The Signal, 1929-10-17, Page 21 • s. 2. -Thursday. 4ktobet Eetabllahed 1848 GODEKd('H : CANADA Member of Canadian Weekly Afows- THE SIGNAL, The London Free Pres. regards the l STOP BUYING --BUT WHY? atte ks on the financial record of the Ferguson Goternne11t as "soludicrous a• almost to be amusing. -The F. P. Ila, a peculiar sense of huwor. It had a great laugh Nolen. after the Aysoeiatlon last 1'rovinelal ,e'leetion. the Fergu- PublLshevery Thursday morning. -sou Government cut clown the auto- , 00 r year mobil Incense fee but put ou a gao�'- strkt y in price >-. line tax that more thau made up the atrlctly to advance. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO- LTU. diffrrenc4', and un too, of that moor ,FHephone 35 : Goderirh, Ont. :, new charge for dtiu•r•- ...emits. It W. H. Robertson, Editor and Manager ,s n capital Juke to Tlw 1 fee res", _ Oben the Feegvwuu Government takes - fIL.040,00 from the 'moods. in motor 1i,en+e•s and gaeoliue lav on pretence EDITORIAL NOTES of spending t he mousy on the roads. u. ,.owe of ala• w•'s, but Instead of this II Munn th.ttrnt).- the peva dollar or in { In .d+re irons. OW of _this atoms; for other putiata' plratunt weather u( the ye:er. and adds a large fart of the t•x{eo- • • • Premier 11.. by Mcl,.rutI,l•s re .litute .11 rads too the palbllt debt. cepotfuu ►u the CuUw1 Mates ha+ been. It is a delightful bit of sleight-of-hand one of the greatest torr""ual triumph.:wigen the Ferguson Government pays ever woo be a visitor to that couutry;.' leeel.tff tfin hlllion reee,yearsaand Ins of ttbepublic same' • • A drive in the c'ouutry w portico- time Increases the debt by 'ixtywheu lady worth while these autumn day''' lion the taxpayer dollars. t 14 Sites *Bhatti ID when when usnlr,. di-olo.o•> Uri handiworket, of the feet that the Ferguson Govern - In the treentifui coloring which co`''ts nano is collecting twenty million.. stares. the eye on every hand. Every bit of more each year than the "extravagant" \\'e are now asked to buy ehewhere. woods is a delightful Picture and the Drury lnpvernment cold, the Provlu- In other worths. we are asked to accept air holds the peculiar Lase that only (or the thingss we have t. +ell a °mailer coal debt tax lncrMsesl to such a figure quantity of inferior quality of owls October knows that the annual Interest bill has grown than we now receive. R -e are asked to The .splendid vote for•tlw i)uuminion from $13,4100,000 to 319,000.000. But 1 du thus merely to fellow that we do not • Roast Maehf11ery :(`o. bylaw• is another the funniest performance la still to' have to buy from the United States'. conte. Wait until the Polka get their i We are asked to copy sladehly the American tassels. thronoh thele re unmistakable indication of the Te' I tai bills next year for the twenty. Amerntativrs, havehrott 'Welded that they byte of the pa,opfe of (:rNlerich to nand Dy theiv ldx,tl tnduw•tries. Reepamsi-'I Mr lent. of the old -age pension which .(care to day more for the thing, they 1 saddle' I need ' loll d• I,`•at• nja.n the Thun+lay, lictoer 17, t9L•9. IV H. .1. 1)eachmau -For every dollar the nine million. eight hundred thousand people Of 4'nunds '.lend In the United States, the latter. with one 1 Ired and fif- teen million people. spend fifty cents here. The eoncluslon has hear about reached that every dollar, eau IW sIwut to letter advantage elsewhere. it•s a platter of business, nut of strafing or retaliation."