HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-10-17, Page 88. -Thur nae, October 17, 1929. Hallowe'en Oooh! What a night for a party ! We have a full line of Halloween Decorations. Invita1jons, Place Cards. Tallies, Club !Napkin., Favors, etc. Cole's Book Store • THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. To the Electors of North Huron p'hasee eL "15`"'""� fkir aud ag`tuwt, may went of the day alba seven otber sou - 1 urulltspr" �t l.onduu lou the early rtltueuctes elas'tetl I.Ib•rlls favorxWN • e eu Part of the year I.e made the state• to the L. G A. Eighty-four conA tu- own( that two year* of High School envies out of uue hundred and twelve lou.. rth serawd Fetter to the people work would haver to 1* taught in all noted to discard the ll. T. A. and give „{ North Hlirutl 1 w'Iwh,tO tllwe•I0.1( ou4'' l'nblle Schools mud one' year of Cul- a fair trial to the L. C. A. and 1 con- „ fax' of the outstaUding homes of ya•rslty w.,,rk in High Schools, with. of tend that two year* ands three months ce 1 mmdci 4ality paying the Ir too .bort a time is the Ilte of a h lav ,orae the pp Cue to pronouu(r Judgment on ,tpp•arel,t 111111 ''"'' ulueut Is nuwtltlarl +old he •(uy it will he { the L. a It should be given a fair rtactt •b 1 but !1 trial before up)weuiue, the entire c , -\e: thet•nrapetign aflrancceR tt is ie'' bill. A' ele,•Ilou tlLue approaches that 1'roc 14,11I11111:, u e Control ba going to be the all-imW tlounl coil Public & tw s, n1.Je,•, u( controversy fwd 1 ugs+lu.they do desire to hale Iligh School tuaehluery wet up for its operation. ‘4i -ii to .rite 4'mphathpply where 1 work taught additional grunts will be The Premier plead. for apica-Seer trial ,.11111.1 In lt4Ja1 we nerc told 11Wt •elven. \1'e get nothing but suggest- and devoutly bellerer the couxuwptlou s.i lYr.,lael worth of Ib nor was sold p ...... H confusion from the of liquor 44111 be mimed to Duce -half. rhr,'ugl, the dlspwnsall esblinat "1 site of IR !„11,tici.e r-. The le•elerger seas goinL",. Ilowrce•r, one thing Is certain, tt all HOUSE TO It ENT ON '171.►E':UALAlt ' :,. dlsapl.rir and the '.aleW would 1s. ; uu•uus iucr4'aserl t untlon to fly wool- street. Apply to E. I'llll.l.11'S, r ,;.sere:u.,',I \V11mt is the result'! in ,,41.441 4' without corresponding lwne6t• I l'I'ruteet. street, Geel4'r►ch.. the, last and only full, year's report .tea a then obscure I.nlitich111 lir. Fer- sl'.•e.444484 worth hail been sold by the • gleam Utir,shu•etl Regulation 17 to r ' alcor nod 111101 11 rrls•rt is tiuN I,roce bl. loyalty. Now with T. RENT. --STOVE 51't'1'.1111.E Ft/It :h. day after election which w111 un. 11 large p.erecuta�,• Fr... ., I.'ilburlla *141'8 L,crease.l sills and fu 4',unndiau,t" In Ontario who have TI 1 1 1 ski, lucre"setl I 1 1 �U44us,uu, n. g „rw he's isle's he lliadoter of Ed,44:41411 because he has The Liquor Control .1st can be 4 4)1(8.J,a1 I.c the ,,cittoer the urlww nor rural viewpoint.: strengthened and imps ..-d ,(nu 1 shall ship School Boards. This 14111 has larva Intro,luetd four times. in the Legislature in order to promote consideration and dilevsson. Ev- ery facility has beeu given to meetings of trustee"; to weigh the prap..se.l um•asure from all twiner of view. Requeeta for construc- tive criticism and suggestions y ctrl unu art, 1)411 the reform las not leen forced Upon the people and [tory are left to say whether they w114 have It or not." Gasoline Tax and I.00d Roads In 11I'7 this Goveruuwut slant on 1'ruclu, iul, rouuty. and township roads LIMIT AND POUND Lt)a'1'.