HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-12-03, Page 19otoe_ roni
Agricultural *Society and.
JOan 'Osborne won the'
Ripley' Royal Bank
Trophy for the highest
total number of points
, scored' by a •member of
the club in the..Hanoyer
judging competition.:
...Leaders in this Club
were Dennis Bridge and
Vet Club.
Larry Needham won
',the pen and pencil set
donated by the Bank of
Commerce for the
member with the highest,
pOints in the club.
" Janice Needham won
the Ripley kt_eyal....BAnk
trophy for the most
improvement in total
points over 1979 while
each member ,in the
Ripley section that
'successfully completed
points- in club judging.
There' was a tied `so
Stanley Feed and Supply
donated two bags, '
Geoff..Farrell won the
trophy donated by Robert-
andMtiriel Osborne to'the
Member with the highest
Leaders' in the club
were Robert Osborne,
Jim Farrell and Calvin
Beef Club
Gary Rutledge won the
first showmanship
trophy donated by Dr.. Q: •
Halgins, Ripley. Secooll
,prize " went to Paul'
Keelan; third, paid
Turn to Page ai*
i4KkitoW Sentinel, Wednesday, DerePtbor 31 1§80-411110
The . 40 .citibs.. •lloydliuttOrt Real Estate
held 'their - achievement Ltd, :trophy for the
night Friday atlhe Huron greatest .improverrient in
Township Hall, total `points over 1979. .
Dairy Club.Ross Farrell won a 50
In the dairy ,!cltib, lb, bag of stook mineral
winners in showmanship donated by Robert
we're'. first, Janice . Fariish for being the
donated b Dr Don club and all members
received pens for the
Kincardine Dairy. Those
members that suc-
cessfully .completed the
club received $4 from the
the club work receive**
Drs. Terry Fried 40(11
Roger Thomson. were
leaders of the club.
Flodgins; second, Larry
Needham,. $10 voucher
donated by the Kin-
cardine' co-op; third,
Robbie Farrell, $4;
fourth, $3, both donated Ripley Agricultural
by Lester Ferguson,, and. SOciety. \ •
each additional entrY,--g:;-- Needhanr-woir$5-
• donated by the Ripley for the best senior record
Agricultural Society. . book and RoSs Farreel
Robbie Farrell won. the- won $5 for the, best junior
Ripley Royal Bank ' record book. This money
trophy for best senior calf was donated by Wayne
at the Ripley fair and Elston of Swift Feeds.
Joyce ' Osborne' won.the Ross Farrell won $10
trophy donated by Boii '7' from the LucknOw Co-op.
Rutledge and Jack'. ' for the first year member
Farrell for the best Pinion with 'the most points and
calf at the Ripley fair. he also won $5 for
The Gordon Bridge beingthe first year
trophy for one year to the member in shipwman-
member with the highest, ship. - t' A gro a rt (H ur ft the past week in Ridgetown students attending Bruce ' Gordon Finlayson and Mrs.
-arry Needham and Township) for the best . with her sister, Mrs. Lloyd County schools, after the Florence MacKenzie, total points went:to Joan
Osborne. who also won the Joan Osborne won a bag . exhibit of cobs Brien and other relatives. teacher's strike. John Mcln- A dispersal sale of the
Kincardine Veterinary of calf starter grower Each member sue- 'Mr. and Nfrs• Duncan tc'sh has been employed .01mar Herefords is being
clinic trophy to keep donated by. Stanley Feed cessfully completing the MacRae of Southampton cal- during the forced holiday'at held on Wednesday at.Luck-
permanently. and Supply for the club work received $4 led on relatives and friends the MacAuley Farms. now, due to the, ill health of
Joyce OsbOrne won the members with the most from the Ripley during the past week, before Miss Margaret MacLeod is Oliver McCharles,
C,orn Club
Prizes ' for the corn
'sliteof with siX,Stalks
Cobs went to : first, 'Joan
yn and family are now resid- Visiting Mrs. Emile. Mile.
Osborne. ' ., ing•- in Ripley where they Leman during the past
Best display of six cobs bought a new home after couple of weeks haS been
Went to: first, . Geoff selling their farm. son, Jack of Stratford, and
Farrell; second, Dale patient there for . over 'a her friend, Mrs. J. IviacKen
-eattrient fora the John Austin family in the is extended to : drick of LucknOw. Robinson; third, Joan month where he underwent Sympathy
Osborne `and fourth, surgery and *-;.Mr. George MacDonald is
Sheila Osborne. . rare fungus growth in both passing of a:devoted wife and •
mother. Home from, a three week
employed at Douglas Point.:
Geoff Farrell won the lungs, . '
trophy from; Bluewater Mrs. Lorne . Luther spent It's back to school for vacation trip, to Texas is Mts.
Farrelt-andfourth„ Sheila
Osborne; second, Dale BY MARION McCilARLES their annual trip to Florida. visiting in Western Canada
Robinson; third, Geoff
Oliver McCharles arrived
home from Victoria Hospital,
Westminster Campus, Lon-
don on Friday. He had been a
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mart- with relatives and friends.
ondon hosptal_
Bring in or Mail with $1.50
rim One Word Each Line
14 •
To be published in December
17 issue.