--0:rtract from a leading prote•tiunist paler. We tidy from ting l'uitett.State. be- cause 1t pay+ ns to buy from the United. States. We would Hot hay from the United States if we 4110 not find It profitable to do so. There Is un forte eptupli•lihtg os -nothing sass. e power of self• tuterest. stile surcha+ed fa the United States was purchased in that country because, to the opinion of the iatn'hasen'. there was letter valise or Iwtter sertfe• in the Toltec Mate+ than elsewlwre. • This 1e not an expression of p.ertxm- a1 opinion. nor the judgment of a new,+paper-lt is the reflection of the action of thousands of +ane. 'duetted buslue+s people who. with their eyes splen, make the pnFeha*es which. in a year. *mown to the large volume of our total lmptRa from the tatted GODERICI', ONT. Company to � the Ferguson Government txs sate w \\"e are askwl nr CIO' slavl+hoc the I uuici slide. -then The Free America, gels . be; • •. • � Who ask a+ to dopy declare a t...• [ i 11 filthy tan' prove that .the eonideII a ple*or in 11 1 the pretty nearly die laughing 111'1'Ish w,mumit fon).of the by the ratepa 1 fay desercwl I nation. despite the t:u•t that ••cru tl,. c' votes ,omething different. If The Free fees•+1 noir breath the folly o t all. What the taxpayer n du may Mr. Ferguson a*►s our taro... . MO the tproml.e instead of ou the ,strength .f a I ruw11s�st redo•- 11,,14 would get 'around among the people he would 111141 that that in duetio rntc« being amused the taxpayer. are he- t ofd reduction-tt fs ouly4 {iramt.e g at, far -was forted from ldnl It) treason rens Made upaat them our more for thongs we need -in inose t.. pre.e.t.r.• _ mealier- .f the. g re'nllate against a nation which •'bay: 'Legislature. prominent aiming whom this,• that and tit other tax. It I. :t, ,,ant. worth of goods from me for p time for a radical change• 1 every dnlar'es worth we buy from ' , them. r Returns in Goad Health ; We are a.ked to do it at the be- hesT of a party which, if tt were in the ''"wing exa*peratwF by the- ever in - If this i, to be clone. 11 moat lw done on the basis of strafing or re- taliation_ No one would 'do it on the basis of common sense. We are asked to .111 phi --to pay was Charles itolwrt+ou•. the 1111•m et for North Huron. • • • 47unglon Advertiser psrtrrt. wnul.l. anonling to Ina own , Mr. Fergluw1l „mgdaile' 11:11 IIIc ills countless frktols w111 brat with ,1111110r oestl.n hu been made an it - litter that Hon. J. 1'. Elliott. Mtn-' a"" uf''ssi"n' rale the tariff against 11 1 'Great Britain. .le,ypelte the fact that sow in this election. How could 11 be lster. of Ihddle \Corky. hat returned ear oar buy duly 4:1 eepts Worth of otherwise. 'w•ltett he has ,Ie"Iared that • from Europe i i.goot health. HL. trip. pfl4Nls front t:retlt Britain for '•very I to Geneva Hs one of 1'unndn't Bele- I ,hoose'. wrth told to i ai t Britain..e be will have no more p14.1do •iter'•' poste" to the League ..f N:ul.ii" % ..•mor Jie+htes, the statruwut made in the only way to keep liquor ono of {solitir+. 11 was a timely one. The sect voyage 16 to adopt$ )1r. htflaire Iwrilcy antnI completed his (,alvalew,•ue' turd at- I gtt-iti given is tint true. In the giving the people au uitps.rtunity p ( 1 wearfiscal year ending )larch 31st last, to h•ndntar lit the ,meta near ung* our exla►fts/I ho the United State+ tar vote on the question apart from ail 11 nowt valuable twditle•al experleo,•e. tolled Ort1 i to election.. • ala. Net Court t ex- Tbe Proud"*,$ Asea , pendituree Mt Canada 'if Anterkau dol- • • • 1 (Toronto fllohel t "crus -which was precisely the same as War veteran. in Toronto