-4JN 'FHIUAY AFTERNOON, on the 'Square or Wert street, an ear -ring. Finder please leave at SIGNAL OFFICE. ' TO RENT - ROUMJ 1'11 ItWNT. FURNISHED OR uutut'ulshed.. Apply at SI(:N4,h t)F1"Il'E. PRIVATE GARAGE }'Olt RENT. Apply to MRS. JAS. McPHEE. Cambria road, G,slerkh, PUBLIC NOTICES T, WN 5141I' Ol+' OOL.BORLNIE._ j Notice Is barely giveu that a Court sill be hell, pursuant to The OutarlO Valero' Lists Aet, by His Honor Ola Judge of the Otruuty Court of the County of Ilurou, at Carlow ou the 7th day of November, 1920. at 2 o'clock p. m., to hear and determine complaints of errors and omission.. w tl,e Yu- duality farts 1 and 2, of the tuuul- ('1lality of the T41Wlii hip of Oolbulve fur 1'gt1*. Dated the 14101 chic of October, 19.J, .C'. J. IIE:Fl1Elt}NG't' ". - ('lent of the Mluldhltaility of 'he Towushlp of CoR"rile. grocery or office. Immediate pos- session given. Apply to CHAS. K. • rra.e.i profit•. Thal mesh. rubes, ta;gu►atluu 17 1s - r.Ii, SAUNDERS, Goderlch. profits to the government but -dis;aswt'r by hlnl Ts Minister of F.dnc,ati,w, w•hl••' _ for 1!,.• 1'ruchuP. lt7,aea.lytll recc'lu` Dull-pr.vas tlmt he Is a ts•liticlan LI. LAI Nidti EQUIPMENT Fedi Fi)R SALE: our .;ear f 1111 the sl• ..( liquor rather than 8 atniesuuut. What wee \1'Ith this uew(ogl,d n•yeutua need in Ontario is it Mini -ter of F:•lu- aI I'ea'4'44son was go4,4 to ler sen the e.8tion who will study the school situ- sale, �Prio[rl right. App'.' W. - ,.f e,l•cn,Ion, build roads aud Ilse,ntuu 11111"...1., ache w'1l1 glace it his whole SX.t%F: L. for the general good of fill. Ile was- time. should uuderstan(p runt' a• F' t'. a to 'make the people of Ontario well a- tirl,an condition.. should lc industry„Ins Is•..l le r. e,lruiil fee.• from tory politics lend should 1 elosumption of l''i'l, lastead h secure a d<rirr t.' saure fur every *hill i,,• rea.ed tcgfoid nual the els nisi 4herenn !au, lulrel7 •I 1 ural thorough arincation no matter wha' •u•,.- or creed. r•� 1/�/_ -• 1 Will he 4evil wirl: J_ i�i(•%j i(.°fL�% ',,1 thtr xlrNa.n,..,n. e. air��YN1 a►thrr tuattelta with m. sn,'1'!"' - - .1.l slur ISFRTsI►N • p t(dv,1Ilaee, rc 1..''n- •colts 4'..t. 114, • - ,mite ,:,un. GEO. S T E W A i- e -.•lr :.Ila .of I.ir G.n'e•n, . I:of c,.1. r r 'l 1 411-11 t,. I am oppo-..1 to ;he 44gUor Bruce St. Telephone 105 Guderich • .1 > form no,.1 14111 enppw.rt 1.,'a -IIIc : 'r 1r' .pr..h,rdtton no - - --- -- el•" 4. 4441„411 in!r,du,1'.1, 1 '.1I1 ,l ,,,. rl kir woe.:- for`any 41w4h•nt•.• 'or 1 etc 'lint favors !lye mnunf.I' Transportation Service Long Dist ,ace - Short D•stanee Goods in Transportation Insured „ Jj1rl,'1 r 1 .,'. . . 1,. htlicit•nt 01. rot. a `,4W re:l- I 4.444181)14'. :sat 44.L,: t; t :arluteer1. S. R. McMath, rhllm. centrat r To the Electors of North Huron Ludic. anal Gentlemen. .As. uoulitiee of the 1.11.•1':11 ,• "1 -• , 1 s.1:1 'kitty in..',North Ilurou, 1 de-ire top .dee' before the [:''1111 4.0411e of. this ..,i- ;11N•n(y my otallul on the a•arh 4114 • . ll• -orf 'ly- now• *ecu ryip1 'the public • mind and also Kum.' nrhlccenw!its of •111[• .IP- hu:iue a111nillktratton ill's Piot inc.: h:1M ecer hyd. , SOME: 110111 l'.1.14"11111141.114.1111 of 1 11 ref - 0'0011 ,t••II'.lii-tt'8tfuta 14'141- totem r't•fa ilhg 1. Ii• p••• -et, the IN 10 ofs Oho '1.r•10r- ate tlaat'1111'. election has been' rushed , on a year 'Ahead of flue forsome sin- 1-cr 1.11r4'8.