HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-12-03, Page 7Coveralls
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Western Shirts
Womens wear
Terry blouses
Pantomime Cords, Jeans
By Murray Gaunt
4 "
laudilow S4410nolt W.411604;13", fiber 3t. 1980—Page
SpecialE duration
Bill 132, concerning special education, a bill to amend
to the justice committee until last Thursday night, when,
Liberal and NOP members combined to overrule the
This has been an especially busy week at Queen's the gdueationAct, was passed by the House Wednesday Government and ask the Speaker to issue the werrant,
night after bouts of wrangling, over amendments, The A series of amendments :to the Ontario Human Rights' Park, with' many new developments in the worka, amendments, a specific procedure for parents to. Code were introduced in the Legislature by Labour
A tew insurance plan known as the Underinstired ,appeat decisiens abont the identificetioo and placement , • Minister Robert Ogle' for possible peSsage early next Motorist EndorseMent has been approved by :Ontario'S ef :their exceptional children, alt
appeal procedure for 'year. Sexual harassment is being spelled out .es an
Superintendent of Inseranee, for motorists whe wish to parents regarding the placement of "Itard.te serve" (or offency by'eMployers, fellow employees, landlords or avoid financial'problems associated with being hit by an • . extremely handicapped)' Children, a provision that the . felloW tenants, subject to penalties incleding .flnes of up enderinsureeldriyer For esamp red
in a car accident and awarded a Judgment of $500,000 °'t tar-1°Governmen -t-----hir?""fli' t" .i""--e111-'3"1"111—"2 "3"--9ti*r71Cei-a14611dInents-Pr(*cit'it-dtserinlitt4-rm"-------
they may find it nnpossible to collect from a driver who
carries :only the $100,000 minimum liability coverage.
Thepew coverage would allow the injured party to collect
the difference from their own .comeany (in this case,
$400,000) to the maximum amount of their own third
party liability coverage. , • "
Chow DispOsal Site,
:.lEnvironment, ..Minister :..;Harry .parrott...;.atinounced
Tuesday in the Legislature that a parcel of prime
agricultural land in-South Cayuga hai been chosen as a
giant disposal and - sterage area WOO: bulk' of the
province's hazardous lqu,. wastes.' No environmental
assessment hearing will be held before ,the $60, million;
plan gets the go-ahead; much to the chargrin of seine
area residents and opposition members in the, House.
The'site, P12 kilometres (1 Mile) in circurnference, lies
in South Cayuga within a;11,800 acre tract of south of
Hamilton which the Goverument purchased-six years ago
for $30 million with the original iptettinn of a location for
a new city, which failed to Materialize..
A Crown corporatiot called the Ontario Waste
Disposal Management Corp. will beset up shortly-to rue •
the operation. The corporation's board of directors will.
include two members from • the general peblic, two from
the Community, two technical , experts and a Govere-
ment-apPointed Chairmen. The land will be used for a
clay-based landfill, a solidificatiet plant, a laboratory to
test liquids entering the site and storage of sonie
darigerOUS waetes, including cancer-linked PCBs. :pt.
Parrott' told reporters he wants to .burn PCBs at the site
once technology is perfected; ,
The site of the solidifiCation and operatiens will
cover -about 100 acres SurrOended by a 640 acre heifer
zone withal a 11/2 kilometre control area -Nis oee-
will' 'be allowed to live • the buffer zone, but the
eXpropriated farmland in the outer control area could be
• *
leased yearly, from the' GovereMent.
to serve"' children, a' •elause that such people will be
Placed in Ontario or elsewhere if no suitable place exists •
in Ontario, and a broader definition of "hard to, serVe"'
pupils. The opposition was concerned: about several:,.
aspects of the Bill t but the Minsiter, Dr,-Stephenson,;
said that the spirit • of. the bill was to provide special'
eduoation programs to all Ontario children who need
them. 'The bill, when it receives third reading, will be full
impleMented by 1985 ""School boards" are --expected to
gradually implement the legislation as their financial and
teaching.resources .permit.
Demand for Ontario Hydro's. electrieity stopped
growing in the first 9 months, of '1980, due largely to
sharp dropi in the Iviighicatt and Ontario auto industries,
increased conservation efforts, the federal budget's
dampening effect on large 'western oil projects, and a
mild summer.' The' reductioe has thrown off the utility's
dematd ferceaSts and COuldlead to further efiangeS.in
the construction 'schedule' for the Darlington, neclear
station; now scheduled to begin operating between 1989
end 1991.
Ontario Hydro has. recernmended to the Government
that the difference between the electricity rates paid by
rural and urban residents be cut roughly. in half to 15%.
The. Hoeourable Robert Welch, told the ,LeeiSlature that
the Govertinient has not yet made a decisipn. As an
interim measure, they will give $20 million to Hydro for
1981 so that they Can give a direct discount of about $3 a
month to its rural residential customers.