are com•i The reenter, 1,t...t orumkv. .f If they dud PIrrilerrl goods of equal value and taken them int of rh• platning that provincial npp,inlmt•nt+' several 14•tty reformist. to Mitt Ferguson ,.,,uutro .dwounted to approximately are regarded as "plums'' for loosen liquor law should deceive no 110e. If e_tIa),fl(NI,4aN/. unr imports from the Mr. Ferguson believed that his None 12lrn.n State• ntnuuitellmpo h4 :rom th' stove party t'. hilsf:;or the return- selling system tonld to s. greatly IM- 4NN1. \merk:w pureulse1 the,.fnre,I ed soldier gets little or un .,nn ider- i,rove1 ht.' the changes he now $mg1tes-t• 11o•luditng roue et exp IlI'.4 tures„ were atiop. It is the same elsewhere in he should 1*:ne eouteuw1 another ors- nappsnxlmnrely tib cents for every d'd- the Province. Why +100141 there not •1.010 or two of tow Le•itishartre, pasesl I lar we pan hn.reel from them --a more the twee -wary :aurodment-. and gone ' favorable trade position than any of I 1* a 1'rvRfncl.tl law giving, Prnfrmu„• to the ...nutty on a record of actual to returned mt•u, es tht•re it with re- performance rather than on a record the lamer wmntries of the ttritish 'peer t0 n . sdutnu'I l" by the Oltnw,, Commonwealth maintain with Canada. 11ef l t number of proud -494. !u .other words. It11H rutted State. l:oi-ernment7 Thr Will nervi i+ that the promised give„ ,1+ letter treatment than we give • • • ♦ bongo. are nothing more nor lass than t„ the other member+ of the Itritj+h bail• thr.wn ••ant to. detract the 4'umm.nwrnith .f Nations to which -*t- it; hi+ constant reiteration of the tett fon of - the romps - 'Mt -suing pur+ring )1r. ear 1e!.n ul.l yet ww are ask,,I t. 'statement 11101 the pv,•i 1h elw•tiou t,en- 1"ergn+.(11- They are the surest Paella• 8• ..0110.... ,,,i piebbtlfe on the ..cochlea of rerlllnte. for that In essence is what tion to date that the get foveae" are It ulrau+: dwplu• superficial demob'. lintruweut -contrvd, forr. Fr."rtl i f+I not making it easier' Comw•rvatives I la retreat and that )ir. Fergn+un n•- clizes that. ares there are further with tenttwrame prvN'11t lodes. )flay' 'Is, rn..nlnr 'oneNMfon., ouch as the ttoor.and+ of good Conservatives felt beer parlor nlalndonment 11t the cam- isole -lied to• 'vote tlgaiost their party psd_n .f 11r311. rhglore+ent retreat may 'in the last election 4111411 phi+ was Elie become an actual rout nn the thirtieth u10,.13nding 1,,,,..u.,.ami thousand+ a .f eons month SCHOOL REPORT S. 11. Nt). T. ('OLBORNE • . The lollowiig is the report of 8. 8. them will •el4 +o again if town n- re \.. 7. 4'oNd.rne. for Srph•01bwr. That e eminent that by cluing for the Gentov- A Rain Day third anti fourth eta+sr+ were examfnIlI liquor t they are end.01 1 . prHi••i%'i y in selling. arirhtneti.• and g.»'rraphy: liquor ,.tarn,. Thpngh tea pr.bap,ly. (Kitchewr Resod 0 1 'les not ti$teud it, )1 r. Fergu'4'u's .111.1 a+ *1i4NNly. t.r tome inscrutablethe others on their daily work. spt„•he. almost eltallenge them 10 do reason. love. n' fat conn. nii one ever Sr. 1V.-'sVilitt !Odom 76 ler cent.. so.--4*tillin Packet and Tittles. "Peak. 1n 10 erpres. 0 downrightElntnersrm ihlr,t 71. Elmet Lee 641, f011411Wss for 11 rialto- dlay. Th.. .April John Machin. 4S. If x roe for the (:+.rerunwnp i+ not -,..tonere. to le, sore. get., n good word Jr. Il. - Harold Stevens 71 per cent., an endorsement of the present 1141 't,,,,W and then; lout the d"dol drizzly Dorothy Fisher 01. Ruby 1(utthit,. 