-''. TMs ;s an lei-tee...al (:tet "Tis (4t1414ri14 Government 111.11. •.4,1111111.4' for four years, bttt a -w• l - • al.pea1s to be country in titre- year-: the Ik.m:ulon Government is elected for five years. but &mesa always since Confederation aptk•als to the country in four- years." Sir George Ross held elections is 4/Mario In 1911,2 anti 19(15. Sir 31111es Whitney came into power 1tes1 and went to the country again 4n leers, 1611 end 1914• The war ;lire :.mr vile of liquor for l.•..•r,r_+J- • 4.:. 1 novae, Mr. Ferguson _los 141..!5 It.n,..111.4.1 !,i- T.ovn•lrij,' Solyplll -ho:.rd 14111 rind :11 e•vs.•4 year since' -lot. La. t•eer tic .."..r.• -.. lc House for ar,nslderuti•v, : 414 4..111,1 haat. !..•n a part 44 our 1'ul,:.,• S• h.m.4 sy-ton by now had It not I,,1•u-.for -'Ile • 6''1 .;;oroos o.Pisesitlen from •a 1I q•ar•err 11, Ills BC.. ragwort, Jnst.114•144•.1 4 wtooloer the scs this• "The 'till' 4o finvfde . .a.. Tonn14,ip School Boards has been t.rouglt before the Legi'I,a•ur.' on sev- eral •«rations shit will be again laid before that body in order that every ANNOUNCEMENT Having purchased the Grocery business of Mr. •Geo. W. Schaefer, we trust we -hall have the privilege of serving Mr. 1 chaefer's former patrons, as well as many new ones. It is our intention to keep constantly on hand a trash supply of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and to, maintain the standard of quality and value to which patrons of this store have been accustomed. A call by person or by,telephone (No. 2.18) will assure you of our prom fit and careful service. r Geo. Price & Son Corner the Square and North Street i THE ELECTION ACT -,ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF HURON NORTH NOTICE OF HOLDING AN ADVANCE POLL - FOR Railway Employees, Sailors and Travellers Notice is hereby given that. i ,rsuant to Ohl• provisions , t Ito,' Flection Act isection 44441, a poll will opened on the twenty-fourth (24th1 day of October, the tne•nty-fifth '5th1 dry of October and the twcnty'sieth (Nth. day 44f October, 1!.254, roln the hotline of two o'clock in the afternoon until ten o'clock in the a moon of each of the several days. • The polling place for the Electoral Diatrici f Huron North will be heated at the town hall, town of Uolericjl, for the purpose of ttreieing the votes of railway employes*, sailors and traveller., Whose employment is such ail to necessitate their absence front iim to time front their ordinary plain of residence, or oleo have reason to . lieve that they will be absent upon the day fixed for the election. - The ballot box a ill be 'opened and the votes counts . at WO en o'clock in the afternoon „f Wedneeday,elie thirtieth (lay of Oct r, at the said (.lace. Dated at Goderich this hhh day of Ccioter. A. 11. 1929. A. J. f,QLIPT114JRPF, Returning /nicer. .1 estu,e.l a longer esesielit. Ferguson was *lee ted in 1953.again in anal no 1,,.t cone 4 admirer of Sir James, will likely an• • for the direct enfor•. mart of same. the gasoline tat to which my Reform op. continue. it bas teen the custom Township Wiwi Hoard BIB .'..Hent 4s opposer'. 