HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-12-03, Page 25STANLEY phone or write today for full , We, would like to thank our details. The-investment is -*family •for the delicious-Meal- approximately $8,000..00. on. Sunday and special thanks Write director of Franchis- for the beautiful clock for our lug, GarrY Robertson Music anniversary. , Services, 196 ;Tache: Ave., Ann and.George. Stanley Winnipeg; "Manitoba, R2H —49 1Z6. Or telephone 1-204-247- 'OWEN , I wish to thank Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Austin •of Kings- . bridge for the good care, they FREE TO GOOD HOME, gave My mother, Laura four pups which would make Herd, while she lived in their excellent pets or- Christmas,, , home, during the past• two gifts. Mostly hound back- monthS. They did everYthing ground. , Call • Dungannon possible to make life comfort-. 529-7201-49'- 'able for, her. customers happy, then 8883. ---48nx 25, To give away ••••10 Mi=11, 1.1.1 Treda Owen • . 27. Deaths —4e =p.m MM. NNW, .ITEWBOLD McCHAIILES Dorothy 'Newbold, nee Rich- Words• fail to express the thanks vve feel for the generosity• and kindness shown by friends and neigh- bdurs for all the' good turns and John; 5 •grandchildren done on our behalf - chores, and 5 great grandchildren. trips to. London, gifts of food Service was held at St. and flowers, letters, 'cards, Anne's Anglican Church, visits, telephone calls and Toronto, • December 2, 1,9$0, • prayers during "Oliver's ree- 1 :30 p.m. Crernation' inter:* , ent , two months illness.' The meat Mount. Royal Cemet- , only,way to express our feel- ery, Montreal, Quebec. hags is tosay a sincere thanks —49 Oliver and Marion arcls, suddenly in Toronto, on November 27, 1980, wife Of Percy G. Newbold. She is survived by two sons, George 28. Engagements season of Good Will, to everyone and wish one and all. the b'est of the coming Pherson, R. R. 1 Lucknow„ are happy to announce the FRAYNE engagement of their daught- We -would like to thank .all -et, marg-aretisalye4-of --our-relatives-, neighbours and ina, Saskatchewan, to Mr. friends for helping to make Gordon Elmond Trachsel, of our' wedding day such a Regina, son of Mr. and Mrs, happy occasion. Special Stanley Trachsel, La.nipman, thanks to Kairshea Ladies Saskatchewan. The wedding s and Kingsbridger CWL for will take place on Saturday, preparing •the food that day December 20 1980 ,in St. and to those who helped Helens United Chureh at organize the different events 4.00 p.m. Reception in Luck- leading up to November 8. now Community. Centre. Thanks also to all those who attended our wedding recep- tion and the events prior to it, Our memories of this HELM happy day Will always be In memory of a dearly belov- ed father and grandfather, Robert Helm, who passed away five years ago, Decem- ber 4,';1975. Past his suffering, past his pain, Cease to week for tears are vain, 'He who suffered is at rest, Gone to Heaven with the blest, Sadly missed by children and grandchildren. 30. In Memoriam cherished. Jim and Mary —49 Klt..PATRICK I would like to thank .my relatives, friends,, and neigh- bours for their kind mess- ages and gifts while I was a patient in London and Wing- ham Hospitals. Special thanks to Trinity U.C.W. for their kind 'gift and Lucknow Drs. Coffin, McKim and. Jolly. All was deeply apprec- ......, iated. 31. Cards of thanks Gladys Kilpatrick WILKINS We wish to express our sincere thanki to friends, relatives and neighbours for their 'thoughtful gifts, cards and visits `while we, were it hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Corrin and maternity staff. Janet and Laura Lynn Wilkins —49x —49 NICHOLSON Wilmer and I wish to thank all who rememberCd our family and us in various ways when our son. Shane was born. We do appreciate it all. Doris Nicholson —49 OLDE TOR DANCE The Whitechurch . Young Peoples are holding an. Olde Tyme Dance in the White- church Cominunity Hall on December 5, frOm 9 - 1 p.m. Music by Tiffin's Orchestra. Lunch provided. Everyone is welcome. —48,49 C., Wanted BUYING-CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS Custom Cleaning ELLIOTT'S SEED MILL And Trucking Lucknow Phone 528-3500 momils Immo,* TURKEY BINGO D. Livestock St. Joseph's Church, King- sbridge, Saturday, Decem- TWO REGISTERED Hol- ber 6 at 8:30 p.m. Admission stein