HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-10-17, Page 6s. Thursday, October 17, 1020.
Sunday Afternoon
By Iz;A1BF:[. 11.\V1J,'1'0\•
Gcwlerleh. Out
H Jeyes. King most wonderful!
Thou Conqueror retioNtied!
'l.'h„u 44'tceturs' most illeffnble,
1n whims all Jugs) are tomtit!
Ther )mea our tongue: forever Idea,
T'Iwc clay we love alone,
Anil in our I1ve1 express
The image of Thine owl.
Bernard t'. ellalrvaux.
Hits theSpo
As a Quick Relief
for COUGHS •
there isnothing like
Dr. Chase's
Help la•. t► Lord, tet Wilder omr own
it IIMatis to lean not 117,
. iter,1anding hest to look to Thee for
di,re•tio, sit that 111 our aurk and hi our
• Oily lar shall glorify Thee. For Thi11r
(►esti Nil 'mkt.. sake. Amen.
S. S. LESSON FOR IK'T. nil, 1929
I,ssenl 'topic—Tile Christian View
of Ke•realion.
1.e'••e,ll Ihasmages—Al:u•k 1:111-214.
\.olden TeAt—.bleu 10:10.
.In.. f:,st• siege
Puling .41r Lrrvl's
Inum•ron.• every Mowlu% 11 1141 Tlrnra
d:lt Iw•ilu: observed by the seri ter
Pli rig s. Ile did 11'1 approve
them. nor disapprove them. by
11 1*
111,11 het dela ro t loll. 11e or-
dalurrp, lit .hurt.. 'that cone
• were t1 regulate the piety of others by
the rules w^liich they might fairly take
for themsely4s. •
There shouldlw dite'reo,.es between
J, -II'• Christ's.disciples and the 114 -el -
.ie, of 1111 other mea. It is moth•..rite
I,soty ,,sot, time difference. were de-
te tern I.y trifles of the day..
lil.reply "tit the question, these cri-
Ct... {sit .to Jeans. He gave to them the
'df gladness. John's . di •lple..
c:nw and ,arid. -Why d/ 1111 Tour dis-
ciples last'!" And' our Lord reminded
'hem of their (twit teacher's words,
• when Hr wick 'Tho friend of the
of Linseed and Turpentine
3' and 75 ('.encs a I3e,ltle
s an pato.
Mirtard'a 1 Y
It penetrates tothe' root of the
trouble, soothes and disinfect.
Splendid for neuralgia,
backache and stiffness of the
muscles and joiner.
u MRobc Standish
A car of goofing and Rock
Face Shingles just arrived
bs and 3z B. C. Shin
(',et our prices before you buy
East St. Phone �y al:eddrieh
The above photograph war rushed by plane from. Palestin' 1 around
from there to this continent by liner. It ,shoats the Jews ga.'
•\%'ailing Nall to protest against the Arab at r, 'itiee.
1(.14.\SAS Kl'TVN11'l'
1 quart tomato juice
cup sugar
1 cup 'vinegar
1,11 teaspoon salt
% teaspoon waver
1 tablespoon etnnamon
1 tablespoon nutmeg
110U. until as thick as de1lreI. Bottle
and 'teal.
All Iowa Recipe
1'lac•e twenty -live pickles, dill size.
1n cold .water overnight—no salt. In
morning) slier thin without peellug.
Add half cup salt, two cups sugar, one ..
quart vinegar, 'Inc tablespoon timecard
seed, a little tutnerie and • little celery
seed. Cook three minutes and seal.
Frow British Columbia
(`hop two quarts green tomatoes, one
quart ripe tomatoes, one medium cab-
bage. three large unions, three riwrto
(*Ivry and quarter teaspoon pepper.