1 believe the tour - 81144 Conferleratlon to creme in thnr ; Much unfair, in fl. r untruthful, tete, the city and the town dwellers' years out of a possible tour just a" •,•rltis(sm of the Mini-'cr'•f Educati.n's who are wearing out the roads should the Dominion vire n t somans in proposed Bill has been ..,•read through y mer drives leas. DR. J. BENSON WHITELY C rl'-t'Pl411S AllE LIKE: E444;S. 7'eople know today that haus. 1 roperly fart With ulim`ialea 111141 hal- :owed -foods. produce ' high flavored cgg•o. We spent $1.0110 111 fowls. and minerals to pat that flavor in .cur potato... and, while our (.•Ulnas ru.> cam $2.I111 per bag. He 'plainly awl (...1 value is worth 5(1 .rent. more 44•r long than ordiu.try mixed var'Ie'y, 1u1- ern4le.l potatoes. Wald a post- al -4 to 1114 ' for your _ steed:. 11,• stand behind every lag to l.• right or your woaey bac:: Volm4• for buslue:s. .(. E. 111',111.1. 41, .SONS. It It. 2. Sew forth. !lumen 1414110y'. Int:..•st panto growers. - Delhery free. 1N►Tlt'E l►F 1tkil'It'l' 0!" ItE:YISION AI iv OWN G4►I►EltRAI. TAK , \j(YFI4'I' that the Cony of Iteyisiotl of the tuw•u of 4:.derleh w.11 hold its first sitting In the council e•IWwler; 44,4411 hull, G,1kri44h for the purpose of. hearing alyr•aM attain -t the as -es -went roll for tlw U8Ku for the year 11r2n-ltettl oto Thursday. 41.1 - .'lar 31.1. 1X1', kit Y 1irl,.•k in the evening. .111 poetics Interested are requested 144 *4? '10111 l.. 1.. KN. SX, Town (Ner6 41 'lerich, oetob•r 174h. itene , 1,%NI►S POR SALE F'lllt TAXES. Notice. Is hereby given that the` list of hinds for Able for tares has 'been prepared and that tegde4 thereof can le Mad at th(e office of the ('Drily Treasurer, and that the list :r being Is11tisbe.l in 11•e- 4)ntario Gazette of July 20t11. 2744*. Aug. 3rd and 144111. and that In def,lult.lD the payment of said Mica and e0s4s. the land will be -old en Monday. (let. 21st, 1929, at 44441 .ictal: In the afternoon at the court house in the (town of (4ader4ch: G01t1)O31 YOUNG. County Treasurer. G'.Icrich, (Cut.. .tug. 7, 1929, uMPETE- tend every effor: towards - these $13.131.617. in litt4 $14:454445,54, this. general housework. Apy N40T11'F 411• ILEI:1 N'rRATION 4.F Notice Is hereby given that a 1.4.1 s- way passed by, the Mnnldpa4 ('onn•i4 of Ow 'r..wn of G.xlerieh on the 6441 clay of Wpte ober. 1929. pr.'tlding -tor the is,-ne of debentures of the .sail ton II to tte amount oftwenty thoilsan•1 dollars 4ie..1 rntlln1 t.• Ilro)•lde (unto for addition. and exteualnn* to the 113dr. El»-trh• Light noel Power plant. • and flint such I.yllow W'a. registered 41. the registry utt1 4. of the county of Huron at (1wlericb on the 26th day of seldemb•r, lug'!►. Any muti.n t0 on amu or wet aside tthie.ame or any part there.. of 11111.1 be mule within three mouth, after roe tir'.t pnidiewion of this 410- 11,4 and cannot to made, thereafter. i'ated•the 3rd day of Ik•t(.Ler, 192..1. - L. L. KNOX. ('Levis•. Al'(`TIONEERING TUOM.A5 (LI'NDIIY, (LODERICH. l LIVE 1iTtk'K AND 4111NRR41 AI (TiONF,6R WA..NTED 'Telephone No 119, hales attended to anywhere and every `T MAID 'NFI }..4 1 effort made to give aatisfa'•tlon. Apply et Farmers' sale notes discounted. 19211, ' • • • F� I� 12).36.45. This' amend "3 N' e0me' in 192'J, and. as an menta, whkh will tike for the year sill be about f I S140NA1. OFFICE. lillon ai.•1. fart her I stand hast only been 111,1(14' Is• .Ilia through r [nen tour. out of poa.lble five. R1enthis constituency Lc designing poll - pay Own pays ac sour feather 1 the King Adusear,ratfic comlw the', tictan'.. Now any 4ehool two' looking at t pa for them. The therefore pay can tyi'FED.-MAID k`OR GENERAL housework.