01, xt•+teal. what dire.. the P. an.1,T. Immo-Irish' of earl 11111)111111 goes nnhom,r,,,l Verna 'Hutchins 59, Eimer Either 42. Edward M.Miehaei 113. Sr. 111. ---Ruby Young al p4"r vent.. Norms, foe 2s.'Frank Mc\li(hnel 13. Jr. II 1.-Ruih Unrst 76 per cent. .Arthur NI .,Michael 73. Lorrine Fisher THE SIGNAL'S Goderich "Buy -at -Home" Directory and Business Guide Through the ,,operation of the business men listed below, The Signal proposes to reproduce a series of educational articles in the endeavor to bring about a better busirresa relationship between residents and merchants in our town, and thu( t.• hang about a more prosperous and progressive community in which to live. Ina• ft is'• , and misting. In reality it 1s quite e • • 1 its worthy of proton as the harvest mo.n or the Indian .(nmtner 111174• of Mr. Ferguson says the prtvn,utfr' 1'4' twtolx'r. . election I. for the• purpose 61 The whole face of the open country obtaining an endorsement of +tome of I change+ under n continuant rain. The (nt. 11114 )I..)Ilchnel :1*. 1.{eonnrd F'i'I' his .\ t,tolly I teItoriug hips that ordiuturily look 144 p,ddid h a dlRere„r reawonl ghiI fpdp• ronnuonp►nev and ' unexciting. 1.' -'Helen Fisher 4tet per tent. )i Is given by r. Finlay -on, his )foul+ter grow ndsiy and my'tt•rlou.. n+ If thief' Pr. -Parra ihtret 1341i per cent. of i.endo and F"re.t', who In 1110 rimmed all unknown country where. Nlmher on r ll, 21): average atten- ele•tiou advertisement 'in The I1r11111 nll 11e unknown trails awe .\ reaped Packet explains It 1111•: ".\n e401t10n'',,rt,1eld :Issnnu(e* the npp.e:rrard•r .f n Ihnitle.s dewdnti,,Il ; n it this year. it Iw'ter thin next year be. cnll'•c 1s tear+fornw*I• into au eau hsnt• clause, u. donht. the "'Mita" els ' ed tile lin Which au) 011rtel might tions w•111 be held next :ear.' Two els,.-; lark. . tion, ill 1(114' year should he avoided .U,d in the city ---•well• n lit ne• when isreghle." The real n,t.m pr.h molltht IN'nov< tin 1 endurubP le ru He• c Ip.L„a•wltntlt 1 ) g co nt 1t uinl ti ht Ably I• neither -of these. The fact that brigg• n steipij- duwJjloou. The bleak lolling day Is Jas before theend of the streets gni+ten stud mirror Tice IP Tng Government's florid year is sl¢ttlfitvuL rows .f light., Avowing them from lin:y 1lnrrofnres i enclaunte'Lavenues, Phe (:.cernment is nut ,nasions to Look Pot tlwselthiut• til(• next time tinve any more light +he -on 11, finnn- ., .:tin bow-. you In nod px•rhap+ yoq coal record. - oi!1 appreciate thea) n little more. tiff. "What do gnu find Inc most difficult thing to learn about farming Itnral Student: etting rip at Noe in the morning. Aplllesu "(l -Passing Show, London. • elanee. 17.!1:1 Perfect attendance -El- mer Lev. Verna Hub chitls. ltttt4y Young. 11.roth' Fl+her, Helen Fisher, Norma Lee. burble Either. Leonard Either. IRENE J'F)FF1'11W►N, Teaehit. Stop That COLD! TO -1) \Y, en.,br. a just •n ord. ,nosey cold in the head or throat. To -morrow, it may he causing sore- ness and pain in your bronchial*. A.o.4 needless risks 1 Semite •prompt relief by .•king Peps. These hand, tablets ere most soothing and agreeably antiseptic. They give ea • hre.the.hle medicine whit& directly benefit. the throat. hree- ebiale and 411 air -passages. tiny • 28e box of Peps to-d•r sal ensure ageism eoagha and sold.. A. CORNFIELD Ready -to -Wear Clothing Gents' Furnishings Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Ladies' Ready -to -Wear and Millinery Telephone 418 'Shap Whet sou Ire Invited is $ly" 41. J. R. WHEELER Furniture Fsaeral Director and Embalmer Telephone: Store 335 Res. 355 w W. C. Pridham & Son GENTS' CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS ,.lb.. - .