Sprinkle with half clip milli and let
stand overnight. In 11)4en,111g drain 1n
colander, then add three pllrts vinegar,
two heaping cups brown sugar, and one
teaspoon mustard 111 1'041 with ,e 1111111
vinegar. Cook for also)? one hour 1111411
1)11.1. Pll•KI.F:S
A. Michigan Recipe
Fill jars with even -sired encurulwerc.
with nue large dill flower 1114x11
through the ewntre of eaeb jar, and
slyer with the following liquid:
•_ quarts water
It, cop ?scantI tine salt
11.2. cups vinegar
Heat to boiling and ismr over pickles
while hot. Seal at . This method
a+sures 41111s that Arc crisp, drlirtDIa
A11.I sure to keep.
SWEET 01 4114)\\'
.\ Missouri Re•1pe
','hop nue gallon cabbage. two quarts
green Stenuetees. one pint onions and
one-fourth cup green peppers. Mix
thoroughly. .\dd. I% pounds sugur.
aecording too the d4,;mt h11i of self- ergetic effort to wM ' '�••st time.
our tablespoon mastarl, our tables{waal
c.11-4 4tterl guardians. but according to -191111 all trooped •• w see the ginger, two tablespoonsndiner+. two
la a• a 1«111 man: tAllesp■Nnlw salt and three tablespoons
bridegroom can -only le glad." fudicidultl necessities, individual u1M■or- Irceacorks, mostly _,sol display. I cinuawou sp14t0" 4ell ground. Then
w'har was it that made these rude nu,lii.• and individual profit. It was orally quite dr alIwgnr. Brill
heti "mkt was with I
The perhwt and inalienable snpr•)n- 'Cher. was no hack, of , •, ,Ise. of the well. I add three quarts app
',loin. tilling them with strange Iless .f Jesus ('heist iw asserted t 1 ' '-Ther known Bengal light...,' i.h we used until tender. Sial 111 glass jar. wWN
p wPr.'-1Ca mei IgM
ser 10 111
eons pwl dun a 114/111 1 1. t -all 'silver fouatto� enc.. a/•. child- hot.
•11.4! permitted t r'- the bath }li If Lord ern and we had part. , .4 rockets. u
f 1. le,rl ulsdr of the
• 1• u c tut
1V'lll M14TR 1tE1.1SH
f nwautl churl. a a. Hr pr,w1aime.l rose
, h:.nu .,f .outset with one whose 1111,• over 4i me. user ln.titartlons, amt oyer' only o1M or two w•el, made to throw A 11'i.•Nonslu Itw•11w
.tare bringing h,' them fresh rQ'vdlx., hunwn, affairs. out stars. At the ,.•:)mene•etuent of :r 1/111111/11 sizer) cucumber,
—1'.mdemw.l from The Sermon bible. the pt•,w•eerlhlg4 we ., 1,1 off a cooupalei chopprl tine
of rire-im loons,thee'-:nilel off- as if 3 tops+ vinegar
Bengal to convey only grte•'i.- to Hauknra, . Ili/ MIPs sugar
Christmas it Raai1/11 t but it 1s doubtful if ' •-- g.* there! 4 large unlorw
-We had the feast on the murut11K Y)u New Tear's EI•- ,'. ISO the 11w t(s cup elocrs ?ler{ in bag
of Christmt,.e Eve. While the., ,foodrine •
tial a\'atchnight glee' .• 1'i1.c"• It' was ac`ant cup salt
was Iwhlg (easel nut 1 went round very cold, and sl •he• ern collected Chop cucumber, fine; add salt and
dealing out mufflers to those who had on the sheltered to ,:,,:al, of the shopi let .taunt to drainer overnight. allowing
'sad rice store. It N.1- 144'1,11 warmer juke to run out. In the morning chop
there than in the chef- h We stayed the onions and add to cum nrnl.rs. Adel
awhile tlwre liatenil:_ 1 the singing reclaiming ingredients and loll slowly
and 1 gave a shun ad.hev-. Then off one hour. 1'ut up in sterilized Jars.
to the women's toonli•nunl. T11P oeu- 1.A%T MAN PICKLE'S
dezvons in that case tva4 1111 prayer- Au 1lregcan Ke•iprr
room, and It was alssol ntely {,Ickecl. 111) small c•ucumlers—not over 21"
They sill looked ,.o •'•'•y and happy 211 (mall w-hlte unions
cn r sal
t visit rfi 1
Wash cucumbers. Peel onions. Put
In bowl. sprinkle with the salt, let
antral one hour and drain. Have the
following syrup prepared and when it
hells add the pickles mid 441f1 for sue
minute, then seal In jars while hot.