- Apply to YRS. J. A. (:It.\IHAM. Waterboo street. !FEATHERS. - YOIE CAN HAVE I r tow mpel Into a mini - ear next year, which will 04* he alw.ve •wi', 1"-N Slfll' s('IIOO*, err ahead, there game gentlemen BoumBLIJI.' w11l readily err• that y w.ndd not think of 8ccu'.Ing him 0f It means Dottie g more and t•ehing e' cording as he lanes t The Flbvaa .tar, roll meatiness or down comforter. year at three serifs gallon will 1* a card to DOMINION FEATHER Y' much greater this year at five cents bad motive. less than a itill to preside et ro hoot per gallon. This year the Government llydr'o-Eletrle bard for a abole Township. granted• a subsidiary of Two Million The 'Fertntfa,n -tdminietration hail Not one -y11-41.14. in that 11111 referred llnllars for goal foods In the town - ',nevem i! -el` in more ways than we to "Consoli-Consolidated•d School-" and the ships anti with the beereweed revenues have slant ! relate, that It is a real Premier at no, time lima advoeztted con- In gasoline8,.n tax they prge e.t .friend of the agrl•ttltnriet. The Ilydro-I solidnted s heads. He appareutly be- year spending Six or .seven mllli,mst Electric, so .curdy 1..1111(1441 by Whit. 11,1)1-1 that one .shoed board for an beginning a system which will fait nay and Re.:. naturally could only be- .coentire township le preferable, and it a gess' road to every farmer's gate. me a su-t c'ee'. by tit serving the ;,,,aid rest ea•'rel• with the Township. 1 heartily approve of. this. largest lentrrt where great quantities If the Township wanted this, they Finaglers - WESLEY W. FISHER, Auctioneer, will conduct sales anywhere. My tering are reasonable and 1 will en- deavor to give satisfaction. Pbons Carlow 1314, or address R. R. 4. Go.l- i iatleb. Minto** collected fro�r this source last Highest price paid for feathers. Drop' i)RIIESS PRACTITIONER of current e'•uld he Sold, Now that , ,,,,Id have It. ;,toll M they did not 4ant within1 times stated I ' , f m:7.r per 'month 14 to' la dropp'.r1 I through parliament atoll the sentiment ¢o :s.4 per month. and flnanalal nselst: of the Province desires salts. S1. poll - ' For eleven ruin - to make capital ont of ,�.•ne- a d,y, a farmer will be able to^th1s Issue are unfair. As a bey I pump the water. chop. rut the wood.' attended the little red schoolhouse, and 1.t the straw: pulp the turnips thresh.! later tnuell in a little red schoolhouse. . and b1- noble helpmate, churn,' I know their vain as a community 144)).11, fou -t, 1.111 the radio. In addition I centre. 1 know full well they have !o Belting 1111 their buildings. The pent forth our greatest citizen., In sup - Reform enndielate is opposed to this the light, (rf this knowledge I shall sup L,on for the fernier and wanted a port the continuance of the present. further reduetlon for the towns lefnre I system ,There each section has it'. own psl44lug th1'. blessing on to every hoard that knows the individual need farmer. of those in Gm, particular se.•tion. l'revione to the aelosent of this Gov- • Fallowing i Torte the Premler's eminent not one dollar had ever been f act words w9,ieh set at rest all ugly given by the Province to bonne rural rumors on this question: trnnsmisdon lines. Signe.. Unit time 1 The minister ham 'ought fro the up, to the present fiscal year, the 00r- first to make elenr that arum*.