Want boceinente
.Speaker ofthe•House Jack Stokes has issued a warrant
ordering-Consult-ex:4nd Commercial Relations Minister
Frank Drea to 'hand, over ail- documents relating to a
Niagara Falls bushiessmae, Carlo Montenegro and
companies he controlled; the collapse of which took 'the
savings of hundreds of OtWians. Mr. Dre'a had earlier
refused toband Over the documents held by his Ministry
tion in employment, accommodation or the provision of
goods and services to the physically or mentally
handicapped, and the young, or on the basis of marital
status or because a person has children.
e tr
By Don Campbell
It was six Weeks since the Mavis left Fort William,for The Mavis leaned, a little as she turned and began
Canada, and the immigrant. passengers eagerly awaited following the coastline.
cj8n--Of-laode-lt-came--irt-tbe-form-of-.-a--sea-bird___---L"eeiLMacCrimman-wa,nted-Flo.ra-Fraser- to experiene
which wheeled around the mast a few times, then settled the joy of seeing the new land. He went to find Doctor
on the jib, no doubt exhausted' from its long flight. Mr. Cameron amongst the first-class passengers crowding
a iesorretade-s °me-calculations and-theo annuli-need-to— —the rail on the starborad side 'of Ilrefo' c's1le.
the first-class passengers, "Doctor Cameron, Sir! Do ye no think that Mrs.
"We should sight the coastline of Nova Scotia in a few , Fraser could leave her bed, just to see the land?"
hours!" - The doctor was all smiles and happiness. Overjoyed at
The brig was moving Slowly in front of a gentle breeze. nearing the end of the journey.
As the day wore on, several more birds came to greet the "Ye have my permission MacCrimmon, but hold tight
Ship, They were a welcome diversion frail the voyage to the woman. no have her fallin' again. Mind ye, I'll
which had•becorrie tiring and overbearingly monotonous. hold ye responsible! Away ye gae then, it's time she was.
When refuse was thrown overboard they dived, scream- on her feet for a wee while!" '
ing to the surface of the water and fought for scraps of Neil MacCrimmon broke the news to Flora Fraser and
food. waited outside the door until she dressed. It was a shaky,
In the afternoon, the first officer sent a seaman aloft to white•facecl woman who emerged frorn the cabin and Neil
act as lookout. He• settled himself against the top of the immediately took a firm grasp of her arm, apologizing as
main mast and gazed towards the west. he did so.
There was intense excitement on board. Little groups "I'm no being forward, Mrs. Fraser. T'was the doctor•
of immigrants stood beside the rail of the ship looking who tied me to take a firm hold b' ye." His face reddened
with eager anticipation across the sea. The Reverend in hiS embarrassment. "No offense, Mrs. Fraser." ,,
Duncan MacLeod and young Doctor Cameron stood on "None taken, Mr. MacCrintmon!" Flora said softly.
the fo'c's'le, a place reserved for the privileged For a long time. Flora Fraser and Neil MacCrimmon
drat-class passengers, arid-they too tried to compete' with stood looking at the coast line. It 'was almost dark when
the lookout.-When the initial- excitement had subsided, . they turned away and already here and there, many
they went to, their evening meal in the saloon and had miles apart, yellow lights twinkled on the land. The wind
hardly begun to eat When there was a cry from the and fresh air had brought a little colour back to Flora's
seaman up in the rigging. cheeks.
"Land - ho!" Neil held her firmly but gently, experiencing the thrill
All thoughts ,of food were forgotten and the upper deck of a woman's softness for the, first time in his life. She
became crowded with people trying to get a first glimpse was indeed a bonnie lass, and he tried to put out of his
of the promisedland. It was fully two hoors before a thin mind the fantasies which emerged because of her
misty grey outline appeared on' the horizon. The first to nearness. It was sinful he told himself; to think of such.
see it shouted to the others, things whilst the young widow was still mourning for her
"There it is! Can ye no see it?" husband. At the door' of the cabin, they paused for a
They lifted children intheir arms and pointed. "Look! moment.
Out yonder, there's yer new 'flame. Can ye no see it "Di ye mind, when I said I would look after ye in the
laddie? That's Canadal i" new land?" Neil asked.
Slowly the thin' line grew until the grey )turned to Flora dropped her eyes and said quietly. "That's when
green, Then as, the sun began to sink and give way to a there was a babe to think about. There is no babe now,
sunset sky, the new land was a beautiful picture - a Mr. MacCrittimon."
continuous Bile of trees on a canvas of colourful promise. Neil protested, ."But I stilt think you'll be needin'
Mr. Jamieson Shouted to the man at the • wheel, somebody."
"Head 'her over to the south-west, Coxswain. Port Flora smiled sweetly. "Do I take it, Sir, you think that
twenty!" somebody should be Neil MacCrimmon?"
• Free Layaway