The syrup: one (mart vinegar. three
Ask for Salads Orange
pekoe — it is the finest
'Fresh from the gardens'
Our new Fall Footwear is now arriving. \\'r have taken
great care in selecting our stock for the coming season and we
feel sure you wits be pleased with the Footwear that we have
to offer.
In order to have entire satisfaction in Footwear, they
must fit, so to give our eustotllers a fit .we are this season
carrying shoes from AA to EKE widths.
See our large range and let us tit you.
\Ve aim to please.
,,�., I,
Phalle'•Ifiw• 1 Lr �.,r:., ,rt rte 1,
•io,,- of truth. fresh visions of 4..141.
F:1 -4l ug '101)111 Ie- appropria14' ',whrh
'toe bridegr,snn would be blues from
• them. -
The time of mourning for :u1 absent
4'bri-t was only three days. HP Li
❑,1y the preload 411rist, •'IA,, 1 11111 with
roll always." w 'deers of unit
The illustration about 1
cloth and the Wine shot's the {*'rfer•t schen the cold weather started I gave
nuigne)e s of 1'hristiauity. There 1s out all t1w muffler a44*) iii14-turned up
t0 be no patching, • there is to be n0 and subsequently s
box V,olmpromising: Christianity is to have
af its from
rotwomt�ystra1�. Eis 'er*iusuchild
hild. aeroheee'I
a dl,1in+ ticelrw ami specialty 1 they Air a portion of their share and
I .1 I'hnrisw• seas 8 Mall who 'loved] then wended tlMlr gray home makemN1
last h
and worshipped institutions ns
- the remainder I riotous. while he was thoughtless.
perhaps. ,•f the real spirit which they
etnlbew11el. Now Jetts. when 111 cane to
fare these me,, saw that Hr mlwet teach
them. and through them the world. a
lesson. anti the lesson whb•h he
m and the world was this:
taught taw
That tion, in his rights. 111 his privil-
eges. that are inalienable. is greater
than any In•flent1on, »oN.r than any
fori) of government. nod more holy
than any oleervatwe. Ile declared than
the Sabbath was n dry to 1e 41"."1 not
forte other there, it was a Ple'surr to
of the lase end wish them a hallo,' 11es year.'
r an the afternoon of tbnr ii rltas play -All say that It ',vas the I.e.! ('hrist-
sh had a hit•la rall I sing en joined.
oinproee1. mag they remember..' -P. \\'• RAN+••
Christ -
shoo. in w-hk•h all the urn jnlrterll.