(. will have handed over to the ,('prole are under the the Power ('ommiseion as a GRANT- ev,ntrol of their board' and the 1N -Ail) of rural distribution nts.ut 4111 r41tepayer4 who elect those hoards. million dollnte. It 1s the dory of the Department t I.fquor Control Art to exercise the poweree assigned to AIR n medical man 1 know full well it by the 1A',4i.lature; to act in a the evil. and the misery that follow helpful way whenever called upon in the teen of ('***sive drinking. and to do coo by T..ards or ratepayers; 1 w111 at all Hitler .iipp ort 1eglslarion to suggest, 4,, e'orn'el or to advise whieb to my mind will make for when n dlf ienity or a needed ad - 1 sobriety, And mornllty in the nation's yaneement -1n education were re - greatest asst, our children. gmiredl ; but to leave as far as pm- ! After this I'nsvim•e had g4ven the, slide the full management of ' (h,tnrin Temp.Prane.• Act n 14'n•yPnr. school' affair- 1n the hands of the Wel. our citizens were evoked at the people and to intervene, when in - '1 general election of 1928 to pronounce' terventlon cons requeateeL with the Jndgmrnt' as to whether they welshed: pro - consent only of the localltlal. An !•to econtlnae the O. T. A. or tr) out the Instanr•e of this 1* the proposed Liquor Control Act. Seventy- eeven , men'.ore' to sec* Toney and Pro- ol,.ri•netsles 'tipgorterl the Govern mote efficiency by having To o• . it i- ou a firm paying blsis the Govern- it it would not. he tome(' upon 141. m 111114 is delermlcd to 1mt It The Premier ,:1s many the .'nob of every farmer. The rate' that this 14i11 will not be forced ' "1'._' o -leen n In tnll:ltion , tl Iatw t r 111.1• , -e• •4• ; • 1,\ 'J�ppJIIAWY))1,lll�`�\� Jlllpll \�\��U�ll�`\\ �- J/I' 1 /.,Vr---'•�''�Y-1r,�=-.•i /.x•1,1•_@-/.'�-^ .1 The Origir*al French "' or 1us it'dCPrMO IP `''' 'f '0►ipciurer's Intro(' c.ory Offer Oot. 19 to Dot. 96 ill olnetve,'e Br:n►, thea Cerfi(tate and R deer. 1i'�y4 4;i:E.a'i ' al -•1 add ,:r rot rn4Gte end Parking ' 1"kl. Preanal this eu,en and *44/ alt, to told ter.sier twat5.1 ,14,.41l.,,. rip -•,••e nth- -4,,. •,rrt,.. ear. end 441 ,.111 ,Ota lou 4re., w14hont fnrt4.r, riot. 0 ,t) are 1,11,, ra?r1e1aa Perfume and R kat `4arrntus DOA, Par. r<, rad • w, I'd 1 most eav,411 '.• •see Paw der both nems Int 1,00 *sirs 4m hist far ele1•e -•6,1. rice pare.) art AM?,.,, o44 the bark of Ohl. rertlpretr. Rtln 1 errllnrat-, for 14.4 1,1.4414, mar 1111 baa for the a*amm,: ia'. re)r. unit i inn aro to Heb ere! ^,.r al MMM roles. Yert•fIe It,. good only r Ione as Mew etq.4tr• ret, 11111E I l'hb l•eue^. M worth $4 07 ( OS Doer( rotsI J. H. LAUDER, Phm. B FRANI(a "! k r}i0NE 19w. P ' o North std. of Square, Goderieh. 4.14111 urar.a uul.n 044' at 1 rhe a`, 4', Most rrr,n.. r.•rr,Mo e aftxc�nr Before the I'ublic Aecnunts mince where KItnP-14•x. hooks, cant* produced not one dollar of Mc money has been found to to spent or fonll.hly spent. . The_ retiring plan whereby its public of Ontario will be wiped ort In thirty to forty yer.r. i• h ` by other Got•ernmente. I deeply regret that mpace will not : permit to fittingly tell of the Health Department which has done so mord' In saving thio I've., of tens of thou- sands of babies. A Department which (paerls automobiles carrying per-; um to young 'resold'. - suffering 1 from spinal tneeningltl'. and restored to health one hnndnvl and ninety out of two hundred such eases. Also I should like to have told of the work of the Workmen',. ('nmpenention, Mother'., ..1- 108411*(' and Old Age