bulls, serviceable age $1,00. Everyone welcome. from listed 'herd for sale, —49 Both from Very Good Danis with 4.1% and 3.8% butter- OPEN HOUSE fat tests. Phone 529-7441. Open house for Stanhome 49 Products at 58 Maple Street, Wingham, at - the home of Marjorie Wall, your Stanley Dealer on Friday, December 5, 2 - 4 and 7 -1 9 'p.m. Many specials and gift items avail- able. —4.9 E. farm, services CHRISTMAS CONCERT The Huggett Family presents a Rennaissance Christmas Concert at Illyth Memorial Hall, Thursday, December 11th, 8 p.m. Seats $7.50. May be reserved by calling 523-9300 or 523-9636. —49 TURKEY BINGO At St. Augustine Church Hall on Wednesday, December 10 at 8:30 p.m. Ten turkeys; share the wealth; door prize. Admission $1.00 Everyone welcome. —49 ' OPEN HOUSE Don Thompson T.V. '& Ap- pliances December 5 and 6. See display ad. —49ar aerdi mom Name ' LUCKNOW SHIPPER. I (UNITED CO-OPERATPVES; OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT. i TORONTO I Ship your livestock with BILL TAYLOR ; R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW On Tuesdays Or groups ofofsd5or more From Lucknowtir Stockyards CALL 528-3530 Home or ▪ 528,3119 Yards / f Tuesday or Thursday, by 8:30 a.m. for prompt service • ASK BILL FOR )t REQUIREMENTS OF REPLACEMENT CATTLE • i" JOHNSTON Thank you, for cards and visits and, flower, from Don- nybrook, while Mor- ley was in. hospital. Special thanks • to , the doctors ''and' nurses. • .Mr. and Mrs. Morley —49x Johnston 32. Corning ,aVents ANNIVERSARY , The daughters,of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Campell of Luck- now wish to congratulate their parents on their . 50th wedding anniversary We fives, friends and neighbours to come =and help us cele brate this speCial occasion in I,ucknow on. Friday evening, December 5, Best wishes o I ,=48,49x B. Custom work . CUSTOM P1LOIJGHING AND . SELO FILLING Phone 529.1889 CUSTOM COMBINING, wide rows, and custom ploW-, ing, 'no further than 20' miles from Kinloss. Phone 395- 5842, if no answer, 396-7645. —48,49 —33tf • cordially wish to invite rela- 'DISPERSAL SALE On Wednesday, Decenther 3, 1980, complete dispersal of Olinar Hereferds at LuCknew Sales Barn. Oliver and Mar- ion McCharles, 395-5266, —49nx FEDERATION, DANCE: Tickets for Aslifield Federa- tion of Agriculture dance are available by phoning 529 • - 7124 'or 529-7635. —49,50 '0110111111111111111Minftil Attention Fanners ." A. For tale WONDER STEEL building 40' -X 100'. Ideal:-foremach- inery or grain storage: Phone 528-2071 after 6 p.m. • —42tf' '- RIPLEY LIONS BINGO . Will be held in the RioleV Township Hall, Weclnes, day, Decenther 3, 8 p.m, 10 regular games $15`,00;:2 novelty, games of $25.00; one share the wealth; one 4 corner jackpot on 5 calls $2Q,00; one pot of gold; purple ball $40.00; jackpot $30.0J004433..eillIS, Co:Pinola- tion $30,00„ Doer prizes. --49ar 395.5952 ',NEARLY NEW HOME Kingsbddge, large liv' ;room with brick fireplace, 3 bedroomsi large ItitChe lwith utility reotn attach- ed. Taxes $255. Closet separate schoOl - and church, C-3 400 ACRES of.excellent; ciiarbfoliTaidi ',' building i set tip for beef, Beautiful, stone house Large kitchen, rec room basement, beautiful w work, A farm to be'seen: 2-JE 1 'Call Chris Holloway . 395-3044r 582ir.•8512009-1268 1 t'L-----L-----. ---,---:'-%-,—,-.'"-....^--'-'-~s i AUCTION SALE ; ' ), Of Furniture and Effect. f I f CHARLES NICHOLSON ' 1 from homes of i if both "ALI lotf BEErusSFTIASse.CTillE:Clipt: . to be held at WINGHAM AUCTION . , CENTRE • , next to L.C.B.O. 1 SATURDAY, ; DECEMBER 6, 1980 • , et 11•a.m. f Good 9 x 12 Oriental rug; 1. -1 Victorian. dresser and i / matching washstand, with i 1 hand carved pulls; apart- i ) ment chest freezer, like f ii new; 2 door no. frost frig; 1 ri good wringer washer; ( dresser; 2 chest. drawers; i beds; console colour T.V.; i two portable B&W tele- 1 3 visions; dining table_ w 1 pineapple legs; china cab- / inet; kitchen, table and 2 i chairs; 4 excellent kitchen i ., chairs; 2 recliners; Morris t. chair; Boston rocker; , gg wicker chair; several! , small tables and end tab- / f .les; several floor and table ; lamps; 2 trunks; imitation 1 fireplace; matching,coffee ; and step-up end table; f , three smoker stands; i - 4 several foot stools; two i i fan heaters; humidifier; I ? several mirrors and