- ton• rt., k Telephone 57 Campbell s Drug Store Drugs, Patent Medicines • Toilet Articles Victor Phonographs and Records -Kodak' .rid Developing - TELEPHONE 90 R..,,1. Howard General Supply Store HART'•\ -ARE. PAINTS and OIL 11 TO ACCESSORIF.S TELEPHONE 306 w Brophey Bros. FURNITURE and FUNERAL DIRECTORS Telephone: Store 120; Res. 217 W. ACHESON & SON -General Dry Goods and Ready -to -Wear Rugs - Linoleums - Carpets TELEPHONE 76 Cleveland's Bakery TheCo•Oprrative Baker Quality Bread, Cakes and Pastry Telephone 114 Geo. W. Baechler t'ItovisION 1111(11' Groceries, Meats, Fisk, Fruits and Vegetables ..Unca Friend Tells Another" -We do our own delivering - Phone 368 Keeping Up Appearances 1 \\'.• make it easier for particular people Frank H. Martin Tailor and Hatter Telephone 49 Miss L. E. Hogan Confectionery and Ice Cream Soda Fountain Service - HUNT'S CHOCOLATES TEL 393 Calvin Cutt Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour and Feed Telephone 116 Allison & Heitirrn F I;F.SH AND CU10.I'.: • Meats BEST QUALITY-, TI LI- PHONE No. 2 COMMUNITY LOVE '14.1szlMess Indolence, Idleness and s'ttperr are unuaUayal vomit - Hotel his exi.4 in a tooth tmlty and are looked upon as repellent by all rigltt•mtndetl residents. Action lit the stuff of existence. The respected Indlvtdual le the one who it Aiwa)" going: the one who 1t full of pep, the man who riseo early and retire% late. Nothing Is more contrary to right ht -Ing titan the ,fuse 44 community tnaetlon Community love is the only right law ant ',immunity activity Hatred. Jealousy or lack of confidence In your neighbor destroys the god re+ult+ of ,'ommnnity endeavor and Instead of making for the advent:, of the fowl' retartls its progress. Y1111 cannot achieve where Community pride is lost. You nitwit have faith in your town. cunfldruce In your uw•r•hant and love for your neighbor. 1'nited endeavor lo necessary to "awes". Faith 1+ the foundation upon which the whole structure of your community 1- Will; without it your achievements are of no avail. The ttyan who tiny. his goods uulade,G.dierich has nu q,omwunit) love. if he does fhb. buying kttowIt*g tole -damage he Is doping. He exempllflee it tingeing in the t,owwuuity and Its tuer•hants. He Intik% neighborly love. Show your faith by patronizing your home wen•haut+ 311111 your ?armband will show- hit faith -11 you by wooing you tow Leet .ereie that he can. Jas. C. Carrie Hardware Paints, etc. Fast �,1,• ,( �.tua n• PHONES 501, 363 H. C. Dunlop, Phm. B. "THE REXALL DRUG STORE' Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Kaiaks, Statimiery, Cosfectiettery United Cigar Store Ageocy TELEPHONE No. 1 F. H. WOOD FORD SALES AND SERVICE NEW CARS USED CARS THE FASTEST SELLING CAR IN THE WORLD AND THE MOST ECONOMICAL TO OWN AND OPERATE. FORD PARTS COST LESS TELEPHONE 403 Western Canada Flour Mills Co., Ltd., 11 F::\RTI 1.1 F:A I1(iR-4: FIIIS Buy - at - Home CAMPAIGN Support Local Merchants and Help Our Tows Grow Ueirersal Ministry eel 6i11 Steppe Up-to-the-minute Millinery, Lingerie, Neckwear and Julian Sale Leather Goods. Gift• for ail occasions .Art N,wllework, Linens and China WE INVITE YOU TO CALL M. N. MAKINS worth S.d. 01 Span... This Week's Special Write -Up F. E. Hibbert Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS Reliable Good. at Reasonable Prices TELEPHONE 86 E. C. ROBERTSON .