty fable from which tea was
served. - The president. Mrs. G. 1. Par-
sons, and the Secretary, Mr.. W. 11.1
MacEa-an, ast4"tel by other ladles of
the execuifve, greeted the member- as
they art -teed. while the social com-
mitter, under the direction of line.
1•2111aa1.y. 'srttrl ten. The president
then iall*rl the meeting to order anti
introduced the speaker 4.1 the after-,
neon. Mrs. (Dr.. A. H. Maeklin. who
Is herself a qualified jtly*lelan. and
who gave an excellent address on 'The.
Ilealth of the Child.- Dr. Macklin
tear. heard with the closest attention
while she sloki. 4. -the care (hof should
be given to foots, fresh air, exercise 1
and rest, and Cleanliness. At the close
or the address a vote of thanks to
the speaker was moved by Mr.. itntnes.
see andel by Miss Sharman, and heart-
ily endorsed by tate audience. The
meeting closed with the singing of
the National Anthem.
was as folruts$
Yen -- 4'ua0d
Sproul. ('ro
• Nay- It
Oink! and
young ladled:. The two oldest honor- ant thea the 1ujunttlos be renewed.
cry member. were Mr. George Corn- roma .wdiritor Dolmas &rend that
well. olio on, raised in Wellington it *ghoul.' be dI (4Tel Eine Honor's
itodge, Chatham, in 1874. anti Mr.
John Black, who was raised In Mait-
land �od �Goderieh, in 1$TD. Ur.
Black remembered
remambe ajy ,p
\Lmn111N1t,' HnjHr.
the \ltyor..
rae•r, Councillors.
roll lhputy
10110ati1 and employe) it goal part of
his time leew-allInF the shi- ..f the King
Governanent. -
A' question V.is prescutetl to both
enndldtt.w n- to ittrir attitude tet-
nerd- it -uggesbwl division mf w•h':ol
1 ' t)Ix•'s ttelw ru 10111' nasi selatrate
cvn,nntuor'grit work on the sett.*!. ma elm• b+t.it ohiopuhu1hon'l '
stpe� pxt do S, but ou Thuesday }„
R 'w e,irel frust Jt*1 *' Lewis *t711‘:
f rad of ner.ssment.
ao '►uJlttoruu spin stupq.i •:•• air. Itu1w•rt.uu said the question nae
work. 1;r 1Yh�es (u that
the w'ulk'1
°R pert .J ' new to him "ud he did not care b
Any offhand just , whet his position •
P�tanuia road to FA_ Any
be. He was not aware that
gin armour w% 1)I#trh• 1. I rom F•Igln
rttev4'fue as far a(i; Wee et street the,
-- - - .Talo a being dour by the
pljenarl is plowed up along the lint rw, Dr. Whitely also erns nuirreIarel , ,
bt,Spe Proposed *elk• gave it definite reply. Ile welt un1311
Qa Monday JMiRt Lewis Recer.a enc that his wife was n Catholic. and
hearing In the batter:., Ilarri-'er 1. n g'"1 Catbullr. he was 11 i'rotesteut.
F , 'prey. appearing Ibr Mr. Wigle, and n goal 1'rotevtaur, and he intended
tltr (slit ttt14
should *and,
tlayw" Mr. Cornwell Is o browner -In- et weturerr
TbP Maple Leaf Meter. I. O. D. P... e'onrfr had tern defeated for election in his
ha of R. A.. MnflnP-on. it („tuts reed- Ttahay It Is nisi on the *tiling'"- will hold a nuanrage flak• in thebuild-
q "riding -to tell the . people dead of Goderieh and n member of asst frust, put the combatant.. * itis are own "ridin le, .le of
ing formerly ...eluded by Hydro, Burner lshlrr. fir. ltlnek'r. four sons. Arthur. North Huron how to soap, ioaid \I r.
of 1'ollort..• street and d tits N, iiare. onnly awaiting an npporUnlity to re- I spnttmn. i .
1 Jnbu, 111ar,ld and Gordon,Gdnlsn are
mrtltM•rs of the ia1RP. and the _father ew hmall'ties. -lir. iRute'rl,lon-.:1'44pl1e1 nlult the
and sous were highly applauded. me•ting at 8lythVwas well ntfendel.
