HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-12-03, Page 6Letters which are published can
appear with pseudonym provided
the original has been signed' by the
author. The, editor of the Sentinel will
disclose the author of the letter to
anyone who wishes this information.
The. letter from Mrs,:Donelcla
McClure wasnot an_unsigned letter,
The original 'was signed by her and •
she requested the use of the pseudon-
ym, n n eres e
Sentinel has disclOsed the identity of
the author to anyone who wished this
information since the publication of-
.the letter.
This picture of the 99th Field Regiment taken in 1940
inellidea several young men from the LiieltnOw area.
• Front row, left, are Gerald Bothwell, Clarence Greer, H.
D. Thompson, Elwood Stilomon, Melvin Johnstone and
Claire Johnstone. Back row, left, are Harvey Hall,
Rayniand Hamilton, Jack Fisher, Ted Collyer, Art
McCartney, W. G. "Binky" Webster, Jack Campbell,
Gordon McGuire and Jim Burns.
Paige 6—Lucknow SentInell ViletilnefidaV December 3, 19,8.0
The -is—Letters to the editor LUCKNOW SENTINEL
JOCELYN stigma . Publisher
ANTHONY N. JO HNSTONg Advertising and.
General Manager
PAT LIVINGSTON - Office Manager
is a
To the Editor;
Goderich, the news coverage of reader interest they lose .reputation
education matters in Bruce County in among thoughtful peOple,
One of the few remaining safe- general and of the School Board' The readers of the Sentioel should
guards of our democratic SyStetn meetings in particular has been pract- 'insist responsible local coverage of ,
ee,--Press--.that-can-keep-the-publie----kailY -ignntadi•-1•11e-eaccentions-to•-this-----ed11eation•affairs -in-Bruce-County. The
Deserve a hearing
Environment minister Harry Parrott's announcement
last week that a liquid waste disposal site was to be
located at South Cayuga would not have created the
controversy it has if the people of. South Cayuga believed
the government had chosen the best possible site.
South Cayuga was not even being considered as a
location for the waste disposal plant until the field of
possible locations had been narrowed-to five, Only then
was it included on the list.
The choice of the South Cayuga site is being
questioned because the people of the area do not believe
the decision is based on environmental tests which prove
it is the best location.
The, site is on prime Agricultural land within a mile of
,the Grand River • and less than three miles, from Lake
Erie. Indeed, a bridge will be built over the Grand River
and trucks travelling to the disposal site will haul their
hazardous loads over this bridge.
Many believe the South Cayuga site was chosen
because the provincial government already owns the
land. They=-purchased--a 12,800 tract. 'of land for $o0
million several years ago with the intention of building a
new city there. The 'population for the city, never
The minister's announcement was not only distreSsing
to the people of South Cayuga but to the residents of
Huron County. When the announcement was made, 'the
minister, indicated a location in Huron was second on the
list of possible choices. No one in the Huron County
Planning Departmeni; the Huron County Health Unit or
officials with the county knew Huron was even being
considered for such a waste disposal site. .
Huron County planner Gary Davidson finds it difficult
to believe that the, ministry, in of eovironent_c e ould have-
carried carried out the necessary testing and studies without
someone in the county learning they were being done.
But it is not unusual for the Conservative, government
ofifilThavii to act secretiVifY7. Tile Brant County Medical
Officer of Health learned his county was being chosen for ,
- a-Waste disposal-site-while-watchiagthe-television-news;---
Bazttor..„0..success --
MERLE ELLIOTT Typesetter '
Mailing Address P.O, Box 400.; Lucknow, NOG 2H0
SeCond Class Mail Registration Number -0847
Subscription rate, $13.50 per year in advance
Senior Citizen rate, $11,50 per year In advance
U.S.A. and Foreign, $23.00 per year in advance'
Sr. eti, U.S.A. and Foreign, S21.00 per year in advance
—ro add salt to the wound, the people of South Cayuga
will not be given the opportunity to express their
opinions about the decision in an open environmental
hearing. The minister has announced there will be
no hearing because' it will only delay the start of
construction. Public hearings under the auspices of the
environmental assessment board are not a legal
obligation of the ministry of environment but they are a
strong moral obligation.
The people of South Cayuga do not trust the
government that the site 'is the best possible choice and
the safest. If the ministry is acting on the evidence of the
studies and test conducted at the South Cayuga site, they
will have nothing to fear in a public hearing.
The people of South Cayuga deserve the ;chance to-
make a statement.
percentage of their tax dollars, and it .
is faced with.increasingly complex and -
difficult problems. Over the• years,
your readers have suffered and I have
suffered from the lack of news
coverage and thoughtful reporting.,
local area (Chesley), and to promote Our newly elected , trustee and your
that letter with a prominent headline, Lueknovr -And Bruce -readership de-
two-thirds of the width of your serve better.