Hlud0a and Molwmmehuts as well WORLD �IIS�ION9
OA (Christiana. This went on until
tin Mti
w a a k. 1 all p+emtded in tbe chart I (Condensed from 1yl,)l1un Aearn:
and 1 ;;ace out R)e prizes for t1M wards I llrre 1s Roma sopa wager. one Irasl}wluful each 0
ahfch hod the dolt gardener introut leaf Hindu, be sets .111 example Haat whole mustard seed. whole t(dery
This had taws• promised, long before many c'irIerians ,hello' n,,11.0'. .,mosso seed, ginger, tulnerk and Walt: sl)4i nue
nod whin 11* prise actually material- employed i,y eta'1 package tackling spto.e�
Wed 1 daresay a few of them regist- to drive him looms at night, for he split
ere', a secret vow to make a more en- i .till works km:: after ht+ time i- "9. NO MEDICINE LIKE
Given a piece ,d cloth to rut nnl hr (Rj.0
returns even the pmallest scrips hi
ter his 11 work is acboolaasewing. [he
the bol
AC Electric Console
$270 (Complete
nothing else to bay
distributed to
tunes up ever] + 'hrlstmas with a gree
trot of candy t. .be " Once a Mother Has Used Thein
them and the other Christian child-
ren. Honest. earner*, a geod man. She Will Use Nothing Else
would that sit '11 a man, • . Iwo Tablets tr
were In 1114.1
church, helping the cans.. of (hriet.' To once use Bby e
Would that leanly of us in the church; to low
them lflIl1*g 1 -thatdren 1n the
',were as hottest. as trustworthy. long as there are y
plow 4d1a11 sheen* men Ire dealt with.' home. That is the testimony given ns
BomP of c•1111"4+• would say 40 4 are by
yltmoheall rs that 1111 parts know of CM1thing
11811 R.
them 01one. \s long a. 1
g4,,,,1 Hindu, why worry ! .U,d yet to equal the Tablel.s, that the" find
the church nerds just such men and them
mate and
tthelenttakeand at the same
these men need Christ. Long P
a command was given, '.Thou shalt Mrs. John Ho,llinworth, Maidstone,
not make Into thee any graven tm- Ont., writes:—"I hare three children.
' age" And that comma dis noht as eek tieehe eldest
tltw meso •111.1 have the
have igest
arbitrary Wile that mJ[
444 leen a.anethyet thee- menareI, hafie found no�otthertmei eine to equal
is lat rs. .and f these
1lblators. Many of the rites that � mieTablets tchlldh+wwL:•f toy the many all -
they observe would shock R
Christian people, who would wonder thorough Olwn
xnt blesse are
a ml ild blue
how any good thing emit! come
outof such worship. And yet there
ore 1 drive *4)44- weetenh constipation. break Thee
the men. Then. again. these
serve caste. True, they are kindly 1n and simple fevers. and make the wa-
it+ theyanee, And yet means
that they I me 41(11*et ting of ?eeth easy. dealers or by mn11 at 21•rare lcen center
that they observe it meta-... I a lox from 'file Dr. wifliama Medicine
Co.. !Brockville, Ontarla.
•The living cannot imagine them-
selves no dead." --Clarence Darrow.
THERE is nothing in
Radio that gives you
value anywhere near that
of the new Fada SG -30.
Built-in Fada Electro dynamic speaker for full rich-
ness of all the tonal range- -walnut cabinet --push-
pull amplifier screen grid and indirect heater AC
tubes ( a total of seven tubes and rectifier) equipped
with phonograph attachment which enables you to
reproduce your favorite records plus everything
radio can give you.
South Street Phone 83
are helping to-IroblteT mp the R
est curse of In.Na's We, hthe steady
foe to all progress,
basis. of- {lith► and religious dis-
vo,rd. Surely ?her &ell Christ in all
I the fulness 14 Ms love. These are
the spirits. Nri1•s DT. ('dok. that we
(-Iver for the Father's House of light.
We rejoice h, 'i..- power of 41041 to grant
repentance in, .. min who have lived
! —
11c Ite•tty ltnrrinv
live; of vice o.: d wlckedncnos: hat we There are three way. to mike coffee
would fain int at His feet the BreaI and good riffs• can be made he
that are Dilly ieautlfnl in the Apart any one of tlMm providedai little cur"
ess from flagr,nt transgress, men
i mAto1 w0nwu wh., do hale ski and yenrn
for hollies. ouch
1\'e tLnuk d:at sornd
some Ini1 felloty•rblp wthith tIM :)'.
4,414 there ore nin.Ntny fti Indi11 Mto-dryler
11).,11, ane would export to love 111m
ahleavveingmIet 14an1s- Iyfh,el•ynwh• ea
4)11H41i111m it*4lw41(4y,4
1 atloto?eirthe•Lo1r11d-k1,)4o1t ti* ars44''InRit si1t1n?na
DPW problem any win. for Moselle.