OBITUARY .lost the sane. Slat. ' as- the
Sunday Afternoon's Fire autleo a he was then whire.sing. Seen1P'
The two-story red bri.•k re -ill. ace 111'11.1.1.\)1 1V13LTANt of tlte lest p'nple of North Ihtrnn,.Bere
belonging to 11 r. Wm. ,1: Carter, Soiuh 'There pet -sed away at Alexandra ihere. "r .'i u all parts 4,1 the riding..
street, was badly- witted by flre last' hoyuitel oil Mhtniny 111.1 Willittin Further,-:1rr. Forster did not at-
SnndnV Afternoon. althongh the wor-1 Weller; in h:- -sixty-fourth year. lb., rive nt the -meeting moil after the
resolution endorsing him had leen •
adopted by the meeting.
•be i1.Jnn•tion
the Irtpi or other
fins action, or
Metal mo1, be
1g o1 the county
to retrain that way. and ht• paid his
.school tees' bo the public seMools.
Mr. Spotton in his spetrlt had ..t
tetllp otet to belittle the 1 'roh1111 in
1311,011 meeting at Blyth 1st which 1110
i.r oral etn4htate was entlorsed. It
Me" e'-vmnll tf*NiflttK;-111RT-E aa.vr had
Come tip from Stretford -a man who
Friday and Saturlay, November 1-t
and •211.'. .tommeneing at 10 a. m. -,„Any
persons :111'.!ng 41011:1:ions are regne-tel
to telephone :2 and articles will be
called for. '
Married in China
A wedding in 1l high many people
in this . r.nwu!ry are Intermit- .111Milio. to the hotter and (-outputs was iern-e1 was :it son of the late llr. and
Grain Cargoes Arrhing
Several steamers we -re in pert the
least week with carges's of grain for
the Wel elevators. Last Friday the
4'ollingwarl arrived with 131.0(14 bush-
els of wheat and 136010 bushels of
oats. Ou Monday .the Geo. It. Don-
avan., wit- in port with 44,000 hn'hels
of fax and 53.(00 hushelts of a -heat,
and .the Midland King arrived the
following flay. Tuesday. with 217,000
bushels of whent. The aforementioned
cargoes were all from the hend of the
lakes and were discharged at the Gale -
rich eletator.
The Mnrtlan steamed into port this
(Thursday 1 morning with 200,(410
bushels of c'ha'nt a1d C0.000.1mehels
of nets and eommcnerl 'unloading op-
erations nt the We -teal ennn.ln Flour
Mills elevator. Part of this Caren
it for the Cwderich elevator.
had storm raged on Fake ibiron
the forepart of this week. "Reddy"
McDonald's fish Mont, which wets tied
up at the northwest side of the liar
tor. was battered stoat and sunk as
A result of n hole being punched In
its %iota The (writ hn- sines been
raised to the snrtnee and repairs mole.
A new rowiont has been pot into
wonlee by the-Ferl,-rel Deiulntment of
Pnhli. Works at this port. The hoot
was egMtriletel hy ' Mr. .Rett Me.
The Tmperlal Oil Company's new
storage Lank sew tented it tow (toys
nevi be le ing filled with water to a'-
Certain If there were any peaks. 1t
1. now ready to he Ailed with ptenline
and a (into stn ire hrnuutt here
shortly by boat.