Lloyd' Ackert.
has reluctantly admitted that *she
authored the letter and signed it "An
Interested Her motives
remain obscure."
• 'Lloyd Ackert's record as a sincere,
'dedicated and caring trustee is well
known to the people of Bruce County.
Mrs. McClure and the Lucknow. Sen.
tinel must both Share responsibility for
the unfortunate Situation in which.
Lloyd Ackert has been placed 'by Mrs.
McClure's attempt to discredit him.
R. G. Gatis,
the:ruce ounty
Board of Education.
Editor's Note:
Sentinel'policy is that all letters
which are signed and are not slander.
ous or libellous will be piloted in the
Sentinel's 'Letters to the 'Editor. col:.
everyone. When the committee was
preparing the program (which has
become-a-model-for a number-of other
jurisdictions in Ootario) clergy of all
denominations, the :general public,
parents, leachers and students-were-0
invited to'meetings to discuss, the
project. Suggestions were invited from
everyone-and all-the suggestions-were
given consideration. Mr. Ackert sacri-
ficed 'many hours ,of his own time in
the interest of the proposed. program'
and the studentS of Bruce County.
Those who, worked on the committee
with Mr. Ackert - trustees, adminis-
tration, teachers, parents and stud-
ents have the highest regard for both
him and his effort. The •course that
evolved is one of which everyone in
Bruee-COUnty can be iHhnird.
The letter downgrades the inclusion
of love, kindness and 'a concern 'for
the writer of such a letter might 'be
well advisetito geta.eopy_of-the_course-----:--
outline and spend a little time examin-
ing the sections dealing with those
three things.
T. K. Waldie
Superintendent .of Schools.
Bruce County Board of Edueation.
Yours sincerely,
JOAN upuo oti compogn' informed cormeadrrojefsa currentheavy affairs.res pTohnissibfr
ileite; material
staatnhteft oKumisnucatablrl eyd ns :involvednNteinwesp.
s. sister
using. Board of .Education IS using a big
however because the reporting of Pr
current affairs involves selection of It is ironical therefore that :you
what to pr int. Every editor makes would decide to print an unidentified
decisions about which items must be. crank letter about myself and espec7
chosen for the limited spaces between ially from a person totally outside our
the advertising. •
• . The, .Village. of-Lucknow and- half-of
its geographical news coverage area is
in Bruce County, and in the past few editorial, page.
Years since the Sentinel has been When newspapers resort to this
owned by the Signal-Star Publishing, type of sensationalism to promote
To the Editor:
In last week's Lucknow Sentinel
there appeared an unsigned letter that
was a vicious attempt to discredit and
smear a' man who has admirably
served the cause of education in Briide
County. No trustee has devoted more
time and' effort to the business of the
Board and the cause of education in
Bruce County generally than has. Lloyd
Ackert, and no one has been more
sintere in his efforts.
The letter was all the more, repre-
hensible because its author has been
seeir-At---the-press-table in-the-board
room and reporting board meetings,
usually inaccurately, for the' past
twelve years.
Mrs. Donelda McClure of Chesley
Ecker was eager to listen t
To the Editor:
I am_concerned_about_the -anony-
mous 'letter which appeared in the
Lucknow Sentinel on Wednesday,
November 26. The remarks made
about Mr. Lloyd Ackert displayed
complete ignorance of the man.
-1%;---AtItert - made many contribu-
tions to education in the .county of.
Bruce' during his, term on the Board,
bbt his interest in and knowledge of
the Values and Morals Program in.
Ontario Schools was outstanding.
The letter states lack of communica-
tion. Mr. Ackert exemplified a person
who was anxious to hear the views of.
To the Editor:
It is nice to know that
"Community Spirit" is alive
and well! The Community
Spirit in downtown Holyrood
is not only alive and well, it is
in top condition and was out
in full force for the Holyrood
Brownies, "Coffee Party,
Bake Sale and Bazaar"
. which was held November
29, at the Holyrood Com-
munity Hall.
The event was a success
due to the participation of all
the mothers and members of
.the community, who gave
generously of their time and
donated goods to be sold,
In the "doll naming"
contest many racked their
brains to choose the approp-
riate name for the winsome
beauty, but to no avail.
"Lucille" was the name of
' the doll, as no one won the.
prizes,' Mrs. , Edisbury has
kindley donated them to the
Holyrood Brownies Christ-
rims party.
Betty-Ann Murray won the
box of cookies. In spite of the
,inclement weather, the 'turn-
out' for this event was heart
warming and made all of the
effort worthwhile.
Holyrood Brownies say
thanks to all and a big cheer
for 'Community Spirit'l
• Brenda M. Godwin,
Mothers' Committee,
Holyrood Brownies.