HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-12-03, Page 27Lucknow Sentlittell t Wednesday, December 3, 1980,-p. • GRACE (COURTNEY] Pinecrest lvtanor Nuising AUSTIN Hone on November 22, 1980 in her 94th year, Born at Mrs.. John Austin, the Ethel on November 22, 1887,, forrner Grace Marion she was the daughter of the Cnurtney, died in. St/ late Christopher Rayriard Jos e s Hospital, and `the former Jane Arm- London, on ThursdaY, strong. Edmonton; Alberta and Pallbearers Were grand- as or r 1 of Luckn United Church officiated: Christie Street Hospital, ° -ember-20-1114W 62nd — She marifeTEI:nest Ackert e Mrs. Marie Judge of, Jackson, Michigan; Mrs. TTorn(Rita) Bryan of • Toronto and Mrs. Con (Vivian) Hogan 'of Ash- field; and brothers, Fred of Toronto and Joe of Ashfield. She was predeceased by a daughter Mary Agnes and a son at birth; also two brothers, Edward and._. Leo and a sister, Fay: Funeral mass was celebrated at St..JOseph's Roman Catholic Church, Kingsbridge on Monday, November 24 by the Reverend Father Ed, ' Dentinger, C.R. assisted by the Reverend Father Frank Loebach of St. Peter's Parish, Goderich. The organist was Miss Denise Dalton. Readings were done by, Margaret Austin and Eric • Court- ney. •Flowerbearers were nieces Nina Bentley, Theresa Cornack, Vivian Bryan; Fay Hogan, Helen Riegling and neighbour, Cathy VanDiepen. Pallbearers were nephews Mike Courtney, Kerry Hogan, Kevin Austin, Gary Courtney, Terry Austin end neigh, bour Tom Sinnett. Interment was in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Cemetery at Kings bridge, Ontario • of Holyrood on Novernber 25, She was born on Mareh 23, 1919, the daughter of 1908. Joe and. Grace She is survived by her three sons, Harvey of (Westrope) Courtney and lived on the ,10tli den- cardine; Raynard of Kinloss • cession of Ashfield Township and Lloyd of Kin- Township. She attended loss Township and one primary school at. SS No.- daughter, Winnifest1;94ahm._ .fii-g-fi --.6f1Cinless Township, • school at. St, Joseph's, She was predeceased. by • Kingsbridge. ' her husband; in 1970: She graduated from The funeral service was nursing school at St, held from the MacKeniie seph s Hospital, and McCreath 'Funeral Horne Toronto in 1942 where she i nL 4oknow. on Sunday, Nov,, continued to' Work. She ember 23, 1980 at 2 p:rn was. also' . employed at Toronto; MisSaeordia in Providence in Detroit, • sons, ciarence, Ernest, michigan. November, John, Paul and Mare Ackert On 26, 1949 and Lloyd Grahain she married John AuStin Burial followed in Green. of 'ConeeSsion 10, Ashfield hill Cemetery. where they carried' on a farthing operation. She was .a faithful Member of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Chtirch, Kingsbridge; the Catholic Women!s League,' the G -- oderiCh and D is tr ic t Pro Life .-Group',. the Kingsbridge Genealogical Society, and. the . National Farmers" Unibn, She was' .a,. foul?. ding .member. of St. Joseph's Community Library at KIngsbridge and, was- active' in many parish and community activities: 'She leaves to mourn, her'hnsband;. John; Ahree.' sons, Joseph at • home; rid Ralph a Eugene of Calgary, Alberta; sisters, ' w son of the lateEzeldel hart and the late Grace Mor-' rison of Kinloss Township, He married Roberta Me Quire of Lucknow in Sept- ember, 1920, He is • survived. by one brother, .John A. Lockharkpf Port Elgin Retirement Home; and three sisters, Evelyn Huston, Kitchener; Grace, Mrs. Elwell Webster,. Wing- ham and Agnes Johnson, :.Pinecrest Manor, Lucknow. He was predeceased by his Wife. , The field from the MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home ,Lucknow on Wednesday, prri November 26; 1980 at 2 ,. Rev.`,William Munshaw- of South Kinloss. 'Presbyterian Churchconducted the serv- . ice., Pallbearers'were Allan Graham, . .John Pritchard,, Pnnald Mac1ntyre, Joh MacKinnon., Bob Gilchrist and Allan Mdpougall, Temporary entombment followed' .South Kinloss Mausoleum with spring her- jar in South m Kiriless Cent The " Ladies ,of South Kin: kiss • 'Presbyterian Chufch: served., lunch in the church dining area 'following 'the funeraL • FRANK McNALL William Robert Franklin (Frank) McNall of London, son of the late Mr, and Mrs; Robert McNall of Lncknow, passed away Sunday', Nov- ember 16, 1980 at St. Jos- eph's . HosPital, London, in , his 69th year, after a lengthy.'. illness. • - Born half a mile..„norrill Lucknow, August 16, 1912, he attended S. S. No.. 7! Kinloss Public School sand. Lucknow High School. Frank was a narner by trade until sickness forced him. 'to retire. In 1942 he married the non. . He it suevived by his wife, three sons: and one daughter,' Ronald and Robert of Lon-. don, Frank of Lucan and Mrs. Ginter (Barnara) Weber of London. He- is also •sur vived by 12 grandchildren Also surviving are • four . . brothers and two sisters, Lloyd of Lucknow; Ray of Fergus, Cecile of Goderich, Garnet of LuCkncini, Mrs. Harry (Margaret) 'Swan of Gpderich, Mrs. Clarence (Roberta) VVaclel of Hensall,. He was predeceased by • his parents; two brothers, CV- ' ford and JaMes, and a sister, Pearl; Frank was:a 'Member and Sunday 'School: teacher,. of Grace United/ Church of London, Ontario where ser-. vice was held With Rev, John T. Bea.niii officiating. Inter- ment followed in Woodland Cemetery. GEORGE EDWARD: LOCKHART George Edward Lockhart of .Gough street, Lucknow died at Pineciest Manor :on Monday, November 24, 1980 in his 85th year. Born in Kinloss Township ,On June , 21; .1896, he was, a R.11. 3 Ripley Phone 395-3466 Open House this Weekend FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5 [10 - 10] SATURDAY; DECEMBER 6 [10 - 6].::' See Our. Many Christmas 11 Specials Admiral TN. & Appliances I Microwaves, Televisions, Dishwashers Nildco and 'Yea Stereo's and Recorders Atari T.V. Games • ;`) G. E. Radios 2nd In Tases..,Pue:Deceniba(14th;1980.: Lucknow and Goderich or • • Canadian imperial Bank of •Cannerce, • DungOnnon_ Donald Simpson 00407/reCISUret! ucknotv Home Bakery Weekly Christmas Specials Saturday, December 6 Honey Dipped Donuts 1.$9 Dos. REG. $2.25 doz. Tues. and Wed. December 9 & 10 Home Baked Bread 611* Loaf REG. 78e Every Wednesday SENIOR. CITIZENS - 10% OFF Discover our resort, where the beach has more sea gulls and pelicans than people Escape to Our Islan Golf -Tennis-Heated Pools Oceanfront Hotel Apartments Fishing - Sailing Beautiful Beaches Restaurant - Lounge- For more information, call or vented Indian River Plantation Resort, Hutchinson island 385 N.E. Plantation Road, ,,Stuart, Fl. 33494 (305) 225-3700 (45 miles north of Palm Beach) Complete Hotel Services DRAW ON TURKEY REFRESHMENTS SERVED OLIVE IRAYNARDJ ACKERT Elizabeth. Olive Moore (Raynard) Ackert died at