Pension. These and other beneficent legislation of the Ferguson Administration will be fur- ther dealt with at our public meetings. If elected, i shall enter Into pnl4dil• 11f4' determined to give the hest that In me lien in the service of my fellow - citizens. No pet'Aon of standing In thl. Province expecte anything else, but that the Ferguson Adminietratiun will to returned to power. Knowing (his, would It not be well to have a Slip- porter lurlorter of 14111? In Justice to herself can North Huron afford to Send an op- ponent to a Government prepared to *sacra ma many services to this county? Faithfully yours, J. BENSON WIiITELY. cr,m- Pte., pnth- mi.- eletK , debt from AND MATTRESS CD, Goderlch, and our agent will salt tf t WANTEI/.- THE l'NItERSIGNED R will re,•eive appllcatlnu.. in writing. up to Saturday, the 241th 1nrt., for the position of Matron of the children's Shelter at Galerlch. dutlee 1 to login November 1st next. Applicants to state oualilk'atinnw age, 1f married or single. and give referenees. GEO. W. HOLMAN, Csele•rkh. Out (:«•lerieh, Oct. 1:.t1. 11129. The :Arthur ('ircle bazaar will be held In the lecture room of Knox Omni] on Saturday, 4) toter lith. Tea a -III be served from 3 to 5 p. m. and supper from 5 to 7• • ACCITON SALES r111ItOPRACTOR A:.1) DRUGLESS THERAPIST iCloderich, Phone 341 Equipped with electro -magnetic bathe, Electronic electric treatments land chiropractic. Chronic organic and nervous dGeaaes. Iedy In nttendan e. 1 °dice hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 pm. excepting Monday nod Thursday and by appsdntment. A. -N. ATKINSON ltedd4'n.e and nfflee-Corner orf South street and Britannia road. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT' • 1:1:.titlN(I AUCTION RALE OF FRANK 4,, HA1tTPI1tFD C}.ARM ST(N K. 1MPLEMF.NTS. ■ Accountant.. 14.241111145Ol'ntario street,- GRAIN AND POULTRY. Phone 1550. Rea 1:1303. MR. REG. JEWELL 4111 sell by pub!! • auction at lot 7. conte .Ion 5, ('ollw.rue township, its lilt. F. J. it. F`ORSTER, miles west of Carlow. onIfEYE. HAIL NOSE. THROAT TI-F,SDAY. 4d"F4)ItER 22. 1920 - bate Ilouse Surgeon New York Op'd- commPncing 1.t 1.1144 o'clock, !.lariat thalmic and Aural Hneplt•,4, assistant Ilor-,-•. 11row'14 mare, 12 ye1Il' old. at Moorefield Eye Itoeptital and Golden slummed to be in foal; Cray mare. 11 Square Throat l nspit84. London. Eng. 53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tel- ephone 267. At lintel Redford, Goderlch, on the evening of 'third Monday of Mch month till the following day, Tuesday. MEDICAL years old, supposed to be 1n foal; Bay Percheron horse, riming 5 year. old:, Ronn driving Erna(. Cattle. -Illus roan .raw. 5 years old, to freshen 1)wenrlar 6; ilnlstein cow. 5 years old, to fre'.hen ine•emM•r 29: nt 1 p.m. Hereford heifer, 3 years old, to freshen Iecenrl.er 24; Blue roan heifer, 3' years old. to freshen Dee,mtar 2r4:1 Roan heifer, 3 years old, to freshen January 5; Black cow, 8 yearn; old, due April 15; Hobetein cow, 7 years old, due April 25; ,11.0.teln better, 4 years old; 2 steers, rising 3 years; Black heifer, rising 2 years; Polled Angus steer calf ; 4 Polled Angie; heifer • talc*+. DUDLM EY E. HOLEl, Sheep. -17 Oxford ewes; 10 choice Barrister, Etc. Oxford ewe lambs; Oxford ram, 3 7.elur'. Office -Hamilton street, Goderlch, old Phone 27. Piga.