Aurelius bitterly persecuted 11M
Christian.. 1f hs dry the 1)111.• hP
wrote th,nKhr• that ever) t1 -day we
Is taken by a cook. i4ut be certain
your coffee 1= fresh. nwas1111 1t 14
tablespoonful to the cup of water. and
serve a hale tiro. Do not let your cof-
fee ew,k: it rHwit-el• 811!the cooking
neeesary lit roasting,
11' 1 {ere.lator 1s ttseh the coffee
ahould he grimnd a little coarser than
conn meal. Package••\ etffee can be
rfitninel In the proper grind or your
coffee merchant will grind It for you.
Ti.' length of percolation depends up-
on the dpgree of heat implied. Ths
can he determined by observation, hot
when it is once a•Nertabned stick to
find most helpful. Ne shroud list. h. Too long or tool short percolation
belonged 10 Christ if anyone •.honed. I affects the taste.
Why didn't la•i Drip Methal
Mvny devi.es for making drip coffee
tie new DownATP nu 1110 market. if yon hat's none.
ratPst+ from aim ,Son can use n drip lung with w wire
i lm'Ing 11
j caters 11Ra{n't the mngt•a•mmatical stems I holder on an onllitary coffee pet. The
{srt.d in the vicinity of schools Inicoffee 01 Id he ground fine—not
rates and tow" warning motor- roarser than .torn meal and the
1st. to "I►rlr, glow," tench signs are water loured through oldie still boil -
being rel{"ae•d sly those which say I Ing.
"S.les.l. Please Slow sy� hewn," which Boiling
1 to nthe l -net are to harmony with
eorr.'•l 1E1101,11 w411ch tenehers r are
trying to inwtrNM their pupil. to nae.
.\mherst►ntrg Echo.
�' _ nd the roost difficult thing to Warn &both farming.,,.
Niel "What 41da In a at nye n the morning AR nitnral Student: R P 1 —Pasting Show, London.
to completer/
a tall
• •
. if one
slips . . •
the call fails
THERE are three people to every telephone
call. If any one of them makes a mistake the
tall fails. It may be the operator, it may be the
person calling, it may be the person called.
There are over one million local calls in Ontario
and Quebec every day which fail—"Line's Busy"
—"No Answer"—"No one on the line now, sir"—
"Wrong Number".
These uncompleted calls are a serious matter.
They mean two million minutes a day wasted
congestion of traffic — constant irritation — a
handicap to efficient service.
Some of these cannot be avoided and some of
them are due to our own errors, and many of
them are due to lack of co-operation by the other
two parties.
own errors
ads are areonsnantly the the best
and we constantly striving to give
possible telephone service at lowest possible cost.
ie t
As part of this effort we are now giving publicity
toh common faults e telephone lendeavour ourge nthe hope
to occurs
that there may
and maintain maximum efficiency.
It takes three people to complete a call — tt one
makes a mistake, the call lade.
•1t is costing more than
$17,000,000 taus year to
extend and improve tele-
phone service in Ontario
and Quebec. -
l'nt the ground coffee into lice water',
and bring to a 4,111. Immediately
reduce the heat. and let steep
from three to fire Inlmltea.
L....Ceres Eno Street and !anew
PHONE 4711
IIGas, Oils, Tires
Repairs on all makes sf ears
IAA "A".Z) sz
COOKING is much more
pleasant when your
stove looks as well as it
cooks ... when its bril-
liant black shine makes it
sparkle like new ... when
"dressed up" with Zebra
Liquid Stove Polish, the
one quick, easy, clean way
to keep stoves lovely.
11108MaaL - TO 1444 'O - ♦1NODlt�td
Accessories rnone tss - Hyl.. Young \\\
Tekp ese 234 II South Street