HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-12-10, Page 12Page 12; -Lucknow Sentinels. Wednesday, December 10 1980 can pr~~ent conce at Presbyterian chum TOWNSHIPS OF ASHFIELD 2nd Instalment Taxes DUe December 1SM, 1980 Payable at Bank of Montreal Lucknow and Goderidt or Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Dungannon Donald Simpson Clerk-Treasurer LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, DEC. 14th White. Gift Sunday 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 Combined Services Church and Sunday School. Junior and Senior Choirs. 'InnkeePp4egreaanntd Wife' Nursery Provided Everyone Welcome 7.. • ,7•,A•t, YOU DON'T HAVE It) SHOUT MERRY CHRISTMAS. 1. Ilyou decorate your house with Christmas lights, keep it simple. Too much of.a good thing is a waste of electricity. 2. Turn your Christmas-display on after 7 pm, when the demand . for electricity is lighter. And please, remember to switch if off' at bedtime. 3. A happy Christmas is a sale Christmas. Discard old lights that show wear or damage and make sure lights are marked C.S.A. (Canadian Standards Association) for safety.. OUR BEST WISH-DON'T WASTE YOUR ENERGY, USE. IT WISELY. • At 7.30 p.m. December 3 Ritchie, opened the meeting the ladies of the Lucknow with a poem entitled, Pil United Church. Women met gramage, followed by Pray. in the fellowship room for 'er, Mrs. Eldon Bradley tpok dessert and coffee preceding over far the worship serve) the annual Meeting. assisted by Mrs. Ken Ca The president, Mrs. Len eron, Mrs. Vernon Hunter, The annual concert and White Gift service was held at Lucknow 'Presbyterian ' Church on' -Suna.y, Decein- her 7' at 2.30 p.m. Prior to. . the program, piano selections were played by Mae Raynard:, Marlene Murray, Jackie Wilson, Wayne Forster, Joe. McCor- mick, Dale Gilchrist and Rob- ert Henderson. Rev. Munshaw welcomed all and introduced the little children who gave their 'reci- tations. They were Alesha and Chad Moffat, Christoph- er Jones, Jennifer Cranston, Adam Morrison, Jeremy and Jennifer Brown, Cathy Con- ley, Angela Cranston, and Katrina Abbott.. These child- ren are taught by Mrs. Jessie. The Christmas meeting of the Lucknow Presbyterian W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Morgan Hen- derson with 22 present. Mrs. Little presiding, op- ened the meeting with scrip- ture and prayer. Mrs. Mor- gan Henderson read the scripture. The meeting's theme was God's giving His immeasur- able-gift to the:-world -__His Johnstone and Mrs. James Wilson, ,assisted by Mrs. Bevan Brown and Mrs. Rich- ard Jones. Also reciting were the class of Mrs. Harold Elphick and Mrs. Morley Abott - Luke Cranston, Sarah Nelson, Christine Conley and Clint Thomson. The younger children sang two musical number, "Be Careful Little Eyes What. You See" and, "We Say Good- bye Like This". A drill entitled, "The Dolls", was wel performed by the class of Mrs; Don IvicCormick, Mrs. Ray Cran- ston ancl Mrs. Jim Aitchison. Dolls were Michelle John- ston, Colleen Conley, Char- lene Conley, Bobby. Thom- Son. Thoughts on Christinas were read by Mrs. K. Laid- ' law, and Mrs. N. Johnston. • A_ splendid meditation on "ChriStmas is for receiving what God has given to us, then for giving to others what we have so freely, received", was given by Mrs. A. Loree. Several Christmas carols were sung. Mrs. C. Brown Mrs. Jack Treleaven and Mrs. Gordon Cayley, Mrs. Bradley opened de- votions with prayer, Mrs. Harvey Houston presided at the piano for the singing of hymns. son, Jackie Wilson, CathY Selent _andJainie The staff of the Sunday School presented_a IMinorous • skit. A pageant entitled "Unto You a Saviour" was perform- ed by the senior pupils and directed by. Mrs. Brian John- ston, Mrs. Lorne Forster and Mrs. Robert Gilchrist. It included dialogue, scripture readings and musical num- bers. An offering was taken 'of money and white gifts to be sent to the Children's Aid Society. The congregation joined in singing "Hark the Herlad Angels Sing", after which refresiiments were served. After the secretary's re ports were given, the new slate of officers was installed by Mrs. N. Johnston. The meeting closed with a carol and prayer. A _social hour was much enjoyed.: The theme of the worship Period, the U.C,W, purpose under