ed , took place on Ma! arch's ratlset Lt water. The fire wn: •ii, 1r-. ?ttU11m4 \VCller of this tont' and
last to Shanghai. China. The covered atoll 434,o',h*-k, when snt..keln' a ruung ulna worked HS a t*iler-
-a- 11lss Jean graham, daughter from the n nml:er fur the' firm mf Chrystal k
'. 11 1:raham cull Mew. I ItlnCk. .tft'r -tl:.t firm scent out of
bta•lue-s he was employed at London
and, Inter at Winnipeg. Ile returned
bride was Seen to be 1 R 1s
nr arc. 14. i
Graham. of ITa t leo 1, Ont., formerly
of Galerirh. Sbe was married to
Pant 4Klin Nyhns :..1 Wlscronsin, who ark• ht'adat:ay and a great amount of 1110 town three mr tour years ego and
ie stilt' r1 In Shanghai as agrie•ul- water wait. poured into the building I had shits' I1r.d here. He be.mtur
furl eomnd•sinn•r of the United heron, it nen- tin+t1ly brnnght under'-uddenly iil on Monday ami was re-
States (:oyyrutntn1 The bride had ..,,larot The tire originated ue•nr .11... '..1 t. .11.•t.ti int leepital. where
ler .e•tient nt the building. 14y the
time the sent mf the blaze acus ill.-
.or,rrel the Nuc had gained cua.•Ider-
Leen (•ntlne•tel With the United church stairway lending t.. the attic. hat the he poi -eel away :a few hours later.
mission force. In west China for the can -e is Undetermined. ' F'ortnruttely : y1 r. Weller wets not married: ile Is
pate tont year-. • 'ripe marriage owe- the ('crier family -.were home .when I-nrvlted by twi, half-brothers, Al-
mony was performed by Rev. 1)r. Mn•' the lire a•n- dismrered or the whole pert Frltzlty, of l,..tldon. end William
Gillivray, of elm foiled church ml --'structure might have Leen di•troylsl.1 Fritzley. of Itetroit. lar. Albert Fritz -
sloe staff. ll r. and airs. Nyhns will ilt"ur111ee Is carried on the hone nod I ley ens "here for the funeral, which
live-in Khanghn1 mall the sprlpg, ashen rnn(en'c. The damage don.• by the' took place from itrnphey tiros.' fan -
fire and water. ...specially the tatter., enol 'marior- on 1\elnealny nfterut*n.
will he henry. ihuring the progress of; interment was in 1,hIorne cemetery
the fire it bidder holding three ..r' and the ;e1111s•trcr. were ('hit.. 'Sleek,
four men broke awl they were pre i it. 4'. 11unnh,g- 11. M arwiek, H.
Wilted to the around- (aenwael Net- Ithick. Hem -Col. H. C. Dulnlop 111111
son wits the most serion-lt injured and ('apt. .las. Ii.kt'cr. Rev. R. C. Me-
w -n. removed •to Alexandra h'spi ,.' Ie•nnid coudu.t,.1 the tunernl services.
ANNOI'NCiNG 1.1►1►ERICIH AND DIEL- where 11 was found his sl 1.1er ens .
TRiCT. SI1'F:RIOR CHAIN severely sprnlued. Zit. hits recover's' 11RS 10uh:i:1tT NPN(:
STORER sufficiently 10 leave the hospital. The dealt ri.-111rred on ThnrMIny.
• 1tetule•r loth. of .luule Stowe, beloved
Annountrrnent !- made that the ' NOTICE ' trlbe of ltoie•rt King. Toronto. in her
following merel.an•- have affiliated To the corners of the 1•n-kuul-to, fifty 'ec",d yens. Ihreased had been
with the Snteri..r Thain Stores: J..1. Klub.-Owing to the election mer ill for ninny months and her death
McEwen, .1. Coln.. ('utt, Galerich; Klub will meet Thirsdny, (h•t.der 31st, ens' not irnr-uveae.!. For many y'cnrs
Bob Powell. 11101: R. 3. Phillips, Instead of Wednesday, (N•toher :loth she wa- a well known resident of
Althorn: Cherie- .\putt, Dungannon; \V,, w 11 hold a 1lallowt'en party Goderl•11. told a few. years ago re -
J. McKnight ei Sol t w ireessnr. to 1.. All are retitle -tel to be masked and ' mote'. with the fatally. to Toronto.
Lnwwnn i, Clinton. le paper cwhentc. f.ledie- attending and for -cin., t!:„' had leen with her
These merchnh'e 1.el.mg to the
-troitir-t group .f 1-•Irpndeit gravers
in Console, with lo- own wholesale
baying in large •Inaalltles and dis-
tributing e-tittnil'ul1y anti efficiently.
thus melding -our --crit !peal merchants -
to marsh or ' ,'11 way fair compCtl-
they *•111 come to Washington. Rev.