\ y;,Nul Jewellery %tore e. 1411 irnit.wrlruat.te lu•tit,rtion ill n tout* the x174' .f Goderich. •0d on the ;vitt rade of the tiIuare• 1+ to be found 11w attractive e.taloli+hnwt8 .d E. C. It,.1N•ttwro. wht•re tante slid chole stock of jewellery. fine Imported china and allied goods L. to be seen. Every lady w-111 agree tiwre it nothing else quite so xt,•ri,tahle as • gift .f jewellery. and 1•.l.e,inently Mr. Hdwri."on is called on almost dally to assist In 'electing some artlele frith. hit ',twit for it I.rweirtotIon ou thr 11441t4114 111 of a welding. a birthday or other event. Repair work nos.1 is dour here ;nod Is given careful attention. 1'. R. BULLER It Is now spike a 11uenier of years since Forbes It. muter tontab- Ilshwi hs not Idle cervi.,• stat' and repair chop at 11x• corner of Victoria street and Elgin acetate, and 1w has now a large filen- tele of car -owners who rely upon hint to keep their cart In good emolitlon. From time to time he has etlarge,i and Improved his premixes, until today he far. 11 very- complete and well-wallipgssl garage and repair shop. with a stock of auto a -ve.t'i,riea, and Good- year tires at x speciality. If your car is sock. take it to 1)n. Miller anti let him d. what M needed for Mint alts It. If you w7101 it new car. Mr. Miller can show yon the Marmon. E.C. Robertson JEWELRY, DIAMONDS "111 .\LiT\- GIFTS" RD. al Crown Derby China TELEPHONE 136 Blackstone's Furniture Exchange Used sad New Furniture "WE SAVE YOU MONEY" PHONE 240 W. C. Snazel Gents' Furnishings Suits 7t,fade-to-meosure ('LEANIN(; AND PRESSING TELEPHONE 339 The S. A. Gray Co. General Dry Goods, Ready -to -Wear and House Furnishings YOUR S TOIe1 A' -''E TELEPHONE 56 :smith's Art Store Babbette Gift Shoppe Stamped Goods, Hand Embroidery Chiu and Pottery t;IF1. FOR ALL (i('CASiONS Phone 567 -East Street Footwear and Repair Shop 1- • tltnlity rind Comfort its 1 ,ntw. ar ntol Repairing WM. AHL, Proprietor Oppsit• Know Church Phone SO5j Goderich Fruit Market Quality Fruit and Vegetables FRFsli (nrwer Eno Street and Square 1'114)\I; 479 rif ore;, Picture Framing -English China "(;1F'Ts (1F 41I'AI.ITY PHONE 1911 British Fxchange Hotel Huron Cafe i• connection A Iteal i'lace to Fit and Known to be clean sndup-to-date PHONE 162 • D. M. O'Brien FItK:"H AND CI RF:D MEATS and POULTRY DELIVERY PHONE 31 Sturdy's Cash Grocery Choice Groceries Provisions, Fruits "Everything 60111 for the Tabl." PIHP E 290 Miller's Service Station Goodyear Tires plus Service Worth While Oil Changed and Cars Greased - MARMON MOTOR CARS PHONE 2:19w Wm. J. Clark DE SOTO SIX A CHRYSLER PRODUCT Sales and Service Expert Repairs on All Makes of Cara L. J. Baker HUDSON and ESSEX SAi.F:S AND SERVICE General Meters Tracks kcpnir. •,n all snakes of city-. PHONES i06-247 E. G. Smith Baker and Confectioner "Tlu I401.•r li11kecl Rr. a.l.. PHONE 184 WE DELIVER J. J. Hoggarth GARAGE Repairs on all snake,. of car, Gu, Oils, Tires, Accessories TELEPHONE 427 MacEWAN & TEBBUTT CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBI LE SALES AND SERVICE Gas, Oils, Tires and Accessories Repairs on all makes of ears T.hpb.sme 234 F. M. McArthur Electrical Contractor FIXTURES and SUPPLIES NEXT POST OFFICE PHONE 82 Wesley M. McLean FLOUR, FEED, SEEDS Groceries and Produce, Hay and Straw Agent Brantford Roofing. Phone 330 M. R. MacVicar High -Class Millinery Hats, Corsage, Flowers Scarfs and Novelties KING.:T,')N Nr1:LF 1' NASH "400" t.eari* the \Cnt'1I in Motor ('11r Value The only ('nr of all the new en r - with every new 11129 refinement SALES - SERVICE - STORAGE Huron Motor Sales Phone 83 - H.C. Young South Street