four headings, Wit- ness, Study,• Fellowship and Service, was presented by Mrs.t Vernon Hunter. Mrs. Bradley lit a candle for each, heading and_Mrs.1Treleav en read the sCTIPtures from Luke, Matthew: and John. Mrs. Cameron pointed out that we do not always live up to the purpose we stand for. Mrs. Cayley told how we can help in so many ways. Prayer folowed and a hymn closed the _worship„perioci. Mrs. Ritchie thankeil Mrs. Bradley and 'her committee for fine program: .Mrs, J. Treleaven, convener for nominations brought in the slate of officers for 1981. She thanked her committee and they were proud to bring in a full slate. Pastor Donald Darrell installed the officers and spoke words of encour- agement to the incoming executive. Minutes of the last 3eneral meeting were read an aclOp- ted. Mrs, Alex AndreNV• gave shewing $6,462 to this date. The finance -COrriniittee brought in four recommenda- tions which were voted on. Three were passed; (1) That $400 be given to MiSsicals over and above eur share; (2) That ,$1,500 be given to the ,__Board: of, Stewards for work on, the -manse; (3) That our share of the 1981 Unified. Budget be $2,400. It was ;decided that $25 would given to the National C.GI.T. ° The offering was received by Mrs. J, Treleaven and Mil. A. Andrew, The con- . venerS for the various com- mittees gave their reports showing a sueeeSSful and favouyable year. The secret- pries of each unit, gave their repOrts. Mrs. ,,Len,Ritehie',thanked.„ the ladies for, their help. 'during her two years of office. The new president, Mrs. it. Finlay, announced the new executive would hold .- their meeting January 20. Pastor Darrell spoke a few words on Cliristinas and its. meaning. Mrs. Treleav- , en :then called on Mrs.„ Ritchie and presented her with a' Life MemberShip on behalf. Of the U.C.W. for her dedicated work. Mrs. Ritchie thanked everyone 'and the meeting closed with thb Mizpah benediction. I. L-odinoti 1IS`-hold Christmas meeting M° eketivesident Mrs. Keith (Janet) Hiep- leh, the newly elected presid- ent of the Federated Wom- „m's Institute of Ontario, accepted the challenge to guide the 34 Provincial Board "Directors and the 28,000 members in Ontario. Janet, a farmer's wife from Spring- field near. London will lead in the studies and deliberations for her three year term. Mrs. C. Diamond, the re- tiring president, chaired the sessions. Donations were sent to the Leadership train- ing project in India and $4,000 to the Special Care Project in Ware, England where students from under- developed countries would be trained. The directors will be working in unity with members across Canada as they make plans for the World Conference to be held in British Columbia in 1983 with delegates coming from around the world. With 1981 being the "Year of the Disabled" the Wom- en's Institutes will be taking action in their communities with varied programs and projects. Miss Molly McGhee, the Director of the Home Econ- omics Branch 'of the Agricul- ture and Food, praised the support and volunteer work of the W.I. members. With the increase in attendance at the 4-H programs and Adult Workshops it is evident that this should continue. She urged the members to be involved in 'the concerns and problems of to-days society, and to be optimistic of the future. The Directors gave serious' consideration to the resolu- tions that were sent in from the different areas and pres- ented by Mrs. H. Maluske the resolutions convener. Mrs. H. Noblitt of Ottawa, the F.W.LO. vice president to F.W.I.C. reported on the work and pro rams of the National organiation. A workshop is going into the Northwest Territory to help the women, and further donation is being sent to the Landrover Project in Leso- tho. The next National Con- vention will be in Fredericton N.B. in June 1982. There will be exciting events at the Erland Lee Museum Home at Stoney Creek as a result of the suggestions given to the .newly elected committee Chaired by Mrs. Mary Miller. The annual officers con- ference will be at Water'oo University on May 5 - 7th, 1981 when delegates from all of the Province will meet for a learning experience. As the convention closed the Director's will return to their respective areas with enthusiasm and ideas to promote the work of the organization.