Dr. Graham, whit twenty-five years.
afro waw pastor. of Victoria street
Methodist church -in thla town, Is now
pastor of central United churt•h,
The -i- aggre•ssiie merchants, Who*
repntatjol for titir stool
the fest nett who Mere enjoyefi the
Impdbit eotathlua.• of their ninny
customers. now brio .• (0 (:alertoh and
tlistrltd all the m!'.1ntages of ina-sed
Inlying power%
in the MA limo. h organization of
nearly, six hundred stores every man-
ager is the owner. an alert, experi-
encecl grocer, rendering personal ser -
pier. always gnnrding hit customers'
Interest- and realizing fully that he is
pelmet lo -flay hy his ability to serve.
and dial keener competition demands
new, ndvaiseel meth.el1 of men•hnnd1-
wing, �
In these store•% a pond mein° six-
teen ounces and quality I. never Ater'.
Seed for prier. Each week they will
offer male wrll•eh'e'cn epPriai', which
will mean rent saving.. to the people.
and their reviler pride will Always
1pe Cntnpetit've.
Snprtor Shores nn, naw estnl(leheel
all over Kitchener, ('bathnm. Ktrat-
ford, 1 ,nttn, ilrantford. Guelph,
Hamilton. TO/onto earl All meet Ont•
artMrio, with one or more In over rine
hundred cities, towns an drilluges.
Kee the ad. of Snls•rtnr Chain Stores
on page 5 of The Signal this week.
please bring pumpkin pie. %Vt• are hu -band nt ro„i ill e. Resides her
'r'pgtiying favors awl novelties for 1111 1.11 -Lama, lar- King 1s tourists -eft boy FIGURES OF 1926 ELECTION
•Sleclal prize- for drew. .1. T. Kbit tine tbil'Y'cn. \I •-e- EMIIP and 1.11
Special Klee. on storm sash if.
ordered before Noyeinle•r 2nd. Write,
phone or mill Guilerich Planing Mills,
Ltd. 1':' O. Box 14;11; telephones 47w
and 353,
The following following members of the God, -
rich Women'- lnwtlltt(1• attended the
II1SNtti1.. eontrnfton •cif Tet'swater on
Ttetsday and 1Ve'dnewlny.of this week:
Mrs. 11'. Alell. Mrs. W. Thompson,
Mrs. 1t. Phillips. Mr.. A. McDonald.
,3'hc sPni-es at the Baptist church
next Sunday will be ht Chnrge of the
pastor, Re.% W. T. Runt. The sermon
suhjert in the morning will lee
"Prayer for Daily Itr•ad." In the
eceuiug .the first of n Aeries' of ser-
mons on the nook of Daniel will; be
given; silhj.'i, "The Prophecy of
Daniel." • '
Seervlres of North street Chi ted
Church next Sunday w-111 he as follows:
110 R. m., Men'S 4'11111 tuplc, "lessons
from the Lite of Philip the Eilftijtel-
1st," to Ip 111tr4e111re1 by Mr. J. P.
Hume ---411we ektws for Christian fel-
low.h'p nod 11isstu hand. :t p. tn.,
ehnrtli school 11 • a. tn. and 7 p m ,
public wnr,thlp r hostel by 1'ov. W.
.1. i'renun•r • of iruecfield.
ulna. 1'rte-id,11t ; 4:. E. Nelson, SP. - Blas "mid 1b•-., new -Mold. Port mild
Treks. George; alt-- L. ',to sisters And four \x'111'11 Ili it....
brothene• Ali- I: .1 Sault. of Mule- ' boynl Roerts.,
.l'hflcld..,,,,,,4411 - G1!►
myth lye:. les;
Itrntte'I'..,,,. 1710 ::-1.'"4"..:4-1
4'mlta.rnle 1711 .- a.-.. .
