HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-12-10, Page 21, 4 PT; Lucknow Sentinel Wednesday, DeeeMber 1989,—Page 21 win awards top overall student in last Clarice Dalton. She then year's class and also won the presented Father Dentinger top English award, and Eric and Brother Carl Voll with .Courtney, who was the recip- their Christmas gifts on lent of the University of . behalf of all C.W.L. mein- ---Waterloo Huron-County-Bur,-----bers--as a-• token of the' Follmving the, 'meeting a penny sale was held on some left over craft articlea. riers of the Christmas record donated by Mrs. Catherine and encouragement ' they hive given throughout the year. Brother Carl then spoke a few words. The meeting was adjourned by -Ann-Berry-and--elosecl—Austin-was-won-by-Mrs, sary, award,. • appreciation for all their help with League Prayer. ' ate planning to shaw their first movie; `I Beard the Owl Call My. Name, for this Thursday . afternoon in the Kingsbridge Church Hall. Christmas 'program, :,with Christmas music playing and a Special Christmas lunch being served; .ST. JOSEPLeS The annual Catholic Wom en's League `Christmas din- ner was held in the form of a pot luck supper at the Parish Hall on Monday evening December 1. The turkeys. were supplied by the C.W.L. The meal was Very capably 'by meiribers 'Of :Abe Youth, Club .to forty-three members; seven non-mem- bersi Father Ed Dentingek and Brother Carl Voll, and the guest Speaker. Mrs. Clarice Dalton. intro- duced the guest' peaker, Mr, Bill Wisser of Goderich, who has been a volunteer worker with the Frontier Apostalate Mission s at Prince George, B.C.- Mr. Wisser was thank- ed by. Mrs. Betty'Frayne and presented with a gift. Minutes of the previous meeting vvere read by. Mrs. Delores Van Osch and adopt- . ed as.correct. Correspon- deuce was read by Mrs. Betty Frayne with the finan- cial report given by Mrs. Mary Clare. The roll call was taken by Mrs. Rita Howard, A resolution on Foreign Absentee Land Ownership has been drawn up and sent to the Diocesan 'council. .Mrs. Betty Frayne, report- ing on Cultural Life, congrat- ulated two area young people on their recent achieve- merit's, Anne Marie Howard, a 3rd year University of Guelph student who was the Mrs.,, Clarice ,Dalton re- ported that, the Goderich Pro Life Group won first prize for their float at the Santa Claus parade held in Goderich, A motion was made by Mr,s—Ann-Berry-, Seconded- by Mrs, Cecelia Miltenburg, to buy Christmas presents 'for our refugee family; All were in favour. ' A box will also'be left at the- back of the church for used toys. It was moved by 'Mrs, Mary Clare, ,seconded by' Mrs: Bernardine Kinney, to send donation to the Italy' Disaster Fund. All were in favour. It vvas reported that a ' C,W.L. Banner- and Crest will be donated by' the Austin family as a memorial for Grace Austin. Mrs. Bernardine ICihney reported on visiting and also on the Kingsbridge Area Seniors, Their first movie presentation will be lieldpn ThurSday afternoon, Decem- ber 11 at the Parish Hall.. They are now working on a Membership Drive, Father Dentinger spoke briefly to the ladies and wished' everyone, a Happy Christmas season. A poem, Happiness, was read by Mrs. For Christmas ,••• A very alliN special gift. Schmid's JEWELLERY AND CHINA Open 6 Days A Week Lueknow Phone 528-3532 available at BY DEI.4tES 'Van OSCH Congratulations. to Eric Courtney, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Courtney, on being -the-reOipient-vf-the-Uriiverr sity Of Waterloo Huron Conn,. 1980 term. Also congratulations to Anne-Mare Howard, darigh- ter. of Mr, *and Mrs. Bob Howard, a third year student at the; University of Guelph, - --on-winning the-award as -the best overall student in the, second year and the tOP student English award. Ann-' won also on the Ontario, Federation of Labour award. The Goderich Pro Life float enterecL in the Goderich Santa. Claus parade took first prize. Many from•the Kings- ° bridge area were involved' in this project,. Visitors recently with Joe and , Teresa Courtney and family were Art , and. John Dalton of Hamilton. At the Goderich. High School father-son football banquet held on Monday ev- ening, Eddie Van Osch was the . winner of the most Valuable Player of the Year award. Congratulations! Michael Christopher Courtney was baptized hy Rev. Father Pinta during the Mass in St. Michael's .Roman CatholiO ChurCh, Blyth, on, Sunday, December 7th; .Michael wore the same chris- tening gown that his father, Gary and five uncles had *orn. - A hot turkey dinner was served to the immediate members ,of the Battye and Courtney 'families-at the home of Michael's parents, Mr., and Mrs. Gary.Court Cou- ney, Blyth. Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Courtney and uncles, Floyd and Carl rt Couney, from this area attended the celebration: KINGSBRIDGE IV1 KURRICULU Thursday, December 4 was a Professional Activity day at 4 St. Joseph's School. ii The school was open all day and, the teachers were avail- able for parent-teacher inter- views. The senior boyS and, senior girls volleyball' teams both pla'ced third in the Zone one finals held in Stratford On Saturday. The Student Council is busy raising money by sel- ling tickets on a hooked wall hanging. The draw is to be made on January -30, 1981. TURKEY BINGO Tlie annual Christmas tur- key bingo was held at St. Joseph's Parish Hall on Saturday evening with a very good attendance. Winners of the turkeys were, Anne Feagan, Mrs. Irvine Eedy, Mrs.. Elmer Black, Kathleen Stewart, Mike O'Neil, Loretta Doher- ty, Stephanie Vogt (won two), Lorie Maize,'and,Frank Van Diepenbeek. Consola- tion prizes went to Idell Austin, Casey , Hendricks, Rhonda Hogan. Share the wealth were won by, Anne Feagan, John Van Diepen and Sally Van Osch, The Girl Guide bingo prizes, two cushions, was' also won by Mrs. Irvine Eedy. The door prize was won by Ann Van Osch. KINGSBRIDGE SENIORS The Kingsbridge Aiea Seniors are busy with a membership drive. They also An excellent selection of toys still available Tractors, Combines, ,Plows, Trucks, Etc. JUST IN SUPER SELECTION OF COWHIDE LINED GLOVES ALL SIZES "BUY NOW" . OPEN HOURS Mon. to. Fri. 8 - 5 Saturday 8 - 12 S ty bursary for the September' Suggestions Filing Cabinets - Filing Boxes - Desk Trays -.Pens - Pencil Crayons • School Supplies - Staplers Desk Calendars - Telephone List Finders Playing Cards - Boxed Stationery Guest Books CHILDREN'S: BOOKS Chriistmas `Gift Wrap Very • Colouring Sticker - Bible Story twarzommEtkrAmtmcvagoatdouvolvasszimitcvigusommmastowygig Sepof Stationery & Rioting IH TRACT RADIO AM/FM MODEL Only $163.00 TO YOU?. ELIMINATE IT WITH AN MONOTONY GETTING AN EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS GIFT' FOR DAD C. A. Becker. Equipment Ltd. Lucknow Phone 529-7993 10% Off until Dec. 24th