pict- i ures; electric clocks; ging- I erbread clock; Filter f Queen vacuum complete, j l as new; portable radios; i - - ? heavy' duty wheelbarrow; j 6 piece washstand set; i shaving mug; 2' coal oil ,lamps; several items imi- tation wood; large assort- f ment of dishes, incl. hand I painted Nippon, depres- lion glass, pressed glass, ; cut glass, Stemware, etc.; li 40 pieces Czechoslovakia f •Romeoff , pattern' dishes; / 76 pieces 'Poppy' pattern i dishes; large selection ) kitchen utensils, incl. el- , ectrical appliances; t, crocks; several boxes gro- f cedes; bedding; hand / tools; 1976 Dodge Dart i automobile, to be sold as , is at 3. p.m. I PREVIEW: FRIDAY, l, DECEMBERS, 2-5 & 7.9 ( SAT. PRIOR TO SALE ? if Inclement weather, ) tune to CKNX Sat, Io. LUNCH WAGON I JACK ALEXANDER 1 A - . / Tel: 357•1011 or 3514442 1 —49ar 1."...•11.41,..4111,41.“....W.1.41e.kA bours who arranged our sur- RECORDED DANCE MUS- prise party, and for the IC. One of Canadas largest beautiful gifts and best wish- eoinpanies speciall4n8 in F es we received. Words can- --recor,ded--enteilaininent—isr-:-gerexpress the fielifirYOU7 coming to Southern Ontario. have to know that. so many If - you are interested in people care. Your thought- financial' independence, the fulness will always be cher- available.. If you enjoy. work- ' _49x . ing with music, and , making ,• 24., ENS.,: opportunities . imp., PO* •mt ••• . MAKE MONEY in your spare time. Learn Inconte Tai PreparatiOn, Per free brochure write U & R 'Tax Schools, 118• Roxborough Drive, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 1X4. —49nx Franchise for this area is " h d• Ray and Helen , TRACHSEL MitOPHERSON' Mr.4 and Mac A sincere thank you to everYs one for making our 2.5th wedding anniversary such a - memorable one for us, Spec- ial thanks to our family, relatives friends and neigh- 31. 'Card* of thanks STANLEY McCharles AUSTIN The family of the late Grace Austin wish to sincerely thank relatives, friends' and neighbours for expressions of sympathy through visita- tions at the hospital and the funeral home; :for cards, flowers, mass cards,' baking and donations to the Canad- ianCaricer Sociek received _teceive -iiirtilFelFre-cent bereaVe.: ment, Thanks also to the people who , helped at home Preparing meals and doing chores. Special thanks to the Palliative Care Group, Nuns, Nurses and Doctors, 'at St. Joseph's. Hospital, London; to Father Ed Dentinger .for 'his kind words of comfort; to the pallbearers, flower bear- ers, the MacKenzie and Mc- Creath Funeral Home and to the St. Joseph's C.W.L. Kingsbridge for the recital of the Rosary, the Honour Guard and for serving lunch after the Mass. All, was deeply appreciated. John, Joe, Ralph, Eugene —49 0w.! On* !,+or — OP4.! 31. Cards of,thanke SHOOT PARTY. A shoot party will be held in the St. Helens Community • Thar iday; December 4, 8:30 p.m. 'Prizes, and lunch :serve& .7-49_ 32. Coming events 'turkeew Sentinel, redeemlior, December 3, 1900,Pase1S, • • BERG sTA/ILE 4:EQuirmorir Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo. Unloaflers' Farrowing Crat- es,,,WaterBowls, Cow Stills, and Hog .Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston,, R.i R. .liolyrood, phone, 395..5390. • • —30tfar E. Farm services Firineri get......yOur_airerim- tOrs, disc blades, cultiVator, points, plough points, dog rood. Agent for O.F.KA. - rEINAASEsurltrOPGLYE R. RV.In#1,GAentilletleh • Phone 529-7240 WE HANDLE [. EVERYTHING-ALMOST —2ltfar If your Sentinel Label reads Dec. 6543211 your sub is due $13.50 Canadian X11.50 Senior Citizens FARB/111Y- NAmSYNStielfriEW:My5.YLTD., PHONE 395-5286 Silo U13riUlToaidEeRrsTRBilligg PJriimve Silo . Unloaders, Volume Belt Feeders, Convey-n-Feed 1 Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Conveyors,. Barn Cleaners, Oswalt Ensil- mixers. FARMATIC - Blender Hammer' Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Lure Corn, Augers, Leg Elevators. ACORN - Cable Barn Cleaners, Hydraulic Mati`-' ure pumps. • ' WESTEEL-ROSCO-Grain bins - 1350 to 250,000 bu.., Bulk Feed Tanks. ACME - Fan-Jet Ventila- tion Systems. ASTON Ventilation Sys- tems. B & L - Complete Hog Confinement Systems. SLURRY-SLINGER, - Li- quid Manure. Spreaders. CLAY - Parts and Service 'for Clay Equipment. -.AFRO-FLUSH - Liquid Manure Pumps, Aerators, Separators,