-York sow, lured 3 weeks; York sow, with 11'ter of 9; 2 ehunkm, about 100 pound.; 6 chunk.. about 75 pounds; 2 email chunks: Implements, Fite. -- Massey -Harris drill, 13 -hoe (nearly new) ; Massey - Harris mower. 41 -ft. cut; Deering (IOW' 111 tiff Mamse)-IInrris rake; Wagon; Set of sloop .•lelgh'.; itterb•r-tire,' HORN buggy ; Portland cutter; 2 mets of har- rows; Scatter; Two furrow Oliver GARLEY.--4)n October 5th, at St. sling plow; Fleury walking plow; ,l.rmph'S ton'.purl, IA 111100, to Mr. Grar,'I box ; Root pulper ; Stonetoat • and Mrs. 4'. Gnr1Py (1..P (319dy111i Stock rack aisles.; Pig crate; Fanning Grinrlro.Er, w won Ilingil Brian), mill: Set a( log bunks; Wheelbarrow; DIED foe 1.,vnI (Tenni separator; 2 sets of McDETDMID.-At 1►etrolt. on Tuesday, double harness; Set of .Ingle hamcsa; (k-hrb•r 154h. ('opt. Norman Me- Forks, shovels, grain begs, and numer- loermid. aged 72 years. 01* other articles. WILLIAMS.- --At Toronto. on Satndny, (k•tnler 13th. ,ianle Hoyden, widow pt the late le S. Williams P1GGlNS.--in G('lerich, on Sunday. October 1301. Ethel Jane Glenn, be- loved 'wife of 15144.4,1 Gordon F Iggln, (Frlda -- in ialerkh GARi )NFR on y. .4k•t..ler 11th. Elizabeth lfnmllton, widow of the late John (Lardner. In her 74411, year. LEGAL FRNEST M. LEE. llarrluter and Solicitor bite Building. Adelaide Victoria street*, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5301. Sun and CARii OF THANKS Y ' WFl W'1811 To (Y►N'VE:V A'1 MX; i'Itl04MION of our grAtltnde to the many friende and neighbor. wha were so vera kind in n•_. du, Ing the illness. of our beloved mother ; alSn for their sympathy and floral tributes In our time of deep sorrow And beresveenont. 911St1 14A,7111;.i (IARD- NER, RR(1TII7R AND *comma. Homehold Effects. -'Four -burner MRI nil stove with oven, Gloom cnphoard. Fall -lent table, Bedroom mite, Rocker. filen) in(ubltor (150 -egg else), Co 1 -oil brooder (1o0 -'hick size), Churn. (:rain.--Abont 4400 bushels barley ; 20(4 bushel'. buckwheat ; 100 bushels mixed grain. Poultry. --'410 Barred Rock hens, 211 Leghorn bens, 41. Barred Reek pnllets, 45 Itnrred 'tock rwleter.. 2 geose, Ander, 19 young geese. Ercrything 4111 1s. dlsposN1 of. Re proprietor Iry 1en%Int( the farm. Terms.- (:rein and all slims of 310 and under, cash; over (het nmmlflt, 12 months' credit will he given on inrnllhing approved t•enkaldP paper, or 5 per rent. etr*lght allowed for cash. REO. JEW3T3.. T. G1'NT)RY A SON, Proprietor. met looters. FIt. DAFtROW, BARIIISTER, ETC. Successor to J. L. Killoran. Phone 97. Office -The goIle re. Goderll9,. 'taps & liape RApnl'.TIR', F:T(. R.C.HAYS-R.C.HAYS la„ I3.A Hamilton St., Godericn iNSIJRANCCE, LOANS. ETC. McK11.i.0P MiITTHAL FiRE IN- SURANCE (Y1. -Farm. and leo lated town property inenred. ORI4•eep-Jap. Connolly, Pres„ God- erlch P. 0.; Jas. Wane, .Vlee-Pres.. Beeehwrod P. 0.; D. F. McGregor, Sec.-Treas., Seaforth P. O. Directors --A. Broadfoot, R. R. No. a, Seeforth; John G. Grieve, No. 4. Walton; William RInn. R. R. No, 2. Seaforth; John Bennewleo, Brod- hagen; Geo. Me•Cartney, R. R. No. 3, RPA forth : Robert Ferri.. {fetlock : Murray Gitetnn, Rrneefleld; James re'ans, Rachwnnd ; James Connolly, (:nderleh. Agents .1. W. Yen, Goderleh : Alex. Leitch, R. R. No, 1, Clinton: John Murray, Seeforth; E. HInehley, Seaforth. Pulley holders can make all payments end get their card, rcelpt- ed at 1t. J. Morrl'.h'. Clothing SNere, Clinton ; Calvin Cltt'a Grocery. King- ston street, Goderlch, or J. H. Reid'a General Store, Baytleld, • •