the reinter wo•Inl 'rensem with n "I tack phase .',o the family rrsl- Gtderlrlt„ i2tii s1'4
Hnllow,•'eu1 ut•home on ThnrsMy night.: deme mn N"' o .1fternc*n, October grey, , .... r. , , , 2114 .. ;up
(h•tobe•r 31st i 12Th, nod 11 1:u _..thering of friends, Iluwiek.... , , -*93 741:
Iteserve the dates Tuesrhly and Wed- esoecb11ly rel'r•.s- . ing the Huron Old Morris .. . 2'7U 54-"
ncsdny, Nei -ender 241 and 27, for "The Boys' .\--•- i lii• --f Toronto, wax Tntule•rry.... „ 2'..l 4414
*spinsters' Ttetnri"--s4g11el to the' present. Mends r. of the H. O. It. F:aS1 \Vnw•ano.h„ „11.2 ‘11;rgiti,gx1.1.11,4n4 CV •1:At
Spinsters' C'onv'ention"- In St. George'. .4-- i•lntl ,n. In whleh the late Mrs. West Witernndshf, 3:.4 `H.i
pariah hall. King ta.k nn 1 -11' lout, nt•thrl nc ieu11-
The Arthur ('Irt•le - tn,ttar will Le Ienrerrt irun•ly i 4- M.' aarefi, it. It.
held ill the leetitre room of Knox ' M.4'rrnth. i: FI,.., %. A. 1-. Posies. id.
chnr•h on Sntor.lny. October 2Ckh. Ten j It. 11nrri- nod .1 ►J Mhl4nrtly. Inter-
n -111 le served from 3 to 3 p. m. and went Lok 1d".t at Mount T'lenennt
soti�eer from 5 to 7. Nee display of •enetPrs and •!o- floral tribete•s from
fnncywbrk in Mr. Chas. lllnck'- o-ietle and fr°,mors were among the
1%Itotow', llwrst 1N•all11flit ,•i; r -ern In'loronho. A
A euchre and (nnrr ander the alts- hailer o1 Irl.,:1, pad relatives from
itew "f 1.. O. 1.. No, 152 71111114,14.01;1711:1:4:°11e11.1., ontwi.IC Ton n. - f used the f11drrn1
Irl the (h,dfellows' 1TA11 n Tuesday mneter ti1o•ni ll r. And air'. 8.
evening• N.cenher :Ah. .1 Nunn= :o •i tl FatA Nn,lts. Mrs.
wilt tea• farnfthel bay the Schrad' F. Nhurtt NI: lir.. G. L. l'nr'ons,
Ferridu on•h,ttra. Admlwsion : Giro. llclhennbl tl ..Iter tinChonnn, All
73 emits: extra lady 23 cents, of fioderi.•1,; ll (..very Itrassels;
\ former welt -known rrsidrnt of Mr.. W. MMit'.-r-, Itrltw.els ; Mrs. 11
BRIEFS , rich. Mrs. )V I t of -Toronto, jos.
Johnston -6,d 1I. .lolnstol of Kaska -
toms, Jn-. John-' -' : 't ('hleago, and
Tie MCnr.Mnng lame Cant will 11. It. 51.0.• 1• ionto: The tuner-
Ot 1(5,
4-11.4 4Ctslli
\injorIiy for Robertson 1142.
' w►I'Ttl 111'RON
Meld N.et
Sri' fon: h... 457 - 445
Clinton - . 357 478
Exeter., ilii 372
Hensel, SN_ 131
Ila y tMlil 4 12')
ileKlllnp...,..341- 3811
Ttniter•ti, ltIt ,. ..(N!t 249
eltslerith Tap . a':.t :125
...: a is N25
,,,.415 323
1412 209
Grnlerl.h, Mr. Ep htrlam ik.wning, diel alt Lean. \1'i ugh tan. -tn.lg lin rry stn •h Stanley '
nn -Ilntnrdny et. Leamington, aper*. .man. M,,ntrei1 Indio-tr..
he had tern Ilring for same year. I'r.lornP, ,
with hats denghter, Mrs. W. D. Cox ' The Children's .\Id Stwlety is In Stephen , ...4173 Grit
10' hod reached the age of eighty-five receipt of A 41011'010N of y10 from the - ----
years. The funeral lark place at Kirton Women's Institute. Tide gift WW1 4.'1.'.!1
Leamington nn Tue,dey. - notch am,r..lat. d by the 8ocety. Majority. for Medd-IRtil.